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svn commit: r1184969 [3/3] - in /incubator/airavata/trunk/modules/xbaya-gui: ./ src/main/java/org/apache/airavata/xbaya/ src/main/java/org/apache/airavata/xbaya/appwrapper/ src/main/java/org/apache/airavata/xbaya/component/gui/ src/main/java/org/apache...

Modified: incubator/airavata/trunk/modules/xbaya-gui/src/main/java/org/apache/airavata/xbaya/workflow/proxy/
--- incubator/airavata/trunk/modules/xbaya-gui/src/main/java/org/apache/airavata/xbaya/workflow/proxy/ (original)
+++ incubator/airavata/trunk/modules/xbaya-gui/src/main/java/org/apache/airavata/xbaya/workflow/proxy/ Mon Oct 17 01:14:07 2011
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.securit
 import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.workflow.WorkflowClient;
 import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.workflow.WorkflowEngineException;
-import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.xregistry.XRegistryAccesser;
 import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.xsd.GFacSimpleTypesXSD;
 import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.xsd.LeadContextHeaderXSD;
 import org.apache.airavata.xbaya.xsd.LeadCrosscutXSD;
@@ -60,13 +59,10 @@ import org.gpel.client.GcSearchList;
 import org.gpel.client.GcSearchResult;
 import org.gpel.model.GpelProcess;
 import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential;
-import org.ogce.xregistry.client.XRegistryClient;
-import org.ogce.xregistry.utils.XRegistryClientException;
 import org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlBuilderException;
 import org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement;
 import org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlInfosetBuilder;
-import xregistry.generated.ResourceData;
 import xsul.XsulException;
 import xsul.lead.LeadContextHeader;
 import xsul.wsif.WSIFMessage;
@@ -87,599 +83,662 @@ import edu.indiana.extreme.weps.XMLFile;
 public class WorkflowProxyClient extends WorkflowClient {
-	private GSSCredential gssCredential;
-	private XRegistryClient xregistryCient;
-	private String xregistryURL;
-	private WsdlDefinitions wsdlDefinitions;
-	private XBayaEngine xbayaEngine;
-	/**
-	 * Constructs a WorkflowProxyClient.
-	 */
-	public WorkflowProxyClient() {
-		// Nothing
-		sendSafeEvent(new Event(Event.Type.GPEL_ENGINE_CONNECTED));
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Constructs a WorkflowProxyClient.
-	 * 
-	 * @param engineURL
-	 * @param xregistryURL
-	 * @param credential
-	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
-	 */
-	public WorkflowProxyClient(URI engineURL, String xregistryURL,
-			UserX509Credential credential) throws WorkflowEngineException {
-		// TODO : Xregistry URL can be null. Make sure we check that and set a
-		// default location to that.
-		this();
-		this.engineURL = engineURL;
-		this.xregistryURL = xregistryURL;
-		this.gssCredential = credential.getGssCredential();
-	}
-	public void setXRegistryUrl(URI xRegistryURL) {
-		if (xRegistryURL != null) {
-			this.xregistryURL = xRegistryURL.toString();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param engineURL
-	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
-	 */
-	public void setEngineURL(URI engineURL) throws WorkflowEngineException {
-		super.setEngineURL(engineURL);
-		sendSafeEvent(new Event(Event.Type.GPEL_ENGINE_CONNECTED));
-		// connect();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param gssCredential
-	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
-	 */
-	public void setSecurityInformation(GSSCredential gssCredential)
-			throws WorkflowProxyException {
-		this.gssCredential = gssCredential;
-		// connect();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param workflow
-	 * @param redeploy
-	 * @return The workflow template ID.
-	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
-	 */
-	public synchronized URI deploy(Workflow workflow, boolean redeploy)
-			throws WorkflowProxyException {
-		try {
-			// count++;
-			// adding workflow in to Xregistry
-			WSIFAsyncResponsesCorrelator correlator;
-			correlator = null;
-			// pass some headers
-			LeadContextHeader leadContext = getLeadContextHeader();
-			// URI uri = new File("/u/cherath/Desktop/WEPSService.xml").toURI();
-			// WSIFClient wclient = WSIFRuntime.newClient(uri.toString())
-			// .addHandler(
-			// new StickySoapHeaderHandler("use-lead-header",
-			// leadContext)).useAsyncMessaging(correlator)
-			// .setAsyncResponseTimeoutInMs(33000L); // to simplify testing
-			xsul5.wsdl.WsdlResolver.getInstance().loadWsdl(engineURL);
-			// WsdlService proxyService =
-			// WSDLUtil.getfirst(;
-			// WsdlPort proxyPort = WSDLUtil.getfirst(proxyService.ports());
-			// org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlElement address =
-			// proxyPort.xml().element("address");
-			// XmlAttribute location = address.attribute("location");
-			// address.removeAttribute(location);
-			// address.setAttributeValue("location",
-			// engineURL.toString().substring(0,
-			// engineURL.toString().indexOf("?wsdl")));
-			// WSIFService service =
-			// WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance().getService(
-			// WSDLUtil.wsdlDefinitions5ToWsdlDefintions3(proxyWSDL) );
-			// WSIFPort port = service.getPort();
-			// WSIFClient wclient = WSIFRuntime.getDefault().newClientFor(port);
-			WSIFClient wclient = WSIFRuntime
-					.newClient(engineURL.toString())
-					.addHandler(
-							new StickySoapHeaderHandler("use-lead-header",
-									leadContext)).useAsyncMessaging(correlator)
-					.setAsyncResponseTimeoutInMs(33000L); // to simplify testing
-			// set to just few
-			// seconds
-			WSIFPort port = wclient.getPort();
-			WSIFOperation operation = port.createOperation("deploy");
-			WSIFMessage outputMessage = operation.createOutputMessage();
-			WSIFMessage faultMessage = operation.createFaultMessage();
-			XmlElement inputMessageElement = xmlObjectToEl(getDeploymentPayload(
