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+<HTML><HEAD><META CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8" HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"/><TITLE>EMMA Coverage Report</TITLE><STYLE TYPE="text/css"> TABLE,TD,TH {border-style:solid; border-color:black;} TD,TH {background:white;margin:0;line-height:100%;padding-left:0.5em;padding-right:0.5em;} TD {border-width:0 1px 0 0;} TH {border-width:1px 1px 1px 0;} TR TD.h {color:red;} TABLE {border-spacing:0; border-collapse:collapse;border-width:0 0 1px 1px;} P,H1,H2,H3,TH {font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;} TD {font-family:courier,monospace;font-size:10pt;} TABLE.hdft {border-spacing:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-style:none;} TABLE.hdft TH,TABLE.hdft TD {border-style:none;line-height:normal;} TABLE.hdft,TABLE.hdft {background:#6699CC;color:white;} TABLE.hdft TD.nv {background:#6633DD;color:white;} .nv A:link {color:white;} .nv A:visited {color:white;} .nv A:active {color:yellow;} TABLE.hdft A:link {color:white;} TABLE.hdft A:visited {color:white;} TABLE.hdft 
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 1px 0 0 0;background:transparent;line-height:50%;} TR.o TD {background:#F0F0F0;} {border-style:none;} TD, TH {border-style:none;}</STYLE></HEAD><BODY><TABLE CLASS="hdft" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TH CLASS="tl"><A HREF="">EMMA</A> Coverage Report (generated Tue Dec 02 19:48:30 GMT 2008)</TH></TR><TR><TD CLASS="nv">[<A HREF="../index.html">all classes</A>][<A HREF="0.html">org.apache.james.mpt</A>]</TD></TR></TABLE><H2>COVERAGE SUMMARY FOR SOURCE FILE [<SPAN CLASS="in"></SPAN>]</H2><TABLE WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TH>name</TH><TH>class, %</TH><TH>method, %</TH><TH>block, %</TH><TH>line, %</TH></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">57%  (4/7)</TD><TD CLASS="h">55%  (73/133)</TD><TD CLASS="h">73%  (19/26)</TD></TR></TABLE><H3>COVERAGE BREAKDOWN BY CLASS AND METHOD</
 H3><TABLE CLASS="cn" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TH CLASS="f">name</TH><TH>class, %</TH><TH>method, %</TH><TH>block, %</TH><TH>line, %</TH></TR><TR><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD></TR><TR CLASS="cis"><TD CLASS="f">class <A HREF="#0">ScriptedUserAdder</A></TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">57%  (4/7)</TD><TD CLASS="h">55%  (73/133)</TD><TD CLASS="h">73%  (19/26)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#0">ScriptedUserAdder (String, int): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/7)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/2)</TD></TR><TR CLASS="o"><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#2">ScriptedUserAdder (String, int, Monitor): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/7)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/2)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#3"
 >toString (): String</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/46)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/3)</TD></TR><TR CLASS="o"><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#4">ScriptedUserAdder (String, int, String): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (9/9)</TD><TD>100% (2/2)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#5">ScriptedUserAdder (String, int, String, Monitor): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (15/15)</TD><TD>100% (6/6)</TD></TR><TR CLASS="o"><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#6">addUser (String, String): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (12/12)</TD><TD>100% (3/3)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#7">addUser (String, String, Reader): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (37/37)</TD><TD>100% (8/8)</TD></TR></TABLE><P></P><TABLE CLASS="s" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD CLASS="l">1</TD
 ><TD>/****************************************************************</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">2</TD><TD> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">3</TD><TD> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">4</TD><TD> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">5</TD><TD> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">6</TD><TD> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">7</TD><TD> * &#34;License&#34;); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS
 ="l">8</TD><TD> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">9</TD><TD> *                                                              *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">10</TD><TD> *                 *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">11</TD><TD> *                                                              *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">12</TD><TD> * Unless required by applicable law or agr
 eed to in writing,   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">13</TD><TD> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">14</TD><TD> * &#34;AS IS&#34; BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">15</TD><TD> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">16</TD><TD> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">17</TD><TD> * under the License.                                           *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">18</TD><TD> ***************************************************************
 */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">19</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">20</TD><TD>package org.apache.james.mpt;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">21</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">22</TD><TD>import;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">23</TD><TD>import;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">25</TD><TD>/**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">26</TD><TD> * Adds a user by executing a script at a port.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">27</TD><TD> * The user name and password supplied will be substituted </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">28</TD><TD> * for the variables &lt;code&gt;${user}&lt;/code&gt; and &lt;code&gt;${password}&lt;/code&gt;.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">29</TD><TD> */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">30</TD><TD>public class ScriptedUserAdder implements UserAdder {</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><
 TR><TD CLASS="l">32</TD><TD>    private static final String SCRIPT_NAME = &#34;Add User Script&#34;;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">33</TD><TD>    private static final String PASSWORD_VARIABLE_NAME = &#34;password&#34;;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">34</TD><TD>    private static final String USER_VARIABLE_NAME = &#34;user&#34;;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">35</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">36</TD><TD>    private final String host;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">37</TD><TD>    private final int port;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">38</TD><TD>    private final String script;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">39</TD><TD>    private final Monitor monitor;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">40</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">41</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">42</TD><TD>�
