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[16/44] Remove src/couch_mrview
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 27baa4a..0000000
--- a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,710 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([ddoc_to_mrst/2, init_state/4, reset_index/3]).
--export([index_file/2, compaction_file/2, open_file/1]).
--export([delete_files/2, delete_index_file/2, delete_compaction_file/2]).
--export([get_row_count/1, all_docs_reduce_to_count/1, reduce_to_count/1]).
--export([all_docs_key_opts/1, all_docs_key_opts/2, key_opts/1, key_opts/2]).
--export([fold/4, fold_reduce/4]).
--export([maybe_load_doc/3, maybe_load_doc/4]).
--define(MOD, couch_mrview_index).
-get_view(Db, DDoc, ViewName, Args0) ->
-    ArgCheck = fun(InitState) ->
-        Args1 = set_view_type(Args0, ViewName, InitState#mrst.views),
-        {ok, validate_args(Args1)}
-    end,
-    {ok, Pid, Args2} = couch_index_server:get_index(?MOD, Db, DDoc, ArgCheck),
-    DbUpdateSeq = couch_util:with_db(Db, fun(WDb) ->
-        couch_db:get_update_seq(WDb)
-    end),
-    MinSeq = case Args2#mrargs.stale of
-        ok -> 0; update_after -> 0; _ -> DbUpdateSeq
-    end,
-    {ok, State} = case couch_index:get_state(Pid, MinSeq) of
-        {ok, _} = Resp -> Resp;
-        Error -> throw(Error)
-    end,
-    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, State#mrst.fd),
-    if Args2#mrargs.stale == update_after ->
-        spawn(fun() -> catch couch_index:get_state(Pid, DbUpdateSeq) end);
-        true -> ok
-    end,
-    #mrst{language=Lang, views=Views} = State,
-    {Type, View, Args3} = extract_view(Lang, Args2, ViewName, Views),
-    check_range(Args3, view_cmp(View)),
-    Sig = view_sig(Db, State, View, Args3),
-    {ok, {Type, View, Ref}, Sig, Args3}.
-ddoc_to_mrst(DbName, #doc{id=Id, body={Fields}}) ->
-    MakeDict = fun({Name, {MRFuns}}, DictBySrcAcc) ->
-        case couch_util:get_value(<<"map">>, MRFuns) of
-            MapSrc when is_binary(MapSrc) ->
-                RedSrc = couch_util:get_value(<<"reduce">>, MRFuns, null),
-                {ViewOpts} = couch_util:get_value(<<"options">>, MRFuns, {[]}),
-                View = case dict:find({MapSrc, ViewOpts}, DictBySrcAcc) of
-                    {ok, View0} -> View0;
-                    error -> #mrview{def=MapSrc, options=ViewOpts}
-                end,
-                {MapNames, RedSrcs} = case RedSrc of
-                    null ->
-                        MNames = [Name | View#mrview.map_names],
-                        {MNames, View#mrview.reduce_funs};
-                    _ ->
-                        RedFuns = [{Name, RedSrc} | View#mrview.reduce_funs],
-                        {View#mrview.map_names, RedFuns}
-                end,
-                View2 = View#mrview{map_names=MapNames, reduce_funs=RedSrcs},
-                dict:store({MapSrc, ViewOpts}, View2, DictBySrcAcc);
-            undefined ->
-                DictBySrcAcc
-        end;
-        ({Name, Else}, DictBySrcAcc) ->
-            ?LOG_ERROR("design_doc_to_view_group ~s views ~p", [Name, Else]),
-            DictBySrcAcc
-    end,
-    {RawViews} = couch_util:get_value(<<"views">>, Fields, {[]}),
-    BySrc = lists:foldl(MakeDict, dict:new(), RawViews),
-    NumViews = fun({_, View}, N) -> {View#mrview{id_num=N}, N+1} end,
-    {Views, _} = lists:mapfoldl(NumViews, 0, lists:sort(dict:to_list(BySrc))),
-    Language = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Fields, <<"javascript">>),
-    {DesignOpts} = couch_util:get_value(<<"options">>, Fields, {[]}),
-    {RawViews} = couch_util:get_value(<<"views">>, Fields, {[]}),
-    Lib = couch_util:get_value(<<"lib">>, RawViews, {[]}),
-    IdxState = #mrst{
-        db_name=DbName,
-        idx_name=Id,
-        lib=Lib,
-        views=Views,
-        language=Language,
-        design_opts=DesignOpts
-    },
-    SigInfo = {Views, Language, DesignOpts, couch_index_util:sort_lib(Lib)},
-    {ok, IdxState#mrst{sig=couch_util:md5(term_to_binary(SigInfo))}}.
-set_view_type(_Args, _ViewName, []) ->
-    throw({not_found, missing_named_view});
-set_view_type(Args, ViewName, [View | Rest]) ->
-    RedNames = [N || {N, _} <- View#mrview.reduce_funs],
-    case lists:member(ViewName, RedNames) of
-        true ->
-            case Args#mrargs.reduce of
-                false -> Args#mrargs{view_type=map};
-                _ -> Args#mrargs{view_type=red}
-            end;
-        false ->
-            case lists:member(ViewName, View#mrview.map_names) of
-                true -> Args#mrargs{view_type=map};
-                false -> set_view_type(Args, ViewName, Rest)
-            end
-    end.
-extract_view(_Lang, _Args, _ViewName, []) ->
-    throw({not_found, missing_named_view});
-extract_view(Lang, #mrargs{view_type=map}=Args, Name, [View | Rest]) ->
-    Names = View#mrview.map_names ++ [N || {N, _} <- View#mrview.reduce_funs],
-    case lists:member(Name, Names) of
-        true -> {map, View, Args};
-        _ -> extract_view(Lang, Args, Name, Rest)
-    end;
-extract_view(Lang, #mrargs{view_type=red}=Args, Name, [View | Rest]) ->
-    RedNames = [N || {N, _} <- View#mrview.reduce_funs],
-    case lists:member(Name, RedNames) of
-        true -> {red, {index_of(Name, RedNames), Lang, View}, Args};
-        false -> extract_view(Lang, Args, Name, Rest)
-    end.
