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Posted to by "Swenson, Eric" <> on 2006/11/01 23:34:34 UTC

mvn deploy and actual version capture

For historical reasons, we are using cruisecontrol rather than continuum
for our maven2 builds.  We are also using a cruise control project that
invokes a shell script to invoke maven because there appears to be a bug
in maven now that I've been unable to get any responses to when I posted
its details on the user and developer mailing lists.  


When the shell script invokes "mvn deploy" in order to deploy the
SNAPSHOT artifact to the repository and give it a "real" version
timestamp rather than the X-X-snapshot version, we need to be able to
"know" (capture, find out) what the actual version (or actual filename)
is, so that we can place a copy of the artifact on a web server for
external consumption.  


How can we figure out the filename that was deployed in a "mvn deploy"


*       Eric


PS:  The bug I'm referring to forces me to break up my multi-project
build into separate "mvn" invocations in various sub-directories.  If I
try to invoke "mvn install" or "mvn deploy" from the top-level pom, I
get some obscure error in the bowels of default-plexus-container where
it gets an error in some java.lang.reflect api trying to access the
jarArchive mojo field of the maven-jar-plugin.  I've had no luck getting
any help on this one.