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Posted to by on 2023/02/08 22:08:25 UTC

[couchdb] 01/01: Remove all javascript tests

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

vatamane pushed a commit to branch remove-replace-javascript-tests
in repository

commit 4966b595d49a9a18fdda180cbb582e862bbad941
Author: Nick Vatamaniuc <>
AuthorDate: Wed Feb 8 17:00:39 2023 -0500

    Remove all javascript tests
    Most of them have been ported to Elixir except the two replication tests.
    Add the two replication tests to couch_replicator and remove the whole javascript subfolder.
    For the "replication_id" got a bit further and test that other fields are
    correctly replaced or ignored.
 .../test/eunit/couch_replicator_doc_ids_tests.erl  |  83 ++++
 .../couch_replicator_scheduler_docs_tests.erl      |  78 ++++
 .../test/eunit/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl    |   2 +
 test/javascript/tests/list_views.js                | 502 --------------------
 test/javascript/tests/proxyauth.js                 | 137 ------
 test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js  | 103 -----
 test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_by_doc_id.js   | 128 -----
 test/javascript/tests/rewrite.js                   | 513 ---------------------
 test/javascript/tests/rewrite_js.js                | 366 ---------------
 test/javascript/tests/security_validation.js       | 330 -------------
 test/javascript/tests/show_documents.js            | 376 ---------------
 test/javascript/tests/users_db_security.js         | 418 -----------------
 12 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 2873 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_doc_ids_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_doc_ids_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..711224655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_doc_ids_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(DOC1, <<"doc1">>).
+-define(DOC2, <<"doc2">>).
+-define(DDOC3, <<"_design/doc3">>).
+doc_ids_replication_test_() ->
+    {
+        "Doc IDs filtered replication tests",
+        {
+            foreach,
+            fun couch_replicator_test_helper:test_setup/0,
+            fun couch_replicator_test_helper:test_teardown/1,
+            [
+                ?TDEF_FE(t_should_replicate_with_ddoc_ids)
+            ]
+        }
+    }.
+t_should_replicate_with_ddoc_ids({_Ctx, {Source, Target}}) ->
+    create_docs(Source),
+    replicate(#{
+        <<"source">> => db_url(Source),
+        <<"target">> => db_url(Target),
+        <<"doc_ids">> => [?DOC1, ?DDOC3]
+    }),
+    %% FilteredFun is an Erlang version of following mango doc_ids
+    FilterFun = fun(DocId, #doc{}) ->
+        DocId == ?DOC1 orelse DocId == ?DDOC3
+    end,
+    {TargetDocCount, AllReplies} = compare_dbs(Source, Target, FilterFun),
+    % Target DB has proper number of docs
+    ?assertEqual(2, TargetDocCount),
+    % All the docs selected as expected
+    ?assert(lists:all(fun(Valid) -> Valid end, AllReplies)).
+compare_dbs(Source, Target, FilterFun) ->
+    {ok, TargetDocCount} = fabric:get_doc_count(Target),
+    Replies = lists:foldl(
+        fun({Id, Rev}, Acc) ->
+            SrcDoc = read_doc(Source, Id, Rev),
+            TgtDoc = read_doc(Target, Id, Rev),
+            case FilterFun(Id, SrcDoc) of
+                true ->
+                    [is_record(TgtDoc, doc) | Acc];
+                false ->
+                    [TgtDoc =:= not_found | Acc]
+            end
+        end,
+        [],
+        couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_doc_revs(Source)
+    ),
+    {TargetDocCount, Replies}.
+read_doc(Db, DocId, Rev) ->
+    couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_open_rev(Db, DocId, Rev).
+create_docs(DbName) ->
+    Doc1 = couch_doc:from_json_obj({[{<<"_id">>, ?DOC1}]}),
+    Doc2 = couch_doc:from_json_obj({[{<<"_id">>, ?DOC2}]}),
+    DDoc3 = couch_doc:from_json_obj({[{<<"_id">>, ?DDOC3}]}),
+    {ok, _} = fabric:update_docs(DbName, [Doc1, Doc2, DDoc3], [?ADMIN_CTX]).
+db_url(DbName) ->
+    couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_db_url(DbName).
+replicate(RepObject) ->
+    couch_replicator_test_helper:replicate(RepObject).
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_scheduler_docs_tests.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_scheduler_docs_tests.erl
index 7d868eb11..1b11a447d 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_scheduler_docs_tests.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_scheduler_docs_tests.erl
@@ -88,6 +88,17 @@ replicator_bdu_test_prefixed_db_test_() ->
+t_replicator_doc_state_fields_test_() ->
+    {
+        setup,
+        fun setup_prefixed_replicator_db/0,
+        fun teardown/1,
+        with([
+            ?TDEF(t_doc_fields_are_replaced, 10),
+            ?TDEF(t_doc_fields_are_ignored, 10)
+        ])
+    }.
 t_scheduler_docs_total_rows({_Ctx, {RepDb, Source, Target}}) ->
     SourceUrl = couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_db_url(Source),
     TargetUrl = couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_db_url(Target),
@@ -134,6 +145,73 @@ t_malformed_docs_are_rejected({_Ctx, {RepDb, _, _}}) ->
     DocUrl2 = rep_doc_url(RepDb, <<"rep2">>),
     ?assertMatch({403, _}, req(put, DocUrl2, #{<<"foo">> => <<"bar">>})).
+t_doc_fields_are_replaced({_Ctx, {RepDb, Source, Target}}) ->
+    SourceUrl = couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_db_url(Source),
+    TargetUrl = couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_db_url(Target),
+    RepDoc = #{
+        <<"source">> => SourceUrl,
+        <<"target">> => TargetUrl,
+        <<"_replication_id">> => <<"foo3">>,
+        <<"_replication_state">> => <<"triggered">>,
+        <<"_replication_state_time">> => <<"foo5">>,
+        <<"_replication_state_reason">> => <<"foo6">>
+    },
+    RepDocUrl = rep_doc_url(RepDb, ?docid()),
+    {201, _} = req(put, RepDocUrl, RepDoc),
+    StateDoc = test_util:wait(
+        fun() ->
+            case req(get, RepDocUrl) of
+                {200, #{<<"_replication_state">> := <<"completed">>} = StDoc} -> StDoc;
+                {_, #{}} -> wait
+            end
+        end,
+        10000,
+        1000
+    ),
+    ?assertMatch(
+        #{
+            <<"_replication_state">> := <<"completed">>,
+            <<"_replication_state_time">> := <<_/binary>>,
+            <<"_replication_stats">> := #{}
+        },
+        StateDoc
+    ),
+    #{<<"_replication_state_time">> := StateTime} = StateDoc,
+    ?assertNotEqual(<<"foo5">>, StateTime),
+    ?assertNot(is_map_key(<<"_replicator_state_reason">>, StateDoc)),
+    ?assertNot(is_map_key(<<"_replication_id">>, StateDoc)).
+t_doc_fields_are_ignored({_Ctx, {RepDb, Source, Target}}) ->
+    SourceUrl = couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_db_url(Source),
+    TargetUrl = couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_db_url(Target),
+    RepDoc = #{
+        <<"source">> => SourceUrl,
+        <<"target">> => TargetUrl,
+        <<"replication_id">> => <<"foo1">>,
+        <<"id">> => <<"foo2">>,
+        <<"other_junk">> => true
+    },
+    RepDocUrl = rep_doc_url(RepDb, ?docid()),
+    {201, _} = req(put, RepDocUrl, RepDoc),
+    StateDoc = test_util:wait(
+        fun() ->
+            case req(get, RepDocUrl) of
+                {200, #{<<"_replication_state">> := <<"completed">>} = StDoc} -> StDoc;
+                {_, #{}} -> wait
+            end
+        end,
+        10000,
+        1000
+    ),
+    ?assertMatch(
+        #{
+            <<"replication_id">> := <<"foo1">>,
+            <<"id">> := <<"foo2">>,
+            <<"other_junk">> := true
+        },
+        StateDoc
+    ).
