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Posted to by "Hisoka-X (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/09/04 12:48:01 UTC

[GitHub] [spark] Hisoka-X commented on a diff in pull request #42802: [SPARK-43752][SQL] Support default column value on DataSource V2

Hisoka-X commented on code in PR #42802:

@@ -477,21 +477,6 @@ abstract class V2WriteAnalysisSuiteBase extends AnalysisTest {
-  test("byName: missing optional columns cause failure and are identified by name") {

Review Comment:
   This test case wouldn't passed now cause we have default value now.

@@ -1758,169 +1095,6 @@ class InsertSuite extends DataSourceTest with SharedSparkSession {
-  test("INSERT rows, ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS with DEFAULTs, then SELECT them") {
-    case class Config(
-        sqlConf: Option[(String, String)],
-        useDataFrames: Boolean = false)
-    def runTest(dataSource: String, config: Config): Unit = {
-      def insertIntoT(): Unit = {
-        sql("insert into t(a, i) values('xyz', 42)")
-      }
-      def withTableT(f: => Unit): Unit = {
-        sql(s"create table t(a string, i int) using $dataSource")
-        insertIntoT
-        withTable("t") { f }
-      }
-      // Positive tests:
-      // Adding a column with a valid default value into a table containing existing data works
-      // successfully. Querying data from the altered table returns the new value.
-      withTableT {
-        sql("alter table t add column (s string default concat('abc', 'def'))")
-        checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row("xyz", 42, "abcdef"))
-        checkAnswer(sql("select i, s from t"), Row(42, "abcdef"))
-        // Now alter the column to change the default value. This still returns the previous value,
-        // not the new value, since the behavior semantics are the same as if the first command had
-        // performed a backfill of the new default value in the existing rows.
-        sql("alter table t alter column s set default concat('ghi', 'jkl')")
-        checkAnswer(sql("select i, s from t"), Row(42, "abcdef"))
-      }
-      // Adding a column with a default value and then inserting explicit NULL values works.
-      // Querying data back from the table differentiates between the explicit NULL values and
-      // default values.
-      withTableT {
-        sql("alter table t add column (s string default concat('abc', 'def'))")
-        if (config.useDataFrames) {
-          Seq((null, null, null)).toDF.write.insertInto("t")
-        } else {
-          sql("insert into t values(null, null, null)")
-        }
-        sql("alter table t add column (x boolean default true)")
-        val insertedSColumn = null
-        checkAnswer(spark.table("t"),
-          Seq(
-            Row("xyz", 42, "abcdef", true),
-            Row(null, null, insertedSColumn, true)))
-        checkAnswer(sql("select i, s, x from t"),
-          Seq(
-            Row(42, "abcdef", true),
-            Row(null, insertedSColumn, true)))
-      }
-      // Adding two columns where only the first has a valid default value works successfully.
-      // Querying data from the altered table returns the default value as well as NULL for the
-      // second column.
-      withTableT {
-        sql("alter table t add column (s string default concat('abc', 'def'))")
-        sql("alter table t add column (x string)")
-        checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row("xyz", 42, "abcdef", null))
-        checkAnswer(sql("select i, s, x from t"), Row(42, "abcdef", null))
-      }
-      // Test other supported data types.
-      withTableT {
-        sql("alter table t add columns (" +
-          "s boolean default true, " +
-          "t byte default cast(null as byte), " +
-          "u short default cast(42 as short), " +
-          "v float default 0, " +
-          "w double default 0, " +
-          "x date default cast('2021-01-02' as date), " +
-          "y timestamp default cast('2021-01-02 01:01:01' as timestamp), " +
-          "z timestamp_ntz default cast('2021-01-02 01:01:01' as timestamp_ntz), " +
-          "a1 timestamp_ltz default cast('2021-01-02 01:01:01' as timestamp_ltz), " +
-          "a2 decimal(5, 2) default 123.45," +
-          "a3 bigint default 43," +
-          "a4 smallint default cast(5 as smallint)," +
-          "a5 tinyint default cast(6 as tinyint))")
-        insertIntoT()
-        // Manually inspect the result row values rather than using the 'checkAnswer' helper method
-        // in order to ensure the values' correctness while avoiding minor type incompatibilities.
-        val result: Array[Row] =
-          sql("select s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 from t").collect()
-        for (row <- result) {
-          assert(row.length == 13)
-          assert(row(0) == true)
-          assert(row(1) == null)
-          assert(row(2) == 42)
-          assert(row(3) == 0.0f)
-          assert(row(4) == 0.0d)
-          assert(row(5).toString == "2021-01-02")
-          assert(row(6).toString == "2021-01-02 01:01:01.0")
-          assert(row(7).toString.startsWith("2021-01-02"))
-          assert(row(8).toString == "2021-01-02 01:01:01.0")
-          assert(row(9).toString == "123.45")
-          assert(row(10) == 43L)
-          assert(row(11) == 5)
-          assert(row(12) == 6)
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // This represents one test configuration over a data source.
-    case class TestCase(
-        dataSource: String,
-        configs: Seq[Config])
-    // Run the test several times using each configuration.