-view_sig(Db, State, View, #mrargs{include_docs=true}=Args) ->
-    BaseSig = view_sig(Db, State, View, Args#mrargs{include_docs=false}),
-    UpdateSeq = couch_db:get_update_seq(Db),
-    PurgeSeq = couch_db:get_purge_seq(Db),
-    Bin = term_to_binary({BaseSig, UpdateSeq, PurgeSeq}),
-    couch_index_util:hexsig(couch_util:md5(Bin));
-view_sig(Db, State, {_Nth, _Lang, View}, Args) ->
-    view_sig(Db, State, View, Args);
-view_sig(_Db, State, View, Args0) ->
-    Sig = State#mrst.sig,
-    UpdateSeq = View#mrview.update_seq,
-    PurgeSeq = View#mrview.purge_seq,
-    Args = Args0#mrargs{
-        preflight_fun=undefined,
-        extra=[]
-    },
-    Bin = term_to_binary({Sig, UpdateSeq, PurgeSeq, Args}),
-    couch_index_util:hexsig(couch_util:md5(Bin)).
-init_state(Db, Fd, #mrst{views=Views}=State, nil) ->
-    Header = #mrheader{
-        seq=0,
-        purge_seq=couch_db:get_purge_seq(Db),
-        id_btree_state=nil,
-        view_states=[{nil, 0, 0} || _ <- Views]
-    },
-    init_state(Db, Fd, State, Header);
-init_state(Db, Fd, State, Header) ->
-    #mrst{language=Lang, views=Views} = State,
-    #mrheader{
-        seq=Seq,
-        purge_seq=PurgeSeq,
-        id_btree_state=IdBtreeState,
-        view_states=ViewStates
-    } = Header,
-    StateUpdate = fun
-        ({_, _, _}=St) -> St;
-        (St) -> {St, 0, 0}
-    end,
-    ViewStates2 = lists:map(StateUpdate, ViewStates),
-    IdReduce = fun
-        (reduce, KVs) -> length(KVs);
-        (rereduce, Reds) -> lists:sum(Reds)
-    end,
-    IdBtOpts = [{reduce, IdReduce}, {compression, couch_db:compression(Db)}],
-    {ok, IdBtree} = couch_btree:open(IdBtreeState, Fd, IdBtOpts),
-    OpenViewFun = fun(St, View) -> open_view(Db, Fd, Lang, St, View) end,
-    Views2 = lists:zipwith(OpenViewFun, ViewStates2, Views),
-    State#mrst{
-        fd=Fd,
-        fd_monitor=erlang:monitor(process, Fd),
-        update_seq=Seq,
-        purge_seq=PurgeSeq,
-        id_btree=IdBtree,
-        views=Views2
-    }.
-open_view(Db, Fd, Lang, {BTState, USeq, PSeq}, View) ->
-    FunSrcs = [FunSrc || {_Name, FunSrc} <- View#mrview.reduce_funs],
-    ReduceFun =
-        fun(reduce, KVs) ->
-            KVs2 = detuple_kvs(expand_dups(KVs, []), []),
-            {ok, Result} = couch_query_servers:reduce(Lang, FunSrcs, KVs2),
-            {length(KVs2), Result};
-        (rereduce, Reds) ->
-            Count = lists:sum([Count0 || {Count0, _} <- Reds]),
-            UsrReds = [UsrRedsList || {_, UsrRedsList} <- Reds],
-            {ok, Result} = couch_query_servers:rereduce(Lang, FunSrcs, UsrReds),
-            {Count, Result}
-        end,
-    Less = case couch_util:get_value(<<"collation">>, View#mrview.options) of
-        <<"raw">> -> fun(A, B) -> A < B end;
-        _ -> fun couch_ejson_compare:less_json_ids/2
-    end,
-    ViewBtOpts = [
-        {less, Less},
-        {reduce, ReduceFun},
-        {compression, couch_db:compression(Db)}
-    ],
-    {ok, Btree} = couch_btree:open(BTState, Fd, ViewBtOpts),
-    View#mrview{btree=Btree, update_seq=USeq, purge_seq=PSeq}.
-temp_view_to_ddoc({Props}) ->
-    Language = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Props, <<"javascript">>),
-    Options = couch_util:get_value(<<"options">>, Props, {[]}),
-    View0 = [{<<"map">>, couch_util:get_value(<<"map">>, Props)}],
-    View1 = View0 ++ case couch_util:get_value(<<"reduce">>, Props) of
-        RedSrc when is_binary(RedSrc) -> [{<<"reduce">>, RedSrc}];
-        _ -> []
-    end,
-    DDoc = {[
-        {<<"_id">>, couch_uuids:random()},
-        {<<"language">>, Language},
-        {<<"options">>, Options},
-        {<<"views">>, {[
-            {<<"temp">>, {View1}}
-        ]}}
-    ]},
-    couch_doc:from_json_obj(DDoc).
-get_row_count(#mrview{btree=Bt}) ->
-    {ok, {Count, _Reds}} = couch_btree:full_reduce(Bt),
-    {ok, Count}.
-all_docs_reduce_to_count(Reductions) ->
-    Reduce = fun couch_db_updater:btree_by_id_reduce/2,
-    {Count, _, _} = couch_btree:final_reduce(Reduce, Reductions),
-    Count.