-					workflow, this.xbayaEngine.getConfiguration().getDSCURL()));
-			WSIFMessage inputMessage = new WSIFMessageElement(
-					inputMessageElement);
-			boolean success = operation.executeRequestResponseOperation(
-					inputMessage, outputMessage, faultMessage);
-			if (success) {
-			} else {
-				throw new XsulException(faultMessage.toString());
-			}
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
-		} catch (XmlBuilderException e) {
-			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
-		} catch (GraphException e) {
-			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
-		} catch (ComponentException e) {
-			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
-		}
-		XBayaConfiguration configuration = this.xbayaEngine.getConfiguration();
-		WsdlDefinitions workflowWSDL;
-		try {
-			workflowWSDL = workflow.getOdeWorkflowWSDL(
-					configuration.getDSCURL(), configuration.getODEURL());
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			// shouldnt happen cos we have already called this once
-			throw new XBayaRuntimeException(e);
-		}
-		org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlElement service = workflowWSDL.xml().element(
-				null, "service");
-		org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlElement port = service.element(null, "port");
-		org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlElement address = port.element(null, "address");
-		String location = address.attributeValue("location");
-		URI ret = null;
-		try {
-			ret = new URI(location + "?wsdl");
-		} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
-			throw new XBayaRuntimeException(e);
-		}
-		return ret;
-	}
-	private XmlElement xmlObjectToEl(XmlObject outgoingXmlObj)
-			throws IOException {
-		String outgoingXmlAsString = outgoingXmlObj.xmlText();
-		return XmlInfosetBuilder.newInstance().parseFragmentFromReader(
-				new StringReader(outgoingXmlAsString));
-	}
-	private DeploymentInformationDocument getDeploymentPayload(
-			Workflow workflow, URI dscURI) throws WorkflowProxyException,
-			XmlBuilderException, GraphException, ComponentException {
-		try {
-			String workflowName = workflow.getName();
-			URI templateId = workflow.getUniqueWorkflowName();
-			XBayaConfiguration configuration = this.xbayaEngine
-					.getConfiguration();
-			GpelProcess gpelProcess = null;
-			String processString = null;
-			gpelProcess = workflow.getOdeProcess(dscURI,
-					configuration.getODEURL());
-			processString = gpelProcess.xmlStringPretty();
-			workflow.getImage();
-			WsdlDefinitions workflowWSDL = workflow.getOdeWorkflowWSDL(dscURI,
-					configuration.getODEURL());
-			// do some error checking here
-			if (workflowName == null || "".equals(workflowName)) {
-				throw new IllegalStateException("No workflow name given");
-			}
-			DeploymentInformationDocument document = DeploymentInformationDocument.Factory
-					.newInstance();
-			DeploymentInformationDocument.DeploymentInformation deploymentInformation = DeploymentInformationDocument.DeploymentInformation.Factory
-					.newInstance();
-			DeploymentDocumentsType documentsType = DeploymentDocumentsType.Factory
-					.newInstance();
-			// setting the process name
-			deploymentInformation.setProcessName(StringUtil
-					.convertToJavaIdentifier(workflowName));
-			// setting workflow template id
-			if (templateId != null) {
-				deploymentInformation.setTemplateId(templateId.toString());
-			}
-			// setting process GPEL
-			XmlObject gpelProcessXmlObject = XBeansUtil
-					.xmlElementToXmlObject(processString);
-			documentsType.setBPEL(gpelProcessXmlObject);
-			// setting deployment descriptors
-			documentsType.setDeploymentDescriptor(XmlObject.Factory
-					.parse(XmlConstants.BUILDER
-							.serializeToStringPretty(workflow
-									.getODEDeploymentDescriptor(dscURI,
-											configuration.getODEURL()))));
-			XMLFile processWSDL = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
-			processWSDL.setFileName(workflowWSDL.xml().attributeValue("name")
-					+ ".wsdl");
-			processWSDL.setContent(XBeansUtil
-					.xmlElementToXmlObject(workflowWSDL.xmlStringPretty()));
-			documentsType.setProcessWSDL(processWSDL);
-			XMLFile serviceWSDL;
-			Map<String, WsdlDefinitions> wsdlMap = workflow.getOdeServiceWSDLs(
-					dscURI, configuration.getODEURL());
-			XMLFile[] serviceWSDLs = new XMLFile[wsdlMap.size() + 3];
-			int index = 0;
-			for (String id : wsdlMap.keySet()) {
-				WsdlDefinitions wsdl = wsdlMap.get(id);
-				serviceWSDL = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
-				serviceWSDL.setFileName(wsdl.xml().attributeValue("name")
-						+ ".wsdl");
-				serviceWSDL.setContent(XBeansUtil.xmlElementToXmlObject(wsdl
-						.xmlStringPretty()));
-				serviceWSDLs[index++] = serviceWSDL;
-			}
-			// add the xsds
-			// crosscutt
-			XMLFile crossCutXsd = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
-			crossCutXsd.setFileName("lead-crosscut-parameters.xsd");
-			crossCutXsd.setContent(XBeansUtil
-					.xmlElementToXmlObject(LeadCrosscutXSD.getXml()));
-			serviceWSDLs[index++] = crossCutXsd;
-			// gfac-simple-types.xsd
-			XMLFile gfacXsd = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
-			gfacXsd.setFileName("gfac-simple-types.xsd");
-			gfacXsd.setContent(XBeansUtil
-					.xmlElementToXmlObject(GFacSimpleTypesXSD.getXml()));
-			serviceWSDLs[index++] = gfacXsd;
-			// fileidtype
-			XMLFile lch = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
-			lch.setFileName("lead-context.xsd");
-			lch.setContent(XBeansUtil
-					.xmlElementToXmlObject(LeadContextHeaderXSD.getXml()));
-			serviceWSDLs[index++] = lch;
-			documentsType.setServiceWSDLsArray(serviceWSDLs);
-			workflow.getGraph();
-			deploymentInformation.setDeploymentDocuments(documentsType);
-			document.setDeploymentInformation(deploymentInformation);
-			return document;
-		} catch (XmlException e) {
-			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param workflow
-	 *            The workflow to instantiate.
