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Posted to by on 2014/09/06 21:36:21 UTC

[10/51] [abbrv] [partial] Cleaning up and getting ready to development towards v4.8
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index 14b49a2..0000000
--- a/lib/
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-' ****************************************************************
-' This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You
-' may obtain a copy of the license as well as information regarding
-' copyright ownership at
-' ****************************************************************
-Option Explicit On 
-Imports System
-Imports NUnit.Framework
-Namespace NUnit.Samples
-    <TestFixture()> Public Class SimpleVBTest
-        Private fValue1 As Integer
-        Private fValue2 As Integer
-        Public Sub New()
-            MyBase.New()
-        End Sub
-        <SetUp()> Public Sub Init()
-            fValue1 = 2
-            fValue2 = 3
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> Public Sub Add()
-            Dim result As Double
-            result = fValue1 + fValue2
-            Assert.AreEqual(6, result)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> Public Sub DivideByZero()
-            Dim zero As Integer
-            Dim result As Integer
-            zero = 0
-            result = 8 / zero
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> Public Sub TestEquals()
-            Assert.AreEqual(12, 12)
-            Assert.AreEqual(CLng(12), CLng(12))
-            Assert.AreEqual(12, 13, "Size")
-            Assert.AreEqual(12, 11.99, 0, "Capacity")
-        End Sub
-        <Test(), ExpectedException(GetType(Exception))> Public Sub ExpectAnException()
-            Throw New InvalidCastException()
-        End Sub
-        <Test(), Ignore("sample ignore")> Public Sub IgnoredTest()
-            ' does not matter what we type the test is not run
-            Throw New ArgumentException()
-        End Sub
-    End Class
-End Namespace
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index 1d89264..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="vb-failures" default="build">
-  <include buildfile="../../samples.common" />
-  <patternset id="source-files">
-    <include name="AssemblyInfo.vb" />
-    <include name="SimpleVBTest.vb" />
-  </patternset>
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index 4eff16b..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-  <VisualBasic ProjectType="Local" ProductVersion="7.10.3077" SchemaVersion="2.0" ProjectGuid="{F199991B-6C8E-4AB0-9AAA-703CD4897700}">
-    <Build>
-      <Settings ApplicationIcon="" AssemblyKeyContainerName="" AssemblyName="vb-failures" AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile="" AssemblyOriginatorKeyMode="None" DefaultClientScript="JScript" DefaultHTMLPageLayout="Grid" DefaultTargetSchema="IE50" DelaySign="false" OutputType="Library" OptionCompare="Binary" OptionExplicit="On" OptionStrict="Off" RootNamespace="vb_failures" StartupObject="vb_failures.(None)">
-        <Config Name="Debug" BaseAddress="285212672" ConfigurationOverrideFile="" DefineConstants="" DefineDebug="true" DefineTrace="true" DebugSymbols="true" IncrementalBuild="true" Optimize="false" OutputPath="bin\" RegisterForComInterop="false" RemoveIntegerChecks="false" TreatWarningsAsErrors="false" WarningLevel="1" />
-        <Config Name="Release" BaseAddress="285212672" ConfigurationOverrideFile="" DefineConstants="" DefineDebug="false" DefineTrace="true" DebugSymbols="false" IncrementalBuild="false" Optimize="true" OutputPath="bin\" RegisterForComInterop="false" RemoveIntegerChecks="false" TreatWarningsAsErrors="false" WarningLevel="1" />
-      </Settings>
-      <References>
-        <Reference Name="System" AssemblyName="System" />
-        <Reference Name="nunit.framework" AssemblyName="nunit.framework, Version=2.5, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77" HintPath="..\..\..\bin\net-1.1\framework\nunit.framework.dll" />
-      </References>
-      <Imports>
-        <Import Namespace="Microsoft.VisualBasic" />
-        <Import Namespace="System" />
-      </Imports>
-    </Build>
-    <Files>
-      <Include>
-        <File RelPath="AssemblyInfo.vb" SubType="Code" BuildAction="Compile" />
-        <File RelPath="SimpleVBTest.vb" SubType="Code" BuildAction="Compile" />
-      </Include>
-    </Files>
-  </VisualBasic>
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index f929cbc..0000000
--- a/lib/
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-Imports System
-Imports System.Reflection
-Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
-' General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following 
-' set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
-' associated with an assembly.
-' Review the values of the assembly attributes
-<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyCompany("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyProduct("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")> 
-<Assembly: CLSCompliant(True)> 
-'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
-<Assembly: Guid("F21BB3B6-0C5E-4AE5-ABC7-4D25FC3F98DB")> 
-' Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
-'      Major Version
-'      Minor Version 
-'      Build Number
-'      Revision
-' You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers 
-' by using the '*' as shown below:
-<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>
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index ddc8ae6..0000000
--- a/lib/
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-' ****************************************************************
-' This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You
-' may obtain a copy of the license as well as information regarding
-' copyright ownership at
-' ****************************************************************
-Namespace NUnit.Samples
-    'The common interface for simple Monies and MoneyBags.
-    Public Interface IMoney
-        'Adds a money to this money
-        Function Add(ByVal m As IMoney) As IMoney
-        'Adds a simple Money to this money. This is a helper method for
-        'implementing double dispatch.
-        Function AddMoney(ByVal m As Money) As IMoney
-        'Adds a MoneyBag to this money. This is a helper method for
-        'implementing double dispatch.
-        Function AddMoneyBag(ByVal s As MoneyBag) As IMoney
-        'True if this money is zero.
-        ReadOnly Property IsZero() As Boolean
-        'Multiplies a money by the given factor.
-        Function Multiply(ByVal factor As Int32) As IMoney
-        'Negates this money.
-        Function Negate() As IMoney
-        'Subtracts a money from this money.
-        Function Subtract(ByVal m As IMoney) As IMoney
-    End Interface
-End Namespace
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index f7699a8..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-' ****************************************************************
-' This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You
-' may obtain a copy of the license as well as information regarding
-' copyright ownership at
-' ****************************************************************
-Option Explicit On 
-Namespace NUnit.Samples
-    ' A Simple Money.
-    Public Class Money
-        Implements IMoney
-        Private fAmount As Int32
-        Private fCurrency As String
-        ' Constructs a money from a given amount and currency.
-        Public Sub New(ByVal amount As Int32, ByVal currency As String)
-            Me.fAmount = amount
-            Me.fCurrency = currency
-        End Sub
-        ' Adds a money to this money. Forwards the request
-        ' to the AddMoney helper.
