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Posted to by on 2014/12/25 16:46:21 UTC

[17/19] ambari git commit: AMBARI-8918 Remove support for HDP 1.3 Stack in Ambari 2.0.0. (ababiichuk)
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/apps/runs.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/apps/runs.json
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-      "inputBytes": 1942,
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-      "startTime": 1359378907927,
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-      "workflowName": "oozie:action:T\\=map-reduce:W\\=map-reduce-wf:A\\=mr-node:ID\\=0000000-130128081151371-oozie-oozi-W",
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-      "startTime": 1359378922503,
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-      "elapsedTime": 18125,
-      "inputBytes": 2186,
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-      "numJobsTotal": 1,
-      "numJobsCompleted": 1,
-      "workflowContext": {
-        "workflowDag": {
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-              "source": "scope-5",
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-    },
-    "output": {
-      "avg": 10291.5,
-      "min": 253,
-      "max": 37458
-    },
-    "duration": {
-      "avg": 23651.5,
-      "min": 18125,
-      "max": 30215
-    },
-    "times": {
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-      "youngest": 1359378637135
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 467ca17..0000000
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-  "endIndex": 5,
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-      "startTime": 1359378637135,
-      "elapsedTime": 30215,
-      "inputBytes": 0,
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-    {
-      "workflowId": "mapreduce_201301280808_0003",
-      "workflowName": "oozie:launcher:T\\=map-reduce:W\\=map-reduce-wf:A\\=mr-node:ID\\=0000000-130128081151371-oozie-oozi-W",
-      "userName": "ambari_qa",
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-              "source": "3",
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-    {
-      "workflowId": "mapreduce_201301280808_0004",
-      "workflowName": "oozie:action:T\\=map-reduce:W\\=map-reduce-wf:A\\=mr-node:ID\\=0000000-130128081151371-oozie-oozi-W",
-      "userName": "ambari_qa",
-      "startTime": 1359378922503,
-      "elapsedTime": 27080,
-      "inputBytes": 0,
-      "outputBytes": 0,
-      "numJobsTotal": 3,
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-      "workflowName": "\/tmp\/",
-      "userName": "ambari_qa",
-      "startTime": 1359378741973,
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-            {
-              "source": "scope-5",
-              "targets": [
-              ]
-            }
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-    },
-    {
-      "workflowId": "pig_c1af4446-64d2-46fb-be69-6363e7ec89fe",
-      "workflowName": "script1-hadoop.pig",
-      "userName": "ambari-qa",
-      "startTime": 1371141211530,
-      "elapsedTime": 272214,
-      "inputBytes": 0,
-      "outputBytes": 0,
-      "numJobsTotal": 5,
-      "numJobsCompleted": 5,
-      "workflowContext": {
-        "workflowDag": {
-          "entries": [
-            { "source": "scope-103", "targets": [] },
-            { "source": "scope-72", "targets": [ "scope-80" ] },
-            { "source": "scope-80", "targets": [ "scope-83" ] },
-            { "source": "scope-83", "targets": [ "scope-86" ] },
-            { "source": "scope-86", "targets": [ "scope-103" ] }
-          ]
-        }
-      },
-      "workflowTags": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "workflowId": "yarn_1371140159837_0001",
-      "workflowName": "yarnservicecheck",
-      "userName": "hdfs",
-      "startTime": 1371140224391,
-      "elapsedTime": 9523,
-      "inputBytes": 0,
-      "outputBytes": 0,
-      "numJobsTotal": 1,
-      "numJobsCompleted": 1,
-      "workflowContext": {
-        "workflowDag": {
-          "entries": [
-            { "source": "1", "targets": [] }
-          ]
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  ],
-  "summary": {
-    "numRows": 6,
-    "jobs": {
-      "avg": 1,
-      "min": 1,
-      "max": 1
-    },
-    "input": {
-      "avg": 0,
-      "min": 0,
-      "max": 0
-    },
-    "output": {
-      "avg": 0,
-      "min": 0,
-      "max": 0
-    },
-    "duration": {
-      "avg": 23651.5,
-      "min": 18125,
-      "max": 30215
-    },
-    "times": {
-      "oldest": 1359378922503,
-      "youngest": 1359378637135
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/clusters/cluster.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/clusters/cluster.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bef98e..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/clusters/cluster.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-  "href" : "",
-  "Clusters" : {
-    "cluster_name" : "tdk",
-    "cluster_id" : 1,
-    "version" : "HDP-1.3.0",
-    "desired_configs" : {
-      "mapred-site" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "hbase-site" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "global" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "hdfs-site" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "mapred-queue-acls" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "webhcat-site" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "oozie-site" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "hive-site" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "storm-site" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "tez-site" : {
-        "tag": "version1"
-      },
-      "capacity-scheduler" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      },
-      "core-site" : {
-        "tag" : "version1"
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/dashboard/services.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/dashboard/services.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e26933d..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/dashboard/services.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1571 +0,0 @@
-  "href" : ",components/host_components,components/host_components/HostRoles&_=1358264805285",
-  "items" : [
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "ServiceInfo" : {
-        "cluster_name" : "cl1",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE"
-      },
-      "components" : [
-        {
-          "href" : "",
-          "ServiceComponentInfo" : {
-            "cluster_name" : "cl1",
-            "desired_configs" : { },
-            "state" : "STARTED",
-            "component_name" : "HBASE_REGIONSERVER",
-            "service_name" : "HBASE"
-          },
-          "host_components" : [
-            {
-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
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-                  "hbase-site" : "version1",
-                  "global" : "version1"
-                },
-                "cluster_name" : "cl1",
-                "desired_configs" : { },
