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Posted to by on 2013/11/05 11:52:09 UTC

[04/52] [partial] Reverting the erroneous merge by Sebastian according to the instructions in INFRA-6876
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/js/lib/sgvizler.pack.js b/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/js/lib/sgvizler.pack.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b847cc2..0000000
--- a/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/js/lib/sgvizler.pack.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1294 +0,0 @@
-/*  Sgvizler JavaScript SPARQL result set visualizer, version 0.5.1
- *  (c) 2011--2012 Martin G. Skjæveland
- *
- *  Sgvizler is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
- *  Sgvizler web site:
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-(function (global) {
-    "use strict";
-    /*global google, $, jQuery */
-    /*jslint browser: true */
-    var sgvizler = {
-        go: function (callback) {
-            this.loadLibs();
-            google.load('visualization',
-                        '1.0',
-                        {'packages':
-                         ['annotatedtimeline',
-                          'corechart',
-                          'gauge',
-                          'geomap',
-                          'geochart',
-                          'imagesparkline',
-                          'map',
-                          'orgchart',
-                          'table',
-                          'motionchart',
-                          'treemap'
-                         ]
-                        }
-                       );
-            google.setOnLoadCallback(function () {
-                sgvizler.charts.loadCharts();
-                sgvizler.drawFormQuery();
-                sgvizler.drawContainerQueries();
-                callback();
-            });
-        },
-        loadLibs: function () {
-            var i, libs = ['d3.v2.min.js', 'raphael-dracula.pack.min.js'];
-            if (sgvizler.ui.isElement( {
-                this.option.homefolder = $('#' +'src').replace(/sgvizler\.pack\.js$/, "");
-                this.option.libfolder = this.option.homefolder + "/js/lib/";
-            }
-            // load "child" scripts
-            for (i = 0; i < libs.length; i += 1) {
-                $.ajax(this.option.libfolder + libs[i], { dataType: "script", async: false });
-            }
-            // load stylesheet
-            $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'+this.option.stylepath+'sgvizler.chart.css" type="text/css" />');
-        },
-        drawFormQuery: function () {
-            var query = new sgvizler.query(,
-                params = sgvizler.ui.getUrlParams();
-            $.extend(query,
-                     sgvizler.option.query,
-                     { query: params.query, chart: params.chart });
-            if (sgvizler.ui.isElement(query.container) && query.query) {
-                $.extend(query.chartOptions,
-                         { width: params.width, height: params.height });
-                query.draw();
-            }
-            sgvizler.ui.displayUI(query);
-        },
-        drawContainerQueries: function () {
-            $('[' + this.ui.attr.prefix + 'query]').each(function () {
-                var query = new sgvizler.query();
-                $.extend(query,
-                         sgvizler.option.query,
-                         sgvizler.ui.getQueryOptionAttr(this));
-                $.extend(query.chartOptions,
-                         sgvizler.ui.getChartOptionAttr(this));
-                query.draw();
-            });
-        },
-        // kept in separate files:
-        option: {},   // settings, global variables.
-        chart: {},    // the set of user-defined rendering functions.
-        charts: {},   // functions for handling rendering functions.
-        parser: {},   // SPARQL results XML/JSON parser.
-        ui: {}       // html get/set functions.
-    };
-    jQuery.ajaxSetup({
-        accepts: {
-            xml:  "application/sparql-results+xml",
-            json: "application/sparql-results+json"
-        }
-    });
-    sgvizler.option = {
-        home: (window.location.href).replace(, ""),
-        homefolder: "",
-        libfolder: "/lib/",
-        stylepath:"",
-        //// Prefixes included in queries:
-        namespace: {
-            'rdf' : "",
-            'rdfs': "",
-            'owl' : "",
-            'xsd' : ""
-        },
-        query: {}, // holds options set by user in html file.
-        chart: {}  // ditto.
-    };
-    sgvizler.ui = {
-        //// #id's to html elements:
-        id: {
-            script:       'sgvzlr_script',    // #id to the script tag for this file
-            chartCon:     'sgvzlr_gchart',    // #id to the container to hold the chart
-            queryForm:    'sgvzlr_formQuery', //
-            queryTxt:     'sgvzlr_cQuery',    // query text area.
-            formQuery:    'sgvzlr_strQuery',  // hidden query string. "trick" taken from snorql.
-            formWidth:    'sgvzlr_strWidth',  //
-            formHeight:   'sgvzlr_strHeight', //
-            formChart:    'sgvzlr_optChart',  //
-            prefixCon:    'sgvzlr_cPrefix',   // print prefixes
-            messageCon:   'sgvzlr_cMessage'  // print messages
-        },
-        attr: {
-            prefix:      'data-sgvizler-',
-            prefixChart: 'data-sgvizler-chart-options',
-            valueAssign: '=',
-            valueSplit:  '|'
-        },
-        params: [ 'query', 'chart', 'width', 'height' ], // permissible URL parameters.