-    Seq(
-      TestCase(
-        dataSource = "csv",
-        Seq(
-          Config(
-            None),
-          Config(
-            Some(SQLConf.CSV_PARSER_COLUMN_PRUNING.key -> "false")))),
-      TestCase(
-        dataSource = "json",
-        Seq(
-          Config(
-            None),
-          Config(
-            Some(SQLConf.JSON_GENERATOR_IGNORE_NULL_FIELDS.key -> "false")))),
-      TestCase(
-        dataSource = "orc",
-        Seq(
-          Config(
-            None),
-          Config(
-            Some(SQLConf.ORC_VECTORIZED_READER_ENABLED.key -> "false")))),
-      TestCase(
-        dataSource = "parquet",
-        Seq(
-          Config(
-            None),
-          Config(
-            Some(SQLConf.PARQUET_VECTORIZED_READER_ENABLED.key -> "false"))))
-    ).foreach { testCase: TestCase =>
-      testCase.configs.foreach { config: Config =>
-        // Run the test twice, once using SQL for the INSERT operations and again using DataFrames.
-        for (useDataFrames <- Seq(false, true)) {
- { kv: (String, String) =>
-            withSQLConf(kv) {
-              // Run the test with the pair of custom SQLConf values.
-              runTest(testCase.dataSource, config.copy(useDataFrames = useDataFrames))
-            }
-          }.getOrElse {
-            // Run the test with default settings.
-            runTest(testCase.dataSource, config.copy(useDataFrames = useDataFrames))
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-39985 Enable implicit DEFAULT column values in inserts from DataFrames") {
-    // Negative test: explicit column "default" references are not supported in write operations
-    // from DataFrames: since the operators are resolved one-by-one, any .select referring to
-    // "default" generates a "column not found" error before any following .insertInto.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql(s"create table t(a string, i int default 42) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          Seq("xyz")"value", "default").write.insertInto("t")
-        },
-        parameters = Map("objectName" -> "`default`", "proposal" -> "`value`"))
-    }
-  }

Review Comment:
   JSON, Array, Struct, Map default value work not fine on DS V2. Fix it later.
   `SPARK-39359 Restrict DEFAULT columns to allowlist of supported data source types` on DS V2 not throw error, will be fixed later too.

@@ -997,669 +997,6 @@ class InsertSuite extends DataSourceTest with SharedSparkSession {
-  test("SPARK-38336 INSERT INTO statements with tables with default columns: positive tests") {
-    // When the INSERT INTO statement provides fewer values than expected, NULL values are appended
-    // in their place.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t(i) values(true)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, null))
-    }
-    // The default value for the DEFAULT keyword is the NULL literal.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t values(true, default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, null))
-    }
-    // There is a complex expression in the default value.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s string default concat('abc', 'def')) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t values(true, default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, "abcdef"))
-    }
-    // The default value parses correctly and the provided value type is different but coercible.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t(i) values(false)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
-    }
-    // There are two trailing default values referenced implicitly by the INSERT INTO statement.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i int, s bigint default 42, x bigint default 43) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t(i) values(1)")
-      checkAnswer(sql("select s + x from t where i = 1"), Seq(85L).map(i => Row(i)))
-    }
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i int, s bigint default 42, x bigint) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t(i) values(1)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(1, 42L, null))
-    }
-    // The table has a partitioning column and a default value is injected.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int default 42) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
-      sql("insert into t partition(i='true') values(5, default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(5, 42, true))
-    }
-    // The table has a partitioning column and a default value is added per an explicit reference.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
-      sql("insert into t partition(i='true') (s) values(default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(42L, true))
-    }
-    // The default value parses correctly as a constant but non-literal expression.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 41 + 1) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t values(false, default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
-    }
-    // Explicit defaults may appear in different positions within the inline table provided as input
-    // to the INSERT INTO statement.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t(i, s) values(false, default), (default, 42)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Seq(Row(false, 42L), Row(false, 42L)))
-    }
-    // There is an explicit default value provided in the INSERT INTO statement in the VALUES,
-    // with an alias over the VALUES.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t select * from values (false, default) as tab(col, other)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
-    }
-    // The explicit default value arrives first before the other value.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t values (default, 43)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 43L))
-    }
-    // The 'create table' statement provides the default parameter first.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t values (default, 43)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 43L))
-    }
-    // The explicit default value is provided in the wrong order (first instead of second), but
-    // this is OK because the provided default value evaluates to literal NULL.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t values (default, 43)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(null, 43L))
-    }
-    // There is an explicit default value provided in the INSERT INTO statement as a SELECT.
-    // This is supported.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t select false, default")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
-    }
-    // There is a complex query plan in the SELECT query in the INSERT INTO statement.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t select col, count(*) from values (default, default) " +
-        "as tab(col, other) group by 1")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 1))
-    }
-    // The explicit default reference resolves successfully with nested table subqueries.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t select * from (select * from values(default, 42))")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
-    }
-    // There are three column types exercising various combinations of implicit and explicit
-    // default column value references in the 'insert into' statements. Note these tests depend on
-    // enabling the configuration to use NULLs for missing DEFAULT column values.