-	 * @param dscURL
-	 *            The URL of the DSC.
-	 * @param name
-	 *            The name that becomes a part of the workflow instance name.
-	 * @return The wsdl of the workflow
-	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
-	 * @throws ComponentException
-	 * @throws GraphException
-	 */
-	public synchronized GcInstance instantiate(Workflow workflow, URI dscURL,
-			String name) throws WorkflowEngineException, ComponentException,
-			GraphException {
-		URI templateID = workflow.getGPELTemplateID();
-		if (templateID == null) {
-			throw new IllegalStateException(
-					"The workflow has not been deployed.");
-		}
-		try {
-			WSIFAsyncResponsesCorrelator correlator;
-			correlator = null;
-			// pass some headers
-			LeadContextHeader leadContext = getLeadContextHeader();
-			WSIFClient wclient = WSIFRuntime
-					.newClient(engineURL.toString())
-					.addHandler(
-							new StickySoapHeaderHandler("use-lead-header",
-									leadContext)).useAsyncMessaging(correlator)
-					.setAsyncResponseTimeoutInMs(33000L); // to simplify testing
-			// set to just few
-			// seconds
-			WSIFPort port = wclient.getPort();
-			WSIFOperation operation = port.createOperation("createInstance");
-			WSIFMessage outputMessage = operation.createOutputMessage();
-			WSIFMessage faultMessage = operation.createFaultMessage();
-			ProcessNameDocument processNameDocument = ProcessNameDocument.Factory
-					.newInstance();
-			// TODO : do we use template id or process name here?
-			processNameDocument.setProcessName(workflow.getName());
-			XmlElement inputMessageElement = xmlObjectToEl(processNameDocument);
-			WSIFMessage inputMessage = new WSIFMessageElement(
-					inputMessageElement);
-			boolean success = operation.executeRequestResponseOperation(
-					inputMessage, outputMessage, faultMessage);
-			XmlElement result;
-			if (success) {
-				result = (XmlElement) outputMessage;
-			} else {
-				result = (XmlElement) faultMessage;
-			}
-			wsdlDefinitions = new WsdlDefinitions(
-					XMLUtil.xmlElementToString(result));
-			// this is tricky here. This method requires us to return a
-			// GcInstance and will call
-			// start method with GcInstance as the argument to get
-			// wsdlDefinitions.
-			// With workflow proxy client, we do get wsdldefinitions from the
-			// first invocation itself and we do not need
-			// to have a GcInstance. So let's create our own GcInstance extended
-			// from GcInstance, store the wsdldefinitions
-			// inside that. When we get "start" call next time, let's retrieve
-			// these wsdldefinitions from that GcInstance
-			// object and return it to the client
-			return new ProxyGcInstance(wsdlDefinitions);
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	@Deprecated
-	public GcInstance instantiate(Workflow workflow,
-			Map<String, WsdlDefinitions> wsdlMap)
-			throws WorkflowEngineException {
-		return null; // To change body of implemented methods use File |
-		// Settings | File Templates.
-	}
-	private LeadContextHeader getLeadContextHeader() {
-		LeadContextHeaderHelper helper = new LeadContextHeaderHelper();
-		helper.setXBayaConfiguration(new XBayaConfiguration());
-		LeadContextHeader leadContext = helper.getLeadContextHeader();
-		leadContext.setWorkflowId(URI
-				.create("http://host/2005/11/09/workflowinstace"));
-		leadContext.setNodeId("decoder1");
-		leadContext.setTimeStep("5");
-		leadContext.setServiceId("decoder-instance-10");
-		return leadContext;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Loads a workflow with s specified workflow template ID.
-	 * 
-	 * @param templateID
-	 *            The workflow template ID.