-        displayUI: function (queryOpt) {
-            this.displayPrefixes();
-            this.displayChartTypesMenu();
-            this.displayUserInput(queryOpt);
-        },
-        displayPrefixes: function () {
-            this.setElementText(, sgvizler.query.prototype.getPrefixes());
-        },
-        displayUserInput: function (queryOpt) {
-            this.setElementValue(, queryOpt.query);
-            this.setElementValue(, queryOpt.chart);
-            this.setElementValue(, queryOpt.chartOptions.width);
-            this.setElementValue(, queryOpt.chartOptions.height);
-        },
-        displayChartTypesMenu: function () {
-            var chart,
-                i;
-            if (this.isElement( {
-                chart = sgvizler.charts.all;
-                for (i = 0; i < chart.length; i += 1) {
-                    $('#' +
-                        .append($('<option/>')
-                                .val(chart[i].id)
-                                .html(chart[i].id));
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        displayFeedback: function (queryOpt, messageName) {
-            var message,
-                container = queryOpt.container;
-            if (queryOpt.container === && this.isElement( {
-                container =;
-            }
-            if (queryOpt.loglevel === 0) {
-                message = "";
-            } else if (queryOpt.loglevel === 1) {
-                if (messageName === "LOADING") {
-                    message = "Loading...";
-                } else if (messageName === "ERROR_ENDPOINT" || messageName === "ERROR_UNKNOWN") {
-                    message = "Error.";
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (messageName === "LOADING") {
-                    message = "Sending query...";
-                } else if (messageName === "ERROR_ENDPOINT") {
-                    message = "Error querying endpoint. Possible errors:" +
-                        this.html.ul(
-                            this.html.a(queryOpt.endpoint, "SPARQL endpoint") + " down? " +
-                                this.html.a(queryOpt.endpoint + queryOpt.endpoint_query_url + queryOpt.encodedQuery,
-                                            "Check if query runs at the endpoint") + ".",
-                            "Malformed SPARQL query? " +
-                                this.html.a(queryOpt.validator_query_url + queryOpt.encodedQuery, "Check if it validates") + ".",
-                            "CORS supported and enabled? Read more about " +
-                                this.html.a("", "CORS and compatibility") + ".",
-                            "Is your " + this.html.a("", "browser support") + "ed?",
-                            "Hmm.. it might be a bug! Please file a report to " +
-                                this.html.a("", "the issues") + "."
-                        );
-                } else if (messageName === "ERROR_UNKNOWN") {
-                    message = "Unknown error.";
-                } else if (messageName === "NO_RESULTS") {
-                    message = "Query returned no results.";
-                } else if (messageName === "DRAWING") {
-                    message = "Received " + queryOpt.noRows + " rows. Drawing chart...<br/>" +
-                        this.html.a(queryOpt.endpoint + queryOpt.endpoint_query_url + queryOpt.encodedQuery,
-                                    "View query results", "target='_blank'") + " (in new window).";
-                }
-            }
-            this.setElementHTML(container, this.html.tag("p", message));
-        },
-        setElementValue: function (elementID, value) {
-            if (this.isElement(elementID)) {
-                $('#' + elementID).val(value);
-            }
-        },
-        setElementText: function (elementID, value) {
-            if (this.isElement(elementID)) {
-                $('#' + elementID).text(value);
-            }
-        },
-        setElementHTML: function (elementID, value) {
-            if (this.isElement(elementID)) {
-                $('#' + elementID).html(value);
-            }
-        },
-        isElement: function (elementID) {
-            return $('#' + elementID).length > 0;
-        },
-        getQueryOptionAttr: function (element) {
-            var i,
-                queryOpt = {container: $(element).attr('id')},
-                attr = element.attributes;
-            for (i = 0; i < attr.length; i += 1) {
-                if (attr[i].name.lastIndexOf(this.attr.prefix, 0) === 0) { // starts-with attr.prefix.
-                    queryOpt[attr[i].name.substring(this.attr.prefix.length)] = attr[i].value;
-                }
-            }
-            return queryOpt;
-        },
-        getChartOptionAttr: function (element) {
-            var i,
-                options,
-                assignment,
-                path,
-                o,
-                j,
-                chartOpt = {},
-                attrValue = $(element).attr(sgvizler.ui.attr.prefixChart);
-            if (typeof attrValue !== 'undefined') {
-                options = attrValue.split(this.attr.valueSplit);
-                for (i = 0; i < options.length; i += 1) {
-                    assignment = options[i].split(this.attr.valueAssign);
-                    path = assignment[0].split(".");
-                    o = chartOpt;
-                    for (j = 0; j < path.length - 1; j += 1) {
-                        if (typeof o[path[j]] === 'undefined') {
-                            o[path[j]] = {};
-                        }
-                        o = o[path[j]];
-                    }
-                    o[path[j]] = assignment[1];
-                }
-            }
-            // get width and heigth from css. take only numbers.
-            chartOpt.width = /(\d+)/.exec($(element).css('width'))[1];
-            chartOpt.height = /(\d+)/.exec($(element).css('height'))[1];
-            return chartOpt;
-        },
-        getUrlParams: function () {
-            /*jslint regexp: true */
-            var urlParams = {},
-                e,
-                r = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g, // parameter, value pairs.
-                d = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, " ")); }, // replace '+' with space.
-                q =; // URL query string part.
-            while ((e = r.exec(q))) {
-                if (e[2].length > 0 && this.params.indexOf(e[1]) !== -1) {
-                    urlParams[d(e[1])] = d(e[2]);
-                }
-            }
-            return urlParams;
-        },
-        resetPage: function () {
-            document.location = sgvizler.home;
-        },
-        submitQuery: function () {
-            $('#' +$('#' +;
-            $('#' +;
-        },
-        html: {
-            a: function (href, link, attr) {
-                if (typeof attr === 'undefined') { attr = ""; }
-                if (typeof href !== 'undefined' && typeof link !== 'undefined') {
-                    return "<a " + attr + " href='" + href + "'>" + link + "</a>";
-                }
-            },
-            ul: function () {
-                var i,
-                    txt;
-                if (arguments.length) {
-                    txt = "<ul>";
-                    for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
-                        txt += "<li>" + arguments[i] + "</li>";
-                    }
-                    return txt + "</ul>";
-                }
-            },
-            tag: function (tag, content) {
-                return "<" + tag + ">" + content + "</" + tag + ">";
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    sgvizler.parser = {
-        // variable notation: xtable, xcol(s), xrow(s) -- x is 's'(parql) or 'g'(oogle).
