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Posted to by on 2016/07/18 20:32:06 UTC

[1/2] incubator-mynewt-site git commit: Code contribution process diagram and steps added under community page as well as in the appendix under Documentation

Repository: incubator-mynewt-site
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/asf-site 5344d177d -> 63698b985
diff --git a/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json b/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json
index 119ff30..8db138d 100644
--- a/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json
+++ b/latest/mkdocs/search_index.json
@@ -7697,7 +7697,7 @@
             "location": "/faq/answers/", 
-            "text": "How do I submit a bug?\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a ticket. Choose \"Bug\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. \n\n\nHow do I request a feature?\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a tick
 et. Choose \"Wish\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. \n\n\nIf you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.\n\n\nI am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nYou may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:\n\n\n1. Go to the \nMynewt OS mirror\n or \nNewt Tool mirror\n on, as appropriate. Click on the \"Fork\" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your gith
 ub repo.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\n2.Use the \ngit format-patch\n command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?\n\n\n
 You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on\n\n\nNavigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the \n/docs\n directory. Click on the pencil icon (\"Edit the file in your fork of this project\") and start making changes.\n\n\nClick the green \"Propose file change\" button. You will be directed to the page where you can start a pull request from the branch that was created for you. The branch is gets an automatic name \npatch-#\n where # is a number. Click on the green \"Compare \n pull request\" to open the pull request.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is 
 ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\n\n\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\nIf you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork \n\nyour github username\n/incubator-mynewt-site\n and click on \"branches\". You should see your branch under \"Your branches\". Click on the delete icon.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on You need to create your own fork of the repo in by clicking on the \"Fork\" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using \ngit clone\n from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local bran
 ch for the edits and switching to it (using \ngit checkout -b \nnew-branchname\n or GitHub Desktop). \n\n\nMake your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.\n\n\nThe review and merge process is the same as other pull requests described for earlier questions.", 
+            "text": "How do I submit a bug?\n\n\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a ticket. Choose \"Bug\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. \n\n\nHow do I request a feature?\n\n\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to creat
 e a ticket. Choose \"Wish\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. \n\n\nIf you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.\n\n\nI am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.\n\n\nThe \"develop\" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from \"develop\" and make pull requests into \"develop\" to get your code added are the following:\n\n\nStep 1:\n Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on g\n\n\nStep 2:\n Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.\n\n\n    $ newt new devproject\n    $ cd devproject\n    $ vi project.yml\n        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core\n    $ newt install\n    $ cd repos/apache-mynewt-core\n    $ git status\n        On branch develop\n        Your branch is up-to-date with \norigin/develop\n.\n        nothing to commit, working directory clean\n    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch\n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n    $ git remote add fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core \n    $ git remote -v\n        origin
 pache/incubator-mynewt-core.git (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n        fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) \n        fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core (push)\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 3:\n Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes\n(example shows adding all).\n\n\n   $ git checkout mybranch\n   $ git add .\n   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code changes\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 4:\n Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.\n\n\n   $ git pull --rebase origin develop\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 5:\n Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.\n\n\n   $ git push fork mybranch\n\n\n\n\n\n\ufffcStep 6:\n Gene
 rate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the \"New pull request\" button on\n\n\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on\n\n\nNavigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the \n/docs\n directory. Click on the pencil icon (\"Edit the file in your fork of this project\") and start making changes.\n\n\nClick the green \"Propose file change\" button. You will be directed to the page where you can start a pull request from the branch that was created for you. The branch is gets an automatic name \npatch-#\n where # is a number. Click on the green \"Compare \n pull request\" to open the pull request.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the 
 changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\n\n\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\nIf you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork \n\nyour github username\n/incubator-mynewt-site\n and click on \"branches\". You should see your branch under \"Your branches\". Click on the delete icon.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on You need to create your own for
 k of the repo in by clicking on the \"Fork\" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using \ngit clone\n from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local branch for the edits and switching to it (using \ngit checkout -b \nnew-branchname\n or GitHub Desktop). \n\n\nMake your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.\n\n\nThe review and merge process is the same as other pull requests described for earlier questions.", 
             "title": "FAQ"
@@ -7712,7 +7712,7 @@
             "location": "/faq/answers/#i-am-not-on-the-committer-list-how-do-i-submit-a-patch", 
-            "text": "You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.   You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:  1. Go to the  Mynewt OS mirror  or  Newt Tool mirror  on, as appropriate. Click on the \"Fork\" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github repo.  In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clar
 ifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.  2.Use the  git format-patch  command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.", 
+            "text": "You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.  The \"develop\" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from \"develop\" and make pull requests into \"develop\" to get your code added are the following:  Step 1:  Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on  Step 2:  Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.      $ newt new devproject\n    $ cd devproject\n    $ vi project.yml\n        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core\n    $ newt install\n    $ cd repos/apac
 he-mynewt-core\n    $ git status\n        On branch develop\n        Your branch is up-to-date with  origin/develop .\n        nothing to commit, working directory clean\n    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch\n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n    $ git remote add fork user /incubator-mynewt-core \n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n        fork user /incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) \n        fork user /incubator-mynewt-core (push)  Step 3:  Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes\n(example shows adding all).     $ git checkout mybranch\n   $ git add .\n   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code chan
 ges\u201d  Step 4:  Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.     $ git pull --rebase origin develop  Step 5:  Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.     $ git push fork mybranch  \ufffcStep 6:  Generate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the \"New pull request\" button on", 
             "title": "I am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?"
