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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+  distributed with this work for additional information
+  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+  specific language governing permissions and limitations
+  under the License.
+  <bookinfo>
+    <title><?eval ${docbkxGuideTitle}?></title>
+    <subtitle><?eval ${docbkxGuideSubTitle}?></subtitle>
+    <releaseinfo><?eval ${project.version}?></releaseinfo>
+    <authorgroup>
+      <author>
+        <firstname>Dan</firstname>
+        <surname>Haywood</surname>
+      </author>
+      <author>
+        <firstname>Robert</firstname>
+        <surname>Matthews</surname>
+      </author>
+    </authorgroup>
+    <legalnotice>
+      <para>Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
+      this manual provided that the copyright notice and this permission
+      notice are preserved on all copies.</para>
+    </legalnotice>
+  </bookinfo>
+  <toc></toc>
+  <preface id="preface">
+    <title>Preface</title>
+    <para><emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis> is designed to allow programmers
+    rapidly develop domain-driven applications following the <ulink
+    url="">Naked Objects</ulink>
+    pattern. It is made up of a core framework that supports supports variouys
+    viewers, along with <acronym>API</acronym>s and implementations relating
+    to security, the programming model, the runtime (persistence) and profile
+    stores (user preferences). <emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis> is hosted at
+    the <ulink url="">Apache
+    Foundation</ulink>, and is licensed under <ulink
+    url="">Apache Software
+    License v2</ulink>.</para>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Who this Guide is For</title>
+      <para>This guide is written for programmers looking to understand how
+      the core framework of <emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis> fits together,
+      including an understanding of its core <acronym>API</acronym>s. It is
+      divided into the following chapters:<itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Architectural Overview</para>
+            <para>The introductory chapter discusses some of the main
+            architecture elements of the framework's design, distinguishing
+            and explaining the reason for the applib, the core modules, the
+            viewers, and the main <acronym>API</acronym>s exposed by the
+            core.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Chapters for each of core modules</para>
+            <para>This part of the guide goes through each of the modules that
+            make up the core framework. We also identify the main
+            <acronym>API</acronym>s exposed by the core: security, programming
+            models, and runtime.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist></para>
+      <para>We <emphasis>don't</emphasis> however describe the implementations
+      of these <acronym>API</acronym>s; for these see their respective guides.
+      What that means is that we don't describe how to actually deploy an
+      <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> application here, because that depends upon
+      the runtime/viewer in use. See the relevant runtime documentation for
+      details.</para>
+      <para>You'll also find that <emphasis>this</emphasis> guide does explain
+      how to actually write the domain objects that make up an
+      <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> application; for that you should look to the
+      <emphasis>applib (application library)</emphasis> documentation.
+      Meanwhile, the <emphasis>programming model</emphasis> documentation
+      describe how to customize the default programming model to your own
+      ends. However this guide <emphasis>does</emphasis> explain why
+      <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> is architected to have an applib in the first
+      place, and it shows what the programming model looks like
+      <emphasis>inside</emphasis> of <emphasis>Isis</emphasis>.</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Abbreviations used in this Guide</title>
+      <para><emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis> is built using Maven, which
+      identifies every module with a <emphasis>groupId</emphasis>, an
+      <emphasis>artifactId</emphasis>, a <emphasis>version</emphasis>, and a
+      <emphasis>type</emphasis>. These are called the Maven
+      <emphasis>co-ordinates</emphasis>. In this guide we identify each module
+      using notation <package>(groupId:artifactId)</package>; you should
+      assume that the <emphasis>version</emphasis> is the latest version, and
+      the <emphasis>type</emphasis> is the default JAR artifact<footnote>
+          <para>Maven modules can create other artifacts too, such as a test
+          JAR artifact. This would be indicated with a type of test-jar. But
+          the default artifact is a regular JAR.</para>
+        </footnote>. Hence <package>(org.apache.isis:core)</package> is the
+      Maven module with a <emphasis>groupId</emphasis> of
+      <package>org.apache.isis</package> and an
+      <emphasis>artifactId</emphasis> of <package>core</package>.</para>
+      <para>As a further convenience, we use "oai" as an abbreviation for
+      <package>org.apache.isis</package>. Hence
+      <package>(oai.runtimes:dflt)</package> refers to the default runtime
+      module.</para>
+      <para>In this guide we also use the "oai" abbreviation within package
+      names. For example,
+      <package>oai.core.runtime.authentication.AuthenticationManager</package>
+      is an abbreviation of
+      <package>org.apache.isis.core.runtime.authentication.AuthenticationManager</package>.</para>
+    </sect1>
+  </preface>
+  <chapter id="chp.Intro">
+    <title>Architectural Overview</title>
+    <abstract>
+      <para>What's in this guide, it's relationship to the applib
+      documentation.</para>
+    </abstract>
+    <para><emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis> is a full-stack open source
+    application development framework, designed to let you rapidly develop
+    enterprise business applications following a domain-driven philosophy.
+    Developing an application in <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> is - at least
+    initially - about focusing on the bit that matters to the business, the
+    core domain logic.</para>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Hexagonal Architecture</title>
+      <para><emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis>' architecture is a variant of the
+      typical <ulink
+      url="">layered
+      architecture</ulink>, called the <ulink
+      url="">hexagonal
+      architecture</ulink>. Like the layered architecture, the hexagonal
+      architecture distinguishes between the user interface layer, the
+      persistence (or infrastructure) layer, and the domain layer.
+      <emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis>' version of this architectural style is
+      shown below.</para>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="images/HexagonalArchitectureOverview.png"
+                     scale="55" />
+        </imageobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+      <para>The viewer modules constitute the presentation layer; these are
+      the means by which the end-user initiates an interaction with the domain
+      objects. The interaction is not directly with the domain objects,
+      though; instead think of the viewers as interacting through a "port"
+      into the hexagon. The <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> framework then adapts
+      this interaction for the domain objects. Indeed, another name for the
+      hexagonal architecture is the "ports and adapters" architecture.</para>
+      <para>As the domain objects are called, they are likely to interact with
+      other services. The most obvious of these is an interaction with the
+      persistence layer, either in terms of an update to themselves or the
+      creation/update or deletion of other objects. Again, though, this isn't
+      direct; instead the framework mediates/adapts to the configured
+      persistence mechanism.</para>
+      <para>Alternatively, though, the domain objects may interact with other
+      domain services. These services are specific to the application in
+      question, for example an email service, to publish an event, to generate
+      a <acronym>PDF</acronym>, to submit an order via a
+      <acronym>SOAP</acronym> web service etc. Here the framework is much less
+      involved; it merely will automatically inject any registered domain
+      services directly into domain objects in order that they can invoke the
+      service.</para>
+      <para>In order to support the interactions from the viewer to the domain
+      objects, and from the domain objects to the persistence mechanism, the
+      framework itself also calls out to other modules. The progmodel
+      <acronym>API</acronym> defines the programming conventions for the
+      domain objects; these conventions are used to build up a metamodel. Some
+      of these conventions depend on annotations, hence these dependency from
+      domain objects to the applib (application library) module which defines
+      such things. It's important to note that this is the only dependency
+      from domain objects to the framework, meaning that the domain objects
+      are basically pojos++. The other major <acronym>API</acronym> called by
+      the framework in order to do its job is the security
+      <acronym>API</acronym>, which is used for authentication and
+      authorization.</para>
+      <para>In the diagram you'll also see mention of the "default runtime".
