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Posted to by Erick Erickson <> on 2018/08/15 02:27:57 UTC

BadApples this week

First off, somehow I did all the annotations last week, then failed to
push them. Will do that shortly.

Here's this week's changes, let me know if there are problems

  **Annotations will be removed from the following tests because they
haven't failed in the last 4 rollups.

  **Methods: 6

  **Suites: 0

********Failures in Hoss' reports for the last 4 rollups.

There were 853 unannotated tests that failed in Hoss' rollups. Ordered
by the date I downloaded the rollup file, newest->oldest. See above
for the dates the files were collected
These tests were NOT BadApple'd or AwaitsFix'd
All tests that failed 4 weeks running will be BadApple'd unless there
are objections

Failures in the last 4 reports..
   Report   Pct     runs    fails           test
     0123   2.3      502     20      AutoScalingHandlerTest.testReadApi
     0123   0.4     1828      7
     0123   0.9     1813      9
     0123  62.5       93     69      HdfsBasicDistributedZk2Test(suite)
     0123  12.5      104     16      HdfsBasicDistributedZk2Test.test
     0123  17.1      246     41      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testMergeIntegration
     0123  14.8      244     43      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testMixedBounds
     0123  36.6      246     90      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testSplitIntegration
     0123  13.4      246     38      IndexSizeTriggerTest.testTrigger
     0123   0.5     1782     17      LeaderTragicEventTest(suite)
     0123   0.2     1800     26
     0123  13.0     1127     60      MoveReplicaHDFSTest.testFailedMove
     0123   0.7     1608     12      MultiThreadedOCPTest.test
     0123   2.7     1758     53      SchemaApiFailureTest(suite)
     0123   0.2     1811      5
     0123   0.2     1811      8
     0123   2.8     1599     37      TestHdfsUpdateLog(suite)
     0123   0.7     1572      8      TestReplicationHandler(suite)
     0123   7.3     1702    153
     0123   0.2     1777      5      TestTlogReplica(suite)
     0123   1.2      489     45      TestTriggerIntegration.testSearchRate
************ Will BadApple all tests above this line except ones
listed at the top**************

Attached is the full output.