-                "desired_state" : "INSTALLED",
-                "state" : "INSTALL_FAILED",
-                "component_name" : "HBASE_REGIONSERVER",
-                "host_name" : "domU-12-31-39-0E-E6-01.compute-1.internal"
-              }
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-            {
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-                "configs" : {
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-                },
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-                "desired_configs" : { },
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-                "host_name" : "domU-12-31-39-16-48-4B.compute-1.internal"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
-                "configs" : {
-                  "hbase-site" : "version1",
-                  "global" : "version1"
-                },
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-              "HostRoles" : {
-                "configs" : {
-                  "hbase-site" : "version1",
-                  "global" : "version1"
-                },
-                "cluster_name" : "cl1",
-                "desired_configs" : { },
-                "desired_state" : "STARTED",
-                "state" : "STARTED",
-                "component_name" : "HBASE_REGIONSERVER",
-                "host_name" : "ip-10-110-38-164.ec2.internal"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
-                "configs" : {
-                  "hbase-site" : "version1",
-                  "global" : "version1"
-                },
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-                "desired_state" : "STARTED",
-                "state" : "STARTED",
-                "component_name" : "HBASE_REGIONSERVER",
-                "host_name" : "ip-10-110-79-42.ec2.internal"
-              }
-            }
-          ]
-        },
-        {
-          "href" : "",
-          "ServiceComponentInfo" : {
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-            "MasterActiveTime" : 1358245370618,
-            "RegionsInTransition" : [ ],
-            "component_name" : "HBASE_MASTER",
-            "state" : "STARTED",
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-            "Revision" : "Unknown",
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-            "desired_configs" : { },
-            "Version" : ""
-          },
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-            {
-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
-                "configs" : {
-                  "hbase-site" : "version1",
-                  "global" : "version1"
-                },
-                "ha_status" : "active",
-                "cluster_name" : "cl1",
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-          "ServiceComponentInfo" : {
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-            "state" : "INSTALLED",
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-          },
-          "host_components" : [
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-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
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-                "cluster_name" : "cl1",
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-                "state" : "INSTALLED",
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-                "host_name" : "ip-10-191-202-42.ec2.internal"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
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-              }
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-            {
-              "href" : "",
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-                "desired_configs" : { },
-                "desired_state" : "INSTALLED",
-                "state" : "INSTALLED",
-                "component_name" : "HBASE_CLIENT",
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-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "href" : "",
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-          ]
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "ServiceInfo" : {
-        "cluster_name" : "cl1",
-        "service_name" : "NAGIOS"
-      },
-      "components" : [
-        {
-          "href" : "",
-          "ServiceComponentInfo" : {
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-            "service_name" : "NAGIOS"
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-              "href" : "",
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-                },
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-                "state" : "STARTED",
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-      ]
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-      "href" : "",
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-      },
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-              "HostRoles" : {
-                "configs" : { },
-                "cluster_name" : "cl1",
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-                "state" : "INSTALLED",
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-                "state" : "INSTALLED",
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-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
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-            {
-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
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-            }
-          ]
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-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "ServiceInfo" : {
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-        "service_name" : "HDFS"
-      },
-      "components" : [
-        {
-          "href" : "",
-          "ServiceComponentInfo" : {
-            "cluster_name" : "cl1",
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-            "state" : "INSTALLED",
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-            "service_name" : "HDFS"
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-                "state" : "INSTALLED",
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-                "host_name" : "domU-12-31-39-16-48-4B.compute-1.internal"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
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-                "cluster_name" : "cl1",
-                "desired_configs" : { },
-                "desired_state" : "INSTALLED",
-                "state" : "INSTALLED",
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-            {
-              "href" : "",
-              "HostRoles" : {
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-                       "StopTime" : 0.0
-                     },
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-                     }
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-                       "StopTime" : 0.0
-                     }
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-	    }
-	  ]
-	}
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file