-        Public Overloads Function Add(ByVal m As IMoney) As IMoney Implements IMoney.Add
-            Return m.AddMoney(Me)
-        End Function
-        Public Overloads Function AddMoney(ByVal m As Money) As IMoney Implements IMoney.AddMoney
-            If m.Currency.Equals(Currency) Then
-                Return New Money(Amount + m.Amount, Currency)
-            End If
-            Return New MoneyBag(Me, m)
-        End Function
-        Public Function AddMoneyBag(ByVal s As MoneyBag) As IMoney Implements IMoney.AddMoneyBag
-            Return s.AddMoney(Me)
-        End Function
-        Public ReadOnly Property Amount() As Integer
-            Get
-                Return fAmount
-            End Get
-        End Property
-        Public ReadOnly Property Currency() As String
-            Get
-                Return fCurrency
-            End Get
-        End Property
-        Public Overloads Overrides Function Equals(ByVal anObject As Object) As Boolean
-            If IsZero And TypeOf anObject Is IMoney Then
-                Dim aMoney As IMoney = anObject
-                Return aMoney.IsZero
-            End If
-            If TypeOf anObject Is Money Then
-                Dim aMoney As Money = anObject
-                If (IsZero) Then
-                    Return aMoney.IsZero
-                End If
-                Return Currency.Equals(aMoney.Currency) And Amount.Equals(aMoney.Amount)
-            End If
-            Return False
-        End Function
-        Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Int32
-            Return fCurrency.GetHashCode() + fAmount
-        End Function
-        Public ReadOnly Property IsZero() As Boolean Implements IMoney.IsZero
-            Get
-                Return Amount.Equals(0)
-            End Get
-        End Property
-        Public Function Multiply(ByVal factor As Integer) As IMoney Implements IMoney.Multiply
-            Return New Money(Amount * factor, Currency)
-        End Function
-        Public Function Negate() As IMoney Implements IMoney.Negate
-            Return New Money(-Amount, Currency)
-        End Function
-        Public Function Subtract(ByVal m As IMoney) As IMoney Implements IMoney.Subtract
-            Return Add(m.Negate())
-        End Function
-        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
-            Return String.Format("[{0} {1}]", Amount, Currency)
-        End Function
-    End Class
-End Namespace
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index 409c1a1..0000000
--- a/lib/
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@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-' ****************************************************************
-' This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You
-' may obtain a copy of the license as well as information regarding
-' copyright ownership at
-' ****************************************************************
-Option Explicit On 
-Namespace NUnit.Samples
-    Public Class MoneyBag
-        Implements IMoney
-        Private fmonies As ArrayList = New ArrayList(5)
-        Private Sub New()
-        End Sub
-        Public Sub New(ByVal bag As Money())
-            For Each m As Money In bag
-                If Not m.IsZero Then
-                    AppendMoney(m)
-                End If
-            Next
-        End Sub
-        Public Sub New(ByVal m1 As Money, ByVal m2 As Money)
-            AppendMoney(m1)
-            AppendMoney(m2)
-        End Sub
-        Public Sub New(ByVal m As Money, ByVal bag As MoneyBag)
-            AppendMoney(m)
-            AppendBag(bag)
-        End Sub
-        Public Sub New(ByVal m1 As MoneyBag, ByVal m2 As MoneyBag)
-            AppendBag(m1)
-            AppendBag(m2)
-        End Sub
-        Public Function Add(ByVal m As IMoney) As IMoney Implements IMoney.Add
-            Return m.AddMoneyBag(Me)
-        End Function
-        Public Function AddMoney(ByVal m As Money) As IMoney Implements IMoney.AddMoney
-            Return New MoneyBag(m, Me).Simplify
-        End Function
-        Public Function AddMoneyBag(ByVal s As MoneyBag) As IMoney Implements IMoney.AddMoneyBag
-            Return New MoneyBag(s, Me).Simplify()
-        End Function
-        Private Sub AppendBag(ByVal aBag As MoneyBag)
-            For Each m As Money In aBag.fmonies
-                AppendMoney(m)
-            Next
-        End Sub
-        Private Sub AppendMoney(ByVal aMoney As Money)
-            Dim old As Money = FindMoney(aMoney.Currency)
-            If old Is Nothing Then
-                fmonies.Add(aMoney)
-                Return
-            End If
-            fmonies.Remove(old)
-            Dim sum As IMoney = old.Add(aMoney)
-            If (sum.IsZero) Then
-                Return
-            End If
-            fmonies.Add(sum)
-        End Sub
-        Private Function Contains(ByVal aMoney As Money) As Boolean
-            Dim m As Money = FindMoney(aMoney.Currency)
-            Return m.Amount.Equals(aMoney.Amount)
-        End Function
-        Public Overloads Overrides Function Equals(ByVal anObject As Object) As Boolean
-            If IsZero Then
-                If TypeOf anObject Is IMoney Then
-                    Dim aMoney As IMoney = anObject
-                    Return aMoney.IsZero
-                End If
-            End If
-            If TypeOf anObject Is MoneyBag Then
-                Dim aMoneyBag As MoneyBag = anObject
-                If Not aMoneyBag.fmonies.Count.Equals(fmonies.Count) Then
-                    Return False
-                End If
-                For Each m As Money In fmonies
-                    If Not aMoneyBag.Contains(m) Then
-                        Return False
-                    End If
-                    Return True
-                Next
-            End If
-            Return False
-        End Function
-        Private Function FindMoney(ByVal currency As String) As Money
-            For Each m As Money In fmonies
-                If m.Currency.Equals(currency) Then
-                    Return m
-                End If
-            Next
-            Return Nothing
-        End Function
-        Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Int32
-            Dim hash As Int32 = 0
-            For Each m As Money In fmonies
-                hash += m.GetHashCode()
-            Next
-            Return hash
-        End Function
-        Public ReadOnly Property IsZero() As Boolean Implements IMoney.IsZero
-            Get
-                Return fmonies.Count.Equals(0)
-            End Get
-        End Property
-        Public Function Multiply(ByVal factor As Integer) As IMoney Implements IMoney.Multiply
-            Dim result As New MoneyBag
-            If Not factor.Equals(0) Then
-                For Each m As Money In fmonies
-                    result.AppendMoney(m.Multiply(factor))
-                Next
-            End If
-            Return result
-        End Function
-        Public Function Negate() As IMoney Implements IMoney.Negate
-            Dim result As New MoneyBag
-            For Each m As Money In fmonies
-                result.AppendMoney(m.Negate())
-            Next
-            Return result
-        End Function
-        Private Function Simplify() As IMoney
-            If fmonies.Count.Equals(1) Then
-                Return fmonies(0)
-            End If
-            Return Me
-        End Function
-        Public Function Subtract(ByVal m As IMoney) As IMoney Implements IMoney.Subtract
-            Return Add(m.Negate())
-        End Function
-    End Class
-End Namespace
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index acb2c42..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-' ****************************************************************
-' This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You
-' may obtain a copy of the license as well as information regarding
-' copyright ownership at
-' ****************************************************************
-Option Explicit On 
-Imports System
-Imports NUnit.Framework
-Namespace NUnit.Samples
-    <TestFixture()> _
-    Public Class MoneyTest
-        Private f12CHF As Money
-        Private f14CHF As Money
-        Private f7USD As Money
-        Private f21USD As Money
-        Private fMB1 As MoneyBag
-        Private fMB2 As MoneyBag
-        <SetUp()> _
-        Protected Sub SetUp()
-            f12CHF = New Money(12, "CHF")
-            f14CHF = New Money(14, "CHF")
-            f7USD = New Money(7, "USD")
-            f21USD = New Money(21, "USD")
-            fMB1 = New MoneyBag(f12CHF, f7USD)
-            fMB2 = New MoneyBag(f14CHF, f21USD)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub BagMultiply()
-            ' {[12 CHF][7 USD]} *2 == {[24 CHF][14 USD]}
-            Dim bag() As Money = New Money() {New Money(24, "CHF"), New Money(14, "USD")}
-            Dim expected As New MoneyBag(bag)
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, fMB1.Multiply(2))
-            Assert.AreEqual(fMB1, fMB1.Multiply(1))
-            Assert.IsTrue(fMB1.Multiply(0).IsZero)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub BagNegate()
-            ' {[12 CHF][7 USD]} negate == {[-12 CHF][-7 USD]}
-            Dim bag() As Money = New Money() {New Money(-12, "CHF"), New Money(-7, "USD")}
-            Dim expected As New MoneyBag(bag)
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, fMB1.Negate())
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub BagSimpleAdd()
-            ' {[12 CHF][7 USD]} + [14 CHF] == {[26 CHF][7 USD]}
-            Dim bag() As Money = New Money() {New Money(26, "CHF"), New Money(7, "USD")}
-            Dim expected As New MoneyBag(bag)
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, fMB1.Add(f14CHF))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub BagSubtract()
-            ' {[12 CHF][7 USD]} - {[14 CHF][21 USD] == {[-2 CHF][-14 USD]}
-            Dim bag() As Money = New Money() {New Money(-2, "CHF"), New Money(-14, "USD")}
-            Dim expected As New MoneyBag(bag)
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, fMB1.Subtract(fMB2))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub BagSumAdd()
-            ' {[12 CHF][7 USD]} + {[14 CHF][21 USD]} == {[26 CHF][28 USD]}
-            Dim bag() As Money = New Money() {New Money(26, "CHF"), New Money(28, "USD")}
-            Dim expected As New MoneyBag(bag)
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, fMB1.Add(fMB2))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub IsZero()
-            Assert.IsTrue(fMB1.Subtract(fMB1).IsZero)
-            Dim bag() As Money = New Money() {New Money(0, "CHF"), New Money(0, "USD")}
-            Assert.IsTrue(New MoneyBag(bag).IsZero)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub MixedSimpleAdd()
-            ' [12 CHF] + [7 USD] == {[12 CHF][7 USD]}
-            Dim bag() As Money = New Money() {f12CHF, f7USD}
-            Dim expected As New MoneyBag(bag)
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, f12CHF.Add(f7USD))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub MoneyBagEquals()
-            ' NOTE: Normally we use Assert.AreEqual to test whether two
-            ' objects are equal. But here we are testing the MoneyBag.Equals()
-            ' method itself, so using AreEqual would not serve the purpose.
