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Posted to by Joris Mees <> on 2016/05/20 12:03:36 UTC

Contribution ListFTP and FetchSTP processors


We (Data Minded) are a company mainly active in consultancy services regarding data solutions. We have recently deployed a Nifi instance at a client and needed functionality for a ListFTP and FetchFTP processor as described in the following Jira issue: <>

As this Jira ticket was still open we developed our own ListFTP and FecthFTP processors based on the already available SFTP processors. It turned out that almost all functionality was already there in the FTPTransfer class. Is there any particular reason why the FTP processors are not yet part of the standard processors as despite of some small changes they are already there?

We are currently testing the processors but for now they seem to work fine. We are happy to contribute them to the community, please let us know the following steps and requirements to do so.

Kind regards
Joris Mees

Data Minded <> <> 

Re: Contribution ListFTP and FetchSTP processors

Posted by Joe Percivall <>.
Hello Joris,

Very sorry that no one has gotten back to you earlier. We are always happy to get contributions tackling Jira tickets! To get start with contributing I'd suggest checking out our contributor guide[1]. You can either post a patch to the Jira ticket or open a pull request, the guide should explain them. If there is anything that is confusing feel free to ask.

As for why it hadn't been developed earlier, simply no user prior had the need for them (or did and didn't contribute them) and there were more pressing general tickets for contributors to address.


Once again thanks for thinking to contribute the processors,
- - - - - - 
Joseph Percivall

On Friday, May 20, 2016 8:06 AM, Joris Mees <> wrote:

We (Data Minded) are a company mainly active in consultancy services regarding data solutions. We have recently deployed a Nifi instance at a client and needed functionality for a ListFTP and FetchFTP processor as described in the following Jira issue: <>

As this Jira ticket was still open we developed our own ListFTP and FecthFTP processors based on the already available SFTP processors. It turned out that almost all functionality was already there in the FTPTransfer class. Is there any particular reason why the FTP processors are not yet part of the standard processors as despite of some small changes they are already there?

We are currently testing the processors but for now they seem to work fine. We are happy to contribute them to the community, please let us know the following steps and requirements to do so.

Kind regards
Joris Mees

Data Minded <> <>