 rep_doc_url(RepDb, DocId) when is_binary(RepDb) ->
     rep_doc_url(binary_to_list(RepDb), DocId);
 rep_doc_url(RepDb, DocId) when is_binary(DocId) ->
diff --git a/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl
index 03c2f13be..93755e137 100644
--- a/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl
+++ b/src/couch_replicator/test/eunit/couch_replicator_test_helper.erl
@@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ replicate(Source, Target) ->
+replicate(#{} = RepObject) ->
+    replicate(jiffy:decode(jiffy:encode(RepObject)));
 replicate({[_ | _]} = RepObject) ->
     {ok, Rep} = couch_replicator_parse:parse_rep_doc(RepObject, ?ADMIN_USER),
     ok = couch_replicator_scheduler:add_job(Rep),
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/list_views.js b/test/javascript/tests/list_views.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d74586fe..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/list_views.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.elixir = true;
-couchTests.list_views = function(debug) {
-  var db_name = get_random_db_name();
-  var db = new CouchDB(db_name, {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.createDb();
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var designDoc = {
-    _id:"_design/lists",
-    language: "javascript",
-    views : {
-      basicView : {
-        map : stringFun(function(doc) {
-          emit(doc.integer, doc.string);
-        })
-      },
-      withReduce : {
-        map : stringFun(function(doc) {
-          emit(doc.integer, doc.string);
-        }),
-        reduce : stringFun(function(keys, values, rereduce) {
-          if (rereduce) {
-            return sum(values);
-          } else {
-            return values.length;
-          }
-        })
-      }
-    },
-    lists: {
-      basicBasic : stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        send("head");
-        var row;
-        while(row = getRow()) {
-          log("row: "+toJSON(row));
-          send(row.key);
-        };
-        return "tail";
-      }),
-      basicJSON : stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        start({"headers":{"Content-Type" : "application/json"}});
-        send('{"head":'+toJSON(head)+', ');
-        send('"req":'+toJSON(req)+', ');
-        send('"rows":[');
-        var row, sep = '';
-        while (row = getRow()) {
-          send(sep + toJSON(row));
-          sep = ', ';
-        }
-        return "]}";
-      }),
-      simpleForm: stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        log("simpleForm");
-        send('<ul>');
-        var row, row_number = 0, prevKey, firstKey = null;
-        while (row = getRow()) {
-          row_number += 1;
-          if (!firstKey) firstKey = row.key;
-          prevKey = row.key;
-          send('\n<li>Key: '+row.key
-          +' Value: '+row.value
-          +' LineNo: '+row_number+'</li>');
-        }
-        return '</ul><p>FirstKey: '+ firstKey + ' LastKey: '+ prevKey+'</p>';
-      }),
-      acceptSwitch: stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        // respondWith takes care of setting the proper headers
-        provides("html", function() {
-          send("HTML <ul>");
-          var row, num = 0;
-          while (row = getRow()) {
-            num ++;
-            send('\n<li>Key: '
-              +row.key+' Value: '+row.value
-              +' LineNo: '+num+'</li>');
-          }
-          // tail
-          return '</ul>';
-        });
-      }),
-      qsParams: stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        return toJSON(req.query) + "\n";
-      }),
-      stopIter: stringFun(function(req) {
-        send("head");
-        var row, row_number = 0;
-        while(row = getRow()) {
-          if(row_number > 2) break;
-          send(" " + row_number);
-          row_number += 1;
-        };
-        return " tail";
-      }),
-      stopIter2: stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        provides("html", function() {
-          send("head");
-          var row, row_number = 0;
-          while(row = getRow()) {
-            if(row_number > 2) break;
-            send(" " + row_number);
-            row_number += 1;
-          };
-          return " tail";
-        });
-      }),
-      tooManyGetRows : stringFun(function() {
-        send("head");
-        var row;
-        while(row = getRow()) {
-          send(row.key);
-        };
-        getRow();
-        getRow();
-        getRow();
-        row = getRow();
-        return "after row: "+toJSON(row);
-      }),
-      emptyList: stringFun(function() {
-        return " ";
-      }),
-      rowError : stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        send("head");
-        var row = getRow();
-        send(fooBarBam); // intentional error
-        return "tail";
-      }),
-      docReference : stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        send("head");
-        var row = getRow();
-        send(row.doc.integer);
-        return "tail";
-      }),
-      secObj: stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        return toJSON(req.secObj);
-      }),
-      setHeaderAfterGotRow: stringFun(function(head, req) {
-        getRow();
-        start({
-          code: 400,
-          headers: {
-            "X-My-Header": "MyHeader"
-          }
-        });
-        send("bad request");
-      }),
-      allDocs: stringFun(function(head, req){
-        start({'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}});
-        var resp = head;
-        var rows = [];
-        while(row=getRow()){
-          rows.push(row);
-        }
-        resp.rows = rows;
-        return toJSON(resp);
-      })
-    }
-  };
-  var viewOnlyDesignDoc = {
-    _id:"_design/views",
-    language: "javascript",
-    views : {
-      basicView : {
-        map : stringFun(function(doc) {
-          emit(-doc.integer, doc.string);
-        })
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  var erlListDoc = {
-    _id: "_design/erlang",
-    language: "erlang",
-    lists: {
-        simple:
-            'fun(Head, {Req}) -> ' +
-            '  Send(<<"[">>), ' +
-            '  Fun = fun({Row}, Sep) -> ' +
-            '    Val = couch_util:get_value(<<"key">>, Row, 23), ' +
-            '    Send(list_to_binary(Sep ++ integer_to_list(Val))), ' +
-            '    {ok, ","} ' +
-            '  end, ' +
-            '  {ok, _} = FoldRows(Fun, ""), ' +
-            '  Send(<<"]">>) ' +
-            'end.'
-    }
-  };
-  T(;
-  var docs = makeDocs(0, 10);
-  db.bulkSave(docs);
-  var view = db.view('lists/basicView');
-  T(view.total_rows == 10);
-  // standard get
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
-  T(/head0123456789tail/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // standard options - works though it does not make lots of sense
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("OPTIONS", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
-  T(/head0123456789tail/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // TODO: test that etags are available - actually they're not (yet):
-  //var etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  //xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView", {
-  //  headers: {"if-none-match": etag}
-  //});
-  //T(xhr.status == 304);
-  // confirm ETag changes with different POST bodies
-  // (not yet - see above)
-  //xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView",
-  //  {body: JSON.stringify({keys:[1]})}
-  //);
-  //var etag1 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  //xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicBasic/basicView",
-  //  {body: JSON.stringify({keys:[2]})}
-  //);
-  //var etag2 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  //T(etag1 != etag2, "POST to map _list generates key-depdendent ETags");
-  // test the richness of the arguments
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicJSON/basicView?update_seq=true");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
-  var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-  TEquals(10, resp.head.total_rows);
-  TEquals(0, resp.head.offset);
-  // we don't have a (meaningful) update seq in a clustered env
-  //TEquals(11, resp.head.update_seq);
-  T(resp.rows.length == 10);
-  TEquals(resp.rows[0], {"id": "0","key": 0,"value": "0"});
-  TEquals(, "" + db_name + "");
-  TEquals(resp.req.method, "GET");
-  TEquals(resp.req.path, [
-      "" + db_name + "",
-      "_design",
-      "lists",
-      "_list",
-      "basicJSON",
-      "basicView"
-  ]);
-  T(resp.req.headers.Accept);
-  T(resp.req.headers.Host);
-  T(resp.req.headers["User-Agent"]);
-  T(resp.req.cookie);
-  TEquals("/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/basicJSON/basicView?update_seq=true",
-    resp.req.raw_path, "should include raw path");
-  // get with query params
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/basicView?startkey=3&endkey=8");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-  T(!(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText)));
-  T(/FirstKey: 3/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  T(/LastKey: 8/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // with 0 rows
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/basicView?startkey=30");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "0 rows");
-  T(/<\/ul>/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  //too many Get Rows
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/tooManyGetRows/basicView");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "tooManyGetRows");
-  T(/9after row: null/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // reduce with 0 rows
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?startkey=30");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "reduce 0 rows");
-  T(/LastKey: undefined/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // when there is a reduce present, but not used
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?reduce=false");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "reduce false");
-  T(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // when there is a reduce present, and used
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "group reduce");
-  T(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // there should be etags on reduce as well
-  // (see above 4 etags)
-  //var etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  //T(etag, "Etags should be served with reduce lists");
-  //xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true", {
-  //  headers: {"if-none-match": etag}
-  //});
-  //T(xhr.status == 304);
-  // confirm ETag changes with different POST bodies
-  // (see above)
-  //xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true",
-  //  {body: JSON.stringify({keys:[1]})}
-  //);
-  //var etag1 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  //xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true",
-  //  {body: JSON.stringify({keys:[2]})}
-  //);
-  //var etag2 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  //T(etag1 != etag2, "POST to reduce _list generates key-depdendent ETags");
-  // verify the etags expire correctly
-  var docs = makeDocs(11, 12);
-  db.bulkSave(docs);
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=true", {
-    // will always be 200 as etags don't make sense (see above)
-    //headers: {"if-none-match": etag}
-  });
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "reduce etag");
-  // empty list
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/emptyList/basicView");
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/^ $/));
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/emptyList/withReduce?group=true");
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/^ $/));
-  // multi-key fetch
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/basicView", {
-    body: '{"keys":[2,4,5,7]}'
-  });
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "multi key");
-  T(!(/Key: 1 /.test(xhr.responseText)));
-  T(/Key: 2/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  T(/FirstKey: 2/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  T(/LastKey: 7/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // multi-key fetch with GET
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/basicView" +
-    "?keys=[2,4,5,7]");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "multi key");
-  T(!(/Key: 1 /.test(xhr.responseText)));
-  T(/Key: 2/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  T(/FirstKey: 2/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  T(/LastKey: 7/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // no multi-key fetch allowed when group=false
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/withReduce?group=false", {
-    body: '{"keys":[2,4,5,7]}'
-  });
-  T(xhr.status == 400);
-  T(/query_parse_error/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/rowError/basicView");
-  T(/ReferenceError/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // with include_docs and a reference to the doc.
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/docReference/basicView?include_docs=true");
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/head0tail/));
-  // now with extra qs params
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/qsParams/basicView?foo=blam");
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/blam/));
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/stopIter/basicView");
-  // T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/plain");
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/^head 0 1 2 tail$/) && "basic stop");
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/stopIter2/basicView", {
-    headers : {
-      "Accept" : "text/html"
-    }
-  });
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/^head 0 1 2 tail$/) && "stop 2");
-  // aborting iteration with reduce
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/stopIter/withReduce?group=true");
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/^head 0 1 2 tail$/) && "reduce stop");
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/stopIter2/withReduce?group=true", {
-    headers : {
-      "Accept" : "text/html"
-    }
-  });
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/^head 0 1 2 tail$/) && "reduce stop 2");
-  // with accept headers for HTML
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/acceptSwitch/basicView", {
-    headers: {
-      "Accept": 'text/html'
-    }
-  });
-  T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/html; charset=utf-8");
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/HTML/));
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/Value/));
-  // Test we can run lists and views from separate docs.
-  T(;
-  var url = "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/views/basicView" +
-                "?startkey=-3";
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", url);
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "multiple design docs.");
-  T(!(/Key: -4/.test(xhr.responseText)));
-  T(/FirstKey: -3/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  T(/LastKey: 0/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  // Test we do multi-key requests on lists and views in separate docs.
-  var url = "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/simpleForm/views/basicView";
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", url, {
-    body: '{"keys":[-2,-4,-5,-7]}'
-  });
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "multi key separate docs");
-  T(!(/Key: -3/.test(xhr.responseText)));
-  T(/Key: -7/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  T(/FirstKey: -2/.test(xhr.responseText));
-  T(/LastKey: -7/.test(xhr.responseText));
-    // Test if secObj is available
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/secObj/basicView");
-  T(xhr.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
-  var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-  T(typeof(resp) == "object");
-  var erlViewTest = function() {
-    T(;
-    var url = "/" + db_name + "/_design/erlang/_list/simple/views/basicView" +
-                "?startkey=-3";
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", url);
-    T(xhr.status == 200, "multiple languages in design docs.");
-    var list = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-    T(list.length == 4);
-    for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
-    {
-        T(list[i] + 3 == i);
-    }
-  };
-  // make _config available 4 tests or leave commented out
-  //run_on_modified_server([{
-  //  section: "native_query_servers",
-  //  key: "erlang",
-  //  value: "{couch_native_process, start_link, []}"
-  //}], erlViewTest);
-  // COUCHDB-1113
-  var ddoc = {
-    _id: "_design/test",
-    views: {
-      me: {
-        map: (function(doc) { emit(null,null)}).toString()
-      }
-    },
-    lists: {
-      you: (function(head, req) {
-        var row;
-        while(row = getRow()) {
-          send(row);
-        }
-      }).toString()
-    }
-  };
-  var resp = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + + "/_design/test/_list/you/me", {
-    headers: {
-      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-    }
-  });
-  TEquals(200, resp.status, "should return a 200 response");
-  // TEST HTTP header response set after getRow() called in _list function.
