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Posted to by Goson zhang <> on 2021/03/06 02:05:12 UTC

Re: Re: [Discussion] Regarding the adjustment of project goal && project name

Hi all:

After 2 rounds of selection, Apache approved the new name of our project

"InLong" is a divine beast in Chinese mythology, it brings rivers into the
sea, which means that data streaming flows to various destinations through
our system. Inlong is the one-stop streaming data service platform, it
provides the functions of publishing and subscribing to streaming data,
based on this system, analysis and applications based on streaming data can
be easily constructed.

TubeMQ will continue to improve and optimize as a module of the project.
The pursuit of extreme performance, throughput, low cost, high stability,
and ease of use is still its primary goal.


Goson zhang <> 于2021年1月4日周一 上午9:59写道:

> Hi, Lan Liang
> This is the first time I've seen an Apache project change its name, and
> it's ok.
> Regarding this problem, it is true that fewer projects have been renamed
> after entering the Apache incubation stage, but I believe this situation is
> normal, and the first one will always appear.
> Many of the components on apache are built and derived from a certain
> point of function, and it is rare for open source projects with a certain
> line or area service. Indeed, from the user's point of view, what the user
> needs should be a complete service, not a functional module. Just like a
> mobile phone, at first, everyone will pay attention to the hardware
> indicators of this mobile phone, but users who have used it will pay more
> attention to whether the various applications carried on this mobile phone
> are easy to use and whether they can meet their needs. I think this is also
> a problem that various open source components will encounter after they
> have developed to a certain level.
> There may be different opinions that this will be an unsuccessful attempt,
> but from our actual user experience, this should be the user’s needs, and
> we are willing to try to do it.
> Thanks
> Goson zhang <> 于2021年1月3日周日 下午9:06写道:
>> Sorry, due to vacation last week, I couldn’t reply to your email in time.
>> 1. The new project name is under Apache review and may be adjusted, so I
>> need to announce it after confirmation.
>> 2. We'll release the new Architecture and Roadmap around April:
>>     We hope to provide a complete one-stop streaming data service
>> platform: the system integrates a series of components in the form of
>> plug-ins from collection, aggregation, storage, and forwarding to build a
>> complete data reporting service; based on the platform, users only need to
>> publish and subscribe data and can easily build analysis and applications
>> based on streaming data; The TubeMQ will continue to evolve in this project.
>> Thanks!
>> Lan Liang <> 于2020年12月27日周日 上午1:17写道:
>>> Hi Goson,
>>> This is the first time I've seen an Apache project change its name, and
>>> it's ok.
>>> Absolutely you can do it well.
>>> 1) So what new names do we have?
>>> 2) Have an architecture or Roadmap?
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Lan Liang
>>> On 12/18/2020 20:20,Goson zhang<>
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Netroby,
>>> Thank you, although I also think that Chinese reply can express my
>>> meaning
>>> more accurately, but I still have to follow the convention in English,
>>> just
>>> like changing the name to follow the apache rules to operate, because
>>> there
>>> must be some people paying attention to other spaces I don’t know, maybe
>>> not in China.
>>> I just want to say that TubeMQ itself is a module, the adjusted result is
>>> consistent with the current real situation of the project. That's it.
>>> According to the Apache rules, there should be only one chance to change
>>> the name. Maybe it will disappear with the name change, or it may be
>>> because More people learn about its existence because of the name change,
>>> and then use and contribute to make it more powerful, who can tell us?
>>> My love and joy for this project,  can be expressed by a sentence posted
>>> on
>>> the intranet during the internal opened: "Tube, are you as good as you
>>> said, or just a "bubble", show me your code, pull it out and take a walk
>>> (Tube, 你真如说的那么好吗,还是只是一个“泡泡”,show me your code,拉出来遛两圈看看). And I am also
>>> very
>>> happy to know, it also meets other's needs in other environments,
>>> although
>>> there are only tens of billions and hundreds of billions of data, not our
>>> trillions of environments. Then, I also have a lot of ideas for TubeMQ
>>> that
>>> need to be implemented, but it takes time to settle.
>>> And if you think it’s awesome, just use it to see if it’s really awesome,
>>> thank you again for your attention to and contribution to the project.
>>> Thanks!!
>>> Netroby <> 于2020年12月18日周五 下午6:49写道:
>>> 估计也没几个外国友人,还是让我用中文说一下吧。
>>> 你们做的这个决定,好不好。 当然是好的。
>>> 我支不支持,当然是支持的。
>>> 最早知道tubemq,是奔着牛逼去的。
>>> RocketMq, 哦妹子嘤。
>>> TubeMQ,鹅妹子嘤。
>>> 现如今,旧貌换新颜?
>>> 改名,成为一个子模块,子项目,我在想为毛你们这么庞大的规划,不开个新项目来做, 保持TubeMq消息中间件的地位和独立仓库,有毛不可以?
>>> 你们看看RocketMQ开了多少个项目了。 但是主项目RocketMq还是在,没有太大变化。
>>> 好的,你想要构建生态,强大的体系,没问题。 为毛不新开一个大项目?
>>> 比如叫什么Tencent-University.
>>> 你说啥?缺人手?
>>> 那就是你们的问题了。 有庞大的规划,没有足够的人手来实现,所以要先把TubeMQ改了?
>>> 我不知道有没有人真正意义上在生产环境,应用TubeMQ, 我相信直接把项目变成一个子项目,影响肯定是深远的。
>>> 不可谓不大。基本上是一个翻天覆地的变化。
>>> 以关注Apache 十几年的经验看,没有一个项目敢这么玩。
>>> 更多的是把一些没有维护的项目,放到藏经阁去。
>>> 然后更多的新项目涌现出来。
>>> 我能理解你们有庞大的规划和长远的远景规划。
>>> 这很好, 那为毛不赋予一个更有意义的项目名,单独开一个呢?
>>> 另外开一个副本,打团不是更帅?
>>> 你可以看看alibaba开了多少个副本。
>>> 当然,你说我不该跟其他项目比,你就是你,tubemq就是tubemq。
>>> 我想说的是,开源项目,不是这样玩的,开源项目,讲究一个契约精神, 就是你现在是一个消息中间件, 那就好好做你中间件。
>>> 你别半路上说不,咱们要玩个大的。
>>> 咱们去做无限连接数据层好了。
>>> 就感觉。。。我拿步枪,去射飞机?
>>> 你们是开发者,TubeMQ是你们的心血。 你们拥有最终决定权。
>>> 但是作为长期关注项目的用户,我还是表述了一下我的观点。
>>> 希望TubeMQ基业长青,越做越好,也希望你们新的庞大的生态体系,能建立起来。
>>> 但需要明白一点,万丈高楼平地起,聚沙成塔,汇水为海。 困难肯定是有的,挑战也是有的。 你们把盘子划得太大,怎么把它圆起来呢?
>>> 有多少财力,精力,人力,投入进来?
>>> 你们又如何保证,后面不会再出现这样颠覆性的变动。 任何事情,有一,便有二,有二便有三。
>>> Good luck。
>>> Appreciate your time.
>>> ----------------------------
>>> Netroby