-reduce_to_count(nil) ->
-    0;
-reduce_to_count(Reductions) ->
-    Reduce = fun
-        (reduce, KVs) ->
-            Counts = [
-                case V of {dups, Vals} -> length(Vals); _ -> 1 end
-                || {_,V} <- KVs
-            ],
-            {lists:sum(Counts), []};
-        (rereduce, Reds) ->
-            {lists:sum([Count0 || {Count0, _} <- Reds]), []}
-    end,
-    {Count, _} = couch_btree:final_reduce(Reduce, Reductions),
-    Count.
-fold(#mrview{btree=Bt}, Fun, Acc, Opts) ->
-    WrapperFun = fun(KV, Reds, Acc2) ->
-        fold_fun(Fun, expand_dups([KV], []), Reds, Acc2)
-    end,
-    {ok, _LastRed, _Acc} = couch_btree:fold(Bt, WrapperFun, Acc, Opts).
-fold_fun(_Fun, [], _, Acc) ->
-    {ok, Acc};
-fold_fun(Fun, [KV|Rest], {KVReds, Reds}, Acc) ->
-    case Fun(KV, {KVReds, Reds}, Acc) of
-        {ok, Acc2} ->
-            fold_fun(Fun, Rest, {[KV|KVReds], Reds}, Acc2);
-        {stop, Acc2} ->
-            {stop, Acc2}
-    end.
-fold_reduce({NthRed, Lang, View}, Fun,  Acc, Options) ->
-    #mrview{
-        btree=Bt,
-        reduce_funs=RedFuns
-    } = View,
-    LPad = lists:duplicate(NthRed - 1, []),
-    RPad = lists:duplicate(length(RedFuns) - NthRed, []),
-    {_Name, FunSrc} = lists:nth(NthRed,RedFuns),
-    ReduceFun = fun
-        (reduce, KVs0) ->
-            KVs1 = detuple_kvs(expand_dups(KVs0, []), []),
-            {ok, Red} = couch_query_servers:reduce(Lang, [FunSrc], KVs1),
-            {0, LPad ++ Red ++ RPad};
-        (rereduce, Reds) ->
-            ExtractRed = fun({_, UReds0}) -> [lists:nth(NthRed, UReds0)] end,
-            UReds = lists:map(ExtractRed, Reds),
-            {ok, Red} = couch_query_servers:rereduce(Lang, [FunSrc], UReds),
-            {0, LPad ++ Red ++ RPad}
-    end,
-    WrapperFun = fun({GroupedKey, _}, PartialReds, Acc0) ->
-        {_, Reds} = couch_btree:final_reduce(ReduceFun, PartialReds),
-        Fun(GroupedKey, lists:nth(NthRed, Reds), Acc0)
-    end,
-    couch_btree:fold_reduce(Bt, WrapperFun, Acc, Options).
-validate_args(Args) ->
-    Reduce = Args#mrargs.reduce,
-    case Reduce == undefined orelse is_boolean(Reduce) of
-        true -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid `reduce` value.">>)
-    end,
-    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, Reduce} of
-        {map, true} -> mrverror(<<"Reduce is invalid for map-only views.">>);
-        _ -> ok
-    end,
-    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, Args#mrargs.group_level, Args#mrargs.keys} of
-        {red, exact, _} -> ok;
-        {red, _, KeyList} when is_list(KeyList) ->
-            Msg = <<"Multi-key fetchs for reduce views must use `group=true`">>,
-            mrverror(Msg);
-        _ -> ok
-    end,
-    case Args#mrargs.keys of
-        Keys when is_list(Keys) -> ok;
-        undefined -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"`keys` must be an array of strings.">>)
-    end,
-    case {Args#mrargs.keys, Args#mrargs.start_key} of
-        {undefined, _} -> ok;
-        {[], _} -> ok;
-        {[_|_], undefined} -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"`start_key` is incompatible with `keys`">>)
-    end,
-    case Args#mrargs.start_key_docid of
-        undefined -> ok;
-        SKDocId0 when is_binary(SKDocId0) -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"`start_key_docid` must be a string.">>)
-    end,
-    case {Args#mrargs.keys, Args#mrargs.end_key} of
-        {undefined, _} -> ok;
-        {[], _} -> ok;
-        {[_|_], undefined} -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"`end_key` is incompatible with `keys`">>)
-    end,
-    case Args#mrargs.end_key_docid of
-        undefined -> ok;
-        EKDocId0 when is_binary(EKDocId0) -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"`end_key_docid` must be a string.">>)
-    end,
-    case Args#mrargs.direction of
-        fwd -> ok;
-        rev -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid direction.">>)
-    end,
-    case {Args#mrargs.limit >= 0, Args#mrargs.limit == undefined} of
-        {true, _} -> ok;
-        {_, true} -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"`limit` must be a positive integer.">>)
-    end,
-    case Args#mrargs.skip < 0 of
-        true -> mrverror(<<"`skip` must be >= 0">>);
-        _ -> ok
-    end,
-    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, Args#mrargs.group_level} of
-        {red, exact} -> ok;
-        {_, 0} -> ok;
-        {red, Int} when is_integer(Int), Int >= 0 -> ok;
-        {red, _} -> mrverror(<<"`group_level` must be >= 0">>);
-        {map, _} -> mrverror(<<"Invalid use of grouping on a map view.">>)
-    end,
-    case Args#mrargs.stale of
-        ok -> ok;
-        update_after -> ok;
-        false -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `stale`.">>)
-    end,
-    case is_boolean(Args#mrargs.inclusive_end) of
-        true -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `inclusive_end`.">>)
-    end,
-    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, Args#mrargs.include_docs} of
-        {red, true} -> mrverror(<<"`include_docs` is invalid for reduce">>);
-        {_, ID} when is_boolean(ID) -> ok;
-        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `include_docs`">>)
-    end,
-    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, Args#mrargs.conflicts} of
-        {_, undefined} -> ok;
-        {map, V} when is_boolean(V) -> ok;
-        {red, undefined} -> ok;
-        {map, _} -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `conflicts`.">>);
-        {red, _} -> mrverror(<<"`conflicts` is invalid for reduce views.">>)
-    end,
-    SKDocId = case {Args#mrargs.direction, Args#mrargs.start_key_docid} of
-        {fwd, undefined} -> <<>>;
-        {rev, undefined} -> <<255>>;
-        {_, SKDocId1} -> SKDocId1
-    end,
-    EKDocId = case {Args#mrargs.direction, Args#mrargs.end_key_docid} of
-        {fwd, undefined} -> <<255>>;
-        {rev, undefined} -> <<>>;
-        {_, EKDocId1} -> EKDocId1
-    end,
-    Args#mrargs{
-        start_key_docid=SKDocId,
-        end_key_docid=EKDocId
-    }.