-    for (useDataFrames <- Seq(false, true)) {
-      withTable("t1", "t2") {
-        sql("create table t1(j int, s bigint default 42, x bigint default 43) using parquet")
-        if (useDataFrames) {
-          Seq((1, 42, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
-          Seq((2, 42, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
-          Seq((3, 42, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
-          Seq((4, 44, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
-          Seq((5, 44, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
-        } else {
-          sql("insert into t1(j) values(1)")
-          sql("insert into t1(j, s) values(2, default)")
-          sql("insert into t1(j, s, x) values(3, default, default)")
-          sql("insert into t1(j, s) values(4, 44)")
-          sql("insert into t1(j, s, x) values(5, 44, 45)")
-        }
-        sql("create table t2(j int, s bigint default 42, x bigint default 43) using parquet")
-        if (useDataFrames) {
-          spark.table("t1").where("j = 1").write.insertInto("t2")
-          spark.table("t1").where("j = 2").write.insertInto("t2")
-          spark.table("t1").where("j = 3").write.insertInto("t2")
-          spark.table("t1").where("j = 4").write.insertInto("t2")
-          spark.table("t1").where("j = 5").write.insertInto("t2")
-        } else {
-          sql("insert into t2(j) select j from t1 where j = 1")
-          sql("insert into t2(j, s) select j, default from t1 where j = 2")
-          sql("insert into t2(j, s, x) select j, default, default from t1 where j = 3")
-          sql("insert into t2(j, s) select j, s from t1 where j = 4")
-          sql("insert into t2(j, s, x) select j, s, default from t1 where j = 5")
-        }
-        checkAnswer(
-          spark.table("t2"),
-          Row(1, 42L, 43L) ::
-          Row(2, 42L, 43L) ::
-          Row(3, 42L, 43L) ::
-          Row(4, 44L, 43L) ::
-          Row(5, 44L, 43L) :: Nil)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-38336 INSERT INTO statements with tables with default columns: negative tests") {
-    // The default value fails to analyze.
-    withTable("t") {
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default badvalue) using parquet")
-        },
-        parameters = Map(
-          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
-          "colName" -> "`s`",
-          "defaultValue" -> "badvalue"))
-    }
-    // The default value analyzes to a table not in the catalog.
-    withTable("t") {
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default (select min(x) from badtable)) " +
-            "using parquet")
-        },
-        parameters = Map(
-          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
-          "colName" -> "`s`",
-          "defaultValue" -> "(select min(x) from badtable)"))
-    }
-    // The default value parses but refers to a table from the catalog.
-    withTable("t", "other") {
-      sql("create table other(x string) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default (select min(x) from other)) " +
-            "using parquet")
-        },
-        parameters = Map(
-          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
-          "colName" -> "`s`",
-          "defaultValue" -> "(select min(x) from other)"))
-    }
-    // The default value has an explicit alias. It fails to evaluate when inlined into the VALUES
-    // list at the INSERT INTO time.
-    withTable("t") {
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("create table t(i boolean default (select false as alias), s bigint) using parquet")
-        },
-        parameters = Map(
-          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
-          "colName" -> "`i`",
-          "defaultValue" -> "(select false as alias)"))
-    }
-    // Explicit default values may not participate in complex expressions in the VALUES list.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("insert into t values(false, default + 1)")
-        },
-        errorClass = "DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_INVALID",
-        parameters = Map.empty
-      )
-    }
-    // Explicit default values may not participate in complex expressions in the SELECT query.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("insert into t select false, default + 1")
-        },
-        errorClass = "DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_INVALID",
-        parameters = Map.empty
-      )
-    }
-    // Explicit default values have a reasonable error path if the table is not found.
-    withTable("t") {
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("insert into t values(false, default)")
-        },
-        errorClass = "TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND",
-        parameters = Map("relationName" -> "`t`"),
-        context = ExpectedContext("t", 12, 12)
-      )
-    }
-    // The default value parses but the type is not coercible.
-    withTable("t") {
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default false) using parquet")
-        },
-        errorClass = "INVALID_DEFAULT_VALUE.DATA_TYPE",
-        parameters = Map(
-          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
-          "colName" -> "`s`",
-          "expectedType" -> "\"BIGINT\"",
-          "defaultValue" -> "false",
-          "actualType" -> "\"BOOLEAN\""))
-    }
-    // The number of columns in the INSERT INTO statement is greater than the number of columns in
-    // the table.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table num_data(id int, val decimal(38,10)) using parquet")
-      sql("create table t(id1 int, int2 int, result decimal(38,10)) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("insert into t select,, t1.val, t2.val, t1.val * t2.val " +
-            "from num_data t1, num_data t2")
-        },
-        parameters = Map(
-          "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
-          "tableColumns" -> "`id1`, `int2`, `result`",
-          "dataColumns" -> "`id`, `id`, `val`, `val`, `(val * val)`"))
-    }
-    // The default value is disabled per configuration.
-    withTable("t") {
-      withSQLConf(SQLConf.ENABLE_DEFAULT_COLUMNS.key -> "false") {
-        checkError(
-          exception = intercept[ParseException] {
-            sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42L) using parquet")
-          },
-          parameters = Map.empty,
-          context = ExpectedContext("s bigint default 42L", 26, 45)
-        )
-      }
-    }
-    // The table has a partitioning column with a default value; this is not allowed.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint, q int default 42) " +
-        "using parquet partitioned by (i)")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[ParseException] {
-          sql("insert into t partition(i=default) values(5, default)")
-        },
-        parameters = Map.empty,
-        context = ExpectedContext(
-          fragment = "partition(i=default)",
-          start = 14,
-          stop = 33))
-    }
-    // The configuration option to append missing NULL values to the end of the INSERT INTO
-    // statement is not enabled.