 � Â Â Â Â * Constructs an adder without a script.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">43</TD><TD>     * Note that {@link #addUser(String, String)} will not be available</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">44</TD><TD>     * @param host connect to this host</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="0">45</A></TD><TD>     * @param port connect to this port</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">46</TD><TD>     */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">47</TD><TD>    public ScriptedUserAdder(final String host, final int port)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">48</TD><TD>    {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="4">49</A></TD><TD>        this(host, port, (String) null);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">50</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">51</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><
 TD CLASS="l">52</TD><TD>    public ScriptedUserAdder(final String host, final int port, final String script) {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">53</TD><TD>        this(host, port, script, new NullMonitor());</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">54</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">55</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">56</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">57</TD><TD>     * Note that {@link #addUser(String, String)} will not be available</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">58</TD><TD>     * @param host connect to this host</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="2">59</A></TD><TD>     * @param port connect to this port</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">60</TD><TD>     * @param monitor not null</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">61</TD>
 <TD>     */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="5">62</A></TD><TD>    public ScriptedUserAdder(final String host, final int port, final Monitor monitor) {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">63</TD><TD>        this(host, port, null, monitor);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">64</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">65</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">66</TD><TD>    public ScriptedUserAdder(final String host, final int port, final String script, final Monitor monitor) {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">67</TD><TD> = host;</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">68</TD><TD>        this.port = port;</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">69</TD><TD>        this.script = script;</TD></TR>
 <TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">70</TD><TD>        this.monitor = monitor;</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">71</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">72</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">73</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">74</TD><TD>     * Adds a user using the script read from the given input.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">75</TD><TD>     * @param user user name, not null</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">76</TD><TD>     * @param password password to set, not null</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="6">77</A></TD><TD>     * @throws Exception upon failure</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">78</TD><TD>     * @throws NullPointerException when script has not been set</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">79</TD><TD>     */</TD><
 /TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">80</TD><TD>    public void addUser(final String user, final String password) throws Exception {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">81</TD><TD>        final StringReader reader = new StringReader(script);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">82</TD><TD>        addUser(user, password, reader);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">83</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">84</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">85</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">86</TD><TD>     * Adds a user using the script read from the given input.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">87</TD><TD>     * @param user user name, not null</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">88</TD><TD>     * @param password password to set, not null</TD></TR><TR
 ><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="7">89</A></TD><TD>     * @param reader reader for script, not null</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">90</TD><TD>     * @throws Exception upon failure</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">91</TD><TD>     */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">92</TD><TD>    public void addUser(final String user, final String password, final Reader reader) throws Exception {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">93</TD><TD>        final ProtocolSessionBuilder builder = new ProtocolSessionBuilder();</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">94</TD><TD>        builder.setVariable(USER_VARIABLE_NAME, user);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">95</TD><TD>        builder.setVariable(PASSWORD_VARIABLE_NAME, password);</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">96</TD><TD>        <
 /TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">97</TD><TD>        final Runner runner = new Runner();</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">98</TD><TD>        builder.addProtocolLines(SCRIPT_NAME, reader, runner.getTestElements());</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">99</TD><TD>        final ExternalSessionFactory factory = new ExternalSessionFactory(host, port, monitor, null);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">100</TD><TD>        runner.runSessions(factory);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">101</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">102</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">103</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">104</TD><TD>     * Constructs a &lt;code&gt;String&lt;/code&gt; with all attributes</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">105</TD><TD>     * in name�
 �= value format.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">106</TD><TD>     *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">107</TD><TD>     * @return a &lt;code&gt;String&lt;/code&gt; representation </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="3">108</A></TD><TD>     * of this object.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">109</TD><TD>     */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">110</TD><TD>    public String toString()</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">111</TD><TD>    {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">112</TD><TD>        final String TAB = &#34; &#34;;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">113</TD><TD>        </TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">114</TD><TD>        String result = &#34;ScriptedUserAdder ( &#34;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">115</TD><TD>            + super.toString() + TAB<