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/setHeaderAfterGotRow/basicView");
-  T(xhr.status == 400);
-  T(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-My-Header") == "MyHeader");
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/^bad request$/));
-  // test handling _all_docs by _list functions. the result should be equal
-  var xhr_lAllDocs = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/lists/_list/allDocs/_all_docs");
-  T(xhr_lAllDocs.status == 200, "standard get should be 200");
-  var xhr_allDocs = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_all_docs");
-  var allDocs = JSON.parse(xhr_allDocs.responseText);
-  var lAllDocs = JSON.parse(xhr_lAllDocs.responseText);
-  TEquals(allDocs.total_rows, lAllDocs.total_rows, "total_rows mismatch");
-  TEquals(allDocs.offset, lAllDocs.offset, "offset mismatch");
-  TEquals(allDocs.rows.length, lAllDocs.rows.length, "amount of rows mismatch");
-  TEquals(allDocs.rows, lAllDocs.rows, "rows mismatch");
-  // cleanup
-  db.deleteDb();
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/proxyauth.js b/test/javascript/tests/proxyauth.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f2e097e8..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/proxyauth.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.elixir = true;
-couchTests.proxyauth = function(debug) {
-  // this test proxy authentification handler
-  return console.log('done in test/elixir/test/proxyauth_test.exs');
-  var users_db_name = get_random_db_name();
-  var usersDb = new CouchDB(users_db_name, {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  usersDb.createDb();
-  var db_name = get_random_db_name();
-  var db = new CouchDB(db_name, {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.createDb();
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  // Simple secret key generator
-  function generateSecret(length) {
-    var tab = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
-    var secret = '';
-    for (var i=0; i<length; i++) {
-      secret += tab.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 64));
-    }
-    return secret;
-  }
-  var secret = generateSecret(64);
-  function TestFun() {
-    var benoitcUserDoc = CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({
-      name: ""
-    }, "test");
-    T(;
-    T(CouchDB.session() == null);
-    // test that you can use basic auth aginst the users db
-    var s = CouchDB.session({
-      headers : {
-        "Authorization" : "Basic YmVub2l0Y0BhcGFjaGUub3JnOnRlc3Q="
-      }
-    });
-    T( == "");
-    T( == "default");
-    CouchDB.logout();
-/*  XXX: None of the rest of this is supported yet in 2.0    
-    var headers = {
-      "X-Auth-CouchDB-UserName": "",
-      "X-Auth-CouchDB-Roles": "test",
-      "X-Auth-CouchDB-Token": hex_hmac_sha1(secret, "")
-    };
-    var designDoc = {
-      _id:"_design/test",
-      language: "javascript",
-      shows: {
-        "welcome": stringFun(function(doc,req) {
-          return "Welcome " + req.userCtx["name"];
-        }),
-        "role": stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-          return req.userCtx['roles'][0];
-        })
-      }
-    };
-    var req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/test/_show/welcome",
-                        {headers: headers});
-    T(req.responseText == "Welcome", req.responseText);
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/test/_show/role",
-                        {headers: headers});
-    T(req.responseText == "test");
-    var xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/_node/node1@",{
-      body : JSON.stringify("true"),
-      headers: {"X-Couch-Persist": "false"}
-    });
-    T(xhr.status == 200);
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/test/_show/welcome",
-                        {headers: headers});
-    T(req.responseText == "Welcome");
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/test/_show/role",
-                        {headers: headers});
-    T(req.responseText == "test");
-  }
-  run_on_modified_server(
-    [{section: "httpd",
-      key: "authentication_handlers",
-      value:"{chttpd_auth, proxy_authentication_handler}, {chttpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}"},
-      {section: "chttpd_auth",
-        key: "authentication_db", 
-        value: users_db_name},
-      {section: "chttpd_auth",
-        key: "secret", 
-        value: secret},
-      {section: "chttpd_auth",
-        key: "x_auth_username", 
-        value: "X-Auth-CouchDB-UserName"},
-      {section: "chttpd_auth",
-        key: "x_auth_roles", 
-        value: "X-Auth-CouchDB-Roles"},
-      {section: "chttpd_auth",
-        key: "x_auth_token", 
-        value: "X-Auth-CouchDB-Token"},
-      {section: "chttpd_auth",
-        key: "proxy_use_secret", 
-        value: "false"}],
-    TestFun
-  );
-  // cleanup
-  db.deleteDb();
-  usersDb.deleteDb();
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js b/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a124505..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_bad_rep_id.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.replicator_db_bad_rep_id = function(debug) {
-  //return console.log('TODO');
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var populate_db = replicator_db.populate_db;
-  var docs1 = replicator_db.docs1;
-  // TODO: dice DBs (at least target)
-  var dbA = replicator_db.dbA;
-  var dbB = replicator_db.dbB;
-  //var repDb = replicator_db.repDb;
-  var replDb = new CouchDB("_replicator");
-  var wait = replicator_db.wait;
-  var waitForRep = replicator_db.waitForRep;
-  var waitForSeq = replicator_db.waitForSeq;
-  function rep_doc_with_bad_rep_id() {
-    populate_db(dbA, docs1);
-    populate_db(dbB, []);
-    var repDoc = {
-      _id: "foo_rep",
-// TODO: fix DB name issue and remove absolute URL again
-      source: 'http://localhost:15984/',
-      target: 'http://localhost:15984/',
-      replication_id: "1234abc"
-    };
-    T(;
-    T(waitForRep(replDb, repDoc, "completed", "error") == "completed");
-    for (var i = 0; i < docs1.length; i++) {
-      var doc = docs1[i];
-      var copy =;
-      T(copy !== null);
-      T(copy.value === doc.value);
-    }
-    var repDoc1 =;
-    T(repDoc1 !== null);
-    T(repDoc1.source === repDoc.source);
-    T( ===;
-    T(repDoc1._replication_state === "completed",
-      "replication document with bad replication id failed");
-    T(typeof repDoc1._replication_state_time === "string");
-    T(typeof repDoc1._replication_id === "undefined");
-  }
-  /*var server_config = [
-    {
-      section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-      key: "iterations",
-      value: "1"
-    },
-    {
-      section: "replicator",
-      key: "db",
-      value: null //
-    }
-  ];*/
-  //repDb.deleteDb();
-  // don't run on modified server as it would be strange on cluster
-  // but use "normal" replication DB, create a doc, reliably clear after run
-  // on delete fail, the next tests would all fail
-  function handleReplDoc(show) {
-    var replDoc ="foo_rep");
-    if(replDoc!=null) {
-      if(show) {
-        //console.log(JSON.stringify(replDoc));
-      }
-      replDb.deleteDoc(replDoc);
-    }
-  }
-  handleReplDoc();
-  try {
-    rep_doc_with_bad_rep_id();
-  } finally {
-    // cleanup or log
-    try {
-      handleReplDoc(true);
-    } catch (e2) {
-      console.log("Error during cleanup " + e2);
-    }
-  }
-  //run_on_modified_server(server_config, rep_doc_with_bad_rep_id);
-  // cleanup
-  //repDb.deleteDb();
-  dbA.deleteDb();
-  dbB.deleteDb();
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_by_doc_id.js b/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_by_doc_id.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a3ca05272..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/replicator_db_by_doc_id.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.replicator_db_by_doc_id = function(debug) {
-  //return console.log('TODO');
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var populate_db = replicator_db.populate_db;
-  var docs1 = replicator_db.docs1;
-  // TODO: dice DBs (at least target)
-  var dbA = replicator_db.dbA;
-  var dbB = replicator_db.dbB;
-  //var repDb = replicator_db.repDb;
-  var replDb = new CouchDB("_replicator");
-  var wait = replicator_db.wait;
-  var waitForRep = replicator_db.waitForRep;
-  var waitForSeq = replicator_db.waitForSeq;
-  function by_doc_ids_replication() {
-    // to test that we can replicate docs with slashes in their IDs
-    var docs2 = docs1.concat([
-      {
-        _id: "_design/mydesign",
-        language : "javascript"
-      }
-    ]);
-    populate_db(dbA, docs2);
-    populate_db(dbB, []);
-    var repDoc = {
-      _id: "foo_cont_rep_doc",
-      source: "http://" + + "/" +,
-      // TODO: fix DB name issue and remove absolute URL again
-      target: 'http://localhost:15984/' +,
-      doc_ids: ["foo666", "foo3", "_design/mydesign", "foo999", "foo1"]
-    };
-    T(;
-    waitForRep(replDb, repDoc, "completed");
-    var copy ="foo1");
-    T(copy !== null);
-    T(copy.value === 11);
-    copy ="foo2");
-    T(copy === null);
-    copy ="foo3");
-    T(copy !== null);
-    T(copy.value === 33);
-    copy ="foo666");
-    T(copy === null);
-    copy ="foo999");
-    T(copy === null);
-    copy ="_design/mydesign");
-    // TODO: recheck - but I believe this should be in the target! (see also #written below)
-    T(copy !== null);
-    repDoc =;
-    T(typeof repDoc._replication_stats === "object", "doc has stats");
-    var stats = repDoc._replication_stats;
-    TEquals(3, stats.revisions_checked, "right # of revisions_checked");
-    TEquals(3, stats.missing_revisions_found, "right # of missing_revisions_found");
-    TEquals(3, stats.docs_read, "right # of docs_read");
-    TEquals(3, stats.docs_written, "right # of docs_written");
-    TEquals(0, stats.doc_write_failures, "right # of doc_write_failures");
-    // sequences are no more meaningful in a cluster
-    //TEquals(, stats.checkpointed_source_seq, "right checkpointed_source_seq");
-  }
-  /*var server_config = [
-    {
-      section: "chttpd_auth",
-      key: "iterations",
-      value: "1"
-    },
-    {
-      section: "replicator",
-      key: "db",
-      value:
-    }
-  ];*/
-  //repDb.deleteDb();
-  // don't run on modified server as it would be strange on cluster
-  // but use "normal" replication DB, create a doc, reliably clear after run
-  // on delete fail, the next tests would all fail
-  function handleReplDoc(show) {
-    var replDoc ="foo_cont_rep_doc");
-    if(replDoc!=null) {
-      if(show) {
-        //console.log(JSON.stringify(replDoc));
-      }
-      replDb.deleteDoc(replDoc);
-    }
-  }
-  handleReplDoc();
-  try {
-    by_doc_ids_replication();
-  } finally {
-    // cleanup or log
-    try {
-      handleReplDoc(true);
-    } catch (e2) {
-      console.log("Error during cleanup " + e2);
-    }
-  }
-  //run_on_modified_server(server_config, by_doc_ids_replication);
-  // cleanup
-  //repDb.deleteDb();
-  dbA.deleteDb();
-  dbB.deleteDb();
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/rewrite.js b/test/javascript/tests/rewrite.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a470eaee6..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/rewrite.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.elixir = true;
-couchTests.rewrite = function(debug) {
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var dbNames = ["test_suite_db", "test_suite_db/with_slashes"];
-  for (var i=0; i < dbNames.length; i++) {
-    var db = new CouchDB(dbNames[i]);
-    var dbName = encodeURIComponent(dbNames[i]);
-    db.deleteDb();
-    db.createDb();
-    run_on_modified_server(
-      [{section: "httpd",
-        key: "authentication_handlers",
-        value: "{couch_httpd_auth, special_test_authentication_handler}"},
-       {section:"chttpd",
-        key: "WWW-Authenticate",
-        value: "X-Couch-Test-Auth"}],
-      function(){
-        var designDoc = {
-          _id:"_design/test",
-          language: "javascript",
-          _attachments:{
-            "foo.txt": {
-              content_type:"text/plain",
-              data: "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ="
-            }
-          },
-          rewrites: [
-            {
-              "from": "foo",
-              "to": "foo.txt"
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "foo2",
-              "to": "foo.txt",
-              "method": "GET"
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "hello/:id",
-              "to": "_update/hello/:id",
-              "method": "PUT"
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "/welcome",
-              "to": "_show/welcome"
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "/welcome/:name",
-              "to": "_show/welcome",
-              "query": {
-                "name": ":name"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "/welcome2",
-              "to": "_show/welcome",
-              "query": {
-                "name": "user"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "/welcome3/:name",
-              "to": "_update/welcome2/:name",
-              "method": "PUT"
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "/welcome3/:name",
-              "to": "_show/welcome2/:name",
-              "method": "GET"
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "/welcome4/*",
-              "to" : "_show/welcome3",
-              "query": {
-                "name": "*"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "/welcome5/*",
-              "to" : "_show/*",
-              "query": {
-                "name": "*"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "basicView",
-              "to": "_view/basicView",
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/basicView",
-              "to": "_list/simpleForm/basicView",