-      withTable("t") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
-        checkError(
-          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-            sql("insert into t values(true)")
-          },
-          parameters = Map(
-            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
-            "tableColumns" -> "`i`, `s`",
-            "dataColumns" -> "`col1`"))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-38795 INSERT INTO with user specified columns and defaults: positive tests") {
-    Seq(
-      "insert into t (i, s) values (true, default)",
-      "insert into t (s, i) values (default, true)",
-      "insert into t (i) values (true)",
-      "insert into t (i) values (default)",
-      "insert into t (s) values (default)",
-      "insert into t (s) select default from (select 1)",
-      "insert into t (i) select true from (select 1)"
-    ).foreach { insert =>
-      withTable("t") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-        sql(insert)
-        checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, 42L))
-      }
-    }
-    // The table is partitioned and we insert default values with explicit column names.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 4, q int default 42) using parquet " +
-        "partitioned by (i)")
-      sql("insert into t partition(i='true') (s) values(5)")
-      sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select 43")
-      sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select default")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"),
-        Seq(Row(5, 42, true),
-            Row(4, 43, false),
-            Row(4, 42, false)))
-    }
-    // If no explicit DEFAULT value is available when the INSERT INTO statement provides fewer
-    // values than expected, NULL values are appended in their place.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t (i) values (true)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, null))
-    }
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t (i) values (default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, null))
-    }
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-      sql("insert into t (s) values (default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(null, 42L))
-    }
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
-      sql("insert into t partition(i='true') (s) values(5)")
-      sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select 43")
-      sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select default")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"),
-        Seq(Row(5, null, true),
-          Row(null, 43, false),
-          Row(null, null, false)))
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK- 38795 INSERT INTO with user specified columns and defaults: negative tests") {
-    // The missing columns in these INSERT INTO commands do not have explicit default values.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int default 43) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("insert into t (i, q) select true from (select 1)")
-        },
-        parameters = Map(
-          "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
-          "tableColumns" -> "`i`, `q`",
-          "dataColumns" -> "`true`"))
-    }
-    // When the USE_NULLS_FOR_MISSING_DEFAULT_COLUMN_VALUES configuration is disabled, and no
-    // explicit DEFAULT value is available when the INSERT INTO statement provides fewer
-    // values than expected, the INSERT INTO command fails to execute.
-      withTable("t") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
-        checkError(
-          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-            sql("insert into t (i) values (true)")
-          },
-          parameters = Map(
-            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
-            "colName" -> "`s`"))
-      }
-      withTable("t") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint) using parquet")
-        checkError(
-          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-            sql("insert into t (i) values (default)")
-          },
-          parameters = Map(
-            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
-            "colName" -> "`s`"))
-      }
-      withTable("t") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-        checkError(
-          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-            sql("insert into t (s) values (default)")
-          },
-          parameters = Map(
-            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
-            "colName" -> "`i`"))
-      }
-      withTable("t") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
-        checkError(
-          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-            sql("insert into t partition(i='true') (s) values(5)")
-          },
-          parameters = Map(
-            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
-            "colName" -> "`q`"))
-      }
-      withTable("t") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
-        checkError(
-          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-            sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select 43")
-          },
-          parameters = Map(
-            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
-            "colName" -> "`s`"))
-      }
-      withTable("t") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
-        checkError(
-          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-            sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select default")
-          },
-          parameters = Map(
-            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
-            "colName" -> "`s`"))
-      }
-    }
-    // When the CASE_SENSITIVE configuration is enabled, then using different cases for the required
-    // and provided column names results in an analysis error.
-    withSQLConf(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE.key -> "true") {
-      withTable("t") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
-        checkError(
-          exception =
-            intercept[AnalysisException](sql("insert into t (I) select true from (select 1)")),
-          sqlState = None,
-          parameters = Map("objectName" -> "`I`", "proposal" -> "`i`, `s`"),
-          context = ExpectedContext(
-            fragment = "insert into t (I)", start = 0, stop = 16))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-38811 INSERT INTO on columns added with ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS: Positive tests") {
-    // There is a complex expression in the default value.