+      In fact <emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis> supports multiple runtimes. The
+      <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis> is reasonably heavyweight
+      implementation that supports defines a persistence
+      <acronym>API</acronym>, but also has support for remoting for
+      client/server deployments (whereby the server is configured for
+      persistence but the client's "persistence mechanism" is in fact the
+      proxy to the server). The default runtime also supports the concept of
+      profilestores, allowing user preferences to be stored and retrieved by
+      viewers. Finally, the default runtime defines a pluggable bytecode
+      enhancement <acronym>API</acronym>, allowing for transparent lazy
+      loading and object dirtying.</para>
+      <para>The default runtime is not the only runtime, however. One other
+      runtime supported is an "embedded runtime", allowing the embedding of
+      the Isis metamodel in any arbitrary application, for example a Maven
+      plugin. But we also expect to develop other - full-stack but more
+      lightweight - runtimes in the future. One such that is planned is to use
+      <ulink url="">CDI (JSR-299)</ulink>
+      for wiring, using <ulink url="">JDO
+      3.0</ulink> for the persistence <acronym>API</acronym>.</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Core Framework</title>
+      <para>The core of <emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis> is, well, the core
+      modules. These consist of a set of Maven modules grouped under a parent
+      module whose Maven co-ordinates are
+      <package>(org.apache.isis:core)</package>.</para>
+      <para>Each of the core modules has a Maven co-ordinate of
+      <package>[org.apache.isis.core:xxx</package>], where
+      <emphasis>xxx</emphasis> is one of:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>testsupport</para>
+          <para>The <emphasis>core testsupport</emphasis> module holds helper
+          classes to support writing unit tests in either JUnit or
+          JMock.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>commons</para>
+          <para>The <emphasis>core commons</emphasis> module provides a set of
+          common utilities and language extensions for use across the rest of
+          the framework.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>metamodel</para>
+          <para>The <emphasis>core metamodel</emphasis> module defines the
+          interfaces and classes which describe the structure of the domain
+          objects. The most obvious use of the metamodel is by the viewer
+          modules which use it in order to know how to render the user
+          interface. It is also used by some of the runtime/persistence
+          implementations.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>progmodel</para>
+          <para>The <emphasis>core progmodel</emphasis> module provides a set
+          of reusable elements that are used to build up the metamodel. Some
+          of these depend upon annotations/interfaces in the
+          <emphasis>applib</emphasis> module, others merely define a
+          programming convention.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>runtime</para>
+          <para>The <emphasis>core runtime</emphasis> module defines security
+          <acronym>API</acronym> (authentication and authorization) as well as
+          a number of other lesser <acronym>API</acronym>s and implementations
+          that are likely to be of use by most runtime implementations.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>webapp</para>
+          <para>The <emphasis>core webapp</emphasis> module provides a number
+          of supporting filters, servlets and other classes for use by any
+          webapp-based viewer.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>These modules are covered more extensively in the following
+      chapters.</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Core <acronym>API</acronym>s</title>
+      <para>Across the core modules a number of key <acronym>API</acronym>s
+      are defined.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>programming model <acronym>API</acronym></para>
+          <para>The <emphasis>core metamodel</emphasis> module defines the
+          <classname>oai.core.metamodel.progmodel.ProgrammingModel</classname>
+          interface, which defines the rules and conventions that constitute
+          the programming model.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>security <acronym>API</acronym></para>
+          <para>The <emphasis>core runtime</emphasis> module defines a
+          security <acronym>API</acronym> (specifically,
+          <package>oai.core.runtime.authentication.AuthenticationManager</package>
+          and
+          <package>oai.core.runtime.authorization.AuthorizationManager</package>)
+          as well as a number of other lesser <acronym>API</acronym>s and
+          implementations that are likely to be of use by most runtime
+          implementations.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>runtime (persistence) <acronym>API</acronym></para>
+          <para>The responsibility of the runtime - broadly speaking - is to
+          perform object lifecycle management, persistence and (optionally)
+          client/server remoting. Runtimes may also offer other services, such
+          as user preference (or profile) management.</para>
+          <para>The runtime is not an <acronym>API</acronym> per-se, but
+          rather represents the environment in which the other functionality
+          provided by the <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> framework is called.
+          <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> has two runtime implementations:</para>
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>the <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis>
+              <package>(oai.core.runtimes:dflt)</package> that supports all of
+              the above (lifecycle, persistence, remoting and
+              profiles).</para>
+              <para>A key part of the design of the core runtime is the
+              <package>oai.core.runtime.system.context.IsisContext</package>
+              interface, which is used to obtain the current session<footnote>
+                  <para>This interface is somewhat akin to <ulink
+                  url="">HibernateUtil</ulink>
+                  class used in Hibernate.</para>
+                </footnote>.</para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>the <emphasis>embedded runtime</emphasis>
+              <package>(org.apache.isis.core.runtimes:embedded)</package>, to
+              allow the <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> metamodel to be embedded
+              within otherwise bespoke applications, and in utilities such as
+              Maven plugins.</para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>At the time of writing no other runtimes are currently
+          implemented, but the intention is that other runtimes (eg using CDI,
+          JDO 3.0 etc) will be supported in the future.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Viewers</title>
+      <para>The viewers can be thought of as the outermost layer of
+      <emphasis>Isis</emphasis>, and calls upon the services of the core
+      framework and the configured runtime.</para>
+      <para>At the time of writing, all viewers have a dependency on the
+      <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis>, because this is the only runtime
+      available. In the future we expect that this will be decoupled so that
+      viewers can run against multiple different runtime
+      implementations.</para>
+      <para>Slightly confusingly, the <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis>
+      does also provide the facility to "launch" viewers, meaning that for
+      bootstrapping purposes at least the runtime calls the viewer rather than
+      the other way around. In order to support this, the viewer
+      implementation must provide an implementation of the runtime's
+      <package>oai.runtimes.dflt.runtime.viewer.IsisViewerInstaller</package>
+      interface. You'll see that the <acronym>DnD</acronym> viewer does do
+      this, but the Scimpi and Wicket viewers do not. However, once the viewer
+      is "up and running", the calls are strictly from the viewer to the
+      metamodel and runtime.</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Maven Modules and Conventions</title>
+      <para><emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis> is a large framework consisting
+      of multiple modules. In order to make it easier to navigate, you'll find
+      that we've aligned Maven module Ids with package names. For
+      example:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>the <emphasis>core metamodel</emphasis> module is
+          <package>(oai.core:metamodel)</package>; all classes in this module
+          reside in the <package>oai.core.metamodel</package> package (or in
+          subpackages)</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>the <emphasis>applib</emphasis> module is
+          <package>(oai:applib)</package>; all classes in this module reside
+          in <package>oai.applib</package> package (or in subpackages).</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>We have also grouped modules of the same nature/interface to have
+      a common parent. For example:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><package>(oai:viewers)</package> is the parent of
+          <package>(oai.viewers:dnd)</package> and
+          <package>(oai.viewers:html)</package> modules</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><package>(oai:security)</package> is the parent of
+          <package>(</package> and
+          <package>(</package> modules</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>There is also a top-level "parent" module,
+      <package>(oai:isis)</package>. This is used to define common
+      build/plugin dependencies, as well as a number of Maven profiles that
+      can be used to build subsets of the modules, and to build the Maven
+      website.</para>
+      <para>Finally, Isis also has an <package>(oai:release)</package> module.
+      The purpose of this module is simply to define a set of
+      <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> modules/versions that are compatible with each
+      other and thereby constitute a release. These can be imported
+      using:</para>
+      <programlisting>&lt;dependencies&gt;
+  &lt;dependency&gt;
+    &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.isis&lt;/groupId
+    &lt;artifactId&gt;release&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+    &lt;version&gt;x.x.x&lt;/version&gt;
+    &lt;scope&gt;import&lt;/scope&gt;
+  &lt;/dependency&gt;
+  ...
+      <para>The <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> quickstart archetype makes use of
+      the release module in this way (as do the various examples that live in
+      <filename>.../trunk/examples</filename>).</para>
+    </sect1>
+  </chapter>
+  <chapter>
+    <title><emphasis>Test Support</emphasis> Module</title>
+    <abstract>
+      <para>Classes and interfaces in the
+      <package>oai.core.testsupport</package> module.</para>
+    </abstract>
+    <para>The <emphasis>testsupport</emphasis> module holds helper classes to
+    support writing unit tests using either JUnit or JMock. It should only
+    ever be added as a dependency with a scope of test:</para>
+    <para><programlisting>&lt;dependencies&gt;
+  &lt;dependency&gt;
+    &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.isis.core&lt;/groupId
+    &lt;artifactId&gt;testsupport&lt;/artifactId&gt;
+    &lt;version&gt;x.x.x&lt;/version&gt;
+    <emphasis>&lt;scope&gt;test&lt;/scope&gt;</emphasis>
+  &lt;/dependency&gt;
+  ...
