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[GitHub] kpavel closed pull request #3525: Re-enable invokers docker_container module

kpavel closed pull request #3525: Re-enable invokers docker_container module

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/ansible/ b/ansible/
index 894bee1ed1..8925346000 100644
--- a/ansible/
+++ b/ansible/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ If you want to deploy OpenWhisk locally using Ansible, you first need to install
 #### Ubuntu users
 sudo apt-get install python-pip
-sudo pip install ansible==
+sudo pip install ansible==2.5.0
 sudo pip install jinja2==2.9.6
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ You may jump directly to [Deploying Using CouchDB](#deploying-using-couchdb)
 #### Docker for Mac users
 sudo easy_install pip
-sudo pip install ansible==
+sudo pip install ansible==2.5.0
 pip install jinja2==2.9.6
 Docker for Mac does not provide any official ways to meet some requirements for OpenWhisk.
diff --git a/ansible/roles/invoker/tasks/deploy.yml b/ansible/roles/invoker/tasks/deploy.yml
index e9302eb087..a3afe495bd 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/invoker/tasks/deploy.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/invoker/tasks/deploy.yml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 - name: define options when deploying invoker on Ubuntu
-    linuxOptions: "-v /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
+    linuxOptions: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
   when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu"
 - name: get running invoker information
@@ -135,95 +135,109 @@
     invoker_args: "{{ invoker.arguments }} {{ invoker.jmxremote.jvmArgs }}"
+- name: prepare invoker ports
+  set_fact:
+    ports_to_expose: ["{{ invoker.port + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:8080"]
+- name: expose additional ports if jmxremote is enabled
+  when: jmx.enabled
+  set_fact:
+    ports_to_expose: "{{ ports_to_expose }} + [ \"{{ jmx.basePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:{{ jmx.basePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}\" ] + [ \"{{ jmx.rmiBasePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:{{ jmx.rmiBasePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}\" ]"
+- name: prepare invoker env
+  set_fact:
+    env:
+      "JAVA_OPTS": "-Xmx{{ invoker.heap }} -XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:ErrorFile=/logs/java_error.log"
+      "INVOKER_OPTS": "{{ invoker_args | default(invoker.arguments) }}"
+      "JMX_REMOTE": "{{ jmx.enabled }}"
+      "COMPONENT_NAME": "invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}"
+      "PORT": 8080
+      "KAFKA_HOSTS": "{{ kafka_connect_string }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_kafka_replicationFactor": "{{ kafka.replicationFactor | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_kafka_topics_invoker_retentionBytes": "{{ kafka_topics_invoker_retentionBytes | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_kafka_topics_invoker_retentionMs": "{{ kafka_topics_invoker_retentionMS | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_kakfa_topics_invoker_segmentBytes": "{{ kafka_topics_invoker_segmentBytes | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_securityProtocol": "{{ kafka.protocol }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_sslTruststoreLocation": "/conf/{{ }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_sslTruststorePassword": "{{ kafka.ssl.keystore.password }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_sslKeystoreLocation": "/conf/{{ }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_sslKeystorePassword": "{{ kafka.ssl.keystore.password }}"
+      "ZOOKEEPER_HOSTS": "{{ zookeeper_connect_string }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_protocol": "{{ db_protocol }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_host": "{{ db_host }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_port": "{{ db_port }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_username": "{{ db_username }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_password": "{{ db_password }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_provider": "{{ db_provider }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_databases_WhiskAuth": "{{ db.whisk.auth }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_databases_WhiskEntity": "{{ db.whisk.actions }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_databases_WhiskActivation": "{{ db.whisk.activations }}"
+      "DB_WHISK_ACTIONS": "{{ db.whisk.actions }}"
+      "DB_WHISK_ACTIVATIONS": "{{ db.whisk.activations }}"
