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Posted to by mmfive <> on 2003/04/18 10:51:53 UTC

Using Namespaces with Xerces-J-2.4.0

Hi All,

         I'm new to XML, so please excuse me if this sounds trival. I'm
using Namespces and I have a default namespace plus another two. When I usse
the Dom.Writer from the DOM samples from the Apache web site. I get the
following errors. I'm not sure why I'm getting them, what do I have to do to
my xml file to fix it?


[Error] Student1.xml:7:47: Attribute "xmlns:Sem" must be declared for
element type "Student1".

[Error] Student1.xml:7:47: Attribute "xmlns:Per" must be declared for
element type "Student1".

[Error] Student1.xml:7:47: Attribute "xmlns" must be declared for element
type "Student1".



The command I'm using with DTD is:


java dom.Writer -v Student1.xml > Student2-dtd.xml


My XML file is listed below.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>


<!DOCTYPE Student1 SYSTEM "Amend.dtd">


<Student1 xmlns:Sem=''




      <PersonDetails InterStudent = 'No' ApprenticeTrainee = 'Yes'>





            <CourseTitle>Masters of Information Technology in Internet



      <ChangeOfNameOrTitle AmendDateOfBirth = '07/06/2970' Date =
'18/04/2003' Title = 'Mr'>







           <Sem:NumberOfStreet>45 McKean Street</Sem:NumberOfStreet>

           <Sem:SuburbOrTown>North Fitzroy</Sem:SuburbOrTown>




           <Per:NumberOfStreet>86 Richardson Street</Per:NumberOfStreet>

           <Per:SuburbOrTown>North Carlton</Per:SuburbOrTown>






My DTD file is


<!-- 'Amend.dtd' -->


<!ELEMENT Student1 (PersonDetails, ChangeOfNameOrTitle?, ChangeOfAddress)> 


<!-- Person Deatils -->


<!ELEMENT PersonDetails (StudentNumber, FamilyName, GivenOtherNames*,

<!ATTLIST PersonDetails 

   InterStudent       (Yes | No | YES | NO) #REQUIRED

   ApprenticeTrainee  (Yes | No | YES | NO) #REQUIRED >


<!ELEMENT StudentNumber (#PCDATA) >


<!ELEMENT FamilyName (#PCDATA) > 


<!ELEMENT GivenOtherNames (#PCDATA) > 


<!ELEMENT CourseTitle (#PCDATA) > 


<!-- Change of name or title -->


<!ELEMENT ChangeOfNameOrTitle (NewFamilyName, NewGivenOtherNames*)>

<!ATTLIST ChangeOfNameOrTitle

   Title       (Dr | DR | Mr | MR | Mrs | MRS | Miss | MISS | Ms | MS)

   Date              CDATA #REQUIRED 

   AmendDateOfBirth  CDATA #IMPLIED >


<!ELEMENT NewFamilyName (#PCDATA)>


<!ELEMENT NewGivenOtherNames (#PCDATA)>


<!-- Change of Address -->


<!ELEMENT ChangeOfAddress (Sem:SemesterAddress, Per:PermanentAddress)>


<!-- Semester Address -->


<!ELEMENT Sem:SemesterAddress (Sem:NumberOfStreet, Sem:SuburbOrTown)>


<!ELEMENT Sem:NumberOfStreet (#PCDATA)>


<!ELEMENT Sem:SuburbOrTown (#PCDATA)>


<!-- Permanent Address -->


<!ELEMENT Per:PermanentAddress (Per:NumberOfStreet, Per:SuburbOrTown)>


<!ELEMENT Per:NumberOfStreet (#PCDATA)>


<!ELEMENT Per:SuburbOrTown (#PCDATA)>

Re: Using Namespaces with Xerces-J-2.4.0

Posted by Joseph Kesselman <>.
DTDs predate namespaces, and don't consider them to be different from any 
other attribute. To use namespace declarations in a DTD-validated 
document, the DTD must be written to allow those attributes at the 
relevant points. Yes, this is a major nuisance, and it means you must use 
the specific prefix the DTD expects.

The only good solution is to validate against schemas rather than DTDs. 
Schemas are namespace-aware.

Joe Kesselman, IBM Next-Generation Web Technologies: XML, XSL and more. 
"may'ron DaroQbe'chugh vaj bIrIQbej"  ("Put down the squeezebox and nobody 
gets hurt.")