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/basicViewFixed",
-              "to": "_list/simpleForm/basicView",
-              "query": {
-                "startkey": 3,
-                "endkey": 8
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/basicViewPath/:start/:end",
-              "to": "_list/simpleForm/basicView",
-              "query": {
-                "startkey": ":start",
-                "endkey": ":end"
-              },
-              "formats": {
-                "start": "int",
-                "end": "int"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/complexView",
-              "to": "_list/simpleForm/complexView",
-              "query": {
-                "key": [1, 2]
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/complexView2",
-              "to": "_list/simpleForm/complexView",
-              "query": {
-                "key": ["test", {}]
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/complexView3",
-              "to": "_list/simpleForm/complexView",
-              "query": {
-                "key": ["test", ["test", "essai"]]
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/complexView4",
-              "to": "_list/simpleForm/complexView2",
-              "query": {
-                "key": {"c": 1}
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/complexView5/:a/:b",
-              "to": "_list/simpleForm/complexView3",
-              "query": {
-                "key": [":a", ":b"]
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/complexView6",
-              "to": "_list/simpleForm/complexView3",
-              "query": {
-                "key": [":a", ":b"]
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "simpleForm/complexView7/:a/:b",
-              "to": "_view/complexView3",
-              "query": {
-                "key": [":a", ":b"],
-                "include_docs": ":doc"
-              },
-              "format": {
-                "doc": "bool"
-              }
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "/",
-              "to": "_view/basicView",
-            },
-            {
-              "from": "/db/*",
-              "to": "../../*"
-            }
-          ],
-          lists: {
-            simpleForm: stringFun(function(head, req) {
-              log("simpleForm");
-              send('<ul>');
-              var row, row_number = 0, prevKey, firstKey = null;
-              while (row = getRow()) {
-                row_number += 1;
-                if (!firstKey) firstKey = row.key;
-                prevKey = row.key;
-                send('\n<li>Key: '+row.key
-                     +' Value: '+row.value
-                     +' LineNo: '+row_number+'</li>');
-              }
-              return '</ul><p>FirstKey: '+ firstKey + ' LastKey: '+ prevKey+'</p>';
-            }),
-          },
-          shows: {
-            "welcome": stringFun(function(doc,req) {
-              return "Welcome " + req.query["name"];
-            }),
-            "welcome2": stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-              return "Welcome " +;
-            }),
-            "welcome3": stringFun(function(doc,req) {
-              return "Welcome " + req.query["name"];
-            })
-          },
-          updates: {
-            "hello" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-              if (!doc) {
-                if ( {
-                  return [{
-                    _id :
-                  }, "New World"]
-                }
-                return [null, "Empty World"];
-              }
-     = "hello";
-              doc.edited_by = req.userCtx;
-              return [doc, "hello doc"];
-            }),
-            "welcome2": stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-              if (!doc) {
-                if ( {
-                  return [{
-                    _id:,
-                    name:
-                  }, "New World"]
-                }
-                return [null, "Empty World"];
-              }
-              return [doc, "hello doc"];
-            })
-          },
-          views : {
-            basicView : {
-              map : stringFun(function(doc) {
-                if (doc.integer) {
-                  emit(doc.integer, doc.string);
-                }
-              })
-            },
-            complexView: {
-              map: stringFun(function(doc) {
-                if (doc.type == "complex") {
-                  emit([doc.a, doc.b], doc.string);
-                }
-              })
-            },
-            complexView2: {
-              map: stringFun(function(doc) {
-                if (doc.type == "complex") {
-                  emit(doc.a, doc.string);
-                }
-              })
-            },
-            complexView3: {
-              map: stringFun(function(doc) {
-                if (doc.type == "complex") {
-                  emit(doc.b, doc.string);
-                }
-              })
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        var docs = makeDocs(0, 10);
-        db.bulkSave(docs);
-        var docs2 = [
-          {"a": 1, "b": 1, "string": "doc 1", "type": "complex"},
-          {"a": 1, "b": 2, "string": "doc 2", "type": "complex"},
-          {"a": "test", "b": {}, "string": "doc 3", "type": "complex"},
-          {"a": "test", "b": ["test", "essai"], "string": "doc 4", "type": "complex"},
-          {"a": {"c": 1}, "b": "", "string": "doc 5", "type": "complex"}
-        ];
-        db.bulkSave(docs2);
-        // test simple rewriting
-        req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/foo");
-        T(req.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text");
-        T(req.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/plain");
-        req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/foo2");
-        T(req.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text");
-        T(req.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/plain");
-        // test POST
-        // hello update world
-        var doc = {"word":"plankton", "name":"Rusty"}
-        var resp =;
-        T(resp.ok);
-        var docid =;
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/hello/"+docid);
-        T(xhr.status == 201);
-        T(xhr.responseText == "hello doc");
-        T(/charset=utf-8/.test(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")))
-        doc =;
-        T( == "hello");
-        req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome?name=user");
-        T(req.responseText == "Welcome user");
-        req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome/user");
-        T(req.responseText == "Welcome user");
-        req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome2");
-        T(req.responseText == "Welcome user");
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome3/test");
-        T(xhr.status == 201);
-        T(xhr.responseText == "New World");
-        T(/charset=utf-8/.test(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")));
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome3/test");
-        T(xhr.responseText == "Welcome test");
-/*      // XXX: THESE ARE BUGGED and I don't know what the right response is
-        req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome4/user");
-        T(req.responseText == "Welcome user", req.responseText);
-        req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome5/welcome3");
-        T(req.responseText == "Welcome welcome3", req.responseText);
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/basicView");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "view call");
-        T(/{"total_rows":9/.test(xhr.responseText)); 
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "view call");
-        T(/{"total_rows":9/.test(xhr.responseText)); 
-        // get with query params
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/basicView?startkey=3&endkey=8");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(!(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText)));
-        T(/FirstKey: 3/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        T(/LastKey: 8/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/basicViewFixed");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(!(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText)));
-        T(/FirstKey: 3/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        T(/LastKey: 8/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        // get with query params
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/basicViewFixed?startkey=4");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(!(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText)));
-        T(/FirstKey: 3/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        T(/LastKey: 8/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        // get with query params
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/basicViewPath/3/8");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(!(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText)));
-        T(/FirstKey: 3/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        T(/LastKey: 8/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        // get with query params        
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(/FirstKey: [1, 2]/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView2");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(/Value: doc 3/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView3");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(/Value: doc 4/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView4");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(/Value: doc 5/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView5/test/essai");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(/Value: doc 4/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView6?a=test&b=essai");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        T(/Value: doc 4/.test(xhr.responseText));
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView7/test/essai?doc=true");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-        var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-        T(typeof(result.rows[0].doc) === "object");
-        // COUCHDB-2031 - path normalization versus qs params
-        xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/db/_design/test?meta=true");
-        T(xhr.status == 200, "path normalization works with qs params");
-        var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-        T(result['_id'] == "_design/test");
-        T(typeof(result['_revs_info']) === "object");
-        // test path relative to server
-        T({
-          _id: "_design/test2",
-          rewrites: [{
-            "from": "uuids",
-          "to": "../../../_uuids"
-          }]
-        }).ok);
-        var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test2/_rewrite/uuids");
-        T(xhr.status == 500);
-        var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-        T(result.error == "insecure_rewrite_rule");
-        run_on_modified_server(
-          [{section: "chttpd",
-            key: "secure_rewrites",
-            value: "false"}],
-          function() {
-            var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test2/_rewrite/uuids?cache=bust");
-            T(xhr.status == 200);
-            var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-            T(result.uuids.length == 1);
-            var first = result.uuids[0];
-          });
-      });
-/*  // XXX: we have actual failures here that we need to get to
-    // test invalid rewrites
-    // string
-    var ddoc = {
-      _id: "_design/invalid",
-      rewrites: "[{\"from\":\"foo\",\"to\":\"bar\"}]"
-    }
-    var res = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/invalid/_rewrite/foo");
-    TEquals(400, res.status, "should return 400");
-    var ddoc_requested_path = {
-      _id: "_design/requested_path",
-      rewrites:[
-        {"from": "show", "to": "_show/origin/0"},
-        {"from": "show_rewritten", "to": "_rewrite/show"}
-      ],
-      shows: {
-        origin: stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-          return req.headers["x-couchdb-requested-path"];
-        })}
-    };
-    var url = "/"+dbName+"/_design/requested_path/_rewrite/show";
-    var res = CouchDB.request("GET", url);
-    TEquals(url, res.responseText, "should return the original url");
-    var url = "/"+dbName+"/_design/requested_path/_rewrite/show_rewritten";
-    var res = CouchDB.request("GET", url);
-    TEquals(url, res.responseText, "returned the original url");
-    var ddoc_loop = {
-      _id: "_design/loop",
-      rewrites: [{ "from": "loop",  "to": "_rewrite/loop"}]
-    };
-    // Assert loop detection
-    run_on_modified_server(
-      [{section: "chttpd",
-        key: "rewrite_limit",
-        value: "2"}],
-      function(){
-        var url = "/"+dbName+"/_design/loop/_rewrite/loop";
-        var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", url);
-        TEquals(400, xhr.status);
-      });
-    // Assert serial execution is not spuriously counted as loop
-    run_on_modified_server(
-      [{section: "chttpd",
-        key: "rewrite_limit",
-        value: "2"},
-       {section: "chttpd",
-        key: "secure_rewrites",
-        value: "false"}],
-      function(){
-        var url = "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/foo";
-        for (var i=0; i < 5; i++) {
-            var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", url);
-            TEquals(200, xhr.status);
-        }
-      });
-    // cleanup
-    db.deleteDb();
-  }
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/rewrite_js.js b/test/javascript/tests/rewrite_js.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7179fc9f5..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/rewrite_js.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.elixir = true;