-	 * @return The workflow loaded
-	 * @throws GraphException
-	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
-	 * @throws org.apache.airavata.xbaya.component.ComponentException
-	 * 
-	 */
-	public Workflow load(URI templateID, WorkflowType workflowType)
-			throws GraphException, WorkflowProxyException, ComponentException {
-		Workflow workflow = null;
-		String templateIDString = templateID.toString();
-		// workflow template id is of the format
-		// urn:uuid:<workflow_name>:date_as_long. Trying to extract
-		// the workflow name from the template id now
-		QName workflowQName;
-		if (templateIDString.indexOf("urn:uuid") > -1) {
-			int secondColonLocation = templateIDString.indexOf(":",
-					templateIDString.indexOf(":") + 1);
-			int thirdColonLocation = templateIDString.indexOf(":",
-					secondColonLocation + 1);
-			workflowQName = new QName(templateIDString,
-					templateIDString.substring(secondColonLocation + 1,
-							thirdColonLocation));
-		} else {
-			workflowQName = new QName(templateIDString);
-		}
-		XRegistryAccesser xregistryAccesser = new XRegistryAccesser(
-				this.xbayaEngine);
-		String templateAsString = xregistryAccesser.getWorkflow(workflowQName)
-				.toString();
-		workflow = new Workflow(XMLUtil.stringToXmlElement(templateAsString));
-		return workflow;
-	}
-	public void setUserX509Credential(UserX509Credential userX509Credential)
-			throws WorkflowEngineException {
-		this.gssCredential = userX509Credential.getGssCredential();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the List of GcSearchResult.
-	 * 
-	 * @param maxNum
-	 *            The maximum number of results
-	 * @return The List of GcSearchResult.
-	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
-	 */
-	@SuppressWarnings("boxing")
-	public synchronized GcSearchList list(int maxNum, WorkflowType type)
-			throws WorkflowProxyException {
-		try {
-			// TODO return the ones only related to the user.
-			GcSearchListImpl results = new GcSearchListImpl(maxNum);
-			// retrieve the workflow from xregistry
-			checkAndLoadCredentials();
-//			URI xregistryURL = this.xbayaEngine.getConfiguration()
-//					.getXRegistryURL();
-//			if (xregistryURL == null) {
-//				xregistryURL = XBayaConstants.DEFAULT_XREGISTRY_URL;
+    @Override
+    public void setUserX509Credential(UserX509Credential userX509Credential) throws WorkflowEngineException {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+    }
+    @Override
+    public URI deploy(Workflow workflow, boolean redeploy) throws WorkflowEngineException {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Workflow load(URI id, WorkflowType workflowType) throws GraphException, WorkflowEngineException,
+            ComponentException {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public GcSearchList list(int maxNum, WorkflowType type) throws WorkflowEngineException {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public GcInstance instantiate(Workflow workflow, URI dscURL, String name) throws WorkflowEngineException,
+            ComponentException, GraphException {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public GcInstance instantiate(Workflow workflow, Map<String, WsdlDefinitions> wsdlMap)
+            throws WorkflowEngineException {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public WsdlDefinitions start(GcInstance instance) throws WorkflowEngineException {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void connect() throws WorkflowEngineException {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void setXRegistryUrl(URI xRegistryURL) {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void setXBayaEngine(XBayaEngine xBayaEngine) {
+        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+    }
+//	private GSSCredential gssCredential;
+//	private XRegistryClient xregistryCient;
+//	private String xregistryURL;
+//	private WsdlDefinitions wsdlDefinitions;
+//	private XBayaEngine xbayaEngine;
+//	/**
+//	 * Constructs a WorkflowProxyClient.
+//	 */
+//	public WorkflowProxyClient() {
+//		// Nothing
+//		sendSafeEvent(new Event(Event.Type.GPEL_ENGINE_CONNECTED));
+//	}
+//	/**
+//	 * Constructs a WorkflowProxyClient.
+//	 * 
+//	 * @param engineURL
+//	 * @param xregistryURL
+//	 * @param credential
+//	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
+//	 */
+//	public WorkflowProxyClient(URI engineURL, String xregistryURL,
+//			UserX509Credential credential) throws WorkflowEngineException {
+//		// TODO : Xregistry URL can be null. Make sure we check that and set a
+//		// default location to that.
+//		this();
+//		this.engineURL = engineURL;
+//		this.xregistryURL = xregistryURL;
+//		this.gssCredential = credential.getGssCredential();
+//	}
+//	public void setXRegistryUrl(URI xRegistryURL) {
+//		if (xRegistryURL != null) {
+//			this.xregistryURL = xRegistryURL.toString();
+//		}
+//	}
+//	/**
+//	 * @param engineURL
+//	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
+//	 */
+//	public void setEngineURL(URI engineURL) throws WorkflowEngineException {
+//		super.setEngineURL(engineURL);
+//		sendSafeEvent(new Event(Event.Type.GPEL_ENGINE_CONNECTED));
+//		// connect();
+//	}
+//	/**
+//	 * @param gssCredential
+//	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
+//	 */
+//	public void setSecurityInformation(GSSCredential gssCredential)
+//			throws WorkflowProxyException {
+//		this.gssCredential = gssCredential;
+//		// connect();
+//	}
+//	/**
+//	 * @param workflow
+//	 * @param redeploy
+//	 * @return The workflow template ID.