diff --git a/latest/sitemap.xml b/latest/sitemap.xml
index 9db79d4..c840309 100644
--- a/latest/sitemap.xml
+++ b/latest/sitemap.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
diff --git a/mkdocs/search_index.json b/mkdocs/search_index.json
index 119ff30..8db138d 100644
--- a/mkdocs/search_index.json
+++ b/mkdocs/search_index.json
@@ -7697,7 +7697,7 @@
             "location": "/faq/answers/", 
-            "text": "How do I submit a bug?\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a ticket. Choose \"Bug\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. \n\n\nHow do I request a feature?\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a tick
 et. Choose \"Wish\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. \n\n\nIf you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.\n\n\nI am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nYou may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:\n\n\n1. Go to the \nMynewt OS mirror\n or \nNewt Tool mirror\n on, as appropriate. Click on the \"Fork\" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your gith
 ub repo.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\n2.Use the \ngit format-patch\n command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?\n\n\n
 You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on\n\n\nNavigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the \n/docs\n directory. Click on the pencil icon (\"Edit the file in your fork of this project\") and start making changes.\n\n\nClick the green \"Propose file change\" button. You will be directed to the page where you can start a pull request from the branch that was created for you. The branch is gets an automatic name \npatch-#\n where # is a number. Click on the green \"Compare \n pull request\" to open the pull request.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is 
 ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\n\n\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\nIf you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork \n\nyour github username\n/incubator-mynewt-site\n and click on \"branches\". You should see your branch under \"Your branches\". Click on the delete icon.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on You need to create your own fork of the repo in by clicking on the \"Fork\" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using \ngit clone\n from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local bran
 ch for the edits and switching to it (using \ngit checkout -b \nnew-branchname\n or GitHub Desktop). \n\n\nMake your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.\n\n\nThe review and merge process is the same as other pull requests described for earlier questions.", 
+            "text": "How do I submit a bug?\n\n\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a ticket. Choose \"Bug\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. \n\n\nHow do I request a feature?\n\n\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to creat
 e a ticket. Choose \"Wish\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. \n\n\nIf you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.\n\n\nI am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.\n\n\nThe \"develop\" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from \"develop\" and make pull requests into \"develop\" to get your code added are the following:\n\n\nStep 1:\n Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on g\n\n\nStep 2:\n Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.\n\n\n    $ newt new devproject\n    $ cd devproject\n    $ vi project.yml\n        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core\n    $ newt install\n    $ cd repos/apache-mynewt-core\n    $ git status\n        On branch develop\n        Your branch is up-to-date with \norigin/develop\n.\n        nothing to commit, working directory clean\n    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch\n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n    $ git remote add fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core \n    $ git remote -v\n        origin
 pache/incubator-mynewt-core.git (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n        fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) \n        fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core (push)\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 3:\n Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes\n(example shows adding all).\n\n\n   $ git checkout mybranch\n   $ git add .\n   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code changes\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 4:\n Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.\n\n\n   $ git pull --rebase origin develop\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 5:\n Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.\n\n\n   $ git push fork mybranch\n\n\n\n\n\n\ufffcStep 6:\n Gene
 rate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the \"New pull request\" button on\n\n\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on\n\n\nNavigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the \n/docs\n directory. Click on the pencil icon (\"Edit the file in your fork of this project\") and start making changes.\n\n\nClick the green \"Propose file change\" button. You will be directed to the page where you can start a pull request from the branch that was created for you. The branch is gets an automatic name \npatch-#\n where # is a number. Click on the green \"Compare \n pull request\" to open the pull request.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the 
 changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\n\n\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\nIf you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork \n\nyour github username\n/incubator-mynewt-site\n and click on \"branches\". You should see your branch under \"Your branches\". Click on the delete icon.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on You need to create your own for
 k of the repo in by clicking on the \"Fork\" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using \ngit clone\n from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local branch for the edits and switching to it (using \ngit checkout -b \nnew-branchname\n or GitHub Desktop). \n\n\nMake your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.\n\n\nThe review and merge process is the same as other pull requests described for earlier questions.", 
             "title": "FAQ"
@@ -7712,7 +7712,7 @@
             "location": "/faq/answers/#i-am-not-on-the-committer-list-how-do-i-submit-a-patch", 
-            "text": "You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.   You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:  1. Go to the  Mynewt OS mirror  or  Newt Tool mirror  on, as appropriate. Click on the \"Fork\" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github repo.  In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clar
 ifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.  2.Use the  git format-patch  command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.", 
+            "text": "You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.  The \"develop\" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from \"develop\" and make pull requests into \"develop\" to get your code added are the following:  Step 1:  Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on  Step 2:  Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.      $ newt new devproject\n    $ cd devproject\n    $ vi project.yml\n        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core\n    $ newt install\n    $ cd repos/apac
 he-mynewt-core\n    $ git status\n        On branch develop\n        Your branch is up-to-date with  origin/develop .\n        nothing to commit, working directory clean\n    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch\n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n    $ git remote add fork user /incubator-mynewt-core \n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n        fork user /incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) \n        fork user /incubator-mynewt-core (push)  Step 3:  Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes\n(example shows adding all).     $ git checkout mybranch\n   $ git add .\n   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code chan
 ges\u201d  Step 4:  Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.     $ git pull --rebase origin develop  Step 5:  Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.     $ git push fork mybranch  \ufffcStep 6:  Generate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the \"New pull request\" button on", 
             "title": "I am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?"
diff --git a/sitemap.xml b/sitemap.xml
index 9db79d4..c840309 100644
--- a/sitemap.xml
+++ b/sitemap.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
diff --git a/v0_9_0/community/index.html b/v0_9_0/community/index.html
index 58e3c36..0efc7ab 100644
--- a/v0_9_0/community/index.html
+++ b/v0_9_0/community/index.html
@@ -202,8 +202,9 @@
                 <li> Log in and report a bug by choosing the "MYNEWT" project, clicking on the "Create" button, and creating a ticket with an appropriate Issue Type (e.g. Bug, Wish).  </p>
                 <p> If you are a contributor and wish to work on a change, open a JIRA ticket first. It's always a good idea to introduce the change in the dev@ mailing list and refer to that ticket. When you generate a pull request into the github mirror for your change, always reference the JIRA ticket number in the title. JIRA is set up to resolve the ticket when your code is merged into the ASF git repository and the pull request closed. </p>
-                <h3>Contributing Code</h3>
+                <h3>Contributing</h3>
+<<<<<<< HEAD
                 You can start contributing right away, even if you are not a committer on Apache Mynewt! One requirement is that you adhere to the Apache's proposed workflow as explained <a href="">here</a>. Basically, you submit your initial edits for your peers to review and merge. After a few successful patches under your belt, you will get access to commit code directly to the module you are working on in the repository. And over time, you will get full access to all the repositories, where you can commit code to any module. </p>
                 <p>You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:
@@ -214,22 +215,46 @@
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt larva repo mirrored on github</a></li>
+                You can start contributing right away, even if you are not a committer on Apache Mynewt! One requirement is that you adhere to the Apache's proposed workflow as explained <a href="">here</a>. Basically, you submit your initial edits for your peers to review and merge. After a few successful patches under your belt, you will get access to commit code directly to the module you are working on in the repository. And over time, you will get full access to all the repositories, where you can commit code to any module on the apache git repository (and not the github mirror). </p>
+                <p>The diagram below explains the recommended process for submitting code to the core repository of Apache Mynewt. The "develop" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps are the following: </p>
+                <ol> 
+                <li> Fork the Mynewt repository to create your very own repo on github. </li>
+                <li> Clone the Mynewt repository on your machine using the Newt tool. Set up the remotes correctly as shown in the diagram. This is key to making sure you correctly pull the latest code from Mynewt's "develop" and push to your working branch on github. </li>
+                <li> Make your code changes and commit them locally. </li>
+                <li> Always sync up with the latest code in the "develop" branch and resolve any merge conflicts. </li>
+                <li> Push your commits to your working branch on github.
+                <li> Submit a pull request to the `develop` branch of the appropriate Apache Mynewt repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on your github fork page. </li>
+                </ol>
+                <br>
+                <object data="/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf" type="application/pdf" width=900 height=750>
+                   <p><b>Example fallback content</b>: This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: <a href="/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf"> Download PDF </a>.</p>
+                </object>
+                <br>
+                <p> Remember there are three repositories to work with in the Apache Mynewt project. All of them have a "develop" branch which contains the latest code. The code from "develop" is merged periodically into "master" on all these repositories and releases are then tagged off the "master" branch. 
