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Posted to by Geoffrey Young <> on 2005/01/05 18:00:44 UTC

[Resolution] mod_perl and Perl namespaces

The mod_perl project has reached an important and exciting point in its
development cycle - the pending release of mod_perl 2.0, the first official
release of mod_perl designed specifically for Apache 2.0.  Critical to the
success of this next generation of mod_perl is that it meets the needs of
the community that has given so much back to it over the years.

The recent issue of compatibility between mod_perl 1.0 and mod_perl 2.0,
specifically where the Perl Apache:: namespace is involved, has ignited a
passionate but valid debate the mod_perl community has not really
experienced before.  In fact, discussions as heated as this are rare, as our
community tends to be more helpful and considerate than most within the
open-source arena.  However, if you take away the discord, the issue of
compatibility remains a real one, and is the reason for this email.

As many of you know, mod_perl is an official project within the Apache
Software Foundation.[1]  Like many open-source projects, mod_perl and the
ASF thrive because of the valuable contributions from the many members of
the community - the codebase, patches, and discussions that take place all
serve to make mod_perl an awesome piece of software of which everyone
involved can be proud.  But unlike other open-source projects with which you
might be familiar, projects within the ASF are all governed by a Project
Management Committee.[2]  While job of the PMC is (in part) to ensure that
the community surrounding a project runs smoothly, ultimately it is the PMC
that is responsible for the direction of the project.[3]

The mod_perl PMC[4] consists of people who have a long history of commitment
to mod_perl - we are passionate about mod_perl and want to see it succeed,
both technically and, more importantly, in the eyes of its community of users.

With that in mind we, the PMC, want to let our community know that we
understand the issue of Perl namespaces is an incredibly important one
and that resolving it will be critical to both the success of mod_perl 2.0
and the health of mod_perl overall.  We have heard the concerns and issues
that have been raised over the past week and we will be actively taking
steps to resolve them in a manner we believe will satisfy the needs of the
majority of our user base.

However, while we will continue to listen to additional concerns raised on
public forums or otherwise brought to our attention, expect us to be mostly
quiet until all the pieces for a solution come together.

We are dedicated to making the mod_perl 2.0 migration process as smooth as
possible, and are certain that this can be done in a way acceptable to
almost everyone and without stomping on the existing mod_perl 1.0 user base.
We just need your patience and confidence.


the mod_perl PMC


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