-            Assert.IsFalse(fMB1.Equals(Nothing))
-            Assert.IsTrue(fMB1.Equals(fMB1))
-            Dim equal As MoneyBag = New MoneyBag(New Money(12, "CHF"), New Money(7, "USD"))
-            Assert.IsTrue(fMB1.Equals(equal))
-            Assert.IsFalse(fMB1.Equals(f12CHF))
-            Assert.IsFalse(f12CHF.Equals(fMB1))
-            Assert.IsFalse(fMB1.Equals(fMB2))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub MoneyBagHash()
-            Dim equal As MoneyBag = New MoneyBag(New Money(12, "CHF"), New Money(7, "USD"))
-            Assert.AreEqual(fMB1.GetHashCode(), equal.GetHashCode())
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub MoneyEquals()
-            ' NOTE: Normally we use Assert.AreEqual to test whether two
-            ' objects are equal. But here we are testing the MoneyBag.Equals()
-            ' method itself, so using AreEqual would not serve the purpose.
-            Assert.IsFalse(f12CHF.Equals(Nothing))
-            Dim equalMoney As Money = New Money(12, "CHF")
-            Assert.IsTrue(f12CHF.Equals(f12CHF))
-            Assert.IsTrue(f12CHF.Equals(equalMoney))
-            Assert.IsFalse(f12CHF.Equals(f14CHF))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub MoneyHash()
-            Assert.IsFalse(f12CHF.Equals(Nothing))
-            Dim equal As Money = New Money(12, "CHF")
-            Assert.AreEqual(f12CHF.GetHashCode(), equal.GetHashCode())
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub Normalize()
-            Dim bag() As Money = New Money() {New Money(26, "CHF"), New Money(28, "CHF"), New Money(6, "CHF")}
-            Dim moneyBag As New MoneyBag(bag)
-            Dim expected() As Money = New Money() {New Money(60, "CHF")}
-            '	// note: expected is still a MoneyBag
-            Dim expectedBag As New MoneyBag(expected)
-            Assert.AreEqual(expectedBag, moneyBag)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub Normalize2()
-            ' {[12 CHF][7 USD]} - [12 CHF] == [7 USD]
-            Dim expected As Money = New Money(7, "USD")
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, fMB1.Subtract(f12CHF))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub Normalize3()
-            ' {[12 CHF][7 USD]} - {[12 CHF][3 USD]} == [4 USD]
-            Dim s1() As Money = New Money() {New Money(12, "CHF"), New Money(3, "USD")}
-            Dim ms1 As New MoneyBag(s1)
-            Dim expected As New Money(4, "USD")
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, fMB1.Subtract(ms1))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub Normalize4()
-            ' [12 CHF] - {[12 CHF][3 USD]} == [-3 USD]
-            Dim s1() As Money = New Money() {New Money(12, "CHF"), New Money(3, "USD")}
-            Dim ms1 As New MoneyBag(s1)
-            Dim expected As New Money(-3, "USD")
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, f12CHF.Subtract(ms1))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub Print()
-            Assert.AreEqual("[12 CHF]", f12CHF.ToString())
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub SimpleAdd()
-            ' [12 CHF] + [14 CHF] == [26 CHF]
-            Dim expected As Money = New Money(26, "CHF")
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, f12CHF.Add(f14CHF))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub SimpleNegate()
-            ' [14 CHF] negate == [-14 CHF]
-            Dim expected As New Money(-14, "CHF")
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, f14CHF.Negate())
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub SimpleSubtract()
-            ' [14 CHF] - [12 CHF] == [2 CHF]
-            Dim expected As New Money(2, "CHF")
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, f14CHF.Subtract(f12CHF))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub SimpleMultiply()
-            ' [14 CHF] *2 == [28 CHF]
-            Dim expected As New Money(28, "CHF")
-            Assert.AreEqual(expected, f14CHF.Multiply(2))
-        End Sub
-    End Class
-End Namespace
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index 0d3cc04..0000000
--- a/lib/
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-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="vb-money" default="build">
-  <include buildfile="../../samples.common" />
-  <patternset id="source-files">
-    <include name="AssemblyInfo.vb" />
-    <include name="IMoney.vb" />
-    <include name="Money.vb" />
-    <include name="MoneyBag.vb" />
-    <include name="MoneyTest.vb" />
-  </patternset>
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index b98e920..0000000
--- a/lib/
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-  <VisualBasic ProjectType="Local" ProductVersion="7.10.3077" SchemaVersion="2.0" ProjectGuid="{95394B96-A794-48EA-9879-0E4EC79C5724}">
-    <Build>
-      <Settings ApplicationIcon="" AssemblyKeyContainerName="" AssemblyName="vb-money" AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile="" AssemblyOriginatorKeyMode="None" DefaultClientScript="JScript" DefaultHTMLPageLayout="Grid" DefaultTargetSchema="IE50" DelaySign="false" OutputType="Library" OptionCompare="Binary" OptionExplicit="On" OptionStrict="Off" RootNamespace="Money" StartupObject="">
-        <Config Name="Debug" BaseAddress="285212672" ConfigurationOverrideFile="" DefineConstants="" DefineDebug="true" DefineTrace="true" DebugSymbols="true" IncrementalBuild="true" Optimize="false" OutputPath="bin\" RegisterForComInterop="false" RemoveIntegerChecks="false" TreatWarningsAsErrors="false" WarningLevel="1" />
-        <Config Name="Release" BaseAddress="285212672" ConfigurationOverrideFile="" DefineConstants="" DefineDebug="false" DefineTrace="true" DebugSymbols="false" IncrementalBuild="false" Optimize="true" OutputPath="bin\" RegisterForComInterop="false" RemoveIntegerChecks="false" TreatWarningsAsErrors="false" WarningLevel="1" />
-      </Settings>
-      <References>
-        <Reference Name="System" AssemblyName="System" />
-        <Reference Name="nunit.framework" AssemblyName="nunit.framework, Version=2.5, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77" HintPath="..\..\..\bin\net-1.1\framework\nunit.framework.dll" />
-      </References>
-      <Imports>
-        <Import Namespace="Microsoft.VisualBasic" />
-        <Import Namespace="System" />
-        <Import Namespace="System.Collections" />
-      </Imports>
-    </Build>
-    <Files>
-      <Include>
-        <File RelPath="AssemblyInfo.vb" SubType="Code" BuildAction="Compile" />
-        <File RelPath="IMoney.vb" SubType="Code" BuildAction="Compile" />
-        <File RelPath="Money.vb" SubType="Code" BuildAction="Compile" />
-        <File RelPath="MoneyBag.vb" SubType="Code" BuildAction="Compile" />
-        <File RelPath="MoneyTest.vb" SubType="Code" BuildAction="Compile" />
-      </Include>
-    </Files>
-  </VisualBasic>
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Imports System
-Imports System.Reflection
-Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
-' General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following 
-' set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
-' associated with an assembly.