+    <sect1>
+      <title>JMock Support</title>
+      <para>The classes in the <package>oai.core.testsupport.jmock</package>
+      package provide convenience adapters for <ulink
+      url="">JMock</ulink>. For example, they provide the
+      <classname>MockFixture</classname> interface that allows mocks
+      expectations to be managed as fixture objects in their own right
+      (thereby making such expectations reusable across tests). They also
+      provide subclasses of the <package>org.jmock.Mockery</package> class
+      with a number of convenience methods.</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>JUnit Support</title>
+      <para>The classes in the
+      <classname>oai.core.testsupport.junit</classname> package provide helper
+      classes designed, among other things, to make it easier to write value
+      types.</para>
+    </sect1>
+  </chapter>
+  <chapter>
+    <title><emphasis>Commons</emphasis> Module</title>
+    <abstract>
+      <para>Classes and interfaces in the <package>oai.core.commons</package>
+      module.</para>
+    </abstract>
+    <para>The <emphasis>core commons</emphasis> module provides a set of
+    common utilities for use across the rest of the framework. It also defines
+    a number of small, mostly internal, <acronym>API</acronym>s.</para>
+    <para>Generally it shouldn't be necessary to add an explicit dependency to
+    the <emphasis>commons</emphasis> module, because it will be depended upon
+    transitively by other modules in <package>oai.core</package>.</para>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Package Layering / Dependencies</title>
+      <para>The packages that reside within <emphasis>commons</emphasis> have
+      break into the following layers (top layer packages depending on lower
+      layers):</para>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="images/common/architecture-perspective.png"
+                     scale="80" />
+        </imageobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+      <para>Alternatively we can see the actual dependencies:</para>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="images/common/composition-perspective.png"
+                     scale="80" />
+        </imageobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+      <para>The relatively small number of dependencies between these packages
+      shows the extent to which the utility classes in common are independent
+      of each other.</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>APIs</title>
+      <sect2 id="sec.ComponentAndInstallerApi">
+        <title><classname>Component</classname> and
+        <classname>Installer</classname> <acronym>API</acronym></title>
+        <para><emphasis>Isis</emphasis> is a modular framework, and the
+        <classname>Component</classname> interface (in
+        <package>oai.core.commons.components</package> package) represents
+        this abstraction. For example, an authentication manager is a
+        <classname>Component</classname>, and so too is an adapter map (for
+        tracking object identities).</para>
+        <para><classname>Component</classname> has three subinterfaces to
+        represent different scopes (or lifetimes) of component instances,
+        namely:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><classname>ApplicationScopedComponent</classname>, for
+            components that exist for the duration of the application</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><classname>SessionScopedComponent</classname> , for
+            components that are created a-new for each session, and</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para><classname>TransactionScopedComponent</classname>, for
+            components that are bound to a single transaction.</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>For webapp/server-based deployments, a session is created for
+        each interaction<footnote>
+            <para>Just like JPA or Hibernate sessions.</para>
+          </footnote>. There is typically just one transaction per
+        session.</para>
+        <para>For client/standalone deployments, the session lasts for the
+        duration of the application, and so is one-to-one with the application
+        scope. For these cases a transaction is used to wrap each
+        client/server interaction<footnote>
+            <para>Strictly speaking, this is a statement about how the the
+            <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis> implementation works. Other
+            runtimes could conceivably take a different approach. If you are
+            only intending to use webapp-based viewers, then don't worry about
+            it... <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> works similarly to
+            JPA/Hibernate.</para>
+          </footnote>.</para>
+        <para>Closely related to <classname>Component</classname> is the
+        <classname>Installer</classname> interface, which acts as a
+        <classname>Component</classname> factory. Each Installer provides a
+        type (a string) and a name (also a string), and the combination of
+        (type, name) is expected to be unique. For example, the DnD viewer has
+        a type of "viewer" and a name of "dnd".</para>
+        <para>This (type, name) combination is used to determine the
+        configuration files that are searched for when the
+        <classname>Component</classname> is created. Each
+        <classname>Component</classname>'s <classname>Installer</classname>
+        will search for at least two property files:
+        <filename></filename> and
+        <filename></filename>. For example, the DnD viewer
+        will search for both <filename></filename> and also
+        <filename></filename> file<footnote>
+            <para>In fact, it is possible for an
+            <classname>Installer</classname> to nominate additional property
+            files; this is sometimes appropriate where a
+            <classname>Component</classname> does double-duty and plays more
+            than one role. At the time of writing this capability was only
+            used by the components that install client/server remoting for the
+            <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis> module.</para>
+          </footnote>. An Installer can also indicate whether a missing config
+        file should be treated as an error or can be ignored (generally the
+        latter).</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="sec.ConfigurationApi">
+        <title><classname>IsisConfiguration</classname> and
+        <classname>IsisConfigurationBuilder</classname>
+        <acronym>API</acronym></title>
+        <para>The <classname>IsisConfigurationBuilder</classname> (in
+        <package>oai.core.commons.config</package> package) is used to hold
+        the "current" configuration; as (the <classname>Installer</classname>
+        for) <classname>Component</classname>s are loaded each indicates the
+        property file(s) to load, and these are used to update the current
+        configuration held within
+        <classname>IsisConfigurationBuilder</classname>. The "current"
+        configuration is initially just the properties in the
+        <filename></filename> file (see <xref
+        linkend="sec.ResourceStreamApi" /> for details on where this file is
+        actually loaded from) .</para>
+        <para>When the <classname>Component</classname> is actually
+        instantiated, it is handed an immutable
+        <classname>IsisConfiguration</classname> that can be thought of as a
+        snapshot of the set of properties held by the
+        <classname>IsisConfigurationBuilder</classname>. A consequence of this
+        design is that different <classname>Component</classname>s will have
+        references to different <classname>IsisConfiguration</classname>
+        objects; though all should always have access to "their"
+        properties.</para>
+        <para>Using properties specified in the configuration files is done by
+        get the <classname>IsisConfiguration</classname> singleton from the
+        context and using one of the lookup methods to get a value, as the
+        example below shows. The <literal
+        moreinfo="none">Configuration.ROOT</literal> constant provides the
+        base property name ("isis."). If no value is found with the specified
+        property name exists then null (or 0 or false) will be
+        returned.</para>
+        <programlisting format="linespecific">String formatRequired = getConfiguration().getString(Configuration.ROOT + "");</programlisting>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2>
+        <title
+        id="sec.ResourceStreamApi"><classname>ResourceStreamSource</classname>
+        <acronym>API</acronym></title>
+        <para>The <classname>ResourceStreamSource</classname> interface (in
+        <package>oai.core.commons.resource</package> package) is an
+        abstraction over locating resource files. It is used predominantly to
+        locate configuration files (see <xref
+        linkend="sec.ConfigurationApi" />), with implementations to load from
+        the config directory or from the classpath.</para>
+        <para>Different implementations of
+        <classname>IsisConfigurationBuilder</classname> use
+        <classname>ResourceStreamSource</classname> in order to search for
+        config files in specific locations. In principle it would be
+        straightforward to write a new implementation of
+        <classname>ResourceStreamSource</classname> that loads config files
+        from some other location (eg LDAP, the Windows registry or a database)
+        and then write a new <classname>IsisConfigurationBuilder</classname>
+        to use it.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2>
+        <title>Encoding <acronym>API</acronym></title>
+        <para>The <package>oai.core.commons.encoding</package> package
+        provides a number of classes to support the custom serialization of
+        elements of any element:</para>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="images/common/encoding-classdiagram.png"
+                       scale="35" />
+          </imageobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+        <para>The <classname>DataInputExtended</classname> and
+        <classname>DataOutputExtended</classname> interfaces are
+        straightforward extensions of <classname></classname>
+        and <classname></classname> respectively, simply
+        adding the capability to serialize arrays of primitives. The
+        <classname>DataInputStreamExtended</classname> and
+        <classname>DataOutputStreamExtended</classname> implement these
+        interfaces, providing the ability to read from/write to an underlying
+        <classname></classname>.</para>
+        <para>Finally, the <classname>Encodable</classname> interface defines
+        a contract for objects to write themselves to a
+        <classname>DataOutputStreamExtended</classname>, with an implied
+        contract that they can be re-constructed from a corresponding
+        <classname>DataInputStreamExtended</classname>.</para>
+        <para>The primary usage of the encoding API is to enable client/server
+        remoting, as supported by the <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis>
+        implementation. However, it is also used in order to create
+        <classname>Memento</classname>s of domain objects (again, a capability
+        of the <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis>). This is used by some
+        viewers in order to maintain a handle on transient (not-yet-persisted)
+        objects.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="sec.AuthenticationSession">
+        <title><classname>AuthenticationSession</classname> Definition</title>
+        <para>The <classname>AuthenticationSession</classname> interface (in
