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Posted to by on 2014/12/18 20:19:53 UTC

[3/4] ambari git commit: Revert "AMBARI-8714. Refactor script to be compliant with 2.0/2.1 stack upgrade (dlysnichenko)" Breaks build. This reverts commit 106590550000de1716a9216467325a0a940e50e2.
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 57592ad..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1183 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import getpass
-import optparse
-from pprint import pprint
-import re
-import sys
-import datetime
-import os.path
-import logging
-import shutil
-import json
-import subprocess
-import time
-# ==============================
-#    Error classes definition
-# ==============================
-class FatalException(Exception):
-  def __init__(self, code, reason):
-    self.code = code
-    self.reason = reason
-  def __str__(self):
-    return repr("Fatal exception: %s, exit code %s" % (self.reason, self.code))
-  def _get_message(self):
-    return str(self)
-class ReadOnlyPropertyException(Exception):
-  def __str__(self):
-    return "Property is read-only"
-  def _get_message(self):
-    return self.__str__()
-class NotSupportedCatalogVersion(Exception):
-  def __init__(self, catalog_version):
-    self._version = catalog_version
-  def __str__(self):
-    return "Version %s of loaded catalog not supported" % self._version
-  def _get_message(self):
-    return self.__str__()
-  message = property(__str__)
-# ==============================
-#    Constant class definition
-# ==============================
-class Const(object):
-  def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
-    raise Exception("Class couldn't be created")
-class CatConst(Const):
-  VERSION_TAG = "version"
-  STACK_VERSION_OLD = "old-version"
-  STACK_VERSION_TARGET = "target-version"
-  STACK_STAGS_TAG = "stacks"
-  STACK_NAME = "name"
-  CONFIG_OPTIONS = "options"
-  CONFIG_TYPES = "config-types"
-  STACK_PROPERTIES = "properties"
-  MERGED_COPY_TAG = "merged-copy"
-  ITEMS_TAG = "items"
-  TYPE_TAG = "type"
-  TRUE_TAG = "yes"
-  VALUE_TEMPLATE_TAG = "template"
-  SEARCH_PATTERN = "(\{[^\{\}]+\})"  # {XXXXX}
-class Options(Const):
-  # action commands
-  API_PROTOCOL = "http"
-  API_PORT = "8080"
-  GET_MR_MAPPING_ACTION = "save-mr-mapping"
-  VERIFY_ACTION = "verify"
-  DELETE_MR_ACTION = "delete-mr"
-  ADD_YARN_MR2_ACTION = "add-yarn-mr2"
-  MODIFY_CONFIG_ACTION = "update-configs"
-  BACKUP_CONFIG_ACTION = "backup-configs"
-  INSTALL_YARN_MR2_ACTION = "install-yarn-mr2"
-  MR_MAPPING_FILE = "mr_mapping"
-  CAPACITY_SCHEDULER_TAG = "capacity-scheduler"
-  MR_MAPPING = None
-  logger = None
-  # Api constants
-  ROOT_URL = None
-  # Curl options
-  ARGS = None
-  OPTIONS = None
-  HOST = None
-  # for verify action
-    "user": None,
-    "pass": None
-  }
-  HEADERS = {
-    'X-Requested-By': 'upgradeHelper'
-  }
-  @classmethod
-  def initialize(cls):
-    cls.ROOT_URL = '%s://%s:%s/api/v1' % (cls.API_PROTOCOL, cls.HOST, cls.API_PORT)
-    cls.CLUSTER_URL = cls.ROOT_URL + "/clusters/%s" % cls.CLUSTER_NAME
-    cls.COMPONENTS_FORMAT = cls.CLUSTER_URL + "/components/{0}"
-  @classmethod
-  def initialize_logger(cls, filename=None):
-    cls.logger = logging.getLogger('UpgradeHelper')
-    cls.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    if filename is not None:
-      handler = logging.FileHandler(filename)
-      handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
-      cls.logger.addHandler(handler)
-"Start new logging section")
-    handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
-    handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
-    cls.logger.addHandler(handler)
-# ==============================
-#    Catalog classes definition
-# ==============================
-class UpgradeCatalogFarm(object):
-   # versions of catalog which is currently supported
-  _supported_catalog_versions = ["1.0"]
-  # private variables
-  _json_catalog = None
-  def __init__(self, path):
-    self._load(path)
-  def _load(self, path):
-    f = None
-    try:
-      f = open(path, 'r')
-      json_string =
-      self._json_catalog = json.loads(json_string)
-      self._parse_upgrade_catalog()
-    except IOError as e:
-      raise FatalException(e.errno, "Couldn't open upgrade catalog file %s: %s" % (path, e.strerror))
-    except NotSupportedCatalogVersion as e:
-      raise FatalException(1, e.message)
-    except ValueError as e:
-      raise FatalException(1, "Malformed upgrade catalog: %s" % e.message)
-    finally:
-      try:
-        if f is not None:
-          f.close()
-      except IOError as e:
-        pass
-  def _parse_upgrade_catalog(self):
-    catalog_version = None
-    if CatConst.VERSION_TAG in self._json_catalog:
-      catalog_version = self._json_catalog[CatConst.VERSION_TAG]
-    if catalog_version is None or catalog_version not in self._supported_catalog_versions:
-      raise NotSupportedCatalogVersion(str(catalog_version))
-  def get_catalog(self, from_version=None, to_version=None):
-    search_version = {
-      CatConst.STACK_VERSION_OLD: from_version,
-      CatConst.STACK_VERSION_TARGET: to_version
-    }
-    for stack in self._json_catalog[CatConst.STACK_STAGS_TAG]:
-      version = {
-        CatConst.STACK_VERSION_OLD: stack[CatConst.STACK_VERSION_OLD],
-      }
-      if version == search_version:
-        return UpgradeCatalog(catalog=stack, version=version)
-    return None
-class UpgradeCatalog(object):
-  # private variables