+                <ul>
+                   <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt core repo mirrored on github</a></li>
+>>>>>>> 768a33c... Code contribution process diagram and steps added under community page as well as in the appendix under Documentation
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt newt tool repo mirrored on github</a></li>
-                   <br>
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt documentation repo mirrored on github</a></li>
+<<<<<<< HEAD
                 <p>In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter. </p>
+                </ul>                
+                <br>
+                <p> <mark>The bottomline is to work with the "develop" branch. </mark> It has the latest code and you want your changes tested, working, and merged with that codebase. In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter. </p>
+                <p> <mark>There is no need to open a new pull request if you have already submitted a pull request against the "develop" branch on the mirror but have modified your code futher </mark>(e.g. after some feedback from the community or another clever idea popping into your head). The old pull request will get updated with your changes.</p>
+>>>>>>> 768a33c... Code contribution process diagram and steps added under community page as well as in the appendix under Documentation
                 <p> Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
-                </li>
-                <li>
-                Use the `git format-patch` command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message. </li>
-                </ol>
-                </p>
-                <h3>Contributing to the web site</h3>
-                <p> Go to <a href="">Apache Mynewt documentation repo mirrored on github</a> to clone the repository into a local branch on your machine. Make your changes. Then submit a pull request on the github mirror repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on the page. </p>
-                <p> To know more check out the <a href=""> Appendix </a>. </p>
+                </p>
+                <p> To know more check out the FAQ in Appendix under <a href="">Documentation</a></p>
diff --git a/v0_9_0/faq/answers/index.html b/v0_9_0/faq/answers/index.html
index 0a9a5c4..32df2be 100644
--- a/v0_9_0/faq/answers/index.html
+++ b/v0_9_0/faq/answers/index.html
@@ -237,22 +237,67 @@
                             <h3 id="how-do-i-submit-a-bug">How do I submit a bug?</h3>
 <p>If you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on <a href="!default.jspa">JIRA</a>.</p>
 <p>Submit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. </p>
 <p>Log in. Choose the "MYNEWT" project. Click on the "Create" button to create a ticket. Choose "Bug" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. </p>
 <h3 id="how-do-i-request-a-feature">How do I request a feature?</h3>
 <p>If you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on <a href="!default.jspa">JIRA</a>.</p>
 <p>Submit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. </p>
 <p>Log in. Choose the "MYNEWT" project. Click on the "Create" button to create a ticket. Choose "Wish" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. </p>
 <p>If you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.</p>
 <h3 id="i-am-not-on-the-committer-list-how-do-i-submit-a-patch">I am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?</h3>
-<p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
-<p>You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:</p>
-<p>1. Go to the <a href="">Mynewt OS mirror</a> or <a href="">Newt Tool mirror</a> on, as appropriate. Click on the "Fork" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github repo.</p>
-<p>In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.
-Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
-<p>2.Use the <code>git format-patch</code> command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.</p>
+<p><strong>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.</strong></p>
+<p>The "develop" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from "develop" and make pull requests into "develop" to get your code added are the following:</p>
+<p><strong>Step 1:</strong> Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on</p>
+<p><strong>Step 2:</strong> Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ newt new devproject
+    $ cd devproject
+    $ vi project.yml
+        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core
+    $ newt install
+    $ cd repos/apache-mynewt-core
+    $ git status
+        On branch develop
+        Your branch is up-to-date with &#39;origin/develop&#39;.
+        nothing to commit, working directory clean
+    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch
+    $ git remote -v
+        origin (fetch) 
+        origin (push)
+    $ git remote add fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core 
+    $ git remote -v
+        origin (fetch) 
+        origin (push)
+        fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) 
+        fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core (push)
+<p><strong>Step 3:</strong> Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes
+(example shows adding all).</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git checkout mybranch
+   $ git add .
+   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code changes\u201d
+<p><strong>Step 4:</strong> Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git pull --rebase origin develop
+<p><strong>Step 5:</strong> Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git push fork mybranch
+<p><strong>\ufffcStep 6:</strong> Generate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the "New pull request" button on</p>
+<p><img alt="Mynewt Dev Cycle" src="../mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg" /></p>
 <h3 id="i-would-like-to-make-some-edits-to-the-documentation-what-do-i-do">I would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?</h3>
 <p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
 <p>Go to the <a href="">documentation mirror</a> on</p>
 <p>Navigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the <code>/docs</code> directory. Click on the pencil icon ("Edit the file in your fork of this project") and start making changes.</p>
@@ -261,6 +306,7 @@ Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask f
 <p>Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
 <p>If you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork <code>;your github username&gt;/incubator-mynewt-site</code> and click on "branches". You should see your branch under "Your branches". Click on the delete icon.</p>
 <h3 id="i-would-like-to-make-some-edits-to-the-documentation-but-want-to-use-an-editor-on-my-own-laptop-what-do-i-do">I would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?</h3>
 <p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
 <p>Go to the <a href="">documentation mirror</a> on You need to create your own fork of the repo in by clicking on the "Fork" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using <code>git clone</code> from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local branch for the edits and switching to it (using <code>git checkout -b &lt;new-branchname&gt;</code> or GitHub Desktop). </p>
 <p>Make your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.</p>
diff --git a/v0_9_0/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg b/v0_9_0/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b4795d
Binary files /dev/null and b/v0_9_0/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg differ
diff --git a/v0_9_0/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf b/v0_9_0/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9cb71
Binary files /dev/null and b/v0_9_0/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf differ
diff --git a/v0_9_0/mkdocs/search_index.json b/v0_9_0/mkdocs/search_index.json
index 119ff30..8db138d 100644
--- a/v0_9_0/mkdocs/search_index.json
+++ b/v0_9_0/mkdocs/search_index.json
@@ -7697,7 +7697,7 @@
             "location": "/faq/answers/", 
-            "text": "How do I submit a bug?\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a ticket. Choose \"Bug\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. \n\n\nHow do I request a feature?\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a tick
 et. Choose \"Wish\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. \n\n\nIf you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.\n\n\nI am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nYou may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:\n\n\n1. Go to the \nMynewt OS mirror\n or \nNewt Tool mirror\n on, as appropriate. Click on the \"Fork\" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your gith
 ub repo.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\n2.Use the \ngit format-patch\n command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?\n\n\n
 You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on\n\n\nNavigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the \n/docs\n directory. Click on the pencil icon (\"Edit the file in your fork of this project\") and start making changes.\n\n\nClick the green \"Propose file change\" button. You will be directed to the page where you can start a pull request from the branch that was created for you. The branch is gets an automatic name \npatch-#\n where # is a number. Click on the green \"Compare \n pull request\" to open the pull request.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is 
 ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\n\n\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\nIf you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork \n\nyour github username\n/incubator-mynewt-site\n and click on \"branches\". You should see your branch under \"Your branches\". Click on the delete icon.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on You need to create your own fork of the repo in by clicking on the \"Fork\" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using \ngit clone\n from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local bran
 ch for the edits and switching to it (using \ngit checkout -b \nnew-branchname\n or GitHub Desktop). \n\n\nMake your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.\n\n\nThe review and merge process is the same as other pull requests described for earlier questions.", 
+            "text": "How do I submit a bug?\n\n\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a ticket. Choose \"Bug\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. \n\n\nHow do I request a feature?\n\n\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to creat
 e a ticket. Choose \"Wish\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. \n\n\nIf you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.\n\n\nI am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.\n\n\nThe \"develop\" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from \"develop\" and make pull requests into \"develop\" to get your code added are the following:\n\n\nStep 1:\n Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on g\n\n\nStep 2:\n Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.\n\n\n    $ newt new devproject\n    $ cd devproject\n    $ vi project.yml\n        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core\n    $ newt install\n    $ cd repos/apache-mynewt-core\n    $ git status\n        On branch develop\n        Your branch is up-to-date with \norigin/develop\n.\n        nothing to commit, working directory clean\n    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch\n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n    $ git remote add fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core \n    $ git remote -v\n        origin
 pache/incubator-mynewt-core.git (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n        fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) \n        fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core (push)\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 3:\n Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes\n(example shows adding all).\n\n\n   $ git checkout mybranch\n   $ git add .\n   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code changes\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 4:\n Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.\n\n\n   $ git pull --rebase origin develop\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 5:\n Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.\n\n\n   $ git push fork mybranch\n\n\n\n\n\n\ufffcStep 6:\n Gene
 rate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the \"New pull request\" button on\n\n\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on\n\n\nNavigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the \n/docs\n directory. Click on the pencil icon (\"Edit the file in your fork of this project\") and start making changes.\n\n\nClick the green \"Propose file change\" button. You will be directed to the page where you can start a pull request from the branch that was created for you. The branch is gets an automatic name \npatch-#\n where # is a number. Click on the green \"Compare \n pull request\" to open the pull request.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the 
 changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\n\n\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\nIf you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork \n\nyour github username\n/incubator-mynewt-site\n and click on \"branches\". You should see your branch under \"Your branches\". Click on the delete icon.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on You need to create your own for
 k of the repo in by clicking on the \"Fork\" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using \ngit clone\n from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local branch for the edits and switching to it (using \ngit checkout -b \nnew-branchname\n or GitHub Desktop). \n\n\nMake your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.\n\n\nThe review and merge process is the same as other pull requests described for earlier questions.", 
             "title": "FAQ"
@@ -7712,7 +7712,7 @@
             "location": "/faq/answers/#i-am-not-on-the-committer-list-how-do-i-submit-a-patch", 
-            "text": "You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.   You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:  1. Go to the  Mynewt OS mirror  or  Newt Tool mirror  on, as appropriate. Click on the \"Fork\" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github repo.  In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clar
 ifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.  2.Use the  git format-patch  command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.", 
+            "text": "You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.  The \"develop\" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from \"develop\" and make pull requests into \"develop\" to get your code added are the following:  Step 1:  Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on  Step 2:  Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.      $ newt new devproject\n    $ cd devproject\n    $ vi project.yml\n        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core\n    $ newt install\n    $ cd repos/apac
 he-mynewt-core\n    $ git status\n        On branch develop\n        Your branch is up-to-date with  origin/develop .\n        nothing to commit, working directory clean\n    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch\n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n    $ git remote add fork user /incubator-mynewt-core \n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n        fork user /incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) \n        fork user /incubator-mynewt-core (push)  Step 3:  Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes\n(example shows adding all).     $ git checkout mybranch\n   $ git add .\n   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code chan
 ges\u201d  Step 4:  Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.     $ git pull --rebase origin develop  Step 5:  Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.     $ git push fork mybranch  \ufffcStep 6:  Generate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the \"New pull request\" button on", 
             "title": "I am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?"
