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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2020/08/24 14:05:51 UTC

[GitHub] [couchdb] rnewson commented on a change in pull request #3038: feat: per-document-access

rnewson commented on a change in pull request #3038:

File path: src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl
@@ -106,15 +106,22 @@ handle_changes_req1(#httpd{}=Req, Db) ->
         Etag = chttpd:make_etag({Info, Suffix}),
         DeltaT = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), T0) / 1000,
         couch_stats:update_histogram([couchdb, dbinfo], DeltaT),
-        chttpd:etag_respond(Req, Etag, fun() ->
+        case chttpd:etag_respond(Req, Etag, fun() ->
             Acc0 = #cacc{
                 feed = normal,
                 etag = Etag,
                 mochi = Req,
                 threshold = Max
             fabric:changes(Db, fun changes_callback/2, Acc0, ChangesArgs)
-        end);
+        end) of
+            % TODO: This may be a debugging leftover, undo by just returning
+            %       chttpd:etag_respond()
+            {error, {forbidden, Message, _Stacktrace}} ->

Review comment:
       can you determine if this is still needed?

File path: src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl
@@ -123,7 +130,14 @@ handle_changes_req1(#httpd{}=Req, Db) ->
             threshold = Max
-            fabric:changes(Db, fun changes_callback/2, Acc0, ChangesArgs)
+            % TODO: This may be a debugging leftover, undo by just returning
+            %       fabric:changes()
+            case fabric:changes(Db, fun changes_callback/2, Acc0, ChangesArgs) of

Review comment:
       can you determine if this is still needed?

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -724,6 +747,73 @@ security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=null}) ->
 security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=_}) ->
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[<<"_users">>]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(_) -> true.
+validate_access(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access(Db, Doc, []).
+validate_access(Db, Doc, Options) ->
+    validate_access1(has_access_enabled(Db), Db, Doc, Options).
+validate_access1(false, _Db, _Doc, _Options) -> ok;
+validate_access1(true, Db, #doc{meta=Meta}=Doc, Options) ->
+    case proplists:get_value(conflicts, Meta) of
+        undefined -> % no conflicts
+            case is_read_from_ddoc_cache(Options) andalso is_per_user_ddoc(Doc) of
+                true -> throw({not_found, missing});
+                _False -> validate_access2(Db, Doc)
+            end;
+        _Else -> % only admins can read conflicted docs in _access dbs
+            case is_admin(Db) of
+                true -> ok;
+                _Else2 -> throw({forbidden, <<"document is in conflict">>})
+            end
+    end.
+validate_access2(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access3(check_access(Db, Doc)).
+validate_access3(true) -> ok;
+validate_access3(_) -> throw({forbidden, <<"can't touch this">>}).
+check_access(Db, #doc{access=Access}=Doc) ->
+    check_access(Db, Access);
+check_access(Db, Access) ->
+    #user_ctx{
+        name=UserName,
+        roles=UserRoles
+    } = Db#db.user_ctx,
+    case Access of
+    [] ->
+        % if doc has no _access, userCtX must be admin
+        is_admin(Db);
+    Access ->
+        % if doc has _access, userCtx must be admin OR matching user or role
+        % _access = ["a", "b", ]
+        case is_admin(Db) of
+        true ->
+            true;
+        _ ->

Review comment:
       `false ->`

File path: src/chttpd/src/chttpd_view.erl
@@ -51,9 +51,17 @@ fabric_query_view(Db, Req, DDoc, ViewName, Args) ->
     Max = chttpd:chunked_response_buffer_size(),
     VAcc = #vacc{db=Db, req=Req, threshold=Max},
     Options = [{user_ctx, Req#httpd.user_ctx}],
-    {ok, Resp} = fabric:query_view(Db, Options, DDoc, ViewName,
-            fun view_cb/2, VAcc, Args),
-    {ok, Resp#vacc.resp}.
+    % TODO: This might just be a debugging leftover, we might be able

Review comment:
       confirm this is still needed.