-  _json_catalog = None
-  _properties_catalog = None
-  _properties_map_catalog = None
-  _version = None
-  _search_pattern = None
-  """
-   Substitute handler, should return replaced value, as param would be passed value and tokens to substitute
-   Please, be aware! Token should be unique in context of one catalog
-   Example:
-    def _substitute(tokens, value):
-      for token in tokens:
-        if token == "{REPLACE_ME}":
-          value = value.replace(token, "\"hello world\"")
-      return value
-    catalog.set_substitution_handler = _substitute
-    After that, all properties with CatConst.VALUE_TEMPLATE_TAG  set to "yes" would be processed
-  """
-  _substitution_handler = None
-  # public variable
-  config_groups = None
-  def __init__(self, catalog=None, version=None, substitution_handler=None):
-    self._json_catalog = catalog
-    self._version = version
-    self._search_pattern = re.compile(CatConst.SEARCH_PATTERN)
-    if CatConst.STACK_PROPERTIES in catalog:
-      self._properties_catalog = catalog[CatConst.STACK_PROPERTIES]
-    if CatConst.STACK_PROPERTIES_MAPPING_LIST_TAG in catalog:
-      self._properties_map_catalog = catalog[CatConst.STACK_PROPERTIES_MAPPING_LIST_TAG]
-    if catalog is not None and CatConst.CONFIG_OPTIONS in catalog \
-                           and CatConst.CONFIG_TYPES in catalog[CatConst.CONFIG_OPTIONS]:
-      self.config_groups = ConfigConst(catalog[CatConst.CONFIG_OPTIONS][CatConst.CONFIG_TYPES],
-                                       properties_catalog=self._properties_catalog)
-    if substitution_handler is not None:
-      self.set_substitution_handler(substitution_handler)
-  # deprecated, used for compatibility with old code
-  def get_properties_as_dict(self, properties):
-    target_dict = {}
-    for key in properties:
-      if CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG in properties[key] and CatConst.PROPERTY_REMOVE_TAG not in properties[key]:
-        target_dict[key] = properties[key][CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG]
-    return target_dict
-  def set_substitution_handler(self, handler):
-    self._substitution_handler = handler
-  def _get_version(self):
-    return "%s-%s" % (self._version[CatConst.STACK_VERSION_OLD], self._version[CatConst.STACK_VERSION_TARGET])
-  def get_parsed_version(self):
-    """
-     Get numeric representation of the version for comparation purposes
-     Example:
-       1.3-2.1 will be represented as { from: 13, to: 21 }
-    :return: Numeric version
-    """
-    v_from = self._version[CatConst.STACK_VERSION_OLD].split(".")
-    v_to = self._version[CatConst.STACK_VERSION_TARGET].split(".")
-    try:
-      v_from = int(v_from[0]) * 10 + int(v_from[1])
-      v_to = int(v_to[0]) * 10 + int(v_to[1])
-    except ValueError:
-      v_from = 0
-      v_to = 0
-    version = {
-      "from": v_from,
-      "to": v_to
-    }
-    return version
-  def _get_name(self):
-    if CatConst.STACK_NAME in self._json_catalog:
-      return self._json_catalog[CatConst.STACK_NAME]
-    return ""
-  def _get_propoerty_mapping(self):
-    return self._properties_map_catalog
-  def get_properties(self, config_group):
-    if config_group in self._properties_catalog:
-      return self._filter_properties(config_group)
-    return None
-  def _filter_properties(self, config_group):
-    def _property_filter_strings(value):
-      if not isinstance(value, dict):
-        return {CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG: value}
-      else:
-        if self._substitution_handler is not None and CatConst.VALUE_TEMPLATE_TAG in value  \
-          and CatConst.VALUE_TEMPLATE_TAG in value:  # value contains template
-          parsed_value = self._substitution_handler(
-            self._search_pattern.findall(value[CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG]), value[CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG]
-          )
-          if parsed_value is not None:  # Check if target function returns result
-            value[CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG] = parsed_value
-      return value
-    properties = self._properties_catalog[config_group].copy()  # pass to process only copy of data
-    properties = dict(zip(properties, map(_property_filter_strings, properties.values())))
-    return properties
-  version = property(_get_version)
-  name = property(_get_name)
-  property_map_catalog = property(_get_propoerty_mapping)
-class ConfigConst(object):
-  _config_types_const_definition = {}
-  _config_types_value_definition = {}
-  def __init__(self, config_types_definition, properties_catalog=None):
-    if properties_catalog is not None:  # compensate possibly undefined config groups in options from property definition
-      for item in properties_catalog:
-        if item not in config_types_definition:
-          config_types_definition[item] = {}
-    self._config_types_value_definition = config_types_definition
-    for key in config_types_definition:
-      self._config_types_const_definition[key.replace("-", "_").lower()] = key
-  def list(self):
-    return self._config_types_value_definition.keys()
-  def get(self, name):
-    if name in self._config_types_value_definition:
-      return self._config_types_value_definition[name]
-    raise Exception("No config group with name %s found" % name)
-  def __getattr__(self, item):
-    """
-    Support for constant handling like "<name>_tag" which would return real config name.
