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[5/8] wicket git commit: Fixed some errors in promotion script

Fixed some errors in promotion script


Branch: refs/heads/build/wicket-7.0.0
Commit: f67f8c4687dced717dd3fe0c0c8d8425c8458b27
Parents: a0b21d2
Author: Martijn Dashorst <>
Authored: Fri Jul 10 10:14:27 2015 +0200
Committer: Martijn Dashorst <>
Committed: Fri Jul 10 10:14:27 2015 +0200

---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 646 +-------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 643 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 7160057..84f081a 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,100 +4,6 @@ echo -n "Promoting release 7.0.0
 Actions about to be performed:
-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#  limitations under the License.
-# set -e
-# set -x
-function fail {
-    >&2 echo "033[31m
-    exit 1
-function getJavaVersionFromPom {
-    cat << EOF | xmllint --noent --shell pom.xml | grep content | cut -f2 -d=
-setns pom=
-xpath /pom:project/pom:properties/pom:maven.compiler.source/text()
-function getProjectVersionFromPom {
-    cat << EOF | xmllint --noent --shell pom.xml | grep content | cut -f2 -d=
-setns pom=
-xpath /pom:project/pom:version/text()
-function getJdkToolchain {
-    xmllint ~/.m2/toolchains.xml --xpath "/toolchains/toolchain[provides/version/text() = '$JAVA_VERSION']/configuration/jdkHome/text()"
-function generate_promotion_script {
-    echo "Generating release promotion script 'promote-$'"
-read -d '' script <<- EOF
-echo -n "Promoting release $version
-Actions about to be performed:
-$(cat $0 | tail -n +14)
-Press enter to continue or CTRL-C to abort"
-# push the build branch to ASF git repo
-git push origin $branch:refs/heads/$branch
-# push the release tag to ASF git repo
-git push origin $tag
-# promote the source distribution by moving it from the staging area to the release area
-svn mv$version -m "Upload release to the mirrors"
-mvn org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:LATEST:rc-release -DstagingRepositoryId=$stagingrepoid -DnexusUrl= -DserverId=apache.releases.https -Ddescription="Release vote has passed"
-# Renumber the next development iteration $next_version:
-git checkout $GIT_BRANCH
-mvn release:update-versions --batch-mode
-find . ! ( -type d -name "target" -prune ) -name pom.xml -exec sed -i "" -E "s/$mvn_version_to_replace/$next_version/g" {} ;
-find . ! ( -type d -name "target" -prune ) -name pom.xml -exec sed -i "" -E "s/$mvn_version_to_replace/$next_version/g" {} ;
-git add `find . ! ( -type d -name "target" -prune ) -name pom.xml`
-git commit -m "Start next development version"
-git push
-echo "Remove the previous version of Wicket using this command:
-  svn rm$previous_version -m "Remove previous version from mirrors"
-echo "$script" > promote-$
-    chmod +x promote-$
-    git add promote-$
-function generate_rollback_script {
-	echo "Generating release rollback script 'revert-$'"
-read -d '' script <<- EOF
-echo -n "Reverting release $version
-Actions about to be performed:
 $(cat $0 | tail -n +14)
@@ -105,519 +11,6 @@ Press enter to continue or CTRL-C to abort"
-# clean up local repository
-git checkout $GIT_BRANCH
-git branch -D $branch
-git tag -d $tag
-# clean up staging repository
-git push staging --delete refs/heads/$branch
-git push staging --delete $tag
-# clean up staging dist area
-svn rm$version -m "Release vote has failed"
-# clean up staging maven repository
-mvn org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:LATEST:rc-drop -DstagingRepositoryId=$stagingrepoid -DnexusUrl= -DserverId=apache.releases.https -Ddescription="Release vote has failed"
-# clean up remaining release files
-find . -name "*.releaseBackup" -exec rm {} ;
-[ -f ] && rm
-echo "$script" > revert-$
-	chmod +x revert-$
-	git add revert-$
-function generate_signatures_from_release {
-    echo "========================================================================
-    The signatures for the source release artefacts:
-    " > /tmp/release-$version-sigs.txt
-    pushd target/dist > /dev/null
-    for i in apache-wicket*{zip,tar.gz}
-    do
-        echo "Signature for $i:
-    $(cat $i.asc)
-    " >> /tmp/release-$version-sigs.txt
-    done
-    popd > /dev/null
-        echo "========================================================================
-    CHANGELOG for $version:
-    " >> /tmp/release-$version-sigs.txt
-    if [ -f "/tmp/release-notes-$version.txt" ] ; then
-        tail -n +4 /tmp/release-notes-$version.txt >> /tmp/release-$version-sigs.txt
-    else
-        awk "/Release Notes - Wicket - Version $version/{flag=1;next} /==================/{flag=0} flag { print }" CHANGELOG-$major_version.x >> /tmp/release-$version-sigs.txt
-    fi
-function generate_release_vote_email {
-    echo "Generating Vote email"
-    echo "This is a vote to release Apache Wicket $version
-    Please download the source distributions found in our staging area
-    linked below.
