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Posted to by on 2015/11/05 21:40:55 UTC

[16/60] [abbrv] [partial] storm git commit: Release 2.0.4-SNAPSHOT
diff --git a/jstorm-client/src/main/py/storm/ b/jstorm-client/src/main/py/storm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f951a9..0000000
--- a/jstorm-client/src/main/py/storm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-# Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.7.0)
-from thrift.Thrift import *
-from ttypes import *
-from thrift.Thrift import TProcessor
-from thrift.transport import TTransport
-from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol, TProtocol
-  from thrift.protocol import fastbinary
-  fastbinary = None
-class Iface:
-  def result(self, id, result):
-    """
-    Parameters:
-     - id
-     - result
-    """
-    pass
-  def fetchRequest(self, functionName):
-    """
-    Parameters:
-     - functionName
-    """
-    pass
-  def failRequest(self, id):
-    """
-    Parameters:
-     - id
-    """
-    pass
-class Client(Iface):
-  def __init__(self, iprot, oprot=None):
-    self._iprot = self._oprot = iprot
-    if oprot is not None:
-      self._oprot = oprot
-    self._seqid = 0
-  def result(self, id, result):
-    """
-    Parameters:
-     - id
-     - result
-    """
-    self.send_result(id, result)
-    self.recv_result()
-  def send_result(self, id, result):
-    self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('result', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
-    args = result_args()
- = id
-    args.result = result
-    args.write(self._oprot)
-    self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
-    self._oprot.trans.flush()
-  def recv_result(self, ):
-    (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
-    if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
-      x = TApplicationException()
-      self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
-      raise x
-    result = result_result()
-    self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
-    return
-  def fetchRequest(self, functionName):
-    """
-    Parameters:
-     - functionName
-    """
-    self.send_fetchRequest(functionName)
-    return self.recv_fetchRequest()
-  def send_fetchRequest(self, functionName):
-    self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('fetchRequest', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
-    args = fetchRequest_args()
-    args.functionName = functionName
-    args.write(self._oprot)
-    self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
-    self._oprot.trans.flush()
-  def recv_fetchRequest(self, ):
-    (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
-    if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
-      x = TApplicationException()
-      self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
-      raise x
-    result = fetchRequest_result()
-    self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
-    if result.success is not None:
-      return result.success
-    raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "fetchRequest failed: unknown result");
-  def failRequest(self, id):
-    """
-    Parameters:
-     - id
-    """
-    self.send_failRequest(id)
-    self.recv_failRequest()
-  def send_failRequest(self, id):
-    self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('failRequest', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
-    args = failRequest_args()
- = id
-    args.write(self._oprot)
-    self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
-    self._oprot.trans.flush()
-  def recv_failRequest(self, ):
-    (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
-    if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
-      x = TApplicationException()
-      self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
-      raise x
-    result = failRequest_result()
-    self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
-    return
-class Processor(Iface, TProcessor):
-  def __init__(self, handler):
-    self._handler = handler
-    self._processMap = {}
-    self._processMap["result"] = Processor.process_result
-    self._processMap["fetchRequest"] = Processor.process_fetchRequest
-    self._processMap["failRequest"] = Processor.process_failRequest
-  def process(self, iprot, oprot):
-    (name, type, seqid) = iprot.readMessageBegin()
-    if name not in self._processMap:
-      iprot.skip(TType.STRUCT)
-      iprot.readMessageEnd()
-      x = TApplicationException(TApplicationException.UNKNOWN_METHOD, 'Unknown function %s' % (name))
-      oprot.writeMessageBegin(name, TMessageType.EXCEPTION, seqid)
-      x.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeMessageEnd()
-      oprot.trans.flush()
-      return
-    else:
-      self._processMap[name](self, seqid, iprot, oprot)
-    return True
-  def process_result(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
-    args = result_args()
-    iprot.readMessageEnd()
-    result = result_result()
-    self._handler.result(, args.result)
-    oprot.writeMessageBegin("result", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
-    result.write(oprot)
-    oprot.writeMessageEnd()
-    oprot.trans.flush()
-  def process_fetchRequest(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
-    args = fetchRequest_args()
-    iprot.readMessageEnd()
-    result = fetchRequest_result()
-    result.success = self._handler.fetchRequest(args.functionName)
-    oprot.writeMessageBegin("fetchRequest", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
-    result.write(oprot)
-    oprot.writeMessageEnd()
-    oprot.trans.flush()
-  def process_failRequest(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
-    args = failRequest_args()
-    iprot.readMessageEnd()
-    result = failRequest_result()
-    self._handler.failRequest(
-    oprot.writeMessageBegin("failRequest", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