 /TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">116</TD><TD>            + &#34;host = &#34; + + TAB</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">117</TD><TD>            + &#34;port = &#34; + this.port + TAB</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">118</TD><TD>            + &#34;script = &#34; + this.script + TAB</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">119</TD><TD>            + &#34;monitor = &#34; + this.monitor + TAB</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">120</TD><TD>            + &#34; )&#34;;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">121</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">122</TD><TD>        return result;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">123</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">124</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD C
 LASS="l">125</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">126</TD><TD>}</TD></TR></TABLE><P></P><TABLE CLASS="hdft" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD CLASS="nv">[<A HREF="../index.html">all classes</A>][<A HREF="0.html">org.apache.james.mpt</A>]</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="tl"><A HREF="">EMMA 2.0.5312</A> (C) Vladimir Roubtsov</TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>
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+<HTML><HEAD><META CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8" HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"/><TITLE>EMMA Coverage Report</TITLE><STYLE TYPE="text/css"> TABLE,TD,TH {border-style:solid; border-color:black;} TD,TH {background:white;margin:0;line-height:100%;padding-left:0.5em;padding-right:0.5em;} TD {border-width:0 1px 0 0;} TH {border-width:1px 1px 1px 0;} TR TD.h {color:red;} TABLE {border-spacing:0; border-collapse:collapse;border-width:0 0 1px 1px;} P,H1,H2,H3,TH {font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;} TD {font-family:courier,monospace;font-size:10pt;} TABLE.hdft {border-spacing:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-style:none;} TABLE.hdft TH,TABLE.hdft TD {border-style:none;line-height:normal;} TABLE.hdft,TABLE.hdft {background:#6699CC;color:white;} TABLE.hdft TD.nv {background:#6633DD;color:white;} .nv A:link {color:white;} .nv A:visited {color:white;} .nv A:active {color:yellow;} TABLE.hdft A:link {color:white;} TABLE.hdft A:visited {color:white;} TABLE.hdft 
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 1px 0 0 0;background:transparent;line-height:50%;} TR.o TD {background:#F0F0F0;} {border-style:none;} TD, TH {border-style:none;}</STYLE></HEAD><BODY><TABLE CLASS="hdft" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TH CLASS="tl"><A HREF="">EMMA</A> Coverage Report (generated Tue Dec 02 19:48:30 GMT 2008)</TH></TR><TR><TD CLASS="nv">[<A HREF="../index.html">all classes</A>][<A HREF="0.html">org.apache.james.mpt</A>]</TD></TR></TABLE><H2>COVERAGE SUMMARY FOR SOURCE FILE [<SPAN CLASS="in"></SPAN>]</H2><TABLE WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TH>name</TH><TH>class, %</TH><TH>method, %</TH><TH>block, %</TH><TH>line, %</TH></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>100% (2/2)</TD><TD CLASS="h">44%  (4/9)</TD><TD CLASS="h">56%  (93/165)</TD><TD CLASS="h">51%  (20/39)</TD></TR></TABLE><H3>COVERAGE BREAKDOWN BY CLASS AND METHOD</H3><TABLE CLASS="cn" W
 IDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TH CLASS="f">name</TH><TH>class, %</TH><TH>method, %</TH><TH>block, %</TH><TH>line, %</TH></TR><TR><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD></TR><TR CLASS="cis"><TD CLASS="f">class <A HREF="#0">Runner$1SessionContinuation</A></TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">50%  (1/2)</TD><TD CLASS="h">46%  (6/13)</TD><TD CLASS="h">25%  (1/4)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#1">doContinue (): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/7)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/3)</TD></TR><TR CLASS="o"><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#0">Runner$1SessionContinuation (Runner): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (6/6)</TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="bt"> </TD><TD CLASS="bt"> </TD><TD CLASS="bt"> </TD><TD CLASS="bt"> </TD><TD CLASS="bt"> </TD><
 /TR><TR CLASS="cis"><TD CLASS="f">class <A HREF="#3">Runner</A></TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">43%  (3/7)</TD><TD CLASS="h">57%  (87/152)</TD><TD CLASS="h">54%  (19/35)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#4">continueAfterFailure (): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/13)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/4)</TD></TR><TR CLASS="o"><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#5">getPostElements (): ProtocolInteractor</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/3)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#6">getPreElements (): ProtocolInteractor</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/3)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD></TR><TR CLASS="o"><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#7">toString (): String</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CL
 ASS="h">0%   (0/31)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/7)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#8">runSessions (SessionFactory): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>81%  (66/81)</TD><TD>82%  (14/17)</TD></TR><TR CLASS="o"><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#3">Runner (): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (18/18)</TD><TD>100% (4/4)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#a">getTestElements (): ProtocolInteractor</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (3/3)</TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD></TR></TABLE><P></P><TABLE CLASS="s" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD CLASS="l">1</TD><TD>/****************************************************************</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">2</TD><TD> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">3</TD><TD> * or more contributor license agreements.  See theÂ
  NOTICE file *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">4</TD><TD> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">5</TD><TD> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">6</TD><TD> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">7</TD><TD> * &#34;License&#34;); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">8</TD><TD> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">9</TD><TD> *                                       
                        *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">10</TD><TD> *                 *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">11</TD><TD> *                                                              *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">12</TD><TD> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">13</TD><TD> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">14</TD><TD> * &#34;AS IS&#34; BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY    
    *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">15</TD><TD> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">16</TD><TD> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">17</TD><TD> * under the License.                                           *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">18</TD><TD> ****************************************************************/</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">19</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">20</TD><TD>package org.apache.james.mpt;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="3">21</A></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">22</TD><TD>/**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">23</TD><TD> * Runs protocol scripts.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">24</TD><T