-    val createTableBooleanCol = "create table t(i boolean) using parquet"
-    val createTableIntCol = "create table t(i int) using parquet"
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql(createTableBooleanCol)
-      sql("alter table t add column s string default concat('abc', 'def')")
-      sql("insert into t values(true, default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, "abcdef"))
-    }
-    // There are two trailing default values referenced implicitly by the INSERT INTO statement.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql(createTableIntCol)
-      sql("alter table t add column s bigint default 42")
-      sql("alter table t add column x bigint default 43")
-      sql("insert into t(i) values(1)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(1, 42, 43))
-    }
-    // There are two trailing default values referenced implicitly by the INSERT INTO statement.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql(createTableIntCol)
-      sql("alter table t add columns s bigint default 42, x bigint default 43")
-      sql("insert into t(i) values(1)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(1, 42, 43))
-    }
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql(createTableIntCol)
-      sql("alter table t add column s bigint default 42")
-      sql("alter table t add column x bigint")
-      sql("insert into t(i) values(1)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(1, 42, null))
-    }
-    // The table has a partitioning column and a default value is injected.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
-      sql("alter table t add column q int default 42")
-      sql("insert into t partition(i='true') values(5, default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(5, 42, true))
-    }
-    // The default value parses correctly as a constant but non-literal expression.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql(createTableBooleanCol)
-      sql("alter table t add column s bigint default 41 + 1")
-      sql("insert into t(i) values(default)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(null, 42))
-    }
-    // Explicit defaults may appear in different positions within the inline table provided as input
-    // to the INSERT INTO statement.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean default false) using parquet")
-      sql("alter table t add column s bigint default 42")
-      sql("insert into t values(false, default), (default, 42)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Seq(Row(false, 42), Row(false, 42)))
-    }
-    // There is an explicit default value provided in the INSERT INTO statement in the VALUES,
-    // with an alias over the VALUES.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql(createTableBooleanCol)
-      sql("alter table t add column s bigint default 42")
-      sql("insert into t select * from values (false, default) as tab(col, other)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42))
-    }
-    // The explicit default value is provided in the wrong order (first instead of second), but
-    // this is OK because the provided default value evaluates to literal NULL.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql(createTableBooleanCol)
-      sql("alter table t add column s bigint default 42")
-      sql("insert into t values (default, 43)")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(null, 43))
-    }
-    // There is an explicit default value provided in the INSERT INTO statement as a SELECT.
-    // This is supported.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql(createTableBooleanCol)
-      sql("alter table t add column s bigint default 42")
-      sql("insert into t select false, default")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42))
-    }
-    // There is a complex query plan in the SELECT query in the INSERT INTO statement.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean default false) using parquet")
-      sql("alter table t add column s bigint default 42")
-      sql("insert into t select col, count(*) from values (default, default) " +
-        "as tab(col, other) group by 1")
-      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 1))
-    }
-    // There are three column types exercising various combinations of implicit and explicit
-    // default column value references in the 'insert into' statements. Note these tests depend on
-    // enabling the configuration to use NULLs for missing DEFAULT column values.
-    withTable("t1", "t2") {
-      sql("create table t1(j int) using parquet")
-      sql("alter table t1 add column s bigint default 42")
-      sql("alter table t1 add column x bigint default 43")
-      sql("insert into t1(j) values(1)")
-      sql("insert into t1(j, s) values(2, default)")
-      sql("insert into t1(j, s, x) values(3, default, default)")
-      sql("insert into t1(j, s) values(4, 44)")
-      sql("insert into t1(j, s, x) values(5, 44, 45)")
-      sql("create table t2(j int) using parquet")
-      sql("alter table t2 add columns s bigint default 42, x bigint default 43")
-      sql("insert into t2(j) select j from t1 where j = 1")
-      sql("insert into t2(j, s) select j, default from t1 where j = 2")
-      sql("insert into t2(j, s, x) select j, default, default from t1 where j = 3")
-      sql("insert into t2(j, s) select j, s from t1 where j = 4")
-      sql("insert into t2(j, s, x) select j, s, default from t1 where j = 5")
-      checkAnswer(
-        spark.table("t2"),
-        Row(1, 42L, 43L) ::
-        Row(2, 42L, 43L) ::
-        Row(3, 42L, 43L) ::
-        Row(4, 44L, 43L) ::
-        Row(5, 44L, 43L) :: Nil)
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-38811 INSERT INTO on columns added with ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS: Negative tests") {
-    // The default value fails to analyze.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("alter table t add column s bigint default badvalue")
-        },
-        parameters = Map(
-          "statement" -> "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS",
-          "colName" -> "`s`",
-          "defaultValue" -> "badvalue"))
-    }
-    // The default value analyzes to a table not in the catalog.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("alter table t add column s bigint default (select min(x) from badtable)")
-        },
-        parameters = Map(
-          "statement" -> "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS",
-          "colName" -> "`s`",
-          "defaultValue" -> "(select min(x) from badtable)"))
-    }
-    // The default value parses but refers to a table from the catalog.
-    withTable("t", "other") {
-      sql("create table other(x string) using parquet")
-      sql("create table t(i boolean) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("alter table t add column s bigint default (select min(x) from other)")
-        },
-        parameters = Map(
-          "statement" -> "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS",
-          "colName" -> "`s`",
-          "defaultValue" -> "(select min(x) from other)"))
-    }
-    // The default value parses but the type is not coercible.
-    withTable("t") {
-      sql("create table t(i boolean) using parquet")
-      checkError(
-        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
-          sql("alter table t add column s bigint default false")
-        },
-        errorClass = "INVALID_DEFAULT_VALUE.DATA_TYPE",
-        parameters = Map(
-          "statement" -> "ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS",
-          "colName" -> "`s`",
-          "expectedType" -> "\"BIGINT\"",
-          "defaultValue" -> "false",
-          "actualType" -> "\"BOOLEAN\""))
-    }
-    // The default value is disabled per configuration.
