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hbase git commit: HBASE-12688 Update site with a bootstrap-based UI

Repository: hbase
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 5b5c981d9 -> 13970bfa5

HBASE-12688 Update site with a bootstrap-based UI


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 13970bfa5a2cf4ed1f9ff8edfd5160adfba7fb2b
Parents: 5b5c981
Author: Nick Dimiduk <>
Authored: Tue Dec 16 18:50:49 2014 -0800
Committer: Nick Dimiduk <>
Committed: Tue Dec 16 18:50:55 2014 -0800

 pom.xml                |  13 +-
 src/main/site/site.vm  | 545 --------------------------------------------
 src/main/site/site.xml |  46 ++--
 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 565 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 2149a2f..9cebc60 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -957,12 +957,23 @@
+          <dependency>
+            <!-- required for reflow skin ( -->
+            <groupId>lt.velykis.maven.skins</groupId>
+            <artifactId>reflow-velocity-tools</artifactId>
+            <version>1.1.1</version>
+          </dependency>
+          <dependency>
+            <!-- velocity explicitly required by reflow-maven-skin -->
+            <groupId>org.apache.velocity</groupId>
+            <artifactId>velocity</artifactId>
+            <version>1.7</version>
+          </dependency>
-          <templateFile>${basedir}/src/main/site/site.vm</templateFile>
diff --git a/src/main/site/site.vm b/src/main/site/site.vm
deleted file mode 100644
index f9cc08d..0000000
--- a/src/main/site/site.vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
-<!-- Generated by Apache Maven Doxia at $dateFormat.format( $currentDate ) -->
-#macro ( link $href $name $target $img $position $alt $border $width $height )
-  #set ( $linkTitle = ' title="' + $name + '"' )
-  #if( $target )
-    #set ( $linkTarget = ' target="' + $target + '"' )
-  #else
-    #set ( $linkTarget = "" )
-  #end
-  #if ( ( $href.toLowerCase().startsWith("http") || $href.toLowerCase().startsWith("https") ) )
-    #set ( $linkClass = ' class="externalLink"' )
-  #else
-    #set ( $linkClass = "" )
-  #end
-  #if ( $img )
-    #if ( $position == "left" )
-      <a href="$href"$linkClass$linkTarget$linkTitle>#image($img $alt $border $width $height)$name</a>
-    #else
-      <a href="$href"$linkClass$linkTarget$linkTitle>$name #image($img $alt $border $width $height)</a>
-    #end
-  #else
-    <a href="$href"$linkClass$linkTarget$linkTitle>$name</a>
-  #end
-#macro ( image $img $alt $border $width $height )
-  #if( $img )
-    #if ( ! ( $img.toLowerCase().startsWith("http") || $img.toLowerCase().startsWith("https") ) )
-      #set ( $imgSrc = $PathTool.calculateLink( $img, $relativePath ) )
-      #set ( $imgSrc = $imgSrc.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
-      #set ( $imgSrc = ' src="' + $imgSrc + '"' )
-    #else
-      #set ( $imgSrc = ' src="' + $img + '"' )
-    #end
-    #if( $alt )
-      #set ( $imgAlt = ' alt="' + $alt + '"' )
-    #else
-      #set ( $imgAlt = ' alt=""' )
-    #end
-    #if( $border )
-      #set ( $imgBorder = ' border="' + $border + '"' )
-    #else
-      #set ( $imgBorder = "" )
-    #end
-    #if( $width )
-      #set ( $imgWidth = ' width="' + $width + '"' )
-    #else
-      #set ( $imgWidth = "" )
-    #end
-    #if( $height )
-      #set ( $imgHeight = ' height="' + $height + '"' )
-    #else
-      #set ( $imgHeight = "" )
-    #end
-    <img class="imageLink"$imgSrc$imgAlt$imgBorder$imgWidth$imgHeight/>
-  #end
-#macro ( banner $banner $id )
-  #if ( $banner )
-    #if( $banner.href )
-      <a href="$banner.href" id="$id"#if( $banner.alt ) title="$banner.alt"#end>
-    #else
-        <div id="$id">
-    #end
-    #if( $banner.src )
-        #set ( $src = $banner.src )
-        #if ( ! ( $src.toLowerCase().startsWith("http") || $src.toLowerCase().startsWith("https") ) )
-            #set ( $src = $PathTool.calculateLink( $src, $relativePath ) )
-            #set ( $src = $src.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
-        #end
-        #if ( $banner.alt )
-            #set ( $alt = $banner.alt )
-        #else
-            #set ( $alt = $ )
-        #end
-        <img src="$src" alt="$alt" />