 D> */</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">25</TD><TD>public class Runner {</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">26</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">27</TD><TD>    /** The Protocol session which is run before the testElements */</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">28</TD><TD>    private final ProtocolSession preElements = new ProtocolSession();</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">30</TD><TD>    /** The Protocol session which contains the tests elements */</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">31</TD><TD>    private final ProtocolSession testElements = new ProtocolSession();</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="4">33</A></TD><TD>    /** The Protocol session which is run after the testElements. */</TD>
 </TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">34</TD><TD>    private final ProtocolSession postElements = new ProtocolSession();</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">35</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">36</TD><TD>    public void continueAfterFailure() {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">37</TD><TD>        preElements.setContinueAfterFailure(true);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">38</TD><TD>        testElements.setContinueAfterFailure(true);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">39</TD><TD>        postElements.setContinueAfterFailure(true);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">40</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">41</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">42</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="5">43</A></TD><TD>     * Gets protocol session run after test.</TD></
 TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">44</TD><TD>     * @return not null</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">45</TD><TD>     */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">46</TD><TD>    public ProtocolInteractor getPostElements() {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">47</TD><TD>        return postElements;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">48</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">49</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">50</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="6">51</A></TD><TD>     * Gets protocol session run before test.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">52</TD><TD>     * @return not null</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">53</TD><TD>     */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">54</TD><TD>    public ProtocolInteractor getPreElements() {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">55</TD><TD>        return 
 preElements;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">56</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">57</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="a">58</A></TD><TD>     * Gets protocol session run on test.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">59</TD><TD>     * @return not null</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">60</TD><TD>     */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">61</TD><TD>    public ProtocolInteractor getTestElements() {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">62</TD><TD>        return testElements;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">63</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">64</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">65</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">66</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">67</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">68</TD><TD>     * Runs the pre,test and post protocol sessions a
 gainst a local copy of the</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">69</TD><TD>     * ImapServer. This does not require that James be running, and is useful</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">70</TD><TD>     * for rapid development and debugging.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">71</TD><TD>     * </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">72</TD><TD>     * Instead of sending requests to a socket connected to a running instance</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">73</TD><TD>     * of James, this method uses the {@link MockImapServer} to simplify</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">74</TD><TD>     * testing. One mock instance is required per protocol session/connection.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="0">75</A></TD><TD>     * These share the same underlyin
 g Mailboxes, because of the way</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">76</TD><TD>     * {@link MockImapServer#getImapSession()} works.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">77</TD><TD>     */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">78</TD><TD>    public void runSessions(final SessionFactory factory) throws Exception {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">79</TD><TD>        class SessionContinuation implements HostSystem.Continuation {</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="1">80</A></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">81</TD><TD>            public ProtocolSession session;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">82</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">83</TD><TD>            public void doContinue() {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">84</TD><TD>                if
  (session != null) {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">85</TD><TD>                    session.doContinue();</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="8">86</A></TD><TD>                }</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">87</TD><TD>            }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">88</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">89</TD><TD>        }</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">90</TD><TD>        SessionContinuation continuation = new SessionContinuation();</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">91</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">92</TD><TD>        Session[] sessions = new Session[testElements</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">93</TD><TD>                .getSessionCount()];</TD><
 /TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">94</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">95</TD><TD>        for (int i = 0; i &lt; sessions.length; i++) {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">96</TD><TD>            sessions[i] = factory.newSession(continuation);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">97</TD><TD>            sessions[i].start();</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">98</TD><TD>        }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">99</TD><TD>        try {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">100</TD><TD>            continuation.session = preElements;</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">101</TD><TD>            preElements.runSessions(sessions);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">102</TD><TD>            continuatio
