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[44/51] [partial] incubator-joshua git commit: Converted KenLM into a submodule
diff --git a/ext/kenlm b/ext/kenlm
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..56fdb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/kenlm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 56fdb5c44fca34d5a2e07d96139c28fb163983c5
diff --git a/ext/kenlm/jam-files/boost-build/build/scanner.jam b/ext/kenlm/jam-files/boost-build/build/scanner.jam
deleted file mode 100644
index ed55070..0000000
--- a/ext/kenlm/jam-files/boost-build/build/scanner.jam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2003 Dave Abrahams
-# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Vladimir Prus
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-# Implements scanners: objects computing implicit dependencies for files, such
-# as includes in C++.
-# A scanner has a regular expression used to find the dependencies, some data
-# needed to interpret those dependencies (e.g., include paths), and code which
-# establishing needed relationships between actual jam targets.
-# Scanner objects are created by actions when they try to actualize virtual
-# targets, passed to the virtual-target.actualize() method and are then
-# associated with actual targets. It is possible to use several scanners for a
-# single virtual-target. For example, a single source file might be compiled
-# twice - each time using a different include path. In this case, two separate
-# actual targets will be created, each having a scanner of its own.
-# Typically, scanners are created from target type and the action's properties,
-# using the rule 'get' in this module. Directly creating scanners is not
-# recommended, as it might create multiple equvivalent but different instances,
-# and lead to unnecessary actual target duplication. However, actions can also
-# create scanners in a special way, instead of relying on just the target type.
-import "class" : new ;
-import property ;
-import property-set ;
-import virtual-target ;
-# Base scanner class.
-class scanner
-    rule __init__ ( )
-    {
-    }
-    # Returns a pattern to use for scanning.
-    #
-    rule pattern ( )
-    {
-        import errors : error : errors.error ;
-        errors.error "method must be overriden" ;
-    }
-    # Establish necessary relationship between targets, given an actual target
-    # beeing scanned and a list of pattern matches in that file.
-    #
-    rule process ( target : matches * )
-    {
-        import errors : error : errors.error ;
-        errors.error "method must be overriden" ;
-    }
-# Registers a new generator class, specifying a set of properties relevant to
-# this scanner. Constructor for that class should have one parameter: a list of
-# properties.
-rule register ( scanner-class : relevant-properties * )
-    .registered += $(scanner-class) ;
-    .relevant-properties.$(scanner-class) = $(relevant-properties) ;
-# Common scanner class, usable when there is only one kind of includes (unlike
-# C, where "" and <> includes have different search paths).
-class common-scanner : scanner
-    import scanner ;
-    rule __init__ ( includes * )
-    {
-        scanner.__init__ ;
-        self.includes = $(includes) ;
-    }
-    rule process ( target : matches * : binding )
-    {
-        local target_path = [ NORMALIZE_PATH $(binding:D) ] ;
-        NOCARE $(matches) ;
-        INCLUDES $(target) : $(matches) ;
-        SEARCH on $(matches) = $(target_path) $(self.includes:G=) ;
-        ISFILE $(matches) ;
-        scanner.propagate $(__name__) : $(matches) : $(target) ;
-    }
-# Returns an instance of a previously registered scanner, with the specified
-# properties.
-rule get ( scanner-class : property-set )
-    if ! $(scanner-class) in $(.registered)
-    {
-        import errors ;
-        errors.error "attempt to get an unregisted scanner" ;
-    }
-    local r = $(.rv-cache.$(property-set)) ;
-    if ! $(r)
-    {
-        r = [ property-set.create
-            [ $(.relevant-properties.$(scanner-class)) :
-              [ $(property-set).raw ] ] ] ;
-        .rv-cache.$(property-set) = $(r) ;
-    }
-    if ! $(scanner.$(scanner-class).$(r:J=-))
-    {
-        local s = [ new $(scanner-class) [ $(r).raw ] ] ;
-        scanner.$(scanner-class).$(r:J=-) = $(s) ;
-    }
-    return $(scanner.$(scanner-class).$(r:J=-)) ;
-# Installs the specified scanner on the actual target 'target'.
-rule install ( scanner : target )
-    HDRSCAN on $(target) = [ $(scanner).pattern ] ;
-    SCANNER on $(target) = $(scanner) ;
-    HDRRULE on $(target) = scanner.hdrrule ;
-    # Scanner reflects differences in properties affecting binding of 'target',
-    # which will be known when processing includes for it, and give information
-    # on how to interpret different include types (e.g. quoted vs. those in
-    # angle brackets in C files).
-    HDRGRIST on $(target) = $(scanner) ;
-# Propagate scanner settings from 'including-target' to 'targets'.
-rule propagate ( scanner : targets * : including-target )
-    HDRSCAN on $(targets) = [ on $(including-target) return $(HDRSCAN) ] ;
-    SCANNER on $(targets) = $(scanner) ;
-    HDRRULE on $(targets) = scanner.hdrrule ;
-    HDRGRIST on $(targets) = [ on $(including-target) return $(HDRGRIST) ] ;
-rule hdrrule ( target : matches * : binding )
-    local scanner = [ on $(target) return $(SCANNER) ] ;
-    $(scanner).process $(target) : $(matches) : $(binding) ;
-# hdrrule must be available at global scope so it can be invoked by header
-# scanning.
-IMPORT scanner : hdrrule : : scanner.hdrrule ;
diff --git a/ext/kenlm b/ext/kenlm
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..56fdb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/kenlm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 56fdb5c44fca34d5a2e07d96139c28fb163983c5
diff --git a/ext/kenlm/jam-files/boost-build/build/targets.jam b/ext/kenlm/jam-files/boost-build/build/targets.jam
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd39a3..0000000
--- a/ext/kenlm/jam-files/boost-build/build/targets.jam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1694 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Vladimir Prus 2002.
-# Copyright Rene Rivera 2006.
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-# Supports 'abstract' targets, which are targets explicitly defined in a
-# Jamfile.
-# Abstract targets are represented by classes derived from 'abstract-target'
-# class. The first abstract target is 'project-target', which is created for
-# each Jamfile, and can be obtained by the 'target' rule in the Jamfile's module
-# (see project.jam).
-# Project targets keep a list of 'main-target' instances. A main target is what
-# the user explicitly defines in a Jamfile. It is possible to have several
-# definitions for a main target, for example to have different lists of sources
-# for different platforms. So, main targets keep a list of alternatives.
-# Each alternative is an instance of 'abstract-target'. When a main target
-# subvariant is defined by some rule, that rule will decide what class to use,
-# create an instance of that class and add it to the list of alternatives for
-# the main target.
-# Rules supplied by the build system will use only targets derived from the
-# 'basic-target' class, which will provide some default behaviour. There will be
-# different classes derived from it such as 'make-target', created by the 'make'
-# rule, and 'typed-target', created by rules such as 'exe' and 'lib'.
-#                  +--------------------------+
-#                  | abstract-target          |
-#                  +==========================+
-#                  | name                     |
-#                  | project                  |
-#                  |                          |
-#                  | generate(properties) = 0 |
-#                  +-------------+------------+
-#                                |
-#                                ^
-#                               / \
-#                              +-+-+
-#                                |
-#                                |
-#             +------------------+-----+-------------------------------+
-#             |                        |                               |
-#             |                        |                               |
-# +-----------+----------+      +------+------+                +-------+------+
-# | project-target       |      | main-target |                | basic-target |
-# +======================+ 1  * +=============+  alternatives  +==============+
-# | generate(properties) |o-----+ generate    |<>------------->| generate     |
-# | main-target          |      +-------------+                | construct = 0|
-# +----------------------+                                     +-------+------+
-#                                                                      |
-#                                                                      ^
-#                                                                     / \
-#                                                                    +-+-+
-#                                                                      |
-#                                                                      |
-#          ...--+-----------------+-----------------+------------------+
-#               |                 |                 |                  |
-#               |                 |                 |                  |
-#        ... ---+-----+   +-------+------+   +------+------+   +-------+------+
-#                     |   | typed-target |   | make-target |   | stage-target |
-#                     .   +==============+   +=============+   +==============+
-#                     .   | construct    |   | construct   |   | construct    |
-#                         +--------------+   +-------------+   +--------------+
-import assert ;
-import build-request ;
-import "class" : new ;
-import feature ;
-import indirect ;
-import path ;
-import property ;
-import property-set ;
-import sequence ;
-import set ;
-import toolset ;
-# Base class for all abstract targets.
-class abstract-target
-    import assert ;
-    import "class" ;
-    import errors ;
-    import project ;
-    rule __init__ ( name  # Name of the target in Jamfile.
-        : project-target  # The project target to which this one belongs.
-    )
-    {
-        # Note: it might seem that we don't need either name or project at all.
-        # However, there are places where we really need it. One example is
-        # error messages which should name problematic targets. Another is
-        # setting correct paths for sources and generated files.
- = $(name) ;
-        self.project = $(project-target) ;
-        self.location = [ errors.nearest-user-location ] ;
-    }
-    # Returns the name of this target.