+        the <package>oai.core.commons.authentication</package> package)
+        provides a representation of an authenticated user within the
+        system.</para>
+        <para>Also worth mentioning is the utility class
+        <classname>AuthenticationSessionUtils</classname> can be used to
+        create an <classname></classname>,
+        which is the corresponding type within the applib (that is, the
+        identity of the authenticated user as the domain objects understand
+        it).</para>
+        <para>The interface to actually authenticate users and create
+        <classname>AuthenticationSession</classname>s - namely
+        <classname>AuthenticationManager</classname> - is defined in the
+        <emphasis>core runtime</emphasis> module (see <xref
+        linkend="chp.Runtime" />). This shouldn't be confused with
+        <classname>AuthenticationSessionProvider</classname> which merely
+        returns the current <classname>AuthenticationSession</classname>
+        <emphasis>if one exists</emphasis>.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2>
+        <title><classname>Debuggable</classname>
+        <acronym>API</acronym></title>
+        <para>The <classname>Debuggable</classname> interface(in the
+        <classname>oai.core.commons.debug</classname> package) is used by some
+        <classname>Component</classname>s in order to build structured string
+        representations of themselves for debug purposes. A good example is
+        the debug menu options available within the DnD viewer.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2>
+        <title>Hamcrest <classname>Matcher</classname>s</title>
+        <para>The <classname>IsisMatchers</classname> class (in the
+        <classname>oai.core.commons.matchers</classname> package) provides a
+        collection of <ulink url="">Hamcrest
+        </ulink><classname>Matcher</classname>s for use in both tests and also
+        production code.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2>
+        <title><classname>Ensure</classname> API</title>
+        <para>The <classname>Ensure</classname> class (in the
+        <package>oai.core.commons.ensure</package> package) allows assertions
+        to be made about arguments, state or general context, and uses
+        Hamcrest <classname>Matcher</classname>s to express those
+        assertions.</para>
+      </sect2>
+    </sect1>
+  </chapter>
+  <chapter id="chp.MetaModel">
+    <title><emphasis>Metamodel</emphasis> Module
+    (<classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s)</title>
+    <abstract>
+      <para>First of two chapters concerning the classes and interfaces in the
+      <package>oai.core.metamodel</package> module, focusing on the
+      <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> and related
+      interfaces.</para>
+    </abstract>
+    <para>The core <emphasis>metamodel</emphasis> module defines the
+    interfaces and classes that make up the <emphasis>Apache Isis</emphasis>
+    metamodel. This metamodel is at the very heart of
+    <emphasis>Isis</emphasis>, and used in numerous ways:</para>
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>by viewers to obtain information about the domain objects, so
+        that they can be rendered in a generic object-oriented user
+        interface;</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>by persistence mechanisms (within the <emphasis>default
+        runtime</emphasis> module, <package>(oai.runtimes:dflt)</package>) to
+        determine which data is to be persisted;</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>by client/server remoting (within the <emphasis>default
+        runtime</emphasis> module) , to marshall domain objects automatically
+        between different tiers;</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para>to provide the ability to provide XML Snapshots (through the
+        <classname>XmlSnapshot</classname> utility class, in the
+        <emphasis>core runtime</emphasis> module,
+        <package>(oai.core:runtime)</package>).</para>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+    <para>In addition, the metamodel provides a mechanism for the framework
+    and the clients of the framework to access and manipulate the domain
+    objects by wrapping them in an adapter. This is an important point: the
+    framework and its clients never interact with the domain objects
+    directly.</para>
+    <para>Note however that the <emphasis>metamodel</emphasis> module does not
+    itself define the programming model conventions; that is the
+    responsibility of the configured programming model (the default being the
+    one defined in the <emphasis>default progmodel</emphasis>
+    <package>(oai.progmodels:dflt)</package>.</para>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Package Layering / Dependencies</title>
+      <para>The packages that reside within <emphasis>core
+      metamodel</emphasis> break into the following layers (top layer packages
+      depending on lower layers):</para>
+      <screenshot>
+        <screeninfo>Top-level Architecture Diagram with SpecLoader
+        expanded</screeninfo>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="images/metamodel/architecture-diagram-top-level-with-specloader-expanded.png"
+                       scale="110" />
+          </imageobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </screenshot>
+      <para>Note that the diagram shows the <package>specloader</package>
+      package and also its subpackages. It also indicates that there is a
+      tangle (bidirectional dependencies)<footnote>
+          <para>Not a good thing, we recognize. But refactor to eliminate this
+          would considerably complicate the codebase.</para>
+        </footnote>Alternatively we can see the actual dependencies between
+      packages (again, with that tangle highlighted):</para>
+      <screenshot>
+        <screeninfo>Composition Diagram</screeninfo>
+        <mediaobject>
+          <imageobject>
+            <imagedata fileref="images/metamodel/composition-diagram-top-level.png"
+                       scale="70" />
+          </imageobject>
+        </mediaobject>
+      </screenshot>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="sec.ObjectSpecifications">
+      <title><classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s and the
+      <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname></title>
+      <para>To make the domain objects useful within the framework the
+      objects' public interfaces must be exposed. <emphasis>Isis</emphasis>
+      uses a number of techniques to do this, but the predominant one is the
+      Java reflection <acronym>API</acronym>s (in the
+      <package>java.lang.reflect</package> package), a process we call
+      introspection. These are used to determine what properties and
+      collections an object has, what behaviour it can offer, and to find
+      other information such as the object's title, a suggested order of its
+      fields, and when its actions can or can't be used. It also is used to
+      flag the type of object (abstract, lookup, object, value, and whether
+      persistable); to refer to its superclass, any inteferfaces it implements
+      and to list any subclasses.</para>
+      <para>The details about this interface are recorded in an instance of
+      <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> (in the
+      <package>oai.core.metamodel.spec</package> package). As each class of
+      domain object is loaded into the system its corresponding instance of
+      <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> is generated. You can think
+      of <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> as analogous to
+      <classname>java.lang.Class</classname>.</para>
+      <sect2>
+        <title><classname>SpecificationLoader</classname> component</title>
+        <para>The specification object can be retrieved directly, by name or
+        class, from the <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname>
+        component<footnote>
+            <para>For historical reasons the
+            <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname> component is also
+            sometimes called the reflector; indeed
+            <classname>ObjectReflector</classname> is a subinterface that is
+            used internally.</para>
+          </footnote></para>
+        <para>. When a domain object is used within the framework the
+        <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname> instance is asked for the
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> of the domain object's
+        class. The first time that a class is requested the loader is
+        responsible for performing the introspection and creating a complete
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>. Thereafter the
+        specification is returned from a cache.</para>
+        <para>The set of <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s built up
+        by the <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname> are all those that
+        are reachable from the service classes (defined in
+        <filename></filename> configuration file under
+        <emphasis></emphasis> key). Because cycles between
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s are permitted (that is,
+        <classname>ClassA</classname> can reference
+        <classname>ClassB</classname> and <classname>ClassB</classname> can
+        reference <classname>ClassA</classname>), the creation of
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s is actually a two-stage
+        process. When a class' <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> is
+        being created, any prerequisite specifications (for its class members)
+        will be created if necessary, however those prerequisites will not
+        flagged as not yet "introspected". Only when those prerequisite
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s are actually requested by
+        name will their introspection be formed. This prevents infinite loops
+        from occurring in the
+        <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname>.</para>
+        <para>It is also possible - and common - to obtain the
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> from the domain object's
+        adapter (the <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> interface, discussed
+        in <xref linkend="sec.ObjectAdapter" />).</para>
+        <sect3>
+          <title>Accessing the
+          <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname></title>
+          <para>If using the <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis> module
+          <package>(oai.runtimes:dflt)</package>, then the
+          <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname> can be accessed using
+          <methodname>IsisContext.getSpecificationLoader()</methodname>. It is
+          an application-scoped component, meaning that a single instance is
+          used for the duration of the application running.</para>
+          <para>Other runtime implementations will (are likely to) use
+          dependency injection to make the
+          <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname> available.</para>
+        </sect3>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="sec.ObjectMembers">
+        <title><classname>ObjectMember</classname>s</title>
+        <para>One of the main purposes of
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> is to describe the
+        structure of the domain object to which it relates, in other words the
+        members of that object's class. These are represented by
+        (sub-)interfaces of the <classname>ObjectMember</classname> interface
+        (in the <package>oai.core.metamodel.spec.feature</package> package).