-check_range(#mrargs{start_key=undefined}, _Cmp) ->
-    ok;
-check_range(#mrargs{end_key=undefined}, _Cmp) ->
-    ok;
-check_range(#mrargs{start_key=K, end_key=K}, _Cmp) ->
-    ok;
-check_range(Args, Cmp) ->
-    #mrargs{
-        direction=Dir,
-        start_key=SK,
-        start_key_docid=SKD,
-        end_key=EK,
-        end_key_docid=EKD
-    } = Args,
-    case {Dir, Cmp({SK, SKD}, {EK, EKD})} of
-        {fwd, false} ->
-            throw({query_parse_error,
-                <<"No rows can match your key range, reverse your ",
-                    "start_key and end_key or set descending=true">>});
-        {rev, true} ->
-            throw({query_parse_error,
-                <<"No rows can match your key range, reverse your ",
-                    "start_key and end_key or set descending=false">>});
-        _ -> ok
-    end.
-view_cmp({_Nth, _Lang, View}) ->
-    view_cmp(View);
-view_cmp(View) ->
-    fun(A, B) -> couch_btree:less(View#mrview.btree, A, B) end.
-make_header(State) ->
-    #mrst{
-        update_seq=Seq,
-        purge_seq=PurgeSeq,
-        id_btree=IdBtree,
-        views=Views
-    } = State,
-    ViewStates = [
-        {
-            couch_btree:get_state(V#mrview.btree),
-            V#mrview.update_seq,
-            V#mrview.purge_seq
-        }
-        ||
-        V <- Views
-    ],
-    #mrheader{
-        seq=Seq,
-        purge_seq=PurgeSeq,
-        id_btree_state=couch_btree:get_state(IdBtree),
-        view_states=ViewStates
-    }.
-index_file(DbName, Sig) ->
-    FileName = couch_index_util:hexsig(Sig) ++ ".view",
-    couch_index_util:index_file(mrview, DbName, FileName).
-compaction_file(DbName, Sig) ->
-    FileName = couch_index_util:hexsig(Sig) ++ ".compact.view",
-    couch_index_util:index_file(mrview, DbName, FileName).
-open_file(FName) ->
-    case couch_file:open(FName) of
-        {ok, Fd} -> {ok, Fd};
-        {error, enoent} -> couch_file:open(FName, [create]);
-        Error -> Error
-    end.
-delete_files(DbName, Sig) ->
-    delete_index_file(DbName, Sig),
-    delete_compaction_file(DbName, Sig).
-delete_index_file(DbName, Sig) ->
-    delete_file(index_file(DbName, Sig)).
-delete_compaction_file(DbName, Sig) ->
-    delete_file(compaction_file(DbName, Sig)).
-delete_file(FName) ->
-    case filelib:is_file(FName) of
-        true ->
-            RootDir = couch_index_util:root_dir(),
-            couch_file:delete(RootDir, FName);
-        _ ->
-            ok
-    end.
-reset_index(Db, Fd, #mrst{sig=Sig}=State) ->
-    ok = couch_file:truncate(Fd, 0),
-    ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, {Sig, nil}),
-    init_state(Db, Fd, reset_state(State), nil).
-reset_state(State) ->
-    State#mrst{
-        fd=nil,
-        qserver=nil,
-        update_seq=0,
-        id_btree=nil,
-        views=[View#mrview{btree=nil} || View <- State#mrst.views]
-    }.
-all_docs_key_opts(Args) ->
-    all_docs_key_opts(Args, []).
-all_docs_key_opts(#mrargs{keys=undefined}=Args, Extra) ->
-    all_docs_key_opts(Args#mrargs{keys=[]}, Extra);
-all_docs_key_opts(#mrargs{keys=[], direction=Dir}=Args, Extra) ->
-    [[{dir, Dir}] ++ ad_skey_opts(Args) ++ ad_ekey_opts(Args) ++ Extra];
-all_docs_key_opts(#mrargs{keys=Keys, direction=Dir}=Args, Extra) ->
-    lists:map(fun(K) ->
-        [{dir, Dir}]
-        ++ ad_skey_opts(Args#mrargs{start_key=K})
-        ++ ad_ekey_opts(Args#mrargs{end_key=K})
-        ++ Extra
-    end, Keys).
-ad_skey_opts(#mrargs{start_key=SKey}) when is_binary(SKey) ->
-    [{start_key, SKey}];
-ad_skey_opts(#mrargs{start_key_docid=SKeyDocId}) ->
-    [{start_key, SKeyDocId}].
-ad_ekey_opts(#mrargs{end_key=EKey}=Args) when is_binary(EKey) ->
-    Type = if Args#mrargs.inclusive_end -> end_key; true -> end_key_gt end,
-    [{Type, EKey}];
-ad_ekey_opts(#mrargs{end_key_docid=EKeyDocId}=Args) ->
-    Type = if Args#mrargs.inclusive_end -> end_key; true -> end_key_gt end,
-    [{Type, EKeyDocId}].