-    rule name ( )
-    {
-        return $( ;
-    }
-    # Returns the project for this target.
-    rule project ( )
-    {
-        return $(self.project) ;
-    }
-    # Return the location where the target was declared.
-    rule location ( )
-    {
-        return $(self.location) ;
-    }
-    # Returns a user-readable name for this target.
-    rule full-name ( )
-    {
-        local location = [ $(self.project).get location ] ;
-        return $(location)/$( ;
-    }
-    # Generates virtual targets for this abstract target using the specified
-    # properties, unless a different value of some feature is required by the
-    # target.
-    # On success, returns:
-    # - a property-set with the usage requirements to be applied to dependants
-    # - a list of produced virtual targets, which may be empty.
-    # If 'property-set' is empty, performs the default build of this target, in
-    # a way specific to the derived class.
-    #
-    rule generate ( property-set )
-    {
-        errors.error "method should be defined in derived classes" ;
-    }
-    rule rename ( new-name )
-    {
- = $(new-name) ;
-    }
-if --debug-building in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
-    modules.poke : .debug-building : true ;
-rule indent ( )
-    return $(.indent:J="") ;
-rule increase-indent ( )
-    .indent += "    " ;
-rule decrease-indent ( )
-    .indent = $(.indent[2-]) ;
-#  Project target class (derived from 'abstract-target').
-#  This class has the following responsibilities:
-#  - Maintaining a list of main targets in this project and building them.
-#  Main targets are constructed in two stages:
-#  - When Jamfile is read, a number of calls to 'add-alternative' is made. At
-#    that time, alternatives can also be renamed to account for inline targets.
-#  - The first time 'main-target' or 'has-main-target' rule is called, all
-#    alternatives are enumerated and main targets are created.
-class project-target : abstract-target
-    import project ;
-    import targets ;
-    import path ;
-    import print ;
-    import property-set ;
-    import set ;
-    import sequence ;
-    import "class" : new ;
-    rule __init__ ( name : project-module parent-project ?
-        : requirements * : default-build * )
-    {
-        abstract-target.__init__ $(name) : $(__name__) ;
-        self.project-module = $(project-module) ;
-        self.location = [ project.attribute $(project-module) location ] ;
-        self.requirements = $(requirements) ;
-        self.default-build = $(default-build) ;
-        if $(parent-project)
-        {
-            inherit $(parent-project) ;
-        }
-    }
-    # This is needed only by the 'make' rule. Need to find a way to make 'make'
-    # work without this method.
-    #
-    rule project-module ( )
-    {
-        return $(self.project-module) ;
-    }
-    rule get ( attribute )
-    {
-        return [ project.attribute $(self.project-module) $(attribute) ] ;
-    }
-    rule build-dir ( )
-    {
-        if ! $(
-        {
-   = [ get build-dir ] ;
-            if ! $(
-            {
-                local location = [ $(self.project).get location ] ;
-                if $(location)
-                {
-           = [ path.join $(location) bin ] ;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    local id = [ get id  ] ;
-                    if $(id)
-                    {
-                        local rid = [ MATCH ^/(.*) : $(id) ] ;
-               = [ path.join [ project.standalone-build-dir ] $(rid) ] ;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        errors.error "Could not create build-dir for standalone project $(self.project-module:E=)."
-                                   : "Missing project id" ;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return $( ;
-    }
-    # Generates all possible targets contained in this project.
-    #
-    rule generate ( property-set * )
-    {
-        if [ modules.peek : .debug-building ]
-        {
-            ECHO [ targets.indent ] "building project" [ name ]
-                " ('$(__name__)') with" [ $(property-set).raw ] ;
-            targets.increase-indent ;
-        }
-        local usage-requirements = [ property-set.empty ] ;
-        local targets ;
-        for local t in [ targets-to-build ]
-        {
-            local g = [ $(t).generate $(property-set) ] ;
-            usage-requirements = [ $(usage-requirements).add $(g[1]) ] ;
-            targets += $(g[2-]) ;
-        }
-        targets.decrease-indent ;
-        return $(usage-requirements) [ sequence.unique $(targets) ] ;
-    }
-    # Computes and returns a list of abstract-target instances which must be
-    # built when this project is built.
-    #
-    rule targets-to-build ( )
-    {
-        local result ;
-        if ! $(self.built-main-targets)
-        {
-            build-main-targets ;
-        }
-        # Collect all main targets here, except for "explicit" ones.
-        for local t in $(self.main-targets)
-        {
-            if ! [ $(t).name ] in $(self.explicit-targets)
-            {
-                result += $(t) ;
-            }
-        }
-        # Collect all projects referenced via "projects-to-build" attribute.
-        local self-location = [ get location ] ;
-        for local pn in [ get projects-to-build ]
-        {
-            result += [ find $(pn)/ ] ;
-        }
-        return $(result) ;
-    }
-    # Add 'target' to the list of targets in this project that should be build
-    # only by explicit request
-    #
-    rule mark-target-as-explicit ( target-name * )
-    {
-        # Record the name of the target, not instance, since this rule is called
-        # before main target instances are created.
-        self.explicit-targets += $(target-name) ;
-    }
-    rule mark-target-as-always ( target-name * )
-    {
-        # Record the name of the target, not instance, since this rule is called
-        # before main target instances are created.
-        self.always-targets += $(target-name) ;
-    }
-    # Add new target alternative
-    #
-    rule add-alternative ( target-instance )
-    {
-        if $(self.built-main-targets)
-        {
-            import errors : error : errors.error ;
-            errors.error add-alternative called when main targets are already
-                created. : in project [ full-name ] ;
-        }
-        self.alternatives += $(target-instance) ;
-    }
-    # Returns a 'main-target' class instance corresponding to 'name'.
-    #
-    rule main-target ( name )
-    {
-        if ! $(self.built-main-targets)
-        {
-            build-main-targets ;
-        }
-        return $(self.main-target.$(name)) ;
-    }
-    # Returns whether a main target with the specified name exists.
-    #
-    rule has-main-target ( name )
-    {
-        if ! $(self.built-main-targets)
-        {
-            build-main-targets ;
-        }
-        if $(self.main-target.$(name))
-        {
-            return true ;
-        }
-    }
-    # Worker function for the find rule not implementing any caching and simply
-    # returning nothing in case the target can not be found.
-    #
-    rule find-really ( id )
-    {
-        local result ;
-        local current-location = [ get location ] ;
-        local split = [ MATCH ^(.*)//(.*)$ : $(id) ] ;
-        local project-part = $(split[1]) ;
-        local target-part = $(split[2]) ;
-        local extra-error-message ;
-        if $(project-part)
-        {
-            # There is an explicitly specified project part in id. Looks up the
-            # project and passes the request to it.
-            local pm = [ project.find $(project-part) : $(current-location) ] ;
-            if $(pm)
-            {
-                project-target = [ $(pm) ] ;
-                result = [ $(project-target).find $(target-part) : no-error ] ;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                extra-error-message = could not resolve project reference
-                    '$(project-part)' ;
-                if ! [ $(project-part) ]
-                {
-                    local rooted = [ path.root $(project-part) / ] ;
-                    if [ $(rooted) ]
-                    {
-                        extra-error-message += - possibly missing a leading
-                            slash ('/') character. ;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            # Interpret target-name as name of main target. Need to do this
-            # before checking for file. Consider the following scenario with a
-            # toolset not modifying its executable's names, e.g. gcc on
-            # Unix-like platforms:
-            #
-            #  exe test : test.cpp ;
-            #  install s : test : <location>. ;
-            #
-            # After the first build we would have a target named 'test' in the
-            # Jamfile and a file named 'test' on the disk. We need the target to
-            # override the file.
-            result = [ main-target $(id) ] ;
-            # Interpret id as an existing file reference.
-            if ! $(result)
-            {
-                result = [ new file-reference [ path.make $(id) ] :
-                    $(self.project) ] ;
-                if ! [ $(result).exists ]
-                {
-                    result = ;
-                }
-            }
-            # Interpret id as project-id.
-            if ! $(result)
-            {
-                local project-module = [ project.find $(id) :
-                    $(current-location) ] ;
-                if $(project-module)
-                {
-                    result = [ $(project-module) ] ;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return $(result:E="") $(extra-error-message) ;
-    }
-    # Find and return the target with the specified id, treated relative to
-    # self. Id may specify either a target or a file name with the target taking
-    # priority. May report an error or return nothing if the target is not found
-    # depending on the 'no-error' parameter.
