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commit 526f128375ad9b88db7edbdca60b55e10c80de88
Author: htynkn <>
AuthorDate: Sun Sep 29 05:28:16 2019 +0000

    Automated deployment: Sun Sep 29 05:28:16 UTC 2019 848ed075d643742dd9d14b32f3dca45b2e340b51
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 zh-cn/blog/dubboAsync_server.json |   4 +-
 7 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

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+<p>It is suggested to make an understanding of the thread phase involved in the process of Dubbo first, please refer to <a href="">Implementation background and practice of Dubbo client asynchronous interface</a> for details.</p>
+<h2>Implementation background</h2>
+<p>It is necessary to introduce the server-side thread strategy in more detail to deepen the user's judgment basis for selecting server-side asynchrony. It is also necessary to introduce coroutines, the &quot;secret weapon&quot; often used in server-side asynchrony.</p>
+<h3>Server-side thread strategy</h3>
+<p>Dubbo supports a variety of NIO frameworks to implement remoting protocols. Whether Netty, Mina or Grizzly, the implementations are much the same. They are all based on event-driven methods to establish network channels and read data streams. Taking introduction to <a href="">Thread Strategy</a> of Grizzly as an example, the following four categories are usually supported. Dubbo as an RPC framework, the default choice is the first stra [...]
+<li><strong>Worker-thread Strategy</strong></li>
+<p>The most useful IOStrategy, where Selector thread delegates NIO events processing to a worker threads.</p>
+<p><img src="../../img/blog/dubboasyn_server/1.png" alt="workerthread-strategy.png | center | 371x244"></p>
+<p>This IOStrategy is very scalable and safe. We can change the size of selector and worker thread pool as required and there is no risk that some problem, which may occur during the specific NIO event processing, will impact other Channels registered on the same Selector.</p>
+<p>The disadvantage is the cost of thread context switching.</p>
+<ol start="2">
+<li><strong>Same-thread Strategy</strong></li>
+<p>Potentially the most efficient IOStrategy. Unlike the worker-thread IOStrategy, the same-thread IOStrategy processes NIO events in the current thread, avoiding expensive thread context switches.</p>
+<p><img src="../../img/blog/dubboasyn_server/2.png" alt="samethread-strategy.png | center | 389x264"></p>
+<p>This IOStrategy is still pretty scalable, because we can tune the selector thread pool size, but it does have drawbacks. Care needs to be taken that channel NIO event processing won’t block or execute any long lasting operation, because it may block the processing of other NIO events that occur on the same Selector.</p>
+<ol start="3">
+<li><strong>Dynamic Strategy</strong></li>
+<p>As mentioned previously worker-thread and same-thread strategies have distinct advantages and disadvantages. However, what if a strategy could try to swap them smartly during runtime depending on the current conditions (load, gathered statistics… etc)?</p>
+<p><img src="../../img/blog/dubboasyn_server/3.png" alt="dynamic-strategy.png | center | 361x387"></p>
+<p>Potentially this IOStrategy could bring a lot of benefit and allow finer control of the resources. However, it’s important to not overload the condition evaluation logic, as its complexity will make this IOStrategy inefficient comparing to previous two strategies.</p>
+<p>By the way, I want you to pay more attention to this strategy, which is probably the best combination of Dubbo server asynchrony.</p>
+<ol start="4">
+<li><strong>Leader-follower Strategy</strong></li>
+<p><img src="../../img/blog/dubboasyn_server/4.png" alt="leaderfollower-strategy.png | center | 443x286"></p>
+<p>This IOStrategy is similar to worker-thread IOStrategy, but instead of passing NIO event processing to a worker thread, it changes worker thread to a selector thread by passing it the control over Selector and the actual NIO event processing takes place in the current thread. This strategy actually confuses worker and IO thread stages, which is not recommended.</p>
+<h3>Coroutine and thread</h3>
+<p>In terms of CPU resource management, the minimum scheduling unit of OS and JVM is thread. The coroutine library implemented by business application through extension can have independent running unit. In fact, it is also done based on thread. The principle should be to save the context and switch to another coroutine when IO blocking or lock waiting is encountered.</p>
+<p><strong>In the default Dubbo thread strategy, there are worker thread pools to execute the business logic, but the ThreadPool Full problem often occurs. In order to release worker threads as soon as possible, another thread will be set up in the implementation of the business service. The cost is thread context switching again, and it's necessary to consider link-level data transfer (such as tracing information) and flow-control export controls, etc. Of course, if Dubbo can switch to  [...]