-    Base list loaded from section options\config-types of json.
-    Example:
-      self.hbase_env_tag will return hbase-env
-    :param item: accessed attribute
-    :return: attribute value if exists or None
-    """
-    item = item.lower()
-    if "_tag" in item and item[:-4] in self._config_types_const_definition:
-      return self._config_types_const_definition[item[:-4]]
-# Copy file and save with file.# (timestamp)
-def backup_file(filePath):
-  if filePath is not None and os.path.exists(filePath):
-    timestamp =
-    format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
-    try:
-      shutil.copyfile(filePath, filePath + "." + timestamp.strftime(format))
-      os.remove(filePath)
-    except Exception as e:
-      Options.logger.warn('Could not backup file "%s": %s' % (filePath, str(e)))
-  return 0
-def write_mapping(hostmapping):
-  if os.path.isfile(Options.MR_MAPPING_FILE):
-    os.remove(Options.MR_MAPPING_FILE)
-  json.dump(hostmapping, open(Options.MR_MAPPING_FILE, 'w'))
-def write_config(config, cfg_type, tag):
-  file_name = cfg_type + "_" + tag
-  if os.path.isfile(file_name):
-    os.remove(file_name)
-  json.dump(config, open(file_name, 'w'))
-def read_mapping():
-  if os.path.isfile(Options.MR_MAPPING_FILE):
-    if Options.MR_MAPPING is not None:
-      return Options.MR_MAPPING
-    else:
-      Options.MR_MAPPING = json.load(open(Options.MR_MAPPING_FILE))
-      return Options.MR_MAPPING
-  else:
-    raise FatalException(-1, "MAPREDUCE host mapping file, mr_mapping, is not available or badly formatted. Execute "
-                             "action save-mr-mapping. Ensure the file is present in the directory where you are "
-                             "executing this command.")
-def get_mr1_mapping():
-  GET_URL_FORMAT = Options.CLUSTER_URL + '/services/MAPREDUCE/components/%s'
-  hostmapping = {}
-  for component in components:
-    hostlist = []
-    structured_resp = curl(GET_URL_FORMAT % component, parse=True, validate=True, validate_expect_body=True)
-    if 'host_components' in structured_resp:
-      for hostcomponent in structured_resp['host_components']:
-        if 'HostRoles' in hostcomponent:
-          if 'host_name' in hostcomponent['HostRoles']:
-            hostlist.append(hostcomponent['HostRoles']['host_name'])
-    hostmapping[component] = hostlist
-  write_mapping(hostmapping)
-  pprint("File mr_mapping contains the host mapping for mapreduce components. This file is critical for later "
-         "steps.")
-def get_YN_input(prompt, default):
-  yes = set(['yes', 'ye', 'y'])
-  no = set(['no', 'n'])
-  return get_choice_string_input(prompt, default, yes, no)
-def get_choice_string_input(prompt, default, firstChoice, secondChoice):
-  choice = raw_input(prompt).lower()
-  if choice in firstChoice:
-    return True
-  elif choice in secondChoice:
-    return False
-  elif choice is "":  # Just enter pressed
-    return default
-  else:
-    print "input not recognized, please try again: "
-    return get_choice_string_input(prompt, default, firstChoice, secondChoice)
-def delete_mr():
-  saved_mr_mapping = get_YN_input("Have you saved MR host mapping using action save-mr-mapping [y/n] (n)? ", False)
-  if not saved_mr_mapping:
-    raise FatalException(1, "Ensure MAPREDUCE host component mapping is saved before deleting it. Use action "
-                            "save-mr-mapping.")
