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[41/51] [partial] incubator-fineract git commit: deleted initial code
diff --git a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/ b/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 176f0b9..0000000
--- a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-[TOC]( is a jQuery plugin for automatically generating a table of contents. 
-For more information, check out the [documentation](
diff --git a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/component.json b/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/component.json
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index b71fcd7..0000000
--- a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/component.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "toc",
-  "description": "jQuery Table of Contents Plugin",
-  "version": "0.1.2",
-  "homepage": "",
-  "license": "MIT",
-  "copyright": "Greg Allen",
-  "main": "dist/toc.js",
-  "dependencies": {
-  },
-  "devDependencies": {
-    "assert": "*"
-  }
diff --git a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/dist/jquery.toc.js b/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/dist/jquery.toc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe5055..0000000
--- a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/dist/jquery.toc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
- * toc - jQuery Table of Contents Plugin
- * v0.1.2
- *
- * copyright Greg Allen 2013
- * MIT License
-(function($) {
-$.fn.toc = function(options) {
-  var self = this;
-  var opts = $.extend({}, jQuery.fn.toc.defaults, options);
-  var container = $(opts.container);
-  var headings = $(opts.selectors, container);
-  var headingOffsets = [];
-  var activeClassName = opts.prefix+'-active';
-  var scrollTo = function(e) {
-    if (opts.smoothScrolling) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      var elScrollTo = $('href');
-      var $el = $(elScrollTo);
-      $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: $el.offset().top }, 400, 'swing', function() {
-        location.hash = elScrollTo;
-      });
-    }
-    $('li', self).removeClass(activeClassName);
-    $(;
-  };
-  //highlight on scroll
-  var timeout;
-  var highlightOnScroll = function(e) {
-    if (timeout) {
-      clearTimeout(timeout);
-    }
-    timeout = setTimeout(function() {
-      var top = $(window).scrollTop(),
-        highlighted;
-      for (var i = 0, c = headingOffsets.length; i < c; i++) {
-        if (headingOffsets[i] >= top) {
-          $('li', self).removeClass(activeClassName);
-          highlighted = $('li:eq('+(i-1)+')', self).addClass(activeClassName);
-          opts.onHighlight(highlighted);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }, 50);
-  };
-  if (opts.highlightOnScroll) {
-    $(window).bind('scroll', highlightOnScroll);
-    highlightOnScroll();
-  }
-  return this.each(function() {
-    //build TOC
-    var el = $(this);
-    var ul = $('<ul/>');
-    headings.each(function(i, heading) {
-      var $h = $(heading);
-      headingOffsets.push($h.offset().top - opts.highlightOffset);
-      //add anchor
-      var anchor = $('<span/>').attr('id', opts.anchorName(i, heading, opts.prefix)).insertBefore($h);
-      //build TOC item
-      var a = $('<a/>')
-        .text(opts.headerText(i, heading, $h))
-        .attr('href', '#' + opts.anchorName(i, heading, opts.prefix))
-        .bind('click', function(e) { 
-          scrollTo(e);
-          el.trigger('selected', $(this).attr('href'));
-        });
-      var li = $('<li/>')
-        .addClass(opts.itemClass(i, heading, $h, opts.prefix))
-        .append(a);
-      ul.append(li);
-    });
-    el.html(ul);
-  });
-jQuery.fn.toc.defaults = {
-  container: 'body',
-  selectors: 'h1,h2,h3',
-  smoothScrolling: true,
-  prefix: 'toc',
-  onHighlight: function() {},
-  highlightOnScroll: true,
-  highlightOffset: 100,
-  anchorName: function(i, heading, prefix) {
-    return prefix+i;
-  },
-  headerText: function(i, heading, $heading) {
-    return $heading.text();
-  },
-  itemClass: function(i, heading, $heading, prefix) {
-    return prefix + '-' + $heading[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
-  }
diff --git a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/dist/jquery.toc.min.js b/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/dist/jquery.toc.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 53a2c62..0000000
--- a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/dist/jquery.toc.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- * toc - jQuery Table of Contents Plugin
- * v0.1.2
- *
- * copyright Greg Allen 2013
- * MIT License
-(function(t){t.fn.toc=function(e){var n,i=this,r=t.extend({},jQuery.fn.toc.defaults,e),o=t(r.container),a=t(r.selectors,o),l=[],h=r.prefix+"-active",s=function(e){if(r.smoothScrolling){e.preventDefault();var n=t("href"),o=t(n);t("body,html").animate({scrollTop:o.offset().top},400,"swing",function(){location.hash=n})}t("li",i).removeClass(h),t(},c=function(){n&&clearTimeout(n),n=setTimeout(function(){for(var e,n=t(window).scrollTop(),o=0,a=l.length;a>o;o++)if(l[o]>=n){t("li",i).removeClass(h),e=t("li:eq("+(o-1)+")",i).addClass(h),r.onHighlight(e);break}},50)};return r.highlightOnScroll&&(t(window).bind("scroll",c),c()),this.each(function(){var e=t(this),n=t("<ul/>");a.each(function(i,o){var a=t(o);l.push(a.offset().top-r.highlightOffset),t("<span/>").attr("id",r.anchorName(i,o,r.prefix)).insertBefore(a);var h=t("<a/>").text(r.headerText(i,o,a)).attr("href","#"+r.anchorName(i,o,r.prefix)).bind("click",function(n){s(n),e.trigger("selected",t
 (this).attr("href"))}),c=t("<li/>").addClass(r.itemClass(i,o,a,r.prefix)).append(h);n.append(c)}),e.html(n)})},jQuery.fn.toc.defaults={container:"body",selectors:"h1,h2,h3",smoothScrolling:!0,prefix:"toc",onHighlight:function(){},highlightOnScroll:!0,highlightOffset:100,anchorName:function(t,e,n){return n+t},headerText:function(t,e,n){return n.text()},itemClass:function(t,e,n,i){return i+"-"+n[0].tagName.toLowerCase()}}})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/docs/ b/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 06380d7..0000000
--- a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-TOC is a jQuery plugin that will automatically generate a table of contents for your page. You can see an example of it on the left side of the page.