-' Review the values of the assembly attributes
-<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyCompany("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyProduct("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")> 
-<Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")> 
-<Assembly: CLSCompliant(True)> 
-'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
-<Assembly: Guid("966C964A-3C92-4834-AC3A-9A47BA0A728B")> 
-' Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
-'      Major Version
-'      Minor Version 
-'      Build Number
-'      Revision
-' You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers 
-' by using the '*' as shown below:
-<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index bec1e0b..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
-' ****************************************************************
-' Copyright 2007, Charlie Poole
-' This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You may
-' obtain a copy of the license at http:'
-' ****************************************************************
-Option Explicit On 
-Imports System
-Imports NUnit.Framework
-Imports NUnit.Framework.Constraints
-Imports Text = NUnit.Framework.Text
-Namespace NUnit.Samples
-    ' This test fixture attempts to exercise all the syntactic
-    ' variations of Assert without getting into failures, errors 
-    ' or corner cases. Thus, some of the tests may be duplicated 
-    ' in other fixtures.
-    ' 
-    ' Each test performs the same operations using the classic
-    ' syntax (if available) and the new syntax in both the
-    ' helper-based and inherited forms.
-    ' 
-    ' This Fixture will eventually be duplicated in other
-    ' supported languages. 
-    <TestFixture()> _
-    Public Class AssertSyntaxTests
-        Inherits AssertionHelper
-#Region "Simple Constraint Tests"
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub IsNull()
-            Dim nada As Object = Nothing
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.IsNull(nada)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(nada, Iz.Null)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(nada, Null)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub IsNotNull()
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.IsNotNull(42)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(42, Iz.Not.Null)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(42, Iz.Not.Null)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub IsTrue()
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.IsTrue(2 + 2 = 4)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(2 + 2 = 4, Iz.True)
-            Assert.That(2 + 2 = 4)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(2 + 2 = 4, Iz.True)
-            Expect(2 + 2 = 4)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub IsFalse()
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.IsFalse(2 + 2 = 5)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(2 + 2 = 5, Iz.False)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(2 + 2 = 5, Iz.False)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub IsNaN()
-            Dim d As Double = Double.NaN
-            Dim f As Single = Single.NaN
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.IsNaN(d)
-            Assert.IsNaN(f)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(d, Iz.NaN)
-            Assert.That(f, Iz.NaN)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(d, NaN)
-            Expect(f, NaN)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub EmptyStringTests()
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.IsEmpty("")
-            Assert.IsNotEmpty("Hello!")
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That("", Iz.Empty)
-            Assert.That("Hello!", Iz.Not.Empty)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect("", Empty)
-            Expect("Hello!", Iz.Not.Empty)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub EmptyCollectionTests()
-            Dim boolArray As Boolean() = New Boolean() {}
-            Dim nonEmpty As Integer() = New Integer() {1, 2, 3}
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.IsEmpty(boolArray)
-            Assert.IsNotEmpty(nonEmpty)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(boolArray, Iz.Empty)
-            Assert.That(nonEmpty, Iz.Not.Empty)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(boolArray, Iz.Empty)
-            Expect(nonEmpty, Iz.Not.Empty)
-        End Sub
-#End Region
-#Region "TypeConstraint Tests"
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub ExactTypeTests()
-            ' Classic syntax workarounds
-            Assert.AreEqual(GetType(String), "Hello".GetType())
-            Assert.AreEqual("System.String", "Hello".GetType().FullName)
-            Assert.AreNotEqual(GetType(Integer), "Hello".GetType())
-            Assert.AreNotEqual("System.Int32", "Hello".GetType().FullName)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That("Hello", Iz.TypeOf(GetType(String)))
-            Assert.That("Hello", Iz.Not.TypeOf(GetType(Integer)))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect("Hello", Iz.TypeOf(GetType(String)))
-            Expect("Hello", Iz.Not.TypeOf(GetType(Integer)))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub InstanceOfTypeTests()
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.IsInstanceOf(GetType(String), "Hello")
-            Assert.IsNotInstanceOf(GetType(String), 5)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That("Hello", Iz.InstanceOf(GetType(String)))
-            Assert.That(5, Iz.Not.InstanceOf(GetType(String)))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect("Hello", InstanceOf(GetType(String)))
-            Expect(5, Iz.Not.InstanceOf(GetType(String)))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub AssignableFromTypeTests()
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.IsAssignableFrom(GetType(String), "Hello")
-            Assert.IsNotAssignableFrom(GetType(String), 5)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That("Hello", Iz.AssignableFrom(GetType(String)))
-            Assert.That(5, Iz.Not.AssignableFrom(GetType(String)))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect("Hello", AssignableFrom(GetType(String)))
-            Expect(5, Iz.Not.AssignableFrom(GetType(String)))
-        End Sub
-#End Region
-#Region "StringConstraintTests"
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub SubstringTests()
-            Dim phrase As String = "Hello World!"
-            Dim array As String() = New String() {"abc", "bad", "dba"}
-            ' Classic Syntax
-            StringAssert.Contains("World", phrase)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.Contains("World"))
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.DoesNotContain("goodbye"))
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.Contains("WORLD").IgnoreCase)
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.DoesNotContain("BYE").IgnoreCase)
-            Assert.That(array, Text.All.Contains("b"))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(phrase, Contains("World"))
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Expect(phrase, Text.DoesNotContain("goodbye"))
-            Expect(phrase, Contains("WORLD").IgnoreCase)
-            Expect(phrase, Text.DoesNotContain("BYE").IgnoreCase)
-            Expect(array, All.Contains("b"))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub StartsWithTests()
-            Dim phrase As String = "Hello World!"
-            Dim greetings As String() = New String() {"Hello!", "Hi!", "Hola!"}
-            ' Classic syntax
-            StringAssert.StartsWith("Hello", phrase)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.StartsWith("Hello"))
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.DoesNotStartWith("Hi!"))
