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Posted to by Jim Talbut <> on 2018/05/10 16:51:15 UTC

OpenApiFeature with customizer


Is it possible to use a customizer to modify the OpenApi data in the 
same way that it is with a Swagger Customizer?

I have this:

     public OpenApiFeature openApiFeature(MyOpenApiCustomizer customizer) {
         OpenApiFeature feature = new OpenApiFeature();
         feature.setTitle("Service API");
         feature.setDescription("The service does stuff\n");
         return feature;

Where MyOpenApiCustomizer just overrides one customize method:

     public void customize(OpenAPI oas) {

         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

         builder.append("More docs");


I'm getting the standard openapi.json data out, but my customizer isn't 
being called at all.

In OpenApiCustomizedResource it's looking for an OpenApiContext with a 
CXF ID, but not finding one.

What's wrong?



Re: OpenApiFeature with customizer

Posted by Andriy Redko <>.
Hi Jim,

You certainly should be able to do that. It seems like there were slight
changes between Swagger 2.0.0/2.0.1 releases with respect to handling context id,
that's why the OpenApiCustomizedResource is not finding one. What you could do 
right now, as a workaround, is to override this method:

 public OpenAPIConfiguration customize(final OpenAPIConfiguration configuration) {
    final OpenAPIConfiguration config = super.customize(configuration);
    final OpenAPI oas = config.getOpenAPI();

    // you code here

    return config;

It seems to work fine. We'll be working on a proper fix, but it may take some
time since the way Swagger manages configuration / models is very different now.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
    Andriy Redko

JT> Hi,

JT> Is it possible to use a customizer to modify the OpenApi data in the 
JT> same way that it is with a Swagger Customizer?

JT> I have this:

JT>      @Bean
JT>      @Autowired
JT>      public OpenApiFeature openApiFeature(MyOpenApiCustomizer customizer) {
JT>          OpenApiFeature feature = new OpenApiFeature();
JT>          feature.setVersion("1.0.0");
JT>          feature.setLicense("");
JT>          feature.setLicenseUrl("");
JT>          feature.setSupportSwaggerUi(true);
JT>          feature.setScan(true);
JT>          feature.setCustomizer(customizer);
JT>          feature.setTitle("Service API");
JT>          feature.setDescription("The service does stuff\n");
JT>          return feature;
JT>      }

JT> Where MyOpenApiCustomizer just overrides one customize method:

JT>      @Override
JT>      public void customize(OpenAPI oas) {
JT>          super.customize(oas);

JT>          StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
JT>          builder.append(oas.getInfo().getDescription());

JT>          builder.append("More docs");

JT>          oas.getInfo().description(builder.toString());
JT>      }

JT> I'm getting the standard openapi.json data out, but my customizer isn't 
JT> being called at all.

JT> In OpenApiCustomizedResource it's looking for an OpenApiContext with a 
JT> CXF ID, but not finding one.

JT> What's wrong?

JT> Thanks

JT> Jim