-    #
-    rule find ( id : no-error ? )
-    {
-        local v = $(.id.$(id)) ;
-        local extra-error-message ;
-        if ! $(v)
-        {
-            local r = [ find-really $(id) ] ;
-            v = $(r[1]) ;
-            extra-error-message = $(r[2-]) ;
-            if ! $(v)
-            {
-                v = none ;
-            }
-            .id.$(id) = $(v) ;
-        }
-        if $(v) != none
-        {
-            return $(v) ;
-        }
-        else if ! $(no-error)
-        {
-            local current-location = [ get location ] ;
-            import errors : user-error : errors.user-error ;
-            errors.user-error Unable to find file or target named
-                : "   " '$(id)'
-                : referred to from project at
-                : "   " '$(current-location)'
-                : $(extra-error-message) ;
-        }
-    }
-    rule build-main-targets ( )
-    {
-        self.built-main-targets = true ;
-        for local a in $(self.alternatives)
-        {
-            local name = [ $(a).name ] ;
-            local target = $(self.main-target.$(name)) ;
-            if ! $(target)
-            {
-                local t = [ new main-target $(name) : $(self.project) ] ;
-                self.main-target.$(name) = $(t) ;
-                self.main-targets += $(t) ;
-                target = $(self.main-target.$(name)) ;
-            }
-            if $(name) in $(self.always-targets)
-            {
-                $(a).always ;
-            }
-            $(target).add-alternative $(a) ;
-        }
-    }
-    # Accessor, add a constant.
-    #
-    rule add-constant (
-        name       # Variable name of the constant.
-        : value +  # Value of the constant.
-        : type ?   # Optional type of value.
-        )
-    {
-        switch $(type)
-        {
-            case path :
-              local r ;
-              for local v in $(value)
-              {
-                local l = $(self.location) ;
-                if ! $(l)
-                {
-                    # Project corresponding to config files do not have
-                    # 'location' attribute, but do have source location. It
-                    # might be more reasonable to make every project have a
-                    # location and use some other approach to prevent buildable
-                    # targets in config files, but that has been left for later.
-                    l = [ get source-location ] ;
-                }
-                v = [ path.root [ path.make $(v) ] $(l) ] ;
-                # Now make the value absolute path.
-                v = [ path.root $(v) [ path.pwd ] ] ;
-                # Constants should be in platform-native form.
-                v = [ path.native $(v) ] ;
-                r += $(v) ;
-              }
-              value = $(r) ;
-        }
-        if ! $(name) in $(self.constants)
-        {
-            self.constants += $(name) ;
-        }
-        self.constant.$(name) = $(value) ;
-        # Inject the constant in the scope of the Jamroot module.
-        modules.poke $(self.project-module) : $(name) : $(value) ;
-    }
-    rule inherit ( parent )
-    {
-        for local c in [ modules.peek $(parent) : self.constants ]
-        {
-            # No need to pass the type. Path constants were converted to
-            # absolute paths already by parent.
-            add-constant $(c) : [ modules.peek $(parent) : self.constant.$(c) ]
-                ;
-        }
-        # Import rules from parent.
-        local this-module = [ project-module ] ;
-        local parent-module = [ $(parent).project-module ] ;
-        # Do not import rules coming from 'project-rules' as they must be
-        # imported localized.
-        local user-rules = [ set.difference
-            [ RULENAMES $(parent-module) ] :
-            [ RULENAMES project-rules ] ] ;
-        IMPORT $(parent-module) : $(user-rules) : $(this-module) : $(user-rules)
-            ;
-        EXPORT $(this-module) : $(user-rules) ;
-    }
-# Helper rules to detect cycles in main target references.
-local rule start-building ( main-target-instance )
-    if $(main-target-instance) in $(.targets-being-built)
-    {
-        local names ;
-        for local t in $(.targets-being-built) $(main-target-instance)
-        {
-            names += [ $(t).full-name ] ;
-        }
-        import errors ;
-        errors.error "Recursion in main target references"
-          : "the following target are being built currently:"
-          : $(names) ;
-    }
-    .targets-being-built += $(main-target-instance) ;
-local rule end-building ( main-target-instance )
-    .targets-being-built = $(.targets-being-built[1--2]) ;
-# A named top-level target in Jamfile.
-class main-target : abstract-target
-    import assert ;
-    import feature ;
-    import print ;
-    import property-set ;
-    import sequence ;
-    import targets : start-building end-building ;
-    rule __init__ ( name : project )
-    {
-        abstract-target.__init__ $(name) : $(project) ;
-    }
-    # Add a new alternative for this target
-    rule add-alternative ( target )
-    {
-        local d = [ $(target).default-build ] ;
-        if $(self.alternatives) && ( $(self.default-build) != $(d) )
-        {
-            import errors : error : errors.error ;
-            errors.error "default build must be identical in all alternatives"
-                : "main target is" [ full-name ]
-                : "with" [ $(d).raw ]
-                : "differing from previous default build"
-                    [ $(self.default-build).raw ] ;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            self.default-build = $(d) ;
-        }
-        self.alternatives += $(target) ;
-    }
-    # Returns the best viable alternative for this property-set. See the
-    # documentation for selection rules.
-    #
-    local rule select-alternatives ( property-set debug ? )
-    {
-        # When selecting alternatives we have to consider defaults, for example:
-        #    lib l : l.cpp : <variant>debug ;
-        #    lib l : l_opt.cpp : <variant>release ;
-        # will not work unless we add default value <variant>debug.
-        property-set = [ $(p).add-defaults ] ;
-        # The algorithm: we keep the current best viable alternative. When we
-        # encounter a new best viable alternative, we compare it with the
-        # current one.
-        local best ;
-        local best-properties ;
-        if $(self.alternatives[2-])
-        {
-            local bad ;
-            local worklist = $(self.alternatives) ;
-            while $(worklist) && ! $(bad)
-            {
-                local v = $(worklist[1]) ;
-                local properties = [ $(v).match $(property-set) $(debug) ] ;
-                if $(properties) != no-match
-                {
-                    if ! $(best)
-                    {
-                        best = $(v) ;
-                        best-properties = $(properties) ;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        if $(properties) = $(best-properties)
-                        {
-                            bad = true ;
-                        }
-                        else if $(properties) in $(best-properties)
-                        {
-                            # Do nothing, this alternative is worse
-                        }
-                        else if $(best-properties) in $(properties)
-                        {
-                            best = $(v) ;
-                            best-properties = $(properties) ;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            bad = true ;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                worklist = $(worklist[2-]) ;
-            }
-            if ! $(bad)
-            {
-                return $(best) ;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            return $(self.alternatives) ;
-        }
-    }
-    rule apply-default-build ( property-set )
-    {
-        return [ targets.apply-default-build $(property-set) :
-            $(self.default-build) ] ;
-    }
-    # Select an alternative for this main target, by finding all alternatives
-    # whose requirements are satisfied by 'properties' and picking the one with
-    # the longest requirements set. Returns the result of calling 'generate' on
-    # that alternative.
-    #
-    rule generate ( property-set )
-    {
-        start-building $(__name__) ;
-        # We want composite properties in the build request to act as if all the
-        # properties they expand to have been explicitly specified.
-        property-set = [ $(property-set).expand ] ;
-        local all-property-sets = [ apply-default-build $(property-set) ] ;
-        local usage-requirements = [ property-set.empty ] ;
-        local result ;
-        for local p in $(all-property-sets)
-        {
-            local r = [ generate-really $(p) ] ;
-            if $(r)
-            {
-                usage-requirements = [ $(usage-requirements).add $(r[1]) ] ;
-                result += $(r[2-]) ;
-            }
-        }
-        end-building $(__name__) ;
-        return $(usage-requirements) [ sequence.unique $(result) ] ;
-    }
-    # Generates the main target with the given property set and returns a list
-    # which first element is property-set object containing usage-requirements
-    # of generated target and with generated virtual target in other elements.
-    # It is possible that no targets are generated.
-    #
-    local rule generate-really ( property-set )
-    {
-        local best-alternatives = [ select-alternatives $(property-set) ] ;
-        if ! $(best-alternatives)
-        {
-            ECHO "error: No best alternative for" [ full-name ] ;
-            select-alternatives $(property-set) debug ;
-            return [ property-set.empty ] ;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            # Now return virtual targets for the only alternative.
-            return [ $(best-alternatives).generate $(property-set) ] ;
-        }
-    }
-    rule rename ( new-name )
-    {
-        abstract-target.rename $(new-name) ;
-        for local a in $(self.alternatives)
-        {
-            $(a).rename $(new-name) ;
-        }
-    }
-# Abstract target referring to a source file. This is an artificial entity
-# allowing sources to a target to be represented using a list of abstract target
-# instances.
-class file-reference : abstract-target
-    import virtual-target ;
-    import property-set ;
-    import path ;
-    rule __init__ ( file : project )
-    {
-        abstract-target.__init__ $(file) : $(project) ;
-    }
-    rule generate ( properties )
-    {
-        return [ property-set.empty ] [ virtual-target.from-file $( :
-            [ location ] : $(self.project) ] ;
-    }
-    # Returns true if the referred file really exists.
-    rule exists ( )
-    {
-        location ;
-        return $(self.file-path) ;
-    }
-    # Returns the location of target. Needed by 'testing.jam'.
-    rule location ( )
-    {
-        if ! $(self.file-location)
-        {
-            local source-location = [ $(self.project).get source-location ] ;
-            for local src-dir in $(source-location)
-            {
-                if ! $(self.file-location)
-                {
-                    local location = [ path.root $( $(src-dir) ] ;
-                    if [ CHECK_IF_FILE [ path.native $(location) ] ]
-                    {
-                         self.file-location = $(src-dir) ;
-                         self.file-path = $(location) ;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return $(self.file-location) ;
-    }
-# Given a target-reference, made in context of 'project', returns the
-# abstract-target instance that is referred to, as well as properties explicitly
-# specified for this reference.