+        The main sub-interfaces of <classname>ObjectMember</classname> are
+        <classname>OneToOneAssociation</classname>,
+        <classname>OneToManyAssociation</classname> and
+        <classname>ObjectAction</classname>.</para>
+        <para>The <methodname>ObjectSpecification#getProperties()</methodname>
+        method returns a list of <classname>OneToOneAssociation</classname>s
+        that represent the properties (eg
+        <methodname>Order#getShipDate()</methodname> or
+        <methodname>Order#getCustomer()</methodname>), while
+        <methodname>ObjectSpecification#getCollections()</methodname> returns
+        <classname>OneToManyAssociation</classname>s to represent collections
+        (eg <methodname>Order#getLineItems()</methodname>). Properties and
+        collections are typically rendered in some sort of form within a
+        viewer. Any remaining public methods (eg
+        <methodname>Order#cancel()</methodname>) are represented as actions,
+        accessible using
+        <methodname>ObjectSpecification#getActions()</methodname> and
+        returning a list of <classname>ObjectAction</classname>s. These are
+        typically rendered as menu items or links in viewers.</para>
+        <para>The <classname>OneToOneAssociation</classname>,
+        <classname>OneToManyAssociation</classname> and
+        <classname>ObjectAction</classname> interfaces all provide the ability
+        to interact with the underlying domain object, allowing viewers to
+        determine whether the property/collection/action is visible, is
+        enabled/disabled, and whether a new value/argument is valid.</para>
+        <para>It is also possible to obtain individual class members. For
+        example, an individual property can be accessed via the
+        <methodname>getProperty(String)</methodname> method, where the sole
+        parameter is the the identifier of the property. In the case of a
+        property, its identifier will be the name of the property method with
+        the <emphasis>get</emphasis> prefix removed, and the first character
+        of the remaining string converted to lowercase, so
+        <methodname>getCustomerId()</methodname> become
+        <emphasis>customerId</emphasis>. A similar pattern is used for
+        collections, while actions have an identifier that also takes into
+        account the parameters. In fact, the rules for constructing
+        identifiers are available within the applib, in the
+        <classname>oai.applib.Identifier</classname> class.</para>
+        <para>The complete list of properties/collections/actions is used for
+        things like persistence and remoting, however user interfaces need to
+        consider what properties they show to avoid making hidden or
+        unauthorised properties visible. To selectively get hold of all
+        associations (properties and collections) the
+        <methodname>getAssociations(Filter&lt;ObjectAssociation&gt;)</methodname>
+        method should be used<footnote>
+            <para>Rather than reinvent a filter API, the core framework reuses
+            the applib's
+            <classname>oai.applib.filter.Filter&lt;T&gt;</classname>
+            class</para>
+          </footnote>, allowing us to set up a search filter based on any
+        criteria that might be relevant. Typically views are created using
+        only dynamically visible properties (so hidden fields are not visible
+        and do not have any screen space reserved form them). However, in the
+        case of a table the view will require a column for each
+        <emphasis>potentially</emphasis> available (statically visible)
+        property has a column created for it, but only show a value in the
+        cell if the property is visible for the object in question
+        (dynamically visible). To support this, two useful predefined
+        instances are the available:
+        <methodname>ObjectAssociationFilters.STATICALLY_VISIBLE_ASSOCIATIONS</methodname>
+        and the
+        <methodname>ObjectAssociationFilters.dynamicallyVisible(ObjectAdapter)</methodname>
+        factory method.</para>
+      </sect2>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="sec.HowTheMetaModelIsBuiltUpInternally">
+      <title>How the metamodel is built up internally</title>
+      <para>As already explained, the
+      <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname> is responsible for building
+      up completed <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s, one for each
+      class that is reachable within the domain model. Moreover to avoid
+      cyclic dependencies, these <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s
+      are built-up in two stages; initially they are created but not fully
+      built (introspected); only when required does introspection take
+      place.</para>
+      <para>This section goes into some of the internals as to how
+      introspection process works.</para>
+      <sect2 id="sec.FacetFactory">
+        <title><classname>FacetFactory</classname>s and
+        <classname>Facet</classname>s</title>
+        <para>The first thing that <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> does is to create
+        a <classname>FacetedMethodsBuilder</classname> for each
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>. This is a helper object
+        that co-ordinates the identification of the object members (ie the
+        properties, collections and actions) of the
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>. Each such object member is
+        represented as a <classname>FacetedMethod</classname>. You can think
+        of this as analogous to
+        <methodname>java.lang.reflect.Method</methodname>, and it does indeed
+        wrap an instance of such a <classname>Method</classname>. We'll get
+        onto the "faceted" part of that name in just a minute.</para>
+        <para>The actual hard work of building up the metamodel, though, is
+        done by a collection of <classname>FacetFactory</classname>s. Each
+        <classname>FacetFactory</classname> is responsible for understanding a
+        specific element of the programming model. For example, one
+        <classname>FacetFactory</classname> looks for the
+        <methodname>disableXxx()</methodname> method that is used to disable
+        (grey out) an object member, another looks for
+        <classname>@Hidden</classname> that will hide an object member,
+        another looks for <classname>@RegEx</classname> that can be used to
+        validate property proposed values or action parameter arguments. Each
+        of these pieces of knowledge is represented as a
+        <classname>Facet</classname>, and is attached to the corresponding
+        <classname>FacetedMethod</classname> (hence its name).</para>
+        <para>Each of the methods in <classname>FacetFactory</classname>
+        retrieves a "context" object, which provides a mechanism to remove
+        methods so that subsequent <classname>FacetFactory</classname>s do not
+        consider them. For example, if a supporting
+        <methodname>disableXxx()</methodname> method is noticed while
+        processing a <methodname>getXxx()</methodname> property or collection,
+        then the <classname>FacetFactory</classname> in question will remove
+        this method. This design means that the
+        <classname>FacetFactory</classname> that identifies actions - which
+        are taken to be all "remaining" public actions - will not
+        inadvertantly create an action for these supporting methods.</para>
+        <para>If you explore the type hierarchy then you'll see that
+        <classname>FacetMethod</classname> implements
+        <classname>FacetHolder</classname>, and it is this interface through
+        which the <classname>FacetFactory</classname>s work. You might also
+        note that <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> also implements
+        <classname>FacetHolder</classname>, as does
+        <classname>FacetedMethodParameter</classname>, which represents an
+        action parameter. What that means is that
+        <classname>FacetFactory</classname>s can also add
+        <classname>Facet</classname>s to these other types too. The interface
+        for <classname>FacetFactory</classname> reflects this, having methods
+        to handle the processing of a class, a method and an action parameter.
+        All of these can have Facets.</para>
+        <para>To summarize: the Isis metamodel has a type that is equivalent
+        to a <classname>java.lang.Class</classname>
+        (<classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>), to a
+        <classname>java.lang.reflect.Method</classname>
+        (<classname>FacetedMethod</classname>) and to an action parameter
+        (<classname>FacetedMethodParameter</classname>). Each of these can
+        have a set of <classname>Facet</classname>s attached to it, and these
+        <classname>Facet</classname>s <emphasis>are</emphasis> the metadata
+        for each such element.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2>
+        <title>Identifying object members</title>
+        <para>Recall that the <classname>FacetedMethodsBuilder</classname> is
+        responsible for co-ordinating the building of the
+        <classname>FacetMethod</classname>s of its owning
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>. The first step involves
+        identifying the actual properties, collections and actions of that
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> (based on the underlying
+        <classname>java.lang.Class</classname>). To do this, the
+        <classname>FacetedMethodsBuilder</classname> searches the set of
+        <classname>FacetFactory</classname>s for a factory that implements the
+        <classname>PropertyOrCollectionIdentifyingFacetFactory</classname>.