 n.session = testElements;</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">103</TD><TD>            testElements.runSessions(sessions);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">104</TD><TD>            continuation.session = postElements;</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">105</TD><TD>            postElements.runSessions(sessions);</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">106</TD><TD>        } finally {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="p"><TD TITLE="48% line coverage (12 out of 25 instructions)" CLASS="l">107</TD><TD TITLE="48% line coverage (12 out of 25 instructions)">            for (int i = 0; i &lt; sessions.length; i++) {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="p"><TD TITLE="50% line coverage (5 out of 10 instructions)" CLASS="l">108</TD><TD TITLE="50% line coverage (5 out of 10 instructions)">    Â
  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â sessions[i].stop();</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">109</TD><TD>            }</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">110</TD><TD>        }</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">111</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">112</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">113</TD><TD>    /**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">114</TD><TD>     * Constructs a &lt;code&gt;String&lt;/code&gt; with all attributes</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">115</TD><TD>     * in name = value format.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">116</TD><TD>     *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">117</TD><TD>     * @return a &lt;code&gt;String&lt;/code&gt; representation </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="7">118</A></TD><TD>     * of this object.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">119</TD><TD>�
 � Â Â Â Â */</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">120</TD><TD>    public String toString()</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">121</TD><TD>    {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">122</TD><TD>        final String TAB = &#34; &#34;;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">123</TD><TD>        </TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">124</TD><TD>        String result  = &#34;Runner ( &#34;</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">125</TD><TD>            + &#34;preElements = &#34; + this.preElements + TAB</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">126</TD><TD>            + &#34;testElements = &#34; + this.testElements + TAB</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">127</TD><TD>            + &#34;postElements = &#34; + this
 .postElements + TAB</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">128</TD><TD>            + &#34; )&#34;;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">129</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">130</TD><TD>        return result;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">131</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">132</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">133</TD><TD>    </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">134</TD><TD>}</TD></TR></TABLE><P></P><TABLE CLASS="hdft" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD CLASS="nv">[<A HREF="../index.html">all classes</A>][<A HREF="0.html">org.apache.james.mpt</A>]</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="tl"><A HREF="">EMMA 2.0.5312</A> (C) Vladimir Roubtsov</TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>
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+<HTML><HEAD><META CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8" HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"/><TITLE>EMMA Coverage Report</TITLE><STYLE TYPE="text/css"> TABLE,TD,TH {border-style:solid; border-color:black;} TD,TH {background:white;margin:0;line-height:100%;padding-left:0.5em;padding-right:0.5em;} TD {border-width:0 1px 0 0;} TH {border-width:1px 1px 1px 0;} TR TD.h {color:red;} TABLE {border-spacing:0; border-collapse:collapse;border-width:0 0 1px 1px;} P,H1,H2,H3,TH {font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;} TD {font-family:courier,monospace;font-size:10pt;} TABLE.hdft {border-spacing:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-style:none;} TABLE.hdft TH,TABLE.hdft TD {border-style:none;line-height:normal;} TABLE.hdft,TABLE.hdft {background:#6699CC;color:white;} TABLE.hdft TD.nv {background:#6633DD;color:white;} .nv A:link {color:white;} .nv A:visited {color:white;} .nv A:active {color:yellow;} TABLE.hdft A:link {color:white;} TABLE.hdft A:visited {color:white;} TABLE.hdft 
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 1px 0 0 0;background:transparent;line-height:50%;} TR.o TD {background:#F0F0F0;} {border-style:none;} TD, TH {border-style:none;}</STYLE></HEAD><BODY><TABLE CLASS="hdft" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TH CLASS="tl"><A HREF="">EMMA</A> Coverage Report (generated Tue Dec 02 19:48:30 GMT 2008)</TH></TR><TR><TD CLASS="nv">[<A HREF="../index.html">all classes</A>][<A HREF="0.html">org.apache.james.mpt</A>]</TD></TR></TABLE><H2>COVERAGE SUMMARY FOR SOURCE FILE [<SPAN CLASS="in"></SPAN>]</H2><TABLE WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TH>name</TH><TH>class, %</TH><TH>method, %</TH><TH>block, %</TH><TH>line, %</TH></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>75%  (3/4)</TD><TD>83%  (5/6)</TD><TD CLASS="h">75%  (3/4)</TD></TR></TABLE><H3>COVERAGE BREAKDOWN BY CLASS AND METHOD</H3><TABLE CLASS="cn" WIDTH="100%" CEL
 LSPACING="0"><TR><TH CLASS="f">name</TH><TH>class, %</TH><TH>method, %</TH><TH>block, %</TH><TH>line, %</TH></TR><TR><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD><TD CLASS="b"> </TD></TR><TR CLASS="cis"><TD CLASS="f">class <A HREF="#0">NullMonitor</A></TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>75%  (3/4)</TD><TD>83%  (5/6)</TD><TD CLASS="h">75%  (3/4)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#1">debug (char): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD><TD CLASS="h">0%   (0/1)</TD></TR><TR CLASS="o"><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#0">NullMonitor (): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (3/3)</TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#3">debug (String): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD></TR><TR CLASS="o"><TD CLASS="f"><A HREF="#4">note (
 String): void</A></TD><TD> </TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD><TD>100% (1/1)</TD></TR></TABLE><P></P><TABLE CLASS="s" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD CLASS="l">1</TD><TD>/****************************************************************</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">2</TD><TD> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">3</TD><TD> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">4</TD><TD> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">5</TD><TD> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">6</TD><TD> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the        
     *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">7</TD><TD> * &#34;License&#34;); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">8</TD><TD> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">9</TD><TD> *                                                              *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">10</TD><TD> *                 *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">11</TD><TD> *                                        Â
  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">12</TD><TD> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">13</TD><TD> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">14</TD><TD> * &#34;AS IS&#34; BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">15</TD><TD> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">16</TD><TD> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">17</TD><TD> * under the License.                     Â