-        defaultGDatatype: 'string',
-        countRowsSparqlXML: function (sxml) {
-            return $(sxml).find('sparql').find('results').find('result').length;
-        },
-        countRowsSparqlJSON: function (stable) {
-            if (typeof stable.results.bindings !== 'undefined') {
-                return stable.results.bindings.length;
-            }
-        },
-        SparqlXML2GoogleJSON: function (sxml) {
-            var c,
-                r,
-                gcols = [],
-                grows = [],
-                gdatatype = [], // for easy reference of datatypes
-                sresults = $(sxml).find('sparql').find('results').find('result');
-            // gcols
-            c = 0;
-            $(sxml).find('sparql').find('head').find('variable').each(function () {
-                var stype = null,
-                    sdatatype = null,
-                    name = $(this).attr('name'),
-                    scell = null,
-                    scells = $(sresults).find('binding[name="' + name + '"]');
-                if (scells.length) {
-                    scell = $(scells).first().children().first()[0]; // uri, literal element
-                    stype = scell.nodeName;
-                    sdatatype = $(scell).attr('datatype');
-                }
-                gdatatype[c] = sgvizler.parser.getGoogleJsonDatatype(stype, sdatatype);
-                gcols[c] = {'id': name, 'label': name, 'type': gdatatype[c]};
-                c += 1;
-            });
-            // grows
-            r = 0;
-            $(sresults).each(function () {
-                var gvalue,
-                    scells,
-                    scell,
-                    stype,
-                    svalue,
-                    grow = [];
-                for (c = 0; c < gcols.length; c += 1) {
-                    gvalue = null;
-                    scells = $(this).find('binding[name="' + gcols[c].id + '"]');
-                    if (scells.length &&
-                            typeof $(scells).first().children().first() !== 'undefined' &&
-                            $(scells).first().children().first().firstChild !== null) {
-                        scell = $(scells).first().children().first()[0]; // uri, literal element
-                        stype = scell.nodeName;
-                        svalue = $(scell).first().text();
-                        gvalue = sgvizler.parser.getGoogleJsonValue(svalue, gdatatype[c], stype);
-                    }
-                    grow[c] = {'v': gvalue};
-                }
-                grows[r] = {'c': grow};
-                r += 1;
-            });
-            return {'cols': gcols, 'rows': grows};
-        },
-        SparqlJSON2GoogleJSON: function (stable) {
-            var c,
-                r,
-                srow,
-                grow,
-                gvalue,
-                stype,
-                sdatatype,
-                gcols = [],
-                grows = [],
-                gdatatype = [], // for easy reference of datatypes
-                scols = stable.head.vars,
-                srows = stable.results.bindings;
-            for (c = 0; c < scols.length; c += 1) {
-                r = 0;
-                stype = null;
-                sdatatype = null;
-                // find a row where there is a value for this column
-                while (typeof srows[r][scols[c]] === 'undefined' && r + 1 < srows.length) { r += 1; }
-                if (typeof srows[r][scols[c]] !== 'undefined') {
-                    stype = srows[r][scols[c]].type;
-                    sdatatype = srows[r][scols[c]].datatype;
-                }
-                gdatatype[c] = this.getGoogleJsonDatatype(stype, sdatatype);
-                gcols[c] = {'id': scols[c], 'label': scols[c], 'type': gdatatype[c]};
-            }
-            // loop rows
-            for (r = 0; r < srows.length; r += 1) {
-                srow = srows[r];
-                grow = [];
-                // loop cells
-                for (c = 0; c < scols.length; c += 1) {
-                    gvalue = null;
-                    if (typeof srow[scols[c]] !== 'undefined' &&
-                            typeof srow[scols[c]].value !== 'undefined') {
-                        gvalue = this.getGoogleJsonValue(srow[scols[c]].value, gdatatype[c], srow[scols[c]].type);
-                    }
-                    grow[c] = { 'v': gvalue };
-                }
-                grows[r] = {'c': grow};
-            }
-            return {'cols': gcols, 'rows': grows};
-        },
-        getGoogleJsonValue: function (value, gdatatype, stype) {
-            var newvalue;
-            if (gdatatype === 'number') {
-                newvalue = Number(value);
-            } else if (gdatatype === 'date') {
-                //assume format yyyy-MM-dd
-                newvalue = new Date(value.substr(0, 4),
-                                value.substr(5, 2),
-                                value.substr(8, 2));
-            } else if (gdatatype === 'datetime') {
-                //assume format yyyy-MM-ddZHH:mm:ss
-                newvalue = new Date(value.substr(0, 4),
-                                value.substr(5, 2),
-                                value.substr(8, 2),
-                                value.substr(11, 2),
-                                value.substr(14, 2),
-                                value.substr(17, 2));
-            } else if (gdatatype === 'timeofday') {
-                //assume format HH:mm:ss
-                newvalue = [value.substr(0, 2),
-                        value.substr(3, 2),
-                        value.substr(6, 2)];
-            } else { // datatype === 'string' || datatype === 'boolean'
-                if (stype === 'uri') { // replace namespace with prefix
-                    newvalue = this.prefixify(value);
-                }
-                newvalue = value;
-            }
-            return newvalue;
-        },
-        getGoogleJsonDatatype: function (stype, sdatatype) {
-            var gdatatype = this.defaultGDatatype,
-                xsdns = sgvizler.option.namespace.xsd;
-            if (typeof stype !== 'undefined' && (stype === 'typed-literal' || stype === 'literal')) {
-                if (sdatatype === xsdns + "float"   ||
-                        sdatatype === xsdns + "double"  ||
-                        sdatatype === xsdns + "decimal" ||