-    result.write(oprot)
-    oprot.writeMessageEnd()
-    oprot.trans.flush()
-class result_args:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - id
-   - result
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'id', None, None, ), # 1
-    (2, TType.STRING, 'result', None, None, ), # 2
-  )
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return 0 + hash( + hash(self.result)
-  def __init__(self, id=None, result=None,):
- = id
-    self.result = result
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
- = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8')
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      elif fid == 2:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.result = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8')
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec)))
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('result_args')
-    if is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('id', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString('utf-8'))
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    if self.result is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('result', TType.STRING, 2)
-      oprot.writeString(self.result.encode('utf-8'))
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class result_result:
-  thrift_spec = (
-  )
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return 0
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec)))
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('result_result')
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class fetchRequest_args:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - functionName
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'functionName', None, None, ), # 1
-  )
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return 0 + hash(self.functionName)
-  def __init__(self, functionName=None,):
-    self.functionName = functionName
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
-          self.functionName = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8')
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec)))
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('fetchRequest_args')
-    if self.functionName is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('functionName', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString(self.functionName.encode('utf-8'))
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class fetchRequest_result:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - success
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (DRPCRequest, DRPCRequest.thrift_spec), None, ), # 0
-  )
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return 0 + hash(self.success)
-  def __init__(self, success=None,):
-    self.success = success
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 0:
-        if ftype == TType.STRUCT:
-          self.success = DRPCRequest()
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec)))
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('fetchRequest_result')
-    if self.success is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('success', TType.STRUCT, 0)
-      self.success.write(oprot)
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class failRequest_args:
-  """
-  Attributes:
-   - id
-  """
-  thrift_spec = (
-    None, # 0
-    (1, TType.STRING, 'id', None, None, ), # 1
-  )
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return 0 + hash(
-  def __init__(self, id=None,):
- = id
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      if fid == 1:
-        if ftype == TType.STRING:
- = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8')
-        else:
-          iprot.skip(ftype)
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec)))
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('failRequest_args')
-    if is not None:
-      oprot.writeFieldBegin('id', TType.STRING, 1)
-      oprot.writeString('utf-8'))
-      oprot.writeFieldEnd()
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
-class failRequest_result:
-  thrift_spec = (
-  )
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return 0
-  def read(self, iprot):
-    if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))
-      return
-    iprot.readStructBegin()
-    while True:
-      (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin()
-      if ftype == TType.STOP:
-        break
-      else:
-        iprot.skip(ftype)
-      iprot.readFieldEnd()
-    iprot.readStructEnd()
-  def write(self, oprot):
-    if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None:
-      oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec)))
-      return
-    oprot.writeStructBegin('failRequest_result')
-    oprot.writeFieldStop()
-    oprot.writeStructEnd()
-  def validate(self):
-    return
-  def __repr__(self):
-    L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
-      for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems()]
-    return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
-  def __ne__(self, other):
-    return not (self == other)
diff --git a/jstorm-client/src/main/py/storm/Nimbus-remote b/jstorm-client/src/main/py/storm/Nimbus-remote
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe7051..0000000
--- a/jstorm-client/src/main/py/storm/Nimbus-remote
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.7.0)
-import sys
-import pprint
-from urlparse import urlparse
-from thrift.transport import TTransport
-from thrift.transport import TSocket
-from thrift.transport import THttpClient
-from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
-import Nimbus
-from ttypes import *
-if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] == '--help':
-  print ''
-  print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' [-h host:port] [-u url] [-f[ramed]] function [arg1 [arg2...]]'
