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Posted to by on 2009/05/24 01:39:19 UTC

svn commit: r778065 [1/2] - in /logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0: ./ Appenders/SampleAppendersApp/cs/src/ Appenders/WmiAppender/cs/src/ Extensibility/EventIDLogApp/cs/src/ Extensibility/TraceLogApp/cs/src/ Layouts/SampleLayoutsApp/cs/src/ Perform...

Author: rgrabowski
Date: Sat May 23 23:39:19 2009
New Revision: 778065

Upgrade example solution and project files to VS2005 format. Eventually they'll be upgraded to VS2008.


Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Appenders/SampleAppendersApp/cs/src/SampleAppendersApp.csproj
--- logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Appenders/SampleAppendersApp/cs/src/SampleAppendersApp.csproj (original)
+++ logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Appenders/SampleAppendersApp/cs/src/SampleAppendersApp.csproj Sat May 23 23:39:19 2009
@@ -1,165 +1,141 @@
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\ No newline at end of file

Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Appenders/WmiAppender/cs/src/WmiAppender.cs
--- logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Appenders/WmiAppender/cs/src/WmiAppender.cs (original)
+++ logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Appenders/WmiAppender/cs/src/WmiAppender.cs Sat May 23 23:39:19 2009
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 					// We do not throw exception here since the cause is probably a
 					// bad config file.
-					log4net.Util.LogLog.Warn("WmiAppender: You have tried to set a null error-handler.");
+					log4net.Util.LogLog.Warn(GetType(), "WmiAppender: You have tried to set a null error-handler.");

Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Appenders/WmiAppender/cs/src/WmiAppender.csproj
--- logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Appenders/WmiAppender/cs/src/WmiAppender.csproj (original)
+++ logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Appenders/WmiAppender/cs/src/WmiAppender.csproj Sat May 23 23:39:19 2009
@@ -1,122 +1,112 @@
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\ No newline at end of file

Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Extensibility/EventIDLogApp/cs/src/EventIDLogApp.csproj
--- logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Extensibility/EventIDLogApp/cs/src/EventIDLogApp.csproj (original)
+++ logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Extensibility/EventIDLogApp/cs/src/EventIDLogApp.csproj Sat May 23 23:39:19 2009
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\ No newline at end of file

Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Extensibility/TraceLogApp/cs/src/TraceLogApp.csproj
--- logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Extensibility/TraceLogApp/cs/src/TraceLogApp.csproj (original)
+++ logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Extensibility/TraceLogApp/cs/src/TraceLogApp.csproj Sat May 23 23:39:19 2009
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\ No newline at end of file

Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Layouts/SampleLayoutsApp/cs/src/SampleLayoutsApp.csproj
--- logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Layouts/SampleLayoutsApp/cs/src/SampleLayoutsApp.csproj (original)
+++ logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Layouts/SampleLayoutsApp/cs/src/SampleLayoutsApp.csproj Sat May 23 23:39:19 2009
@@ -1,130 +1,118 @@
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+    </Compile>
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\ No newline at end of file

Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Performance/NotLogging/cs/src/NotLogging.csproj
--- logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Performance/NotLogging/cs/src/NotLogging.csproj (original)
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\ No newline at end of file

Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Remoting/RemotingClient/cs/src/RemotingClient.csproj
--- logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Remoting/RemotingClient/cs/src/RemotingClient.csproj (original)
+++ logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Remoting/RemotingClient/cs/src/RemotingClient.csproj Sat May 23 23:39:19 2009
@@ -1,108 +1,104 @@
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\ No newline at end of file

Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Remoting/RemotingServer/cs/src/RemotingServer.csproj
--- logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Remoting/RemotingServer/cs/src/RemotingServer.csproj (original)
+++ logging/log4net/trunk/examples/net/2.0/Remoting/RemotingServer/cs/src/RemotingServer.csproj Sat May 23 23:39:19 2009
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\ No newline at end of file