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -724,6 +747,73 @@ security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=null}) ->
 security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=_}) ->
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[<<"_users">>]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(_) -> true.
+validate_access(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access(Db, Doc, []).
+validate_access(Db, Doc, Options) ->
+    validate_access1(has_access_enabled(Db), Db, Doc, Options).
+validate_access1(false, _Db, _Doc, _Options) -> ok;
+validate_access1(true, Db, #doc{meta=Meta}=Doc, Options) ->
+    case proplists:get_value(conflicts, Meta) of
+        undefined -> % no conflicts
+            case is_read_from_ddoc_cache(Options) andalso is_per_user_ddoc(Doc) of
+                true -> throw({not_found, missing});
+                _False -> validate_access2(Db, Doc)
+            end;
+        _Else -> % only admins can read conflicted docs in _access dbs
+            case is_admin(Db) of
+                true -> ok;
+                _Else2 -> throw({forbidden, <<"document is in conflict">>})
+            end
+    end.
+validate_access2(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access3(check_access(Db, Doc)).
+validate_access3(true) -> ok;
+validate_access3(_) -> throw({forbidden, <<"can't touch this">>}).
+check_access(Db, #doc{access=Access}=Doc) ->
+    check_access(Db, Access);
+check_access(Db, Access) ->
+    #user_ctx{
+        name=UserName,
+        roles=UserRoles
+    } = Db#db.user_ctx,
+    case Access of
+    [] ->
+        % if doc has no _access, userCtX must be admin
+        is_admin(Db);
+    Access ->
+        % if doc has _access, userCtx must be admin OR matching user or role
+        % _access = ["a", "b", ]
+        case is_admin(Db) of
+        true ->
+            true;
+        _ ->
+            case {check_name(UserName, Access), check_roles(UserRoles, Access)} of
+            {true, _} -> true;
+            {_, true} -> true;
+            _ -> false
+            end
+        end
+    end.
+check_name(null, _Access) -> true;
+check_name(UserName, Access) ->
+            lists:member(UserName, Access).
+% nicked from couch_db:check_security
+check_roles(Roles, Access) ->
+    UserRolesSet = ordsets:from_list(Roles),
+    RolesSet = ordsets:from_list(Access ++ ["_users"]),

Review comment:
       `["_users" | Access]`

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -1652,21 +1802,27 @@ open_doc_revs_int(Db, IdRevs, Options) ->
 open_doc_int(Db, <<?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>> = Id, Options) ->
     case couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db, [Id]) of
     [#doc{} = Doc] ->
-        apply_open_options({ok, Doc}, Options);
+        case Doc#doc.body of
+            { Body } ->

Review comment:
       `{Body} ->`

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db_updater.erl
@@ -676,15 +703,83 @@ update_docs_int(Db, DocsList, LocalDocs, MergeConflicts) ->
-    % Check if we just updated any design documents, and update the validation
-    % funs if we did.
+    % Check if we just updated any non-access design documents,
+    % and update the validation funs if we did.
+    NonAccessIds = [Id || [{_Client, #doc{id=Id,access=[]}}|_] <- DocsList],
     UpdatedDDocIds = lists:flatmap(fun
         (<<"_design/", _/binary>> = Id) -> [Id];
         (_) -> []
-    end, Ids),
+    end, NonAccessIds),
     {ok, commit_data(Db1), UpdatedDDocIds}.
+% check_access(Db, UserCtx, Access) ->
+%     check_access(Db, UserCtx, couch_db:has_access_enabled(Db), Access).
+% check_access(_Db, UserCtx, false, _Access) ->
+%     true;
+% at this point, we already validated this Db is access enabled, so do the checks right away.
+check_access(Db, UserCtx, Access) -> couch_db:check_access(Db#db{user_ctx=UserCtx}, Access).
+% TODO: looks like we go into validation here unconditionally and only check in
+%       check_access() whether the Db has_access_enabled(), we should do this
+%       here on the outside. Might be our perf issue.
+%       However, if it is, that means we have to speed this up as it would still
+%       be too slow for when access is enabled.
+validate_docs_access(Db, UserCtx, DocsList, OldDocInfos) ->
+    case couch_db:has_access_enabled(Db) of
+        true -> validate_docs_access_int(Db, UserCtx, DocsList, OldDocInfos);
+        _Else -> { DocsList, OldDocInfos }
+    end.
+validate_docs_access_int(Db, UserCtx, DocsList, OldDocInfos) ->
+    validate_docs_access(Db, UserCtx, DocsList, OldDocInfos, [], []).
+validate_docs_access(_Db, UserCtx, [], [], DocsListValidated, OldDocInfosValidated) ->
+    { lists:reverse(DocsListValidated), lists:reverse(OldDocInfosValidated) };
+validate_docs_access(Db, UserCtx, [Docs | DocRest], [OldInfo | OldInfoRest], DocsListValidated, OldDocInfosValidated) ->
+    % loop over Docs as {Client,  NewDoc}
+    %   validate Doc
+    %   if valid, then put back in Docs
+    %   if not, then send_result and skip
+    NewDocs = lists:foldl(fun({ Client, Doc }, Acc) ->
+        % check if we are allowed to update the doc, skip when new doc
+        OldDocMatchesAccess = case OldInfo#full_doc_info.rev_tree of
+            [] -> true;
+            _ -> check_access(Db, UserCtx, OldInfo#full_doc_info.access)
+        end,
+        NewDocMatchesAccess = check_access(Db, UserCtx, Doc#doc.access),
+        case OldDocMatchesAccess andalso NewDocMatchesAccess of
+            true -> % if valid, then send to DocsListValidated, OldDocsInfo
+                    % and store the access context on the new doc
+                [{Client, Doc} | Acc];
+            _Else2 -> % if invalid, then send_result tagged `access`(c.f. `conflict)