+//	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
+//	 */
+//	public synchronized URI deploy(Workflow workflow, boolean redeploy)
+//			throws WorkflowProxyException {
+//		try {
+//			// count++;
+//			// adding workflow in to Xregistry
+//			WSIFAsyncResponsesCorrelator correlator;
+//			correlator = null;
+//			// pass some headers
+//			LeadContextHeader leadContext = getLeadContextHeader();
+//			// URI uri = new File("/u/cherath/Desktop/WEPSService.xml").toURI();
+//			// WSIFClient wclient = WSIFRuntime.newClient(uri.toString())
+//			// .addHandler(
+//			// new StickySoapHeaderHandler("use-lead-header",
+//			// leadContext)).useAsyncMessaging(correlator)
+//			// .setAsyncResponseTimeoutInMs(33000L); // to simplify testing
+//			xsul5.wsdl.WsdlResolver.getInstance().loadWsdl(engineURL);
+//			// WsdlService proxyService =
+//			// WSDLUtil.getfirst(;
+//			// WsdlPort proxyPort = WSDLUtil.getfirst(proxyService.ports());
+//			// org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlElement address =
+//			// proxyPort.xml().element("address");
+//			// XmlAttribute location = address.attribute("location");
+//			// address.removeAttribute(location);
+//			// address.setAttributeValue("location",
+//			// engineURL.toString().substring(0,
+//			// engineURL.toString().indexOf("?wsdl")));
+//			// WSIFService service =
+//			// WSIFServiceFactory.newInstance().getService(
+//			// WSDLUtil.wsdlDefinitions5ToWsdlDefintions3(proxyWSDL) );
+//			// WSIFPort port = service.getPort();
+//			// WSIFClient wclient = WSIFRuntime.getDefault().newClientFor(port);
+//			WSIFClient wclient = WSIFRuntime
+//					.newClient(engineURL.toString())
+//					.addHandler(
+//							new StickySoapHeaderHandler("use-lead-header",
+//									leadContext)).useAsyncMessaging(correlator)
+//					.setAsyncResponseTimeoutInMs(33000L); // to simplify testing
+//			// set to just few
+//			// seconds
+//			WSIFPort port = wclient.getPort();
+//			WSIFOperation operation = port.createOperation("deploy");
+//			WSIFMessage outputMessage = operation.createOutputMessage();
+//			WSIFMessage faultMessage = operation.createFaultMessage();
+//			XmlElement inputMessageElement = xmlObjectToEl(getDeploymentPayload(
+//					workflow, this.xbayaEngine.getConfiguration().getDSCURL()));
+//			WSIFMessage inputMessage = new WSIFMessageElement(
+//					inputMessageElement);
+//			boolean success = operation.executeRequestResponseOperation(
+//					inputMessage, outputMessage, faultMessage);
+//			if (success) {
+//			} else {
+//				throw new XsulException(faultMessage.toString());
+//			}
+//		} catch (IOException e) {
+//			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
+//		} catch (XmlBuilderException e) {
+//			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
+//		} catch (GraphException e) {
+//			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
+//		} catch (ComponentException e) {
+//			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
+//		}
+//		XBayaConfiguration configuration = this.xbayaEngine.getConfiguration();
+//		WsdlDefinitions workflowWSDL;
+//		try {
+//			workflowWSDL = workflow.getOdeWorkflowWSDL(
+//					configuration.getDSCURL(), configuration.getODEURL());
+//		} catch (Exception e) {
+//			// shouldnt happen cos we have already called this once
+//			throw new XBayaRuntimeException(e);
+//		}
+//		org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlElement service = workflowWSDL.xml().element(
+//				null, "service");
+//		org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlElement port = service.element(null, "port");
+//		org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlElement address = port.element(null, "address");
+//		String location = address.attributeValue("location");
+//		URI ret = null;
+//		try {
+//			ret = new URI(location + "?wsdl");
+//		} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
+//			throw new XBayaRuntimeException(e);
+//		}
+//		return ret;
+//	}
+//	private XmlElement xmlObjectToEl(XmlObject outgoingXmlObj)
+//			throws IOException {
+//		String outgoingXmlAsString = outgoingXmlObj.xmlText();
+//		return XmlInfosetBuilder.newInstance().parseFragmentFromReader(
+//				new StringReader(outgoingXmlAsString));
+//	}
+//	private DeploymentInformationDocument getDeploymentPayload(
+//			Workflow workflow, URI dscURI) throws WorkflowProxyException,
+//			XmlBuilderException, GraphException, ComponentException {
+//		try {
+//			String workflowName = workflow.getName();
+//			URI templateId = workflow.getUniqueWorkflowName();
+//			XBayaConfiguration configuration = this.xbayaEngine
+//					.getConfiguration();
+//			GpelProcess gpelProcess = null;
+//			String processString = null;
+//			gpelProcess = workflow.getOdeProcess(dscURI,
+//					configuration.getODEURL());
+//			processString = gpelProcess.xmlStringPretty();
+//			workflow.getImage();
+//			WsdlDefinitions workflowWSDL = workflow.getOdeWorkflowWSDL(dscURI,
+//					configuration.getODEURL());
+//			// do some error checking here
+//			if (workflowName == null || "".equals(workflowName)) {
+//				throw new IllegalStateException("No workflow name given");
+//			}
+//			DeploymentInformationDocument document = DeploymentInformationDocument.Factory
+//					.newInstance();
+//			DeploymentInformationDocument.DeploymentInformation deploymentInformation = DeploymentInformationDocument.DeploymentInformation.Factory
+//					.newInstance();