-    I have included the signatures for both the source archives. This vote
-    lasts for 72 hours minimum.
-    [ ] Yes, release Apache Wicket $version
-    [ ] No, don't release Apache Wicket $version, because ...
-    Distributions, changelog, keys and signatures can be found at:
-    Staging repository:
-    The binaries are available in the above link, as are a staging
-    repository for Maven. Typically the vote is on the source, but should
-    you find a problem with one of the binaries, please let me know, I can
-    re-roll them some way or the other.
-    Staging git repository data:
-        Repository:  $(git config --get remote.staging.url)
-        Branch:      $branch
-        Release tag: $tag
-    " > release-vote.txt
-    cat /tmp/release-$version-sigs.txt >> release-vote.txt
-	git add release-vote.txt
-function generate_announce_email {
-    echo "The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket $version!
-    This release marks another minor release of Wicket $major_version. We
-    use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no
-    API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to
-    $major_version.0.0.
-    New and noteworthy
-    ------------------
-    Using this release
-    ------------------
-    With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
-    update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):
-    <dependency>
-        <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
-        <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId>
-        <version>$version</version>
-    </dependency>
-    Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
-    convenience binary package
-     * Source:$version
-     * Binary:$version/binaries
-    Upgrading from earlier versions
-    -------------------------------
-    If you upgrade from $major_version.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
-    you come from a version prior to $major_version.0.0, please read our Wicket $major_version
-    migration guide found at
-     *${major_version}migrate
-    Have fun!
-    — The Wicket team
-    " > release-announce.txt
-    cat /tmp/release-$version-sigs.txt >> release-announce.txt
-	git add
-# the branch on which the code base lives for this version (master is
-# always current development version)
-echo "
-Apache Wicket Release script
-Building a release for Apache Wicket.
-This script assumes you are running on OS X, it hasn't been tested on any other
-operating systems, and you can bet it won't work on Windows...
- - A Java version $JAVA_VERSION configured through the Maven toolchain
- - Maven 3.3.0 (older releases are b0rked, just don't bother)
- - gpg, gpg-agent and pinentry for signing
-if [ ! $( git config --get remote.staging.url ) ] ; then
-    fail "
-No staging remote git repository found. The staging repository is used to temporarily
-publish the build artifacts during the voting process. Since no staging repository is
-available at Apache, it is best to use a git mirror on your personal github account.
-First fork the github Apache Wicket mirror ( and then
-add the remote staging repository with the following command:
-    $ git remote add staging<your github username>/wicket.git
-    $ git fetch staging
-    $ git push staging
-This will bring the staging area in sync with the origin and the release script can
-push the build branch and the tag to the staging area.
-if [ ! -f ~/.m2/toolchains.xml ] ; then
-    fail "
-Maven will load the Java $JAVA_VERSION environment from the toolchain specified in
-You don't have a toolchains.xml file in your .m2 folder. Please specify your
-JDK's in the toolchains.xml file.
-grep -q "<version>$JAVA_VERSION</version>" ~/.m2/toolchains.xml
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-    fail "
-Your ~/.m2/toolchains.xml file doesn't provide a Java $JAVA_VERSION toolchain.
-echo "Java version for running Maven is: $(java -version 2>&1 | tail -n 2 | head -n 1)
-Java used to compile (from toolchain) is: $(getJdkToolchain)
-agentcount=`ps aux|grep gpg-agent|wc -l`
-major_version=$(expr $current_version : '(.*)..*..*-.*')
-minor_version=$(expr $current_version : '.*.(.*)..*-.*')
-bugfix_version=$(expr $current_version : '.*..*.(.*)-.*')
-while [[ ! $version =~ ^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+(-M[0-9]+)?$ ]]
-    read -p "Version to release (default is $default_version): " -e t1
-    if [ -n "$t1" ]
-    then
-      version="$t1"
-    else
-      version="$default_version"
-    fi
-# recalculate the version coordinates for the current release
-major_version=$(expr $version : '(.*)..*..*')
-minor_version=$(expr $version : '.*.(.*)..*')
-bugfix_version=$(expr $version : '.*..*.(.*)')
-if [[ $version =~ .+-M[0-9]+ ]]
-    milestone_version=$(expr $version : '.*..*-M(.*)')
-if [ ! -z "$milestone_version" ] ; then
-    next_version="$major_version.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
-    previous_version="$major_version.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
-    next_version="$major_version.$(expr $minor_version + 1).0-SNAPSHOT"
-    previous_minor_version=$(expr $minor_version - 1)
-    if [ $previous_minor_version -lt 0 ] ; then
-        previous_version="$major_version.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
-    else
-        previous_version="$major_version.$(expr $minor_version - 1).0"
-    fi
-# work around for versions upgrade (TODO maybe no longer necessary?)