  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â *</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">18</TD><TD> ****************************************************************/</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">19</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">20</TD><TD>package org.apache.james.mpt;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="0">21</A></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">22</TD><TD>/**</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">23</TD><TD> * Discards all monitored messages.</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="4">24</A></TD><TD> */</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">25</TD><TD>public class NullMonitor implements Monitor {</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">26</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="1">27</A></TD><TD>    public void note(String message) {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">28</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l"><A NAME="3">30</A></TD>
 <TD>    public void debug(char character) {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="z"><TD CLASS="l">31</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">33</TD><TD>    public void debug(String messsage) {</TD></TR><TR CLASS="c"><TD CLASS="l">34</TD><TD>    }</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="l">35</TD><TD>}</TD></TR></TABLE><P></P><TABLE CLASS="hdft" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD CLASS="nv">[<A HREF="../index.html">all classes</A>][<A HREF="0.html">org.apache.james.mpt</A>]</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="tl"><A HREF="">EMMA 2.0.5312</A> (C) Vladimir Roubtsov</TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: james/site/trunk/www/mpt/main/emma/coverage.xml
--- james/site/trunk/www/mpt/main/emma/coverage.xml (added)
+++ james/site/trunk/www/mpt/main/emma/coverage.xml Tue Dec  2 12:05:59 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
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+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/6)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
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+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/11)"/>
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+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/37)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/6)"/>
+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/18)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
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+            <coverage type="class, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
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+            <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
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+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
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+            <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/25)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/11)"/>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/6)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
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+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
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+        <srcfile name="">
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+            <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/88)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/23)"/>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/13)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="testProtocol (Session [], boolean): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/56)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/14)"/>
+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/17)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/5)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
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+            <coverage type="class, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/8)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/174)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/40)"/>
+            <method name="ProtocolSession$ServerResponse (ProtocolSession, String, String): void">
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+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/8)"/>
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+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/18)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/6)"/>
+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/47)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/9)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="isClient (): boolean">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/6)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/25)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/5)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="testProtocol (Session [], boolean): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/30)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/7)"/>
+            </method>
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+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/38)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/8)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
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+            <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/135)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/36)"/>
+            <method name="ProtocolSession$ServerUnorderedBlockResponse (ProtocolSession, List, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/8)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ProtocolSession$ServerUnorderedBlockResponse (ProtocolSession, int, List, String, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/19)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/5)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="checkResponse (Session, boolean): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/91)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/24)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="toString (): String">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/17)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/5)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+          <class name="ProtocolSession">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="22%  (4/18)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="23%  (68/296)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="25%  (16.5/66)"/>