-                        sdatatype === xsdns + "int"     ||
-                        sdatatype === xsdns + "long"    ||
-                        sdatatype === xsdns + "integer") {
-                    gdatatype =  'number';
-                } else if (sdatatype === xsdns + "boolean") {
-                    gdatatype =  'boolean';
-                } else if (sdatatype === xsdns + "date") {
-                    gdatatype =  'date';
-                } else if (sdatatype === xsdns + "dateTime") {
-                    gdatatype =  'datetime';
-                } else if (sdatatype === xsdns + "time") {
-                    gdatatype =  'timeofday';
-                }
-            }
-            return gdatatype;
-        },
-        prefixify: function (url) {
-            var ns;
-            for (ns in sgvizler.option.namespace) {
-                if (sgvizler.option.namespace.hasOwnProperty(ns) &&
-                        url.lastIndexOf(sgvizler.option.namespace[ns], 0) === 0) {
-                    return url.replace(sgvizler.option.namespace[ns], ns + ":");
-                }
-            }
-            return url;
-        },
-        unprefixify: function (qname) {
-            var ns;
-            for (ns in sgvizler.option.namespace) {
-                if (sgvizler.option.namespace.hasOwnProperty(ns) &&
-                        qname.lastIndexOf(ns + ":", 0) === 0) {
-                    return qname.replace(ns + ":", sgvizler.option.namespace[ns]);
-                }
-            }
-            return qname;
-        }
-    };
-    /*global XDomainRequest */
-    sgvizler.query = function (container) {
-        this.container = container;
-        //defaults
-        this.query = "SELECT ?class (count(?instance) AS ?noOfInstances)\nWHERE{ ?instance a ?class }\nGROUP BY ?class\nORDER BY ?class";
-        this.endpoint = "";
-        this.endpoint_output = 'json';  // xml, json, jsonp
-        this.endpoint_query_url = "?output=text&amp;query=";
-        this.validator_query_url = ";outputFormat=sparql&amp;linenumbers=true&amp;query=";
-        this.chart = 'gLineChart';
-        this.loglevel = 2;
-        this.chartOptions = {
-            'width':           '800',
-            'height':          '400',
-            'chartArea':       { left: '5%', top: '5%', width: '75%', height: '80%' },
-            'gGeoMap': {
-                'dataMode':           'markers'
-            },
-            'gMap': {
-                'dataMode':           'markers'
-            },
-            'sMap': {
-                'dataMode':           'markers',
-                'showTip':            true,
-                'useMapTypeControl':  true
-            },
-            'gSparkline': {
-                'showAxisLines':      false
-            }
-        };
-    };
-    sgvizler.query.prototype.draw = function (listeners,options,callback) {
-        var that = this,
-            chartFunc = sgvizler.charts.getChart(this.container, this.chart);
-        this.setChartSpecificOptions();
-        this.insertFrom();
-        $.extend(this.chartOptions,options);
-        this.runQuery(function (data) {
-            var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(that.processQueryResults(data));
-            for(var listener in listeners) {
-      , listener, function(){
-                    listeners[listener](chartFunc,dataTable);
-                });
-            }
-            chartFunc.draw(dataTable,that.chartOptions);
-            if(callback)callback(dataTable);
-        });
-    };
-    sgvizler.query.prototype.runQuery = function (callback) {
-        var xdr,
-            url,
-            endpoint_output = this.endpoint_output;
-        sgvizler.ui.displayFeedback(this, "LOADING");
-        this.encodedQuery = encodeURIComponent(this.getPrefixes() + this.query);
-        if (this.endpoint_output !== 'jsonp' && $.browser.msie && window.XDomainRequest) {
-            xdr = new XDomainRequest();
-            url = this.endpoint +
-                "?query=" + this.encodedQuery +
-                "&output=" + this.endpoint_output;
-  "GET", url);
-            xdr.onload = function () {
-                var data;
-                if (endpoint_output === "xml") {
-                    data = $.parseXML(xdr.responseText);
-                } else {
-                    data = $.parseJSON(xdr.responseText);
-                }
-                callback(data);
-            };
-            xdr.send();
-        } else {
-            $.get(this.endpoint,
-                  { query: this.getPrefixes() + this.query,
-                    output: (this.endpoint_output === 'jsonp') ? 'json' : this.endpoint_output },
-                  function (data) { callback(data); },
-                  this.endpoint_output)
-                .error(function () {
-                    sgvizler.ui.displayFeedback(this, "ERROR_ENDPOINT");
-                });
-        }
-    };
-    sgvizler.query.prototype.processQueryResults = function (data) {
-        this.setResultRowCount(data);
-        if (this.noRows === null) {
-            sgvizler.ui.displayFeedback(this, "ERROR_UNKNOWN");
-        } else if (this.noRows === 0) {
-            sgvizler.ui.displayFeedback(this, "NO_RESULTS");
-        } else {
-            sgvizler.ui.displayFeedback(this, "DRAWING");
-            return this.getGoogleJSON(data);
-        }
-    };
-    sgvizler.query.prototype.setResultRowCount = function (data) {
-        if (this.endpoint_output === 'xml') {
-            this.noRows = sgvizler.parser.countRowsSparqlXML(data);
-        } else {
-            this.noRows = sgvizler.parser.countRowsSparqlJSON(data);
-        }
-    };
-    sgvizler.query.prototype.getGoogleJSON = function (data) {
-        if (this.endpoint_output === 'xml') {
-            data = sgvizler.parser.SparqlXML2GoogleJSON(data);
-        } else {
-            data = sgvizler.parser.SparqlJSON2GoogleJSON(data);
-        }
-        return data;
-    };
-    sgvizler.query.prototype.insertFrom = function () {
-        if (typeof this.rdf !== 'undefined') {
-            var i,
-                froms = this.rdf.split(sgvizler.ui.attr.valueSplit),
-                from = "";
-            for (i = 0; i < froms.length; i += 1) {
-                from += 'FROM <' + froms[i] + '>\n';
-            }
-            this.query = this.query.replace(/(WHERE)?(\s)*\{/, '\n' + from + 'WHERE {');
-        }
-    };
-    sgvizler.query.prototype.getPrefixes = function () {