-couchTests.rewrite = function(debug) {
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var dbNames = [get_random_db_name(), get_random_db_name() + "test_suite_db/with_slashes"];
-  for (var i=0; i < dbNames.length; i++) {
-    var db = new CouchDB(dbNames[i]);
-    var dbName = encodeURIComponent(dbNames[i]);
-    db.deleteDb();
-    db.createDb();
-    var designDoc = {
-      _id:"_design/test",
-      language: "javascript",
-      _attachments:{
-        "foo.txt": {
-          content_type:"text/plain",
-          data: "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ="
-        }
-      },
-      rewrites: stringFun(function(req) {
-        prefix = req.path[4];
-        if (prefix === 'foo') {
-            return 'foo.txt';
-        }
-        if (prefix === 'foo2') {
-            return {path: 'foo.txt', method: 'GET'};
-        }
-        if (prefix === 'hello') {
-            if (req.method != 'PUT') {
-                return
-            }
-            id = req.path[5];
-            return {path: '_update/hello/' + id};
-        }
-        if (prefix === 'welcome') {
-            if (req.path.length == 6){
-                name = req.path[5];
-                return {path: '_show/welcome', query: {'name': name}};
-            }
-            return '_show/welcome';
-        }
-        if (prefix === 'welcome2') {
-            return {path: '_show/welcome', query: {'name': 'user'}};
-        }
-        if (prefix === 'welcome3') {
-            name = req.path[5];
-            if (req.method == 'PUT') {
-                path = '_update/welcome2/' + name;
-            } else if (req.method == 'GET') {
-                path = '_show/welcome2/' + name;
-            } else {
-                return;
-            }
-            return path;
-        }
-        if (prefix === 'welcome4') {
-            return {path: '_show/welcome3',  query: {name: req.path[5]}};
-        }
-        if (prefix === 'welcome5') {
-            rest = req.path.slice(5).join('/');
-            return {path: '_show/' + rest,  query: {name: rest}};
-        }
-        if (prefix === 'basicView') {
-            rest = req.path.slice(5).join('/');
-            return {path: '_view/basicView'};
-        }
-        if (req.path.slice(4).join('/') === 'simpleForm/basicView') {
-            return {path: '_list/simpleForm/basicView'};
-        }
-        if (req.path.slice(4).join('/') === 'simpleForm/basicViewFixed') {
-            return {path: '_list/simpleForm/basicView',
-                    query: {startkey: '"3"', endkey: '"8"'}};
-        }
-        if (req.path.slice(4).join('/') === 'simpleForm/complexView') {
-            return {path: '_list/simpleForm/complexView',
-                    query: {key: JSON.stringify([1,2])}};
-        }
-        if (req.path.slice(4).join('/') === 'simpleForm/complexView2') {
-            return {path: '_list/simpleForm/complexView',
-                    query: {key: JSON.stringify(['test', {}])}};
-        }
-        if (req.path.slice(4).join('/') === 'simpleForm/complexView3') {
-            return {path: '_list/simpleForm/complexView',
-                    query: {key: JSON.stringify(['test', ['test', 'essai']])}};
-        }
-        if (req.path.slice(4).join('/') === 'simpleForm/complexView4') {
-            return {path: '_list/simpleForm/complexView2',
-                    query: {key: JSON.stringify({"c": 1})}};
-        }
-        if (req.path.slice(4).join('/') === 'simpleForm/sendBody1') {
-            return {path:   '_list/simpleForm/complexView2',
-                    method: 'POST',
-                    query:  {limit: '1'},
-                    headers:{'Content-type':'application/json'},
-                    body:  JSON.stringify( {keys: [{"c": 1}]} )};
-        }
-        if (req.path.slice(4).join('/') === '/') {
-            return {path: '_view/basicView'};
-        }
-        if (prefix === 'db') {
-            return {path: '../../' + req.path.slice(5).join('/')};
-        }
-      }),
-      lists: {
-        simpleForm: stringFun(function(head, req) {
-          send('<ul>');
-          var row, row_number = 0, prevKey, firstKey = null;
-          while (row = getRow()) {
-            row_number += 1;
-            if (!firstKey) firstKey = row.key;
-            prevKey = row.key;
-            send('\n<li>Key: '+row.key
-                 +' Value: '+row.value
-                 +' LineNo: '+row_number+'</li>');
-          }
-          return '</ul><p>FirstKey: '+ firstKey + ' LastKey: '+ prevKey+'</p>';
-        }),
-      },
-      shows: {
-        "welcome": stringFun(function(doc,req) {
-          return "Welcome " + req.query["name"];
-        }),
-        "welcome2": stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-          return "Welcome " +;
-        }),
-        "welcome3": stringFun(function(doc,req) {
-          return "Welcome " + req.query["name"];
-        })
-      },
-      updates: {
-        "hello" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-          if (!doc) {
-            if ( {
-              return [{
-                _id :
-              }, "New World"]
-            }
-            return [null, "Empty World"];
-          }
- = "hello";
-          doc.edited_by = req.userCtx;
-          return [doc, "hello doc"];
-        }),
-        "welcome2": stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-          if (!doc) {
-            if ( {
-              return [{
-                _id:,
-                name:
-              }, "New World"]
-            }
-            return [null, "Empty World"];
-          }
-          return [doc, "hello doc"];
-        })
-      },
-      views : {
-        basicView : {
-          map : stringFun(function(doc) {
-            if (doc.integer) {
-              emit(doc.integer, doc.string);
-            }
-          })
-        },
-        complexView: {
-          map: stringFun(function(doc) {
-            if (doc.type == "complex") {
-              emit([doc.a, doc.b], doc.string);
-            }
-          })
-        },
-        complexView2: {
-          map: stringFun(function(doc) {
-            if (doc.type == "complex") {
-              emit(doc.a, doc.string);
-            }
-          })
-        },
-        complexView3: {
-          map: stringFun(function(doc) {
-            if (doc.type == "complex") {
-              emit(doc.b, doc.string);
-            }
-          })
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    var docs = makeDocs(0, 10);
-    db.bulkSave(docs);
-    var docs2 = [
-      {"a": 1, "b": 1, "string": "doc 1", "type": "complex"},
-      {"a": 1, "b": 2, "string": "doc 2", "type": "complex"},
-      {"a": "test", "b": {}, "string": "doc 3", "type": "complex"},
-      {"a": "test", "b": ["test", "essai"], "string": "doc 4", "type": "complex"},
-      {"a": {"c": 1}, "b": "", "string": "doc 5", "type": "complex"}
-    ];
-    db.bulkSave(docs2);
-    // test simple rewriting
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/foo");
-    T(req.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text");
-    T(req.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/plain");
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/foo2");
-    T(req.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text");
-    T(req.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/plain");
-    // test POST
-    // hello update world
-    var doc = {"word":"plankton", "name":"Rusty"}
-    var resp =;
-    T(resp.ok);
-    var docid =;
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/hello/"+docid);
-    T(xhr.status == 201);
-    T(xhr.responseText == "hello doc");
-    T(/charset=utf-8/.test(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")))
-    doc =;
-    T( == "hello");
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome?name=user");
-    T(req.responseText == "Welcome user");
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome/user");
-    T(req.responseText == "Welcome user");
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome2");
-    T(req.responseText == "Welcome user");
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome3/test");
-    T(xhr.status == 201);
-    T(xhr.responseText == "New World");
-    T(/charset=utf-8/.test(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")));
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome3/test");
-    T(xhr.responseText == "Welcome test");
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome4/user");
-    T(req.responseText == "Welcome user");
-    req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/welcome5/welcome3");
-    T(req.responseText == "Welcome welcome3");
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/basicView");
-    T(xhr.status == 200, "view call");
-    T(/{"total_rows":9/.test(xhr.responseText));
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView");
-    T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-    T(/FirstKey: [1, 2]/.test(xhr.responseText));
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView2");
-    T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-    T(/Value: doc 3/.test(xhr.responseText));
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView3");
-    T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-    T(/Value: doc 4/.test(xhr.responseText));
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/complexView4");
-    T(xhr.status == 200, "with query params");
-    T(/Value: doc 5/.test(xhr.responseText));
-    // COUCHDB-1612 - send body rewriting get to post
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/simpleForm/sendBody1");
-    T(xhr.status == 200, "get->post rewrite failed:\n"+xhr.responseText);
-    T(/Value: doc 5 LineNo: 1/.test(xhr.responseText), "get->post rewrite responded wrong:\n"+xhr.responseText);
-    // COUCHDB-2031 - path normalization versus qs params
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/test/_rewrite/db/_design/test?meta=true");
-    T(xhr.status == 200, "path normalization works with qs params");
-    var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-    T(result['_id'] == "_design/test");
-    T(typeof(result['_revs_info']) === "object");
-    // test early response
-    var ddoc = {
-      _id: "_design/response",
-      rewrites: stringFun(function(req){
-        status = parseInt(req.query.status);
-        return {code: status,
-                body: JSON.stringify({"status": status}),
-                headers: {'x-foo': 'bar', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}};
-      })
-    }
-    T(;
-    var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/response/_rewrite?status=200");
-    T(xhr.status == 200);
-    T(xhr.headers['x-foo'] == 'bar');
-    T(xhr.responseText == '{"status":200}');
-    var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/response/_rewrite?status=451");
-    T(xhr.status == 451);
-    T(xhr.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json');
-    var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/response/_rewrite?status=600");
-    T(xhr.status == 500);
-    // test path relative to server
-    var ddoc = {
-      _id: "_design/relative",
-      rewrites: stringFun(function(req){
-        return '../../../_uuids'
-      })
-    }
-    T(;
-    var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"+dbName+"/_design/relative/_rewrite/uuids");
-    T(xhr.status == 200);
-    var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-    T(result.uuids.length == 1);
-    // test loop
-    var ddoc_loop = {
-      _id: "_design/loop",
-      rewrites: stringFun(function(req) {
-        return '_rewrite/loop';
-      })
-    };
-    var url = "/"+dbName+"/_design/loop/_rewrite/loop";
-    var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", url);
-    TEquals(400, xhr.status);
-    // test requests with body preserve the query string rewrite
-    var ddoc_qs = {
-      "_id": "_design/qs", 
-      "rewrites": "function (r) { return {path: '../../_changes', query: {'filter': '_doc_ids'}};};"
-    }
-{"_id": "qs1", "foo": "bar"});
-{"_id": "qs2", "foo": "bar"});
-    var url = "/"+dbName+"/_design/qs/_rewrite";
-    var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", url, {body: JSON.stringify({"doc_ids": ["qs2"]})});
-    var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-    T(xhr.status == 200);
-    T(result.results.length == 1, "Only one doc is expected");
-    TEquals(result.results[0].id, "qs2");
-    // cleanup
-    db.deleteDb();
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/security_validation.js b/test/javascript/tests/security_validation.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 365f716e6..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/security_validation.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.elixir = true;
-couchTests.security_validation = function(debug) {
-  var db_name = get_random_db_name();
-  var db = new CouchDB(db_name, {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.createDb();
-  var authDb_name = get_random_db_name() + "_authdb";
-  var authDb = new CouchDB(authDb_name, {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  authDb.createDb();
-  var adminDbA, adminDbB; // used later
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  run_on_modified_server(
-    [{section: "httpd",
-      key: "authentication_handlers",
-      value: "{couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}"},
-     {section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-      key: "authentication_db", value: authDb_name},
-     {section: "chttpd_auth",
-      key: "authentication_db", value: authDb_name}],
-    function () {
-      // the special case handler does not exist (any longer) in clusters, so we have
-      // to replicate the behavior using a "normal" DB even though tests might no more
-      // run universally (why the "X-Couch-Test-Auth" header was introduced).