>>> Goson zhang <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午11:26写道:
>>> Hi Netroby,  hufeng1987, and all:
>>> The TubeMQ project has existed and been running for many years before it
>>> was open sourced. The name is even more earthy, called "tube" (pronounced
>>> similar to Turtle in Chinese). What I want to say is that the name is
>>> really important, but it is not the most important decision factor.
>>> I personally think that the key to software is to really help everyone,
>>> and
>>> to make everyone feel that in a certain aspect or in certain aspects, it
>>> is
>>> unique compared to other similar products, such as cost saving,
>>> worry-free,
>>> or higher performance. If TubeMQ really helps you in some aspects, the
>>> best
>>> way is to continue to apply and improve it, and if you have the
>>> opportunity
>>> to contribute to it, make it more powerful and more useful.
>>> At the same time, after the name change, people in need can still
>>> retrieve
>>> its existence through "TubeMQ" and find this email to know what name it
>>> changed to and where it is now. It will not affect the new classmates, at
>>> the same time, you can find more good stuff.
>>> In the end, I think a poem written by Tashiram Dodo(扎西拉姆·多多), "The
>>> Silence
>>> of Banzaguru Baima"(《班扎古鲁白玛的沉默》) can better express this state:
>>> It doesn't matter if you see me or not.
>>> I am standing right there with no sorrow or delight.
>>> It doesn't matter if you miss me or not.
>>> The feeling is right there and it isn't going anywhere.
>>> It doesn't matter if you love me or not.
>>> Love is right there and it isn't going to change.
>>> It doesn't matter if you are with me or not.
>>> My hand is in your hand and I won't let go.
>>> Come to my arms.
>>> Or let me live in your heart.
>>> Silence Love.
>>> Calmness Joy.
>>> Thank you all.
>>> Netroby <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午10:28写道:
>>> And did you regret letting tubemq be born?
>>> Is it just too small a part of your ecosystem?  oh, I am sorry to hear
>>> it.
>>> Anyway, if you really want to do it, Just do it.
>>> But how can you know your strength? Would you change your mind next
>>> time?
>>> Appreciate your time.
>>> ----------------------------
>>> Netroby
>>> Netroby <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午10:24写道:
>>> I guess they (core developers)lost their mission (or lost mind).
>>> You can just made tubemq as a sub module of a huge project.
>>> It's not the business .
>>> Kafka is another mq.
>>> It's also an apache project. did you see they say. let's make a big
>>> project, make kafka as a sub project?
>>> Appreciate your time.
>>> ----------------------------
>>> Netroby
>>> 赵磊 <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午10:04写道:
>>> It was really such a big surprise. In recent months, i had made
>>> lots
>>> of testing on tubemq and decide to use it in my solution.
>>> but if the project's goals and  name changed ,can i use tubemq
>>> independently? if so,will it take lots of workload?
>>> if the change is imperative  when can we see the  new architecture?
>>> At 2020-12-17 20:17:58, "人间不值得" <> wrote:
>>> It’s wired, if you want push another area, just named a new
>>> project,
>>> do you know hdfs and Hadoop?
>>> Force change project name and project main goals very wired.
>>> Let tubemq do one job please. It’s good and enough.
>>> 发自我的iPad
>>> 在 2020年12月14日,下午7:08,Goson zhang <> 写道:
>>> Hi, Dev
>>> I'd like to raise a discussion about adjusting the project
>>> goals and
>>> project name
>>> As the initiator of the project, after TubeMQ joined the Apache
>>> community,
>>> we have been improving the features and functions in accordance
>>> with the
>>> needs of the project, also, we have been promoting the
>>> evolution of
>>> the
>>> project in the direction of "one-stop data access", providing
>>> technical
>>> capabilities such as data collection,  transmission, sorting,
>>> and
>>> landing
>>> which covers big data scenario completely. For instance, we have
>>> recently
>>> developed a module called tubemq-manager for cross-cluster
>>> management,
>>> other modules such as agent and sorting will be added sooner in
>>> the
>>> future.
>>> As TubeMq matures and strengthens, we found that it's not just a
>>> single MQ
>>> service, but also a one-stop data access solution that covers
>>> the
>>> entire
>>> data reporting service. If we continue to retain the suffix
>>> "mq" in
>>> the
>>> project name, it may confuse our users or even those who follow
>>> up
>>> on our
>>> project.
>>> We hope to present different project goals by modifying the
>>> project
>>> name.
>>> We will retain and continue to develop the TubeMQ module to
>>> provide
>>> messaging middleware service capabilities. At the same time, we
>>> will make
>>> some capabilities such as data collection and data sorting open
>>> source,
>>> the overall services in data reporting which provides people
>>> with
>>> all the
>>> advantages in this field are also in our open-source plan. And
>>> of
>>> course,
>>> such adjustment would have impact on everyone, after the
>>> project is
>>> renamed, people need to include the main name of the new
>>> project in
>>> the
>>> existing TubeMQ import path, from the previous "import
>>>" to "import",
>>> but
>>> this
>>> adjustment will enable us to provide them with more integrated
>>> components
>>> on the data reporting service.
>>> Regarding the change of  project goal && project name, we PPMCs
>>> have
>>> conducted many offline and online discussions, we also consulted
>>> project
>>> mentors to understand that:
>>> 1. If the project must be renamed, do it as soon as possible, it
>>> will have
>>> less impact on everyone ;
>>> 2. There is one and only one chance to change the name before
>>> the
>>> project
>>> incubation graduation;
>>> 3. Before changing the name, we must inform everyone in the
>>> community and
>>> listen to the opinions and suggestions.
>>> Therefore, we send this email to discuss the adjustment of goal
>>> and
>>> name,
>>> and to obtain more opinions and suggestions towards it.
>>> Thanks!
>>> TubeMQ PPMCs

