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+<h2>Custom Value Types</h2>
+<p>In addition to the built-in value types it is also possible to define user-defined value types. This is typically done using the <code>@Value</code> annotation.</p>
+<p>The <code>@Value</code> annotation is used to provide an implementation of the <code>org.apache.isis.applib.adapters.ValueSemanticsProvider</code> interface. In turn this provides objects that allow the framework to interact with the value, specifically:</p>
+<li>the <code>EncoderDecoder</code> is used to convert the value into and back out of serializable form</p>
+<p>This is used by some object stores (eg the XML Object Store), for by the XML Snapshot capability <!--(see ?)-->;</li>
+<li>the <code>Parser</code> is used to convert Strings into the value type</p>
+<p>This is used as a fallback by viewers that do not have any specific widgets to support the particular value type, and make do with a simple text field instead.</p>
+<p>An obvious example is to parse a date. But it could be used to parse "TRUE" and "FALSE" into a boolean (as opposed to using a checkbox).</li>
+<li>the <code>DefaultsProvider</code> is used to provide a meaningful default for the value</p>
+<p>Not every value type will have a default, but some do (eg false for a boolean, 0 for a number). This is used as the default value for non-<code>@Optional</code> properties and parameters.</li>
+<p>Each of these interfaces also reside in <code>org.apache.isis.applib.adapters</code>.</p>
+<p>For more details, explore the built-in types within the applib, for example <code>org.apache.isis.applib.value.Money</code>.</p>
+<pre><code>@Value(semanticsProviderName =  "org.apache.isis.core.progmodel.facets.value.MoneyValueSemanticsProvider")
+public class Money extends Magnitude {
+    ...
+<p>where <code>MoneyValueSemanticsProvider</code> is the implementation of
+<code>ValueSemanticsProvider</code> described above.</p>
+  <p><strong>Note</strong></p>
+  <p>Using value types generally removes the need for using <code>@MustSatisfy</code> annotation <!--(see ?)-->; the rules can 
+  instead move down into a <code>validate()</code> method on the value type itself.</p>
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+<h2>Third-party Value Types</h2>
+<p>Third party value types can also supported, again
+through the use of a <code>ValueSemanticsProvider</code>. However, since the source code cannot be altered, the provider must be supplied using a key value in <code></code> configuration file.</p>
+<p>For example, the following would register a semantics provider for <code>org.jodatime.time.Interval</code> (not a built-in at the time of this writing):</p>
+    com.mycompany.values.JodaIntervalValueSemanticsProvider
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+<p><a href="./../../documentation.html">Docs</a>&nbsp;&raquo&nbsp;<a href="./../../applib-guide/about.html">Applib Guide</a>&nbsp;&raquo&nbsp;<a href="./../../applib-guide/value-types/about.html">Value Types</a></p>
+<h1>Value Types</h1>
+<p>The state of any given entity is characterized by properties <!--(?)--> and
+collections <!--(?)-->. A collections is a one-to-many reference to another
+entities, while a property is either a one-to-one reference to another
+entity, or it is a value.</p>
+<p>But what's a value? Well, it's an atomic piece of state. A string is a
+value, so is a number, so is a date. Values should be designed to be
+immutable (though some system value types, such as java.util.Date,
+famously are not).</p>
+<p><em>Isis</em> supports all the standard JDK value types, and defines a number
+of its own (eg Percentage and Color).   <em>Isis</em> also allows you to define 
+your own value types, such as <code>LastName</code>, or <code>Celsius</code>, or <code>ComplexNumber</code>.</p>
+<p>It's also possible to make Isis integrate with third-party
+value types.  <em>Isis</em> provides one such integration, with 
+<a href="">JodaTime</a>.</p>
+<p>For more information, see:</p>
+<li><a href="./010-Built-in-Value-Types.html">Built-in Value Types</a></li>
+<li>[Custom Value Types](./020-Custom-Value-Types.html]</li>
+<li><a href="./030-Third-party-Value-Types.html">Third-party Value Types</a></li>
+  <p><strong>Note</strong></p>
+  <p><em>Isis</em>' support for a particular value type does not necessarily imply
+  that there is a custom widget for that type in a particular viewer.
+  Rather, it means that the state of the object can be serialized, is
+  expected to have equal-by-content semantics, and is expected to be
+  immutable. It may also be parseable from a string.</p>
+  <p>Also, if using the JDO/DataNucleus ObjectStore, you may also need to perform additional DataNucleus-specific configuration if you want the data to be persisted in a SQL datatype other than SQL Blob (ie a serializable byte array).</p>
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