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Posted to by Stian Soiland-Reyes <> on 2016/06/01 14:25:46 UTC

Detect excessive folder path length on Windows?


Windows as you might know has some problems with long file paths..

And Maven is.. well, very fond of long paths. :)

This can causes issues such as with surefire forked execution and the
Archetype integration test which does an inner maven execution, e.g.

[INFO] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-test) on project dummy-taverna-plugin-activity: Execution
default-test of goal
est failed: The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye. VM
crash or System.exit called?
[INFO] [ERROR] Command was cmd.exe /X /C ""C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51\jre\bin\java" -jar

Often moving the checked out source code to say C:\src\  fixes the problem.

Rather than simply disabling all tests on Windows, is there a way we
can detect this situation in advance from a master pom-file?

E.g. some kind of "This project need at least 140 path characters free
on Windows" check - ideally with a suggestion on unpacking the project
at a shorter folder.

Or some kind of <activation> so we can disable those forking tests if
the folder is incompatible?

Stian Soiland-Reyes
Apache Taverna (incubating), Apache Commons