-key_opts(Args) ->
-    key_opts(Args, []).
-key_opts(#mrargs{keys=undefined, direction=Dir}=Args, Extra) ->
-    [[{dir, Dir}] ++ skey_opts(Args) ++ ekey_opts(Args) ++ Extra];
-key_opts(#mrargs{keys=Keys, direction=Dir}=Args, Extra) ->
-    lists:map(fun(K) ->
-        [{dir, Dir}]
-        ++ skey_opts(Args#mrargs{start_key=K})
-        ++ ekey_opts(Args#mrargs{end_key=K})
-        ++ Extra
-    end, Keys).
-skey_opts(#mrargs{start_key=undefined}) ->
-    [];
-skey_opts(#mrargs{start_key=SKey, start_key_docid=SKeyDocId}) ->
-    [{start_key, {SKey, SKeyDocId}}].
-ekey_opts(#mrargs{end_key=undefined}) ->
-    [];
-ekey_opts(#mrargs{end_key=EKey, end_key_docid=EKeyDocId}=Args) ->
-    case Args#mrargs.inclusive_end of
-        true -> [{end_key, {EKey, EKeyDocId}}];
-        false -> [{end_key_gt, {EKey, reverse_key_default(EKeyDocId)}}]
-    end.
-reverse_key_default(<<>>) -> <<255>>;
-reverse_key_default(<<255>>) -> <<>>;
-reverse_key_default(Key) -> Key.
-calculate_data_size(IdBt, Views) ->
-    SumFun = fun(#mrview{btree=Bt}, Acc) ->
-        sum_btree_sizes(Acc, couch_btree:size(Bt))
-    end,
-    Size = lists:foldl(SumFun, couch_btree:size(IdBt), Views),
-    {ok, Size}.
-sum_btree_sizes(nil, _) ->
-    null;
-sum_btree_sizes(_, nil) ->
-    null;
-sum_btree_sizes(Size1, Size2) ->
-    Size1 + Size2.
-detuple_kvs([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-detuple_kvs([KV | Rest], Acc) ->
-    {{Key,Id},Value} = KV,
-    NKV = [[Key, Id], Value],
-    detuple_kvs(Rest, [NKV | Acc]).
-expand_dups([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-expand_dups([{Key, {dups, Vals}} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    Expanded = [{Key, Val} || Val <- Vals],
-    expand_dups(Rest, Expanded ++ Acc);
-expand_dups([KV | Rest], Acc) ->
-    expand_dups(Rest, [KV | Acc]).
-maybe_load_doc(_Db, _DI, #mrargs{include_docs=false}) ->
-    [];
-maybe_load_doc(Db, #doc_info{}=DI, #mrargs{conflicts=true}) ->
-    doc_row(couch_index_util:load_doc(Db, DI, [conflicts]));
-maybe_load_doc(Db, #doc_info{}=DI, _Args) ->
-    doc_row(couch_index_util:load_doc(Db, DI, [])).
-maybe_load_doc(_Db, _Id, _Val, #mrargs{include_docs=false}) ->
-    [];
-maybe_load_doc(Db, Id, Val, #mrargs{conflicts=true}) ->
-    doc_row(couch_index_util:load_doc(Db, docid_rev(Id, Val), [conflicts]));
-maybe_load_doc(Db, Id, Val, _Args) ->
-    doc_row(couch_index_util:load_doc(Db, docid_rev(Id, Val), [])).
-doc_row(null) ->
-    [{doc, null}];
-doc_row(Doc) ->
-    [{doc, couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, [])}].
-docid_rev(Id, {Props}) ->
-    DocId = couch_util:get_value(<<"_id">>, Props, Id),
-    Rev = case couch_util:get_value(<<"_rev">>, Props, nil) of
-        nil -> nil;
-        Rev0 -> couch_doc:parse_rev(Rev0)
-    end,
-    {DocId, Rev};
-docid_rev(Id, _) ->
-    {Id, nil}.
-index_of(Key, List) ->
-    index_of(Key, List, 1).
-index_of(_, [], _) ->
-    throw({error, missing_named_view});
-index_of(Key, [Key | _], Idx) ->
-    Idx;
-index_of(Key, [_ | Rest], Idx) ->
-    index_of(Key, Rest, Idx+1).
-mrverror(Mesg) ->
-    throw({query_parse_error, Mesg}).
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/test/01-load.t b/src/couch_mrview/test/01-load.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a57c1a7..0000000
--- a/src/couch_mrview/test/01-load.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-% Test that we can load each module.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:init_code_path(),
-    Modules = [
-        couch_mrview,
-        couch_mrview_compactor,
-        couch_mrview_http,
-        couch_mrview_index,
-        couch_mrview_updater,
-        couch_mrview_util
-    ],
-    etap:plan(length(Modules)),
-    lists:foreach(
-        fun(Module) ->
-            etap:loaded_ok(Module, lists:concat(["Loaded: ", Module]))
-        end, Modules),
-    etap:end_tests().
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/test/02-map-views.t b/src/couch_mrview/test/02-map-views.t
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf4ce1..0000000
--- a/src/couch_mrview/test/02-map-views.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(6, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    {ok, Db} = couch_mrview_test_util:init_db(<<"foo">>, map),
-    test_basic(Db),
-    test_range(Db),
-    test_rev_range(Db),
-    test_limit_and_skip(Db),
-    test_include_docs(Db),
-    test_empty_view(Db),
-    ok.