+        From these two collections of <classname>FacetedMethod</classname>s
+        are created, one set to represent the properties and the other to
+        represent the collections.</para>
+        <para>Once all properties and collections have been identified, all
+        remaining <code>public</code> methods are assumed to be actions. These
+        form a third set of <classname>FacetedMethod</classname>s.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="sec.MemberLayoutArranger">
+        <title>Ordering Members
+        (<classname>MemberLayoutArranger</classname>)</title>
+        <para>The <classname>FacetedMethodsBuilder</classname>'s job is done
+        once all the <classname>FacetedMethod</classname>s have been
+        identified. At this point, the
+        <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> takes over and completes
+        the job of building itself. The first task is to re-order the
+        identified members (still in the form of
+        <classname>FacetMethod</classname>s). It does this by delegating to a
+        <classname>MemberLayoutArranger</classname> which is used returns the
+        members in the required order.</para>
+        <para><note>
+            <para>The current implementation of MemberLayoutArranger orders
+            the members as per the <classname>@MemberOrder</classname>
+            annotation. In the future this component may take responsibility
+            for more sophisticated layout arranger, to handle column-based
+            layouts. This will require a change to its
+            <acronym>API</acronym>.</para>
+          </note></para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2>
+        <title>Creating <classname>ObjectMember</classname>s (wrapping
+        <classname>FacetedMethod</classname>s)</title>
+        <para>After the <classname>FacetedMethod</classname>s have been
+        ordered, they are then wrapped in the appropriate subclass of
+        <classname>ObjectMember</classname> (already discussed, see <xref
+        linkend="sec.ObjectMembers" />), in other words as a
+        <classname>OneToOneAssociation</classname>,
+        <classname>OneToManyAssociation</classname> or as an
+        <classname>ObjectAction</classname>. These objects provide a number of
+        methods that allow the clients of the metamodel (eg specifically,
+        viewers) to interact with underlying domain objects (see <xref
+        linkend="sec.ObjectAdapter" />) through the metamodel.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="sec.FacetDecorator">
+        <title>Decorating <classname>Facet</classname>s
+        (<classname>FacetDecorator</classname>)</title>
+        <para>The last major step of building the metamodel is to decorate any
+        <classname>Facet</classname>s, using any registered
+        <classname>FacetDecorator</classname>s. Decorated
+        <classname>Facet</classname>s allow additional behaviour to be added
+        to already identified <classname>Facet</classname>s, and so are useful
+        for adding internationalization and (in the client/server remoting
+        support provided by the <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis>),
+        transactional control.</para>
+        <para><classname>FacetDecorator</classname>s are specified as a
+        comma-separated list in the <emphasis></emphasis>
+        configuration file using the
+        <code>isis.reflector.facet-decorators</code> key. For example:</para>
+        <programlisting format="linespecific">isis.reflector.facet-decorators=resource-i18n</programlisting>
+        <para>will install a <classname>FacetDecorator</classname> for
+        internationalization that loads from a
+        <classname>java.util.ResourceBundle</classname>.</para>
+        <para>The core <classname>FacetDecorator</classname> implementations
+        are in the <emphasis>core progmodel</emphasis> module (see <xref
+        linkend="chp.ProgModel" />).</para>
+        <para><note>
+            <para>The <classname>FacetDecorator</classname> design actually
+            predates use of <classname>Facet</classname>s within the Isis
+            metamodel (we renamed it to <classname>FacetDecorator</classname>
+            after the fact). If you dig into the <classname>Facet</classname>
+            <acronym>API</acronym> you'll see that it supports the concept of
+            an underlying <classname>Facet</classname>
+            (<methodname>Facet#getUnderlyingFacet()</methodname>). At some
+            stage we hope to remove <classname>FacetDecorator</classname>s
+            completely and simply use the underlying
+            <classname>Facet</classname> approach; see <ulink
+            url="">ISIS-69</ulink>
+            in JIRA.</para>
+          </note></para>
+      </sect2>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="sec.MetaModelValidator">
+      <title>MetaModel Validation
+      (<classname>MetaModelValidator</classname>)</title>
+      <para>After all <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s have been
+      identified and loaded, the <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname>
+      calls out to the configured <classname>MetaModelValidator</classname>
+      (defined in the
+      <package>org.apache.isis.core.metamodel.specloader.validator</package>
+      package). This provides the ability to validate that all loaded types
+      are valid. Precisely what "valid" means depends on the context; the
+      default <classname>MetaModelValidator</classname> is a no-op. However,
+      some plug-in modules for <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> might provide their
+      own rules. For example, the <acronym>JPA</acronym> object store<footnote>
+          <para>Note that at the time of writing the JPA object store was part
+          of Isis, having originally been written as a sister project for the
+          Naked Objects framework.</para>
+        </footnote> requires that all domain objects that are annotated with
+      <classname>javax.jpa.Entity</classname> provide an "id" property
+      annotated with <classname>javax.jpa.Identifier</classname>. Or, you
+      might wish to configure your own
+      <classname>MetaModelValidator</classname> in order to enforce your own
+      project-specific rules.</para>
+      <para>The <classname>MetaModelValidator</classname> can be specified
+      using the <code>isis.reflector.validator</code> key. For example:</para>
+      <programlisting format="linespecific">isis.reflector.validator=com.mycompany.myproj.isis.MyMetaModelValidator</programlisting>
+      <para>will install
+      <classname>com.mycompany.myproj.isis.MyMetaModelValidator</classname> as
+      the <classname>MetaModelValidator</classname>.</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="sec.ProgrammingModelAPI">
+      <title><classname>ProgrammingModel</classname>
+      <acronym>API</acronym></title>
+      <para>As will be apparent from <xref
+      linkend="sec.HowTheMetaModelIsBuiltUpInternally" />, the set of
+      conventions that make up the programming model is determined by the set
+      of <classname>FacetFactory</classname>s that are used to process each
+      class as it is loaded by the
+      <classname>SpecificationLoader</classname>.</para>
+      <para>The <classname>ProgrammingModel</classname> (in the
+      <package>org.apache.isis.core.metamodel.progmodel</package> package)
+      class is used to define this set of
+      <classname>FacetFactory</classname>s, and is looked up right at the
+      beginning of the bootstrap process when the SpecificationLoader is being
+      specified. The default <classname>ProgrammingModel</classname> is
+      defined in the <emphasis>default progmodel</emphasis>
+      [oai.progmodels:dflt] module, and corresponds to the set of conventions
+      described in the applib documentation.</para>
+      <para>You may have occasion when you want to modify the
+      <classname>ProgrammingModel</classname>. For example, suppose you wanted
+      to support a new annotation, for example
+      <classname>@StringLengthBetween(3, 10)</classname> annotation intended
+      to be applied to string properties and parameters. This would require a
+      corresponding <classname>StringLengthBetweenFacetFactory</classname>.