Review comment:
       `false ->`

File path: src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl
@@ -906,16 +925,18 @@ view_cb(Msg, Acc) ->
     couch_mrview_http:view_cb(Msg, Acc).
 db_doc_req(#httpd{method='DELETE'}=Req, Db, DocId) ->
-    % check for the existence of the doc to handle the 404 case.
-    couch_doc_open(Db, DocId, nil, []),
-    case chttpd:qs_value(Req, "rev") of
+    % fetch the old doc revision, so we can compare access control
+    % in send_update_doc() later.
+    Doc0 = couch_doc_open(Db, DocId, nil, [{user_ctx, Req#httpd.user_ctx}]),
+    Revs = chttpd:qs_value(Req, "rev"),
+    case Revs of
     undefined ->
         Body = {[{<<"_deleted">>,true}]};
     Rev ->
         Body = {[{<<"_rev">>, ?l2b(Rev)},{<<"_deleted">>,true}]}
-    Doc = couch_doc_from_req(Req, Db, DocId, Body),
-    send_updated_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Doc);
+    Doc = Doc0#doc{revs=Revs,body=Body,deleted=true},

Review comment:
       rather than trying to remove what we don't want from Doc0, it seems safer to instead extract what we want to retain in Doc0 (presumably a new attribute called `access` or similar, and add that (and only that) to the artificially created Doc.

File path: src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl
@@ -394,8 +409,12 @@ create_db_req(#httpd{}=Req, DbName) ->
         {placement, P},
         {props, DbProps}
     ] ++ EngineOpt,
+    Options1 = case Access of

Review comment:
       this is a little untidy, seems we could just add `{access, Access}` alongside where n, q, placement, props is set if the Access variable was validated and set to the appropriate type above.

File path: src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl
@@ -1255,10 +1276,12 @@ receive_request_data(Req, LenLeft) when LenLeft > 0 ->
 receive_request_data(_Req, _) ->
     throw(<<"expected more data">>).
+update_doc_result_to_json({#doc{id=Id,revs=Rev}, access}) ->
+    update_doc_result_to_json({{Id, Rev}, access});

Review comment:
       it's difficult with an old/new code mix, but I think we should follow formatting rules here. A blank line between clauses of the same function pls (and a space after the , in the function head would be nice. note that you don't have one there but -do- have a space on the line below it.