-        var prefix,
-            prefixes = "";
-        for (prefix in sgvizler.option.namespace) {
-            if (sgvizler.option.namespace.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
-                prefixes += "PREFIX " + prefix + ": <" + sgvizler.option.namespace[prefix] + ">\n";
-            }
-        }
-        return prefixes;
-    };
-    sgvizler.query.prototype.setChartSpecificOptions = function () {
-        var level1,
-            level2;
-        for (level1 in this.chartOptions) {
-            if (this.chartOptions.hasOwnProperty(level1) &&
-                    level1 === this.chart) {
-                for (level2 in this.chartOptions[level1]) {
-                    if (this.chartOptions[level1].hasOwnProperty(level2)) {
-                        this.chartOptions[level2] = this.chartOptions[level1][level2];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    sgvizler.charts = {
-        // Package for handling rendering functions. The rendering
-        // functions themselves are kept in sgvizler.chart.*
-        all: [],
-        loadCharts: function () {
-            var googlecharts = [
-                { 'id': "gLineChart",        'func': google.visualization.LineChart },
-                { 'id': "gAreaChart",        'func': google.visualization.AreaChart },
-                { 'id': "gSteppedAreaChart", 'func': google.visualization.SteppedAreaChart },
-                { 'id': "gPieChart",         'func': google.visualization.PieChart },
-                { 'id': "gBubbleChart",      'func': google.visualization.BubbleChart },
-                { 'id': "gColumnChart",      'func': google.visualization.ColumnChart },
-                { 'id': "gBarChart",         'func': google.visualization.BarChart },
-                { 'id': "gSparkline",        'func': google.visualization.ImageSparkLine },
-                { 'id': "gScatterChart",     'func': google.visualization.ScatterChart },
-                { 'id': "gCandlestickChart", 'func': google.visualization.CandlestickChart },
-                { 'id': "gGauge",            'func': google.visualization.Gauge },
-                { 'id': "gOrgChart",         'func': google.visualization.OrgChart },
-                { 'id': "gTreeMap",          'func': google.visualization.TreeMap },
-                { 'id': "gTimeline",         'func': google.visualization.AnnotatedTimeLine },
-                { 'id': "gMotionChart",      'func': google.visualization.MotionChart },
-                { 'id': "gGeoChart",         'func': google.visualization.GeoChart },
-                { 'id': "gGeoMap",           'func': google.visualization.GeoMap },
-                { 'id': "gMap",              'func': google.visualization.Map },
-                { 'id': "gTable",            'func': google.visualization.Table }
-            ],
-                chart;
-            $.merge(this.all, googlecharts);
-            for (chart in sgvizler.chart) {
-                if (sgvizler.chart.hasOwnProperty(chart)) {
-                    this.register(
-                        sgvizler.chart[chart],
-                        sgvizler.chart[chart]
-                    );
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        register: function (id, func) {
-            this.all.push({'id': id, 'func': func});
-        },
-        getChart: function (containerId, chartId) {
-            var i,
-                container = document.getElementById(containerId);
-            for (i = 0; i < this.all.length; i += 1) {
-                if (chartId === this.all[i].id) {
-                    return new this.all[i].func(container);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    /*global d3 */
-    /** dForceGraph **
-        D3 force directed graph. Under development.
-    */
-    sgvizler.chart.dForceGraph = function (container) { this.container = container; };
-    sgvizler.chart.dForceGraph.prototype = {
-        id:   "dForceGraph",
-        draw: function (data, chartOpt) {
-            var noColumns = data.getNumberOfColumns(),
-                noRows = data.getNumberOfRows(),
-                opt = $.extend({'maxnodesize': 15, 'minnodesize': 2 }, chartOpt), // set defaults
-                colors = d3.scale.category20(),
-                w = chartOpt.width,
-                h = chartOpt.height,
-                isNumber = function (n) {  return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); },
-                // build arrays of nodes and links.
-                nodes = [],
-                edges = [],
-                t_color = {},
-                t_size = {},
-                t_maxnodesize = 0,
-                r,
-                source,
-                target,
-                nodesizeratio,
-                i,
-                color,
-                size,
-                vis,
-                force,
-                link,
-                node,
-                ticks;
-            for (r = 0; r < noRows; r += 1) {
-                source = data.getValue(r, 0);
-                target = data.getValue(r, 1);
-                // nodes
-                if (source !== null && $.inArray(source, nodes) === -1) {
-                    nodes.push(source);
-                    t_size[source] = (noColumns > 2) ? Math.sqrt(data.getValue(r, 2)) : 0;
-                    t_color[source] = (noColumns > 3) ? data.getValue(r, 3) : 0;
-                    if (t_size[source] > t_maxnodesize) {
-                        t_maxnodesize = t_size[source];
-                    }
-                }
-                if (target !== null && $.inArray(target, nodes) === -1) {
-                    nodes.push(target);
-                }
-                // edges
-                if (source !== null && target !== null) {
-                    edges.push({'source': $.inArray(source, nodes),
-                                'target': $.inArray(target, nodes)
-                            }
-                        );
-                }
-            }
-            if (t_maxnodesize === 0) {
-                t_maxnodesize = 1;
-            }
-            nodesizeratio = opt.maxnodesize / t_maxnodesize;
-            for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i += 1) {
-                color = typeof t_color[nodes[i]] !== 'undefined' ?
-                        t_color[nodes[i]] :
-                        1;
-                size = isNumber(t_size[nodes[i]]) ?