+      This <classname>FacetFactory</classname> would then need to be added to
+      the <classname>ProgrammingModel</classname>.</para>
+      <para>There are two ways in which you can register this new
+      <classname>FacetFactory</classname>. The first is to create your own
+      <classname>ProgrammingModel</classname> (typically by subclassing the
+      default <classname>ProgrammingModel</classname>) and then call its
+      <methodname>#addFactory(Class&lt;? extends
+      FacetFactory&gt;)</methodname> method. Your new implementation should
+      then be registered in the configuration file using the
+      <code>isis.reflector.facets</code> key:</para>
+      <programlisting format="linespecific">isis.reflector.facets=com.mycompany.myproj.isis.MyProgrammingModel</programlisting>
+      <para>will install
+      <classname>com.mycompany.myproj.isis.MyProgrammingModel</classname> as
+      the <classname>ProgrammingModel</classname>.</para>
+      <para>Alternatively, if you are just tweaking the default
+      <classname>ProgrammingModel</classname>, then you can simply use
+      <code>isis.reflector.facets.include</code> and
+      <code>isis.reflector.facets.exclude</code> keys to include/exclude
+      facets. The value for each of these keys is a comma-separated
+      list:</para>
+      <programlisting format="linespecific">isis.reflector.facets.include=com.mycompany.myproj.isis.StringLengthBetweenFacetFactory,\
+                              com.mycompany.myproj.isis.PositiveValuesOnlyFacetFactory</programlisting>
+      <para><note>
+          <para>Isis' support for Groovy works in this way; see the
+          <emphasis>progmodels</emphasis> <package>[oai:progmodels]</package>
+          documentation.</para>
+        </note></para>
+    </sect1>
+  </chapter>
+  <chapter>
+    <title><emphasis>Metamodel</emphasis> Module
+    (<classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>s)</title>
+    <abstract>
+      <para>Second of two chapters concerning the classes and interfaces in
+      the <package>oai.core.metamodel</package> module, focusing on the
+      <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> and related interfaces.</para>
+    </abstract>
+    <para>The previous chapter (<xref linkend="chp.MetaModel" />) provides an
+    overview of the package layering and dependencies for the <emphasis>core
+    metamodel</emphasis> module, along with a description of the
+    <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> (cf
+    <classname>java.lang.Class</classname>) and related interfaces. This
+    chapter continues the coverage of this module, focusing on the
+    <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> (cf
+    <classname>java.lang.Object</classname>) and related interfaces.</para>
+    <sect1 id="sec.ObjectAdapter">
+      <title><classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>s</title>
+      <para><emphasis>Isis</emphasis> wraps each domain object in an
+      <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> (in the
+      <package>oai.core.metamodel.adapter</package> package). The rest of the
+      framework does not normally work with the domain objects directly, but
+      via these adapters. This is typically done by asking the
+      <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> for its corresponding
+      <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> by way of its
+      <methodname>#getSpecification()</methodname> method. This allows the
+      viewers to query the state of the object. For example the statement
+      <code>adapter.getSpecification().getProperties().get(0).get(adapter)</code>
+      would retrieve the first value of the first property of the domain
+      object held by the <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> referenced by
+      <code>adapter</code>.</para>
+      <para>The adapter also exposes facilities to allow the runtime to manage
+      the lifecycle of the wrapped domain object.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>the <methodname>#getOid()</methodname> method is used to
+          return a unique object identifier (an instance of the
+          <classname>Oid</classname> class in the
+          <package>org.apache.isis.core.metamodel.adapter.oid</package>
+          package)</para>
+          <para>This is an abstraction over a primary key, because it is
+          guaranteed to also be unique for non-persisted objects (if the
+          runtime supports non-persisted objects; the <emphasis>default
+          runtime</emphasis> does)</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>the <methodname>#getVersion()</methodname> returns version
+          information about the domain object through a
+          <classname>Version</classname> object</para>
+          <para>This allowing runtimes to implement optimistic locking</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>the #<methodname>getResolveState()</methodname> state
+          returning lazy loaded state, via the
+          <classname>ResolveSate</classname> object</para>
+          <para>This allows runtimes to know whether the datastore needs to be
+          queried to bring back additional data as the user "walks the object
+          graph".</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>The <classname>Oid</classname> class in particular warrants
+      further discussion.</para>
+      <sect2>
+        <title>Object Identifiers (<classname>Oid</classname>s)</title>
+        <para>An <classname>Oid</classname> is an object identifier for every
+        domain entity, and is typically assigned by the runtime. For persisted
+        objects it is value is assigned by the object store, but for transient
+        objects (if the configured runtime supports them) the framework will
+        also assign an <classname>Oid</classname>, and will manage its
+        mutation if the object changes its persistence state (from transient
+        to persisted, or vice versa).</para>
+        <para>This <classname>Oid</classname> is used to uniquely reference
+        the same object either across space (client/server remoting calls
+        between VMs) or across time (between a sequence of requests to a
+        webapp, say). The <classname>Oid</classname> is unique and that means
+        that the runtime can maintain a one-to-one mapping to the
+        <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>, and hence to the wrapped a
+        domain object.<note>
+            <para>Mapping the <classname>Oid</classname> to
+            <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> is an example of the identity
+            map pattern. In the case of the <emphasis>default runtime
+            </emphasis><package>[oai.runtimes:dflt]</package>, the mapping is
+            actually both from <classname>Oid</classname> --&gt;
+            <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>, and from domain object pojo
+            --&gt; <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>. (The
+            <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> has references to its
+            <classname>Oid</classname> and wrapped domain object pojo, so this
+            makes both of these implicitly bidirectional mappings).</para>
+          </note>Typically an <classname>Oid</classname> is also immutable,
+        however its value may change if an object changes its persistence
+        state. In this case the runtime is required to ensure that all
+        mappings that it might hold (eg from <classname>Oid</classname> to
+        <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>) are correctly maintained. To
+        support this the previous state of the <classname>Oid</classname> is
+        copied so that <methodname>getPrevious()</methodname> now returns a
+        copy of the original <classname>Oid</classname> (instead of null) and
+        <methodname>hasPrevious()</methodname> will return
+        <code>true</code>.</para>
+        <note>
+          <para>This feature is used by the <emphasis>default
+          runtime</emphasis>'s [oai.runtimes:dflt] client/server remoting
+          module. When an <classname>Oid</classname> with a previous value is
+          persisted, the client-side runtime uses the previous
+          <classname>Oid</classname> to obtain the original tranisent object
+          from its local cache. The object is then removed from the cache, its
+          <classname>Oid</classname> is updated (via the
+          <methodname>copyFrom(Oid)</methodname> method) and then it is
+          returned to the cache. The results in the newly persisted object
+          having the new persistent <classname>Oid</classname> and it being
+          accessible as such from the cache. At this point the original
+          version's transient state will no longer be recognised.</para>
+        </note>
+        <sect3>
+          <title>Entity (owned) Collections</title>
+          <para>When an domain object is an entity that has a scalar reference
+          to another object (eg, an <classname>Order</classname> has an
+          associated <classname>Customer</classname>) then the referenced pojo
+          (<classname>Customer</classname>) will be wrapped in its own
+          <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>. This is the usual, normal,
+          case, as described above.</para>
+          <para>When a domain object is an entity that has a vector reference
+          to another object (eg an <classname>Order</classname> has a
+          collection of <classname>OrderItem</classname>s), there is another
+          object to consider: the instance of
+          <classname>List&lt;?&gt;</classname> (eg
+          <classname>ArrayList&lt;OrderItem&gt;</classname>) that is "owned"
+          by the owning entity (<classname>Order</classname>).</para>
+          <para>An <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> is created for this
+          owned <classname>List&lt;?&gt;</classname> also, but its
+          <classname>Oid</classname> is of type
+          <classname>AggregatedOid</classname>, and its identity its kept
+          synchronized with its parent. This is done by way of the
+          <classname>AggregatedOid#getParentOid()</classname> method.</para>
+        </sect3>
+        <sect3>
+          <title>Values</title>
+          <para>Although values (such as <code>String</code>s, or
+          <code>int</code>s) are also wrapped in
+          <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>, these always have a <code>null
+          </code><classname>Oid</classname>. Instead, the
+          <classname>ResolveState</classname> (as described in <xref
+          linkend="sec.ResolveState" />) is used to distinguish values and
+          deal with them appropriately.</para>
+        </sect3>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2>
+        <title>Optimistic Locking (<classname>Version</classname>s)</title>
+        <para>In addition to an <classname>Oid</classname>, every
+        <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> also references a
+        <classname>Version</classname> which represents the object at a
+        particular point in time. Calling
+        <methodname>ObjectAdapter#checkLock(Version)</methodname> allows the
+        adapter to check the <classname>Version</classname> it holds
+        internally against the provided <classname>Version</classname>; if
+        they are different then it will throw a
+        <classname>ConcurrencyException</classname>.</para>
+        <para>The <methodname>#checkVersion()</methodname> method is intended
+        to be called by server-side runtimes that either cache
+        <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>s between calls (either
+        server-side in a <classname>HttpSession</classname>, say, or passed up