File path: src/couch/src/couch_access_native_proc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    start_link/0,
+    set_timeout/2,
+    prompt/2
+    init/1,
+    terminate/2,
+    handle_call/3,
+    handle_cast/2,
+    handle_info/2,
+    code_change/3
+-record(st, {
+    indexes = [],
+    timeout = 5000 % TODO: make configurable
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
+set_timeout(Pid, TimeOut) when is_integer(TimeOut), TimeOut > 0 ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, {set_timeout, TimeOut}).
+prompt(Pid, Data) ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, {prompt, Data}).
+init(_) ->
+    {ok, #st{}}.
+terminate(_Reason, _St) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call({set_timeout, TimeOut}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, ok, St#st{timeout=TimeOut}};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"reset">>]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, true, St#st{indexes=[]}};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"reset">>, _QueryConfig]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, true, St#st{indexes=[]}};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"add_fun">>, IndexInfo]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, true, St};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"map_doc">>, Doc]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, map_doc(St, mango_json:to_binary(Doc)), St};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"reduce">>, _, _]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, null, St};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"rereduce">>, _, _]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, null, St};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"index_doc">>, Doc]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, [[]], St};
+handle_call(Msg, _From, St) ->
+    {stop, {invalid_call, Msg}, {invalid_call, Msg}, St}.
+handle_cast(garbage_collect, St) ->
+    erlang:garbage_collect(),
+    {noreply, St};
+handle_cast(Msg, St) ->
+    {stop, {invalid_cast, Msg}, St}.
+handle_info(Msg, St) ->
+    {stop, {invalid_info, Msg}, St}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, St, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, St}.
+% return value is an array of arrays, first dimension is the different indexes
+% [0] will be by-access-id // for this test, later we should make this by-access
+% -seq, since that one we will always need, and by-access-id can be opt-in.
+% the second dimension is the number of emit kv pairs:
+% [ // the return value
+%   [ // the first view
+%     ['k1', 'v1'], // the first k/v pair for the first view
+%     ['k2', 'v2']  // second, etc.
+%   ],
+%   [ // second view
+%     ['l1', 'w1'] // first k/v par in second view
+%   ]
+% ]
+% {"id":"account/bongel","key":"account/bongel","value":{"rev":"1-967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d"}},
+map_doc(_St, {Doc}) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(<<"_access">>, Doc) of
+        undefined ->
+            [[],[]]; % do not index this doc
+        Access when is_list(Access) ->
+            Id = couch_util:get_value(<<"_id">>, Doc),
+            Rev = couch_util:get_value(<<"_rev">>, Doc),
+            Seq = couch_util:get_value(<<"_seq">>, Doc),
+            Deleted = couch_util:get_value(<<"_deleted">>, Doc, false),
+            BodySp = couch_util:get_value(<<"_body_sp">>, Doc),
+            % by-access-id
+            ById = case Deleted of
+                false ->
+                    lists:map(fun(UserOrRole) -> [
+                        [[UserOrRole, Id], Rev]
+                    ] end, Access);
+                _True -> [[]]
+            end,
+            % by-access-seq
+            BySeq = lists:map(fun(UserOrRole) -> [
+                [[UserOrRole, Seq], [{rev, Rev}, {deleted, Deleted}, {body_sp, BodySp}]]
+            ] end, Access),
+            ById ++ BySeq;
+        Else ->
+            % TODO: no comprende: should not be needed once we implement

Review comment:
       should we crash instead then? (that is, no Else clause for a condition we'll ensure cannot happen elsewhere)

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -284,26 +295,36 @@ delete_doc(Db, Id, Revisions) ->
 open_doc(Db, IdOrDocInfo) ->
     open_doc(Db, IdOrDocInfo, []).
-open_doc(Db, Id, Options) ->
+open_doc(Db, Id, Options0) ->
     increment_stat(Db, [couchdb, database_reads]),
+    Options = case has_access_enabled(Db) of
+        true -> Options0 ++ [conflicts];

Review comment:
       "only admins can see conflicts" isn't true generally, did we add that restriction somewhere for `_users` db?