-      // btw: this needs to be INSIDE configured server to propagate correctly ;-)
-      // At least they'd run in the build, though
-      T({name: "tom"}, "cat")).ok); // Basic dG9tOmNhdA==
-      T({name: "jerry"}, "mouse")).ok); // Basic amVycnk6bW91c2U=
-      T({name: "spike"}, "dog")).ok); // Basic c3Bpa2U6ZG9n
-      authDb.ensureFullCommit();
-      // try saving document using the wrong credentials
-      var wrongPasswordDb = new CouchDB(db_name + "",
-        {"Authorization": "Basic c3Bpa2U6Y2F0"} // spike:cat - which is wrong
-      );
-      try {
-{foo:1,author:"Damien Katz"});
-        T(false, "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 1");
-      } catch (e) {
-        T(e.error == "unauthorized");
-        T(wrongPasswordDb.last_req.status == 401);
-      }
-      // test force basic login
-      var resp = wrongPasswordDb.request("GET", "/_session?basic=true");
-      var err = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
-      T(err.error == "unauthorized");
-      T(resp.status == 401);
-      // Create the design doc that will run custom validation code
-      var designDoc = {
-        _id:"_design/test",
-        language: "javascript",
-        validate_doc_update: stringFun(function (newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj) {
-          if (secObj.admin_override) {
-            if (userCtx.roles.indexOf('_admin') != -1) {
-              // user is admin, they can do anything
-              return true;
-            }
-          }
-          // docs should have an author field.
-          if (!newDoc._deleted && ! {
-            throw {forbidden:
-                "Documents must have an author field"};
-          }
-          if (oldDoc && != {
-              throw {unauthorized:
-                  "You are '" + + "', not the author '" + + "' of this document. You jerk."};
-          }
-        })
-      }
-      // Save a document normally
-      var userDb = new CouchDB("" + db_name + "",
-        {"Authorization": "Basic amVycnk6bW91c2U="}  // jerry
-      );
-      // test session
-      TEquals("jerry", JSON.parse(userDb.request("GET", "/_session").responseText);
-      T({_id:"testdoc", foo:1, author:"jerry"}).ok);
-      // Attempt to save the design as a non-admin
-      try {
-        T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error on design doc");
-      } catch (e) {
-        // cluster changes from 401 unauthorized to 403 forbidden
-        TEquals("forbidden", e.error);
-        TEquals(403, userDb.last_req.status);
-      }
-      // set user as the admin
-      T(db.setSecObj({
-        admins : {names : ["jerry"]}
-      }).ok);
-      // TODO: when _security is correctly honored (COUCHDB-2990), switch back
-      //T(;
-      T(;
-      var user2Db = new CouchDB("" + db_name + "",
-        {"Authorization": "Basic dG9tOmNhdA=="} // tom
-      );
-      // Attempt to save the design as a non-admin (in replication scenario)
- = "bar";
-      designDoc._rev = "2-642e20f96624a0aae6025b4dba0c6fb2";
-      try {
-, {new_edits : false});
-        T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error on design doc");
-      } catch (e) {
-        // cluster changes from 401 unauthorized to 403 forbidden
-        TEquals("forbidden", e.error);
-        TEquals(403, userDb.last_req.status);
-      }
-      // test the _session API
-      var resp = userDb.request("GET", "/_session");
-      var user = JSON.parse(resp.responseText).userCtx;
-      T( == "jerry");
-      // test that the roles are listed properly
-      TEquals(user.roles, []);
-      // update the document
-      var doc ="testdoc");
-      T(;
-      // Save a document that's missing an author field (before and after compaction)
-      for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
-          try {
-    {foo:1});
-              T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 2");
-          } catch (e) {
-              T(e.error == "forbidden");
-              T(userDb.last_req.status == 403);
-          }
-          // compact. - no more available on clusters (but: test is still valid w/out compaction)
-          /*T(db.compact().ok);
-          T(db.last_req.status == 202);
-          // compaction isn't instantaneous, loop until done
-          while ( {};*/
-      }
-      // Now attempt to update the document as a different user, Jan
-      var doc ="testdoc");
-      try {
-        T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 3");
-      } catch (e) {
-        T(e.error == "unauthorized");
-        T(user2Db.last_req.status == 401);
-      }
-      // Now have jerry change the author to tom
-      doc ="testdoc");
-      T(;
-      // Now update the document as tom
-      doc ="testdoc");
- = 3;
-      T(;
-      // jerry can't delete it
-      try {
-        userDb.deleteDoc(doc);
-        T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 4");
-      } catch (e) {
-        T(e.error == "unauthorized");
-        T(userDb.last_req.status == 401);
-      }
-      // admin must save with author field unless admin override
-      var resp = db.request("GET", "/_session");
-      var user = JSON.parse(resp.responseText).userCtx;
-      T( == null);
-      // test that we are admin
-      TEquals(user.roles, ["_admin"]);
-      // can't save the doc even though we are admin
-      var doc ="testdoc");
-      try {
-        T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 3");
-      } catch (e) {
-        T(e.error == "unauthorized");
-        T(db.last_req.status == 401);
-      }
-      // now turn on admin override
-      T(db.setDbProperty("_security", {admin_override : true}).ok);
-      // TODO: re-include after COUCHDB-2990
-      //T(;
-      // try to do something lame
-      try {
-        db.setDbProperty("_security", ["foo"]);
-        T(false && "can't do this");
-      } catch(e) {}
-      // go back to normal
-      T(db.setDbProperty("_security", {admin_override : false}).ok);
-      // Now delete document
-      T(user2Db.deleteDoc(doc).ok);
-      // now test bulk docs
-      var docs = [{_id:"bahbah",author:"jerry",foo:"bar"},{_id:"fahfah",foo:"baz"}];
-      // Create the docs
-      var results = db.bulkSave(docs);
-      T(results[0].rev)
-      T(results[0].error == undefined)
-      T(results[1].rev === undefined)
-      T(results[1].error == "forbidden")
-      T("bahbah"));
-      T("fahfah") == null);
-      // now all or nothing with a failure - no more available on cluster
-/*      var docs = [{_id:"booboo",author:"Damien Katz",foo:"bar"},{_id:"foofoo",foo:"baz"}];
-      // Create the docs
-      var results = db.bulkSave(docs, {all_or_nothing:true});
-      T(results.errors.length == 1);
-      T(results.errors[0].error == "forbidden");
-      T("booboo") == null);
-      T("foofoo") == null);
-      // Now test replication
-      var AuthHeaders = {"Authorization": "Basic c3Bpa2U6ZG9n"}; // spike
-      adminDbA = new CouchDB("" + db_name + "_a", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-      adminDbB = new CouchDB("" + db_name + "_b", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-      var dbA = new CouchDB("" + db_name + "_a", AuthHeaders);
-      var dbB = new CouchDB("" + db_name + "_b", AuthHeaders);
-      // looping does not really add value as the scenario is the same anyway (there's nothing 2 be gained from it)
-      var A = CouchDB.protocol + + "/" + db_name + "_a";
-      var B = CouchDB.protocol + + "/" + db_name + "_b";
-      // (the databases never exist b4 - and we made sure they're deleted below)
-      //adminDbA.deleteDb();
-      adminDbA.createDb();
-      //adminDbB.deleteDb();
-      adminDbB.createDb();
-      // save and replicate a documents that will and will not pass our design
-      // doc validation function.
-      T({_id:"foo1",value:"a",author:"tom"}).ok);
-      T({_id:"foo2",value:"a",author:"spike"}).ok);
-      T({_id:"bad1",value:"a"}).ok);
-      T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B, {headers:AuthHeaders}).ok);
-      T(CouchDB.replicate(B, A, {headers:AuthHeaders}).ok);
-      T("foo1"));
-      T("foo1"));
-      T("foo2"));
-      T("foo2"));
-      // save the design doc to dbA
-      delete designDoc._rev; // clear rev from previous saves
-      T(;
-      // no affect on already saved docs
-      T("bad1"));
-      // Update some docs on dbB. Since the design hasn't replicated, anything
-      // is allowed.
-      // this edit will fail validation on replication to dbA (no author)
-      T({_id:"bad2",value:"a"}).ok);
-      // this edit will fail security on replication to dbA (wrong author
-      //  replicating the change)
-      var foo1 ="foo1");
-      foo1.value = "b";
-      T(;
-      // this is a legal edit
-      var foo2 ="foo2");
-      foo2.value = "b";
-      T(;
-      var results = CouchDB.replicate({"url": B, "headers": AuthHeaders}, {"url": A, "headers": AuthHeaders}, {headers:AuthHeaders});
-      T(results.ok);
-      TEquals(1, results.history[0].docs_written);
-      TEquals(2, results.history[0].doc_write_failures);
-      // bad2 should not be on dbA
-      T("bad2") == null);
-      // The edit to foo1 should not have replicated.
-      T("foo1").value == "a");
-      // The edit to foo2 should have replicated.
