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Posted to by hammerfest <> on 2015/01/13 18:02:05 UTC

Excel pivot table dropdown list cell default value

Hi, I am searching an answer with the following issue We have an Excel workbook with two worksheets. We have a Java application using Apache POI (version 3.11), which exports some data onto one of these sheets, and based on the exported data, the cells of the other sheet, which is a pivot table, are populated On this pivot table, we have a cell that is a dropdown list. Before the export it contains values (All) and (blank), while following an export it can contain various values depending on the content of the other sheet. Following the export currently the (All) value is displayed as the dropdown default, however the expectation would be that one of the exported concrete values is displayed as default. However, it seems that trying to set the cell value directly throughworksheet.getRow(rowIndex).getCell(cellIndex).setCellValue("value"); //assuming "value" is existing among the dropdown values
does not have any effect, possibly because this being a pivot table I have also experimented some with XSSFPivotTable and its cache types, XSSFPivotCacheDefinition and CTPivotTableDefinition that helped me in the past to set some pivot table properties (e.g. refresh on load), but unfortunately I could not figure this particular issue out so far Poi homepage also states "XSSF has limited support for creating Pivot Tables, and very limited read/change support", so I am starting to believe that this might not be supported Any input on this would be appreciated. /h