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Posted to by Armin Pfarr <> on 2002/03/16 09:14:15 UTC

Suggestion for Build Extension

I always include a "prjrun" task in my projects that create a
shell-script/batch-file for executing Java using the current project
CLASSPATH settings.

  <target name="prjrun">
    <pathconvert property="project.path" targetos="windows"
    <filter token="project.path" value="${project.path}"/>
    <copy tofile="prjrun.cmd" file="prjrun.cmd.template" filtering="true"/>

Having a template shell-script/batch-file looking like

set CLASSPATH=@project.path@
java %*

that eliminates the need for manual CLASSPATH settings. That is especially
useful if you have CLI-tools like Java2WSDL