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Posted to by "Guille (Bisho)" <> on 1999/09/23 01:48:48 UTC

Filter some IP address in logs

Reciently I was asked how to filter some ip addresses and make them not
appear at the logs. The person who asked it knowns the way of doing it
in the CERN server, but not in Apache.

After searching a little I find an elegant solution to this problem:

  SetEnvIf Remote_Addr 127.0.0.[0-255] no_log
  CustomLog common.log common env=!no_log

But it's not an obyous way, so it could be interesting to include this
somewhere in the FAQ???

Chao                   ___<E-MAILS>__________________________________
Guille!                |   |
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       < o   o >       |___<WEBS + Importantes>_____________________|
        \  L  /        |*PAT:     |
 ---oOOo-------oOOo--- |       (Pagina Alternativa de Teleko)       |
 Guillermo Pérez Pérez |*Eurielec Linux 3.0!!!  (basada en RH 6.0)  |
Estudiante ETSIT (UPM) |  |
Nueva Eurielec Linux 3.0 (basada en RedHat 6.0). I love Linux!