-  COMPONENT_URL_FORMAT = Options.CLUSTER_URL + '/hosts/%s/host_components/%s'
-    "HostRoles": {
-      "state": "DISABLED"
-    }
-  }
-  hostmapping = read_mapping()
-  for key, value in hostmapping.items():
-    if (key in NON_CLIENTS) and (len(value) > 0):
-      for host in value:
-        curl(COMPONENT_URL_FORMAT % (host, key), request_type="PUT", data=PUT_IN_DISABLED,
-             validate=True, validate_expect_body=False)
-  curl(SERVICE_URL_FORMAT, request_type="DELETE", validate=True, validate_expect_body=False)
-def get_cluster_stackname():
-  VERSION_URL_FORMAT = Options.CLUSTER_URL + '?fields=Clusters/version'
-  structured_resp = curl(VERSION_URL_FORMAT, simulate=False, validate=True, validate_expect_body=True, parse=True)
-  if 'Clusters' in structured_resp:
-    if 'version' in structured_resp['Clusters']:
-      return structured_resp['Clusters']['version']
-  raise FatalException(-1, "Unable to get the cluster version")
-def has_component_in_stack_def(stack_name, service_name, component_name):
-  STACK_COMPONENT_URL_FORMAT = Options.ROOT_URL + '/stacks2/{0}/versions/{1}/stackServices/{2}/serviceComponents/{3}'
-  stack, stack_version = stack_name.split('-')
-  try:
-    curl(STACK_COMPONENT_URL_FORMAT.format(stack,stack_version, service_name, component_name),
-          validate=True, validate_expect_body=True, simulate=False)
-    return True
-  except FatalException:
-    return False
-def add_services():
-  SERVICE_URL_FORMAT = Options.CLUSTER_URL + '/services/{0}'
-  HOST_COMPONENT_URL_FORMAT = Options.CLUSTER_URL + '/hosts/{0}/host_components/{1}'
-  service_comp = {
-  new_old_host_map = {
-  stack_name = get_cluster_stackname()
-  stack_has_ats = has_component_in_stack_def(stack_name, "YARN", "APP_TIMELINE_SERVER")
-  # if upgrading to stack > 2.1 (which has ats)
-  if stack_has_ats:
-    service_comp["YARN"].append("APP_TIMELINE_SERVER")
-    new_old_host_map["APP_TIMELINE_SERVER"] = "JOBTRACKER"
-  hostmapping = read_mapping()
-  for service in service_comp.keys():
-    curl(SERVICE_URL_FORMAT.format(service), validate=True, validate_expect_body=False, request_type="POST")
-    for component in service_comp[service]:
-      curl(COMPONENT_URL_FORMAT.format(service, component),
-           validate=True, validate_expect_body=False, request_type="POST")
-      for host in hostmapping[new_old_host_map[component]]:
-        curl(HOST_COMPONENT_URL_FORMAT.format(host, component),
-             validate=True, validate_expect_body=False, request_type="POST")
-def update_config(properties, config_type):
-  tag = "version" + str(int(time.time() * 1000))
-  properties_payload = {"Clusters": {"desired_config": {"type": config_type, "tag": tag, "properties": properties}}}
-  expect_body = config_type != "cluster-env"  # ToDo: make exceptions more flexible
-  curl(Options.CLUSTER_URL, request_type="PUT", data=properties_payload, validate=True,
-       validate_expect_body=expect_body)
-def get_zookeeper_quorum():
-  zoo_cfg = curl(Options.COMPONENTS_FORMAT.format(Options.ZOOKEEPER_SERVER), validate=False, simulate=False, parse=True)
-  zoo_quorum = []
-  zoo_def_port = "2181"
-  if "host_components" in zoo_cfg:
-    for item in zoo_cfg["host_components"]:
-      zoo_quorum.append("%s:%s" % (item["HostRoles"]["host_name"], zoo_def_port))
-  return ",".join(zoo_quorum)
-def get_config(cfg_type):
-  tag, structured_resp = get_config_resp(cfg_type)
-  properties = None
-  if 'items' in structured_resp:
-    for item in structured_resp['items']:
-      if (tag == item['tag']) or (cfg_type == item['type']):
-        properties = item['properties']
-  if properties is None:
-    raise FatalException(-1, "Unable to read configuration for type " + cfg_type + " and tag " + tag)
-  return properties
-def parse_config_resp(resp):
-  parsed_configs = []
-  if CatConst.ITEMS_TAG in resp:
-    for config_item in resp[CatConst.ITEMS_TAG]:
-      parsed_configs.append({
-        "type": config_item[CatConst.TYPE_TAG],
-        "properties": config_item[CatConst.STACK_PROPERTIES]
-      })
-  return parsed_configs
-def get_config_resp(cfg_type, error_if_na=True, parsed=False, tag=None):
-  CONFIG_URL_FORMAT = Options.CLUSTER_URL + '/configurations?type={0}&tag={1}'
-  # Read the config version
-  if tag in None:
-    structured_resp = curl(Options.CLUSTER_URL, validate=True, validate_expect_body=True, parse=True, simulate=False)
-    if 'Clusters' in structured_resp:
-      if 'desired_configs' in structured_resp['Clusters']:
-        if cfg_type in structured_resp['Clusters']['desired_configs']:
-          tag = structured_resp['Clusters']['desired_configs'][cfg_type]['tag']
-  if tag is not None:
-    # Get the config with the tag and return properties
-    structured_resp = curl(CONFIG_URL_FORMAT.format(cfg_type, tag), parse=True, simulate=False,
-                           validate=True, validate_expect_body=True)
-    if parsed:
-      return tag, parse_config_resp(structured_resp)
-    else:
-      return tag, structured_resp
-  else:
-    if error_if_na:
-      raise FatalException(-1, "Unable to get the current version for config type " + cfg_type)
-    else:
-      return tag, None
-def get_config_resp_all():
-  desired_configs = {}
-  CONFIG_ALL_PROPERTIES_URL = Options.CLUSTER_URL  + "/configurations?fields=properties"