+<h2>The sample</h2>
+<p>Use an example to experience the Dubbo server-side asynchronous interface. For Demo code, visit <a href=""></a>。</p>
+<pre><code class="language-java"><span class="hljs-keyword">public</span> <span class="hljs-class"><span class="hljs-keyword">class</span> <span class="hljs-title">AsyncServiceImpl</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">implements</span> <span class="hljs-title">AsyncService</span> </span>{
+    <span class="hljs-meta">@Override</span>
+    <span class="hljs-function"><span class="hljs-keyword">public</span> String <span class="hljs-title">sayHello</span><span class="hljs-params">(String name)</span> </span>{
+        System.out.println(<span class="hljs-string">"Main sayHello() method start."</span>);
+        <span class="hljs-keyword">final</span> AsyncContext asyncContext = RpcContext.startAsync();
+        <span class="hljs-keyword">new</span> Thread(() -&gt; {
+            asyncContext.signalContextSwitch();
+            System.out.println(<span class="hljs-string">"Attachment from consumer: "</span> + RpcContext.getContext().getAttachment(<span class="hljs-string">"consumer-key1"</span>));
+            System.out.println(<span class="hljs-string">"    -- Async start."</span>);
+            <span class="hljs-keyword">try</span> {
+                Thread.sleep(<span class="hljs-number">500</span>);
+            } <span class="hljs-keyword">catch</span> (InterruptedException e) {
+                e.printStackTrace();
+            }
+            asyncContext.write(<span class="hljs-string">"Hello "</span> + name + <span class="hljs-string">", response from provider."</span>);
+            System.out.println(<span class="hljs-string">"    -- Async end."</span>);
+        }).start();
+        System.out.println(<span class="hljs-string">"Main sayHello() method end."</span>);
+        <span class="hljs-keyword">return</span> <span class="hljs-string">"hello, "</span> + name;
+    }
+<h2>Practical suggestions</h2>
+<li>Don't rely too much on server-side asynchrony.</li>
+<li>Server-side asynchrony is basically a false proposition in the face of event-driven or Reactive.<span data-type="color" style="color:rgb(36, 41, 46)"><span data-type="background" style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255)">Supplement the reason: the server asynchrony is said Dubbo server-side business threads (default is 200) is not enough, but in the Event-Driven mode, 200 threads certainly do not need that much, just as much as the number of CPU cores. As long as the business imple [...]
+<li>To use server-side asynchrony, it is recommended that the server-side thread strategy adopt the Same_thread pattern + Coroutine Library.</li>
+<p>When Dubbo supports business applications, it encounters a variety of requirements scenarios, and server-side asynchrony provides users with a solution to deal with ThreadPool Full. In the case of ThreadPool Full, if the current system bottleneck is CPU, this solution is not recommended. If the system load is not high, increasing the number of worker threads or using server asynchrony can be considered.</p>
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+  "__html": "<h1>Implementation background and practice of Dubbo server asynchronous interface</h1>\n<h2>Preface</h2>\n<p>It is suggested to make an understanding of the thread phase involved in the process of Dubbo first, please refer to <a href=\"\">Implementation background and practice of Dubbo client asynchronous interface</a> for details.</p>\n<h2>Implementation background</h2>\n<p>It is necessary to introduce the server-side [...]
+  "link": "/en-us/blog/dubboAsync_server.html",
+  "meta": {
+    "title": "Implementation background and practice of Dubbo server asynchronous interface",
+    "keywords": "Dubbo, Asynchrony, Reactive",
+    "description": "Implementation background and practice of Dubbo server asynchronous interface"