+            <method name="CL (String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/10)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="CONT (int): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/16)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="SL (String, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/11)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="SL (int, String, String, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/19)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="SUB (List, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/11)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="SUB (int, List, String, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/19)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="access$0 (ProtocolSession, boolean): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="access$1 (ProtocolSession, boolean): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="access$2 (ProtocolSession): boolean">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="access$3 (ProtocolSession): ProtocolSession$ProtocolElement">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="doContinue (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/55)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/15)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="isContinueAfterFailure (): boolean">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="setContinueAfterFailure (boolean): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="toString (): String">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/66)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/12)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="CL (int, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (17/17)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (3/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ProtocolSession (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (17/17)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (5/5)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="getSessionCount (): int">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (5/5)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="runSessions (Session []): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (29/29)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (8/8)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+          <class name="ProtocolSession$ClientRequest">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="50%  (3/6)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="48%  (37/77)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="50%  (11/22)"/>
+            <method name="ProtocolSession$ClientRequest (ProtocolSession, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/6)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="isClient (): boolean">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="toString (): String">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/24)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/6)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="testProtocol (Session [], boolean): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="71%  (20/28)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="71%  (5/7)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ProtocolSession$ClientRequest (ProtocolSession, int, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (12/12)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (4/4)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="writeMessage (Session): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (5/5)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (2/2)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+        </srcfile>
+        <srcfile name="">
+          <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+          <coverage type="method, %" value="60%  (6/10)"/>
+          <coverage type="block, %" value="34%  (108/314)"/>
+          <coverage type="line, %" value="40%  (27/68)"/>
+          <class name="ExternalSession">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="60%  (6/10)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="34%  (108/314)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="40%  (27/68)"/>
+            <method name="oneFromLine (StringBuffer): boolean">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/69)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/20)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="readLine (): String">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/48)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/9)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="readlineInto (StringBuffer): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/22)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/7)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="toString (): String">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/60)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="start (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="42%  (5/12)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="50%  (2/4)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="&lt;static initializer&gt;">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (12/12)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ExternalSession (SocketChannel, Monitor, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (7/7)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (2/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ExternalSession (SocketChannel, Monitor, String, boolean): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (27/27)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (9/9)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="stop (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (8/8)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (3/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="writeLine (String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (49/49)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (10/10)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+        </srcfile>
+        <srcfile name="">
+          <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+          <coverage type="method, %" value="56%  (5/9)"/>
+          <coverage type="block, %" value="45%  (156/344)"/>
+          <coverage type="line, %" value="48%  (42/88)"/>
+          <class name="ProtocolSessionBuilder">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="56%  (5/9)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="45%  (156/344)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="48%  (42/88)"/>
+            <method name="addProtocolLines (String, InputStream, ProtocolInteractor): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/14)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="addTestFile (String, ProtocolInteractor): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/26)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/5)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="buildProtocolSession (String): ProtocolInteractor">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/10)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="buildProtocolSession (String, Reader): ProtocolInteractor">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/11)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="doAddProtocolLines (ProtocolInteractor, String, BufferedReader): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="31%  (54/176)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="33%  (15/45)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="addProtocolLines (String, Reader, ProtocolInteractor): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="78%  (14/18)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="80%  (4/5)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="substituteVariables (String): String">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="99%  (73/74)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="95%  (18/19)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ProtocolSessionBuilder (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (8/8)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (3/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="setVariable (String, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (7/7)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (2/2)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+        </srcfile>
