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Posted to by Len Shein <> on 2014/01/30 16:04:44 UTC

Partial Order Returns with Customer Refund


There seems to be a flaw in the Order Return process against the order total
and the refund amount when returning potions of the order separately.

Here is the example:


Product A with: (qty:1 - total price: $500.00)

Product B with: (qty:1 - total price $500.00)


*	Create order with Credit card
*	Complete order 

*	This generates a single order payment preference with a max amount
of $1000.00 in the status of 'PAYMENT_SETTLED'.


When Product A is returned the Return Process correctly returns the product
and generates a customer refund in the amount of $500, however the order's
original order payment preference is used to generate the customer refund
and the status is then updated from PAYMENT_SETTLED to 'PAYMENT_REFUNDED'. 


When Product B is returned the Return Process correctly returns the product
but a customer refund is NOT generated since the process no longer has an
order payment preference in the status of 'PAYMENT_SETTLED.


Has anyone come across this issue?


The Return process uses the order's original order payment preferences to
refund amounts; for accounting purposes does it make more sense to create
new payment preferences instead?

For example

Current Processing of Order Payment Preference status when order is

   Original Order Payment Preference

Id          Max Amount      Status

10         $1000.00           PAYMENT_SETTLED


   Full Order is returned

Id          Max Amount      Status

10         $1000.00           PAYMENT_REFUNDED


Proposed Processing of Order Payment Preference status when order is

   Original Order Payment Preference

Id          Max Amount      Status

10         $1000.00           PAYMENT_SETTLED


   Full Order is returned

Id          Max Amount      Status

10         $1000.00           PAYMENT_SETTLED

20         $1000.00           PAYMENT_REFUNDED



Thank You


Len Shein


516.742.7888 ext.225