-  print ''
-  print 'Functions:'
-  print '  void submitTopology(string name, string uploadedJarLocation, string jsonConf, StormTopology topology)'
-  print '  void submitTopologyWithOpts(string name, string uploadedJarLocation, string jsonConf, StormTopology topology, SubmitOptions options)'
-  print '  void killTopology(string name)'
-  print '  void killTopologyWithOpts(string name, KillOptions options)'
-  print '  void activate(string name)'
-  print '  void deactivate(string name)'
-  print '  void rebalance(string name, RebalanceOptions options)'
-  print '  void metricMonitor(string name, MonitorOptions options)'
-  print '  void beginLibUpload(string libName)'
-  print '  string beginFileUpload()'
-  print '  void uploadChunk(string location, string chunk)'
-  print '  void finishFileUpload(string location)'
-  print '  string beginFileDownload(string file)'
-  print '  string downloadChunk(string id)'
-  print '  string getNimbusConf()'
-  print '  ClusterSummary getClusterInfo()'
-  print '  TopologyInfo getTopologyInfo(string id)'
-  print '  SupervisorWorkers getSupervisorWorkers(string host)'
-  print '  string getTopologyConf(string id)'
-  print '  StormTopology getTopology(string id)'
-  print '  StormTopology getUserTopology(string id)'
-  print '  TopologyMetricInfo getTopologyMetric(string id)'
-  print ''
-  sys.exit(0)
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent = 2)
-host = 'localhost'
-port = 9090
-uri = ''
-framed = False
-http = False
-argi = 1
-if sys.argv[argi] == '-h':
-  parts = sys.argv[argi+1].split(':')
-  host = parts[0]
-  port = int(parts[1])
-  argi += 2
-if sys.argv[argi] == '-u':
-  url = urlparse(sys.argv[argi+1])
-  parts = url[1].split(':')
-  host = parts[0]
-  if len(parts) > 1:
-    port = int(parts[1])
-  else:
-    port = 80
-  uri = url[2]
-  if url[4]:
-    uri += '?%s' % url[4]
-  http = True
-  argi += 2
-if sys.argv[argi] == '-f' or sys.argv[argi] == '-framed':
-  framed = True
-  argi += 1
-cmd = sys.argv[argi]
-args = sys.argv[argi+1:]
-if http:
-  transport = THttpClient.THttpClient(host, port, uri)
-  socket = TSocket.TSocket(host, port)
-  if framed:
-    transport = TTransport.TFramedTransport(socket)
-  else:
-    transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(socket)
-protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(transport)
-client = Nimbus.Client(protocol)
-if cmd == 'submitTopology':
-  if len(args) != 4:
-    print 'submitTopology requires 4 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.submitTopology(args[0],args[1],args[2],eval(args[3]),))
-elif cmd == 'submitTopologyWithOpts':
-  if len(args) != 5:
-    print 'submitTopologyWithOpts requires 5 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.submitTopologyWithOpts(args[0],args[1],args[2],eval(args[3]),eval(args[4]),))
-elif cmd == 'killTopology':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'killTopology requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.killTopology(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'killTopologyWithOpts':
-  if len(args) != 2:
-    print 'killTopologyWithOpts requires 2 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.killTopologyWithOpts(args[0],eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'activate':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'activate requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.activate(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'deactivate':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'deactivate requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.deactivate(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'rebalance':
-  if len(args) != 2:
-    print 'rebalance requires 2 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.rebalance(args[0],eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'metricMonitor':
-  if len(args) != 2:
-    print 'metricMonitor requires 2 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.metricMonitor(args[0],eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'beginLibUpload':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'beginLibUpload requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.beginLibUpload(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'beginFileUpload':
-  if len(args) != 0:
-    print 'beginFileUpload requires 0 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.beginFileUpload())
-elif cmd == 'uploadChunk':
-  if len(args) != 2:
-    print 'uploadChunk requires 2 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.uploadChunk(args[0],args[1],))
-elif cmd == 'finishFileUpload':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'finishFileUpload requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.finishFileUpload(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'beginFileDownload':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'beginFileDownload requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.beginFileDownload(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'downloadChunk':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'downloadChunk requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.downloadChunk(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'getNimbusConf':
-  if len(args) != 0:
-    print 'getNimbusConf requires 0 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.getNimbusConf())
-elif cmd == 'getClusterInfo':
-  if len(args) != 0:
-    print 'getClusterInfo requires 0 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.getClusterInfo())
-elif cmd == 'getTopologyInfo':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'getTopologyInfo requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.getTopologyInfo(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'getSupervisorWorkers':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'getSupervisorWorkers requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.getSupervisorWorkers(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'getTopologyConf':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'getTopologyConf requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.getTopologyConf(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'getTopology':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'getTopology requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.getTopology(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'getUserTopology':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'getUserTopology requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.getUserTopology(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'getTopologyMetric':
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    print 'getTopologyMetric requires 1 args'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  pp.pprint(client.getTopologyMetric(args[0],))
-  print 'Unrecognized method %s' % cmd
-  sys.exit(1)