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Posted to by Andreas Schaefer <> on 2019/05/14 04:34:23 UTC

Sling CP 2 FM Converter: picking the wrong embedded Bundle fixed


I just committed a change to the Bundle Entry Handler to make sure the correct embedded bundle is selected.

The culprit was that a parameter was changed inside a loop with side effect for subsequent passages.
For example in the first loop the .jar was taken away from the bundle name (my-package-1.0.jar -> my-pakage-1.0)
If that loop did not end in the next it would take away the parts of the version number (my-package-1.0 -> my-package-1)
And so on.

This leads to picking the wrong bundle. I fixed that by adding a local variable currentName which is then changed and so bundleName remains constant.

For my test project (13 packages with 4 with embedded bundles) this worked just fine. Let me know if there is an issue with it.

Cheers - Andy Schaefer