+        from a client-side runtime). The typical process is that the
+        server-side code will retrieve/recreate the cached object, and then
+        will compare it with the current version of the domain object as
+        retrieved from the database/object store. If there is a mismatch, then
+        the configured viewer is expected to handle the thrown exception, eg
+        by refreshing the view and prompting the user to retry.</para>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="sec.ResolveState">
+        <title>Lazy Loading (<classname>ResolveState</classname>)</title>
+        <para>The <classname>ResolveState</classname> class (in the
+        <package>org.apache.isis.core.metamodel.adapter</package> package) is
+        used by the <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> to track the state of
+        the objects references by the underlying domain object. These states
+        form a state machine by which the framework can request to resolve
+        objects from the database/persistence mechanism if required.</para>
+        <para>The exact states available depend on the nature of the
+        <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>, that is whether it represents a
+        regular domain entity, a value, or an owned collection
+        (<classname>List&lt;?&gt;</classname>) of an entity:</para>
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>NEW - a short-lived state only applicable while figuring out
+            what type of object this is (value, transient or
+            persisted).</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>TRANSIENT - a not-yet persisted object. The corresponding
+            <classname>Oid</classname> of the
+            <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> should also indicate that the
+            object is transient
+            (<methodname>Oid#isTransient()</methodname>).</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>GHOST - a persisted object whose state has not yet been
+            resolved (ie retrieved from the database/object store)</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>PART_RESOLVED - a persisted object whose properties are
+            resolved but some of the collections are not.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>RESOLVED - a persisted object all of whose properties and
+            collections have been resolved</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>RESOLVING - a short-lived state on the way to RESOLVED; any
+            changes made to the object while in this state are ignored because
+            they are likely to be the result of an object store rehydrating
+            the object's properties/collections</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>RESOLVING_PART - a short-lived state on the way to
+            PART_RESOLVED; same rationale as RESOLVING</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>UPDATING - a short-lived state while the object is being
+            updated, eg as the result of invoking an action.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>DESTROYED - a object that has now been removed from the
+            database and so is no longer considered persistent<footnote>
+                <para>The intent (at some stage) is to combine DESTROYED with
+                TRANSIENT, so the object simply switches from persisted and
+                not-persisted</para>
+              </footnote></para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            adapter while it is being serialized, typically for remoting
+            purposes</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>VALUE - the state of a value (all other states relate to
+            entities or to entity collections)</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>The diagram below shows the state transitions supported by
+        <classname>ResolveState</classname>:</para>
+        <screenshot>
+          <screeninfo><classname>ResolveState</classname> state
+          transitions</screeninfo>
+          <mediaobject>
+            <imageobject>
+              <imagedata fileref="images/metamodel/ResolveState-stateChart.png"
+                         scale="60" />
+            </imageobject>
+          </mediaobject>
+        </screenshot>
+        <para>In the case of the <emphasis>default runtime</emphasis>, the
+        transition between these states is typically managed by the bytecode
+        modules (cglib or javassist). These generate proxies that will
+        automatically trigger the resolving of properties/collections if
+        required (based on the <classname>ResolveState</classname>).</para>
+      </sect2>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Interacting with domain objects
+      (<classname>InteractionAdvisor</classname>)</title>
+      <para>One of the main responsibilities of the <emphasis>Isis</emphasis>
+      viewers is to interact with the domain objects and to render them in
+      generic (or customized) <acronym>OOUI</acronym>s. This involves an
+      interplay between the <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname> (that holds
+      the domain object) and the <classname>ObjectMember</classname>s
+      (<classname>OneToOneAssociation</classname>,
+      <classname>OneToManyAssociation</classname> and
+      <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>) accessible from the
+      <classname>ObjectAdapter</classname>'s
+      <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname> (see <xref
+      linkend="sec.ObjectSpecifications" />).</para>
+      <para>The success or otherwise of this interaction is determined by the
+      Facets associated with the <classname>ObjectMember</classname>, and in
+      particular by those <classname>Facet</classname>s that implement
+      (sub-interfaces of) the <classname>InteractionAdvisor</classname>
+      interface:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><classname>Facet</classname>s that implement
+          <classname>HidingInteractionAdvisor</classname> are used to
+          determine whether the <classname>ObjectMember</classname> is
+          visible.</para>
+          <para>If any <classname>Facet</classname> indicates that the member
+          is invisible, then the viewer should not display that member at
+          all.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><classname>Facet</classname>s that implement
+          <classname>DisablingInteractionAdvisor</classname> are used to
+          determine whether the <classname>ObjectMember</classname> is
+          disabled.</para>
+          <para>If any <classname>Facet</classname> indicates that the member
+          is disable, then the viewer should disable (typically: grey out)
+          that member in the <acronym>UI</acronym>.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><classname>Facet</classname>s that implement
+          <classname>ValidatingInteractionAdvisor</classname> are used to
+          determine whether the proposed modification to/through the
+          <classname>ObjectMember</classname> is valid or not.</para>
+          <para>For a property, this means validating whether the proposed new
+          value for that property is valid, or if the request is to clear the
+          property, it means validating that the property may be set to
+          null.</para>
+          <para>For a collection, this means validating whether the proposed
+          object can be add to the collection (or removed from the
+          collection).</para>
+          <para>For an action, this means validating that each argument is
+          valid, and that the argument set as a whole is valid.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>It doesn't matter to the viewer whether the
+      <classname>Facet</classname> (that is,
+      <classname>InteractionAdvisor</classname>) vetoing the interaction is
+      because of an annotation (eg <classname>@MaxLength</classname>) or a
+      method call (eg <methodname>validatePlaceOrder(...)</methodname>), they
+      are all checked in the same way<footnote>
+          <para>The <classname>InteractionUtils</classname> class is used
+          internally by the <classname>ObjectMember</classname>s to check that
+          none of the Facets attached that are also
+          <classname>InteractionAdvisor</classname>s veto the request. This
+          can be a good place to add a breakpoint if you want to see Isis in
+          action at close quarters.</para>
+        </footnote>.</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="sec.RuntimeContext">
+      <title><classname>RuntimeContext</classname></title>
+      <para>The role of the <classname>RuntimeContext</classname> interface is
+      to decouple the metamodel from the configured runtime. It is primarily
+      used by the metamodel to obtain access to services provided by the
+      configured runtime. For example:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>the <methodname>#getAdapterMap()</methodname> method is used
+          by the metamodel in order to create new
+          <classname>ObjectSpecification</classname>s (it is ultimately used
+          in <methodname>ObjectSpecification#createObject(...)</methodname>
+          and
+          <methodname>ObjectSpecification#createAggregatedObject(...)</methodname>;</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>the <methodname>#getQuerySubmitter()</methodname> method is
+          used by the metamodel within its implementation of
+          <classname>oai.applib.DomainObjectContainer</classname> (see <xref
+          linkend="sec.DomainObjectContainer" />) to support the
+          <methodname>#allMatches(...)</methodname> and
+          <methodname>#allInstances(...)</methodname> methods.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>The metamodel provides a default implementation of
+      <classname>RuntimeContext</classname>, however this is a no-op and will
+      throw <classname>UnsupportedOperationException</classname>s in most
+      cases. The default runtime module's implementation is called
+      <classname>RuntimeContextFromSession</classname>, and provides access to
+      various services through the default runtimes service-locator
+      (<classname>IsisContext</classname>).</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1 id="sec.DomainObjectContainer">
+      <title><classname>DomainObjectContainer</classname>
+      implementation</title>
+      <para>The <classname>oai.applib.DomainObjectContainer</classname>
+      interface represents the single point of coupling from domain objects to
+      the framework. Using <classname>DomainObjectContainer</classname>, a
+      domain object can do such things as create new objects, search for
+      existing objects, and raise warnings and such like.
+      <emphasis>Isis</emphasis> will automatically inject the
+      <classname>DomainObjectContainer</classname> into any entity that
+      provides a setter for it. (Inheriting from the
+      <classname>oai.applib.AbstractDomainObject</classname> is one easy way
+      to accomplish this, because it provides such as setter already).</para>
+      <para>The actual implementation of
+      <classname>DomainObjectContainer</classname> is provided by the
+      <emphasis>core metamodel</emphasis>, specifically by the
+      <classname>DomainObjectContainerDefault</classname> class (in
+      <package></package>). This
+      delegates off to various other parts of the framework as required. In
+      particular, it delegates to the configured runtime, by way of the
+      <classname>RuntimeContext</classname> interface (see <xref
+      linkend="sec.RuntimeContext" />).</para>
+    </sect1>
+    <sect1>
+      <title>Utilities</title>
+      <sect2>
+        <title>The Dump Utility</title>
+        <para>