-test_basic(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, []),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 10}, {offset, 0}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"1">>}, {key, 1}, {value, 1}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"2">>}, {key, 2}, {value, 2}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"3">>}, {key, 3}, {value, 3}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"4">>}, {key, 4}, {value, 4}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"5">>}, {key, 5}, {value, 5}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"6">>}, {key, 6}, {value, 6}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"7">>}, {key, 7}, {value, 7}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"8">>}, {key, 8}, {value, 8}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"9">>}, {key, 9}, {value, 9}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"10">>}, {key, 10}, {value, 10}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Simple view query worked.").
-test_range(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [{start_key, 3}, {end_key, 5}]),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 10}, {offset, 2}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"3">>}, {key, 3}, {value, 3}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"4">>}, {key, 4}, {value, 4}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"5">>}, {key, 5}, {value, 5}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Query with range works.").
-test_rev_range(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [
-        {direction, rev},
-        {start_key, 5}, {end_key, 3},
-        {inclusive_end, true}
-    ]),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 10}, {offset, 5}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"5">>}, {key, 5}, {value, 5}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"4">>}, {key, 4}, {value, 4}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"3">>}, {key, 3}, {value, 3}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Query with reversed range works.").
-test_limit_and_skip(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [
-        {start_key, 2},
-        {limit, 3},
-        {skip, 3}
-    ]),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 10}, {offset, 4}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"5">>}, {key, 5}, {value, 5}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"6">>}, {key, 6}, {value, 6}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"7">>}, {key, 7}, {value, 7}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Query with limit and skip works.").
-test_include_docs(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [
-        {start_key, 8},
-        {end_key, 8},
-        {include_docs, true}
-    ]),
-    Doc = {[
-        {<<"_id">>,<<"8">>},
-        {<<"_rev">>, <<"1-55b9a29311341e07ec0a7ca13bc1b59f">>},
-        {<<"val">>,8}
-    ]},
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 10}, {offset, 7}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"8">>}, {key, 8}, {value, 8}, {doc, Doc}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Query with include docs works.").
-test_empty_view(Db) ->
-    Result = couch_mrview:query_view(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, <<"bing">>),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 0}, {offset, 0}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Empty views are correct.").
-run_query(Db, Opts) ->
-    couch_mrview:query_view(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, <<"baz">>, Opts).
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/test/03-red-views.t b/src/couch_mrview/test/03-red-views.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d11d51..0000000
--- a/src/couch_mrview/test/03-red-views.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(4, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    {ok, Db} = couch_mrview_test_util:init_db(<<"foo">>, red),
-    test_basic(Db),
-    test_key_range(Db),
-    test_group_level(Db),
-    test_group_exact(Db),
-    ok.
-test_basic(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, []),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, []},
-        {row, [{key, null}, {value, 55}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Simple reduce view works.").
-test_key_range(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [{start_key, [0, 2]}, {end_key, [0, 4]}]),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, []},
-        {row, [{key, null}, {value, 6}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Reduce with key range works.").
-test_group_level(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [{group_level, 1}]),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, []},
-        {row, [{key, [0]}, {value, 30}]},
-        {row, [{key, [1]}, {value, 25}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Group level works.").
-test_group_exact(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [{group_level, exact}]),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, []},
-        {row, [{key, [0, 2]}, {value, 2}]},
-        {row, [{key, [0, 4]}, {value, 4}]},
-        {row, [{key, [0, 6]}, {value, 6}]},
-        {row, [{key, [0, 8]}, {value, 8}]},
-        {row, [{key, [0, 10]}, {value, 10}]},
-        {row, [{key, [1, 1]}, {value, 1}]},
-        {row, [{key, [1, 3]}, {value, 3}]},
-        {row, [{key, [1, 5]}, {value, 5}]},
-        {row, [{key, [1, 7]}, {value, 7}]},
-        {row, [{key, [1, 9]}, {value, 9}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Group exact works.").
-run_query(Db, Opts) ->
-    couch_mrview:query_view(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, <<"baz">>, Opts).
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/test/04-index-info.t b/src/couch_mrview/test/04-index-info.t
deleted file mode 100644
index c86b168..0000000
--- a/src/couch_mrview/test/04-index-info.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(9, fun() -> test() end).
-sig() -> <<"276df562b152b3c4e5d34024f62672ed">>.
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    {ok, Db} = couch_mrview_test_util:init_db(<<"foo">>, map),
-    couch_mrview:query_view(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, <<"baz">>),
-    {ok, Info} = couch_mrview:get_info(Db, <<"_design/bar">>),
-    etap:is(getval(signature, Info), sig(), "Signature is ok."),
-    etap:is(getval(language, Info), <<"javascript">>, "Language is ok."),
-    etap:is_greater(getval(disk_size, Info), 0, "Disk size is ok."),
-    etap:is_greater(getval(data_size, Info), 0, "Data size is ok."),
-    etap:is(getval(update_seq, Info), 11, "Update seq is ok."),
-    etap:is(getval(purge_seq, Info), 0, "Purge seq is ok."),
-    etap:is(getval(updater_running, Info), false, "No updater running."),
-    etap:is(getval(compact_running, Info), false, "No compaction running."),
-    etap:is(getval(waiting_clients, Info), 0, "No waiting clients."),
-    ok.
-getval(Key, PL) ->
-    {value, {Key, Val}} = lists:keysearch(Key, 1, PL),
-    Val.
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/test/05-collation.t b/src/couch_mrview/test/05-collation.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 09878af..0000000
--- a/src/couch_mrview/test/05-collation.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(9, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    {ok, Db0} = couch_mrview_test_util:new_db(<<"foo">>, map),
-    {ok, Db1} = couch_mrview_test_util:save_docs(Db0, docs()),
-    test_collated_fwd(Db1),
-    test_collated_rev(Db1),
-    test_range_collation(Db1),
-    test_inclusive_end(Db1),
-    test_uninclusive_end(Db1),
-    test_with_endkey_docid(Db1),
-    ok.