+      "DB_WHISK_AUTHS": "{{ db.whisk.auth }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_db_actionsDdoc": "{{ db_whisk_actions_ddoc | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_db_activationsDdoc": "{{ db_whisk_activations_ddoc | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_db_activationsFilterDdoc": "{{ db_whisk_activations_filter_ddoc | default() }}"
+      "WHISK_API_HOST_PROTO": "{{ whisk_api_host_proto | default('https') }}"
+      "WHISK_API_HOST_PORT": "{{ whisk_api_host_port | default('443') }}"
+      "WHISK_API_HOST_NAME": "{{ whisk_api_host_name | default(groups['edge'] | first) }}"
+      "RUNTIMES_MANIFEST": "{{ runtimesManifest | to_json }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_runtimes_defaultImagePrefix": "{{ runtimes_default_image_prefix | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_runtimes_defaultImageTag": "{{ runtimes_default_image_tag | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_runtimes_bypassPullForLocalImages": "{{ runtimes_bypass_pull_for_local_images | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_runtimes_localImagePrefix": "{{ runtimes_local_image_prefix | default() }}"
+      "DOCKER_REGISTRY": "{{ docker_registry }}"
+      "DOCKER_IMAGE_PREFIX": "{{ docker.image.prefix }}"
+      "DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG": "{{ docker.image.tag }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_containerFactory_containerArgs_network": "{{ invoker_container_network_name | default('bridge') }}"
+      "INVOKER_CONTAINER_POLICY": "{{ invoker_container_policy_name | default()}}"
+      "INVOKER_NUMCORE": "{{ invoker.numcore }}"
+      "INVOKER_CORESHARE": "{{ invoker.coreshare }}"
+      "INVOKER_USE_RUNC": "{{ invoker.useRunc }}"
+      "INVOKER_NAME": "{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}"
+      "WHISK_LOGS_DIR": "{{ whisk_logs_dir }}"
+      "METRICS_KAMON": "{{ metrics.kamon.enabled }}"
+      "METRICS_KAMON_TAGS": "{{ metrics.kamon.tags }}"
+      "METRICS_LOG": "{{ metrics.log.enabled }}"
+      "CONFIG_kamon_statsd_hostname": "{{ }}"
+      "CONFIG_kamon_statsd_port": "{{ metrics.kamon.port }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_spi_LogStoreProvider": "{{ userLogs.spi }}"
+      "CONFIG_logback_log_level": "{{ invoker.loglevel }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_memory_min": "{{ limit_action_memory_min | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_memory_max": "{{ limit_action_memory_max | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_memory_std": "{{ limit_action_memory_std | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_timeLimit_min": "{{ limit_action_time_min | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_timeLimit_max": "{{ limit_action_time_max | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_timeLimit_std": "{{ limit_action_time_std | default() }}"
+      "CONFIG_whisk_activation_payload_max": "{{ limit_activation_payload | default() }}"
+- name: extend invoker env
+  set_fact:
+    env: "{{ env|default({}) | combine( {'CONFIG_whisk_containerFactory_containerArgs_dnsServers_' ~ item.0: item.1} ) }}"
+  with_indexed_items: "{{ (invoker_container_network_dns_servers | default()).split(' ')}}"
 - name: start invoker using docker cli
-  shell: >
-        docker run -d
-        --userns=host
-        --pid=host
-        --privileged
-        {{ linuxOptions | default('') }}
-        --name invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}
-        --hostname invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}
-        --restart {{ docker.restart.policy }}
-        -e JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx{{ invoker.heap }} -XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:ErrorFile=/logs/java_error.log'
-        -e INVOKER_OPTS='{{ invoker_args | default(invoker.arguments) }}'
-        -e JMX_REMOTE='{{ jmx.enabled }}'
-        -e COMPONENT_NAME='invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}'
-        -e PORT='8080'
-        -e KAFKA_HOSTS='{{ kafka_connect_string }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_kafka_replicationFactor='{{ kafka.replicationFactor | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_kafka_topics_invoker_retentionBytes='{{ kafka_topics_invoker_retentionBytes | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_kafka_topics_invoker_retentionMs='{{ kafka_topics_invoker_retentionMS | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_kakfa_topics_invoker_segmentBytes='{{ kafka_topics_invoker_segmentBytes | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_securityProtocol='{{ kafka.protocol }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_sslTruststoreLocation='/conf/{{ }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_sslTruststorePassword='{{ kafka.ssl.keystore.password }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_sslKeystoreLocation='/conf/{{ }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_kafka_common_sslKeystorePassword='{{ kafka.ssl.keystore.password }}'