+  }
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+      "link": "/en-us/blog/dubboAsync_server.html",
+      "meta": {
+        "title": "Implementation background and practice of Dubbo server asynchronous interface",
+        "keywords": "Dubbo, Asynchrony, Reactive",
+        "description": "Implementation background and practice of Dubbo server asynchronous interface"
+      }
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       "meta": {
@@ -627,7 +636,7 @@
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       "meta": {
-        "title": "Dubbo客户端异步接口的实现背景和实践",
+        "title": "Dubbo服务端异步接口的实现背景和实践",
         "keywords": "Dubbo, 异步, Reactive",
         "description": "Dubbo服务端异步接口的实现背景和实践"
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@@ -18,31 +18,29 @@
+<p>Dubbo支持多种NIO框架来做Remoting的协议实现,无论是Netty,Mina或者Grizzly,实现都大同小异,都是基于事件驱动的方式来做网络通道建立,数据流读取的。其中以Grizzly对于<a href="">线程策略</a>的介绍为例,通常支持以下四种。Dubbo作为一个RPC框架,默认选择的是第一种策略,原因在于业务服务是CPU密集型还是IO阻塞型,是无法断定的,第一种策略是最保险的策略。当然,对于这几种策略有了了解后,再结合业务场景做针对性的选择是最完美的。</p>
 <p><img src="../../img/blog/dubboasyn_server/1.png" alt="workerthread-strategy.png | center | 371x244"></p>
 <ol start="2">
 <p><img src="../../img/blog/dubboasyn_server/2.png" alt="samethread-strategy.png | center | 389x264"></p>
 <ol start="3">
 <p><img src="../../img/blog/dubboasyn_server/3.png" alt="dynamic-strategy.png | center | 361x387"></p>
 多说一句,希望大家对这个策略多留意一下,它可能是Dubbo服务端异步方式的最佳搭配。我也多扯个淡,这几天关注了些adaptive XX或者predictive XX,这里看到dynamic真是亲切,Dubbo作为产品级生产级的微服务解决方案,是必须既要adaptive,又要predictive,还要dynamic,哈哈。</p>
 <ol start="4">
-<li>__Leader-follower __
 <p><img src="../../img/blog/dubboasyn_server/4.png" alt="leaderfollower-strategy.png | center | 443x286"></p>
@@ -76,10 +74,9 @@
-<li>服务端异步在Event-Driven或者Reactive面前基本是伪命题.<span data-type="color" style="color:rgb(36, 41, 46)"><span data-type="background" style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255)">补充下原因:服务端异步初衷是说Dubbo的服务端业务线程数(默认是200个)不够,但其实在event-driven模式下, 200个肯定不需要那么多,只需要cpu核数那样就可以,只要业务实现是非阻塞的纯异步方式的非阻塞的业务逻辑处理,用再多的线程数就是浪费资源。</span></span></li>
-<li>要用服务端异步,建议服务端的线程策略采用same thread模式+协程包</li>
+<li>服务端异步在Event-Driven或者Reactive面前基本是伪命题.<span data-type="color" style="color:rgb(36, 41, 46)"><span data-type="background" style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255)">补充下原因:服务端异步初衷是说Dubbo的服务端业务线程数(默认是200个)不够,但其实在event-driven模式下,200个肯定不需要那么多,只需要cpu核数那样就可以。只要业务实现是非阻塞的纯异步方式的业务逻辑处理,用再多的线程数都是浪费资源。</span></span></li>
+<li>要用服务端异步,建议服务端的线程策略采用same thread模式+协程包。</li>
 <p>Dubbo在支持业务应用时,会碰到千奇百怪的需求场景,服务端异步为用户提供了一种解决ThreadPool Full的方案。当发生ThreadPool Full的情况下,如果当前系统瓶颈是CPU,不建议用这种方案;如果系统Load不高,调高worker的线程数目,或者采用服务端异步,都是可以考虑的。</p>
diff --git a/zh-cn/blog/dubboAsync_server.json b/zh-cn/blog/dubboAsync_server.json
index 989ea0c..c8800aa 100644
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   "filename": "",
-  "__html": "<h1>Dubbo服务端异步接口的实现背景和实践</h1>\n<h2>铺垫</h2>\n<p>建议先对Dubbo的处理过程中涉及的线程阶段先做个了解,具体可参考<a href=\"\">Dubbo客户端异步接口的实现背景和使用场景</a>。</p>\n<h2>实现背景</h2>\n<p>有必要比较详细点的介绍下服务端的线程策略来加深用户在选择服务端异步的判断依据,同时有必要引出协程这一在服务端异步中常常会用到的“秘密武器”。</p>\n<h3>服务端的线程策略</h3>\n<p>Dubbo是支持多种NIO框架来做Remoting的协议实现,无论是Netty,Mina或者Grizzly,实现都大同小异,都是基于事件驱动的方式来做网络通道建立,数据流读取的,其中Grizzly对于线程策略介绍的为例,通常支持以下四种。Dubbo作为一个RPC框架,默认选择的是第一种策略,原因在于业务服务是CPU密集型还是IO阻�
 ��性,是无法断定的,第一种策 [...]
+  "__html": "<h1>Dubbo服务端异步接口的实现背景和实践</h1>\n<h2>铺垫</h2>\n<p>建议先对Dubbo的处理过程中涉及的线程阶段先做个了解,具体可参考<a href=\"\">Dubbo客户端异步接口的实现背景和使用场景</a>。</p>\n<h2>实现背景</h2>\n<p>有必要比较详细点的介绍下服务端的线程策略来加深用户在选择服务端异步的判断依据,同时有必要引出协程这一在服务端异步中常常会用到的“秘密武器”。</p>\n<h3>服务端的线程策略</h3>\n<p>Dubbo支持多种NIO框架来做Remoting的协议实现,无论是Netty,Mina或者Grizzly,实现都大同小异,都是基于事件驱动的方式来做网络通道建立,数据流读取的。其中以Grizzly对于<a href=\"\">线程策略</a>的介绍为例,通常支 [...]
   "link": "/zh-cn/blog/dubboAsync_server.html",
   "meta": {
-    "title": "Dubbo客户端异步接口的实现背景和实践",
+    "title": "Dubbo服务端异步接口的实现背景和实践",
     "keywords": "Dubbo, 异步, Reactive",
     "description": "Dubbo服务端异步接口的实现背景和实践"