diff --git a/v0_9_0/sitemap.xml b/v0_9_0/sitemap.xml
index 9db79d4..c840309 100644
--- a/v0_9_0/sitemap.xml
+++ b/v0_9_0/sitemap.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>

[2/2] incubator-mynewt-site git commit: Code contribution process diagram and steps added under community page as well as in the appendix under Documentation

Posted by
Code contribution process diagram and steps added under community page as well as in the appendix under Documentation


Branch: refs/heads/asf-site
Commit: 63698b985621e98424c0ec4710e1a4a13d59c0de
Parents: 5344d17
Author: aditihilbert <>
Authored: Mon Jul 18 13:31:50 2016 -0700
Committer: aditihilbert <>
Committed: Mon Jul 18 13:31:50 2016 -0700

 community/index.html             |  49 +++++++++++++++-------------
 develop/community/index.html     |  49 +++++++++++++++-------------
 develop/faq/answers/index.html   |  58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 develop/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg | Bin 0 -> 255157 bytes
 develop/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf | Bin 0 -> 247703 bytes
 develop/mkdocs/search_index.json |   4 +--
 develop/sitemap.xml              |  20 ++++++------
 faq/answers/index.html           |  58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg         | Bin 0 -> 255157 bytes
 img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf         | Bin 0 -> 247703 bytes
 latest/community/index.html      |  45 ++++++++++++++++++++------
 latest/faq/answers/index.html    |  58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 latest/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg  | Bin 0 -> 255157 bytes
 latest/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf  | Bin 0 -> 247703 bytes
 latest/mkdocs/search_index.json  |   4 +--
 latest/sitemap.xml               |  20 ++++++------
 mkdocs/search_index.json         |   4 +--
 sitemap.xml                      |  20 ++++++------
 v0_9_0/community/index.html      |  45 ++++++++++++++++++++------
 v0_9_0/faq/answers/index.html    |  58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 v0_9_0/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg  | Bin 0 -> 255157 bytes
 v0_9_0/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf  | Bin 0 -> 247703 bytes
 v0_9_0/mkdocs/search_index.json  |   4 +--
 v0_9_0/sitemap.xml               |  20 ++++++------
 24 files changed, 380 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)
diff --git a/community/index.html b/community/index.html
index 513ceff..5e6e25c 100644
--- a/community/index.html
+++ b/community/index.html
@@ -202,35 +202,40 @@
                 <li> Log in and report a bug by choosing the "MYNEWT" project, clicking on the "Create" button, and creating a ticket with an appropriate Issue Type (e.g. Bug, Wish).  </p>
                 <p> If you are a contributor and wish to work on a change, open a JIRA ticket first. It's always a good idea to introduce the change in the dev@ mailing list and refer to that ticket. When you generate a pull request into the github mirror for your change, always reference the JIRA ticket number in the title. JIRA is set up to resolve the ticket when your code is merged into the ASF git repository and the pull request closed. </p>
-                <h3>Contributing Code</h3>
+                <h3>Contributing</h3>
                 You can start contributing right away, even if you are not a committer on Apache Mynewt! One requirement is that you adhere to the Apache's proposed workflow as explained <a href="">here</a>. Basically, you submit your initial edits for your peers to review and merge. After a few successful patches under your belt, you will get access to commit code directly to the module you are working on in the repository. And over time, you will get full access to all the repositories, where you can commit code to any module on the apache git repository (and not the github mirror). </p>
-                <p>You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:
+                <p>The diagram below explains the recommended process for submitting code to the core repository of Apache Mynewt. The "develop" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps are the following: </p>
+                <ol> 
+                <li> Fork the Mynewt repository to create your very own repo on github. </li>
+                <li> Clone the Mynewt repository on your machine using the Newt tool. Set up the remotes correctly as shown in the diagram. This is key to making sure you correctly pull the latest code from Mynewt's "develop" and push to your working branch on github. </li>
+                <li> Make your code changes and commit them locally. </li>
+                <li> Always sync up with the latest code in the "develop" branch and resolve any merge conflicts. </li>
+                <li> Push your commits to your working branch on github.
+                <li> Submit a pull request to the `develop` branch of the appropriate Apache Mynewt repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on your github fork page. </li>
+                </ol>
-                <ol>
-                <li>
-                Fork the mirrored repository to create your very own repo on github. Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine. <mark> Either checkout the `develop` branch and make your changes in the develop branch or create a new branch out of `develop` and work there.</mark> Then submit a <mark> pull request to the `develop` branch </mark> on the github mirror of the appropriate Apache Mynewt repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on your github fork page:
-                   <ul>
-                   <br>
-                   <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt larva repo mirrored on github</a></li>
-                   <br>
+                <object data="/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf" type="application/pdf" width=900 height=750>
+                   <p><b>Example fallback content</b>: This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: <a href="/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf"> Download PDF </a>.</p>
+                </object>
+                <br>
+                <p> Remember there are three repositories to work with in the Apache Mynewt project. All of them have a "develop" branch which contains the latest code. The code from "develop" is merged periodically into "master" on all these repositories and releases are then tagged off the "master" branch. 