File path: src/couch/src/couch_bt_engine.erl
@@ -721,21 +724,24 @@ seq_tree_split(#full_doc_info{}=Info) ->
         update_seq = Seq,
         deleted = Del,
         sizes = SizeInfo,
-        rev_tree = Tree
+        rev_tree = Tree,
+        access = Access
     } = Info,
-    {Seq, {Id, ?b2i(Del), split_sizes(SizeInfo), disk_tree(Tree)}}.
+    {Seq, {Id, ?b2i(Del), split_sizes(SizeInfo), disk_tree(Tree), split_access(Access)}}.
 seq_tree_join(Seq, {Id, Del, DiskTree}) when is_integer(Del) ->
     seq_tree_join(Seq, {Id, Del, {0, 0}, DiskTree});

Review comment:
       same comment ^

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -1185,9 +1306,31 @@ update_docs(Db, Docs0, Options, replicated_changes) ->
     DocBuckets2 = [[doc_flush_atts(Db, check_dup_atts(Doc))
             || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets],
-    {ok, _} = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets2,
+    {ok, Results} = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets2,
         NonRepDocs, [merge_conflicts | Options]),
-    {ok, DocErrors};
+    case couch_db:has_access_enabled(Db) of
+        false ->
+            % we’re done here
+            {ok, DocErrors};
+        _ ->

Review comment:
       `true ->`

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -276,6 +281,12 @@ wait_for_compaction(#db{main_pid=Pid}=Db, Timeout) ->
+has_access_enabled(#db{access=true}) -> true;
+has_access_enabled(_) -> false.

Review comment:
       again, I'm concerned we're sloppy on what value `access` can have. it's a boolean and should only have one of two possible values, everything else is a programming error and should not be silently defaulted to an acceptable value.

File path: src/couch/src/couch_access_native_proc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    start_link/0,
+    set_timeout/2,
+    prompt/2
+    init/1,
+    terminate/2,
+    handle_call/3,
+    handle_cast/2,
+    handle_info/2,
+    code_change/3
+-record(st, {
+    indexes = [],
+    timeout = 5000 % TODO: make configurable
+start_link() ->
+    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
+set_timeout(Pid, TimeOut) when is_integer(TimeOut), TimeOut > 0 ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, {set_timeout, TimeOut}).
+prompt(Pid, Data) ->
+    gen_server:call(Pid, {prompt, Data}).
+init(_) ->
+    {ok, #st{}}.
+terminate(_Reason, _St) ->
+    ok.
+handle_call({set_timeout, TimeOut}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, ok, St#st{timeout=TimeOut}};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"reset">>]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, true, St#st{indexes=[]}};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"reset">>, _QueryConfig]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, true, St#st{indexes=[]}};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"add_fun">>, IndexInfo]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, true, St};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"map_doc">>, Doc]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, map_doc(St, mango_json:to_binary(Doc)), St};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"reduce">>, _, _]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, null, St};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"rereduce">>, _, _]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, null, St};
+handle_call({prompt, [<<"index_doc">>, Doc]}, _From, St) ->
+    {reply, [[]], St};
+handle_call(Msg, _From, St) ->
+    {stop, {invalid_call, Msg}, {invalid_call, Msg}, St}.
+handle_cast(garbage_collect, St) ->
+    erlang:garbage_collect(),
+    {noreply, St};
+handle_cast(Msg, St) ->
+    {stop, {invalid_cast, Msg}, St}.
+handle_info(Msg, St) ->
+    {stop, {invalid_info, Msg}, St}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, St, _Extra) ->
+    {ok, St}.
+% return value is an array of arrays, first dimension is the different indexes
+% [0] will be by-access-id // for this test, later we should make this by-access
+% -seq, since that one we will always need, and by-access-id can be opt-in.
+% the second dimension is the number of emit kv pairs:
+% [ // the return value
+%   [ // the first view
+%     ['k1', 'v1'], // the first k/v pair for the first view
+%     ['k2', 'v2']  // second, etc.
+%   ],
+%   [ // second view
+%     ['l1', 'w1'] // first k/v par in second view
+%   ]
+% ]
+% {"id":"account/bongel","key":"account/bongel","value":{"rev":"1-967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d"}},
+map_doc(_St, {Doc}) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(<<"_access">>, Doc) of
+        undefined ->
+            [[],[]]; % do not index this doc
+        Access when is_list(Access) ->
+            Id = couch_util:get_value(<<"_id">>, Doc),
+            Rev = couch_util:get_value(<<"_rev">>, Doc),
+            Seq = couch_util:get_value(<<"_seq">>, Doc),
+            Deleted = couch_util:get_value(<<"_deleted">>, Doc, false),
+            BodySp = couch_util:get_value(<<"_body_sp">>, Doc),
+            % by-access-id
+            ById = case Deleted of
+                false ->
+                    lists:map(fun(UserOrRole) -> [
+                        [[UserOrRole, Id], Rev]
+                    ] end, Access);
+                _True -> [[]]

