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Posted to by James Blond <> on 2006/08/16 15:36:28 UTC

Missing restart parameter under Win32

I'm missing a parameter for httpd.exe under Windows. When Apache is
installed as service there is no Problem using the -k restart | stop |
But when I run it under the console there is no way to stop apache as
pressing ctrl + c
There is a standalone file that can do this. I think it is easy to
port that as a new paramter into apache for win32.
For *nix system there is the apachectl to do that!


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static HANDLE shutdown_event = NULL;  /* used to signal Apache 2 to shutdown */
static HANDLE restart_event = NULL;   /* used to signal Apache 2 to restart */

main(int argc, char **argv)
{   char *signal_shutdown_name = (char *) calloc(128,1);
    BOOL result = 0;
    char *pidfilename = (char *) calloc(256,1);
    char *pidbuff = (char *) calloc(11,1);
    FILE *pidfile  = NULL;
    char *action_name[] = {"shutdown","restart"};
    int action = 0;

    if (argc < 2)
    {   printf("Usage:\n httpd_shutdown  Apache_rootdir  [restart]\n");
        return 2;
    if (argc > 2 && _stricmp(argv[2],"restart") == 0)  action=1;    //
restart instead of shutdown
    sprintf(pidfilename, "%s\\logs\\", argv[1]);           //
find the PID file and open it
    pidfile = fopen(pidfilename,"r");
    if (pidfile == NULL)
    {   fprintf( stderr, "Error opening \"%s\"\n\t%s\n", pidfilename,
_strerror(NULL) );
        return 1;
    fread( pidbuff, sizeof( char ), 10, pidfile );
    sprintf(signal_shutdown_name, "ap%d_%s", atoi(pidbuff),
action_name[action] );  // like "ap1234_shutdown"
    printf("setting apache PID %d shutdown event:  %s\n",
atoi(pidbuff), signal_shutdown_name);
    shutdown_event = OpenEvent(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE,
signal_shutdown_name);    // get the (existing) event
    if (shutdown_event == NULL)
    {   fprintf( stderr, "Could not acquire event named
\"%s\"\n\t%s\n", signal_shutdown_name, _strerror(NULL) );
        return 1;
    result = SetEvent(shutdown_event);
         // set the event
    if (!result)
    {   fprintf( stderr, "Acquired but could not set event named
            signal_shutdown_name, _strerror(NULL) );
        return 1;
    return result;