-    withTable("t") {
-      withSQLConf(SQLConf.ENABLE_DEFAULT_COLUMNS.key -> "false") {
-        sql("create table t(i boolean) using parquet")
-        checkError(
-          exception = intercept[ParseException] {
-            sql("alter table t add column s bigint default 42L")
-          },
-          parameters = Map.empty,
-          context = ExpectedContext(
-            fragment = "s bigint default 42L",
-            start = 25,
-            stop = 44)
-        )
-      }
-    }
-  }
   test("SPARK-38838 INSERT INTO with defaults set by ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN: positive tests") {
     withTable("t") {

Review Comment:
   We didn't move `ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN` case because the negative tests of it behavior not right on datasource v2. Alter invaild default value will not throw error now. After we fix it then move it into `SQLInsertTestSuite`.

@@ -341,6 +353,990 @@ trait SQLInsertTestSuite extends QueryTest with SQLTestUtils {
+  test("SPARK-38336 INSERT INTO statements with tables with default columns: positive tests") {
+    // When the INSERT INTO statement provides fewer values than expected, NULL values are appended
+    // in their place.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t(i) values(true)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, null))
+    }
+    // The default value for the DEFAULT keyword is the NULL literal.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t values(true, default)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, null))
+    }
+    // There is a complex expression in the default value.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s string default concat('abc', 'def')) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t values(true, default)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, "abcdef"))
+    }
+    // The default value parses correctly and the provided value type is different but coercible.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t(i) values(false)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
+    }
+    // There are two trailing default values referenced implicitly by the INSERT INTO statement.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i int, s bigint default 42, x bigint default 43) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t(i) values(1)")
+      checkAnswer(sql("select s + x from t where i = 1"), Seq(85L).map(i => Row(i)))
+    }
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i int, s bigint default 42, x bigint) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t(i) values(1)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(1, 42L, null))
+    }
+    // The table has a partitioning column and a default value is injected.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int default 42) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
+      sql("insert into t partition(i='true') values(5, default)")
+      checkV1AndV2Answer(spark.table("t"), Row(5, 42, true), Row(true, 5, 42))
+    }
+    // The table has a partitioning column and a default value is added per an explicit reference.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
+      sql("insert into t partition(i='true') (s) values(default)")
+      checkV1AndV2Answer(spark.table("t"), Row(42L, true), Row(true, 42L))
+    }
+    // The default value parses correctly as a constant but non-literal expression.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 41 + 1) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t values(false, default)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
+    }
+    // Explicit defaults may appear in different positions within the inline table provided as input
+    // to the INSERT INTO statement.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t(i, s) values(false, default), (default, 42)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Seq(Row(false, 42L), Row(false, 42L)))
+    }
+    // There is an explicit default value provided in the INSERT INTO statement in the VALUES,
+    // with an alias over the VALUES.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t select * from values (false, default) as tab(col, other)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
+    }
+    // The explicit default value arrives first before the other value.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t values (default, 43)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 43L))
+    }
+    // The 'create table' statement provides the default parameter first.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t values (default, 43)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 43L))
+    }
+    // The explicit default value is provided in the wrong order (first instead of second), but
+    // this is OK because the provided default value evaluates to literal NULL.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t values (default, 43)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(null, 43L))
+    }
+    // There is an explicit default value provided in the INSERT INTO statement as a SELECT.
+    // This is supported.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t select false, default")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
+    }
+    // There is a complex query plan in the SELECT query in the INSERT INTO statement.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t select col, count(*) from values (default, default) " +
+        "as tab(col, other) group by 1")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 1))
+    }
+    // The explicit default reference resolves successfully with nested table subqueries.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean default false, s bigint) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t select * from (select * from values(default, 42))")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(false, 42L))
+    }
+    // There are three column types exercising various combinations of implicit and explicit
+    // default column value references in the 'insert into' statements. Note these tests depend on
+    // enabling the configuration to use NULLs for missing DEFAULT column values.
+    for (useDataFrames <- Seq(false, true)) {
+      withTable("t1", "t2") {
+        sql("create table t1(j int, s bigint default 42, x bigint default 43) using parquet")
+        if (useDataFrames) {
+          Seq((1, 42, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
+          Seq((2, 42, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
+          Seq((3, 42, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
+          Seq((4, 44, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
+          Seq((5, 44, 43)).toDF.write.insertInto("t1")
+        } else {
+          sql("insert into t1(j) values(1)")
+          sql("insert into t1(j, s) values(2, default)")
+          sql("insert into t1(j, s, x) values(3, default, default)")
+          sql("insert into t1(j, s) values(4, 44)")
+          sql("insert into t1(j, s, x) values(5, 44, 45)")
+        }
+        sql("create table t2(j int, s bigint default 42, x bigint default 43) using parquet")
+        if (useDataFrames) {
+          spark.table("t1").where("j = 1").write.insertInto("t2")
+          spark.table("t1").where("j = 2").write.insertInto("t2")
+          spark.table("t1").where("j = 3").write.insertInto("t2")
+          spark.table("t1").where("j = 4").write.insertInto("t2")
+          spark.table("t1").where("j = 5").write.insertInto("t2")
+        } else {
+          sql("insert into t2(j) select j from t1 where j = 1")
+          sql("insert into t2(j, s) select j, default from t1 where j = 2")
+          sql("insert into t2(j, s, x) select j, default, default from t1 where j = 3")
+          sql("insert into t2(j, s) select j, s from t1 where j = 4")
+          sql("insert into t2(j, s, x) select j, s, default from t1 where j = 5")
+        }
+        checkAnswer(
+          spark.table("t2"),
+          Row(1, 42L, 43L) ::
+            Row(2, 42L, 43L) ::
+            Row(3, 42L, 43L) ::
+            Row(4, 44L, 43L) ::
+            Row(5, 44L, 43L) :: Nil)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  test("SPARK-38336 INSERT INTO statements with tables with default columns: negative tests") {
+    // The default value fails to analyze.