Review comment:
       this is coy, call it `_Else` if you intend to be defensive, but my preference is to say `true` explicitly. Any other case is a programming error and should crash (as opposed to a user error)

File path: src/chttpd/src/chttpd_db.erl
@@ -386,6 +400,7 @@ create_db_req(#httpd{}=Req, DbName) ->
     N = chttpd:qs_value(Req, "n", config:get("cluster", "n", "3")),
     Q = chttpd:qs_value(Req, "q", config:get("cluster", "q", "8")),
     P = chttpd:qs_value(Req, "placement", config:get("cluster", "placement")),
+    Access = chttpd:qs_value(Req, "access", false),

Review comment:
       I would also like to see that switch. 
   Access = case config:get_boolean("per_doc_access", "enabled", false) of
       true ->
           chttpd:qs_value(Req, "access", false);
       false ->

File path: src/couch/src/couch_bt_engine.erl
@@ -760,6 +766,8 @@ seq_tree_reduce(reduce, DocInfos) ->
 seq_tree_reduce(rereduce, Reds) ->
+join_access(Access) -> Access.
+split_access(Access) -> Access.

Review comment:
       2 blank lines between functions pls

File path: src/couch/src/couch_bt_engine.erl
@@ -675,22 +675,25 @@ id_tree_split(#full_doc_info{}=Info) ->
         update_seq = Seq,
         deleted = Deleted,
         sizes = SizeInfo,
-        rev_tree = Tree
+        rev_tree = Tree,
+        access = Access
     } = Info,
-    {Id, {Seq, ?b2i(Deleted), split_sizes(SizeInfo), disk_tree(Tree)}}.
+    {Id, {Seq, ?b2i(Deleted), split_sizes(SizeInfo), disk_tree(Tree), split_access(Access)}}.
 id_tree_join(Id, {HighSeq, Deleted, DiskTree}) ->
     % Handle old formats before data_size was added
     id_tree_join(Id, {HighSeq, Deleted, #size_info{}, DiskTree});

Review comment:
       1 blank line between clauses of the same function pls.

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -1172,6 +1267,32 @@ doc_tag(#doc{meta=Meta}) ->
         Else -> throw({invalid_doc_tag, Else})
+validate_update(Db, Doc) ->
+    case catch validate_access(Db, Doc) of
+        ok -> Doc;
+        Error -> Error
+    end.
+validate_docs_access(Db, DocBuckets, DocErrors) ->
+            validate_docs_access1(Db, DocBuckets, {[], DocErrors}).

Review comment:

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -284,26 +295,36 @@ delete_doc(Db, Id, Revisions) ->
 open_doc(Db, IdOrDocInfo) ->
     open_doc(Db, IdOrDocInfo, []).
-open_doc(Db, Id, Options) ->
+open_doc(Db, Id, Options0) ->
     increment_stat(Db, [couchdb, database_reads]),
+    Options = case has_access_enabled(Db) of

Review comment:
       as a nit, if we're now numbering Options because it changes, I find it more readable to stick to the convention throughout, so this should be `Options1`.

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -863,9 +953,14 @@ group_alike_docs([Doc|Rest], [Bucket|RestBuckets]) ->
 validate_doc_update(#db{}=Db, #doc{id= <<"_design/",_/binary>>}=Doc, _GetDiskDocFun) ->
-    case catch check_is_admin(Db) of
-        ok -> validate_ddoc(Db, Doc);
-        Error -> Error
+    case couch_doc:has_access(Doc) of
+        true ->
+            validate_ddoc(Db, Doc);
+        _Else ->

Review comment:
       `false ->`

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -1652,21 +1802,27 @@ open_doc_revs_int(Db, IdRevs, Options) ->
 open_doc_int(Db, <<?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>> = Id, Options) ->
     case couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db, [Id]) of
     [#doc{} = Doc] ->
-        apply_open_options({ok, Doc}, Options);
+        case Doc#doc.body of
+            { Body } ->
+                Access = couch_util:get_value(<<"_access">>, Body),
+                apply_open_options(Db, {ok, Doc#doc{access = Access}}, Options);
+            _Else ->

Review comment:
       what could `_Else` be?