Re: Re: [Discussion] Regarding the adjustment of project goal && project name

Posted by Goson zhang <>.
Hi all

We are very happy to tell you that the project name of TubeMQ has been
renamed InLong. We will adjust the relevant content in the near future.

Please look forward to a new start!


Goson zhang <> 于2021年3月6日周六 上午10:17写道:

> We will complete the name change with Mentor’s assistance in the next few
> weeks.
> At this time of preparing the new name, we have finished the version of
> TubeMQ, and upgraded the 0.8.0 version in our official environment. From
> the results of the current upgrade, the updated version is running normally
> and performance The improvement is obvious.
> If you encounter new problems, you can continue to report to us in jira or
> email for processing.
> Thanks all !!
> Goson zhang <> 于2021年3月6日周六 上午10:05写道:
>> Hi all:
>> After 2 rounds of selection, Apache approved the new name of our project
>> "InLong".
>> "InLong" is a divine beast in Chinese mythology, it brings rivers into
>> the sea, which means that data streaming flows to various destinations
>> through our system. Inlong is the one-stop streaming data service platform,
>> it provides the functions of publishing and subscribing to streaming data,
>> based on this system, analysis and applications based on streaming data can
>> be easily constructed.
>> TubeMQ will continue to improve and optimize as a module of the project.
>> The pursuit of extreme performance, throughput, low cost, high stability,
>> and ease of use is still its primary goal.
>> Thanks!
>> Goson zhang <> 于2021年1月4日周一 上午9:59写道:
>>> Hi, Lan Liang
>>> This is the first time I've seen an Apache project change its name, and
>>> it's ok.
>>> Regarding this problem, it is true that fewer projects have been renamed
>>> after entering the Apache incubation stage, but I believe this situation is
>>> normal, and the first one will always appear.
>>> Many of the components on apache are built and derived from a certain
>>> point of function, and it is rare for open source projects with a certain
>>> line or area service. Indeed, from the user's point of view, what the user
>>> needs should be a complete service, not a functional module. Just like a
>>> mobile phone, at first, everyone will pay attention to the hardware
>>> indicators of this mobile phone, but users who have used it will pay more
>>> attention to whether the various applications carried on this mobile phone
>>> are easy to use and whether they can meet their needs. I think this is also
>>> a problem that various open source components will encounter after they
>>> have developed to a certain level.
>>> There may be different opinions that this will be an unsuccessful
>>> attempt, but from our actual user experience, this should be the user’s
>>> needs, and we are willing to try to do it.
>>> Thanks
>>> Goson zhang <> 于2021年1月3日周日 下午9:06写道:
>>>> Sorry, due to vacation last week, I couldn’t reply to your email in
>>>> time.
>>>> 1. The new project name is under Apache review and may be adjusted, so
>>>> I need to announce it after confirmation.
>>>> 2. We'll release the new Architecture and Roadmap around April:
>>>>     We hope to provide a complete one-stop streaming data service
>>>> platform: the system integrates a series of components in the form of
>>>> plug-ins from collection, aggregation, storage, and forwarding to build a
>>>> complete data reporting service; based on the platform, users only need to
>>>> publish and subscribe data and can easily build analysis and applications
>>>> based on streaming data; The TubeMQ will continue to evolve in this project.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Lan Liang <> 于2020年12月27日周日 上午1:17写道:
>>>>> Hi Goson,
>>>>> This is the first time I've seen an Apache project change its name,
>>>>> and it's ok.
>>>>> Absolutely you can do it well.
>>>>> 1) So what new names do we have?
>>>>> 2) Have an architecture or Roadmap?
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Lan Liang
>>>>> On 12/18/2020 20:20,Goson zhang<>
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Netroby,
>>>>> Thank you, although I also think that Chinese reply can express my
>>>>> meaning
>>>>> more accurately, but I still have to follow the convention in English,
>>>>> just
>>>>> like changing the name to follow the apache rules to operate, because
>>>>> there
>>>>> must be some people paying attention to other spaces I don’t know,
>>>>> maybe
>>>>> not in China.
>>>>> I just want to say that TubeMQ itself is a module, the adjusted result