-rule resolve-reference ( target-reference : project )
-    # Separate target name from properties override.
-    local split = [ MATCH "^([^<]*)(/(<.*))?$" : $(target-reference) ] ;
-    local id = $(split[1]) ;
-    local sproperties = ;
-    if $(split[3])
-    {
-        sproperties = [ property.make [ feature.split $(split[3]) ] ] ;
-        sproperties = [ feature.expand-composites $(sproperties) ] ;
-    }
-    # Find the target.
-    local target = [ $(project).find $(id) ] ;
-    return $(target) [ property-set.create $(sproperties) ] ;
-# Attempts to generate the target given by target reference, which can refer
-# both to a main target or to a file. Returns a list consisting of
-# - usage requirements
-# - generated virtual targets, if any
-rule generate-from-reference (
-    target-reference  # Target reference.
-    : project         # Project where the reference is made.
-    : property-set    # Properties of the main target that makes the reference.
-    local r = [ resolve-reference $(target-reference) : $(project) ] ;
-    local target = $(r[1]) ;
-    local sproperties = $(r[2]) ;
-    # Take properties which should be propagated and refine them with
-    # source-specific requirements.
-    local propagated = [ $(property-set).propagated ] ;
-    local rproperties = [ $(propagated).refine $(sproperties) ] ;
-    if $(rproperties[1]) = "@error"
-    {
-        import errors ;
-        errors.error
-            "When building" [ full-name ] " with properties " $(properties) :
-            "Invalid properties specified for " $(source) ":"
-            $(rproperties[2-]) ;
-    }
-    return [ $(target).generate $(rproperties) ] ;
-rule apply-default-build ( property-set : default-build )
-    # 1. First, see what properties from default-build are already present in
-    # property-set.
-    local raw = [ $(property-set).raw ] ;
-    local specified-features = $(raw:G) ;
-    local defaults-to-apply ;
-    for local d in [ $(default-build).raw ]
-    {
-        if ! $(d:G) in $(specified-features)
-        {
-            defaults-to-apply += $(d) ;
-        }
-    }
-    # 2. If there are any defaults to be applied, form a new build request. Pass
-    # it through to 'expand-no-defaults' since default-build might contain
-    # "release debug" resulting in two property-sets.
-    local result ;
-    if $(defaults-to-apply)
-    {
-        # We have to compress subproperties here to prevent property lists like:
-        #    <toolset>msvc <toolset-msvc:version>7.1 <threading>multi
-        #
-        # from being expanded into:
-        #    <toolset-msvc:version>7.1/<threading>multi
-        #    <toolset>msvc/<toolset-msvc:version>7.1/<threading>multi
-        #
-        # due to a cross-product property combination. That may be an indication
-        # that build-request.expand-no-defaults is the wrong rule to use here.
-        properties = [ build-request.expand-no-defaults
-            [ feature.compress-subproperties $(raw) ] $(defaults-to-apply) ] ;
-        if $(properties)
-        {
-            for local p in $(properties)
-            {
-                result += [ property-set.create
-                    [ feature.expand [ feature.split $(p) ] ] ] ;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            result = [ property-set.empty ] ;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        result = $(property-set) ;
-    }
-    return $(result) ;
-# Given a build request and requirements, return properties common to dependency
-# build request and target requirements.
-# TODO: Document exactly what 'common properties' are, whether they should
-# include default property values, whether they should contain any conditional
-# properties or should those be already processed, etc. See whether there are
-# any differences between use cases with empty and non-empty build-request as
-# well as with requirements containing and those not containing any non-free
-# features.
-rule common-properties ( build-request requirements )
-    # For optimization, we add free requirements directly, without using a
-    # complex algorithm. This gives the complex algorithm a better chance of
-    # caching results.
-    local free = [ $(requirements).free ] ;
-    local non-free = [ property-set.create [ $(requirements).base ]
-        [ $(requirements).incidental ] ] ;
-    local key = .rp.$(build-request)-$(non-free) ;
-    if ! $($(key))
-    {
-        $(key) = [ common-properties2 $(build-request) $(non-free) ] ;
-    }
-    return [ $($(key)).add-raw $(free) ] ;
-# Given a 'context' -- a set of already present properties, and 'requirements',
-# decide which extra properties should be applied to 'context'. For conditional
-# requirements, this means evaluating the condition. For indirect conditional
-# requirements, this means calling a rule. Ordinary requirements are always
-# applied.
-# Handles the situation where evaluating one conditional requirement affects
-# conditions of another conditional requirements, such as:
-#     <toolset>gcc:<variant>release <variant>release:<define>RELEASE
-# If 'what' is 'refined' returns context refined with new requirements. If
-# 'what' is 'added' returns just the requirements to be applied.
-rule evaluate-requirements ( requirements : context : what )
-    # Apply non-conditional requirements. It is possible that further
-    # conditional requirement change a value set by non-conditional
-    # requirements. For example:
-    #
-    #    exe a : a.cpp : <threading>single <toolset>foo:<threading>multi ;
-    #
-    # I am not sure if this should be an error, or not, especially given that
-    #
-    #    <threading>single
-    #
-    # might come from project's requirements.
-    local unconditional = [ feature.expand [ $(requirements).non-conditional ] ]
-        ;
-    local raw = [ $(context).raw ] ;
-    raw = [ property.refine $(raw) : $(unconditional) ] ;
-    # We have collected properties that surely must be present in common
-    # properties. We now try to figure out what other properties should be added
-    # in order to satisfy rules (4)-(6) from the docs.
-    local conditionals = [ $(requirements).conditional ] ;
-    # The 'count' variable has one element for each conditional feature and for
-    # each occurrence of '<indirect-conditional>' feature. It is used as a loop
-    # counter: for each iteration of the loop before we remove one element and
-    # the property set should stabilize before we are done. It is assumed that
-    # #conditionals iterations should be enough for properties to propagate
-    # along conditions in any direction.
-    local count = $(conditionals) [ $(requirements).get <conditional> ]
-        and-once-more ;
-    local added-requirements ;
-    local current = $(raw) ;
-    # It is assumed that ordinary conditional requirements can not add
-    # <conditional> properties (a.k.a. indirect conditional properties), and
-    # that rules referred to by <conditional> properties can not add new
-    # <conditional> properties. So the list of indirect conditionals does not
-    # change.
-    local indirect = [ $(requirements).get <conditional> ] ;
-    indirect = [ MATCH ^@(.*) : $(indirect) ] ;
-    local ok ;
-    while $(count)
-    {
-        # Evaluate conditionals in context of current properties.
-        local e = [ property.evaluate-conditionals-in-context $(conditionals) :
-            $(current) ] ;
-        # Evaluate indirect conditionals.
-        for local i in $(indirect)
-        {
-            local t = [ current ] ;
-            local p = [ $(t).project ] ;
-            local new = [ $(i) $(current) ] ;
-            e += [ property.translate-paths $(new) : [ $(p).location ] ] ;
-        }
-        if $(e) = $(added-requirements)
-        {
-            # If we got the same result, we have found the final properties.
-            count = ;
-            ok = true ;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            # Oops, conditional evaluation results have changed. Also 'current'
-            # contains leftovers from a previous evaluation. Recompute 'current'
-            # using initial properties and conditional requirements.
-            added-requirements = $(e) ;
-            current = [ property.refine $(raw) : [ feature.expand $(e) ] ] ;
-        }
-        count = $(count[2-]) ;
-    }
-    if ! $(ok)
-    {
-        import errors ;
-        errors.error Can not evaluate conditional properties $(conditionals) ;
-    }
-    if $(what) = added
-    {
-        return [ property-set.create $(unconditional) $(added-requirements) ] ;
-    }
-    else if $(what) = refined
-    {
-        return [ property-set.create $(current) ] ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        import errors ;
-        errors.error "Invalid value of the 'what' parameter." ;
-    }
-rule common-properties2 ( build-request requirements )
-    # This guarantees that default properties are present in the result, unless
-    # they are overriden by some requirement. FIXME: There is a possibility that
-    # we have added <foo>bar, which is composite and expands to <foo2>bar2, but
-    # default value of <foo2> is not bar2, in which case it is not clear what to
-    # do.
-    #
-    build-request = [ $(build-request).add-defaults ] ;
-    # Features added by 'add-defaults' can be composite and expand to features
-    # without default values -- which therefore have not been added yet. It
-    # could be clearer/faster to expand only newly added properties but that is
-    # not critical.
-    build-request = [ $(build-request).expand ] ;
-    return [ evaluate-requirements $(requirements) : $(build-request) :
-        refined ] ;
-rule push-target ( target )
-    .targets = $(target) $(.targets) ;
-rule pop-target ( )
-    .targets = $(.targets[2-]) ;
-# Return the metatarget that is currently being generated.