-  desired_configs_resp = curl(Options.CLUSTER_URL, validate=True, validate_expect_body=True, parse=True, simulate=False)
-  all_options = curl(CONFIG_ALL_PROPERTIES_URL, validate=True, validate_expect_body=True, parse=True, simulate=False)
-  if 'Clusters' in desired_configs_resp:
-    if 'desired_configs' in desired_configs_resp['Clusters']:
-      desired_configs_resp = desired_configs_resp['Clusters']['desired_configs']
-    else:
-      return None
-  else:
-    return None
-  if CatConst.ITEMS_TAG in all_options:
-    all_options = all_options["items"]
-  else:
-    return None
-  all_options = filter(
-    lambda x: x["type"] in desired_configs_resp and x["tag"] == desired_configs_resp[x["type"]]["tag"],
-    all_options)
-  for item in all_options:
-    desired_configs[item["type"]] = item["properties"]
-  return desired_configs
-def modify_config_item(config_type, catalog):
-  #  here should be declared tokens for pattern replace
-  if catalog.get_parsed_version()["from"] == 13:  # ToDo: introduce class for pre-defined tokens
-    hostmapping = read_mapping()
-    jt_host = hostmapping["JOBTRACKER"][0]
-    jh_host = hostmapping["HISTORYSERVER"][0]
-  else:
-    jt_host = ""
-    jh_host = ""
-  def _substitute(tokens, value):
-    for token in tokens:
-      if token == "{JOBHISTORY_HOST}":
-        value = value.replace(token, jh_host)
-      elif token == "{RESOURCEMANAGER_HOST}":
-        value = value.replace(token, jt_host)
-      elif token == "{ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM}":
-        value = value.replace(token, get_zookeeper_quorum())
-    return value
-  # Exit from function if was passed not suitable parameters
-  catalog.set_substitution_handler(_substitute)
-  try:
-    properties_latest = rename_all_properties(get_config(config_type), catalog.property_map_catalog)
-  except Exception as e:
-    properties_latest = {}
-  properties_copy = catalog.get_properties(config_type)
-  is_merged_copy = CatConst.MERGED_COPY_TAG in catalog.config_groups.get(config_type) \
-   and catalog.config_groups.get(config_type)[CatConst.MERGED_COPY_TAG] == CatConst.TRUE_TAG
-  # ToDo: implement property transfer from one catalog to other
-  #   properties_to_move = [
-  #     "dfs.namenode.checkpoint.edits.dir",
-  #     "dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir",
-  #     "dfs.namenode.checkpoint.period"]
-  if is_merged_copy:  # Append configs to existed ones
-    tag, structured_resp = get_config_resp(config_type, False)
-    if structured_resp is not None:
-      update_config_using_existing_properties(config_type, properties_copy, properties_latest, catalog)
-  else:  # Rewrite/create config items
-    update_config(catalog.get_properties_as_dict(properties_copy), config_type)
-def modify_configs():
-  if len(Options.ARGS) > 1:
-    config_type = Options.ARGS[1]
-  else:
-    config_type = None
-  catalog_farm = UpgradeCatalogFarm(Options.OPTIONS.upgrade_json)  # Load upgrade catalog
-  catalog = catalog_farm.get_catalog(Options.OPTIONS.from_stack, Options.OPTIONS.to_stack)  # get desired version of catalog
-  if catalog is None:
-    raise FatalException(1, "Upgrade catalog for version %s-%s not found, no configs was modified"
-                         % (Options.OPTIONS.from_stack, Options.OPTIONS.to_stack))
-  if config_type is not None and config_type not in catalog.config_groups.list():
-    raise FatalException("Config type %s not exists, no configs was modified" % config_type)
-  if config_type is not None:
-    modify_config_item(config_type, catalog)
-  else:
-    for collection_name in catalog.config_groups.list():
-      modify_config_item(collection_name, catalog)
-def rename_all_properties(properties, name_mapping):
-  for key, val in name_mapping.items():
-    if (key in properties.keys()) and (val not in properties.keys()):
-      properties[val] = properties[key]
-      del properties[key]
-  return properties
-def update_config_using_existing(conf_type, properties_template, catalog):
-  site_properties = get_config(conf_type)
-  update_config_using_existing_properties(conf_type, properties_template, site_properties, catalog)
-# properties template - passed as dict from UpgradeCatalog
-def update_config_using_existing_properties(conf_type, properties_template,
-                                            site_properties, catalog):
-  keys_processed = []
-  keys_to_delete = []
-  properties_parsed = catalog.get_properties_as_dict(properties_template)
-  for key in properties_template.keys():
-    keys_processed.append(key)
-    if CatConst.PROPERTY_REMOVE_TAG in properties_template and properties_template[CatConst.PROPERTY_REMOVE_TAG] == CatConst.TRUE_TAG:
-      keys_to_delete.append(key)
-  for key in site_properties.keys():
-    if key not in keys_processed:
-      properties_parsed[key] = site_properties[key]
-  for key in keys_to_delete:
-    del properties_parsed[key]
-  update_config(properties_parsed, conf_type)
-def backup_configs(conf_type=None):
-  DESIRED_CONFIGS_URL = Options.CLUSTER_URL + "?fields=Clusters/desired_configs"
-  desired_configs = curl(DESIRED_CONFIGS_URL, validate=True, validate_expect_body=True, parse=True, simulate=False)
-  if "Clusters" in desired_configs and "desired_configs" in desired_configs["Clusters"]:
-    for conf_type in desired_configs["Clusters"]["desired_configs"].keys():