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.StartsWith("HeLLo").IgnoreCase)
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.DoesNotStartWith("HI").IgnoreCase)
-            Assert.That(greetings, Text.All.StartsWith("h").IgnoreCase)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(phrase, StartsWith("Hello"))
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Expect(phrase, Text.DoesNotStartWith("Hi!"))
-            Expect(phrase, StartsWith("HeLLo").IgnoreCase)
-            Expect(phrase, Text.DoesNotStartWith("HI").IgnoreCase)
-            Expect(greetings, All.StartsWith("h").IgnoreCase)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub EndsWithTests()
-            Dim phrase As String = "Hello World!"
-            Dim greetings As String() = New String() {"Hello!", "Hi!", "Hola!"}
-            ' Classic Syntax
-            StringAssert.EndsWith("!", phrase)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.EndsWith("!"))
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.DoesNotEndWith("?"))
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.EndsWith("WORLD!").IgnoreCase)
-            Assert.That(greetings, Text.All.EndsWith("!"))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(phrase, EndsWith("!"))
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Expect(phrase, Text.DoesNotEndWith("?"))
-            Expect(phrase, EndsWith("WORLD!").IgnoreCase)
-            Expect(greetings, All.EndsWith("!"))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub EqualIgnoringCaseTests()
-            Dim phrase As String = "Hello World!"
-            Dim array1 As String() = New String() {"Hello", "World"}
-            Dim array2 As String() = New String() {"HELLO", "WORLD"}
-            Dim array3 As String() = New String() {"HELLO", "Hello", "hello"}
-            ' Classic syntax
-            StringAssert.AreEqualIgnoringCase("hello world!", phrase)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Iz.EqualTo("hello world!").IgnoreCase)
-            'Only available using new syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Iz.Not.EqualTo("goodbye world!").IgnoreCase)
-            Assert.That(array1, Iz.EqualTo(array2).IgnoreCase)
-            Assert.That(array3, Iz.All.EqualTo("hello").IgnoreCase)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(phrase, EqualTo("hello world!").IgnoreCase)
-            'Only available using new syntax
-            Expect(phrase, Iz.Not.EqualTo("goodbye world!").IgnoreCase)
-            Expect(array1, EqualTo(array2).IgnoreCase)
-            Expect(array3, All.EqualTo("hello").IgnoreCase)
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub RegularExpressionTests()
-            Dim phrase As String = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."
-            Dim quotes As String() = New String() {"Never say never", "It's never too late", "Nevermore!"}
-            ' Classic syntax
-            StringAssert.IsMatch("all good men", phrase)
-            StringAssert.IsMatch("Now.*come", phrase)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.Matches("all good men"))
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.Matches("Now.*come"))
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.DoesNotMatch("all.*men.*good"))
-            Assert.That(phrase, Text.Matches("ALL").IgnoreCase)
-            Assert.That(quotes, Text.All.Matches("never").IgnoreCase)
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(phrase, Matches("all good men"))
-            Expect(phrase, Matches("Now.*come"))
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Expect(phrase, Text.DoesNotMatch("all.*men.*good"))
-            Expect(phrase, Matches("ALL").IgnoreCase)
-            Expect(quotes, All.Matches("never").IgnoreCase)
-        End Sub
-#End Region
-#Region "Equality Tests"
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub EqualityTests()
-            Dim i3 As Integer() = {1, 2, 3}
-            Dim d3 As Double() = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}
-            Dim iunequal As Integer() = {1, 3, 2}
-            ' Classic Syntax
-            Assert.AreEqual(4, 2 + 2)
-            Assert.AreEqual(i3, d3)
-            Assert.AreNotEqual(5, 2 + 2)
-            Assert.AreNotEqual(i3, iunequal)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(2 + 2, Iz.EqualTo(4))
-            Assert.That(2 + 2 = 4)
-            Assert.That(i3, Iz.EqualTo(d3))
-            Assert.That(2 + 2, Iz.Not.EqualTo(5))
-            Assert.That(i3, Iz.Not.EqualTo(iunequal))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(2 + 2, EqualTo(4))
-            Expect(2 + 2 = 4)
-            Expect(i3, EqualTo(d3))
-            Expect(2 + 2, Iz.Not.EqualTo(5))
-            Expect(i3, Iz.Not.EqualTo(iunequal))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub EqualityTestsWithTolerance()
-            ' CLassic syntax
-            Assert.AreEqual(5.0R, 4.99R, 0.05R)
-            Assert.AreEqual(5.0F, 4.99F, 0.05F)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(4.99R, Iz.EqualTo(5.0R).Within(0.05R))
-            Assert.That(4D, Iz.Not.EqualTo(5D).Within(0.5D))
-            Assert.That(4.99F, Iz.EqualTo(5.0F).Within(0.05F))
-            Assert.That(4.99D, Iz.EqualTo(5D).Within(0.05D))
-            Assert.That(499, Iz.EqualTo(500).Within(5))
-            Assert.That(4999999999L, Iz.EqualTo(5000000000L).Within(5L))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(4.99R, EqualTo(5.0R).Within(0.05R))
-            Expect(4D, Iz.Not.EqualTo(5D).Within(0.5D))
-            Expect(4.99F, EqualTo(5.0F).Within(0.05F))
-            Expect(4.99D, EqualTo(5D).Within(0.05D))
-            Expect(499, EqualTo(500).Within(5))
-            Expect(4999999999L, EqualTo(5000000000L).Within(5L))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub EqualityTestsWithTolerance_MixedFloatAndDouble()
-            ' Bug Fix 1743844
-            Assert.That(2.20492R, Iz.EqualTo(2.2R).Within(0.01F), _
-                "Double actual, Double expected, Single tolerance")
-            Assert.That(2.20492R, Iz.EqualTo(2.2F).Within(0.01R), _
-                "Double actual, Single expected, Double tolerance")
-            Assert.That(2.20492R, Iz.EqualTo(2.2F).Within(0.01F), _
-                "Double actual, Single expected, Single tolerance")
-            Assert.That(2.20492F, Iz.EqualTo(2.2F).Within(0.01R), _
-                "Single actual, Single expected, Double tolerance")
-            Assert.That(2.20492F, Iz.EqualTo(2.2R).Within(0.01R), _
-                "Single actual, Double expected, Double tolerance")
-            Assert.That(2.20492F, Iz.EqualTo(2.2R).Within(0.01F), _
-                "Single actual, Double expected, Single tolerance")
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub EqualityTestsWithTolerance_MixingTypesGenerally()
-            ' Extending tolerance to all numeric types
-            Assert.That(202.0R, Iz.EqualTo(200.0R).Within(2), _
-                "Double actual, Double expected, int tolerance")
-            Assert.That(4.87D, Iz.EqualTo(5).Within(0.25R), _
-                "Decimal actual, int expected, Double tolerance")
-            Assert.That(4.87D, Iz.EqualTo(5L).Within(1), _
-                "Decimal actual, long expected, int tolerance")
-            Assert.That(487, Iz.EqualTo(500).Within(25), _
-                "int actual, int expected, int tolerance")
-            Assert.That(487L, Iz.EqualTo(500).Within(25), _
-                "long actual, int expected, int tolerance")
-        End Sub
-#End Region
-#Region "Comparison Tests"
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub ComparisonTests()
-            ' Classic Syntax
-            Assert.Greater(7, 3)
-            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(7, 3)
-            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(7, 7)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(7, Iz.GreaterThan(3))
-            Assert.That(7, Iz.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(7, Iz.AtLeast(3))
-            Assert.That(7, Iz.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(7))
-            Assert.That(7, Iz.AtLeast(7))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(7, GreaterThan(3))
-            Expect(7, GreaterThanOrEqualTo(3))
-            Expect(7, AtLeast(3))
-            Expect(7, GreaterThanOrEqualTo(7))
-            Expect(7, AtLeast(7))
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.Less(3, 7)
-            Assert.LessOrEqual(3, 7)
-            Assert.LessOrEqual(3, 3)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(3, Iz.LessThan(7))