-rule current ( )
-    return $(.targets[1]) ;
-# Implements the most standard way of constructing main target alternative from
-# sources. Allows sources to be either file or other main target and handles
-# generation of those dependency targets.
-class basic-target : abstract-target
-    import build-request ;
-    import build-system ;
-    import "class" : new ;
-    import feature ;
-    import property ;
-    import property-set ;
-    import sequence ;
-    import set ;
-    import targets ;
-    import virtual-target ;
-    rule __init__ ( name : project : sources * : requirements * :
-        default-build * : usage-requirements * )
-    {
-        abstract-target.__init__ $(name) : $(project) ;
-        self.sources = $(sources) ;
-        if ! $(requirements)
-        {
-            requirements = [ property-set.empty ] ;
-        }
-        self.requirements = $(requirements) ;
-        if ! $(default-build)
-        {
-            default-build = [ property-set.empty ] ;
-        }
-        self.default-build = $(default-build) ;
-        if ! $(usage-requirements)
-        {
-            usage-requirements = [ property-set.empty ] ;
-        }
-        self.usage-requirements = $(usage-requirements) ;
-        if $(sources:G)
-        {
-            import errors : user-error : errors.user-error ;
-            errors.user-error properties found "in" the 'sources' parameter
-                "for" [ full-name ] ;
-        }
-    }
-    rule always ( )
-    {
-        self.always = 1 ;
-    }
-    # Returns the list of abstract-targets which are used as sources. The extra
-    # properties specified for sources are not represented. The only user for
-    # this rule at the moment is the "--dump-tests" feature of the test system.
-    #
-    rule sources ( )
-    {
-        if ! $(self.source-targets)
-        {
-            for local s in $(self.sources)
-            {
-                self.source-targets += [ targets.resolve-reference $(s) :
-                    $(self.project) ] ;
-            }
-        }
-        return $(self.source-targets) ;
-    }
-    rule requirements ( )
-    {
-        return $(self.requirements) ;
-    }
-    rule default-build ( )
-    {
-        return $(self.default-build) ;
-    }
-    # Returns the alternative condition for this alternative, if the condition
-    # is satisfied by 'property-set'.
-    #
-    rule match ( property-set debug ? )
-    {
-        # The condition is composed of all base non-conditional properties. It
-        # is not clear if we should expand 'self.requirements' or not. For one
-        # thing, it would be nice to be able to put
-        #    <toolset>msvc-6.0
-        # in requirements. On the other hand, if we have <variant>release as a
-        # condition it does not make sense to require <optimization>full to be
-        # in the build request just to select this variant.
-        local bcondition = [ $(self.requirements).base ] ;
-        local ccondition = [ $(self.requirements).conditional ] ;
-        local condition = [ set.difference $(bcondition) : $(ccondition) ] ;
-        if $(debug)
-        {
-            ECHO "    next alternative: required properties:"
-                $(condition:E=(empty)) ;
-        }
-        if $(condition) in [ $(property-set).raw ]
-        {
-            if $(debug)
-            {
-                ECHO "        matched" ;
-            }
-            return $(condition) ;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if $(debug)
-            {
-                ECHO "        not matched" ;
-            }
-            return no-match ;
-        }
-    }
-    # Takes a target reference, which might be either target id or a dependency
-    # property, and generates that target using 'property-set' as a build
-    # request.
-    #
-    # The results are added to the variable called 'result-var'. Usage
-    # requirements are added to the variable called 'usage-requirements-var'.
-    #
-    rule generate-dependencies ( dependencies * : property-set : result-var
-        usage-requirements-var )
-    {
-        for local dependency in $(dependencies)
-        {
-            local grist = $(dependency:G) ;
-            local id = $(dependency:G=) ;
-            local result = [ targets.generate-from-reference $(id) :
-                $(self.project) : $(property-set) ] ;
-            $(result-var) += $(result[2-]:G=$(grist)) ;
-            $(usage-requirements-var) += [ $(result[1]).raw ] ;
-        }
-    }
-    # Determines final build properties, generates sources, and calls
-    # 'construct'. This method should not be overridden.
-    #
-    rule generate ( property-set )
-    {
-        if [ modules.peek : .debug-building ]
-        {
-            ECHO ;
-            local fn = [ full-name ] ;
-            ECHO [ targets.indent ] "Building target '$(fn)'" ;
-            targets.increase-indent ;
-            ECHO [ targets.indent ] Build request: $(property-set)
-                [ $(property-set).raw ] ;
-            local cf = [ build-system.command-line-free-features ] ;
-            ECHO [ targets.indent ] Command line free features: [ $(cf).raw ] ;
-            ECHO [ targets.indent ] Target requirements:
-                [ $(self.requirements).raw ] ;
-        }
-        targets.push-target $(__name__) ;
-        # Apply free features from the command line. If user said
-        #   define=FOO
-        # he most likely wants this define to be set for all compiles.
-        # Make it before check for already built.
-        property-set = [ $(property-set).refine
-            [ build-system.command-line-free-features ] ] ;
-        if ! $(self.generated.$(property-set))
-        {
-            local rproperties = [ targets.common-properties $(property-set)
-                $(self.requirements) ] ;
-            if [ modules.peek : .debug-building ]
-            {
-                ECHO ;
-                ECHO [ targets.indent ] "Common properties: "
-                    [ $(rproperties).raw ] ;
-            }
-            if ( $(rproperties[1]) != "@error" ) && ( [ $(rproperties).get
-                <build> ] != no )
-            {
-                local source-targets ;
-                local properties = [ $(rproperties).non-dependency ] ;
-                local usage-requirements ;
-                generate-dependencies [ $(rproperties).dependency ] :
-                    $(rproperties) : properties usage-requirements ;
-                generate-dependencies $(self.sources) : $(rproperties) :
-                    source-targets usage-requirements ;
-                if [ modules.peek : .debug-building ]
-                {
-                    ECHO ;
-                    ECHO [ targets.indent ] "Usage requirements for"
-                        $(": " $(usage-requirements) ;
-                }
-                rproperties = [ property-set.create $(properties)
-                    $(usage-requirements) ] ;
-                usage-requirements = [ property-set.create $(usage-requirements)
-                    ] ;
-                if [ modules.peek : .debug-building ]
-                {
-                    ECHO [ targets.indent ] "Build properties: "
-                        [ $(rproperties).raw ] ;
-                }
-                local extra = [ $(rproperties).get <source> ] ;
-                source-targets += $(extra:G=) ;
-                # We might get duplicate sources, for example if we link to two
-                # libraries having the same <library> usage requirement. Use
-                # stable sort, since for some targets the order is important,
-                # e.g. RUN_PY targets need a python source to come first.
-                source-targets = [ sequence.unique $(source-targets) : stable ]
-                    ;
-                local result = [ construct $( : $(source-targets) :
-                    $(rproperties) ] ;
-                if $(result)
-                {
-                    local gur = $(result[1]) ;
-                    result = $(result[2-]) ;
-                    if $(self.always)
-                    {
-                        for local t in $(result)
-                        {
-                            $(t).always ;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    local s = [ create-subvariant $(result)
-                        : [ virtual-target.recent-targets ]
-                        : $(property-set) : $(source-targets)
-                        : $(rproperties) : $(usage-requirements) ] ;
-                    virtual-target.clear-recent-targets ;
-                    local ur = [ compute-usage-requirements $(s) ] ;
-                    ur = [ $(ur).add $(gur) ] ;
-                    $(s).set-usage-requirements $(ur) ;
-                    if [ modules.peek : .debug-building ]
-                    {
-                        ECHO [ targets.indent ] "Usage requirements from"
-                            $(": " [ $(ur).raw ] ;
-                    }
-                    self.generated.$(property-set) = $(ur) $(result) ;
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if $(rproperties[1]) = "@error"
-                {
-                    ECHO [ targets.indent ] "Skipping build of:" [ full-name ]
-                        "cannot compute common properties" ;
-                }
-                else if [ $(rproperties).get <build> ] = no
-                {
-                    # If we just see <build>no, we cannot produce any reasonable
-                    # diagnostics. The code that adds this property is expected
-                    # to explain why a target is not built, for example using
-                    # the configure.log-component-configuration function.
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ECHO [ targets.indent ] "Skipping build of: " [ full-name ]
-                        " unknown reason" ;
-                }
-                # We are here either because there has been an error computing
-                # properties or there is <build>no in properties. In the latter
-                # case we do not want any diagnostic. In the former case, we
-                # need diagnostics. FIXME
-                # If this target fails to build, add <build>no to properties to
-                # cause any parent target to fail to build. Except that it
-                # - does not work now, since we check for <build>no only in
-                #   common properties, but not in properties that came from
-                #   dependencies
-                # - it is not clear if that is a good idea anyway. The alias
-                #   target, for example, should not fail to build if a
-                #   dependency fails.