+    withTable("t") {
+      checkError(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default badvalue) using parquet")
+        },
+        parameters = Map(
+          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
+          "colName" -> "`s`",
+          "defaultValue" -> "badvalue"))
+    }
+    // The default value analyzes to a table not in the catalog.
+    withTable("t") {
+      checkError(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default (select min(x) from badtable)) " +
+            "using parquet")
+        },
+        parameters = Map(
+          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
+          "colName" -> "`s`",
+          "defaultValue" -> "(select min(x) from badtable)"))
+    }
+    // The default value parses but refers to a table from the catalog.
+    withTable("t", "other") {
+      sql("create table other(x string) using parquet")
+      checkError(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default (select min(x) from other)) " +
+            "using parquet")
+        },
+        parameters = Map(
+          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
+          "colName" -> "`s`",
+          "defaultValue" -> "(select min(x) from other)"))
+    }
+    // The default value has an explicit alias. It fails to evaluate when inlined into the VALUES
+    // list at the INSERT INTO time.
+    withTable("t") {
+      checkError(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("create table t(i boolean default (select false as alias), s bigint) using parquet")
+        },
+        parameters = Map(
+          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
+          "colName" -> "`i`",
+          "defaultValue" -> "(select false as alias)"))
+    }
+    // Explicit default values may not participate in complex expressions in the VALUES list.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+      checkError(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("insert into t values(false, default + 1)")
+        },
+        errorClass = "DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_INVALID",
+        parameters = Map.empty
+      )
+    }
+    // Explicit default values may not participate in complex expressions in the SELECT query.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+      checkError(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("insert into t select false, default + 1")
+        },
+        errorClass = "DEFAULT_PLACEMENT_INVALID",
+        parameters = Map.empty
+      )
+    }
+    // Explicit default values have a reasonable error path if the table is not found.
+    withTable("t") {
+      checkError(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("insert into t values(false, default)")
+        },
+        errorClass = "TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND",
+        parameters = Map("relationName" -> "`t`"),
+        context = ExpectedContext("t", 12, 12)
+      )
+    }
+    // The default value parses but the type is not coercible.
+    withTable("t") {
+      checkError(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default false) using parquet")
+        },
+        errorClass = "INVALID_DEFAULT_VALUE.DATA_TYPE",
+        parameters = Map(
+          "statement" -> "CREATE TABLE",
+          "colName" -> "`s`",
+          "expectedType" -> "\"BIGINT\"",
+          "defaultValue" -> "false",
+          "actualType" -> "\"BOOLEAN\""))
+    }
+    // The number of columns in the INSERT INTO statement is greater than the number of columns in
+    // the table.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table num_data(id int, val decimal(38,10)) using parquet")
+      sql("create table t(id1 int, int2 int, result decimal(38,10)) using parquet")
+      checkV1AndV2Error(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("insert into t select,, t1.val, t2.val, t1.val * t2.val " +
+            "from num_data t1, num_data t2")
+        },
+        v1Parameters = Map(
+          "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
+          "tableColumns" -> "`id1`, `int2`, `result`",
+          "dataColumns" -> "`id`, `id`, `val`, `val`, `(val * val)`"),
+        v2Parameters = Map(
+          "tableName" -> "`testcat`.`t`",
+          "tableColumns" -> "`id1`, `int2`, `result`",
+          "dataColumns" -> "`id`, `id`, `val`, `val`, `(val * val)`"))
+    }
+    // The default value is disabled per configuration.
+    withTable("t") {
+      withSQLConf(SQLConf.ENABLE_DEFAULT_COLUMNS.key -> "false") {
+        checkError(
+          exception = intercept[ParseException] {
+            sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42L) using parquet")
+          },
+          parameters = Map.empty,
+          context = ExpectedContext("s bigint default 42L", 26, 45)
+        )
+      }
+    }
+    // The table has a partitioning column with a default value; this is not allowed.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint, q int default 42) " +
+        "using parquet partitioned by (i)")
+      checkError(
+        exception = intercept[ParseException] {
+          sql("insert into t partition(i=default) values(5, default)")
+        },
+        parameters = Map.empty,
+        context = ExpectedContext(
+          fragment = "partition(i=default)",
+          start = 14,
+          stop = 33))
+    }
+    // The configuration option to append missing NULL values to the end of the INSERT INTO
+    // statement is not enabled.