-      backup_single_config_type(conf_type, True)
-def backup_single_config_type(conf_type, error_if_na=True):
-  tag, response = get_config_resp(conf_type, error_if_na)
-  if response is not None:
-"Saving config for type: " + conf_type + " and tag: " + tag)
-    write_config(response, conf_type, tag)
-  else:
-"Unable to obtain config for type: " + conf_type)
-def install_services():
-  SERVICE_URL_FORMAT = Options.CLUSTER_URL + '/services/{0}'
-    {
-      "RequestInfo": {
-        "context": "Install MapReduce2"
-      },
-      "Body": {
-        "ServiceInfo": {
-          "state": "INSTALLED"
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "RequestInfo": {
-        "context": "Install YARN"
-      },
-      "Body": {
-        "ServiceInfo": {
-          "state": "INSTALLED"
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  ]
-  err_retcode = 0
-  err_message = ""
-  for index in [0, 1]:
-    try:
-      curl(SERVICE_URL_FORMAT.format(SERVICES[index]), validate=True,
-           validate_expect_body=not Options.OPTIONS.printonly, request_type="PUT", data=PUT_IN_INSTALLED[index])
-    except FatalException as e:
-      if not e.code == 0:
-        err_retcode = e.code
-        err_message = err_message + " Error while installing " + SERVICES[index] + ". Details: " + e.message + "."
-  if err_retcode != 0:
-    raise FatalException(err_retcode, err_message + "(Services may already be installed or agents are not yet started.)")
-  Options.OPTIONS.exit_message = "Requests has been submitted to install YARN and MAPREDUCE2. Use Ambari Web to monitor " \
-                         "the status of the install requests."
-def validate_response(response, expect_body):
-  if expect_body:
-    if "\"href\" : \"" not in response:
-      return 1, response
-    else:
-      return 0, ""
-  elif len(response) > 0:
-    return 1, response
-  else:
-    return 0, ""
-def curl(url, tokens=None, headers=None, request_type="GET", data=None, parse=False,
-         simulate=None, validate=False, validate_expect_body=False):
-  simulate_only = Options.CURL_PRINT_ONLY is not None or (simulate is not None and simulate is True)
-  print_url = Options.CURL_PRINT_ONLY is not None and simulate is not None
-  curl_path = '/usr/bin/curl'
-  curl_list = [curl_path]
-  curl_list.append('-X')
-  curl_list.append(request_type)
-  if tokens is not None:
-    curl_list.append('-u')
-    curl_list.append("%s:%s" % (tokens["user"], tokens["pass"]))
-  elif Options.API_TOKENS is not None:
-    curl_list.append('-u')
-    curl_list.append("%s:%s" % (Options.API_TOKENS["user"], Options.API_TOKENS["pass"]))
-  if request_type in Options.POST_REQUESTS:
-    curl_list.append(url)
-  if headers is None and Options.HEADERS is not None:
-    headers = Options.HEADERS
-  if headers is not None:
-    for header in headers:
-      curl_list.append('-H')
-      curl_list.append("%s: %s" % (header, headers[header]))
-  if data is not None and request_type in Options.POST_REQUESTS:
-    curl_list.append('--data')
-    curl_list.append(json.dumps(data))
-  if request_type in Options.GET_REQUESTS:
-    curl_list.append(url)
-  if print_url:
-" ".join(curl_list))
-  if not simulate_only:
-    osStat = subprocess.Popen(
-      curl_list,
-      stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-      stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-    out, err = osStat.communicate()
-    if 0 != osStat.returncode:
-      error = "curl call failed. out: " + out + " err: " + err
-      Options.logger.error(error)
-      raise FatalException(osStat.returncode, error)
-  else:
-    if not print_url:
-" ".join(curl_list))
-    out = "{}"
-  if validate and not simulate_only:
-    retcode, errdata = validate_response(out, validate_expect_body)
-    if not retcode == 0:
-      raise FatalException(retcode, errdata)
-  if parse:
-    return json.loads(out)
-  else:
-    return out
-def configuration_item_diff(collection_name, catalog, actual_properties_list):
-  """
-  Merge catalog item with actual config item on the server
-  Diff item response:
-   {
-     "property" : name,
-     "catalog_item": value,
-     "catalog_value": value,
-     "actual_value": value
-   }
-  :param collection_name:
-  :param catalog:
-  :return:
-  """
-  verified_catalog = []
-  catalog_properties = catalog.get_properties(collection_name)
-  actual_properties = None
-  if collection_name in actual_properties_list:
-    actual_properties = actual_properties_list[collection_name]
-  if actual_properties is None:
-    verified_catalog = map(lambda x: {
-      "property": x,
-      "catalog_item": catalog_properties[x],
-      "catalog_value": catalog_properties[x][CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG],
-      "actual_value": None
-    }, catalog_properties.keys())
-  else:
-    # build list of properties according to actual properties
-    verified_catalog = map(lambda x: {
-      "property": x,
-      "catalog_item": catalog_properties[x] if x in catalog_properties else None,
-      "catalog_value": catalog_properties[x][CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG] if x in catalog_properties else None,
-      "actual_value": actual_properties[x]
-    }, actual_properties.keys())
-    # build list of properties according to catalog properties
-    verified_catalog_catalog = map(lambda x: {