-                self.generated.$(property-set) = [ property-set.create <build>no
-                    ] ;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if [ modules.peek : .debug-building ]
-            {
-                ECHO [ targets.indent ] "Already built" ;
-                local ur = $(self.generated.$(property-set)) ;
-                ur = $(ur[0]) ;
-                targets.increase-indent ;
-                ECHO [ targets.indent ] "Usage requirements from"
-                    $(": " [ $(ur).raw ] ;
-                targets.decrease-indent ;
-            }
-        }
-        targets.pop-target ;
-        targets.decrease-indent ;
-        return $(self.generated.$(property-set)) ;
-    }
-    # Given the set of generated targets, and refined build properties,
-    # determines and sets appropriate usage requirements on those targets.
-    #
-    rule compute-usage-requirements ( subvariant )
-    {
-        local rproperties = [ $(subvariant).build-properties ] ;
-        xusage-requirements = [ targets.evaluate-requirements
-            $(self.usage-requirements) : $(rproperties) : added ] ;
-        # We generate all dependency properties and add them, as well as their
-        # usage requirements, to the result.
-        local extra ;
-        generate-dependencies [ $(xusage-requirements).dependency ] :
-            $(rproperties) : extra extra ;
-        local result = [ property-set.create
-            [ $(xusage-requirements).non-dependency ] $(extra) ] ;
-        # Propagate usage requirements we got from sources, except for the
-        # <pch-header> and <pch-file> features.
-        #
-        # That feature specifies which pch file to use, and should apply only to
-        # direct dependents. Consider:
-        #
-        #   pch pch1 : ...
-        #   lib lib1 : ..... pch1 ;
-        #   pch pch2 :
-        #   lib lib2 : pch2 lib1 ;
-        #
-        # Here, lib2 should not get <pch-header> property from pch1.
-        #
-        # Essentially, when those two features are in usage requirements, they
-        # are propagated only to direct dependents. We might need a more general
-        # mechanism, but for now, only those two features are special.
-        #
-        # TODO - Actually there are more possible candidates like for instance
-        # when listing static library X as a source for another static library.
-        # Then static library X will be added as a <source> property to the
-        # second library's usage requirements but those requirements should last
-        # only up to the first executable or shared library that actually links
-        # to it.
-        local raw = [ $(subvariant).sources-usage-requirements ] ;
-        raw = [ $(raw).raw ] ;
-        raw = [ property.change $(raw) : <pch-header> ] ;
-        raw = [ property.change $(raw) : <pch-file> ] ;
-        return [ $(result).add [ property-set.create $(raw) ] ] ;
-    }
-    # Creates new subvariant instances for 'targets'.
-    # 'root-targets'  - virtual targets to be returned to dependants
-    # 'all-targets'   - virtual targets created while building this main target
-    # 'build-request' - property-set instance with requested build properties
-    #
-    local rule create-subvariant ( root-targets * : all-targets * :
-        build-request : sources * : rproperties : usage-requirements )
-    {
-        for local e in $(root-targets)
-        {
-            $(e).root true ;
-        }
-        # Process all virtual targets that will be created if this main target
-        # is created.
-        local s = [ new subvariant $(__name__) : $(build-request) : $(sources) :
-            $(rproperties) : $(usage-requirements) : $(all-targets) ] ;
-        for local v in $(all-targets)
-        {
-            if ! [ $(v).creating-subvariant ]
-            {
-                $(v).creating-subvariant $(s) ;
-            }
-        }
-        return $(s) ;
-    }
-    # Constructs virtual targets for this abstract target and the dependency
-    # graph. Returns a usage-requirements property-set and a list of virtual
-    # targets. Should be overriden in derived classes.
-    #
-    rule construct ( name : source-targets * : properties * )
-    {
-        import errors : error : errors.error ;
-        errors.error "method should be defined in derived classes" ;
-    }
-class typed-target : basic-target
-    import generators ;
-    rule __init__ ( name : project : type : sources * : requirements * :
-         default-build * : usage-requirements * )
-    {
-        basic-target.__init__ $(name) : $(project) : $(sources) :
-            $(requirements) : $(default-build) : $(usage-requirements) ;
-        self.type = $(type) ;
-    }
-    rule type ( )
-    {
-        return $(self.type) ;
-    }
-    rule construct ( name : source-targets * : property-set )
-    {
-        local r = [ generators.construct $(self.project) $(name:S=)
-            : $(self.type)
-            : [ property-set.create [ $(property-set).raw ]
-                <main-target-type>$(self.type) ]
-            : $(source-targets) : true ] ;
-        if ! $(r)
-        {
-            ECHO "warn: Unable to construct" [ full-name ] ;
-            # Are there any top-level generators for this type/property set.
-            if ! [ generators.find-viable-generators $(self.type) :
-                $(property-set) ]
-            {
-                ECHO "error: no generators were found for type '$(self.type)'" ;
-                ECHO "error: and the requested properties" ;
-                ECHO "error: make sure you've configured the needed tools" ;
-                ECHO "See" ;
-                EXIT "To debug this problem, try the --debug-generators option."
-                    ;
-            }
-        }
-        return $(r) ;
-    }
-# Return the list of sources to use, if main target rule is invoked with
-# 'sources'. If there are any objects in 'sources', they are treated as main
-# target instances, and the name of such targets are adjusted to be
-# '<name_of_this_target>__<name_of_source_target>'. Such renaming is disabled if
-# a non-empty value is passed as the 'no-renaming' parameter.
-rule main-target-sources ( sources * : main-target-name : no-renaming ? )
-    local result ;
-    for local t in $(sources)
-    {
-        if [ $(t) ]
-        {
-            local name = [ $(t).name ] ;
-            if ! $(no-renaming)
-            {
-                name = $(main-target-name)__$(name) ;
-                $(t).rename $(name) ;
-            }
-            # Inline targets are not built by default.
-            local p = [ $(t).project ] ;
-            $(p).mark-target-as-explicit $(name) ;
-            result += $(name) ;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            result += $(t) ;
-        }
-    }
-    return $(result) ;
-# Returns the requirements to use when declaring a main target, obtained by
-# translating all specified property paths and refining project requirements
-# with the ones specified for the target.
-rule main-target-requirements (
-    specification *  # Properties explicitly specified for the main target.
-    : project        # Project where the main target is to be declared.
-    local requirements = [ property-set.refine-from-user-input
-        [ $(project).get requirements ] : $(specification) :
-        [ $(project).project-module ] : [ $(project).get location ] ] ;
-    if $(requirements[1]) = "@error"
-    {
-        import errors ;
-        errors.error "Conflicting requirements for target:" $(requirements) ;
-    }
-    return [ $(requirements).add [ toolset.requirements ] ] ;
-# Returns the usage requirements to use when declaring a main target, which are
-# obtained by translating all specified property paths and adding project's
-# usage requirements.
-rule main-target-usage-requirements (
-    specification *  # Use-properties explicitly specified for a main target.
-    : project        # Project where the main target is to be declared.
-    local project-usage-requirements = [ $(project).get usage-requirements ] ;
-    # We do not use 'refine-from-user-input' because:
-    # - I am not sure if removing parent's usage requirements makes sense
-    # - refining usage requirements is not needed, since usage requirements are
-    #   always free.
-    local usage-requirements = [ property-set.create-from-user-input
-        $(specification)
-        : [ $(project).project-module ] [ $(project).get location ] ] ;
-    return [ $(project-usage-requirements).add $(usage-requirements) ] ;
-# Return the default build value to use when declaring a main target, which is
-# obtained by using the specified value if not empty and parent's default build
-# attribute otherwise.
-rule main-target-default-build (
-    specification *  # Default build explicitly specified for a main target.
-    : project        # Project where the main target is to be declared.
-    local result ;
-    if $(specification)
-    {
-        result = $(specification) ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        result = [ $(project).get default-build ] ;
-    }
-    return [ property-set.create-with-validation $(result) ] ;
-# Registers the specified target as a main target alternative and returns it.
-rule main-target-alternative ( target )
-    local ptarget = [ $(target).project ] ;
-    $(ptarget).add-alternative $(target) ;
-    return $(target) ;
-# Creates a metatarget with the specified properties, using 'klass' as the
-# class. The 'name', 'sources', 'requirements', 'default-build' and
-# 'usage-requirements' are assumed to be in the form specified by the user in
-# the Jamfile corresponding to 'project'.
-rule create-metatarget ( klass : project : name : sources * : requirements * :
-    default-build * : usage-requirements * )
-    return [ targets.main-target-alternative [ new $(klass) $(name) : $(project)
-        : [ targets.main-target-sources $(sources) : $(name) ]
-        : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements) : $(project) ]
-        : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
-        : [ targets.main-target-usage-requirements $(usage-requirements) :
-            $(project) ] ] ] ;
-# Creates a typed-target with the specified properties. The 'name', 'sources',
-# 'requirements', 'default-build' and 'usage-requirements' are assumed to be in
-# the form specified by the user in the Jamfile corresponding to 'project'.