+//			DeploymentDocumentsType documentsType = DeploymentDocumentsType.Factory
+//					.newInstance();
+//			// setting the process name
+//			deploymentInformation.setProcessName(StringUtil
+//					.convertToJavaIdentifier(workflowName));
+//			// setting workflow template id
+//			if (templateId != null) {
+//				deploymentInformation.setTemplateId(templateId.toString());
+//			}
+//			// setting process GPEL
+//			XmlObject gpelProcessXmlObject = XBeansUtil
+//					.xmlElementToXmlObject(processString);
+//			documentsType.setBPEL(gpelProcessXmlObject);
+//			// setting deployment descriptors
+//			documentsType.setDeploymentDescriptor(XmlObject.Factory
+//					.parse(XmlConstants.BUILDER
+//							.serializeToStringPretty(workflow
+//									.getODEDeploymentDescriptor(dscURI,
+//											configuration.getODEURL()))));
+//			XMLFile processWSDL = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
+//			processWSDL.setFileName(workflowWSDL.xml().attributeValue("name")
+//					+ ".wsdl");
+//			processWSDL.setContent(XBeansUtil
+//					.xmlElementToXmlObject(workflowWSDL.xmlStringPretty()));
+//			documentsType.setProcessWSDL(processWSDL);
+//			XMLFile serviceWSDL;
+//			Map<String, WsdlDefinitions> wsdlMap = workflow.getOdeServiceWSDLs(
+//					dscURI, configuration.getODEURL());
+//			XMLFile[] serviceWSDLs = new XMLFile[wsdlMap.size() + 3];
+//			int index = 0;
+//			for (String id : wsdlMap.keySet()) {
+//				WsdlDefinitions wsdl = wsdlMap.get(id);
+//				serviceWSDL = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
+//				serviceWSDL.setFileName(wsdl.xml().attributeValue("name")
+//						+ ".wsdl");
+//				serviceWSDL.setContent(XBeansUtil.xmlElementToXmlObject(wsdl
+//						.xmlStringPretty()));
+//				serviceWSDLs[index++] = serviceWSDL;
+//			}
+//			// add the xsds
+//			// crosscutt
+//			XMLFile crossCutXsd = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
+//			crossCutXsd.setFileName("lead-crosscut-parameters.xsd");
+//			crossCutXsd.setContent(XBeansUtil
+//					.xmlElementToXmlObject(LeadCrosscutXSD.getXml()));
+//			serviceWSDLs[index++] = crossCutXsd;
+//			// gfac-simple-types.xsd
+//			XMLFile gfacXsd = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
+//			gfacXsd.setFileName("gfac-simple-types.xsd");
+//			gfacXsd.setContent(XBeansUtil
+//					.xmlElementToXmlObject(GFacSimpleTypesXSD.getXml()));
+//			serviceWSDLs[index++] = gfacXsd;
+//			// fileidtype
+//			XMLFile lch = XMLFile.Factory.newInstance();
+//			lch.setFileName("lead-context.xsd");
+//			lch.setContent(XBeansUtil
+//					.xmlElementToXmlObject(LeadContextHeaderXSD.getXml()));
+//			serviceWSDLs[index++] = lch;
+//			documentsType.setServiceWSDLsArray(serviceWSDLs);
+//			workflow.getGraph();
+//			deploymentInformation.setDeploymentDocuments(documentsType);
+//			document.setDeploymentInformation(deploymentInformation);
+//			return document;
+//		} catch (XmlException e) {
+//			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
+//		}
+//	}
+//	/**
+//	 * @param workflow
+//	 *            The workflow to instantiate.
+//	 * @param dscURL
+//	 *            The URL of the DSC.
+//	 * @param name
+//	 *            The name that becomes a part of the workflow instance name.
+//	 * @return The wsdl of the workflow
+//	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
+//	 * @throws ComponentException
+//	 * @throws GraphException
+//	 */
+//	public synchronized GcInstance instantiate(Workflow workflow, URI dscURL,
+//			String name) throws WorkflowEngineException, ComponentException,
+//			GraphException {
+//		URI templateID = workflow.getGPELTemplateID();
+//		if (templateID == null) {
+//			throw new IllegalStateException(
+//					"The workflow has not been deployed.");
+//		}
+//		try {
+//			WSIFAsyncResponsesCorrelator correlator;
+//			correlator = null;
+//			// pass some headers
+//			LeadContextHeader leadContext = getLeadContextHeader();
+//			WSIFClient wclient = WSIFRuntime
+//					.newClient(engineURL.toString())
+//					.addHandler(
+//							new StickySoapHeaderHandler("use-lead-header",
+//									leadContext)).useAsyncMessaging(correlator)
+//					.setAsyncResponseTimeoutInMs(33000L); // to simplify testing
+//			// set to just few
+//			// seconds
+//			WSIFPort port = wclient.getPort();
+//			WSIFOperation operation = port.createOperation("createInstance");
+//			WSIFMessage outputMessage = operation.createOutputMessage();
+//			WSIFMessage faultMessage = operation.createFaultMessage();
+//			ProcessNameDocument processNameDocument = ProcessNameDocument.Factory
+//					.newInstance();
+//			// TODO : do we use template id or process name here?
+//			processNameDocument.setProcessName(workflow.getName());
+//			XmlElement inputMessageElement = xmlObjectToEl(processNameDocument);
+//			WSIFMessage inputMessage = new WSIFMessageElement(
+//					inputMessageElement);
+//			boolean success = operation.executeRequestResponseOperation(
+//					inputMessage, outputMessage, faultMessage);
+//			XmlElement result;
+//			if (success) {
+//				result = (XmlElement) outputMessage;
+//			} else {
+//				result = (XmlElement) faultMessage;
+//			}
+//			wsdlDefinitions = new WsdlDefinitions(
+//					XMLUtil.xmlElementToString(result));
+//			// this is tricky here. This method requires us to return a
+//			// GcInstance and will call
+//			// start method with GcInstance as the argument to get
+//			// wsdlDefinitions.
