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Posted to by James DeFelice <> on 2017/02/13 22:10:50 UTC

Re: Review Request 53877: Added temporary file environment passing towards docker.

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For reference, see

src/docker/docker.cpp (line 550)

    Possible edge case: what if the value of some environment variable contains a \n character? Consider:
    MYENV2=james is thinking
    too hard about this problem
    In the old code, variable parameters would be in argv members so values with embedded LF's should work as expected: they're naturally bounded because each argv has a "{name}=" prefix and the rest is assumed to be the value. Not so with env files.
    In practice, it looks like Docker's envfile support is .. interesting:
    (1) it appears to generate errors if values contain whitespace
    (2) it has special functionality (passthrough) for variables with zero-length values?!
    Both of these things may result in unpredictable behavior from the perspective of an application that already (pre-this-diff) includes environment variables defined with such non-docker-envfile compatible values.

- James DeFelice

On Nov. 28, 2016, 4:47 p.m., Till Toenshoff wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Nov. 28, 2016, 4:47 p.m.)
> Review request for mesos, Adam B, Gast�n Kleiman, Jie Yu, Kapil Arya, and Joseph Wu.
> Bugs: MESOS-6566
> Repository: mesos
> Description
> -------
> see summary.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/docker/docker.cpp f03ea7fa55e976e44282503261ac50e1502592a2 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> ```
> $ make check
> ```
> ```
> $ ./src/mesos-execute --command="sleep 200" --containerizer=docker --docker_image=alpine --env='{"foo": "bar"}' --master=
> ```
> ```
> $ ps aux
> root     27645  0.2  0.0 372852 30180 ?        Sl   15:50   0:00 docker -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock run --cpu-shares 1024 --memory 134217728 --env-file /tmp/l53ILz/ktpuDS -v /tmp/mesos/slaves/91b671fd-3c83-425e-96c2-26ecdc410028-S0/frameworks/91b671fd-3c83-425e-96c2-26ecdc410028-0001/executors/test/runs/a75fc411-3d18-44f1-a562-9f759c281da0:/mnt/mesos/sandbox --net host --entrypoint /bin/sh --name mesos-91b671fd-3c83-425e-96c2-26ecdc410028-S0.a75fc411-3d18-44f1-a562-9f759c281da0 alpine -c sleep 200
> ```
> ```
> $ more /tmp/l53ILz/ktpuDS
> foo=bar
> MESOS_SANDBOX=/mnt/mesos/sandbox
> MESOS_CONTAINER_NAME=mesos-91b671fd-3c83-425e-96c2-26ecdc410028-S0.a75fc411-3d18-44f1-a562-9f759c281da0
> ```
> Thanks,
> Till Toenshoff