+                <ul>
+                   <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt core repo mirrored on github</a></li>
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt newt tool repo mirrored on github</a></li>
-                   <br>
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt documentation repo mirrored on github</a></li>
-                   <br>
-                   </ul>
-                <p> <mark>The bottomline is to work with the `develop` branch. </mark> It has the latest code and you want your changes tested, working, and merged with that codebase. In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter. </p>
-                <p> If you have already submitted a pull request against the `develop` branch on the mirror but have modified your code futher (e.g. after some feedback from the community or another clever idea popping into your head) <mark> there is no need to open a new pull request</mark>. The old pull request will get updated with your changes. Always remember to <mark> fetch the latest code from `develop` before committing your changes to the branch.</mark> </p>
+                </ul>                
+                <br>
+                <p> <mark>The bottomline is to work with the "develop" branch. </mark> It has the latest code and you want your changes tested, working, and merged with that codebase. In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter. </p>
+                <p> <mark>There is no need to open a new pull request if you have already submitted a pull request against the "develop" branch on the mirror but have modified your code futher </mark>(e.g. after some feedback from the community or another clever idea popping into your head). The old pull request will get updated with your changes.</p>
                 <p> Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
-                </li>
-                <li>
-                Use the `git format-patch` command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message. </li>
-                </ol>
-                </p>
-                <h3>Contributing to the web site</h3>
-                <p> Go to <a href="">Apache Mynewt documentation repo mirrored on github</a> to clone the repository into a local branch on your machine. Make your changes. Then submit a pull request on the github mirror repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on the page. </p>
-                <p> To know more check out the <a href=""> Appendix </a>. </p>
+                </p>
+                <p> To know more check out the FAQ in Appendix under <a href="">Documentation</a></p>
diff --git a/develop/community/index.html b/develop/community/index.html
index 513ceff..5e6e25c 100644
--- a/develop/community/index.html
+++ b/develop/community/index.html
@@ -202,35 +202,40 @@
                 <li> Log in and report a bug by choosing the "MYNEWT" project, clicking on the "Create" button, and creating a ticket with an appropriate Issue Type (e.g. Bug, Wish).  </p>
                 <p> If you are a contributor and wish to work on a change, open a JIRA ticket first. It's always a good idea to introduce the change in the dev@ mailing list and refer to that ticket. When you generate a pull request into the github mirror for your change, always reference the JIRA ticket number in the title. JIRA is set up to resolve the ticket when your code is merged into the ASF git repository and the pull request closed. </p>
-                <h3>Contributing Code</h3>
+                <h3>Contributing</h3>
                 You can start contributing right away, even if you are not a committer on Apache Mynewt! One requirement is that you adhere to the Apache's proposed workflow as explained <a href="">here</a>. Basically, you submit your initial edits for your peers to review and merge. After a few successful patches under your belt, you will get access to commit code directly to the module you are working on in the repository. And over time, you will get full access to all the repositories, where you can commit code to any module on the apache git repository (and not the github mirror). </p>
-                <p>You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:
+                <p>The diagram below explains the recommended process for submitting code to the core repository of Apache Mynewt. The "develop" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps are the following: </p>
+                <ol> 
+                <li> Fork the Mynewt repository to create your very own repo on github. </li>
+                <li> Clone the Mynewt repository on your machine using the Newt tool. Set up the remotes correctly as shown in the diagram. This is key to making sure you correctly pull the latest code from Mynewt's "develop" and push to your working branch on github. </li>
+                <li> Make your code changes and commit them locally. </li>
+                <li> Always sync up with the latest code in the "develop" branch and resolve any merge conflicts. </li>
+                <li> Push your commits to your working branch on github.
+                <li> Submit a pull request to the `develop` branch of the appropriate Apache Mynewt repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on your github fork page. </li>
+                </ol>
-                <ol>
-                <li>
-                Fork the mirrored repository to create your very own repo on github. Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine. <mark> Either checkout the `develop` branch and make your changes in the develop branch or create a new branch out of `develop` and work there.</mark> Then submit a <mark> pull request to the `develop` branch </mark> on the github mirror of the appropriate Apache Mynewt repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on your github fork page:
-                   <ul>
-                   <br>
-                   <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt larva repo mirrored on github</a></li>
-                   <br>
+                <object data="/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf" type="application/pdf" width=900 height=750>
+                   <p><b>Example fallback content</b>: This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: <a href="/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf"> Download PDF </a>.</p>
+                </object>
+                <br>
+                <p> Remember there are three repositories to work with in the Apache Mynewt project. All of them have a "develop" branch which contains the latest code. The code from "develop" is merged periodically into "master" on all these repositories and releases are then tagged off the "master" branch. 
+                <ul>
+                   <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt core repo mirrored on github</a></li>
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt newt tool repo mirrored on github</a></li>
-                   <br>
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt documentation repo mirrored on github</a></li>
-                   <br>
-                   </ul>
-                <p> <mark>The bottomline is to work with the `develop` branch. </mark> It has the latest code and you want your changes tested, working, and merged with that codebase. In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter. </p>
-                <p> If you have already submitted a pull request against the `develop` branch on the mirror but have modified your code futher (e.g. after some feedback from the community or another clever idea popping into your head) <mark> there is no need to open a new pull request</mark>. The old pull request will get updated with your changes. Always remember to <mark> fetch the latest code from `develop` before committing your changes to the branch.</mark> </p>
+                </ul>                
+                <br>
+                <p> <mark>The bottomline is to work with the "develop" branch. </mark> It has the latest code and you want your changes tested, working, and merged with that codebase. In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter. </p>
+                <p> <mark>There is no need to open a new pull request if you have already submitted a pull request against the "develop" branch on the mirror but have modified your code futher </mark>(e.g. after some feedback from the community or another clever idea popping into your head). The old pull request will get updated with your changes.</p>
                 <p> Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
-                </li>
-                <li>
-                Use the `git format-patch` command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message. </li>
-                </ol>
-                </p>
-                <h3>Contributing to the web site</h3>
-                <p> Go to <a href="">Apache Mynewt documentation repo mirrored on github</a> to clone the repository into a local branch on your machine. Make your changes. Then submit a pull request on the github mirror repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on the page. </p>
-                <p> To know more check out the <a href=""> Appendix </a>. </p>
+                </p>
+                <p> To know more check out the FAQ in Appendix under <a href="">Documentation</a></p>
diff --git a/develop/faq/answers/index.html b/develop/faq/answers/index.html
index 5b8f9fa..64e3ac2 100644
--- a/develop/faq/answers/index.html
+++ b/develop/faq/answers/index.html
@@ -237,22 +237,67 @@
                             <h3 id="how-do-i-submit-a-bug">How do I submit a bug?</h3>
 <p>If you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on <a href="!default.jspa">JIRA</a>.</p>
 <p>Submit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. </p>
 <p>Log in. Choose the "MYNEWT" project. Click on the "Create" button to create a ticket. Choose "Bug" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. </p>
 <h3 id="how-do-i-request-a-feature">How do I request a feature?</h3>
 <p>If you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on <a href="!default.jspa">JIRA</a>.</p>
 <p>Submit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. </p>
 <p>Log in. Choose the "MYNEWT" project. Click on the "Create" button to create a ticket. Choose "Wish" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. </p>
 <p>If you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.</p>
 <h3 id="i-am-not-on-the-committer-list-how-do-i-submit-a-patch">I am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?</h3>
-<p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
-<p>You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:</p>
-<p>1. Go to the <a href="">Mynewt OS mirror</a> or <a href="">Newt Tool mirror</a> on, as appropriate. Click on the "Fork" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github repo.</p>
-<p>In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.
-Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
-<p>2.Use the <code>git format-patch</code> command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.</p>
+<p><strong>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.</strong></p>
+<p>The "develop" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from "develop" and make pull requests into "develop" to get your code added are the following:</p>
+<p><strong>Step 1:</strong> Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on</p>
+<p><strong>Step 2:</strong> Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ newt new devproject
+    $ cd devproject
+    $ vi project.yml
+        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core
+    $ newt install
+    $ cd repos/apache-mynewt-core
+    $ git status
+        On branch develop
+        Your branch is up-to-date with &#39;origin/develop&#39;.