+//			// With workflow proxy client, we do get wsdldefinitions from the
+//			// first invocation itself and we do not need
+//			// to have a GcInstance. So let's create our own GcInstance extended
+//			// from GcInstance, store the wsdldefinitions
+//			// inside that. When we get "start" call next time, let's retrieve
+//			// these wsdldefinitions from that GcInstance
+//			// object and return it to the client
+//			return new ProxyGcInstance(wsdlDefinitions);
+//		} catch (IOException e) {
+//			e.printStackTrace();
+//		}
+//		return null;
+//	}
+//	@Deprecated
+//	public GcInstance instantiate(Workflow workflow,
+//			Map<String, WsdlDefinitions> wsdlMap)
+//			throws WorkflowEngineException {
+//		return null; // To change body of implemented methods use File |
+//		// Settings | File Templates.
+//	}
+//	private LeadContextHeader getLeadContextHeader() {
+//		LeadContextHeaderHelper helper = new LeadContextHeaderHelper();
+//		helper.setXBayaConfiguration(new XBayaConfiguration());
+//		LeadContextHeader leadContext = helper.getLeadContextHeader();
+//		leadContext.setWorkflowId(URI
+//				.create("http://host/2005/11/09/workflowinstace"));
+//		leadContext.setNodeId("decoder1");
+//		leadContext.setTimeStep("5");
+//		leadContext.setServiceId("decoder-instance-10");
+//		return leadContext;
+//	}
+//	/**
+//	 * Loads a workflow with s specified workflow template ID.
+//	 * 
+//	 * @param templateID
+//	 *            The workflow template ID.
+//	 * @return The workflow loaded
+//	 * @throws GraphException
+//	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
+//	 * @throws org.apache.airavata.xbaya.component.ComponentException
+//	 * 
+//	 */
+//	public Workflow load(URI templateID, WorkflowType workflowType)
+//			throws GraphException, WorkflowProxyException, ComponentException {
+//		Workflow workflow = null;
+//		String templateIDString = templateID.toString();
+//		// workflow template id is of the format
+//		// urn:uuid:<workflow_name>:date_as_long. Trying to extract
+//		// the workflow name from the template id now
+//		QName workflowQName;
+//		if (templateIDString.indexOf("urn:uuid") > -1) {
+//			int secondColonLocation = templateIDString.indexOf(":",
+//					templateIDString.indexOf(":") + 1);
+//			int thirdColonLocation = templateIDString.indexOf(":",
+//					secondColonLocation + 1);
+//			workflowQName = new QName(templateIDString,
+//					templateIDString.substring(secondColonLocation + 1,
+//							thirdColonLocation));
+//		} else {
+//			workflowQName = new QName(templateIDString);
+//		}
+//		XRegistryAccesser xregistryAccesser = new XRegistryAccesser(
+//				this.xbayaEngine);
+//		String templateAsString = xregistryAccesser.getWorkflow(workflowQName)
+//				.toString();
+//		workflow = new Workflow(XMLUtil.stringToXmlElement(templateAsString));
+//		return workflow;
+//	}
+//	public void setUserX509Credential(UserX509Credential userX509Credential)
+//			throws WorkflowEngineException {
+//		this.gssCredential = userX509Credential.getGssCredential();
+//	}
+//	/**
+//	 * Returns the List of GcSearchResult.
+//	 * 
+//	 * @param maxNum
+//	 *            The maximum number of results
+//	 * @return The List of GcSearchResult.
+//	 * @throws WorkflowProxyException
+//	 */
+//	@SuppressWarnings("boxing")
+//	public synchronized GcSearchList list(int maxNum, WorkflowType type)
+//			throws WorkflowProxyException {
+//		try {
+//			// TODO return the ones only related to the user.
+//			GcSearchListImpl results = new GcSearchListImpl(maxNum);
+//			// retrieve the workflow from xregistry
+//			checkAndLoadCredentials();
+////			URI xregistryURL = this.xbayaEngine.getConfiguration()
+////					.getXRegistryURL();
+////			if (xregistryURL == null) {
+////				xregistryURL = XBayaConstants.DEFAULT_XREGISTRY_URL;
+////			}
+//			XRegistryClient xregistryClient = new XRegistryClient(
+//					gssCredential, XBayaSecurity.getTrustedCertificates(),
+//					xregistryURL.toString());
+//			ResourceData[] datas = xregistryClient.findResource("");
+//			int index = 0;
+//			while (maxNum > 0 && datas.length > index) {
+//				ResourceData data = datas[index];
+//				QName qName = data.getName();
+//				results.addResult(new SearchResult(new URI(qName
+//						.getNamespaceURI()), qName.getLocalPart(), index));
+//				index++;
+//				maxNum--;
+//			}
+//			return results;
+//		} catch (RuntimeException e) {
+//			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
+//		} catch (XRegistryClientException e) {
+//			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
+//		} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
+//			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
+//		}
+//	}
+//	public WsdlDefinitions start(GcInstance instance) {
+//		if (instance instanceof ProxyGcInstance) {
+//			((ProxyGcInstance) instance).getWsdlDefinitions();
+//		}
+//		return null;
+//	}
+//	public void connect() throws WorkflowEngineException {
+//		// we don't have to explicitly connect to our workflow engine. So
+//		// discarding that
+//	}
+//	public void setXBayaEngine(XBayaEngine xBayaEngine) {
+//		this.xbayaEngine = xBayaEngine;
+//	}
+//	class ProxyGcInstance extends GcInstance {
+//		private WsdlDefinitions wsdlDefinitions;
+//		public ProxyGcInstance(WsdlDefinitions wsdlDefinitions) {
+//			super(null);
+//			this.wsdlDefinitions = wsdlDefinitions;
+//		}
+//		public WsdlDefinitions getWsdlDefinitions() {
+//			return wsdlDefinitions;
+//		}
+//		public void setWsdlDefinitions(WsdlDefinitions wsdlDefinitions) {
+//			this.wsdlDefinitions = wsdlDefinitions;
+//		}
+//	}
+//	class SearchResult implements GcSearchResult {
+//		private URI id;
+//		private String title;
+//		private int lastModfied;
+//		public SearchResult(URI id, String title, int lastModfied) {
+//			this.title = title;
+// = id;
+//			this.lastModfied = lastModfied;
+//		}
+//		public String getTitle() {
+//			return title;
+//		}
+//		public URI getId() {
+//			return id;
+//		}
+//		public long getLastModfied() {
+//			return lastModfied;
+//		}
+//	}
+//	class GcSearchListImpl implements GcSearchList {
+//		private List<GcSearchResult> list;
+//		GcSearchListImpl(int size) {
+//			list = new ArrayList<GcSearchResult>(size);
+//		}
+//		public void addResult(org.gpel.client.GcSearchResult gcSearchResult) {
+//			this.list.add(gcSearchResult);
+//		}
+//		public Iterable<GcSearchResult> results() {
+//			return list;
+//		}
+//		public int size() {
+//			return list.size();
+//		}
+//	}
+//	private void checkAndLoadCredentials() {
+//		if (isSecure()) {
+//			// Check if the proxy is loaded.