>>>>> is
>>>>> consistent with the current real situation of the project. That's it.
>>>>> According to the Apache rules, there should be only one chance to
>>>>> change
>>>>> the name. Maybe it will disappear with the name change, or it may be
>>>>> because More people learn about its existence because of the name
>>>>> change,
>>>>> and then use and contribute to make it more powerful, who can tell us?
>>>>> My love and joy for this project,  can be expressed by a sentence
>>>>> posted on
>>>>> the intranet during the internal opened: "Tube, are you as good as you
>>>>> said, or just a "bubble", show me your code, pull it out and take a
>>>>> walk
>>>>> (Tube, 你真如说的那么好吗,还是只是一个“泡泡”,show me your code,拉出来遛两圈看看). And I am also
>>>>> very
>>>>> happy to know, it also meets other's needs in other environments,
>>>>> although
>>>>> there are only tens of billions and hundreds of billions of data, not
>>>>> our
>>>>> trillions of environments. Then, I also have a lot of ideas for TubeMQ
>>>>> that
>>>>> need to be implemented, but it takes time to settle.
>>>>> And if you think it’s awesome, just use it to see if it’s really
>>>>> awesome,
>>>>> thank you again for your attention to and contribution to the project.
>>>>> Thanks!!
>>>>> Netroby <> 于2020年12月18日周五 下午6:49写道:
>>>>> 估计也没几个外国友人,还是让我用中文说一下吧。
>>>>> 你们做的这个决定,好不好。 当然是好的。
>>>>> 我支不支持,当然是支持的。
>>>>> 最早知道tubemq,是奔着牛逼去的。
>>>>> RocketMq, 哦妹子嘤。
>>>>> TubeMQ,鹅妹子嘤。
>>>>> 现如今,旧貌换新颜?
>>>>> 改名,成为一个子模块,子项目,我在想为毛你们这么庞大的规划,不开个新项目来做, 保持TubeMq消息中间件的地位和独立仓库,有毛不可以?
>>>>> 你们看看RocketMQ开了多少个项目了。 但是主项目RocketMq还是在,没有太大变化。
>>>>> 好的,你想要构建生态,强大的体系,没问题。 为毛不新开一个大项目?
>>>>> 比如叫什么Tencent-University.
>>>>> 你说啥?缺人手?
>>>>> 那就是你们的问题了。 有庞大的规划,没有足够的人手来实现,所以要先把TubeMQ改了?
>>>>> 我不知道有没有人真正意义上在生产环境,应用TubeMQ, 我相信直接把项目变成一个子项目,影响肯定是深远的。
>>>>> 不可谓不大。基本上是一个翻天覆地的变化。
>>>>> 以关注Apache 十几年的经验看,没有一个项目敢这么玩。
>>>>> 更多的是把一些没有维护的项目,放到藏经阁去。
>>>>> 然后更多的新项目涌现出来。
>>>>> 我能理解你们有庞大的规划和长远的远景规划。
>>>>> 这很好, 那为毛不赋予一个更有意义的项目名,单独开一个呢?
>>>>> 另外开一个副本,打团不是更帅?
>>>>> 你可以看看alibaba开了多少个副本。
>>>>> 当然,你说我不该跟其他项目比,你就是你,tubemq就是tubemq。
>>>>> 我想说的是,开源项目,不是这样玩的,开源项目,讲究一个契约精神, 就是你现在是一个消息中间件, 那就好好做你中间件。
>>>>> 你别半路上说不,咱们要玩个大的。
>>>>> 咱们去做无限连接数据层好了。
>>>>> 就感觉。。。我拿步枪,去射飞机?
>>>>> 你们是开发者,TubeMQ是你们的心血。 你们拥有最终决定权。
>>>>> 但是作为长期关注项目的用户,我还是表述了一下我的观点。
>>>>> 希望TubeMQ基业长青,越做越好,也希望你们新的庞大的生态体系,能建立起来。
>>>>> 但需要明白一点,万丈高楼平地起,聚沙成塔,汇水为海。 困难肯定是有的,挑战也是有的。 你们把盘子划得太大,怎么把它圆起来呢?
>>>>> 有多少财力,精力,人力,投入进来?
>>>>> 你们又如何保证,后面不会再出现这样颠覆性的变动。 任何事情,有一,便有二,有二便有三。
>>>>> Good luck。
>>>>> Appreciate your time.
>>>>> ----------------------------
>>>>> Netroby
>>>>> Goson zhang <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午11:26写道:
>>>>> Hi Netroby,  hufeng1987, and all:
>>>>> The TubeMQ project has existed and been running for many years before
>>>>> it
>>>>> was open sourced. The name is even more earthy, called "tube"
>>>>> (pronounced
>>>>> similar to Turtle in Chinese). What I want to say is that the name is
>>>>> really important, but it is not the most important decision factor.
>>>>> I personally think that the key to software is to really help everyone,
>>>>> and
>>>>> to make everyone feel that in a certain aspect or in certain aspects,
>>>>> it
>>>>> is
>>>>> unique compared to other similar products, such as cost saving,
>>>>> worry-free,
>>>>> or higher performance. If TubeMQ really helps you in some aspects, the
>>>>> best
>>>>> way is to continue to apply and improve it, and if you have the
>>>>> opportunity
>>>>> to contribute to it, make it more powerful and more useful.
>>>>> At the same time, after the name change, people in need can still
>>>>> retrieve
>>>>> its existence through "TubeMQ" and find this email to know what name it
>>>>> changed to and where it is now. It will not affect the new classmates,
>>>>> at
>>>>> the same time, you can find more good stuff.
>>>>> In the end, I think a poem written by Tashiram Dodo(扎西拉姆·多多), "The
>>>>> Silence
>>>>> of Banzaguru Baima"(《班扎古鲁白玛的沉默》) can better express this state:
>>>>> It doesn't matter if you see me or not.
>>>>> I am standing right there with no sorrow or delight.
>>>>> It doesn't matter if you miss me or not.
>>>>> The feeling is right there and it isn't going anywhere.
>>>>> It doesn't matter if you love me or not.
>>>>> Love is right there and it isn't going to change.
>>>>> It doesn't matter if you are with me or not.
>>>>> My hand is in your hand and I won't let go.
>>>>> Come to my arms.
>>>>> Or let me live in your heart.
>>>>> Silence Love.
>>>>> Calmness Joy.
>>>>> Thank you all.