-            Assert.That(3, Iz.LessThanOrEqualTo(7))
-            Assert.That(3, Iz.AtMost(7))
-            Assert.That(3, Iz.LessThanOrEqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(3, Iz.AtMost(3))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(3, LessThan(7))
-            Expect(3, LessThanOrEqualTo(7))
-            Expect(3, AtMost(7))
-            Expect(3, LessThanOrEqualTo(3))
-            Expect(3, AtMost(3))
-        End Sub
-#End Region
-#Region "Collection Tests"
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub AllItemsTests()
-            Dim ints As Object() = {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            Dim doubles As Object() = {0.99, 2.1, 3.0, 4.05}
-            Dim strings As Object() = {"abc", "bad", "cab", "bad", "dad"}
-            ' Classic syntax
-            CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreNotNull(ints)
-            CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreInstancesOfType(ints, GetType(Integer))
-            CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreInstancesOfType(strings, GetType(String))
-            CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreUnique(ints)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(ints, Iz.All.Not.Null)
-            Assert.That(ints, Has.None.Null)
-            Assert.That(ints, Iz.All.InstanceOfType(GetType(Integer)))
-            Assert.That(ints, Has.All.InstanceOfType(GetType(Integer)))
-            Assert.That(strings, Iz.All.InstanceOfType(GetType(String)))
-            Assert.That(strings, Has.All.InstanceOfType(GetType(String)))
-            Assert.That(ints, Iz.Unique)
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Assert.That(strings, Iz.Not.Unique)
-            Assert.That(ints, Iz.All.GreaterThan(0))
-            Assert.That(ints, Has.All.GreaterThan(0))
-            Assert.That(ints, Has.None.LessThanOrEqualTo(0))
-            Assert.That(strings, Text.All.Contains("a"))
-            Assert.That(strings, Has.All.Contains("a"))
-            Assert.That(strings, Has.Some.StartsWith("ba"))
-            Assert.That(strings, Has.Some.Property("Length").EqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(strings, Has.Some.StartsWith("BA").IgnoreCase)
-            Assert.That(doubles, Has.Some.EqualTo(1.0).Within(0.05))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(ints, All.Not.Null)
-            Expect(ints, None.Null)
-            Expect(ints, All.InstanceOfType(GetType(Integer)))
-            Expect(strings, All.InstanceOfType(GetType(String)))
-            Expect(ints, Unique)
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            Expect(strings, Iz.Not.Unique)
-            Expect(ints, All.GreaterThan(0))
-            Expect(strings, All.Contains("a"))
-            Expect(strings, Some.StartsWith("ba"))
-            Expect(strings, Some.StartsWith("BA").IgnoreCase)
-            Expect(doubles, Some.EqualTo(1.0).Within(0.05))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-       Public Sub SomeItemsTests()
-            Dim mixed As Object() = {1, 2, "3", Nothing, "four", 100}
-            Dim strings As Object() = {"abc", "bad", "cab", "bad", "dad"}
-            ' Not available using the classic syntax
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(mixed, Has.Some.Null)
-            Assert.That(mixed, Has.Some.InstanceOfType(GetType(Integer)))
-            Assert.That(mixed, Has.Some.InstanceOfType(GetType(String)))
-            Assert.That(strings, Has.Some.StartsWith("ba"))
-            Assert.That(strings, Has.Some.Not.StartsWith("ba"))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(mixed, Some.Null)
-            Expect(mixed, Some.InstanceOfType(GetType(Integer)))
-            Expect(mixed, Some.InstanceOfType(GetType(String)))
-            Expect(strings, Some.StartsWith("ba"))
-            Expect(strings, Some.Not.StartsWith("ba"))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub NoItemsTests()
-            Dim ints As Object() = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
-            Dim strings As Object() = {"abc", "bad", "cab", "bad", "dad"}
-            ' Not available using the classic syntax
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(ints, Has.None.Null)
-            Assert.That(ints, Has.None.InstanceOfType(GetType(String)))
-            Assert.That(ints, Has.None.GreaterThan(99))
-            Assert.That(strings, Has.None.StartsWith("qu"))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(ints, None.Null)
-            Expect(ints, None.InstanceOfType(GetType(String)))
-            Expect(ints, None.GreaterThan(99))
-            Expect(strings, None.StartsWith("qu"))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub CollectionContainsTests()
-            Dim iarray As Integer() = {1, 2, 3}
-            Dim sarray As String() = {"a", "b", "c"}
-            ' Classic syntax
-            Assert.Contains(3, iarray)
-            Assert.Contains("b", sarray)
-            CollectionAssert.Contains(iarray, 3)
-            CollectionAssert.Contains(sarray, "b")
-            CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(sarray, "x")
-            ' Showing that Contains uses NUnit equality
-            CollectionAssert.Contains(iarray, 1.0R)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(iarray, Has.Member(3))
-            Assert.That(sarray, Has.Member("b"))
-            Assert.That(sarray, Has.No.Member("x"))
-            ' Showing that Contains uses NUnit equality
-            Assert.That(iarray, Has.Member(1.0R))
-            ' Only available using the new syntax
-            ' Note that EqualTo and SameAs do NOT give
-            ' identical results to Contains because 
-            ' Contains uses Object.Equals()
-            Assert.That(iarray, Has.Some.EqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(iarray, Has.Member(3))
-            Assert.That(sarray, Has.Some.EqualTo("b"))
-            Assert.That(sarray, Has.None.EqualTo("x"))
-            Assert.That(iarray, Has.None.SameAs(1.0R))
-            Assert.That(iarray, Has.All.LessThan(10))
-            Assert.That(sarray, Has.All.Length.EqualTo(1))
-            Assert.That(sarray, Has.None.Property("Length").GreaterThan(3))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(iarray, Contains(3))
-            Expect(sarray, Contains("b"))
-            Expect(sarray, Has.No.Member("x"))
-            ' Only available using new syntax
-            ' Note that EqualTo and SameAs do NOT give
-            ' identical results to Contains because 
-            ' Contains uses Object.Equals()
-            Expect(iarray, Some.EqualTo(3))
-            Expect(sarray, Some.EqualTo("b"))
-            Expect(sarray, None.EqualTo("x"))
-            Expect(iarray, All.LessThan(10))
-            Expect(sarray, All.Length.EqualTo(1))
-            Expect(sarray, None.Property("Length").GreaterThan(3))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub CollectionEquivalenceTests()
-            Dim ints1to5 As Integer() = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
-            Dim twothrees As Integer() = {1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5}
-            Dim twofours As Integer() = {1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5}
-            ' Classic syntax
-            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(New Integer() {2, 1, 4, 3, 5}, ints1to5)
-            CollectionAssert.AreNotEquivalent(New Integer() {2, 2, 4, 3, 5}, ints1to5)
-            CollectionAssert.AreNotEquivalent(New Integer() {2, 4, 3, 5}, ints1to5)
-            CollectionAssert.AreNotEquivalent(New Integer() {2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5}, ints1to5)
-            CollectionAssert.AreNotEquivalent(twothrees, twofours)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(New Integer() {2, 1, 4, 3, 5}, Iz.EquivalentTo(ints1to5))
-            Assert.That(New Integer() {2, 2, 4, 3, 5}, Iz.Not.EquivalentTo(ints1to5))
-            Assert.That(New Integer() {2, 4, 3, 5}, Iz.Not.EquivalentTo(ints1to5))
-            Assert.That(New Integer() {2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5}, Iz.Not.EquivalentTo(ints1to5))
-            Assert.That(twothrees, Iz.Not.EquivalentTo(twofours))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(New Integer() {2, 1, 4, 3, 5}, EquivalentTo(ints1to5))
-        End Sub
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub SubsetTests()
-            Dim ints1to5 As Integer() = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