-test_collated_fwd(Db) ->
-    {ok, Results} = run_query(Db, []),
-    Expect = [{meta, [{total, 26}, {offset, 0}]}] ++ rows(),
-    etap:is(Results, Expect, "Values were collated correctly.").
-test_collated_rev(Db) ->
-    {ok, Results} = run_query(Db, [{direction, rev}]),
-    Expect = [{meta, [{total, 26}, {offset, 0}]}] ++ lists:reverse(rows()),
-    etap:is(Results, Expect, "Values were collated correctly descending.").
-test_range_collation(Db) ->
-    {_, Error} = lists:foldl(fun(V, {Count, Error}) ->
-        {ok, Results} = run_query(Db, [{start_key, V}, {end_key, V}]),
-        Id = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Count)),
-        Expect = [
-            {meta, [{total, 26}, {offset, Count}]},
-            {row, [{id, Id}, {key, V}, {value, 0}]}
-        ],
-        case Results == Expect of
-            true -> {Count+1, Error};
-            _ -> {Count+1, true}
-        end
-    end, {0, false}, vals()),
-    etap:is(Error, false, "Found each individual key correctly.").
-test_inclusive_end(Db) ->
-    Opts = [{end_key, <<"b">>}, {inclusive_end, true}],
-    {ok, Rows0} = run_query(Db, Opts),
-    LastRow0 = lists:last(Rows0),
-    Expect0 = {row, [{id,<<"10">>}, {key,<<"b">>}, {value,0}]},
-    etap:is(LastRow0, Expect0, "Inclusive end is correct."),
-    {ok, Rows1} = run_query(Db, Opts ++ [{direction, rev}]),
-    LastRow1 = lists:last(Rows1),
-    Expect1 = {row, [{id,<<"10">>}, {key,<<"b">>}, {value,0}]},
-    etap:is(LastRow1, Expect1,
-            "Inclusive end is correct with descending=true").
-test_uninclusive_end(Db) ->
-    Opts = [{end_key, <<"b">>}, {inclusive_end, false}],
-    {ok, Rows0} = run_query(Db, Opts),
-    LastRow0 = lists:last(Rows0),
-    Expect0 = {row, [{id,<<"9">>}, {key,<<"aa">>}, {value,0}]},
-    etap:is(LastRow0, Expect0, "Uninclusive end is correct."),
-    {ok, Rows1} = run_query(Db, Opts ++ [{direction, rev}]),
-    LastRow1 = lists:last(Rows1),
-    Expect1 = {row, [{id,<<"11">>}, {key,<<"B">>}, {value,0}]},
-    etap:is(LastRow1, Expect1,
-            "Uninclusive end is correct with descending=true").
-test_with_endkey_docid(Db) ->
-    {ok, Rows0} = run_query(Db, [
-        {end_key, <<"b">>}, {end_key_docid, <<"10">>},
-        {inclusive_end, false}
-    ]),
-    Result0 = lists:last(Rows0),
-    Expect0 = {row, [{id,<<"9">>}, {key,<<"aa">>}, {value,0}]},
-    etap:is(Result0, Expect0, "Uninclsuive end with endkey_docid set is ok."),
-    {ok, Rows1} = run_query(Db, [
-        {end_key, <<"b">>}, {end_key_docid, <<"11">>},
-        {inclusive_end, false}
-    ]),
-    Result1 = lists:last(Rows1),
-    Expect1 = {row, [{id,<<"10">>}, {key,<<"b">>}, {value,0}]},
-    etap:is(Result1, Expect1, "Uninclsuive end with endkey_docid set is ok.").
-run_query(Db, Opts) ->
-    couch_mrview:query_view(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, <<"zing">>, Opts).
-docs() ->
-    {Docs, _} = lists:foldl(fun(V, {Docs0, Count}) ->
-        Doc = couch_doc:from_json_obj({[
-            {<<"_id">>, list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Count))},
-            {<<"foo">>, V}
-        ]}),
-        {[Doc | Docs0], Count+1}
-    end, {[], 0}, vals()),
-    Docs.
-rows() ->
-    {Rows, _} = lists:foldl(fun(V, {Rows0, Count}) ->
-        Id = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Count)),
-        Row = {row, [{id, Id}, {key, V}, {value, 0}]},
-        {[Row | Rows0], Count+1}
-    end, {[], 0}, vals()),
-    lists:reverse(Rows).
-vals() ->
-    [
-        null,
-        false,
-        true,
-        1,
-        2,
-        3.0,
-        4,
-        <<"a">>,
-        <<"A">>,
-        <<"aa">>,
-        <<"b">>,
-        <<"B">>,
-        <<"ba">>,
-        <<"bb">>,
-        [<<"a">>],
-        [<<"b">>],
-        [<<"b">>, <<"c">>],
-        [<<"b">>, <<"c">>, <<"a">>],
-        [<<"b">>, <<"d">>],
-        [<<"b">>, <<"d">>, <<"e">>],
-        {[{<<"a">>, 1}]},
-        {[{<<"a">>, 2}]},
-        {[{<<"b">>, 1}]},
-        {[{<<"b">>, 2}]},
-        {[{<<"b">>, 2}, {<<"a">>, 1}]},
-        {[{<<"b">>, 2}, {<<"c">>, 2}]}
-    ].
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/test/06-all-docs.t b/src/couch_mrview/test/06-all-docs.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a3aafa0..0000000
--- a/src/couch_mrview/test/06-all-docs.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(6, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    {ok, Db} = couch_mrview_test_util:init_db(<<"foo">>, map),
-    test_basic(Db),
-    test_range(Db),
-    test_rev_range(Db),
-    test_limit_and_skip(Db),
-    test_include_docs(Db),
-    test_empty_view(Db),
-    ok.