-# Check if the changelog has the issues this release
-grep -q "$version$" CHANGELOG-$major_version.x
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-    fail "You have forgotten to add the closed tickets for Wicket $version to the CHANGELOG-$major_version.x file
-Use to add the release notes to the changelog.
-git status --porcelain CHANGELOG-$major_version.x | grep -q "M"
-if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
-    fail "You have changes in your workspace that have not been committed.
-$(git status)
-echo "Cleaning up any release artifacts that might linger"
-mvn -q release:clean
-if [ -f $log ] ; then
-    rm $log
-echo "# Release configuration for Wicket-$version
-" >
-./ $version $next_version >>
-echo "Contents of the release properties generated for Maven:
-$(cat ./
-Writing detailed log to $log
-This script will release version: Apache Wicket $version and continue
-development with $next_version
-Press enter to continue or CTRL-C to abort c"
-echo "Ensuring we are starting from wicket-$major_version.x"
-# otherwise we can't remove a previous release branch that failed
-git checkout $GIT_BRANCH
-echo "Removing previous release tag $tag (if exists)"
-oldtag=`git tag -l |grep -e "$tag"|wc -l` >> release.out
-[ "$oldtag" -ne 0 ] && git tag -d $tag >> release.out
-echo "Removing previous build branch $branch (if exists)"
-oldbranch=`git branch |grep -e "$branch"|wc -l` >> release.out
-[ "$oldbranch" -ne 0 ] && git branch -D $branch >> release.out
-echo "Removing previous staging branch (if exists)"
-git push staging --delete refs/heads/$branch >> release.out
-git push staging --delete $tag >> release.out
-echo "Creating release branch"
-git checkout -b $branch >> release.out
-# Clear the current NOTICE.txt file
-echo "Creating notice file."
-echo "Apache Wicket
-Copyright 2006-$(date +%Y) The Apache Software Foundation
-This product includes software developed at
-The Apache Software Foundation (
-This is an aggregated NOTICE file for the Apache Wicket projects included
-in this distribution.
-" > $NOTICE
-# next concatenate all NOTICE files from sub projects to the root file
-for i in `find . -name "NOTICE" -not -regex ".*/target/.*" -not -regex "./NOTICE"`
-    echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $NOTICE
-    echo "src/"$i | sed -e "s//src.*//g" >> $NOTICE
-    echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $NOTICE
-    cat $i >> $NOTICE
-    echo >> $NOTICE
-echo "Fixing the quickstart to use the correct wicket version"
-sed -e "s/<wicket.version>.*</wicket.version>/<wicket.version>$version</wicket.version>/g" -i "" archetypes/quickstart/src/main/resources/archetype-resources/pom.xml
-echo "Committing changes"
-git commit -am "Changes to notice files and quickstart archetype"
-# clean all projects
-echo "Clean all projects"
-mvn -q clean -Pall
-# package and assemble the release
-echo "Prepare the release"
-mvn --batch-mode release:prepare -l $log -DpreparationGoals="clean" -Dtag=$tag -Papache-release,release
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-    fail "ERROR: mvn release:prepare was not successful"
-echo "Performing the release using Maven"
-mvn -Dgpg.passphrase="$passphrase" -ff -l $log release:perform -DlocalCheckout=true -Dtag=$tag -Papache-release,release
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-    fail "ERROR: mvn release:perform was not successful"
-# Determine the staging repository and close it after deploying the release to the staging area
-stagingrepoid=$(mvn org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:LATEST:rc-list -DnexusUrl= -DserverId=apache.releases.https | grep -v "CLOSED" | grep -Eo "(orgapachewicket-d+)";)
-echo "Closing staging repository with id $stagingrepoid"
-mvn org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:LATEST:rc-close -DstagingRepositoryId=$stagingrepoid -DnexusUrl= -DserverId=apache.releases.https -Ddescription="Release has been built, awaiting vote"
-echo "Create and sign the source tarballs"
-mkdir -p target/dist/binaries
-git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=apache-wicket-$version/ -o target/dist/apache-wicket-$version.tar.gz $tag
-git archive --format=zip --prefix=apache-wicket-$version/ -o target/dist/apache-wicket-$ $tag
-gpg --armor --detach-sign --use-agent --sign target/dist/apache-wicket-$version.tar.gz
-gpg --armor --detach-sign --use-agent --sign target/dist/apache-wicket-$
-gpg --print-md SHA1 target/dist/apache-wicket-$version.tar.gz > target/dist/apache-wicket-$version.tar.gz.sha
-gpg --print-md MD5  target/dist/apache-wicket-$version.tar.gz > target/dist/apache-wicket-$version.tar.gz.md5
-gpg --print-md SHA1 target/dist/apache-wicket-$ > target/dist/apache-wicket-$
-gpg --print-md MD5  target/dist/apache-wicket-$ > target/dist/apache-wicket-$
-echo "Create and sign the binaries"
-mkdir target/apache-wicket-$version-bin
-pushd target/apache-wicket-$version-bin
-find ../checkout ! ( -type d -name "WEB-INF" -prune ) -regex ".*wicket-.*.[jw]ar" ! -name "*-sources*" ! -name "*-javadoc*" ! -name "*wicket-archetype-quickstart*" ! -name "wicket-common-tests*"  -type f -exec cp {} . ;
-find ../checkout ! ( -type d -name "WEB-INF" -prune ) -regex ".*wicket-.*.[jw]ar.asc" ! -name "*-sources*" ! -name "*-javadoc*" ! -name "*wicket-archetype-quickstart*" ! -name "wicket-common-tests*"  -type f -exec cp {} . ;
-cp ../../LICENSE .