-        -e ZOOKEEPER_HOSTS='{{ zookeeper_connect_string }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_protocol='{{ db_protocol }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_host='{{ db_host }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_port='{{ db_port }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_username='{{ db_username }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_password='{{ db_password }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_provider='{{ db_provider }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_databases_WhiskAuth='{{ db.whisk.auth }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_databases_WhiskEntity='{{ db.whisk.actions }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_couchdb_databases_WhiskActivation='{{ db.whisk.activations }}'
-        -e DB_WHISK_ACTIONS='{{ db.whisk.actions }}'
-        -e DB_WHISK_ACTIVATIONS='{{ db.whisk.activations }}'
-        -e DB_WHISK_AUTHS='{{ db.whisk.auth }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_db_actionsDdoc='{{ db_whisk_actions_ddoc | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_db_activationsDdoc='{{ db_whisk_activations_ddoc | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_db_activationsFilterDdoc='{{ db_whisk_activations_filter_ddoc | default() }}'
-        -e WHISK_API_HOST_PROTO='{{ whisk_api_host_proto | default('https') }}'
-        -e WHISK_API_HOST_PORT='{{ whisk_api_host_port | default('443') }}'
-        -e WHISK_API_HOST_NAME='{{ whisk_api_host_name | default(groups['edge'] | first) }}'
-        -e RUNTIMES_MANIFEST='{{ runtimesManifest | to_json }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_runtimes_defaultImagePrefix='{{ runtimes_default_image_prefix | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_runtimes_defaultImageTag='{{ runtimes_default_image_tag | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_runtimes_bypassPullForLocalImages='{{ runtimes_bypass_pull_for_local_images | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_runtimes_localImagePrefix='{{ runtimes_local_image_prefix | default() }}'
-        -e DOCKER_REGISTRY='{{ docker_registry }}'
-        -e DOCKER_IMAGE_PREFIX='{{ docker.image.prefix }}'
-        -e DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG='{{ docker.image.tag }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_containerFactory_containerArgs_network='{{ invoker_container_network_name | default("bridge") }}'
-        -e INVOKER_CONTAINER_POLICY='{{ invoker_container_policy_name | default()}}'
-        {% for item in (invoker_container_network_dns_servers | default()).split(' ')  %}
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_containerFactory_containerArgs_dnsServers_{{loop.index0}}={{ item }}
-        {% endfor %}
-        -e INVOKER_NUMCORE='{{ invoker.numcore }}'
-        -e INVOKER_CORESHARE='{{ invoker.coreshare }}'
-        -e INVOKER_USE_RUNC='{{ invoker.useRunc }}'
-        -e INVOKER_NAME='{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}'
-        -e WHISK_LOGS_DIR='{{ whisk_logs_dir }}'
-        -e METRICS_KAMON='{{ metrics.kamon.enabled }}'
-        -e METRICS_KAMON_TAGS='{{ metrics.kamon.tags }}'
-        -e METRICS_LOG='{{ metrics.log.enabled }}'
-        -e CONFIG_kamon_statsd_hostname='{{ }}'
-        -e CONFIG_kamon_statsd_port='{{ metrics.kamon.port }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_spi_LogStoreProvider='{{ userLogs.spi }}'
-        -e CONFIG_logback_log_level='{{ invoker.loglevel }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_memory_min='{{ limit_action_memory_min | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_memory_max='{{ limit_action_memory_max | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_memory_std='{{ limit_action_memory_std | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_timeLimit_min='{{ limit_action_time_min | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_timeLimit_max='{{ limit_action_time_max | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_timeLimit_std='{{ limit_action_time_std | default() }}'
-        -e CONFIG_whisk_activation_payload_max='{{ limit_activation_payload | default() }}'
-        -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup
-        -v /run/runc:/run/runc
-        -v {{ whisk_logs_dir }}/invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:/logs
-        -v {{ invoker.confdir }}/invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:/conf
-        -v {{ dockerInfo["DockerRootDir"] }}/containers/:/containers
-        -v {{ docker_sock | default('/var/run/docker.sock') }}:/var/run/docker.sock
-        -p {{ invoker.port + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:8080