-rule create-typed-target ( type : project : name : sources * : requirements * :
-    default-build * : usage-requirements * )
-    return [ targets.main-target-alternative [ new typed-target $(name) :
-        $(project) : $(type)
-        : [ targets.main-target-sources $(sources) : $(name) ]
-        : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements) : $(project) ]
-        : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ]
-        : [ targets.main-target-usage-requirements $(usage-requirements) :
-            $(project) ] ] ] ;
diff --git a/ext/kenlm b/ext/kenlm
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..56fdb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/kenlm
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 56fdb5c44fca34d5a2e07d96139c28fb163983c5
diff --git a/ext/kenlm/jam-files/boost-build/build/toolset.jam b/ext/kenlm/jam-files/boost-build/build/toolset.jam
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5b980..0000000
--- a/ext/kenlm/jam-files/boost-build/build/toolset.jam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2003 Dave Abrahams
-# Copyright 2005 Rene Rivera
-# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Vladimir Prus
-# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#  Support for toolset definition.
-import errors ;
-import feature ;
-import generators ;
-import numbers ;
-import path ;
-import property ;
-import regex ;
-import sequence ;
-import set ;
-import property-set ;
-.flag-no = 1 ;
-.ignore-requirements = ;
-# This is used only for testing, to make sure we do not get random extra
-# elements in paths.
-if --ignore-toolset-requirements in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
-    .ignore-requirements = 1 ;
-# Initializes an additional toolset-like module. First load the 'toolset-module'
-# and then calls its 'init' rule with trailing arguments.
-rule using ( toolset-module : * )
-    import $(toolset-module) ;
-    $(toolset-module).init $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9)
-        ;
-# Expands subfeatures in each property sets, e.g. '<toolset>gcc-3.2' will be
-# converted to '<toolset>gcc/<toolset-version>3.2'.
-local rule normalize-condition ( property-sets * )
-    local result ;
-    for local p in $(property-sets)
-    {
-        local split = [ feature.split $(p) ] ;
-        local expanded = [ feature.expand-subfeatures [ feature.split $(p) ] ] ;
-        result += $(expanded:J=/) ;
-    }
-    return $(result) ;
-# Specifies if the 'flags' rule should check that the invoking module is the
-# same as the module we are setting the flag for. 'v' can be either 'checked' or
-# 'unchecked'. Subsequent call to 'pop-checking-for-flags-module' will restore
-# the setting that was in effect before calling this rule.
-rule push-checking-for-flags-module ( v )
-    .flags-module-checking = $(v) $(.flags-module-checking) ;
-rule pop-checking-for-flags-module ( )
-    .flags-module-checking = $(.flags-module-checking[2-]) ;
-# Specifies the flags (variables) that must be set on targets under certain
-# conditions, described by arguments.
-rule flags (
-    rule-or-module   # If contains a dot, should be a rule name. The flags will
-                     # be applied when that rule is used to set up build
-                     # actions.
-                     #
-                     # If does not contain dot, should be a module name. The
-                     # flag will be applied for all rules in that module. If
-                     # module for rule is different from the calling module, an
-                     # error is issued.
-    variable-name    # Variable that should be set on target.
-    condition * :    # A condition when this flag should be applied. Should be a
-                     # set of property sets. If one of those property sets is
-                     # contained in the build properties, the flag will be used.
-                     # Implied values are not allowed: "<toolset>gcc" should be
-                     # used, not just "gcc". Subfeatures, like in
-                     # "<toolset>gcc-3.2" are allowed. If left empty, the flag
-                     # will be used unconditionally.
-                     #
-                     # Propery sets may use value-less properties ('<a>'  vs.
-                     # '<a>value') to match absent properties. This allows to
-                     # separately match:
-                     #
-                     #   <architecture>/<address-model>64
-                     #   <architecture>ia64/<address-model>
-                     #
-                     # Where both features are optional. Without this syntax
-                     # we would be forced to define "default" values.
-    values * :       # The value to add to variable. If <feature> is specified,
-                     # then the value of 'feature' will be added.
-    unchecked ?      # If value 'unchecked' is passed, will not test that flags
-                     # are set for the calling module.
-    : hack-hack ?    # For
-                     #   flags rule OPTIONS <cxx-abi> : -model ansi
-                     # Treat <cxx-abi> as condition
-                     # FIXME: ugly hack.
-    local caller = [ CALLER_MODULE ] ;
-    if ! [ MATCH ".*([.]).*" : $(rule-or-module) ]
-       && [ MATCH "(Jamfile<.*)" : $(caller) ]
-    {
-        # Unqualified rule name, used inside Jamfile. Most likely used with
-        # 'make' or 'notfile' rules. This prevents setting flags on the entire
-        # Jamfile module (this will be considered as rule), but who cares?
-        # Probably, 'flags' rule should be split into 'flags' and
-        # 'flags-on-module'.
-        rule-or-module = $(caller).$(rule-or-module) ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        local module_ = [ MATCH "([^.]*).*" : $(rule-or-module) ] ;
-        if $(unchecked) != unchecked
-            && $(.flags-module-checking[1]) != unchecked
-            && $(module_) != $(caller)
-        {
-            errors.error "Module $(caller) attempted to set flags for module $(module_)" ;
-        }
-    }
-    if $(condition) && ! $(condition:G=) && ! $(hack-hack)
-    {
-        # We have condition in the form '<feature>', that is, without value.
-        # That is an older syntax:
-        #   flags RPATH <dll-path> ;
-        # for compatibility, convert it to
-        #   flags RPATH : <dll-path> ;
-        values = $(condition) ;
-        condition = ;
-    }
-    if $(condition)
-    {
-        property.validate-property-sets $(condition) ;
-        condition = [ normalize-condition $(condition) ] ;
-    }
-    add-flag $(rule-or-module) : $(variable-name) : $(condition) : $(values) ;
-# Adds a new flag setting with the specified values. Does no checking.
-local rule add-flag ( rule-or-module : variable-name : condition * : values * )
-    .$(rule-or-module).flags += $(.flag-no) ;
-    # Store all flags for a module.
-    local module_ = [ MATCH "([^.]*).*" : $(rule-or-module) ] ;
-    .module-flags.$(module_) += $(.flag-no) ;
-    # Store flag-no -> rule-or-module mapping.
-    .rule-or-module.$(.flag-no) = $(rule-or-module) ;
-    .$(rule-or-module).variable.$(.flag-no) += $(variable-name) ;
-    .$(rule-or-module).values.$(.flag-no) += $(values) ;
-    .$(rule-or-module).condition.$(.flag-no) += $(condition) ;
-    .flag-no = [ numbers.increment $(.flag-no) ] ;
-# Returns the first element of 'property-sets' which is a subset of
-# 'properties' or an empty list if no such element exists.
-rule find-property-subset ( property-sets * : properties * )
-    # Cut property values off.
-    local prop-keys = $(properties:G) ;
-    local result ;
-    for local s in $(property-sets)
-    {
-        if ! $(result)
-        {
-            # Handle value-less properties like '<architecture>' (compare with
-            # '<architecture>x86').
-            local set = [ feature.split $(s) ] ;
-            # Find the set of features that
-            # - have no property specified in required property set
-            # - are omitted in the build property set.
-            local default-props ;
-            for local i in $(set)
-            {
-                # If $(i) is a value-less property it should match default value
-                # of an optional property. See the first line in the example
-                # below:
-                #
-                #  property set     properties     result
-                # <a> <b>foo      <b>foo           match
-                # <a> <b>foo      <a>foo <b>foo    no match
-                # <a>foo <b>foo   <b>foo           no match
-                # <a>foo <b>foo   <a>foo <b>foo    match
-                if ! ( $(i:G=) || ( $(i:G) in $(prop-keys) ) )
-                {
-                    default-props += $(i) ;
-                }
-            }
-            if $(set) in $(properties) $(default-props)
-            {
-                result = $(s) ;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return $(result) ;
-# Returns a value to be added to some flag for some target based on the flag's
-# value definition and the given target's property set.
-rule handle-flag-value ( value * : properties * )
-    local result ;
-    if $(value:G)
-    {
-        local matches = [ $(value) : $(properties) ] ;
-        for local p in $(matches)
-        {
-            local att = [ feature.attributes $(p:G) ] ;
-            if dependency in $(att)
-            {
-                # The value of a dependency feature is a target and needs to be
-                # actualized.
-                result += [ $(p:G=).actualize ] ;
-            }
-            else if path in $(att) || free in $(att)
-            {
-                local values ;
-                # Treat features with && in the value specially -- each
-                # &&-separated element is considered a separate value. This is
-                # needed to handle searched libraries or include paths, which
-                # may need to be in a specific order.
-                if ! [ MATCH (&&) : $(p:G=) ]
-                {
-                    values = $(p:G=) ;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    values = [ regex.split $(p:G=) "&&" ] ;
-                }
-                if path in $(att)
-                {
-                    result += [ sequence.transform path.native : $(values) ] ;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    result += $(values) ;
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                result += $(p:G=) ;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        result += $(value) ;
-    }
-    return $(result) ;
-# Given a rule name and a property set, returns a list of interleaved variables
-# names and values which must be set on targets for that rule/property-set
-# combination.
