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Posted to by Yiguan Liao via Apache TVM Discuss <> on 2021/08/16 09:42:16 UTC

[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] Program suspend

When I build the onnx model, I performed the following optimizations:
    with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
               lib =, target=target, params=params)

But after the program is executed to a certain position, there is no output change in the terminal.
[17:01:20] /home/guanyiliao/tvm/src/ir/ Executing module pass : InferType with opt level: 0
[17:01:20] /home/guanyiliao/tvm/src/relay/transforms/ tvm::relay::transform::InferType
[17:01:20] /home/guanyiliao/tvm/src/ir/ Executing module pass : RemoveUnusedFunctions with opt level: 1
[17:01:20] /home/guanyiliao/tvm/src/ir/ Executing module pass : ToBasicBlockNormalForm with opt level: 1
But before that, I used some simple models (resnet50) and 224x224 input size is no problem。

Now I tried to build an other complex model. At this time, the input became a 1080x1920 RGB image, and then I couldn’t continue to execute it.So this problem is related to the model and the size of the input?

Is this thread-related? I see that the source code seems to use only single thread. Can someone help me?

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