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Posted to by on 2014/05/22 20:05:24 UTC

git commit: AMBARI-5696. Usability: performing connectivity checks against an external database.(vbrodetskyi)

Repository: ambari
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk 4c45504be -> 199a0916a

AMBARI-5696. Usability: performing connectivity checks against an external database.(vbrodetskyi)


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 199a0916a2b5f1e6e935018865ee63888e75a257
Parents: 4c45504
Author: Vitaly Brodetskyi <>
Authored: Thu May 22 18:43:55 2014 +0300
Committer: Vitaly Brodetskyi <>
Committed: Thu May 22 18:43:55 2014 +0300

 .../main/resources/custom_actions/ | 129 +++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/custom_actions/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/custom_actions/
index 19628e2..e5aa920 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/custom_actions/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/custom_actions/
@@ -20,26 +20,135 @@ Ambari Agent
-import os, sys
+import os, sys, subprocess
 from resource_management import *
+CHECK_JAVA_HOME = "java_home_check"
+CHECK_DB_CONNECTION = "db_connection_check"
+DB_NAME_MYSQL = "mysql"
+DB_NAME_ORACLE = "oracle"
+DB_NAME_POSTGRESQL = "postgresql"
+JDBC_DRIVER_MYSQL = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
+JDBC_DRIVER_ORACLE = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
+JDBC_DRIVER_POSTGRESQL = "org.postgresql.Driver"
 class CheckHost(Script):
   def actionexecute(self, env):
     config = Script.get_config()
-    java_home = config['hostLevelParams']['java_home']
+    #print "CONFIG: " + str(config)
+    check_execute_list = config['commandParams']['check_execute_list']
+    structured_output = {}
+    if CHECK_JAVA_HOME in check_execute_list:
+      java_home_check_structured_output = execute_java_home_available_check(config)
+      structured_output[CHECK_JAVA_HOME] = java_home_check_structured_output
+    if CHECK_DB_CONNECTION in check_execute_list:
+      db_connection_check_structured_output = execute_db_connection_check(config)
+      structured_output[CHECK_DB_CONNECTION] = db_connection_check_structured_output
+    self.put_structured_out(structured_output)
+def execute_java_home_available_check(config):
+  print "Java home check started."
+  java64_home = config['hostLevelParams']['java_home']
+  if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(java64_home, "bin", "java")):
+    print "Java home doesn't exist!"
+    java_home_check_structured_output = {"exit_code" : "1", "message": "Java home doesn't exist!"}
+  else:
+    print "Java home exists!"
+    java_home_check_structured_output = {"exit_code" : "0", "message": "Java home exists!"}
+  return java_home_check_structured_output
+def execute_db_connection_check(config):
+  print "DB connection check started."
+  # initialize needed data
+  ambari_server_hostname = config['clusterHostInfo']['ambari_server_host']
+  check_db_connection_jar_name = "DBConnectionVerification.jar"
+  jdk_location = config['hostLevelParams']['jdk_location']
+  java64_home = config['hostLevelParams']['java_home']
+  db_name = config['commandParams']['db_name']
+  if db_name == DB_NAME_MYSQL:
+    jdbc_url = config['hostLevelParams']['mysql_jdbc_url']
+    jdbc_driver = JDBC_DRIVER_MYSQL
+  elif db_name == DB_NAME_ORACLE:
+    jdbc_url = config['hostLevelParams']['oracle_jdbc_url']
+    jdbc_driver = JDBC_DRIVER_ORACLE
+  elif db_name == DB_NAME_POSTGRESQL:
+    jdbc_url = config['hostLevelParams']['postgresql_jdbc_url']
+    jdbc_driver = JDBC_DRIVER_POSTGRESQL
+  path, jdbc_name = os.path.split(jdbc_url)
+  db_connection_url = config['commandParams']['db_connection_url']
+  user_name = config['commandParams']['user_name']
+  user_passwd = config['commandParams']['user_passwd']
+  environment = { "no_proxy": format("{ambari_server_hostname}") }
+  # download DBConnectionVerification.jar from ambari-server resources
+  try:
+    cmd = format("/bin/sh -c 'cd /usr/lib/ambari-agent/ && curl -kf "
+                 "--retry 5 {jdk_location}{check_db_connection_jar_name} "
+                 "-o {check_db_connection_jar_name}'")
+    Execute(cmd, not_if=format("[ -f /usr/lib/ambari-agent/{check_db_connection_jar_name}]"), environment = environment)
+  except Exception, e:
+    message = "Error downloading DBConnectionVerification.jar from Ambari Server resources. Check network access to " \
+              "Ambari Server.\n" + str(e)
+    print message
+    db_connection_check_structured_output = {"exit_code" : "1", "message": message}
+    return db_connection_check_structured_output
+  # download jdbc driver from ambari-server resources
+  try:
+    cmd = format("/bin/sh -c 'cd /usr/lib/ambari-agent/ && curl -kf "
+                 "--retry 5 {jdbc_url} -o {jdbc_name}'")
+    Execute(cmd, not_if=format("[ -f /usr/lib/ambari-agent/{jdbc_name}]"), environment = environment)
+  except Exception, e:
+    message = "Error downloading JDBC connector from Ambari Server resources. Check network access to " \
+              "Ambari Server.\n" + str(e)
+    print message
+    db_connection_check_structured_output = {"exit_code" : "1", "message": message}
+    return db_connection_check_structured_output
+  # try to connect to db
+  db_connection_check_command = format("{java64_home}/bin/java -cp /usr/lib/ambari-agent/{check_db_connection_jar_name}:" \
+         "/usr/lib/ambari-agent/{jdbc_name} org.apache.ambari.server.DBConnectionVerification {db_connection_url} " \
+         "{user_name} {user_passwd!p} {jdbc_driver}")
-    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(java_home, "bin", "java")):
-      print "Java home not exists"
-      sys.exit(1)
+  process = subprocess.Popen(db_connection_check_command,
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             shell=True)
+  (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = process.communicate()
+  print "INFO stdoutdata: " + stdoutdata
+  print "INFO stderrdata: " + stderrdata
+  print "INFO returncode: " + str(process.returncode)
-    print "Java home exists"
-    structured_output_example = {
-        'result': 'Host check completed.'
-    }
+  if process.returncode == 0:
+    db_connection_check_structured_output = {"exit_code" : "0", "message": "DB connection check completed successfully!" }
+  else:
+    db_connection_check_structured_output = {"exit_code" : "1", "message":  stdoutdata }
-    self.put_structured_out(structured_output_example)
+  return db_connection_check_structured_output
 if __name__ == "__main__":