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Posted to by Steve Olson <> on 2005/08/15 05:01:05 UTC

jscookmenu in nightly build

Is there a problem using jscookmenu from the current nightly build?  I'm trying to use the vanilla ThemeOffice from the tomahawk.jar, and the browser is not finding the resources. It looks like the extensions filter is properly inserting script links in the rendered page, as they appear in the HTML header, but when the browser tries to fetch, it gets a 404 - below is the access log from Tomcat showing the path it's looking for. - - [14/Aug/2005:21:21:02 -0600] "GET /FarmJava/faces/myFacesExtensionResource/navmenu.jscookmenu.HtmlJSCookMenuRenderer/11232973/JSCookMenu.js HTTP/1.0" 404 1265

How is Tomcat supposed to be able to resolve this path?  The same behavior occurs with Tomcat running stanalone and with Tomcat running under Eclipse.  In case it's relevant I'm also using the tiles support in the page that contains the menu.

Config is MyFaces 8/13 nightly build, Tc 5.5.9, JRE 1.5_04 (also Spring 1.2.3 and HIbernate 3.1). I'm new to this stuff - is there something I'm doing wrong? I did some searching around and saw a some questions with this, but haven't been successful finding a resolution.  

Thanks in advance for any info.