-      "property": x,
-      "catalog_item": catalog_properties[x],
-      "catalog_value": catalog_properties[x][CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG] if CatConst.PROPERTY_VALUE_TAG in catalog_properties[x] else None,
-      "actual_value": actual_properties[x] if x in actual_properties else None,
-    }, catalog_properties.keys())
-    # append properties, which are listened in catalog but doesn't present in the actual configuration
-    verified_catalog += filter(lambda x: x["property"] not in actual_properties, verified_catalog_catalog)
-  return verified_catalog
-def configuration_diff_analyze(diff_list):
-  report = {}
-  for item_key in diff_list.keys():
-    property_diff_list = diff_list[item_key]
-    item_stat = {
-      "skipped": {"count": 0, "items": []},
-      "ok": {"count": 0, "items": []},
-      "fail": {"count": 0, "items": []},
-      "total": {"count": len(property_diff_list), "items": []}
-    }
-    def push_status(status, _property_item):
-      item_stat[status]["count"] += 1
-      item_stat[status]["items"].append(_property_item)
-    for property_item in property_diff_list:
-      # process properties which can be absent
-      # item was removed, from actual configs according to catalog instructions
-      if property_item["actual_value"] is None and property_item["catalog_value"] is None \
-        and CatConst.PROPERTY_REMOVE_TAG in property_item["catalog_item"] \
-        and property_item["catalog_item"][CatConst.PROPERTY_REMOVE_TAG] == CatConst.TRUE_TAG:
-        push_status("ok", property_item)
-       # currently skip values with template tag, as there no filter implemented
-       # ToDo: implement possibility to filter values without filter handler,
-       # ToDo: currently filtering is possible only on update-configs stage
-      elif property_item["actual_value"] is not None and property_item["catalog_value"] is not None \
-        and CatConst.VALUE_TEMPLATE_TAG in property_item["catalog_item"] \
-        and property_item["catalog_item"][CatConst.VALUE_TEMPLATE_TAG] == CatConst.TRUE_TAG:
-        push_status("skipped", property_item)
-      # item not present in actual config, but present in catalog and no remove tag is present
-      elif property_item["actual_value"] is None and property_item["catalog_value"] is not None:
-        push_status("fail", property_item)
-      # property exists in actual configuration, but not described in catalog configuration
-      elif property_item["actual_value"] is not None and property_item["catalog_value"] is None:
-        push_status("skipped", property_item)
-      # actual and catalog properties are equal
-      elif property_item["catalog_value"] == property_item["actual_value"]:
-        push_status("ok", property_item)
-      elif property_item["catalog_value"] != property_item["actual_value"]:
-        push_status("fail", property_item)
-    report[item_key] = item_stat
-  return report
-def verify_configuration():
-  diff_list = {}
-  if len(Options.ARGS) > 1:
-    config_type = Options.ARGS[1]
-  else:
-    config_type = None
-  catalog_farm = UpgradeCatalogFarm(Options.OPTIONS.upgrade_json)  # Load upgrade catalog
-  catalog = catalog_farm.get_catalog(Options.OPTIONS.from_stack, Options.OPTIONS.to_stack)  # get desired version of catalog
-  if catalog is None:
-    raise FatalException(1, "Upgrade catalog for version %s-%s not found"
-                         % (Options.OPTIONS.from_stack, Options.OPTIONS.to_stack))
-  if config_type is not None and config_type not in catalog.config_groups.list():
-    raise FatalException("Config type %s not exists" % config_type)
-  # fetch from server all option at one time and filter only desired versions
-  actual_options = get_config_resp_all()
-  if config_type is not None:
-    diff_list[config_type] = configuration_item_diff(config_type, catalog, actual_options)
-  else:
-    for collection_name in catalog.config_groups.list():
-      diff_list[collection_name] = configuration_item_diff(collection_name, catalog, actual_options)
-  analyzed_list = configuration_diff_analyze(diff_list)
-  report_file = None
-  if Options.REPORT_FILE is not None:
-    try:
-      report_file = open(Options.REPORT_FILE, "w")
-    except IOError as e:
-      Options.logger.error("Report file open error: %s" % e.message)
-  for config_item in analyzed_list:
-    if analyzed_list[config_item]["fail"]["count"] != 0:
-        "%s: %s missing configuration(s) - please look in the output file for the missing params" % (
-         config_item, analyzed_list[config_item]["fail"]["count"]
-        )
-      )
-      if report_file is not None:
-        report_formatter(report_file, config_item, analyzed_list[config_item])
-    else:
-"%s: verified" % config_item)
-  if report_file is not None:
-    try:
-      report_file.close()
-    except IOError as e:
-      Options.logger.error("Report file close error: %s" % e.message)
-def report_formatter(report_file, config_item, analyzed_list_item):
-  prefix = "Configuration item %s" % config_item
-  if analyzed_list_item["fail"]["count"] > 0:
-    for item in analyzed_list_item["fail"]["items"]:
-      report_file.write("%s: property \"%s\" is set to \"%s\", but should be set to \"%s\"" % (
-        prefix, item["property"], item["actual_value"], item["catalog_value"]
-      ))
-# Main.