-    #else
-        $
-    #end
-    #if( $banner.href )
-        </a>
-    #else
-        </div>
-    #end
-  #end
-#macro ( links $links )
-  #set ( $counter = 0 )
-  #foreach( $item in $links )
-    #set ( $counter = $counter + 1 )
-    #set ( $currentItemHref = $PathTool.calculateLink( $item.href, $relativePath ) )
-    #set ( $currentItemHref = $currentItemHref.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
-    #link( $currentItemHref $ $ $item.img $item.position $item.alt $item.border $item.width $item.height )
-    #if ( $links.size() > $counter )
-      |
-    #end
-  #end
-#macro ( breadcrumbs $breadcrumbs )
-  #set ( $counter = 0 )
-  #foreach( $item in $breadcrumbs )
-    #set ( $counter = $counter + 1 )
-    #set ( $currentItemHref = $PathTool.calculateLink( $item.href, $relativePath ) )
-    #set ( $currentItemHref = $currentItemHref.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
-    #if ( $currentItemHref == $alignedFileName || $currentItemHref == "" )
-      $
-    #else
-      #link( $currentItemHref $ $ $item.img $item.position $item.alt $item.border $item.width $item.height )
-    #end
-    #if ( $breadcrumbs.size() > $counter )
-      &gt;
-    #end
-  #end
-#macro ( displayTree $display $item )
-  #if ( $item && $item.items && $item.items.size() > 0 )
-    #foreach( $subitem in $item.items )
-      #set ( $subitemHref = $PathTool.calculateLink( $subitem.href, $relativePath ) )
-      #set ( $subitemHref = $subitemHref.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
-      #if ( $alignedFileName == $subitemHref )
-        #set ( $display = true )
-      #end
-      #displayTree( $display $subitem )
-    #end
-  #end
-#macro ( menuItem $item )
-  #set ( $collapse = "none" )
-  #set ( $currentItemHref = $PathTool.calculateLink( $item.href, $relativePath ) )
-  #set ( $currentItemHref = $currentItemHref.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
-  #if ( $item && $item.items && $item.items.size() > 0 )
-    #if ( $item.collapse == false )
-      #set ( $collapse = "expanded" )
-    #else
-      ## By default collapsed
-      #set ( $collapse = "collapsed" )
-    #end
-    #set ( $display = false )
-    #displayTree( $display $item )
-    #if ( $alignedFileName == $currentItemHref || $display )
-      #set ( $collapse = "expanded" )
-    #end
-  #end
-  <li class="$collapse">
-  #if ( $item.img )
-    #if ( $item.position == "left" )
-      #if ( $alignedFileName == $currentItemHref )
-        <strong>#image($item.img $item.alt $item.border $item.width $item.height) $</strong>
-      #else
-        #link($currentItemHref $ $ $item.img $item.position $item.alt $item.border $item.width $item.height)
-      #end
-    #else
-      #if ( $alignedFileName == $currentItemHref )
-        <strong>$ #image($item.img $item.alt $item.border $item.width $item.height)</strong>
-      #else
-        #link($currentItemHref $ $ $item.img $item.position $item.alt $item.border $item.width $item.height)
-      #end
-    #end
-  #else
-    #if ( $alignedFileName == $currentItemHref )
-      <strong>$</strong>
-    #else
-      #link( $currentItemHref $ $ $item.img $item.position $item.alt $item.border $item.width $item.height )
-    #end
-  #end
-  #if ( $item && $item.items && $item.items.size() > 0 )
-    #if ( $collapse == "expanded" )
-      <ul>
-        #foreach( $subitem in $item.items )
-          #menuItem( $subitem )
-        #end
-      </ul>
-    #end
-  #end
-  </li>
-#macro ( mainMenu $menus )
-  #foreach( $menu in $menus )
-    #if ( $ )
-      #if ( $menu.img )
-        #if( $menu.position )
-          #set ( $position = $menu.position )
-        #else
-          #set ( $position = "left" )
-        #end
-        #if ( ! ( $menu.img.toLowerCase().startsWith("http") || $menu.img.toLowerCase().startsWith("https") ) )
-          #set ( $src = $PathTool.calculateLink( $menu.img, $relativePath ) )
-          #set ( $src = $src.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
-          #set ( $src = ' src="' + $src + '"' )
-        #else
-          #set ( $src = ' src="' + $menu.img + '"' )
-        #end
-        #if( $menu.alt )
-          #set ( $alt = ' alt="' + $menu.alt + '"' )
-        #else