>>>>> Netroby <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午10:28写道:
>>>>> And did you regret letting tubemq be born?
>>>>> Is it just too small a part of your ecosystem?  oh, I am sorry to hear
>>>>> it.
>>>>> Anyway, if you really want to do it, Just do it.
>>>>> But how can you know your strength? Would you change your mind next
>>>>> time?
>>>>> Appreciate your time.
>>>>> ----------------------------
>>>>> Netroby
>>>>> Netroby <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午10:24写道:
>>>>> I guess they (core developers)lost their mission (or lost mind).
>>>>> You can just made tubemq as a sub module of a huge project.
>>>>> It's not the business .
>>>>> Kafka is another mq.
>>>>> It's also an apache project. did you see they say. let's make a big
>>>>> project, make kafka as a sub project?
>>>>> Appreciate your time.
>>>>> ----------------------------
>>>>> Netroby
>>>>> 赵磊 <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午10:04写道:
>>>>> It was really such a big surprise. In recent months, i had made
>>>>> lots
>>>>> of testing on tubemq and decide to use it in my solution.
>>>>> but if the project's goals and  name changed ,can i use tubemq
>>>>> independently? if so,will it take lots of workload?
>>>>> if the change is imperative  when can we see the  new architecture?
>>>>> At 2020-12-17 20:17:58, "人间不值得" <> wrote:
>>>>> It’s wired, if you want push another area, just named a new
>>>>> project,
>>>>> do you know hdfs and Hadoop?
>>>>> Force change project name and project main goals very wired.
>>>>> Let tubemq do one job please. It’s good and enough.
>>>>> 发自我的iPad
>>>>> 在 2020年12月14日,下午7:08,Goson zhang <> 写道:
>>>>> Hi, Dev
>>>>> I'd like to raise a discussion about adjusting the project
>>>>> goals and
>>>>> project name
>>>>> As the initiator of the project, after TubeMQ joined the Apache
>>>>> community,
>>>>> we have been improving the features and functions in accordance
>>>>> with the
>>>>> needs of the project, also, we have been promoting the
>>>>> evolution of
>>>>> the
>>>>> project in the direction of "one-stop data access", providing
>>>>> technical
>>>>> capabilities such as data collection,  transmission, sorting,
>>>>> and
>>>>> landing
>>>>> which covers big data scenario completely. For instance, we have
>>>>> recently
>>>>> developed a module called tubemq-manager for cross-cluster
>>>>> management,
>>>>> other modules such as agent and sorting will be added sooner in
>>>>> the
>>>>> future.
>>>>> As TubeMq matures and strengthens, we found that it's not just a
>>>>> single MQ
>>>>> service, but also a one-stop data access solution that covers
>>>>> the
>>>>> entire
>>>>> data reporting service. If we continue to retain the suffix
>>>>> "mq" in
>>>>> the
>>>>> project name, it may confuse our users or even those who follow
>>>>> up
>>>>> on our
>>>>> project.
>>>>> We hope to present different project goals by modifying the
>>>>> project
>>>>> name.
>>>>> We will retain and continue to develop the TubeMQ module to
>>>>> provide
>>>>> messaging middleware service capabilities. At the same time, we
>>>>> will make
>>>>> some capabilities such as data collection and data sorting open
>>>>> source,
>>>>> the overall services in data reporting which provides people
>>>>> with
>>>>> all the
>>>>> advantages in this field are also in our open-source plan. And
>>>>> of
>>>>> course,
>>>>> such adjustment would have impact on everyone, after the
>>>>> project is
>>>>> renamed, people need to include the main name of the new
>>>>> project in
>>>>> the
>>>>> existing TubeMQ import path, from the previous "import
>>>>>" to "import",
>>>>> but
>>>>> this
>>>>> adjustment will enable us to provide them with more integrated
>>>>> components
>>>>> on the data reporting service.
>>>>> Regarding the change of  project goal && project name, we PPMCs
>>>>> have
>>>>> conducted many offline and online discussions, we also consulted
>>>>> project
>>>>> mentors to understand that:
>>>>> 1. If the project must be renamed, do it as soon as possible, it
>>>>> will have
>>>>> less impact on everyone ;
>>>>> 2. There is one and only one chance to change the name before
>>>>> the
>>>>> project
>>>>> incubation graduation;
>>>>> 3. Before changing the name, we must inform everyone in the
>>>>> community and
>>>>> listen to the opinions and suggestions.
>>>>> Therefore, we send this email to discuss the adjustment of goal
>>>>> and
>>>>> name,
>>>>> and to obtain more opinions and suggestions towards it.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> TubeMQ PPMCs

