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Posted to by David Jencks <> on 2021/10/08 07:12:04 UTC

[Website] camel-spring-boot options table generation -- Advice needed.

I’ve been working on converting the spring-boot auto configure documentation at the end of each component page to be generated by Antora from the json information source.

At the moment after a quick look there seem to be 3 classes of change from the current docs, and I need advice about what to do with  them:

1. These appear to me to fix likely copy-paste errors, e.g.:

diff -r documentation-post-rearrange/components/latest/xquery-component.html documentation-jsonpath/components/latest/xquery-component.html
< <p>When using saxon with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:</p>
> <p>When using xquery with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:</p>

I assume fixing these is a good idea.

2. When there are several components in the same spring boot starter, each component docs page is changed to specify the component rather than the collection of components, e.g.:

diff -r documentation-post-rearrange/components/latest/xmlsecurity-verify-component.html documentation-jsonpath/components/latest/xmlsecurity-verify-component.html
< <p>When using xmlsecurity with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:</p>
> <p>When using xmlsecurity-verify with Spring Boot make sure to use the following Maven dependency to have support for auto configuration:</p>

I think this change is fine but it shouldn’t be too hard to produce the old behavior, although it will probably involve another manually maintained attribute in every component adoc.

3. http://… text in descriptions are now rendered as links, e.g.:

diff -r documentation-post-rearrange/components/latest/xmlsecurity-verify-component.html documentation-jsonpath/components/latest/xmlsecurity-verify-component.html
< <td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Signature algorithm. Default value is</p></td>
> <td class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"><p class="tableblock">Signature algorithm. Default value is <a href="" class="bare"></a>.</p></td>

Some of these links, including, I think, this one, definitely make sense, and some are more questionable, such as turning an xml namespace URI into a link.  The one I checked did lead to the schema for the namespace, but I didn’t check all of them.  I haven’t yet investigated why the current code does not produce links.  I’m not sure how easy it will be, but it makes sense to me to keep the non-broken links as actual links rather than text “https://…”.

I guess the website PR preview build will tell us if (3) introduces broken links.  So, there may be a preview associated with soon.

David Jencks