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Posted to by Shaily Goel <> on 2005/08/17 07:47:55 UTC

RE: Rolling File Appender provided by Log4Net

In order to compress the archive files created by
Log4Net.RollingFileAppender I did following things:
1.  I created a CustomAppender by extending Rolling File Appender  and
tried overwriting "protected void RollFile(string fromFile, string
toFile) " function which rolls the file. But I am unable to overwrite
this method as they are not declared as "virtual" in
log4net.RollingFileAppender. So I am left with the option of coping the
RollingFileAppender code and then modifying the RollFile method in it so
as to make it work as per my requirements. But this is not a good
practice. Hence, I request you to make the methods in
log4net.RollingFileAppender as "Virtual" so that other people can
overwrite these methods as per their requirement.
2. The second option can be I implement the Zipping Functionality in
RollingFileAppender and submit the code back to community. For zipping I
am using "ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib" , a free C# compression library . I
am thinking of adding a new property called as "ZipFile" in
RollingFileAppender which can be set to true/False. If "true", then
RollFile method will roll and zip the file. But all this will make
log4net dependent on ""ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib". 
Please let me know what should I do?

Note: My requirements does not allow me to create a second process or
script that run every day to compress log files.

>>> 06/21/05 10:14 PM >>>

If you need to create a custom appender that compresses the archive
files you will need to create a new assembly with a copy of the
RollingFileAppender code in it. The RollXXX methods are used to roll
old log file out of the way. These all call into the RollFile method,
you may be able to extend the appender at that point. The appender
currently just uses System.IO.File.Move to roll the file.

You can find compression libraries for .net which will allow you to
the old files. As zipping up the file may be a slow operation I
that you move the file to a temporary name and then compress it on a
separate thread.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shaily Goel [] 
> Sent: 21 June 2005 06:07
> To:
> Subject: Rolling File Appender provided by Log4Net
> We are planning to use Rolling File Appender provided by Log4net.
> Our requirements are like below:
> 1. Rolling File Appender should be able to log the messages 
> into a local file with an extension of .log
> 2. It should write the message in xml format in local file.
> 3. It should be able to roll log files based on either size 
> or date. When the current log file reaches a particular 
> size/date, a new log file is rolled into its place.
> 4. The old log file should be stored in a compressed format 
> until the maximum number of log files is reached, causing the 
> oldest log file to be deleted.
> I found that all my above requirements are met by Rolling 
> File Appender provided by log4net except that "The old log 
> file should be stored in a compressed format ".
> I want to know whether Rolling File appender internally store 
> all old log files in compressed format??If not, how can we 
> achieve this ?
> Thanks
> Shaily