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -724,6 +747,73 @@ security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=null}) ->
 security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=_}) ->
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[<<"_users">>]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(_) -> true.
+validate_access(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access(Db, Doc, []).
+validate_access(Db, Doc, Options) ->
+    validate_access1(has_access_enabled(Db), Db, Doc, Options).
+validate_access1(false, _Db, _Doc, _Options) -> ok;
+validate_access1(true, Db, #doc{meta=Meta}=Doc, Options) ->
+    case proplists:get_value(conflicts, Meta) of
+        undefined -> % no conflicts
+            case is_read_from_ddoc_cache(Options) andalso is_per_user_ddoc(Doc) of
+                true -> throw({not_found, missing});
+                _False -> validate_access2(Db, Doc)
+            end;
+        _Else -> % only admins can read conflicted docs in _access dbs
+            case is_admin(Db) of
+                true -> ok;
+                _Else2 -> throw({forbidden, <<"document is in conflict">>})
+            end
+    end.
+validate_access2(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access3(check_access(Db, Doc)).
+validate_access3(true) -> ok;
+validate_access3(_) -> throw({forbidden, <<"can't touch this">>}).
+check_access(Db, #doc{access=Access}=Doc) ->
+    check_access(Db, Access);
+check_access(Db, Access) ->
+    #user_ctx{
+        name=UserName,
+        roles=UserRoles
+    } = Db#db.user_ctx,
+    case Access of
+    [] ->
+        % if doc has no _access, userCtX must be admin
+        is_admin(Db);
+    Access ->
+        % if doc has _access, userCtx must be admin OR matching user or role
+        % _access = ["a", "b", ]
+        case is_admin(Db) of
+        true ->
+            true;
+        _ ->
+            case {check_name(UserName, Access), check_roles(UserRoles, Access)} of

Review comment:
       isn't this just `check_name(UserName, Access) orelse check_roles(UserRoles, Access)`?

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -724,6 +747,73 @@ security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=null}) ->
 security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=_}) ->
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[<<"_users">>]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(_) -> true.
+validate_access(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access(Db, Doc, []).
+validate_access(Db, Doc, Options) ->
+    validate_access1(has_access_enabled(Db), Db, Doc, Options).
+validate_access1(false, _Db, _Doc, _Options) -> ok;
+validate_access1(true, Db, #doc{meta=Meta}=Doc, Options) ->
+    case proplists:get_value(conflicts, Meta) of
+        undefined -> % no conflicts
+            case is_read_from_ddoc_cache(Options) andalso is_per_user_ddoc(Doc) of
+                true -> throw({not_found, missing});
+                _False -> validate_access2(Db, Doc)
+            end;
+        _Else -> % only admins can read conflicted docs in _access dbs
+            case is_admin(Db) of
+                true -> ok;
+                _Else2 -> throw({forbidden, <<"document is in conflict">>})
+            end
+    end.
+validate_access2(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access3(check_access(Db, Doc)).
+validate_access3(true) -> ok;
+validate_access3(_) -> throw({forbidden, <<"can't touch this">>}).
+check_access(Db, #doc{access=Access}=Doc) ->
+    check_access(Db, Access);
+check_access(Db, Access) ->
+    #user_ctx{
+        name=UserName,
+        roles=UserRoles
+    } = Db#db.user_ctx,
+    case Access of
+    [] ->
+        % if doc has no _access, userCtX must be admin
+        is_admin(Db);
+    Access ->
+        % if doc has _access, userCtx must be admin OR matching user or role
+        % _access = ["a", "b", ]
+        case is_admin(Db) of
+        true ->
+            true;
+        _ ->
+            case {check_name(UserName, Access), check_roles(UserRoles, Access)} of
+            {true, _} -> true;
+            {_, true} -> true;
+            _ -> false
+            end
+        end
+    end.
+check_name(null, _Access) -> true;
+check_name(UserName, Access) ->
+            lists:member(UserName, Access).