-            ' Classic syntax
-            CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(New Integer() {1, 3, 5}, ints1to5)
-            CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, ints1to5)
-            CollectionAssert.IsNotSubsetOf(New Integer() {2, 4, 6}, ints1to5)
-            CollectionAssert.IsNotSubsetOf(New Integer() {1, 2, 2, 2, 5}, ints1to5)
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(New Integer() {1, 3, 5}, Iz.SubsetOf(ints1to5))
-            Assert.That(New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, Iz.SubsetOf(ints1to5))
-            Assert.That(New Integer() {2, 4, 6}, Iz.Not.SubsetOf(ints1to5))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(New Integer() {1, 3, 5}, SubsetOf(ints1to5))
-            Expect(New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, SubsetOf(ints1to5))
-            Expect(New Integer() {2, 4, 6}, Iz.Not.SubsetOf(ints1to5))
-        End Sub
-#End Region
-#Region "Property Tests"
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub PropertyTests()
-            Dim array As String() = {"abc", "bca", "xyz", "qrs"}
-            Dim array2 As String() = {"a", "ab", "abc"}
-            Dim list As New ArrayList(array)
-            ' Not available using the classic syntax
-            ' Helper syntax
-            ' Assert.That(list, Has.Property("Count"))
-            ' Assert.That(list, Has.No.Property("Length"))
-            Assert.That("Hello", Has.Length.EqualTo(5))
-            Assert.That("Hello", Has.Property("Length").EqualTo(5))
-            Assert.That("Hello", Has.Property("Length").GreaterThan(3))
-            Assert.That(array, Has.Property("Length").EqualTo(4))
-            Assert.That(array, Has.Length.EqualTo(4))
-            Assert.That(array, Has.Property("Length").LessThan(10))
-            Assert.That(array, Has.All.Property("Length").EqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(array, Has.All.Length.EqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(array, Iz.All.Length.EqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(array, Has.All.Property("Length").EqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(array, Iz.All.Property("Length").EqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(array2, Iz.Not.Property("Length").EqualTo(4))
-            Assert.That(array2, Iz.Not.Length.EqualTo(4))
-            Assert.That(array2, Has.No.Property("Length").GreaterThan(3))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            ' Expect(list, Has.Property("Count"))
-            ' Expect(list, Has.No.Property("Nada"))
-            Expect(array, All.Property("Length").EqualTo(3))
-            Expect(array, All.Length.EqualTo(3))
-        End Sub
-#End Region
-#Region "Not Tests"
-        <Test()> _
-        Public Sub NotTests()
-            ' Not available using the classic syntax
-            ' Helper syntax
-            Assert.That(42, Iz.Not.Null)
-            Assert.That(42, Iz.Not.True)
-            Assert.That(42, Iz.Not.False)
-            Assert.That(2.5, Iz.Not.NaN)
-            Assert.That(2 + 2, Iz.Not.EqualTo(3))
-            Assert.That(2 + 2, Iz.Not.Not.EqualTo(4))
-            Assert.That(2 + 2, Iz.Not.Not.Not.EqualTo(5))
-            ' Inherited syntax
-            Expect(42, Iz.Not.Null)
-            Expect(42, Iz.Not.True)
-            Expect(42, Iz.Not.False)
-            Expect(2.5, Iz.Not.NaN)
-            Expect(2 + 2, Iz.Not.EqualTo(3))
-            Expect(2 + 2, Iz.Not.Not.EqualTo(4))
-            Expect(2 + 2, Iz.Not.Not.Not.EqualTo(5))
-        End Sub
-#End Region
-    End Class
-End Namespace
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa0f584..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="vb-syntax" default="build">
-  <include buildfile="../../samples.common" />
-  <patternset id="source-files">
-    <include name="AssemblyInfo.vb" />
-    <include name="AssertSyntaxTests.vb" />
-  </patternset>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dac155..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-  <VisualBasic ProjectType="Local" ProductVersion="7.10.3077" SchemaVersion="2.0" ProjectGuid="{6BEF566A-2691-4EE8-91AF-0390CCCDDAF1}">
-    <Build>
-      <Settings ApplicationIcon="" AssemblyKeyContainerName="" AssemblyName="vb-syntax" AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile="" AssemblyOriginatorKeyMode="None" DefaultClientScript="JScript" DefaultHTMLPageLayout="Grid" DefaultTargetSchema="IE50" DelaySign="false" OutputType="Library" OptionCompare="Binary" OptionExplicit="On" OptionStrict="Off" RootNamespace="NUnit.Samples" StartupObject="NUnit.Samples.(None)">
-        <Config Name="Debug" BaseAddress="285212672" ConfigurationOverrideFile="" DefineConstants="" DefineDebug="true" DefineTrace="true" DebugSymbols="true" IncrementalBuild="true" Optimize="false" OutputPath="bin\" RegisterForComInterop="false" RemoveIntegerChecks="false" TreatWarningsAsErrors="false" WarningLevel="1" />
-        <Config Name="Release" BaseAddress="285212672" ConfigurationOverrideFile="" DefineConstants="" DefineDebug="false" DefineTrace="true" DebugSymbols="false" IncrementalBuild="false" Optimize="true" OutputPath="bin\" RegisterForComInterop="false" RemoveIntegerChecks="false" TreatWarningsAsErrors="false" WarningLevel="1" />
-      </Settings>
-      <References>
-        <Reference Name="System" AssemblyName="System" />
-        <Reference Name="System.Data" AssemblyName="System.Data" />
-        <Reference Name="System.XML" AssemblyName="System.Xml" />
-        <Reference Name="nunit.framework" AssemblyName="nunit.framework, Version=2.5, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77" HintPath="..\..\..\bin\net-1.1\framework\nunit.framework.dll" />
-      </References>
-      <Imports>
-        <Import Namespace="Microsoft.VisualBasic" />
-        <Import Namespace="System" />
-        <Import Namespace="System.Collections" />
-        <Import Namespace="System.Data" />
-        <Import Namespace="System.Diagnostics" />
-      </Imports>
-    </Build>
-    <Files>
-      <Include>
-        <File RelPath="AssemblyInfo.vb" SubType="Code" BuildAction="Compile" />
-        <File RelPath="AssertSyntaxTests.vb" SubType="Code" BuildAction="Compile" />
-      </Include>
-    </Files>
-  </VisualBasic>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf8156..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 8.00
-Project("{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F}") = "vb-failures", "failures\vb-failures.vbproj", "{F199991B-6C8E-4AB0-9AAA-703CD4897700}"
-	ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
-	EndProjectSection
-Project("{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F}") = "vb-money", "money\vb-money.vbproj", "{95394B96-A794-48EA-9879-0E4EC79C5724}"
-	ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
-	EndProjectSection
-Project("{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F}") = "vb-syntax", "syntax\vb-syntax.vbproj", "{6BEF566A-2691-4EE8-91AF-0390CCCDDAF1}"
-	ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
-	EndProjectSection
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-		Release = Release
-	EndGlobalSection
-	GlobalSection(ProjectConfiguration) = postSolution
-		{F199991B-6C8E-4AB0-9AAA-703CD4897700}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|.NET
-		{F199991B-6C8E-4AB0-9AAA-703CD4897700}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|.NET
-		{F199991B-6C8E-4AB0-9AAA-703CD4897700}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|.NET
-		{F199991B-6C8E-4AB0-9AAA-703CD4897700}.Release.Build.0 = Release|.NET
-		{95394B96-A794-48EA-9879-0E4EC79C5724}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|.NET
-		{95394B96-A794-48EA-9879-0E4EC79C5724}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|.NET
-		{95394B96-A794-48EA-9879-0E4EC79C5724}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|.NET
-		{95394B96-A794-48EA-9879-0E4EC79C5724}.Release.Build.0 = Release|.NET
-		{6BEF566A-2691-4EE8-91AF-0390CCCDDAF1}.Debug.ActiveCfg = Debug|.NET
-		{6BEF566A-2691-4EE8-91AF-0390CCCDDAF1}.Debug.Build.0 = Debug|.NET
-		{6BEF566A-2691-4EE8-91AF-0390CCCDDAF1}.Release.ActiveCfg = Release|.NET
-		{6BEF566A-2691-4EE8-91AF-0390CCCDDAF1}.Release.Build.0 = Release|.NET
-	EndGlobalSection
-	GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
-	EndGlobalSection
-	GlobalSection(ExtensibilityAddIns) = postSolution
-	EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/lib/Nuget/Lucene.Net.Core. b/lib/Nuget/Lucene.Net.Core.
