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Posted to by icewind <> on 2002/06/23 01:45:22 UTC

including entity references in the output

I am using xalan-j on the command line to perform an
XML to XML transformation. I need the following to
appear in the resulting file:

<!DOCTYPE ead PUBLIC "-//Society of American
Archivists//DTD ead.dtd (Encoded Archival Description
(EAD) Version 1.0)//EN" "../../dtds/ead.dtd"[
  <!ENTITY % eadnotat PUBLIC "-//Society of American
Archivists//DTD eadnotat.ent (Encoded Archival
Description (EAD) Notation Declarations Version
1.0)//EN" "../../dtds/eadnotat.ent">
  <!ENTITY mshmadd SYSTEM
  <!ENTITY mshmlogo SYSTEM
"../../entities/mshmlogo.gif" NDATA gif>

I can get the DOCTYPE line to appear in the output xml
file by including the appropriate things in the
doctype-public and doctype-system attributes to the
xsl:output tag.

How do I get the ENTITY references I require into the
resulting XML file? I can't figure out a way to do it.

Thanks for any help.


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