+      withTable("t") {
+        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
+        checkV1AndV2Error(
+          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+            sql("insert into t values(true)")
+          },
+          v1Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
+            "tableColumns" -> "`i`, `s`",
+            "dataColumns" -> "`col1`"),
+          v2Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`testcat`.`t`",
+            "tableColumns" -> "`i`, `s`",
+            "dataColumns" -> "`col1`"))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  test("SPARK-38795 INSERT INTO with user specified columns and defaults: positive tests") {
+    Seq(
+      "insert into t (i, s) values (true, default)",
+      "insert into t (s, i) values (default, true)",
+      "insert into t (i) values (true)",
+      "insert into t (i) values (default)",
+      "insert into t (s) values (default)",
+      "insert into t (s) select default from (select 1)",
+      "insert into t (i) select true from (select 1)"
+    ).foreach { insert =>
+      withTable("t") {
+        sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+        sql(insert)
+        checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, 42L))
+      }
+    }
+    // The table is partitioned and we insert default values with explicit column names.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 4, q int default 42) using parquet " +
+        "partitioned by (i)")
+      sql("insert into t partition(i='true') (s) values(5)")
+      sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select 43")
+      sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select default")
+      checkV1AndV2Answer(df = spark.table("t"),
+        v1ExpectedAnswer = Seq(Row(5, 42, true),
+          Row(4, 43, false),
+          Row(4, 42, false)),
+        v2ExpectedAnswer = Seq(Row(true, 5, 42),
+          Row(false, 4, 43),
+          Row(false, 4, 42)))
+    }
+    // If no explicit DEFAULT value is available when the INSERT INTO statement provides fewer
+    // values than expected, NULL values are appended in their place.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t (i) values (true)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, null))
+    }
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t (i) values (default)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(true, null))
+    }
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+      sql("insert into t (s) values (default)")
+      checkAnswer(spark.table("t"), Row(null, 42L))
+    }
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
+      sql("insert into t partition(i='true') (s) values(5)")
+      sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select 43")
+      sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select default")
+      checkV1AndV2Answer(df = spark.table("t"),
+        v1ExpectedAnswer = Seq(Row(5, null, true),
+          Row(null, 43, false),
+          Row(null, null, false)),
+        v2ExpectedAnswer = Seq(Row(true, 5, null),
+          Row(false, null, 43),
+          Row(false, null, null)))
+    }
+  }
+  test("SPARK- 38795 INSERT INTO with user specified columns and defaults: negative tests") {
+    // The missing columns in these INSERT INTO commands do not have explicit default values.
+    withTable("t") {
+      sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int default 43) using parquet")
+      checkV1AndV2Error(
+        exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+          sql("insert into t (i, q) select true from (select 1)")
+        },
+        v1Parameters = Map(
+          "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
+          "tableColumns" -> "`i`, `q`",
+          "dataColumns" -> "`true`"),
+        v2Parameters = Map(
+          "tableName" -> "`testcat`.`t`",
+          "tableColumns" -> "`i`, `q`",
+          "dataColumns" -> "`true`"))
+    }
+    // When the USE_NULLS_FOR_MISSING_DEFAULT_COLUMN_VALUES configuration is disabled, and no
+    // explicit DEFAULT value is available when the INSERT INTO statement provides fewer
+    // values than expected, the INSERT INTO command fails to execute.
+      withTable("t") {
+        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint) using parquet")
+        checkV1AndV2Error(
+          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+            sql("insert into t (i) values (true)")
+          },
+          v1Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`s`"),
+          v2Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`testcat`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`s`"))
+      }
+      withTable("t") {
+        sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint) using parquet")
+        checkV1AndV2Error(
+          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+            sql("insert into t (i) values (default)")
+          },
+          v1Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`s`"),
+          v2Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`testcat`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`s`"))
+      }
+      withTable("t") {
+        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+        checkV1AndV2Error(
+          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+            sql("insert into t (s) values (default)")
+          },
+          v1Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`i`"),
+          v2Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`testcat`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`i`"))
+      }
+      withTable("t") {
+        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
+        checkV1AndV2Error(
+          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+            sql("insert into t partition(i='true') (s) values(5)")
+          },
+          v1Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`q`"),
+          v2Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`testcat`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`q`"))
+      }
+      withTable("t") {
+        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
+        checkV1AndV2Error(
+          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+            sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select 43")
+          },
+          v1Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`s`"),
+          v2Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`testcat`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`s`"))
+      }
+      withTable("t") {
+        sql("create table t(i boolean, s bigint, q int) using parquet partitioned by (i)")
+        checkV1AndV2Error(
+          exception = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+            sql("insert into t partition(i='false') (q) select default")
+          },
+          v1Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`spark_catalog`.`default`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`s`"),
+          v2Parameters = Map(
+            "tableName" -> "`testcat`.`t`",
+            "colName" -> "`s`"))
+      }
+    }
+    // When the CASE_SENSITIVE configuration is enabled, then using different cases for the required
+    // and provided column names results in an analysis error.
+    withSQLConf(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE.key -> "true") {
+      withTable("t") {
+        sql("create table t(i boolean default true, s bigint default 42) using parquet")
+        checkError(
+          exception =
+            intercept[AnalysisException](sql("insert into t (I) select true from (select 1)")),
+          sqlState = None,
+          parameters = Map("objectName" -> "`I`", "proposal" -> "`i`, `s`"),
+          context = ExpectedContext(
+            fragment = "insert into t (I)", start = 0, stop = 16))
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  test("SPARK-38811 INSERT INTO on columns added with ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS: Positive tests") {
+    withSQLConf(SQLConf.DEFAULT_COLUMN_ALLOWED_PROVIDERS.key -> "parquet, ") {

Review Comment:
   We use a little trick from to pass provider checks

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