-                        opt.minnodesize + t_size[nodes[i]] * nodesizeratio :
-                        opt.minnodesize;
-                nodes[i] = {'name': nodes[i], 'color': color, 'size': size };
-            }
-            $(this.container).empty();
-            vis =
-                .append("svg:svg")
-                .attr("width", w)
-                .attr("height", h)
-                .attr("pointer-events", "all")
-                .append('svg:g')
-                .call(d3.behavior.zoom().on("zoom", function () {
-                    vis.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")" +
-                         " scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
-                }))
-                .append('svg:g');
-            vis.append('svg:rect')
-                .attr('width', w)
-                .attr('height', h)
-                .attr('fill', 'white');
-            force = d3.layout.force()
-                .gravity(0.05)
-                .distance(100)
-                .charge(-100)
-                .nodes(nodes)
-                .links(edges)
-                .size([w, h])
-                .start();
-            link = vis.selectAll("")
-                .data(edges)
-                .enter().append("svg:line")
-                .attr("class", "link")
-                //.style("stroke-width", function (d) { return Math.sqrt(d.value); })
-                .attr("x1", function (d) { return d.source.x; })
-                .attr("y1", function (d) { return d.source.y; })
-                .attr("x2", function (d) { return; })
-                .attr("y2", function (d) { return; });
-            node = vis.selectAll("g.node")
-                .data(nodes)
-                .enter().append("svg:g")
-                .attr("class", "node")
-                .call(force.drag);
-            node.append("svg:circle")
-                .style("fill", function (d) { return colors(d.color); })
-                .attr("class", "node")
-                .attr("r", function (d) { return d.size; });
-            node.append("svg:title")
-                .text(function (d) { return; });
-            node.append("svg:text")
-                .attr("class", "nodetext")
-                .attr("dx", 12)
-                .attr("dy", ".35em")
-                .text(function (d) { return; });
-            ticks = 0;
-            force.on("tick", function () {
-                ticks += 1;
-                if (ticks > 250) {
-                    force.stop();
-                    force.charge(0)
-                        .linkStrength(0)
-                        .linkDistance(0)
-                        .gravity(0)
-                        .start();
-                }
-                link.attr("x1", function (d) { return d.source.x; })
-                    .attr("y1", function (d) { return d.source.y; })
-                    .attr("x2", function (d) { return; })
-                    .attr("y2", function (d) { return; });
-                node.attr("transform", function (d) {
-                    return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
-                });
-            });
-        }
-    };
-    /*global Graph */
-    /** rdGraph **
-      Original version written by Magnus Stuhr.
-      Draws a graph with clickable and movable nodes. 
-      Input format:
-      - 7 columns, last three are optional.
-      - each row represents a source node, a target node and an edge from source to target.
-      - the URIs are the id's for the nodes, and make the nodes clickable.
-      1             2         3         4             5           6             7
-      sourceURI sourceLabel   targetURI targetLabel   edgeLabel   sourceColor   targetColor
-    */
-    sgvizler.chart.rdGraph = function (container) { this.container = container; };
-    sgvizler.chart.rdGraph.prototype = {
-        id: "rdGraph",
-        draw: function (data, chartOpt) {
-            var numberOfColumns = data.getNumberOfColumns(),
-                numberOfRows = data.getNumberOfRows(),
-                // set defaults.
-                opt = $.extend({
-                    noderadius: 0.5,
-                    nodefontsize: "10px",
-                    nodeheight: 20,
-                    nodestrokewidth: "1px",
-                    nodecornerradius: "1px",
-                    nodepadding: 7,
-                    nodecolor: "green",
-                    edgestroke: "blue",
-                    edgefill: "blue",
-                    edgestrokewidth: 1,
-                    edgefontsize: "10px",
-                    edgeseparator: ", "
-                }, chartOpt),
-                graph = new Graph(),
-                layouter,
-                renderer,
-                row,
-                i,
-                edge,
-                source,
-                target,
-                label,
-                // custom node rendering using Raphael.
-                nodeRenderer = function (color, URL) {
-                    return function (r, n) {
-                        return r.set()
-                            // rectangle
-                            .push(r.rect(n.point[0],
-                                        n.point[1],
-                                        n.label.length * opt.nodepadding,
-                                        opt.nodeheight)
-                                 .attr({"fill": color,
-                                        "stroke-width": opt.nodestrokewidth,
-                                        "r" : opt.nodecornerradius}))
-                           // label inside rectangle
-                            .push(r.text(n.point[0] + n.label.length * opt.nodepadding / 2,
-                                        n.point[1] + opt.nodeheight / 2,
-                                        n.label)
-                                 .attr({"font-size": opt.nodefontsize})
-                                 .click(function () { if (URL) {; } })
-                                );
-                    };
-                },
-                // helper function.
-                addNode = function (URL, name, color) {
-                    graph.addNode(URL, {label: name, render: nodeRenderer(color, URL)});
-                    //console.log("add node - name: " + name + ", URL: " + URL);
-                },
-                edges = {},
-                keys_edges = [];
-            for (row = 0; row < numberOfRows; row += 1) {
-                source = data.getValue(row, 0);
-                target = data.getValue(row, 2);
-                // add source node
-                // Note: dracula library takes care of duplicates?
-                if (source) {
-                    addNode(source,
-                            data.getValue(row, 1) || source,
-                            numberOfColumns > 5 ? data.getValue(row, 5) : opt.nodecolor);
-                }
-                // add target node
-                if (target) {
-                    addNode(target,
-                            data.getValue(row, 3) || target,
-                            numberOfColumns > 6 ? data.getValue(row, 6) : opt.nodecolor);
-                }
-                // collect edge labels. Only one edge per pair of nodes,
-                // so we concatinate labels of multiple edges into one.
-                if (source && target) {
-                    label = "";
-                    // test if source--target pair is seen before:
-                    if (typeof edges[source + target] !== 'undefined') {
-                        label = edges[source + target].label; // retrieve accumulated label.
-                    } else {
-                        keys_edges.push(source + target);
-                    }
-                    if (numberOfColumns > 4 && data.getValue(row, 4).length > 0) {
-                        if (label.length > 0) {
-                            label += opt.edgeseparator;
-                        }
-                        label += data.getValue(row, 4);
-                    }
-                    edges[source + target] = {
-                        'source': source,
-                        'target': target,
-                        'label': label
-                    };
-                }
-            }
-            // add edges
-            for (i = 0; i < keys_edges.length; i += 1) {
-                edge = edges[keys_edges[i]];
-                //console.log("add edge - source: " + edge.source + ", target " +;
-                graph.addEdge(edge.source,,
-                              { "stroke": opt.edgestroke,
-                                "fill": opt.edgefill,
-                                "label": edge.label,
-                                "width": opt.edgestrokewidth,
-                                "fontsize": opt.edgefontsize
-                              });
-            }
-            layouter = new Graph.Layout.Spring(graph);
-            layouter.layout();
-            $(this.container).empty();
-            renderer = new Graph.Renderer.Raphael(this.container, graph, opt.width, opt.height, {"noderadius": opt.nodeheight * opt.noderadius});
-            renderer.draw();
-        }
-    };    /** sDefList **
-     Make a html dt list.