Review comment:

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -724,6 +747,73 @@ security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=null}) ->
 security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=_}) ->
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[<<"_users">>]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(_) -> true.
+validate_access(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access(Db, Doc, []).
+validate_access(Db, Doc, Options) ->
+    validate_access1(has_access_enabled(Db), Db, Doc, Options).
+validate_access1(false, _Db, _Doc, _Options) -> ok;
+validate_access1(true, Db, #doc{meta=Meta}=Doc, Options) ->
+    case proplists:get_value(conflicts, Meta) of
+        undefined -> % no conflicts
+            case is_read_from_ddoc_cache(Options) andalso is_per_user_ddoc(Doc) of
+                true -> throw({not_found, missing});
+                _False -> validate_access2(Db, Doc)
+            end;
+        _Else -> % only admins can read conflicted docs in _access dbs
+            case is_admin(Db) of
+                true -> ok;
+                _Else2 -> throw({forbidden, <<"document is in conflict">>})
+            end
+    end.
+validate_access2(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access3(check_access(Db, Doc)).
+validate_access3(true) -> ok;

Review comment:
       these function names need improving (e.g, they could say what is is they are validating).

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db_updater.erl
@@ -248,7 +251,11 @@ sort_and_tag_grouped_docs(Client, GroupedDocs) ->
     % The merge_updates function will fail and the database can end up with
     % duplicate documents if the incoming groups are not sorted, so as a sanity
     % check we sort them again here. See COUCHDB-2735.
-    Cmp = fun([#doc{id=A}|_], [#doc{id=B}|_]) -> A < B end,
+    Cmp = fun
+        ([], []) -> false; % TODO: re-evaluate this addition, might be a

Review comment:
       re-evaluate before we merge

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -284,26 +295,36 @@ delete_doc(Db, Id, Revisions) ->
 open_doc(Db, IdOrDocInfo) ->
     open_doc(Db, IdOrDocInfo, []).
-open_doc(Db, Id, Options) ->
+open_doc(Db, Id, Options0) ->
     increment_stat(Db, [couchdb, database_reads]),
+    Options = case has_access_enabled(Db) of
+        true -> Options0 ++ [conflicts];

Review comment:
       What this line means is "also fetch the conflicts when you open the doc", the motivation isn't clear here, but presumably will be made clear further down.

File path: src/couch/src/couch_httpd_auth.erl
@@ -87,6 +87,13 @@ basic_name_pw(Req) ->
+extract_roles(UserProps) ->
+    Roles = couch_util:get_value(<<"roles">>, UserProps, []),
+    case lists:member(<<"_admin">>, Roles) of
+        true -> Roles;
+        _ -> Roles ++ [<<"_users">>]

Review comment:
       `[<<"_users">> | Roles]`

File path: src/couch/src/couch_httpd_auth.erl
@@ -167,7 +174,7 @@ proxy_auth_user(Req) ->
             Roles = case header_value(Req, XHeaderRoles) of
                 undefined -> [];
                 Else ->
-                    [?l2b(R) || R <- string:tokens(Else, ",")]
+                    [?l2b(R) || R <- string:tokens(Else, ",")] ++ [<<"_users">>]

Review comment:
       as above

File path: src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -724,6 +747,73 @@ security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=null}) ->
 security_error_type(#user_ctx{name=_}) ->
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(#doc{access=[<<"_users">>]}) -> false;
+is_per_user_ddoc(_) -> true.
+validate_access(Db, Doc) ->
+    validate_access(Db, Doc, []).
+validate_access(Db, Doc, Options) ->
+    validate_access1(has_access_enabled(Db), Db, Doc, Options).
+validate_access1(false, _Db, _Doc, _Options) -> ok;
+validate_access1(true, Db, #doc{meta=Meta}=Doc, Options) ->
+    case proplists:get_value(conflicts, Meta) of
+        undefined -> % no conflicts
+            case is_read_from_ddoc_cache(Options) andalso is_per_user_ddoc(Doc) of
+                true -> throw({not_found, missing});
+                _False -> validate_access2(Db, Doc)
+            end;
+        _Else -> % only admins can read conflicted docs in _access dbs
+            case is_admin(Db) of
+                true -> ok;
+                _Else2 -> throw({forbidden, <<"document is in conflict">>})

Review comment:
       why can't users see conflicted docs in "access" enabled dbs?

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