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Posted to by Ancona Francesco <> on 2016/02/22 16:29:00 UTC

info about jackrabbitoak.

I'm Francesco Ancona; i'm Senior Software Architect in Siav S.p.A.
we are a company in ECM arena and we are upgrading and extending our business and technical offer to our clients either in SaaS or on premise.
Now we are in .net enviroment but we wish migrate to java and we are looking for a ecm platform open source on which building our services.

We have, for instance, client such as Bank of Italy or Menarini; we have installation that manage also 250M of documents.

So we are looking for an ECM  framework to start implementation. Actual software selection involves: modshape, jackrabbit and jackrabbitoak.
In particular we'd like to know:

1.       Could you give jackrabbit and jackrabbitoak roadmap (when the fusion is expected)?

2.       Have you got clients that use jackrabbitoak ?

3.       Is there any company that can give support on jackrabbitoak ?

4.       Could you give us stress test result (if you have)

Thanks in advance
Best regards

Francesco Ancona | Software Dev. Dept. (SP) - Software Architect
tel. +39 049 8979797 | fax +39 049 8978800 | cel. +39 3299060325
e-mail: |

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