-     Format, 2--N columns:
-     1. Term
-     2--N. Definition
-     Available options:
-     'cellSep'   :  string (can be html) to separate cells in definition columns. (default: ' ')
-     'termPrefix  :  string (can be html) to prefix each term with. (default: '')
-     'termPostfix :  string (can be html) to postfix each term with. (default: ':')
-     'definitionPrefix  :  string (can be html) to prefix each definition with. (default: '')
-     'definitionPostfix :  string (can be html) to postfix each definition with. (default: '')
-    */
-    sgvizler.chart.DefList = function (container) { this.container = container; };
-    sgvizler.chart.DefList.prototype = {
-        id:   "sDefList",
-        draw: function (data, chartOpt) {
-            var r,
-                c,
-                term,
-                definition,
-                noColumns = data.getNumberOfColumns(),
-                noRows = data.getNumberOfRows(),
-                opt = $.extend({ cellSep: ' ', termPrefix: '', termPostfix: ':', definitionPrefix: '', definitionPostfix: '' }, chartOpt),
-                list = $(document.createElement('dl'));
-            for (r = 0; r < noRows; r += 1) {
-                term = opt.termPrefix + data.getValue(r, 0) + opt.termPostfix;
-                list.append($(document.createElement('dt')).html(term));
-                definition = opt.definitionPrefix;
-                for (c = 1; c < noColumns; c += 1) {
-                    definition += data.getValue(r, c);
-                    if (c + 1 !== noColumns) {
-                        definition += opt.cellSep;
-                    }
-                }
-                definition += opt.definitionPostfix;
-                list.append($(document.createElement('dd')).html(definition));
-            }
-            $(this.container).empty();
-            $(this.container).append(list);
-        }
-    };
-    /** sList **
-     Make a html list, either numbered (ol) or bullets (ul). Each row
-     becomes a list item.
-     Any number of columns in any format. Everything is displayed as text.
-     Available options:
-     'list'      :  "ol" / "ul"  (default: "ul")
-     'cellSep'   :  string (can be html) to separate cells in row. (default: ', ')
-     'rowPrefix  :  string (can be html) to prefix each row with. (default: '')
-     'rowPostfix :  string (can be html) to postfix each row with. (default: '')
-    */
-    sgvizler.chart.List = function (container) { this.container = container; };
-    sgvizler.chart.List.prototype = {
-        id:   "sList",
-        draw: function (data, chartOpt) {
-            var noColumns = data.getNumberOfColumns(),
-                noRows = data.getNumberOfRows(),
-                opt = $.extend({ list: 'ul', cellSep: ', ', rowPrefix: '', rowPostfix: '' }, chartOpt),
-                list = $(document.createElement(opt.list)),
-                r,
-                c,
-                rowtext;
-            for (r = 0; r < noRows; r += 1) {
-                rowtext = opt.rowPrefix;
-                for (c = 0; c < noColumns; c += 1) {
-                    rowtext += data.getValue(r, c);
-                    if (c + 1 !== noColumns) {
-                        rowtext += opt.cellSep;
-                    }
-                }
-                rowtext += opt.rowPostfix;
-                list.append($(document.createElement('li')).html(rowtext));
-            }
-            $(this.container).empty();
-            $(this.container).append(list);
-        }
-    };
-    /** sMap **
-     Extends gMap in markers dataMode. Draws textboxes with heading,
-     paragraph, link and image. The idea is to put all columns > 2 into
-     the 3. column with html formatting.
-     - Data Format 2--6 columns:
-       1. lat
-       2. long
-       3. name  (optional)
-       4. text  (optional)
-       5. link  (optional)
-       6. image (optional)
-     - If < 4 columns, then behaves just as gMap
-     - Only 6 columns will be read, columns > 6 are ignored.
-    */
-    sgvizler.chart.sMap = function (container) { this.container = container; };
-    sgvizler.chart.sMap.prototype = {
-        id:   "sMap",
-        draw: function (data, chartOpt) {
-            var chart,
-                newData,
-                newValue,
-                noColumns = data.getNumberOfColumns(),
-                r,
-                c;
-            if (noColumns > 3) {
-                newData = data.clone();
-                // drop columns > 3 from new
-                for (c = noColumns - 1; c > 2; c -= 1) {
-                    newData.removeColumn(c);
-                }
-                // build new 3. column
-                for (r = 0; r < data.getNumberOfRows(); r += 1) {
-                    newValue = "<div class='sgvizler sgvizler-sMap'>";
-                    newValue += "<h1>" + data.getValue(r, 2) + "</h1>";
-                    if (5 < noColumns && data.getValue(r, 5) !== null) {
-                        newValue += "<div class='img'><img src='" + data.getValue(r, 5) + "'/></div>";
-                    }
-                    if (3 < noColumns && data.getValue(r, 3) !== null) {
-                        newValue += "<p class='text'>" + data.getValue(r, 3) + "</p>";
-                    }
-                    if (4 < noColumns && data.getValue(r, 4) !== null) {
-                        newValue += "<p class='link'><a href='" + sgvizler.parser.unprefixify(data.getValue(r, 4)) + "'>" + data.getValue(r, 4) + "</a></p>";
-                    }
-                    newValue += "</div>";
-                    newData.setCell(r, 2, newValue);
-                }
-            } else { // do nothing.
-                newData = data;
-            }
-            chart = new google.visualization.Map(this.container);
-            chart.draw(newData, chartOpt);
-        }
-    };
-    /** sTable **
-     Make a html table.