-      T("foo2").value == "b");
-    });
-  // cleanup
-  db.deleteDb();
-  if(adminDbA){
-    adminDbA.deleteDb();
-  }
-  if(adminDbB){
-    adminDbB.deleteDb();
-  }
-  authDb.deleteDb();
-  // don't have to clean the backend authDb since this test only calls
-  // couch_auth_cache:get_admin/1 which doesn't auto-create the users db
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/show_documents.js b/test/javascript/tests/show_documents.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e604f3058..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/show_documents.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.elixir = true
-couchTests.show_documents = function(debug) {
-  var db_name = get_random_db_name();
-  var db = new CouchDB(db_name, {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.createDb();
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var designDoc = {
-    _id:"_design/template",
-    language: "javascript",
-    shows: {
-      "hello" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        log("hello fun");
-        if (doc) {
-          return "Hello World";
-        } else {
-          if( {
-            return "New World";
-          } else {
-            return "Empty World";
-          }
-        }
-      }),
-      "just-name" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        if (doc) {
-          return {
-            body : "Just " +
-          };
-        } else {
-          return {
-            body : "No such doc",
-            code : 404
-          };
-        }
-      }),
-      "json" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        return {
-          json : doc
-        }
-      }),
-      "req-info" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        return {
-          json : req
-        }
-      }),
-      "show-deleted" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        if(doc) {
-          return doc._id;
-        } else {
-          return "No doc " +;
-        }
-      }),
-      "render-error" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        return noSuchVariable;
-      }),
-      "empty" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-          return "";
-        }),
-      "fail" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        return doc._id;
-      }),
-      "no-set-etag" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        return {
-          headers : {
-            "Etag" : "skipped"
-          },
-          "body" : "something"
-        }
-      }),
-      "list-api" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        start({"X-Couch-Test-Header": "Yeah"});
-        send("Hey");
-      }),
-      "list-api-provides" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        provides("text", function(){
-            send("foo, ");
-            send("bar, ");
-            send("baz!");
-        })
-      }),
-      "list-api-provides-and-return" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        provides("text", function(){
-            send("4, ");
-            send("5, ");
-            send("6, ");
-            return "7!";
-        })
-        send("1, ");
-        send("2, ");
-        return "3, ";
-      }),
-      "list-api-mix" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        start({"X-Couch-Test-Header": "Yeah"});
-        send("Hey ");
-        return "Dude";
-      }),
-      "list-api-mix-with-header" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        start({"X-Couch-Test-Header": "Yeah"});
-        send("Hey ");
-        return {
-          headers: {
-            "X-Couch-Test-Header-Awesome": "Oh Yeah!"
-          },
-          body: "Dude"
-        };
-      }),
-      "accept-switch" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        if (req.headers["Accept"].match(/image/)) {
-          return {
-            // a 16x16 px version of the CouchDB logo
-            "base64" :
-            headers : {
-              "Content-Type" : "image/png",
-              "Vary" : "Accept" // we set this for proxy caches
-            }
-          };
-        } else {
-          return {
-            "body" : "accepting text requests",
-            headers : {
-              "Content-Type" : "text/html",
-              "Vary" : "Accept"
-            }
-          };
-        }
-      }),
-      "provides" : stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        registerType("foo", "application/foo","application/x-foo");
-        provides("html", function() {
-          return "Ha ha, you said \"" + doc.word + "\".";
-        });
-        provides("foo", function() {
-          return "foofoo";
-        });
-      }),
-      "withSlash": stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        return { json: doc }
-      }),
-      "secObj": stringFun(function(doc, req) {
-        return { json: req.secObj };
-      })
-    }
-  };
-  T(;
-  var doc = {"word":"plankton", "name":"Rusty"}
-  var resp =;
-  T(resp.ok);
-  var docid =;
-  // show error
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/");
-  T(xhr.status == 404, 'Should be missing');
-  T(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).reason == "Invalid path.");
-  // hello template world
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/hello/"+docid);
-  T(xhr.responseText == "Hello World", "hello");
-  T(/charset=utf-8/.test(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")));
-  // Fix for COUCHDB-379
-  T(equals(xhr.getResponseHeader("Server").substr(0,7), "CouchDB"));
-  // // error stacktraces
-  // xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/render-error/"+docid);
-  // T(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).error == "render_error");
-  // hello template world (no docid)
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/hello");
-  T(xhr.responseText == "Empty World");
-  // hello template world (no docid)
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/empty");
-  T(xhr.responseText == "");
-  // // hello template world (non-existing docid)
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/fail/nonExistingDoc");
-  T(xhr.status == 404);
-  var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-  T(resp.error == "not_found");
-  // show with doc
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/just-name/"+docid);
-  T(xhr.responseText == "Just Rusty");
-  // show with missing doc
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/just-name/missingdoc");
-  T(xhr.status == 404);
-  TEquals("No such doc", xhr.responseText);
-  // show with missing func
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/missing/"+docid);
-  T(xhr.status == 404, "function is missing");
-  // missing design doc
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/missingddoc/_show/just-name/"+docid);
-  T(xhr.status == 404);
-  var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-  T(resp.error == "not_found");
-  // query parameters
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/req-info/"+docid+"?foo=bar", {
-    headers: {
-      "Accept": "text/html;text/plain;*/*",
-      "X-Foo" : "bar"
-    }
-  });
-  var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-  T(equals(resp.headers["X-Foo"], "bar"));
-  T(equals(resp.query, {foo:"bar"}));
-  T(equals(resp.method, "GET"));
-  T(equals(resp.path[5], docid));
-  T(equals(, "" + db_name + ""));
-  // accept header switching
-  // different mime has different etag
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/accept-switch/"+docid, {
-    headers: {"Accept": "text/html;text/plain;*/*"}
-  });
-  var ct = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
-  T(/text\/html/.test(ct))
-  T("Accept" == xhr.getResponseHeader("Vary"));
-  var etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/accept-switch/"+docid, {
-    headers: {"Accept": "image/png;*/*"}
-  });
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/PNG/))
-  T("image/png" == xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"));
-  var etag2 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  T(etag2 != etag);
-  // proper etags
-  // show with doc
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/just-name/"+docid);
-  // extract the ETag header values
-  etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  // get again with etag in request
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/just-name/"+docid, {
-    headers: {"if-none-match": etag}
-  });
-  // should be 304
-  T(xhr.status == 304);
-  // update the doc
- = "Crusty";
-  resp =;
-  T(resp.ok);
-  // req with same etag
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/just-name/"+docid, {
-    headers: {"if-none-match": etag}
-  });
-  // status is 200
-  T(xhr.status == 200);
-  // JS can't set etag
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/no-set-etag/"+docid);
-  // extract the ETag header values
-  etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag");
-  T(etag != "skipped")
-  // test the provides mime matcher
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/provides/"+docid, {
-    headers: {
-      "Accept": 'text/html,application/atom+xml; q=0.9'
-    }
-  });
-  var ct = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
-  T(/charset=utf-8/.test(ct))
-  T(/text\/html/.test(ct))
-  T(xhr.responseText == "Ha ha, you said \"plankton\".");
-  // registering types works
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/provides/"+docid, {
-    headers: {
-      "Accept": "application/x-foo"
-    }
-  });
-  T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "application/x-foo");
-  T(xhr.responseText.match(/foofoo/));
-  // test the provides mime matcher without a match
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/provides/"+docid, {
-   headers: {
-     "Accept": 'text/monkeys'
-   }
-  });
-  var rs = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-  T(rs.error == "not_acceptable")
-  // test inclusion of conflict state
-  var doc1 = {_id:"foo", a:1};
-  var doc2 = {_id:"foo", a:2};
-  var doc3 = {_id:"a/b/c", a:1};
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/withSlash/a/b/c");
-  T(xhr.status == 200);
-  // hello template world (non-existing docid)
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/hello/nonExistingDoc");
-  T(xhr.responseText == "New World");
-  // test list() compatible API
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/list-api/foo");
-  T(xhr.responseText == "Hey");
-  TEquals("Yeah", xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Couch-Test-Header"), "header should be cool");
-  // test list() compatible API with provides function
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/list-api-provides/foo?format=text");
-  TEquals(xhr.responseText, "foo, bar, baz!", "should join chunks to response body");
-  // should keep next result order: chunks + return value + provided chunks + provided return value
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/list-api-provides-and-return/foo?format=text");
-  TEquals(xhr.responseText, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!", "should not break 1..7 range");
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/list-api-mix/foo");
-  T(xhr.responseText == "Hey Dude");
-  TEquals("Yeah", xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Couch-Test-Header"), "header should be cool");
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/list-api-mix-with-header/foo");
-  T(xhr.responseText == "Hey Dude");
-  TEquals("Yeah", xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Couch-Test-Header"), "header should be cool");
-  TEquals("Oh Yeah!", xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Couch-Test-Header-Awesome"), "header should be cool");
-  // test deleted docs
-  var doc = {_id:"testdoc",foo:1};
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/show-deleted/testdoc");
-  TEquals("testdoc", xhr.responseText, "should return 'testdoc'");
-  db.deleteDoc(doc);
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/show-deleted/testdoc");
-  TEquals("No doc testdoc", xhr.responseText, "should return 'no doc testdoc'");
-  // (we don't need no modified server!)
-  T(db.setDbProperty("_security", {foo: true}).ok);
-  T({_id:"testdoc",foo:1}).ok);
-  // nasty source of Heisenbugs - it replicates after a short time, so give it some tries
-  // (needs PR #400 and #401 to be merged)
-  retry_part(function(){
-    xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + db_name + "/_design/template/_show/secObj");
-    var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-    T( == true);
-  }, 10);
-  // cleanup
-  db.deleteDb();
diff --git a/test/javascript/tests/users_db_security.js b/test/javascript/tests/users_db_security.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e293c5eb..000000000
--- a/test/javascript/tests/users_db_security.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.elixir = true;
-couchTests.users_db_security = function(debug) {
-  var db_name = '_users';
-  var usersDb = new CouchDB(db_name, {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  try { usersDb.createDb(); } catch (e) { /* ignore if exists*/ }
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var loginUser = function(username) {
-    var pws = {
-      jan: "apple",
-      jchris: "mp3",
-      jchris1: "couch",
-      fdmanana: "foobar",
-      benoitc: "test"
-    };
-    // we are changing jchris’s password further down
-    // the next two lines keep the code cleaner in
-    // the actual tests
-    var username1 = username.replace(/[0-9]$/, "");
-    var password = pws[username];
-    T(CouchDB.login(username1, pws[username]).ok);
-  };
-  var open_as = function(db, docId, username) {
-    loginUser(username);
-    try {
-      return, {"anti-cache": Math.round(Math.random() * 100000)});
-    } finally {
-      CouchDB.logout();
-    }
-  };
-  var view_as = function(db, viewname, username) {
-    loginUser(username);
-    try {
-      return db.view(viewname);
-    } finally {
-      CouchDB.logout();
-    }
-  };
-  var save_as = function(db, doc, username)
-  {
-    loginUser(username);
-    try {
-      return;
-    } catch (ex) {
-      return ex;
-    } finally {
-      CouchDB.logout();
-    }
-  };
-  var changes_as = function(db, username)
-  {
-    loginUser(username);
-    try {
-      return db.changes();
-    } catch(ex) {
-      return ex;
-    } finally {
-      CouchDB.logout();
-    }
-  };
-  var request_as = function(db, ddoc_path, username) {
-    loginUser(username);
-    try {
-      var uri = db.uri + ddoc_path;
-      var req = CouchDB.request("GET", uri);
-      return req;
-    } finally {
-      CouchDB.logout();
-    }
-  };
-  var testFun = function()
-  {
-    // _users db
-    // a doc with a field 'password' should be hashed to 'derived_key'
-    //  with salt and salt stored in 'salt', 'password' is set to null.
