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Posted to by Hao Cheng via Apache TVM Discuss <> on 2021/08/07 03:28:31 UTC

[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] Dev[0]._rpc_sess.get_function("tvm.graph_executor_debug.create")

In my code, want to `use debug_executor` to extrace the cost time for each ops.

my code is kind of the following


from tvm.contrib.debugger import debug_executor as graph_executor

with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3, config={"relay.backend.use_auto_scheduler": True}):
    lib =,, params=params)

rlib = remote.load_module(os.path.basename(lib_file_path))
m = graph_executor.create(rlib.graph_json, rlib, remote.cpu(0), dump_root="/tmp/tvmdbg")
# set inputs
m.set_input('data', tvm.nd.array(data.astype(dtype)))
# execute

but got errors:
  File "tvm/python/tvm/contrib/debugger/", line 63, in create
    fcreate = dev[0]._rpc_sess.get_function("tvm.graph_executor_debug.create")
  File "tvm/python/tvm/rpc/", line 73, in get_function
    return self._sess.get_function(name)
  File "tvm/python/tvm/runtime/", line 91, in get_function
    raise AttributeError("Module has no function '%s'" % name)
AttributeError: Module has no function 'tvm.graph_executor_debug.create'

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