-cp ../../README .
-cp ../../NOTICE .
-cp ../../CHANGELOG* .
-pushd target
-tar cfz dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$version-bin.tar.gz apache-wicket-$version-bin
-zip -r dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$ apache-wicket-$version-bin
-gpg --armor --detach-sign --use-agent --sign dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$version-bin.tar.gz
-gpg --armor --detach-sign --use-agent --sign dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$
-gpg --print-md SHA1 dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$version-bin.tar.gz > dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$version-bin.tar.gz.sha
-gpg --print-md MD5  dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$version-bin.tar.gz > dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$version-bin.tar.gz.md5
-gpg --print-md SHA1 dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$ > dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$
-gpg --print-md MD5  dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$ > dist/binaries/apache-wicket-$
-echo "Uploading release to"
-pushd target/dist
-svn mkdir$version -m "Create $version release staging area"
-svn co --force --depth=empty$version .
-cp ../../CHANGELOG* .
-svn add *
-svn commit -m "Upload wicket-$version to staging area"
-# Done with the tasks, now print out the next things the release manager
-# needs to do
-pushd target/dist
-find . -name "*.asc" -exec gpg --verify {} ;
-echo "
-The release has been created. It is up to you to check if the release is up
-to par, and perform the following commands yourself when you start the vote
-to enable future development during the vote and after.
-A vote email has been generated in release-vote.txt, you can copy/paste it using:
-    cat release-vote.txt | pbcopy
-You can find the distribution in target/dist.
-Failed release
-To rollback a release due to a failed vote or some other complication use:
-    $ ./revert-$
-This will clean up the artfifacts from the staging areas, including Nexus, and the release branch and tag.
-Successful release
-Congratulations on the successful release vote!
-Use the release-announce.txt as a starter for the release announcement:
-    cat release-announce.txt | pbcopy
-To promote the release after a successful vote, run:
-    $ ./promote-$
-This will promote the Nexus staging repository to Maven Central, and move
-the release artifacts from the staging area to It will
-also sign the release tag and push the release branch to
-You can read this message at a later time using:
-    $ cat release.txt
-Happy voting!
-" > release.txt
-git add release.txt
-echo "Adding post-release scripts and vote/release email templates to build branch"
-git commit -m "Added post-release scripts and vote/release email templates"
-echo "Signing the release tag"
-git checkout $tag
-git tag --sign --force --message "Signed release tag for Apache Wicket $version" $tag >> $log
-git checkout $branch
-echo "Pushing build artifacts to the staging repository"
-git push staging $branch:refs/heads/$branch
-echo "Pushing release tag to the staging repository"
-git push staging $tag
-cat release.txt
-Press enter to continue or CTRL-C to abort"
 # push the build branch to ASF git repo
 git push origin build/wicket-7.0.0:refs/heads/build/wicket-7.0.0
@@ -638,46 +31,13 @@ git checkout master
 mvn release:update-versions --batch-mode
 find . ! ( -type d -name "target" -prune ) -name pom.xml -exec sed -i "" -E "s/7.0.1-SNAPSHOT/7.1.0-SNAPSHOT/g" {} ;
 find . ! ( -type d -name "target" -prune ) -name pom.xml -exec sed -i "" -E "s/7.0.1-SNAPSHOT/7.1.0-SNAPSHOT/g" {} ;
-git add ./archetypes/quickstart/pom.xml
+git add `find . ! \( -type d -name "target" -prune \) -name pom.xml`
 git commit -m "Start next development version"
 git push
 echo "Remove the previous version of Wicket using this command:
-  svn rm -m "Remove previous version from mirrors"
+  svn rm -m "Remove previous version from mirrors"