-     Available options:
-     'headings'   :  "true" / "false"  (default: "true")
-    */
-    sgvizler.chart.Table = function (container) { this.container = container; };
-    sgvizler.chart.Table.prototype = {
-        id:   "sTable",
-        draw: function (data, chartOpt) {
-            var noColumns = data.getNumberOfColumns(),
-                noRows = data.getNumberOfRows(),
-                opt = $.extend({'headings': true }, chartOpt),
-                table = $(document.createElement('table')),
-                c,
-                r,
-                row;
-            if (opt.headings) {
-                row = $(document.createElement('tr'));
-                for (c = 0; c < noColumns; c += 1) {
-                    row.append($(document.createElement('th')).html(data.getColumnLabel(c)));
-                }
-                table.append(row);
-            }
-            for (r = 0; r < noRows; r += 1) {
-                row = $(document.createElement('tr'));
-                for (c = 0; c < noColumns; c += 1) {
-                    row.append($(document.createElement('td')).html(data.getValue(r, c)));
-                }
-                table.append(row);
-            }
-            $(this.container).empty();
-            $(this.container).append(table);
-        }
-    };
-    /** sText **
-     Write text.
-     Any number of columns. Everything is displayed as text.
-     Available options:
-     'cellSep'       :  string (can be html) to separate cells in each column. (default: ', ')
-     'cellPrefix     :  string (can be html) to prefix each cell with. (default: '')
-     'cellPostfix    :  string (can be html) to postfix each cell  with. (default: '')
-     'rowPrefix      :  string (can be html) to prefix each row with. (default: '<p>')
-     'rowPostfix     :  string (can be html) to postfix each row with. (default: '</p>')
-     'resultsPrefix  :  string (can be html) to prefix the results with. (default: '<div>')
-     'resultsPostfix :  string (can be html) to postfix the results with. (default: '</div>')
-    */
-    sgvizler.chart.Text = function (container) { this.container = container; };
-    sgvizler.chart.Text.prototype = {
-        id:   "sText",
-        draw: function (data, chartOpt) {
-            var noColumns = data.getNumberOfColumns(),
-                noRows = data.getNumberOfRows(),
-                opt = $.extend({ cellSep: ', ',
-                                 cellPrefix: '', cellPostfix: '',
-                                 rowPrefix: '<p>', rowPostfix: '</p>',
-                                 resultsPrefix: '<div>', resultsPostfix: '</div>' },
-                               chartOpt),
-                text = opt.resultsPrefix,
-                r,
-                c,
-                row;
-            for (r = 0; r < noRows; r += 1) {
-                row = opt.rowPrefix;
-                for (c = 0; c < noColumns; c += 1) {
-                    row += opt.cellPrefix + data.getValue(r, c) + opt.cellPostfix;
-                    if (c + 1 !== noColumns) {
-                        row += opt.cellSep;
-                    }
-                }
-                text += row + opt.rowPostfix;
-            }
-            text += opt.resultsPostfix;
-            $(this.container).empty();
-            $(this.container).html(text);
-        }
-    };
-    global.sgvizler = sgvizler;
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/prefixes.html b/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/prefixes.html
index 65ae361..cdbe6f2 100644
--- a/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/prefixes.html
+++ b/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/prefixes.html
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+        <th>&nbsp;</th>
@@ -59,13 +60,33 @@
         jQuery(document).ready(function() {
             function appendPrefix(prefix, namespace) {
-            	$("table#prefixes  > tbody:last").append("<tr><td>" + prefix + "</td><td><a href=\"" + namespace + "\">" + namespace + "</a></td></tr>");
+            	$("table#prefixes  > tbody:last").append("<tr id=\"prefix-" + prefix + "\"><td>" + prefix + "</td><td><a href=\"" + namespace + "\">" + namespace + "</a></td><td><a href=\"#\" class=\"deletePrefix\">delete</a></td></tr>");
+            function deletePrefix(prefix) {
+            	$.ajax({
+            	    url: "../../prefix/" + prefix,
+            	    type: "DELETE",	
+            	    dataType: "text",
+            	    statusCode: {
+            	       204: function() {
+		   	        	    	alert("Prefix " + prefix + " deleted!");
+			        	        $("tr#prefix-" + prefix).remove();
+            	          	}
+            	    }
+            	});
+            }              
             $.getJSON("../../prefix", function(data) {
                 $.each(data, function(prefix, namespace) {
                 	appendPrefix(prefix, namespace);
+                $("a.deletePrefix").click(function() {
+                    var row = $(this).closest("td").closest("tr");
+                    var prefix = row.find("td:first").text();
+                    deletePrefix(prefix);
+                    return false;	
+                });                
             $("#add-new-prefix-button").click(function() {
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/system.html b/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/system.html
index fd1a3bb..9b54c6b 100644
--- a/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/system.html
+++ b/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/system.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
     var _SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:8080/Marmotta/";
-<script type="text/javascript" src="../public/js/lib/jquery-1.6.4.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="../public/js/lib/strftime.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="js/widgets/system.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../webjars/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../webjars/strftime/1.3/strftime.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/widgets/system.js"></script>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/admin-style.css"/>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/admin-style.css"/>
 <body id="center">
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index e0e4030..5efb26b 100644
--- a/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/tasks.html
+++ b/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/admin/tasks.html
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
     <title>Marmotta - Current Tasks</title>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="../public/js/lib/jquery-1.6.4.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="../public/js/lib/strftime.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../webjars/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../webjars/strftime/1.3/strftime.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
     $(function() {
 		var container = $("#tasks"),
diff --git a/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/public/html/reasoning.html b/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/public/html/reasoning.html
index 818e632..75597af 100644
--- a/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/public/html/reasoning.html
+++ b/platform/marmotta-core/src/main/resources/web/public/html/reasoning.html
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
            font-size: 0.95em;
-    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../webjars/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
         var hash;
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