-          #set ( $alt = ' alt="' + $ + '"' )
-        #end
-        #if( $menu.border )
-          #set ( $border = ' border="' + $menu.border + '"' )
-        #else
-          #set ( $border = ' border="0"' )
-        #end
-        #if( $menu.width )
-          #set ( $width = ' width="' + $menu.width + '"' )
-        #else
-          #set ( $width = "" )
-        #end
-        #if( $menu.height )
-          #set ( $height = ' height="' + $menu.height + '"' )
-        #else
-          #set ( $height = "" )
-        #end
-        #set ( $img = '<img class="imageLink"' + $src + $alt + $border + $width + $height + "/>" )
-        #if ( $position == "left" )
-        <h5>$img $</h5>
-        #else
-        <h5>$ $img</h5>
-        #end
-      #else
-       <h5>$</h5>
-      #end
-    #end
-    #if ( $menu.items && $menu.items.size() > 0 )
-    <ul>
-      #foreach( $item in $menu.items )
-        #menuItem( $item )
-      #end
-    </ul>
-    #end
-  #end
-#macro ( copyright )
-  #if ( $project )
-    #if ( ${project.organization} && ${} )
-      #set ( $period = "" )
-    #else
-      #set ( $period = "." )
-   #end
-   #set ( $currentYear = ${currentDate.year} + 1900 )
-    #if ( ${project.inceptionYear} && ( ${project.inceptionYear} != ${currentYear.toString()} ) )
-      ${project.inceptionYear}-${currentYear}${period}
-    #else
-      ${currentYear}${period}
-    #end
-    #if ( ${project.organization} )
-      #if ( ${} && ${project.organization.url} )
-          <a href="$project.organization.url">${}</a>.
-      #elseif ( ${} )
-        ${}.
-      #end
-    #end
-  #end
-#macro ( publishDate $position $publishDate $version )
-  #if ( $publishDate && $publishDate.format )
-    #set ( $format = $publishDate.format )
-  #else
-    #set ( $format = "yyyy-MM-dd" )
-  #end
-  $dateFormat.applyPattern( $format )
-  #set ( $dateToday = $dateFormat.format( $currentDate ) )
-  #if ( $publishDate && $publishDate.position )
-    #set ( $datePosition = $publishDate.position )
-  #else
-    #set ( $datePosition = "left" )
-  #end
-  #if ( $version )
-    #if ( $version.position )
-      #set ( $versionPosition = $version.position )
-    #else
-      #set ( $versionPosition = "left" )
-    #end
-  #else
-    #set ( $version = "" )
-    #set ( $versionPosition = "left" )
-  #end
-  #set ( $breadcrumbs = $decoration.body.breadcrumbs )
-  #set ( $links = $decoration.body.links )
-  #if ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "right" ) && $links && $links.size() > 0 )
-    #set ( $prefix = "&nbsp;|" )
-  #else
-    #set ( $prefix = "" )
-  #end
-  #if ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
-    #if ( ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "right" ) ) || ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "bottom" ) ) )
-      $prefix <span id="publishDate">$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.lastpublished" ): $dateToday</span>
-      #if ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
-        &nbsp;| <span id="projectVersion">$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}</span>
-      #end
-    #elseif ( ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "navigation-bottom" ) ) || ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "navigation-top" ) ) )
-      <div id="lastPublished">
-        <span id="publishDate">$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.lastpublished" ): $dateToday</span>
-        #if ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
-          &nbsp;| <span id="projectVersion">$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}</span>
-        #end
-      </div>
-    #elseif ( $datePosition.equalsIgnoreCase("left") )
-      <div class="xleft">
-        <span id="publishDate">$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.lastpublished" ): $dateToday</span>
-        #if ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
-          &nbsp;| <span id="projectVersion">$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}</span>
-        #end
-        #if ( $breadcrumbs && $breadcrumbs.size() > 0 )
-          | #breadcrumbs( $breadcrumbs )
-        #end
-      </div>
-    #end
-  #elseif ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( $position ) )