+        <srcfile name="">
+          <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+          <coverage type="method, %" value="50%  (2/4)"/>
+          <coverage type="block, %" value="49%  (35/72)"/>
+          <coverage type="line, %" value="64%  (9/14)"/>
+          <class name="ExternalSessionFactory">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="50%  (2/4)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="49%  (35/72)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="64%  (9/14)"/>
+            <method name="reset (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/5)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="toString (): String">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/32)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ExternalSessionFactory (String, int, Monitor, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (16/16)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (5/5)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="newSession (HostSystem$Continuation): Session">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (19/19)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (4/4)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+        </srcfile>
+        <srcfile name="">
+          <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+          <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (2/2)"/>
+          <coverage type="block, %" value="51%  (19/37)"/>
+          <coverage type="line, %" value="86%  (6/7)"/>
+          <class name="ExternalHostSystem">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (2/2)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="51%  (19/37)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="86%  (6/7)"/>
+            <method name="addUser (String, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="33%  (9/27)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="75%  (3/4)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ExternalHostSystem (String, int, Monitor, String, UserAdder): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (10/10)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (3/3)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+        </srcfile>
+        <srcfile name="">
+          <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+          <coverage type="method, %" value="57%  (4/7)"/>
+          <coverage type="block, %" value="55%  (73/133)"/>
+          <coverage type="line, %" value="73%  (19/26)"/>
+          <class name="ScriptedUserAdder">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="57%  (4/7)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="55%  (73/133)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="73%  (19/26)"/>
+            <method name="ScriptedUserAdder (String, int): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/7)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ScriptedUserAdder (String, int, Monitor): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/7)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="toString (): String">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/46)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ScriptedUserAdder (String, int, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (9/9)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (2/2)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="ScriptedUserAdder (String, int, String, Monitor): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (15/15)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (6/6)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="addUser (String, String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (12/12)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (3/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="addUser (String, String, Reader): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (37/37)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (8/8)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+        </srcfile>
+        <srcfile name="">
+          <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (2/2)"/>
+          <coverage type="method, %" value="44%  (4/9)"/>
+          <coverage type="block, %" value="56%  (93/165)"/>
+          <coverage type="line, %" value="51%  (20/39)"/>
+          <class name="Runner$1SessionContinuation">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="50%  (1/2)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="46%  (6/13)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="25%  (1/4)"/>
+            <method name="doContinue (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/7)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="Runner$1SessionContinuation (Runner): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (6/6)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+          <class name="Runner">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="43%  (3/7)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="57%  (87/152)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="54%  (19/35)"/>
+            <method name="continueAfterFailure (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/13)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/4)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="getPostElements (): ProtocolInteractor">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="getPreElements (): ProtocolInteractor">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/3)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="toString (): String">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/31)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/7)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="runSessions (SessionFactory): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="81%  (66/81)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="82%  (14/17)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="Runner (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (18/18)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (4/4)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="getTestElements (): ProtocolInteractor">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (3/3)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+        </srcfile>
+        <srcfile name="">
+          <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+          <coverage type="method, %" value="75%  (3/4)"/>
+          <coverage type="block, %" value="83%  (5/6)"/>
+          <coverage type="line, %" value="75%  (3/4)"/>
+          <class name="NullMonitor">
+            <coverage type="class, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            <coverage type="method, %" value="75%  (3/4)"/>
+            <coverage type="block, %" value="83%  (5/6)"/>
+            <coverage type="line, %" value="75%  (3/4)"/>
+            <method name="debug (char): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="0%   (0/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="NullMonitor (): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (3/3)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="debug (String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            </method>
+            <method name="note (String): void">
+              <coverage type="method, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="block, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+              <coverage type="line, %" value="100% (1/1)"/>
+            </method>
+          </class>
+        </srcfile>
+      </package>
+    </all>
+  </data>
\ No newline at end of file