-test_basic(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, []),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 11}, {offset, 0}]},
-        mk_row(<<"1">>, <<"1-08d53a5760b95fce6df2e2c5b008be39">>),
-        mk_row(<<"10">>, <<"1-a05b6ea2bc0243949f103d5b4f15f71e">>),
-        mk_row(<<"2">>, <<"1-b57c77a9e6f7574ca6469f0d6dcd78bb">>),
-        mk_row(<<"3">>, <<"1-7fbf84d56f8017880974402d60f5acd6">>),
-        mk_row(<<"4">>, <<"1-fcaf5852c08ffb239ac8ce16c409f253">>),
-        mk_row(<<"5">>, <<"1-aaac5d460fd40f9286e57b9bf12e23d2">>),
-        mk_row(<<"6">>, <<"1-aca21c2e7bc5f8951424fcfc5d1209d8">>),
-        mk_row(<<"7">>, <<"1-4374aeec17590d82f16e70f318116ad9">>),
-        mk_row(<<"8">>, <<"1-55b9a29311341e07ec0a7ca13bc1b59f">>),
-        mk_row(<<"9">>, <<"1-558c8487d9aee25399a91b5d31d90fe2">>),
-        mk_row(<<"_design/bar">>, <<"1-a44e1dd1994a7717bf89c894ebd1f081">>)
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Simple view query worked.").
-test_range(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [{start_key, <<"3">>}, {end_key, <<"5">>}]),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 11}, {offset, 3}]},
-        mk_row(<<"3">>, <<"1-7fbf84d56f8017880974402d60f5acd6">>),
-        mk_row(<<"4">>, <<"1-fcaf5852c08ffb239ac8ce16c409f253">>),
-        mk_row(<<"5">>, <<"1-aaac5d460fd40f9286e57b9bf12e23d2">>)
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Query with range works.").
-test_rev_range(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [
-        {direction, rev},
-        {start_key, <<"5">>}, {end_key, <<"3">>},
-        {inclusive_end, true}
-    ]),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 11}, {offset, 5}]},
-        mk_row(<<"5">>, <<"1-aaac5d460fd40f9286e57b9bf12e23d2">>),
-        mk_row(<<"4">>, <<"1-fcaf5852c08ffb239ac8ce16c409f253">>),
-        mk_row(<<"3">>, <<"1-7fbf84d56f8017880974402d60f5acd6">>)
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Query with reversed range works.").
-test_limit_and_skip(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [
-        {start_key, <<"2">>},
-        {limit, 3},
-        {skip, 3}
-    ]),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 11}, {offset, 5}]},
-        mk_row(<<"5">>, <<"1-aaac5d460fd40f9286e57b9bf12e23d2">>),
-        mk_row(<<"6">>, <<"1-aca21c2e7bc5f8951424fcfc5d1209d8">>),
-        mk_row(<<"7">>, <<"1-4374aeec17590d82f16e70f318116ad9">>)
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Query with limit and skip works.").
-test_include_docs(Db) ->
-    Result = run_query(Db, [
-        {start_key, <<"8">>},
-        {end_key, <<"8">>},
-        {include_docs, true}
-    ]),
-    Doc = {[
-        {<<"_id">>,<<"8">>},
-        {<<"_rev">>, <<"1-55b9a29311341e07ec0a7ca13bc1b59f">>},
-        {<<"val">>, 8}
-    ]},
-    Val = {[{rev, <<"1-55b9a29311341e07ec0a7ca13bc1b59f">>}]},
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 11}, {offset, 8}]},
-        {row, [{id, <<"8">>}, {key, <<"8">>}, {value, Val}, {doc, Doc}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Query with include docs works.").
-test_empty_view(Db) ->
-    Result = couch_mrview:query_view(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, <<"bing">>),
-    Expect = {ok, [
-        {meta, [{total, 0}, {offset, 0}]}
-    ]},
-    etap:is(Result, Expect, "Empty views are correct.").
-mk_row(Id, Rev) ->
-    {row, [{id, Id}, {key, Id}, {value, {[{rev, Rev}]}}]}.
-run_query(Db, Opts) ->
-    couch_mrview:query_all_docs(Db, Opts).
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/test/07-compact-swap.t b/src/couch_mrview/test/07-compact-swap.t
deleted file mode 100644
index c1fd043..0000000
--- a/src/couch_mrview/test/07-compact-swap.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:run(1, fun() -> test() end).
-test() ->
-    test_util:start_couch(),
-    {ok, Db} = couch_mrview_test_util:init_db(<<"foo">>, map, 1000),
-    couch_mrview:query_view(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, <<"baz">>),
-    test_swap(Db),
-    ok.
-test_swap(Db) ->
-    {ok, QPid} = start_query(Db),    
-    {ok, MonRef} = couch_mrview:compact(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, [monitor]),
-    receive
-        {'DOWN', MonRef, process, _, _} -> ok
-    after 1000 ->
-        throw(compaction_failed)
-    end,
-    QPid ! {self(), continue},
-    receive
-        {QPid, Count} ->
-            etap:is(Count, 1000, "View finished successfully.")
-    after 1000 ->
-        throw("query failed")
-    end.
-start_query(Db) ->
-    Self = self(),
-    Pid = spawn(fun() ->
-        CB = fun
-            (_, wait) -> receive {Self, continue} -> {ok, 0} end;
-            ({row, _}, Count) -> {ok, Count+1};
-            (_, Count) -> {ok, Count}
-        end,
-        {ok, Result} = 
-        couch_mrview:query_view(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, <<"baz">>, [], CB, wait),
-        Self ! {self(), Result}
-    end),
-    {ok, Pid}.