+        nothing to commit, working directory clean
+    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch
+    $ git remote -v
+        origin (fetch) 
+        origin (push)
+    $ git remote add fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core 
+    $ git remote -v
+        origin (fetch) 
+        origin (push)
+        fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) 
+        fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core (push)
+<p><strong>Step 3:</strong> Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes
+(example shows adding all).</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git checkout mybranch
+   $ git add .
+   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code changes\u201d
+<p><strong>Step 4:</strong> Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git pull --rebase origin develop
+<p><strong>Step 5:</strong> Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git push fork mybranch
+<p><strong>\ufffcStep 6:</strong> Generate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the "New pull request" button on</p>
+<p><img alt="Mynewt Dev Cycle" src="../mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg" /></p>
 <h3 id="i-would-like-to-make-some-edits-to-the-documentation-what-do-i-do">I would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?</h3>
 <p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
 <p>Go to the <a href="">documentation mirror</a> on</p>
 <p>Navigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the <code>/docs</code> directory. Click on the pencil icon ("Edit the file in your fork of this project") and start making changes.</p>
@@ -261,6 +306,7 @@ Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask f
 <p>Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
 <p>If you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork <code>;your github username&gt;/incubator-mynewt-site</code> and click on "branches". You should see your branch under "Your branches". Click on the delete icon.</p>
 <h3 id="i-would-like-to-make-some-edits-to-the-documentation-but-want-to-use-an-editor-on-my-own-laptop-what-do-i-do">I would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?</h3>
 <p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
 <p>Go to the <a href="">documentation mirror</a> on You need to create your own fork of the repo in by clicking on the "Fork" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using <code>git clone</code> from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local branch for the edits and switching to it (using <code>git checkout -b &lt;new-branchname&gt;</code> or GitHub Desktop). </p>
 <p>Make your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.</p>
diff --git a/develop/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg b/develop/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b4795d
Binary files /dev/null and b/develop/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg differ
diff --git a/develop/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf b/develop/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9cb71
Binary files /dev/null and b/develop/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf differ
diff --git a/develop/mkdocs/search_index.json b/develop/mkdocs/search_index.json
index 77bbd61..5418021 100644
--- a/develop/mkdocs/search_index.json
+++ b/develop/mkdocs/search_index.json
@@ -9807,7 +9807,7 @@
             "location": "/faq/answers/", 
-            "text": "How do I submit a bug?\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a ticket. Choose \"Bug\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. \n\n\nHow do I request a feature?\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a tick
 et. Choose \"Wish\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. \n\n\nIf you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.\n\n\nI am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nYou may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:\n\n\n1. Go to the \nMynewt OS mirror\n or \nNewt Tool mirror\n on, as appropriate. Click on the \"Fork\" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your gith
 ub repo.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\n2.Use the \ngit format-patch\n command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?\n\n\n
 You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on\n\n\nNavigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the \n/docs\n directory. Click on the pencil icon (\"Edit the file in your fork of this project\") and start making changes.\n\n\nClick the green \"Propose file change\" button. You will be directed to the page where you can start a pull request from the branch that was created for you. The branch is gets an automatic name \npatch-#\n where # is a number. Click on the green \"Compare \n pull request\" to open the pull request.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is 
 ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\n\n\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\nIf you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork \n\nyour github username\n/incubator-mynewt-site\n and click on \"branches\". You should see your branch under \"Your branches\". Click on the delete icon.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on You need to create your own fork of the repo in by clicking on the \"Fork\" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using \ngit clone\n from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local bran
 ch for the edits and switching to it (using \ngit checkout -b \nnew-branchname\n or GitHub Desktop). \n\n\nMake your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.\n\n\nThe review and merge process is the same as other pull requests described for earlier questions.", 
+            "text": "How do I submit a bug?\n\n\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to create a ticket. Choose \"Bug\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. \n\n\nHow do I request a feature?\n\n\n\n\nIf you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on \nJIRA\n.\n\n\nSubmit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. \n\n\nLog in. Choose the \"MYNEWT\" project. Click on the \"Create\" button to creat
 e a ticket. Choose \"Wish\" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. \n\n\nIf you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.\n\n\nI am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.\n\n\nThe \"develop\" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from \"develop\" and make pull requests into \"develop\" to get your code added are the following:\n\n\nStep 1:\n Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on g\n\n\nStep 2:\n Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.\n\n\n    $ newt new devproject\n    $ cd devproject\n    $ vi project.yml\n        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core\n    $ newt install\n    $ cd repos/apache-mynewt-core\n    $ git status\n        On branch develop\n        Your branch is up-to-date with \norigin/develop\n.\n        nothing to commit, working directory clean\n    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch\n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n    $ git remote add fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core \n    $ git remote -v\n        origin
 pache/incubator-mynewt-core.git (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n        fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) \n        fork\nuser\n/incubator-mynewt-core (push)\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 3:\n Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes\n(example shows adding all).\n\n\n   $ git checkout mybranch\n   $ git add .\n   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code changes\u201d\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 4:\n Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.\n\n\n   $ git pull --rebase origin develop\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 5:\n Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.\n\n\n   $ git push fork mybranch\n\n\n\n\n\n\ufffcStep 6:\n Gene
 rate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the \"New pull request\" button on\n\n\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on\n\n\nNavigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the \n/docs\n directory. Click on the pencil icon (\"Edit the file in your fork of this project\") and start making changes.\n\n\nClick the green \"Propose file change\" button. You will be directed to the page where you can start a pull request from the branch that was created for you. The branch is gets an automatic name \npatch-#\n where # is a number. Click on the green \"Compare \n pull request\" to open the pull request.\n\n\nIn the comment for the pull request, include a description of the 
 changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\n\n\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.\n\n\nIf you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork \n\nyour github username\n/incubator-mynewt-site\n and click on \"branches\". You should see your branch under \"Your branches\". Click on the delete icon.\n\n\nI would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?\n\n\n\n\nYou submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. \n\n\nGo to the \ndocumentation mirror\n on You need to create your own for
 k of the repo in by clicking on the \"Fork\" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using \ngit clone\n from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local branch for the edits and switching to it (using \ngit checkout -b \nnew-branchname\n or GitHub Desktop). \n\n\nMake your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.\n\n\nThe review and merge process is the same as other pull requests described for earlier questions.", 
             "title": "FAQ"
@@ -9822,7 +9822,7 @@
             "location": "/faq/answers/#i-am-not-on-the-committer-list-how-do-i-submit-a-patch", 
-            "text": "You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.   You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:  1. Go to the  Mynewt OS mirror  or  Newt Tool mirror  on, as appropriate. Click on the \"Fork\" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github repo.  In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.\nUpon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clar
 ifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.  2.Use the  git format-patch  command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.", 
+            "text": "You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.  The \"develop\" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from \"develop\" and make pull requests into \"develop\" to get your code added are the following:  Step 1:  Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on  Step 2:  Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.      $ newt new devproject\n    $ cd devproject\n    $ vi project.yml\n        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core\n    $ newt install\n    $ cd repos/apac
 he-mynewt-core\n    $ git status\n        On branch develop\n        Your branch is up-to-date with  origin/develop .\n        nothing to commit, working directory clean\n    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch\n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n    $ git remote add fork user /incubator-mynewt-core \n    $ git remote -v\n        origin (fetch) \n        origin (push)\n        fork user /incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) \n        fork user /incubator-mynewt-core (push)  Step 3:  Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes\n(example shows adding all).     $ git checkout mybranch\n   $ git add .\n   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code chan
 ges\u201d  Step 4:  Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.     $ git pull --rebase origin develop  Step 5:  Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.     $ git push fork mybranch  \ufffcStep 6:  Generate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the \"New pull request\" button on", 
             "title": "I am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?"
