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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2007/09/04 18:45:06 UTC

[Lucene-hadoop Wiki] Update of "HudsonBuildServer" by JimKellerman

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The following page has been changed by JimKellerman:

The comment on the change is:
update killing a hung test

        Sometimes it is desirable to just kill a hung test and allow the rest of the build to continue. Although the build will still fail, it can sometimes provide useful information if you can get a thread dump on the hung test and, if the build is in the first test pass, the second pass might succeed as some tests hang only intermittently. You can tell a test is hung by looking at the console log for the build and if the last entry is some time ago (at least 15 minutes) it is safe to assume the test is hung.
           1. Login to {{{}}}
           1. Switch to the {{{hudson}}} user
-          1. Find the hung test: {{{ps -laxww | grep hudson | egrep -v 'tomcat|grep'}}}
+          1. Find the hung test: {{{ps -laxww | grep hudson | grep | grep -v grep'}}}
-             For example, in the listing below, the first process is the one running ant, the second is the hung test and the remaining processes are queued jobs (whitespace was added between the processes to increase readability).
+             For example:
-  0  1000  3242 18748  0  59 20498496270884 080753f0 S ?         2:30 /export/home/hudson/tools/java/latest/bin/java -classpath /export/home/hudson/tools/ant/latest/lib/ant-launcher.jar -Dant.home=/export/home/hudson/tools/ant/latest -Dant.library.dir=/export/home/hudson/tools/ant/latest/lib -cp  -Dversion=r570633_HADOOP-1785_PATCH-12364743 -Dfindbugs.home=/export/home/hudson/tools/findbugs/latest -Djavac.args=-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000 -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml -Dtest.output=yes clean checkstyle tar findbugs test
- 0  1000  3269  4921  0  59 20152684  984 ffffffffa21bde16 S ?         0:00 /export/home/hudson/tools/java/jdk1.5.0_11/jre/bin/java -Xmx256m -Dhadoop.log.dir=/export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/build/test/logs -Dtest.src.dir=/export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/src/test -Djava.library.path=/export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/build/native/
+  0  1000 17700  4921  0  53 20150292 1032 ffffffffbbf4f456 S ?         0:00 /export/home/hudson/tools/java/jdk1.5.0_11/jre/bin/java -Xmx256m -Dhadoop.log.dir=/export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/build/test/logs -Dtest.src.dir=/export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/src/test -Djava.library.path=/export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/build/native/
  SunOS-x86-32 -Dinstall.c++.examples=/export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/
  trunk/build/c++-examples/SunOS-x86-32 -classpath /export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/
@@ -68, +66 @@

- Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/conf:/export/home/hudson/tools/ant/latest/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar:
+ Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/conf:/export/home/hudson/tools/ant/latest/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar:/export/
- /export/home/hudson/tools/ant/apache-ant-1.6.5/lib/ant-launcher.jar:/export/home/hudson/tools/ant/
+ home/hudson/tools/ant/apache-ant-1.6.5/lib/ant-launcher.jar:/export/home/hudson/tools/ant/latest/lib/
- latest/lib/ant.jar:/export/home/hudson/tools/ant/latest/lib/ant-junit.jar
+ ant.jar:/export/home/hudson/tools/ant/latest/lib/ant-junit.jar 
+ org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TestMiniMRWithDFS filtertrace=true haltOnError=false haltOnFailure=false showoutput=true,/export/home/hudson/
+ hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/build/test/
- optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TestMiniMRWithDFS filtertrace=true 
- haltOnError=false haltOnFailure=false
- SummaryJUnitResultFormatter showoutput=true
- junit.XMLJUnitResultFormatter,/export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/
- build/test/TEST-org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TestMiniMRWithDFS.xml propsfile=/export/home/hudson/
+ TEST-org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TestMiniMRWithDFS.xml propsfile=/export/home/hudson/hudson/
- hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/
+ jobs/Hadoop-Patch/workspace/trunk/
- 0     1  3871  3869  0  59 20 1044  864 ffffffffa08b7740 S ?         0:00 sh -c /export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/bin/
-  0     1  3872  3871  0  59 20 2400 1624 ffffffffa6ce5bb8 S ?         0:00 /bin/bash /export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/bin/
-  0     1 22682 22681  0  59 20 1044  864 ffffffffbafe65a8 S ?         0:00 sh -c /export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/bin/
-  0     1 22686 22682  0  59 20 2400 1624 ffffffffa531d400 S ?         0:00 /bin/bash /export/home/hudson/hudson/jobs/Hadoop-Patch/bin/
-          1. {{{kill -QUIT 3269}}} to try to get a thread dump. Although this does not always work (because the test is just too locked up), if it does work, it can provide useful debugging information.
+          1. {{{kill -QUIT 17700}}} to try to get a thread dump. Although this does not always work (because the test is just too locked up), if it does work, it can provide useful debugging information.
-          1. {{{kill -9 3269}}} to kill the hung test. If you are watching the console (and you should be), you should see the console output resume.
+          1. {{{kill -9 17700}}} to kill the hung test. If you are watching the console (and you should be), you should see the console output resume.
     1. '''Creating a login on Hudson:'''
        Committers can create a Hudson login for themselves by adding an entry to the Tomcat users list located in {{{~hudson/tools/tomcat/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/conf/tomcat-users.xml}}}.  Simply copy and edit an existing entry.  Once your entry is added, Tomcat must be restarted (see below for instructions to perform this task).  Once Tomcat is restarted, you can then login to the web interface.