+//			boolean loaded = new MyProxyChecker(this.xbayaEngine)
+//					.loadIfNecessary();
+//			if (!loaded) {
+//				return;
+//			}
+//			// Creates a secure channel in gpel.
+//			MyProxyClient myProxyClient = this.xbayaEngine.getMyProxyClient();
+//			GSSCredential proxy = myProxyClient.getProxy();
+//			UserX509Credential credential = new UserX509Credential(proxy,
+//					XBayaSecurity.getTrustedCertificates());
+//			try {
+//				this.setUserX509Credential(credential);
+//			} catch (WorkflowEngineException e) {
+//				this.xbayaEngine.getErrorWindow().error(
+//						ErrorMessages.GPEL_ERROR, e);
+//				return;
 //			}
-			XRegistryClient xregistryClient = new XRegistryClient(
-					gssCredential, XBayaSecurity.getTrustedCertificates(),
-					xregistryURL.toString());
-			ResourceData[] datas = xregistryClient.findResource("");
-			int index = 0;
-			while (maxNum > 0 && datas.length > index) {
-				ResourceData data = datas[index];
-				QName qName = data.getName();
-				results.addResult(new SearchResult(new URI(qName
-						.getNamespaceURI()), qName.getLocalPart(), index));
-				index++;
-				maxNum--;
-			}
-			return results;
-		} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
-		} catch (XRegistryClientException e) {
-			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
-		} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
-			throw new WorkflowProxyException(e);
-		}
-	}
-	public WsdlDefinitions start(GcInstance instance) {
-		if (instance instanceof ProxyGcInstance) {
-			((ProxyGcInstance) instance).getWsdlDefinitions();
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	public void connect() throws WorkflowEngineException {
-		// we don't have to explicitly connect to our workflow engine. So
-		// discarding that
-	}
-	public void setXBayaEngine(XBayaEngine xBayaEngine) {
-		this.xbayaEngine = xBayaEngine;
-	}
-	class ProxyGcInstance extends GcInstance {
-		private WsdlDefinitions wsdlDefinitions;
-		public ProxyGcInstance(WsdlDefinitions wsdlDefinitions) {
-			super(null);
-			this.wsdlDefinitions = wsdlDefinitions;
-		}
-		public WsdlDefinitions getWsdlDefinitions() {
-			return wsdlDefinitions;
-		}
-		public void setWsdlDefinitions(WsdlDefinitions wsdlDefinitions) {
-			this.wsdlDefinitions = wsdlDefinitions;
-		}
-	}
-	class SearchResult implements GcSearchResult {
-		private URI id;
-		private String title;
-		private int lastModfied;
-		public SearchResult(URI id, String title, int lastModfied) {
-			this.title = title;
- = id;
-			this.lastModfied = lastModfied;
-		}
-		public String getTitle() {
-			return title;
-		}
-		public URI getId() {
-			return id;
-		}
-		public long getLastModfied() {
-			return lastModfied;
-		}
-	}
-	class GcSearchListImpl implements GcSearchList {
-		private List<GcSearchResult> list;
-		GcSearchListImpl(int size) {
-			list = new ArrayList<GcSearchResult>(size);
-		}
-		public void addResult(org.gpel.client.GcSearchResult gcSearchResult) {
-			this.list.add(gcSearchResult);
-		}
-		public Iterable<GcSearchResult> results() {
-			return list;
-		}
-		public int size() {
-			return list.size();
-		}
-	}
-	private void checkAndLoadCredentials() {
-		if (isSecure()) {
-			// Check if the proxy is loaded.
-			boolean loaded = new MyProxyChecker(this.xbayaEngine)
-					.loadIfNecessary();
-			if (!loaded) {
-				return;
-			}
-			// Creates a secure channel in gpel.
-			MyProxyClient myProxyClient = this.xbayaEngine.getMyProxyClient();
-			GSSCredential proxy = myProxyClient.getProxy();
-			UserX509Credential credential = new UserX509Credential(proxy,
-					XBayaSecurity.getTrustedCertificates());
-			try {
-				this.setUserX509Credential(credential);
-			} catch (WorkflowEngineException e) {
-				this.xbayaEngine.getErrorWindow().error(
-						ErrorMessages.GPEL_ERROR, e);
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
+//		}
+//	}
\ No newline at end of file