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Posted to by Thomas E Deweese <> on 2002/09/09 14:03:54 UTC

[RE] BasicStroke suport

>>>>> "NL" == Nelson Lourenço <> writes:

NL> I want export a java graphic to svg but svg don´t show the
NL> BasicStroke*.  Batik suport a BasicStroke like this one?

NL> *BasicStroke dotted = new BasicStroke(0,
NL> BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND,BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 10.0f, new
NL> float[]{5.0f}, 0);

    The svg generator (svggen) does support all the modes of
BasicStroke.  I suspect the problem is that your dash array is poorly
specified.  My understanding of it is that the length of the dash
array must be even.  You have only provided one dash array value
'5.0'.  Reading the javadocs on BasicStroke you appear to be relying
on undefined behaviour.  I suggest that you provide the second value
(the length that the dash should be off) and see if it works better
for you.

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