-def main():
-  action_list = {  # list of supported actions
-                   Options.GET_MR_MAPPING_ACTION: get_mr1_mapping,
-                   Options.DELETE_MR_ACTION: delete_mr,
-                   Options.ADD_YARN_MR2_ACTION: add_services,
-                   Options.MODIFY_CONFIG_ACTION: modify_configs,
-                   Options.INSTALL_YARN_MR2_ACTION: install_services,
-                   Options.BACKUP_CONFIG_ACTION: backup_configs,
-                   Options.VERIFY_ACTION: verify_configuration
-  }
-  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] action\n  Valid actions: "
-                                       + ", ".join(action_list.keys())
-                                       + "\n  update-configs accepts type, e.g. hdfs-site to update specific configs")
-  parser.add_option("-n", "--printonly",
-                    action="store_true", dest="printonly", default=False,
-                    help="Prints all the curl commands to be executed (only for write/update actions)")
-  parser.add_option("-o", "--log", dest="logfile", default=None,
-                    help="Log file")
-  parser.add_option("--report", dest="report", default=None,
-                    help="Report file output location")
-  parser.add_option('--upgradeCatalog', default=None, help="Upgrade Catalog file full path", dest="upgrade_json")
-  parser.add_option('--fromStack', default=None, help="stack version to upgrade from", dest="from_stack")
-  parser.add_option('--toStack', default=None, help="stack version to upgrade to", dest="to_stack")
-  parser.add_option('--hostname', default=None, help="Hostname for Ambari server", dest="hostname")
-  parser.add_option('--user', default=None, help="Ambari admin user", dest="user")
-  parser.add_option('--password', default=None, help="Ambari admin password", dest="password")
-  parser.add_option('--clustername', default=None, help="Cluster name", dest="clustername")
-  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-  Options.initialize_logger(options.logfile)
-  options.warnings = []
-  if len(args) == 0:
-    parser.error("No action entered")
-  if options.user is None:
-    options.warnings.append("User name must be provided (e.g. admin)")
-  if options.hostname is None:
-    options.warnings.append("Ambari server host name must be provided")
-  if options.clustername is None:
-    options.warnings.append("Cluster name must be provided")
-  if options.password is None:
-    options.password = getpass.getpass("Please enter Ambari admin password: ")
-    if options.password == "":
-      options.warnings.append("Ambari admin user's password name must be provided (e.g. admin)")
-  action = args[0]
-  # check params according to executed action
-  if action == Options.MODIFY_CONFIG_ACTION or action == Options.VERIFY_ACTION:
-    if options.upgrade_json is None:
-      options.warnings.append("Upgrade catalog option need to be set")
-    if options.from_stack is None:
-      options.warnings.append("Should be provided fromStack option")
-    if options.to_stack is None:
-      options.warnings.append("Should be provided toStack option")
-  if action == Options.VERIFY_ACTION:
-    if is None:
-      options.warnings.append("Should be provided report option")
-  if len(options.warnings) != 0:
-    print parser.print_help()
-    for warning in options.warnings:
-      Options.logger.warn(warning)
-    raise FatalException(1, "Not all required options was set")
-  options.exit_message = "Upgrade action '%s' completed successfully." % action
-  if options.printonly:
-    Options.CURL_PRINT_ONLY = "yes"
-    options.exit_message = "Simulated execution of action '%s'. Verify the list edit calls." % action
-  Options.ARGS = args
-  Options.OPTIONS = options
-  Options.HOST = options.hostname
-  Options.CLUSTER_NAME = options.clustername
-  Options.API_TOKENS = {
-    "user": options.user,
-    "pass": options.password
-  }
-  Options.REPORT_FILE =
-  if action in action_list:
-    Options.initialize()
-    action_list[action]()
-  else:
-    parser.error("Invalid action")
-  if options.exit_message is not None:
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  try:
-    main()
-  except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
-    print("\nAborting ... Keyboard Interrupt.")
-    sys.exit(1)
-  except FatalException as e:
-    if e.reason is not None:
-      error = "Exiting with exit code {0}. Reason: {1}".format(e.code, e.reason)
-      if Options.logger is not None:
-        Options.logger.error(error)
-      sys.exit(e.code)