-rule set-target-variables-aux ( rule-or-module : property-set )
-    local result ;
-    properties = [ $(property-set).raw ] ;
-    for local f in $(.$(rule-or-module).flags)
-    {
-        local variable = $(.$(rule-or-module).variable.$(f)) ;
-        local condition = $(.$(rule-or-module).condition.$(f)) ;
-        local values = $(.$(rule-or-module).values.$(f)) ;
-        if ! $(condition) ||
-            [ find-property-subset $(condition) : $(properties) ]
-        {
-            local processed ;
-            for local v in $(values)
-            {
-                # The value might be <feature-name> so needs special treatment.
-                processed += [ handle-flag-value $(v) : $(properties) ] ;
-            }
-            for local r in $(processed)
-            {
-                result += $(variable) $(r) ;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    # Strip away last dot separated part and recurse.
-    local next = [ MATCH ^(.+)\\.([^\\.])* : $(rule-or-module) ] ;
-    if $(next)
-    {
-        result += [ set-target-variables-aux $(next[1]) : $(property-set) ] ;
-    }
-    return $(result) ;
-rule relevant-features ( rule-or-module )
-    local result ;
-    if ! $(.relevant-features.$(rule-or-module))
-    {
-        for local f in $(.$(rule-or-module).flags)
-        {
-            local condition = $(.$(rule-or-module).condition.$(f)) ;
-            local values = $(.$(rule-or-module).values.$(f)) ;
-            for local c in $(condition)
-            {
-                for local p in [ feature.split $(c) ]
-                {
-                    if $(p:G)
-                    {
-                        result += $(p:G) ;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        local temp = [ feature.expand-subfeatures $(p) ] ;
-                        result += $(temp:G) ;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            for local v in $(values)
-            {
-                if $(v:G)
-                {
-                    result += $(v:G) ;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        # Strip away last dot separated part and recurse.
-        local next = [ MATCH ^(.+)\\.([^\\.])* : $(rule-or-module) ] ;
-        if $(next)
-        {
-            result += [ relevant-features $(next[1]) ] ;
-        }
-        result = [ sequence.unique $(result) ] ;
-        if $(result[1]) = ""
-        {
-            result = $(result) ;
-        }
-        .relevant-features.$(rule-or-module) = $(result) ;
-        return $(result) ;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return $(.relevant-features.$(rule-or-module)) ;
-    }
-rule filter-property-set ( rule-or-module : property-set )
-    local key =$(rule-or-module).$(property-set) ;
-    if ! $($(key))
-    {
-        local relevant = [ relevant-features $(rule-or-module) ] ;
-        local result ;
-        for local p in [ $(property-set).raw ]
-        {
-            if $(p:G) in $(relevant)
-            {
-                result += $(p) ;
-            }
-        }
-        $(key) = [ property-set.create $(result) ] ;
-    }
-    return $($(key)) ;
-rule set-target-variables ( rule-or-module targets + : property-set )
-    property-set = [ filter-property-set $(rule-or-module) : $(property-set) ] ;
-    local key = .stv.$(rule-or-module).$(property-set) ;
-    local settings = $($(key)) ;
-    if ! $(settings)
-    {
-        settings = [ set-target-variables-aux $(rule-or-module) :
-            $(property-set) ] ;
-        if ! $(settings)
-        {
-            settings = none ;
-        }
-        $(key) = $(settings) ;
-    }
-    if $(settings) != none
-    {
-        local var-name = ;
-        for local name-or-value in $(settings)
-        {
-            if $(var-name)
-            {
-                $(var-name) on $(targets) += $(name-or-value) ;
-                var-name = ;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                var-name = $(name-or-value) ;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-# Make toolset 'toolset', defined in a module of the same name, inherit from
-# 'base'.
-# 1. The 'init' rule from 'base' is imported into 'toolset' with full name.
-#    Another 'init' is called, which forwards to the base one.
-# 2. All generators from 'base' are cloned. The ids are adjusted and <toolset>
-#    property in requires is adjusted too.
-# 3. All flags are inherited.
-# 4. All rules are imported.
-rule inherit ( toolset : base )
-    import $(base) ;
-    inherit-generators $(toolset) : $(base) ;
-    inherit-flags      $(toolset) : $(base) ;
-    inherit-rules      $(toolset) : $(base) ;
-rule inherit-generators ( toolset properties * : base : generators-to-ignore * )
-    properties ?= <toolset>$(toolset) ;
-    local base-generators = [ generators.generators-for-toolset $(base) ] ;
-    for local g in $(base-generators)
-    {
-        local id = [ $(g).id ] ;
-        if ! $(id) in $(generators-to-ignore)
-        {
-            # Some generator names have multiple periods in their name, so
-            # $(id:B=$(toolset)) does not generate the right new-id name. E.g.
-            # if id = gcc.compile.c++ then $(id:B=darwin) = darwin.c++, which is
-            # not what we want. Manually parse the base and suffix. If there is
-            # a better way to do this, I would love to see it. See also the
-            # register() rule in the generators module.
-            local base = $(id) ;
-            local suffix = "" ;
-            while $(base:S)
-            {
-                suffix = $(base:S)$(suffix) ;
-                base = $(base:B) ;
-            }
-            local new-id = $(toolset)$(suffix) ;
-            generators.register [ $(g).clone $(new-id) : $(properties) ] ;
-        }
-    }
-# Brings all flag definitions from the 'base' toolset into the 'toolset'
-# toolset. Flag definitions whose conditions make use of properties in
-# 'prohibited-properties' are ignored. Do not confuse property and feature, for
-# example <debug-symbols>on and <debug-symbols>off, so blocking one of them does
-# not block the other one.
-# The flag conditions are not altered at all, so if a condition includes a name,
-# or version of a base toolset, it will not ever match the inheriting toolset.
-# When such flag settings must be inherited, define a rule in base toolset
-# module and call it as needed.
-rule inherit-flags ( toolset : base : prohibited-properties * : prohibited-vars * )
-    for local f in $(.module-flags.$(base))
-    {
-        local rule-or-module = $(.rule-or-module.$(f)) ;
-        if ( [ set.difference
-            $(.$(rule-or-module).condition.$(f)) :
-                  $(prohibited-properties) ]
-                  || ! $(.$(rule-or-module).condition.$(f))
-        ) && ( ! $(.$(rule-or-module).variable.$(f)) in $(prohibited-vars) )
-        {
-            local rule_ = [ MATCH "[^.]*\.(.*)" : $(rule-or-module) ] ;
-            local new-rule-or-module ;
-            if $(rule_)
-            {
-                new-rule-or-module = $(toolset).$(rule_) ;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                new-rule-or-module = $(toolset) ;
-            }
-            add-flag
-                $(new-rule-or-module)
-                : $(.$(rule-or-module).variable.$(f))
-                : $(.$(rule-or-module).condition.$(f))
-                : $(.$(rule-or-module).values.$(f)) ;
-        }
-    }
-rule inherit-rules ( toolset : base : localize ? )
-    # It appears that "action" creates a local rule.
-    local base-generators = [ generators.generators-for-toolset $(base) ] ;
-    local rules ;
-    for local g in $(base-generators)
-    {
-        rules += [ MATCH "[^.]*\.(.*)" : [ $(g).rule-name ] ] ;
-    }
-    rules = [ sequence.unique $(rules) ] ;
-    IMPORT $(base) : $(rules) : $(toolset) : $(rules) : $(localize) ;
-    IMPORT $(toolset) : $(rules) : : $(toolset).$(rules) ;
-.requirements = [ property-set.empty ] ;
-# Return the list of global 'toolset requirements'. Those requirements will be
-# automatically added to the requirements of any main target.
-rule requirements ( )
-    return $(.requirements) ;
-# Adds elements to the list of global 'toolset requirements'. The requirements
-# will be automatically added to the requirements for all main targets, as if
-# they were specified literally. For best results, all requirements added should
-# be conditional or indirect conditional.
-rule add-requirements ( requirements * )
-    if ! $(.ignore-requirements)
-    {
-        requirements = [ property.translate-indirect $(specification) : [ CALLER_MODULE ] ] ;
-        requirements = [ property.expand-subfeatures-in-conditions $(requirements) ] ;
-        requirements = [ property.make $(requirements) ] ;
-        .requirements = [ $(.requirements).add-raw $(requirements) ] ;
-    }
-rule __test__ ( )
-    import assert ;
-    local p = <b>0 <c>1 <d>2 <e>3 <f>4 ;
-    assert.result <c>1/<d>2/<e>3 : find-property-subset <c>1/<d>2/<e>3 <a>0/<b>0/<c>1 <d>2/<e>5 <a>9 : $(p) ;
-    assert.result : find-property-subset <a>0/<b>0/<c>9/<d>9/<e>5 <a>9 : $(p) ;
-    local p-set = <a>/<b> <a>0/<b> <a>/<b>1 <a>0/<b>1 ;
-    assert.result <a>/<b>   : find-property-subset $(p-set) :                ;
-    assert.result <a>0/<b>  : find-property-subset $(p-set) : <a>0      <c>2 ;
-    assert.result <a>/<b>1  : find-property-subset $(p-set) : <b>1      <c>2 ;
-    assert.result <a>0/<b>1 : find-property-subset $(p-set) : <a>0 <b>1      ;