Re: Re: [Discussion] Regarding the adjustment of project goal && project name

Posted by Goson zhang <>.
We will complete the name change with Mentor’s assistance in the next few

At this time of preparing the new name, we have finished the version of
TubeMQ, and upgraded the 0.8.0 version in our official environment. From
the results of the current upgrade, the updated version is running normally
and performance The improvement is obvious.

If you encounter new problems, you can continue to report to us in jira or
email for processing.

Thanks all !!

Goson zhang <> 于2021年3月6日周六 上午10:05写道:

> Hi all:
> After 2 rounds of selection, Apache approved the new name of our project
> "InLong".
> "InLong" is a divine beast in Chinese mythology, it brings rivers into the
> sea, which means that data streaming flows to various destinations through
> our system. Inlong is the one-stop streaming data service platform, it
> provides the functions of publishing and subscribing to streaming data,
> based on this system, analysis and applications based on streaming data can
> be easily constructed.
> TubeMQ will continue to improve and optimize as a module of the project.
> The pursuit of extreme performance, throughput, low cost, high stability,
> and ease of use is still its primary goal.
> Thanks!
> Goson zhang <> 于2021年1月4日周一 上午9:59写道:
>> Hi, Lan Liang
>> This is the first time I've seen an Apache project change its name, and
>> it's ok.
>> Regarding this problem, it is true that fewer projects have been renamed
>> after entering the Apache incubation stage, but I believe this situation is
>> normal, and the first one will always appear.
>> Many of the components on apache are built and derived from a certain
>> point of function, and it is rare for open source projects with a certain
>> line or area service. Indeed, from the user's point of view, what the user
>> needs should be a complete service, not a functional module. Just like a
>> mobile phone, at first, everyone will pay attention to the hardware
>> indicators of this mobile phone, but users who have used it will pay more
>> attention to whether the various applications carried on this mobile phone
>> are easy to use and whether they can meet their needs. I think this is also
>> a problem that various open source components will encounter after they
>> have developed to a certain level.
>> There may be different opinions that this will be an unsuccessful
>> attempt, but from our actual user experience, this should be the user’s
>> needs, and we are willing to try to do it.
>> Thanks
>> Goson zhang <> 于2021年1月3日周日 下午9:06写道:
>>> Sorry, due to vacation last week, I couldn’t reply to your email in time.
>>> 1. The new project name is under Apache review and may be adjusted, so I
>>> need to announce it after confirmation.
>>> 2. We'll release the new Architecture and Roadmap around April:
>>>     We hope to provide a complete one-stop streaming data service
>>> platform: the system integrates a series of components in the form of
>>> plug-ins from collection, aggregation, storage, and forwarding to build a
>>> complete data reporting service; based on the platform, users only need to
>>> publish and subscribe data and can easily build analysis and applications
>>> based on streaming data; The TubeMQ will continue to evolve in this project.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Lan Liang <> 于2020年12月27日周日 上午1:17写道:
>>>> Hi Goson,
>>>> This is the first time I've seen an Apache project change its name, and
>>>> it's ok.
>>>> Absolutely you can do it well.
>>>> 1) So what new names do we have?
>>>> 2) Have an architecture or Roadmap?
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Lan Liang
>>>> On 12/18/2020 20:20,Goson zhang<>
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Netroby,
>>>> Thank you, although I also think that Chinese reply can express my
>>>> meaning
>>>> more accurately, but I still have to follow the convention in English,
>>>> just
>>>> like changing the name to follow the apache rules to operate, because
>>>> there
>>>> must be some people paying attention to other spaces I don’t know, maybe
>>>> not in China.
>>>> I just want to say that TubeMQ itself is a module, the adjusted result
>>>> is
>>>> consistent with the current real situation of the project. That's it.