-        {% if jmx.enabled %} -p {{ jmx.basePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:{{ jmx.basePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }} {% endif %}
-        {% if jmx.enabled %} -p {{ jmx.rmiBasePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:{{ jmx.rmiBasePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }} {% endif %}
-        {{ docker_registry }}{{ docker.image.prefix }}/invoker:{{ docker.image.tag }}
-        /bin/sh -c "exec / {{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }} >> /logs/invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}_logs.log 2>&1"
-# todo: re-enable docker_container module once is resolved
+  docker_container:
+    userns_mode: "host"
+    pid_mode: "host"
+    privileged: "yes"
+    name: invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}
+    hostname: "invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}"
+    restart_policy: "{{ docker.restart.policy }}"
+    image: "{{ docker_registry }}{{ docker.image.prefix }}/invoker:{{ docker.image.tag }}"
+    state: started
+    recreate: true
+    env: "{{ env }}"
+    volumes:
+      - "/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup"
+      - "/run/runc:/run/runc"
+      - "{{ whisk_logs_dir }}/invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:/logs"
+      - "{{ invoker.confdir }}/invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:/conf"
+      - "{{ dockerInfo['DockerRootDir'] }}/containers/:/containers"
+      - "{{ docker_sock | default('/var/run/docker.sock') }}:/var/run/docker.sock"
+      - "{{ linuxOptions | default('') }}"
+    ports: "{{ ports_to_expose }}"
+    command: /bin/sh -c "exec / {{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }} >> /logs/invoker{{ groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}_logs.log 2>&1"
 - name: wait until Invoker is up and running
diff --git a/tools/macos/ b/tools/macos/
index b575d8d469..ad921b88af 100644
--- a/tools/macos/
+++ b/tools/macos/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The following are required to build and deploy OpenWhisk from a Mac host:
 - [Docker 1.12.0](
 - [Java 8](
 - [Scala 2.11](
-- [Ansible](
+- [Ansible 2.5.0](
 **Tip** Versions of Docker and Ansible are lower than the latest released versions, the versions used in OpenWhisk are pinned to have stability during continuous integration and deployment.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ brew install scala
 # install pip
 sudo easy_install pip
 # install script prerequisites
-sudo -H pip install docker==2.2.1 ansible== jinja2==2.9.6 couchdb==1.1 httplib2==0.9.2 requests==2.10.0' | bash
+sudo -H pip install docker==2.2.1 ansible==2.5.0 jinja2==2.9.6 couchdb==1.1 httplib2==0.9.2 requests==2.10.0' | bash
 # Build
diff --git a/tools/macos/docker-machine/ b/tools/macos/docker-machine/
index 7d6c9b870e..8dc650f848 100644
--- a/tools/macos/docker-machine/
+++ b/tools/macos/docker-machine/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ The following are required to build and deploy OpenWhisk from a Mac host:
 - [Docker 1.12.0]( (including `docker-machine`)
 - [Java 8](
 - [Scala 2.11](
-- [Ansible](
+- [Ansible 2.5.0](
 **Tip** Versions of Docker and Ansible are lower than the latest released versions, the versions used in OpenWhisk are pinned to have stability during continues integration and deployment.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ brew install scala
 # install pip
 sudo easy_install pip
 # install script prerequisites
-sudo -H pip install docker==2.2.1 ansible== jinja2==2.9.6 couchdb==1.1 httplib2==0.9.2 requests==2.10.0' | bash
+sudo -H pip install docker==2.2.1 ansible==2.5.0 jinja2==2.9.6 couchdb==1.1 httplib2==0.9.2 requests==2.10.0' | bash
 # Create and configure Docker machine
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ cd /your/path/to/openwhisk
 brew install python
-pip install ansible==
+pip install ansible==2.5.0
 pip install jinja2==2.9.6
 cd ansible
diff --git a/tools/travis/ b/tools/travis/
index ab35954b5c..0337e73472 100755
--- a/tools/travis/
+++ b/tools/travis/
@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ docker info
 pip install --user couchdb
 # Ansible
-pip install --user ansible==
+pip install --user ansible==2.5.0
diff --git a/tools/ubuntu-setup/ b/tools/ubuntu-setup/
index e9da539b8a..c2c42f29e9 100755
--- a/tools/ubuntu-setup/
+++ b/tools/ubuntu-setup/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install -y python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
 sudo pip install markupsafe
-sudo pip install ansible==
+sudo pip install ansible==2.5.0
 sudo pip install docker==2.2.1
 sudo pip install jinja2==2.9.6
 sudo pip install httplib2==0.9.2


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