-    #if ( ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "right" ) ) || ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "bottom" ) ) )
-      $prefix <span id="projectVersion">$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}</span>
-    #elseif ( ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "navigation-bottom" ) ) || ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase( "navigation-top" ) ) )
-      <div id="lastPublished">
-        <span id="projectVersion">$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}</span>
-      </div>
-    #elseif ( $versionPosition.equalsIgnoreCase("left") )
-      <div class="xleft">
-        <span id="projectVersion">$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.version" ): ${project.version}</span>
-        #if ( $breadcrumbs && $breadcrumbs.size() > 0 )
-          | #breadcrumbs( $breadcrumbs )
-        #end
-      </div>
-    #end
-  #elseif ( $position.equalsIgnoreCase( "left" ) )
-    #if ( $breadcrumbs && $breadcrumbs.size() > 0 )
-      <div class="xleft">
-        #breadcrumbs( $breadcrumbs )
-      </div>
-    #end
-  #end
-#macro ( poweredByLogo $poweredBy )
-  #if( $poweredBy )
-    #foreach ($item in $poweredBy)
-      #if( $item.href )
-        #set ( $href = $PathTool.calculateLink( $item.href, $relativePath ) )
-        #set ( $href = $href.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
-      #else
-        #set ( $href="" )
-      #end
-      #if( $ )
-        #set ( $name = $ )
-      #else
-        #set ( $name = $i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" )  )
-        #set ( $name = "${name} Maven"  )
-      #end
-      #if( $item.img )
-        #set ( $img = $item.img )
-      #else
-        #set ( $img = "images/logos/maven-feather.png" )
-      #end
-      #if ( ! ( $img.toLowerCase().startsWith("http") || $img.toLowerCase().startsWith("https") ) )
-        #set ( $img = $PathTool.calculateLink( $img, $relativePath ) )
-        #set ( $img = $src.replaceAll( "\\", "/" ) )
-      #end
-      #if( $item.alt )
-        #set ( $alt = ' alt="' + $item.alt + '"' )
-      #else
-        #set ( $alt = ' alt="' + $name + '"' )
-      #end
-      #if( $item.border )
-        #set ( $border = ' border="' + $item.border + '"' )
-      #else
-        #set ( $border = "" )
-      #end
-      #if( $item.width )
-        #set ( $width = ' width="' + $item.width + '"' )
-      #else
-        #set ( $width = "" )
-      #end
-      #if( $item.height )
-        #set ( $height = ' height="' + $item.height + '"' )
-      #else
-        #set ( $height = "" )
-      #end
-      <a href="$href" title="$name" class="poweredBy">
-        <img class="poweredBy" $alt src="$img" $border $width $height />
-      </a>
-    #end
-    #if( $poweredBy.isEmpty() )
-      <a href="" title="$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" ) Maven" class="poweredBy">
-        <img class="poweredBy" alt="$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" ) Maven" src="$relativePath/images/logos/maven-feather.png" />
-      </a>
-    #end
-  #else
-    <a href="" title="$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" ) Maven" class="poweredBy">
-      <img class="poweredBy" alt="$i18n.getString( "site-renderer", $locale, "template.builtby" ) Maven" src="$relativePath/images/logos/maven-feather.png" />
-    </a>
-  #end
-<html xmlns=""#if ( $locale ) xml:lang="$locale.language" lang="$locale.language"#end>
-  <head>
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=${outputEncoding}" />
-    <title>$title</title>
-    <style type="text/css" media="all">
-      @import url("$relativePath/css/maven-base.css");
-      @import url("$relativePath/css/maven-theme.css");
-      @import url("$relativePath/css/site.css");
-    </style>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="$relativePath/css/print.css" type="text/css" media="print" />
-    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/images/favicon.ico" />
-#foreach( $author in $authors )
-      <meta name="author" content="$author" />
-#if ( $dateCreation )
-    <meta name="Date-Creation-yyyymmdd" content="$dateCreation" />
-#if ( $dateRevision )
-    <meta name="Date-Revision-yyyymmdd" content="$dateRevision" />