-    //  Exising 'derived_key' and 'salt' fields are overwritten with new values
-    //  when a non-null 'password' field exists.
-    // anonymous should be able to create a user document
-    var userDoc = {
-      _id: "org.couchdb.user:jchris",
-      type: "user",
-      name: "jchris",
-      password: "mp3",
-      roles: []
-    };
-    // jan's gonna be admin as he's the first user
-    TEquals(true,, "should save document");
-    wait(5000)
-    userDoc = open_as(usersDb, "org.couchdb.user:jchris", "jchris");
-    TEquals(undefined, userDoc.password, "password field should be null 1");
-    TEquals(40, userDoc.derived_key.length, "derived_key should exist");
-    TEquals(32, userDoc.salt.length, "salt should exist");
-    // create server admin
-    // anonymous should not be able to read an existing user's user document
-    var res ="org.couchdb.user:jchris");
-    TEquals(null, res, "anonymous user doc read should be not found");
-    // anonymous should not be able to read /_users/_changes
-    try {
-      var ch = usersDb.changes();
-      T(false, "anonymous can read _changes");
-    } catch(e) {
-      TEquals("unauthorized", e.error, "anoymous can't read _changes");
-    }
-    // user should be able to read their own document
-    var jchrisDoc = open_as(usersDb, "org.couchdb.user:jchris", "jchris");
-    TEquals("org.couchdb.user:jchris", jchrisDoc._id);
-    // user should not be able to read /_users/_changes
-    var changes = changes_as(usersDb, "jchris");
-    TEquals("unauthorized", changes.error, "user can't read _changes");
-    // new 'password' fields should trigger new hashing routine
-    jchrisDoc.password = "couch";
-    TEquals(true, save_as(usersDb, jchrisDoc, "jchris").ok);
-    // wait(10000);
-    var jchrisDoc = open_as(usersDb, "org.couchdb.user:jchris", "jan");
-    TEquals(undefined, jchrisDoc.password, "password field should be null 2");
-    TEquals(40, jchrisDoc.derived_key.length, "derived_key should exist");
-    TEquals(32, jchrisDoc.salt.length, "salt should exist");
-    TEquals(true, userDoc.salt != jchrisDoc.salt, "should have new salt");
-    TEquals(true, userDoc.derived_key != jchrisDoc.derived_key,
-      "should have new derived_key");
-    // user should not be able to read another user's user document
-    var fdmananaDoc = {
-      _id: "org.couchdb.user:fdmanana",
-      type: "user",
-      name: "fdmanana",
-      password: "foobar",
-      roles: []
-    };
-    var fdmananaDocAsReadByjchris = open_as(usersDb, "org.couchdb.user:fdmanana", "jchris1");
-    TEquals(null, fdmananaDocAsReadByjchris,
-      "should not_found opening another user's user doc");
-    // save a db admin
-    var benoitcDoc = {
-      _id: "org.couchdb.user:benoitc",
-      type: "user",
-      name: "benoitc",
-      password: "test",
-      roles: ["user_admin"]
-    };
-    save_as(usersDb, benoitcDoc, "jan");
-    TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("jan", "apple").ok);
-    T(usersDb.setSecObj({
-      "admins" : {
-        roles : [],
-        names : ["benoitc"]
-      }
-    }).ok);
-    CouchDB.logout();
-    // user should not be able to read from any view
-    var ddoc = {
-      _id: "_design/user_db_auth",
-      views: {
-        test: {
-          map: "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, null); }"
-        }
-      },
-      lists: {
-        names: "function(head, req) { "
-          + "var row; while (row = getRow()) { send(row.key + \"\\n\"); }"
-          + "}"
-      },
-      shows: {
-        name: "function(doc, req) { return; }"
-      }
-    };
-    save_as(usersDb, ddoc, "jan");
-    try {
-      usersDb.view("user_db_auth/test");
-      T(false, "user had access to view in admin db");
-    } catch(e) {
-      TEquals("forbidden", e.error,
-      "non-admins should not be able to read a view");
-    }
-    // admin should be able to read from any view
-    var result = view_as(usersDb, "user_db_auth/test", "jan");
-    TEquals(3, result.total_rows, "should allow access and list four users to admin");
-    // db admin should be able to read from any view
-    var result = view_as(usersDb, "user_db_auth/test", "benoitc");
-    TEquals(3, result.total_rows, "should allow access and list four users to db admin");
-    // non-admins can't read design docs
-    try {
-      open_as(usersDb, "_design/user_db_auth", "jchris1");
-      T(false, "non-admin read design doc, should not happen");
-    } catch(e) {
-      TEquals("forbidden", e.error, "non-admins can't read design docs");
-    }
-    // admin shold be able to read _list
-    var listPath = ddoc["_id"] + "/_list/names/test";
-    var result = request_as(usersDb, listPath, "jan");
-    var lines = result.responseText.split("\n");
-    T(result.status == 200, "should allow access to db admin");
-    TEquals(4, lines.length, "should list users to db admin");
-    // non-admins can't read _list
-    var result = request_as(usersDb, listPath, "jchris1");
-    T(result.status == 403, "should deny access to non-admin");
-    // admin should be able to read _show
-    var showPath = ddoc["_id"] + "/_show/name/org.couchdb.user:jchris";
-    var result = request_as(usersDb, showPath, "jan");
-    T(result.status == 200, "should allow access to db admin");
-    TEquals("jchris", result.responseText, "should show username to db admin");
-    // non-admin should be able to access own _show
-    var result = request_as(usersDb, showPath, "jchris1");
-    T(result.status == 200, "should allow access to own user record");
-    TEquals("jchris", result.responseText, "should show own username");
-    // non-admin can't read other's _show
-    var showPath = ddoc["_id"] + "/_show/name/org.couchdb.user:jan";
-    var result = request_as(usersDb, showPath, "jchris1");
-    T(result.status == 404, "non-admin can't read others's user docs");
-    // admin should be able to read and edit any user doc
-    fdmananaDoc.password = "mobile";
-    var result = save_as(usersDb, fdmananaDoc, "jan");
-    TEquals(true, result.ok, "admin should be able to update any user doc");
-    // admin should be able to read and edit any user doc
-    fdmananaDoc.password = "mobile1";
-    var result = save_as(usersDb, fdmananaDoc, "benoitc");
-    TEquals(true, result.ok, "db admin by role should be able to update any user doc");
-    TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("jan", "apple").ok);
-    T(usersDb.setSecObj({
-      "admins" : {
-        roles : ["user_admin"],
-        names : []
-      }
-    }).ok);
-    CouchDB.logout();
-    // db admin should be able to read and edit any user doc
-    fdmananaDoc.password = "mobile2";
-    var result = save_as(usersDb, fdmananaDoc, "benoitc");
-    TEquals(true, result.ok, "db admin should be able to update any user doc");
-    // ensure creation of old-style docs still works
-    var robertDoc = CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({ name: "robert" }, "anchovy");
-    var result =;
-    TEquals(true, result.ok, "old-style user docs should still be accepted");
-    // log in one last time so run_on_modified_server can clean up the admin account
-    TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("jan", "apple").ok);
-    // run_on_modified_server([
-   //      {
-   //        section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-   //        key: "iterations",
-   //        value: "1"
-   //      },
-   //      {
-   //        section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-   //        key: "public_fields",
-   //        value: "name,type"
-   //      },
-   //      {
-   //        section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-   //        key: "users_db_public",
-   //        value: "true"
-   //      },
-   //      {
-   //        section: "admins",
-   //        key: "jan",
-   //        value: "apple"
-   //      }
-   //    ], function() {
-   //      var res ="org.couchdb.user:jchris");
-   //      TEquals("jchris",;
-   //      TEquals("user", res.type);
-   //      TEquals(undefined, res.roles);
-   //      TEquals(undefined, res.salt);
-   //      TEquals(undefined, res.password_scheme);
-   //      TEquals(undefined, res.derived_key);
-   //
-   //      TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("jan", "apple").ok);
-   //
-   //      var all = usersDb.allDocs({ include_docs: true });
-   //      T(all.rows);
-   //      if (all.rows) {
-   //        T(all.rows.every(function(row) {
-   //          if (row.doc) {
-   //            return Object.keys(row.doc).every(function(key) {
-   //              return key === 'name' || key === 'type';
-   //            });
-   //          } else {
-   //            if([0] == "_") {
-   //              // ignore design docs
-   //              return true
-   //            } else {
-   //              return false;
-   //            }
-   //          }
-   //        }));
-   //      }
-   //    // log in one last time so run_on_modified_server can clean up the admin account
-   //    TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("jan", "apple").ok);
-   //  });
-    run_on_modified_server([
-      {
-        section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-        key: "public_fields",
-        value: "name"
-      },
-      {
-        section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-        key: "users_db_public",
-        value: "false"
-      }
-    ], function() {
-      TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("jchris", "couch").ok);
-      try {
-        var all = usersDb.allDocs({ include_docs: true });
-        T(false); // should never hit
-      } catch(e) {
-        TEquals("unauthorized", e.error, "should throw");
-      }
-      // COUCHDB-1888 make sure admins always get all fields
-      TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("jan", "apple").ok);
-      var all_admin = usersDb.allDocs({ include_docs: "true" });
-      TEquals("user", all_admin.rows[2].doc.type,
-          "should return type");
-      // log in one last time so run_on_modified_server can clean up the admin account
-      TEquals(true, CouchDB.login("jan", "apple").ok);
-    });
-  };
-  run_on_modified_server(
-    [
-        {
-          section:"couchdb",
-          key:"users_db_security_editable",
-          value:"true"
-        },
-        {
-          section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-          key: "iterations",
-          value: "1"
-        },
-        {
-          section: "admins",
-          key: "jan",
-          value: "apple"
-        }],
-    function() {
-      try {
-        testFun();
-      } finally {
-        CouchDB.login("jan", "apple");
-        usersDb.deleteDb(); // cleanup
-        waitForSuccess(function() {
-          var req = CouchDB.request("GET", db_name);
-          if (req.status == 404) {
-            return true
-          }
-          throw({});
-        }, 'usersDb.deleteDb')
-        usersDb.createDb();
-        waitForSuccess(function() {
-          var req = CouchDB.request("GET", db_name);
-          if (req.status == 200) {
-            return true
-          }
-          throw({});
-        }, 'usersDb.creteDb')
-      }
-    }
-  );
-  CouchDB.logout();