>>>> According to the Apache rules, there should be only one chance to change
>>>> the name. Maybe it will disappear with the name change, or it may be
>>>> because More people learn about its existence because of the name
>>>> change,
>>>> and then use and contribute to make it more powerful, who can tell us?
>>>> My love and joy for this project,  can be expressed by a sentence
>>>> posted on
>>>> the intranet during the internal opened: "Tube, are you as good as you
>>>> said, or just a "bubble", show me your code, pull it out and take a walk
>>>> (Tube, 你真如说的那么好吗,还是只是一个“泡泡”,show me your code,拉出来遛两圈看看). And I am also
>>>> very
>>>> happy to know, it also meets other's needs in other environments,
>>>> although
>>>> there are only tens of billions and hundreds of billions of data, not
>>>> our
>>>> trillions of environments. Then, I also have a lot of ideas for TubeMQ
>>>> that
>>>> need to be implemented, but it takes time to settle.
>>>> And if you think it’s awesome, just use it to see if it’s really
>>>> awesome,
>>>> thank you again for your attention to and contribution to the project.
>>>> Thanks!!
>>>> Netroby <> 于2020年12月18日周五 下午6:49写道:
>>>> 估计也没几个外国友人,还是让我用中文说一下吧。
>>>> 你们做的这个决定,好不好。 当然是好的。
>>>> 我支不支持,当然是支持的。
>>>> 最早知道tubemq,是奔着牛逼去的。
>>>> RocketMq, 哦妹子嘤。
>>>> TubeMQ,鹅妹子嘤。
>>>> 现如今,旧貌换新颜?
>>>> 改名,成为一个子模块,子项目,我在想为毛你们这么庞大的规划,不开个新项目来做, 保持TubeMq消息中间件的地位和独立仓库,有毛不可以?
>>>> 你们看看RocketMQ开了多少个项目了。 但是主项目RocketMq还是在,没有太大变化。
>>>> 好的,你想要构建生态,强大的体系,没问题。 为毛不新开一个大项目?
>>>> 比如叫什么Tencent-University.
>>>> 你说啥?缺人手?
>>>> 那就是你们的问题了。 有庞大的规划,没有足够的人手来实现,所以要先把TubeMQ改了?
>>>> 我不知道有没有人真正意义上在生产环境,应用TubeMQ, 我相信直接把项目变成一个子项目,影响肯定是深远的。
>>>> 不可谓不大。基本上是一个翻天覆地的变化。
>>>> 以关注Apache 十几年的经验看,没有一个项目敢这么玩。
>>>> 更多的是把一些没有维护的项目,放到藏经阁去。
>>>> 然后更多的新项目涌现出来。
>>>> 我能理解你们有庞大的规划和长远的远景规划。
>>>> 这很好, 那为毛不赋予一个更有意义的项目名,单独开一个呢?
>>>> 另外开一个副本,打团不是更帅?
>>>> 你可以看看alibaba开了多少个副本。
>>>> 当然,你说我不该跟其他项目比,你就是你,tubemq就是tubemq。
>>>> 我想说的是,开源项目,不是这样玩的,开源项目,讲究一个契约精神, 就是你现在是一个消息中间件, 那就好好做你中间件。
>>>> 你别半路上说不,咱们要玩个大的。
>>>> 咱们去做无限连接数据层好了。
>>>> 就感觉。。。我拿步枪,去射飞机?
>>>> 你们是开发者,TubeMQ是你们的心血。 你们拥有最终决定权。
>>>> 但是作为长期关注项目的用户,我还是表述了一下我的观点。
>>>> 希望TubeMQ基业长青,越做越好,也希望你们新的庞大的生态体系,能建立起来。
>>>> 但需要明白一点,万丈高楼平地起,聚沙成塔,汇水为海。 困难肯定是有的,挑战也是有的。 你们把盘子划得太大,怎么把它圆起来呢?
>>>> 有多少财力,精力,人力,投入进来?
>>>> 你们又如何保证,后面不会再出现这样颠覆性的变动。 任何事情,有一,便有二,有二便有三。
>>>> Good luck。
>>>> Appreciate your time.
>>>> ----------------------------
>>>> Netroby
>>>> Goson zhang <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午11:26写道:
>>>> Hi Netroby,  hufeng1987, and all:
>>>> The TubeMQ project has existed and been running for many years before it
>>>> was open sourced. The name is even more earthy, called "tube"
>>>> (pronounced
>>>> similar to Turtle in Chinese). What I want to say is that the name is
>>>> really important, but it is not the most important decision factor.
>>>> I personally think that the key to software is to really help everyone,
>>>> and
>>>> to make everyone feel that in a certain aspect or in certain aspects, it
>>>> is
>>>> unique compared to other similar products, such as cost saving,
>>>> worry-free,
>>>> or higher performance. If TubeMQ really helps you in some aspects, the
>>>> best
>>>> way is to continue to apply and improve it, and if you have the
>>>> opportunity
>>>> to contribute to it, make it more powerful and more useful.
>>>> At the same time, after the name change, people in need can still
>>>> retrieve
>>>> its existence through "TubeMQ" and find this email to know what name it
>>>> changed to and where it is now. It will not affect the new classmates,
>>>> at
>>>> the same time, you can find more good stuff.
>>>> In the end, I think a poem written by Tashiram Dodo(扎西拉姆·多多), "The
>>>> Silence
>>>> of Banzaguru Baima"(《班扎古鲁白玛的沉默》) can better express this state:
>>>> It doesn't matter if you see me or not.
>>>> I am standing right there with no sorrow or delight.
>>>> It doesn't matter if you miss me or not.
>>>> The feeling is right there and it isn't going anywhere.
>>>> It doesn't matter if you love me or not.
>>>> Love is right there and it isn't going to change.
>>>> It doesn't matter if you are with me or not.
>>>> My hand is in your hand and I won't let go.
>>>> Come to my arms.
>>>> Or let me live in your heart.
>>>> Silence Love.
>>>> Calmness Joy.
>>>> Thank you all.
>>>> Netroby <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午10:28写道:
>>>> And did you regret letting tubemq be born?
>>>> Is it just too small a part of your ecosystem?  oh, I am sorry to hear
>>>> it.
>>>> Anyway, if you really want to do it, Just do it.
>>>> But how can you know your strength? Would you change your mind next
>>>> time?
>>>> Appreciate your time.
>>>> ----------------------------
>>>> Netroby
>>>> Netroby <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午10:24写道:
>>>> I guess they (core developers)lost their mission (or lost mind).
>>>> You can just made tubemq as a sub module of a huge project.
>>>> It's not the business .
>>>> Kafka is another mq.
>>>> It's also an apache project. did you see they say. let's make a big
>>>> project, make kafka as a sub project?
>>>> Appreciate your time.
>>>> ----------------------------
>>>> Netroby
>>>> 赵磊 <> 于2020年12月18日周五 上午10:04写道:
>>>> It was really such a big surprise. In recent months, i had made
>>>> lots
>>>> of testing on tubemq and decide to use it in my solution.
>>>> but if the project's goals and  name changed ,can i use tubemq
>>>> independently? if so,will it take lots of workload?
>>>> if the change is imperative  when can we see the  new architecture?
>>>> At 2020-12-17 20:17:58, "人间不值得" <> wrote:
>>>> It’s wired, if you want push another area, just named a new
>>>> project,
>>>> do you know hdfs and Hadoop?
>>>> Force change project name and project main goals very wired.
>>>> Let tubemq do one job please. It’s good and enough.
>>>> 发自我的iPad
>>>> 在 2020年12月14日,下午7:08,Goson zhang <> 写道:
>>>> Hi, Dev
>>>> I'd like to raise a discussion about adjusting the project
>>>> goals and
>>>> project name
>>>> As the initiator of the project, after TubeMQ joined the Apache
>>>> community,
>>>> we have been improving the features and functions in accordance
>>>> with the
>>>> needs of the project, also, we have been promoting the
>>>> evolution of
>>>> the
>>>> project in the direction of "one-stop data access", providing
>>>> technical
>>>> capabilities such as data collection,  transmission, sorting,
>>>> and
>>>> landing
>>>> which covers big data scenario completely. For instance, we have
>>>> recently
>>>> developed a module called tubemq-manager for cross-cluster
>>>> management,
>>>> other modules such as agent and sorting will be added sooner in
>>>> the
>>>> future.
>>>> As TubeMq matures and strengthens, we found that it's not just a
>>>> single MQ
>>>> service, but also a one-stop data access solution that covers
>>>> the
>>>> entire
>>>> data reporting service. If we continue to retain the suffix
>>>> "mq" in
>>>> the
>>>> project name, it may confuse our users or even those who follow
>>>> up
>>>> on our
>>>> project.
>>>> We hope to present different project goals by modifying the
>>>> project
>>>> name.
>>>> We will retain and continue to develop the TubeMQ module to
>>>> provide
>>>> messaging middleware service capabilities. At the same time, we
>>>> will make
>>>> some capabilities such as data collection and data sorting open
>>>> source,
>>>> the overall services in data reporting which provides people
>>>> with
>>>> all the
>>>> advantages in this field are also in our open-source plan. And
>>>> of
>>>> course,
>>>> such adjustment would have impact on everyone, after the
>>>> project is
>>>> renamed, people need to include the main name of the new
>>>> project in
>>>> the
>>>> existing TubeMQ import path, from the previous "import
>>>>" to "import",
>>>> but
>>>> this
>>>> adjustment will enable us to provide them with more integrated
>>>> components
>>>> on the data reporting service.
>>>> Regarding the change of  project goal && project name, we PPMCs
>>>> have
>>>> conducted many offline and online discussions, we also consulted
>>>> project
>>>> mentors to understand that:
>>>> 1. If the project must be renamed, do it as soon as possible, it
>>>> will have
>>>> less impact on everyone ;
>>>> 2. There is one and only one chance to change the name before
>>>> the
>>>> project
>>>> incubation graduation;
>>>> 3. Before changing the name, we must inform everyone in the
>>>> community and
>>>> listen to the opinions and suggestions.
>>>> Therefore, we send this email to discuss the adjustment of goal
>>>> and
>>>> name,
>>>> and to obtain more opinions and suggestions towards it.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> TubeMQ PPMCs