diff --git a/develop/sitemap.xml b/develop/sitemap.xml
index 9db79d4..c840309 100644
--- a/develop/sitemap.xml
+++ b/develop/sitemap.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
-     <lastmod>2016-07-13</lastmod>
+     <lastmod>2016-07-18</lastmod>
diff --git a/faq/answers/index.html b/faq/answers/index.html
index 0a9a5c4..32df2be 100644
--- a/faq/answers/index.html
+++ b/faq/answers/index.html
@@ -237,22 +237,67 @@
                             <h3 id="how-do-i-submit-a-bug">How do I submit a bug?</h3>
 <p>If you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on <a href="!default.jspa">JIRA</a>.</p>
 <p>Submit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. </p>
 <p>Log in. Choose the "MYNEWT" project. Click on the "Create" button to create a ticket. Choose "Bug" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. </p>
 <h3 id="how-do-i-request-a-feature">How do I request a feature?</h3>
 <p>If you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on <a href="!default.jspa">JIRA</a>.</p>
 <p>Submit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. </p>
 <p>Log in. Choose the "MYNEWT" project. Click on the "Create" button to create a ticket. Choose "Wish" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. </p>
 <p>If you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.</p>
 <h3 id="i-am-not-on-the-committer-list-how-do-i-submit-a-patch">I am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?</h3>
-<p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
-<p>You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:</p>
-<p>1. Go to the <a href="">Mynewt OS mirror</a> or <a href="">Newt Tool mirror</a> on, as appropriate. Click on the "Fork" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github repo.</p>
-<p>In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.
-Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
-<p>2.Use the <code>git format-patch</code> command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.</p>
+<p><strong>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.</strong></p>
+<p>The "develop" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from "develop" and make pull requests into "develop" to get your code added are the following:</p>
+<p><strong>Step 1:</strong> Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on</p>
+<p><strong>Step 2:</strong> Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ newt new devproject
+    $ cd devproject
+    $ vi project.yml
+        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core
+    $ newt install
+    $ cd repos/apache-mynewt-core
+    $ git status
+        On branch develop
+        Your branch is up-to-date with &#39;origin/develop&#39;.
+        nothing to commit, working directory clean
+    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch
+    $ git remote -v
+        origin (fetch) 
+        origin (push)
+    $ git remote add fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core 
+    $ git remote -v
+        origin (fetch) 
+        origin (push)
+        fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) 
+        fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core (push)
+<p><strong>Step 3:</strong> Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes
+(example shows adding all).</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git checkout mybranch
+   $ git add .
+   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code changes\u201d
+<p><strong>Step 4:</strong> Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git pull --rebase origin develop
+<p><strong>Step 5:</strong> Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git push fork mybranch
+<p><strong>\ufffcStep 6:</strong> Generate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the "New pull request" button on</p>
+<p><img alt="Mynewt Dev Cycle" src="../mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg" /></p>
 <h3 id="i-would-like-to-make-some-edits-to-the-documentation-what-do-i-do">I would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?</h3>
 <p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
 <p>Go to the <a href="">documentation mirror</a> on</p>
 <p>Navigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the <code>/docs</code> directory. Click on the pencil icon ("Edit the file in your fork of this project") and start making changes.</p>
@@ -261,6 +306,7 @@ Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask f
 <p>Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
 <p>If you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork <code>;your github username&gt;/incubator-mynewt-site</code> and click on "branches". You should see your branch under "Your branches". Click on the delete icon.</p>
 <h3 id="i-would-like-to-make-some-edits-to-the-documentation-but-want-to-use-an-editor-on-my-own-laptop-what-do-i-do">I would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?</h3>
 <p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
 <p>Go to the <a href="">documentation mirror</a> on You need to create your own fork of the repo in by clicking on the "Fork" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using <code>git clone</code> from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local branch for the edits and switching to it (using <code>git checkout -b &lt;new-branchname&gt;</code> or GitHub Desktop). </p>
 <p>Make your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.</p>
diff --git a/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg b/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b4795d
Binary files /dev/null and b/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg differ
diff --git a/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf b/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9cb71
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf differ
diff --git a/latest/community/index.html b/latest/community/index.html
index 58e3c36..0efc7ab 100644
--- a/latest/community/index.html
+++ b/latest/community/index.html
@@ -202,8 +202,9 @@
                 <li> Log in and report a bug by choosing the "MYNEWT" project, clicking on the "Create" button, and creating a ticket with an appropriate Issue Type (e.g. Bug, Wish).  </p>
                 <p> If you are a contributor and wish to work on a change, open a JIRA ticket first. It's always a good idea to introduce the change in the dev@ mailing list and refer to that ticket. When you generate a pull request into the github mirror for your change, always reference the JIRA ticket number in the title. JIRA is set up to resolve the ticket when your code is merged into the ASF git repository and the pull request closed. </p>
-                <h3>Contributing Code</h3>
+                <h3>Contributing</h3>
+<<<<<<< HEAD
                 You can start contributing right away, even if you are not a committer on Apache Mynewt! One requirement is that you adhere to the Apache's proposed workflow as explained <a href="">here</a>. Basically, you submit your initial edits for your peers to review and merge. After a few successful patches under your belt, you will get access to commit code directly to the module you are working on in the repository. And over time, you will get full access to all the repositories, where you can commit code to any module. </p>
                 <p>You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:
@@ -214,22 +215,46 @@
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt larva repo mirrored on github</a></li>
+                You can start contributing right away, even if you are not a committer on Apache Mynewt! One requirement is that you adhere to the Apache's proposed workflow as explained <a href="">here</a>. Basically, you submit your initial edits for your peers to review and merge. After a few successful patches under your belt, you will get access to commit code directly to the module you are working on in the repository. And over time, you will get full access to all the repositories, where you can commit code to any module on the apache git repository (and not the github mirror). </p>
+                <p>The diagram below explains the recommended process for submitting code to the core repository of Apache Mynewt. The "develop" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps are the following: </p>
+                <ol> 
+                <li> Fork the Mynewt repository to create your very own repo on github. </li>
+                <li> Clone the Mynewt repository on your machine using the Newt tool. Set up the remotes correctly as shown in the diagram. This is key to making sure you correctly pull the latest code from Mynewt's "develop" and push to your working branch on github. </li>
+                <li> Make your code changes and commit them locally. </li>
+                <li> Always sync up with the latest code in the "develop" branch and resolve any merge conflicts. </li>
+                <li> Push your commits to your working branch on github.
+                <li> Submit a pull request to the `develop` branch of the appropriate Apache Mynewt repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on your github fork page. </li>
+                </ol>
+                <br>
+                <object data="/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf" type="application/pdf" width=900 height=750>
+                   <p><b>Example fallback content</b>: This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: <a href="/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf"> Download PDF </a>.</p>
+                </object>
+                <br>
+                <p> Remember there are three repositories to work with in the Apache Mynewt project. All of them have a "develop" branch which contains the latest code. The code from "develop" is merged periodically into "master" on all these repositories and releases are then tagged off the "master" branch. 