-#if ( $locale )
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="$locale.language" />
-    #if ( $decoration.body.head )
-      #foreach( $item in $decoration.body.head.getChildren() )
-        ## Workaround for DOXIA-150 due to a non-desired behaviour in p-u
-        ## @see org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom#toString()
-        ## @see org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom#toUnescapedString()
-        #set ( $documentHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" )
-        #set ( $documentHeader = $documentHeader.replaceAll( "\\", "" ) )
-        #if ( $ == "script" )
-          $StringUtils.replace( $item.toUnescapedString(), $documentHeader, "" )
-        #else
-          $StringUtils.replace( $item.toString(), $documentHeader, "" )
-        #end
-      #end
-    #end
-    ## $headContent
-<!--Google Analytics-->
-<script type="text/javascript">
-  var _gaq = _gaq || [];
-  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-30210968-1']);
-  _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
-  (function() {
-    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
-    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
-    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
-  })();
-  </head>
-  <body class="composite">
-    <div id="banner">
-      #banner( $decoration.bannerLeft "bannerLeft" )
-      #banner( $decoration.bannerRight "bannerRight" )
-      <div class="clear">
-        <hr/>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div id="breadcrumbs">
-      <div class="xright" style="padding-left: 8px; margin-top: -4px;">
-        <form method="GET" action="">
-          <input type="text" style="width: 192px; height: 15px; font-size: inherit; border: 1px solid darkgray" name="q" value="Search wiki, mailing lists & more" onfocus="this.value=''"/>
-          <input type="hidden" name="fc_project" value="HBase"/>
-          <button style="height: 20px; width: 60px;">Search</button>
-        </form>
-      </div>
-      <div class="clear">
-        <hr/>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div id="leftColumn">
-      <div id="navcolumn">
-       #publishDate( "navigation-top" $decoration.publishDate $decoration.version )
-       #mainMenu( $decoration.body.menus )
-       #poweredByLogo( $decoration.poweredBy )
-       #publishDate( "navigation-bottom" $decoration.publishDate $decoration.version )
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div id="bodyColumn">
-      <div id="contentBox">
-        $bodyContent
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="clear">
-      <hr/>
-    </div>
-    <div id="footer">
-       <div class="xright">#publishDate( "right" $decoration.publishDate $decoration.version )&nbsp;
-        </div>
-        <div class="xright">Copyright &#169;<a href="">#copyright()</a>All Rights Reserved.  Apache Hadoop, Hadoop, HDFS, HBase and the HBase project logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
-        </div>
-      <div class="clear">
-        <hr/>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </body>
diff --git a/src/main/site/site.xml b/src/main/site/site.xml
index b0462ee..14303ba 100644
--- a/src/main/site/site.xml
+++ b/src/main/site/site.xml
@@ -19,10 +19,24 @@
 <project xmlns=""
+  <skin>
+    <groupId>lt.velykis.maven.skins</groupId>
+    <artifactId>reflow-maven-skin</artifactId>
+    <version>1.1.1</version>
+  </skin>
+  <custom>
+    <reflowSkin>
+      <theme>bootswatch-spacelab</theme>
+      <bottomNav maxSpan="9">
+        <column>Apache HBase Project</column>
+        <column>^Documentation</column>
+        <column>0.94 Documentation|ASF</column>
+      </bottomNav>
+    </reflowSkin>
+  </custom>
     <name>Apache HBase</name>
@@ -33,8 +47,6 @@
-  <version position="right" />
-  <publishDate position="right" />
     <menu name="Apache HBase Project">
       <item name="Overview" href="index.html"/>
@@ -51,35 +63,31 @@
       <item name="Other resources" href="resources.html" />
     <menu name="Documentation">
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       <item name="Bulk Loads" href="book.html#arch.bulk.load" />
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