deleted file mode 100644
index 5173434..0000000
Binary files a/lib/Nuget/Lucene.Net.Core. and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/lib/StyleCop.4.5/Docs/StyleCop.chm b/lib/StyleCop.4.5/Docs/StyleCop.chm
deleted file mode 100644
index d49473d..0000000
Binary files a/lib/StyleCop.4.5/Docs/StyleCop.chm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/Appending/AppendingCodec.cs b/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/Appending/AppendingCodec.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01248d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/Appending/AppendingCodec.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+namespace Lucene.Net.Codecs.Appending
+    using System;
+    using Lucene.Net.Codecs.Lucene40;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// This codec uses an index format that is very similar to Lucene40Codec 
+    /// but works on append-only outputs, such as plain output streams and 
+    /// append-only filesystems.
+    ///
+    /// @lucene.experimental
+    /// </summary>
+    [Obsolete(
+        "This codec is read-only: as the functionality has been folded into the default codec. Its only for convenience to read old segments."
+        )]
+    public class AppendingCodec : FilterCodec
+    {
+        private readonly PostingsFormat _postings = new AppendingPostingsFormat();
+        public AppendingCodec() : base("Appending", new Lucene40Codec())
+        {
+        }
+        public override PostingsFormat PostingsFormat()
+        {
+            return _postings;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/Appending/AppendingPostingsFormat.cs b/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/Appending/AppendingPostingsFormat.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e3f770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/Appending/AppendingPostingsFormat.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+namespace Lucene.Net.Codecs.Appending
+    using System;
+    using Lucene.Net.Codecs.Lucene40;
+    using Lucene.Net.Index;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Appending Postigns Implementation
+    /// </summary>
+    internal class AppendingPostingsFormat : PostingsFormat
+    {
+        public static String CODEC_NAME = "Appending";
+        public AppendingPostingsFormat() : base(CODEC_NAME)
+        {}
+        public override FieldsConsumer FieldsConsumer(SegmentWriteState state)
+        {
+            throw new NotImplementedException("This codec can only be used for reading");
+        }
+        public override FieldsProducer FieldsProducer(SegmentReadState state)
+        {
+            PostingsReaderBase postings = new Lucene40PostingsReader(state.Directory, state.FieldInfos,
+                state.SegmentInfo,
+                state.Context, state.SegmentSuffix);
+            var success = false;
+            FieldsProducer ret;
+            using (ret = new AppendingTermsReader(
+                state.Directory,
+                state.FieldInfos,
+                state.SegmentInfo,
+                postings,
+                state.Context,
+                state.SegmentSuffix,
+                state.TermsIndexDivisor))
+            {
+                success = true;
+            }
+            return ret;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/Appending/AppendingTermsReader.cs b/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/Appending/AppendingTermsReader.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da4e33f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/Appending/AppendingTermsReader.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+namespace Lucene.Net.Codecs.Appending
+    using System;
+    using Lucene.Net.Index;
+    using Lucene.Net.Store;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Reads append-only terms from AppendingTermsWriter.
+    /// 
+    /// @lucene.experimental
+    /// </summary>
+    [Obsolete("Only for reading old Appending segments")]
+    public class AppendingTermsReader : BlockTreeTermsReader
+    {
+        public AppendingTermsReader(Directory dir, FieldInfos fieldInfos, SegmentInfo info,
+            PostingsReaderBase postingsReader,
+            IOContext ioContext, String segmentSuffix, int indexDivisor)
+            : base(dir, fieldInfos, info, postingsReader, ioContext, segmentSuffix, indexDivisor)
+        {
+        }
+        protected override int ReadHeader(IndexInput input)
+        {
+            return CodecUtil.CheckHeader(input, APPENDING_TERMS_CODEC_NAME,
+                BlockTreeTermsWriter.VERSION_START,
+                BlockTreeTermsWriter.VERSION_CURRENT);
+        }
+        protected override int ReadIndexHeader(IndexInput input)
+        {
+            return CodecUtil.CheckHeader(input, APPENDING_TERMS_INDEX_CODEC_NAME,
+                BlockTreeTermsWriter.VERSION_START,
+                BlockTreeTermsWriter.VERSION_CURRENT);
+        }
+        protected override void SeekDir(IndexInput input, long dirOffset)
+        {
+            input.Seek(input.Length() - sizeof(long)/8);
+            long offset = input.ReadLong();
+            input.Seek(offset);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/BlockTerms/BlockTermsFieldAndTerm.cs b/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/BlockTerms/BlockTermsFieldAndTerm.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3001bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Lucene.Net.Codecs/BlockTerms/BlockTermsFieldAndTerm.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Lucene.Net.Util;
+namespace Lucene.Net.Codecs.BlockTerms
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Used as key for the terms cache
+    /// </summary>
+    internal class BlockTermsFieldAndTerm : DoubleBarrelLRUCache.CloneableKey
+    {
+        public String Field { get; set; }
+        public BytesRef Term { get; set; }
+        public FieldAndTerm()
+        {
+        }
+        public FieldAndTerm(FieldAndTerm other)
+        {
+            Field = other.Field;
+            Term = BytesRef.DeepCopyOf(other.Term);
+        }
+        public override bool Equals(Object _other)
+        {
+            FieldAndTerm other = (FieldAndTerm) _other;
+            return other.Field.equals(field) && Term.BytesEquals(other.Term);
+        }
+        public override FieldAndTerm Clone()
+        {
+            return new FieldAndTerm(this);
+        }
+        public override int GetHashCode()
+        {
+            return Field.GetHashCode()*31 + Term.GetHashCode();
+        }
+    }