+                <ul>
+                   <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt core repo mirrored on github</a></li>
+>>>>>>> 768a33c... Code contribution process diagram and steps added under community page as well as in the appendix under Documentation
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt newt tool repo mirrored on github</a></li>
-                   <br>
                    <li><a href="">Apache Mynewt documentation repo mirrored on github</a></li>
+<<<<<<< HEAD
                 <p>In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter. </p>
+                </ul>                
+                <br>
+                <p> <mark>The bottomline is to work with the "develop" branch. </mark> It has the latest code and you want your changes tested, working, and merged with that codebase. In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter. </p>
+                <p> <mark>There is no need to open a new pull request if you have already submitted a pull request against the "develop" branch on the mirror but have modified your code futher </mark>(e.g. after some feedback from the community or another clever idea popping into your head). The old pull request will get updated with your changes.</p>
+>>>>>>> 768a33c... Code contribution process diagram and steps added under community page as well as in the appendix under Documentation
                 <p> Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
-                </li>
-                <li>
-                Use the `git format-patch` command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message. </li>
-                </ol>
-                </p>
-                <h3>Contributing to the web site</h3>
-                <p> Go to <a href="">Apache Mynewt documentation repo mirrored on github</a> to clone the repository into a local branch on your machine. Make your changes. Then submit a pull request on the github mirror repository by clicking the green "New pull request" button on the page. </p>
-                <p> To know more check out the <a href=""> Appendix </a>. </p>
+                </p>
+                <p> To know more check out the FAQ in Appendix under <a href="">Documentation</a></p>
diff --git a/latest/faq/answers/index.html b/latest/faq/answers/index.html
index 09fb52f..1912411 100644
--- a/latest/faq/answers/index.html
+++ b/latest/faq/answers/index.html
@@ -237,22 +237,67 @@
                             <h3 id="how-do-i-submit-a-bug">How do I submit a bug?</h3>
 <p>If you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on <a href="!default.jspa">JIRA</a>.</p>
 <p>Submit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. </p>
 <p>Log in. Choose the "MYNEWT" project. Click on the "Create" button to create a ticket. Choose "Bug" as the Issue Type. Fill in the bug description, how it is triggered, and other details. </p>
 <h3 id="how-do-i-request-a-feature">How do I request a feature?</h3>
 <p>If you do not have a JIRA account sign up for an account on <a href="!default.jspa">JIRA</a>.</p>
 <p>Submit a request to the @dev mailing list for your JIRA username to be added to the Apache Mynewt (MYNEWT) project. You can view the issues on JIRA for the MYNEWT project without an account but you need to log in for reporting a bug. </p>
 <p>Log in. Choose the "MYNEWT" project. Click on the "Create" button to create a ticket. Choose "Wish" as the Issue Type. Fill in the feature description,  benefits, and any other implementation details. Note in the description whether you want to work on it yourself. </p>
 <p>If you are not a committer and you wish to work on it, someone who is on the committer list will have to review your request and assign it to you. You will have to refer to this JIRA ticket in your pull request.</p>
 <h3 id="i-am-not-on-the-committer-list-how-do-i-submit-a-patch">I am not on the committer list. How do I submit a patch?</h3>
-<p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
-<p>You may choose to submit patches in one of the two following ways:</p>
-<p>1. Go to the <a href="">Mynewt OS mirror</a> or <a href="">Newt Tool mirror</a> on, as appropriate. Click on the "Fork" button to create your own instance of the repo on Clone the forked repository into a local branch on your machine and make your changes. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github repo.</p>
-<p>In the comment for the pull request, include a description of the changes you have made and why. Github will automatically notify everyone on the mailing list about the newly opened pull requests. You can open a pull request even if you don't think the code is ready for merging but want some discussion on the matter.
-Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
-<p>2.Use the <code>git format-patch</code> command to produce a patch file. Submit the patch (your code changes along with a diff from the old code) via email to the @dev mailing list. Summarize the issue and your work in the email. Regular project members will review your suggested patch and add it to the repository, acknowledging your contribution by referencing your name in the commit message.</p>
+<p><strong>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge.</strong></p>
+<p>The "develop" branch on Mynewt's repository contains the most recent changes made by the community of developers. Contributions from you need to go into this branch. The essential steps to setting up your project space for working with the latest code from "develop" and make pull requests into "develop" to get your code added are the following:</p>
+<p><strong>Step 1:</strong> Create a fork of the entire Mynewt repository on</p>
+<p><strong>Step 2:</strong> Setup repository on your laptop to use code in \u201cdevelop\u201d branch. You then create a new branch \u201cmybranch\u201d using \u201cgit checkout \u2013b\u201d. You also add a remote handle named \u201cfork\u201d that points to the github fork you created in Step 1.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">    $ newt new devproject
+    $ cd devproject
+    $ vi project.yml
+        # change version to 0-dev for repository.apache-mynewt-core
+    $ newt install
+    $ cd repos/apache-mynewt-core
+    $ git status
+        On branch develop
+        Your branch is up-to-date with &#39;origin/develop&#39;.
+        nothing to commit, working directory clean
+    $ git checkout \u2013b mybranch
+    $ git remote -v
+        origin (fetch) 
+        origin (push)
+    $ git remote add fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core 
+    $ git remote -v
+        origin (fetch) 
+        origin (push)
+        fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core (fetch) 
+        fork;user&gt;/incubator-mynewt-core (push)
+<p><strong>Step 3:</strong> Check you are in \u201cmybranch\u201d. Write code. Stage and commit your changes
+(example shows adding all).</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git checkout mybranch
+   $ git add .
+   $ git commit \u2013m \u201cyour message about your code changes\u201d
+<p><strong>Step 4:</strong> Always pull the latest from develop on Apache mirror to \u201cmybranch\u201d before pushing any changes to remotes. If you see merge conflicts, resolve them first.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git pull --rebase origin develop
+<p><strong>Step 5:</strong> Push your changes to \u201cmybranch\u201d branch on your github fork. If \u201cmybranch\u201d does not exist yet on your github fork, the command automa;cally creates it.</p>
+<div class="codehilite" style="background: #ffffff"><pre style="line-height: 125%">   $ git push fork mybranch
+<p><strong>\ufffcStep 6:</strong> Generate a pull request from \u201cmybranch\u201d in your fork to \u201cdevelop\u201d in Mynewt using the "New pull request" button on</p>
+<p><img alt="Mynewt Dev Cycle" src="../mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg" /></p>
 <h3 id="i-would-like-to-make-some-edits-to-the-documentation-what-do-i-do">I would like to make some edits to the documentation. What do I do?</h3>
 <p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
 <p>Go to the <a href="">documentation mirror</a> on</p>
 <p>Navigate to the file you wish to edit on All the technical documentation is in Markdown files under the <code>/docs</code> directory. Click on the pencil icon ("Edit the file in your fork of this project") and start making changes.</p>
@@ -261,6 +306,7 @@ Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask f
 <p>Upon receiving notification, one or more committers will review your work, ask for edits or clarifications, and merge when your proposed changes are ready.</p>
 <p>If you want to withdraw the pull request simply go to your fork <code>;your github username&gt;/incubator-mynewt-site</code> and click on "branches". You should see your branch under "Your branches". Click on the delete icon.</p>
 <h3 id="i-would-like-to-make-some-edits-to-the-documentation-but-want-to-use-an-editor-on-my-own-laptop-what-do-i-do">I would like to make some edits to the documentation but want to use an editor on my own laptop. What do I do?</h3>
 <p>You submit your proposed changes for your peers with committer status to review and merge. </p>
 <p>Go to the <a href="">documentation mirror</a> on You need to create your own fork of the repo in by clicking on the "Fork" button on the top right. Clone the forked repository into your laptop (using <code>git clone</code> from a terminal or using the download buttons on the github page)and create a local branch for the edits and switching to it (using <code>git checkout -b &lt;new-branchname&gt;</code> or GitHub Desktop). </p>
 <p>Make your changes using the editor of your choice. Push that branch to your fork on github. Then submit a pull request from that branch on your github fork.</p>
diff --git a/latest/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg b/latest/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b4795d
Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/faq/mynewt_dev_cycle.jpg differ
diff --git a/latest/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf b/latest/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9cb71
Binary files /dev/null and b/latest/img/mynewt_dev_cycle.pdf differ