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Posted to by Ivan Latysh <> on 2009/06/01 16:50:59 UTC

Re: Webapp structure

Robby Pelssers wrote:
> It's quite easy and if you read
> (getting started) you should be able to follow what's going on.
I went through it all.

> When you talk about war.. you mean creating a cocoon-archetype-webapp by
> running 
> mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=  and
> selecting option 3.
It does not create a war, but rather an exploded jetty server with integrated webapp.
And I do have it up and running, but again it demonstrates on how to use Maven to run sample webapp.

> Then you get following structure:
> mywebapproject
>   -src
>     -main
>       -resources
>       -webapp
>         -WEB-INF
>           -applicationContext.xml
>           -log4j.xml
>           -web.xml
Again it is a project structure, not a war structure, when I translate resources from option 2+3 of a maven build script 
into a war it does not work.

> If you had selected option 2 or 1, you would have gotten the structure
> like you mentioned. But the packaging of such a project is 'jar' like
> mentioned earlier in the thread.  So typically, that jar would go into
> the WEB-INF/lib folder if you declare a dependency in 
> 'mywebappproject' on that cocoon block.
I am looking to run exploded cocoon module in the webapp.
In the other words cocoon module is not jarred, and it is running in the webapp.

P.S. It is essential to any open source web project to have a simple war accompanied with a good description that can be 
dropped into a container and evaluated. It does not matter how it has been built or what is the project structure at 
this point. And this is exactly what I am looking for.

Ivan Latysh

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