-- Completely customizable
-- Click to smooth scroll to that spot on the page
-- Automatically highlight the current section
-- Extremely lightweight (744 bytes gzipped)
-- Can have multiple on a page
-- [Production](
-- [Development](
-- [Source](
-	`javascript
-	$('#toc').toc();
-Defaults shown below
-	`javascript
-	$('#toc').toc({
-		'selectors': 'h1,h2,h3', //elements to use as headings
-		'container': 'body', //element to find all selectors in
-		'smoothScrolling': true, //enable or disable smooth scrolling on click
-		'prefix': 'toc', //prefix for anchor tags and class names
-		'onHighlight': function(el) {}, //called when a new section is highlighted 
-		'highlightOnScroll': true, //add class to heading that is currently in focus
-		'highlightOffset': 100, //offset to trigger the next headline
-		'anchorName': function(i, heading, prefix) { //custom function for anchor name
-			return prefix+i;
-		},
-		'headerText': function(i, heading, $heading) { //custom function building the header-item text
-			return $heading.text();
-		},
-		'itemClass': function(i, heading, $heading, prefix) { // custom function for item class
-			return $heading[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
-		}
-	});
-##Example CSS
-	`css
-	#toc {
-		top: 0px;
-		left: 0px;
-		height: 100%;
-		position: fixed;
-		background: #333;
-		box-shadow: inset -5px 0 5px 0px #000;
-		width: 150px;
-		padding-top: 20px;
-		color: #fff;
-	}
-	#toc ul {
-		margin: 0;
-		padding: 0;
-		list-style: none;
-	}
-	#toc li {
-		padding: 5px 10px;
-	}
-	#toc a {
-		color: #fff;
-		text-decoration: none;
-		display: block;
-	}
-	#toc .toc-h2 {
-		padding-left: 10px;
-	}
-	#toc .toc-h3 {
-		padding-left: 20px;
-	}
-	#toc .toc-active {
-		background: #336699;
-		box-shadow: inset -5px 0px 10px -5px #000;
-	}
-- Figure out how to handle headlines on bottom of page
-- Zepto.js support (should work, need to verify)
-- Ender support
-- Greg Allen ([@jgaui]( [](
diff --git a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/docs/ b/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/docs/
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index cf9b01b..0000000
--- a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#jQuery Dependencies
-- $.extend
-- bind
-- addClass
-- removeClass
-- animate
-- attr
-- text
-- append
-- createElement
diff --git a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/example/index.html b/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/example/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ff1b7cf..0000000
--- a/docs/system-architecture/css/toc-0.1.2/example/index.html
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@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-  <head>
-    <title></title>
-    <script src="live.js"></script>
-    <style>
-      body {
-        font-family: Helvetica, Arial;
-      }
-      #wrapper { 
-        width: 980px;
-        margin: 0 auto;
-        margin-bottom: 300px;
-      }
-      .toc {
-        background: #fefefe;
-        width: 200px;
-        position: fixed;
-        border: 1px solid #ddd;
-        color: #333;
-      }
-      .toc a {
-        color: #333;
-      }
-      .toc .tocH2 {
-        margin-left: 10px
-      }
-      .toc .tocH3 {
-        margin-left: 20px
-      }
-      .toc-active {
-        color: #000;
-        font-weight: bold;
-      }
-      .toc.right {
-        right: 0
-      }
-    </style>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div class="toc">
-    </div>
-    <div class="toc right">
-    </div>
-    <div id="wrapper">
-      <h1>Page Title</h1>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <h2>Sub Heading</h2>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <h2>Sub Heading</h2>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <h3>SubSub Heading</h3>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum ligula a augue sollicitudin a tincidunt felis tincidunt. Donec et urna augue, sed consectetur lacus. Maecenas tincidunt volutpat lorem. Suspendisse turpis tellus, sodales ac commodo id, rhoncus vel augue. Vestibulum nisl nibh, rutrum eu bibendum vitae, bibendum et libero. Suspendisse vel odio vitae leo commodo lacinia. Sed non lacinia nulla. Pellentesque faucibus euismod dictum. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
-    </div>
-    <script src="jquery.js"></script>
-    <script src="../lib/toc.js"></script>
-    <script>
-      $('.toc').toc({
-      });
-    </script>
-  </body>