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cvs commit: httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache

dougm       02/04/06 12:07:44

  Added:       perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache
  module for building farm of httpds
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  httpd-test/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
  package Apache::TestBuild;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use subs qw(system chdir
              info warning);
  use Config;
  use File::Spec::Functions;
  use File::Path ();
  use Cwd ();
  use constant DRYRUN => 0;
  my %configs = (
      all => {
          'apache-1.3' => [],
          'httpd-2.0' => enable20(qw(modules=all proxy)),
      exp => {
          'apache-1.3' => [],
          'httpd-2.0' => enable20(qw(example case_filter
                                     case_filter_in cache
                                     echo deflate bucketeer)),
  my %builds = (
       default => {
           cflags => '-Wall',
           config => {
               'apache-1.3' => [],
               'httpd-2.0'  => [],
       debug => {
           cflags => '-g',
           config => {
               'apache-1.3' => [],
               'httpd-2.0'  => [qw(--enable-maintainer-mode)],
       prof => {
           cflags => '-pg -DGPROF',
       shared => {
           config =>  {
               'apache-1.3' => [],
               'httpd-2.0'  => [qw(--enable-mods-shared=all)],
       static => {
  my %mpms = (
      default => [qw(prefork worker)],
      MSWin32 => [qw(winnt)],
  my @cvs = qw(httpd-2.0 apache-1.3);
  my @dirs = qw(build tar src install);
  sub enable20 {
      [ map { "--enable-$_" } @_ ];
  sub default_mpms {
      $mpms{ $^O } || $mpms{'default'};
  sub default_dir {
      my($self, $dir) = @_;
      $self->{$dir} ||= catdir $self->{prefix}, $dir,
  sub new {
      my $class = shift;
      #XXX: not generating a BUILD script yet
      #this way we can run:
      #perl Apache-Test/lib/Apache/ --cvsroot=anon --foo=...
      require Apache::TestConfig;
      require Apache::TestTrace;
      my $self = bless {
          prefix => '/usr/local/apache',
          cwd => Cwd::cwd(),
          cvsroot => '',
          cvs => \@cvs,
          cvstag => "",
          ssldir => "",
          mpms => default_mpms(),
          make => $Config{make},
          builds => {},
          extra_config => {
              'httpd-2.0' => [],
      }, $class;
      if (my $c = $self->{extra_config}->{'2.0'}) {
          $self->{extra_config}->{'httpd-2.0'} = $c;
      for my $dir (@dirs) {
      if ($self->{ssldir}) {
          push @{ $self->{extra_config}->{'httpd-2.0'} },
            '--enable-ssl', "--with-ssl=$self->{ssldir}";
  sub init {
      my $self = shift;
      for my $dir (@dirs) {
  use subs qw(symlink unlink);
  use File::Basename;
  use File::Find;
  sub symlink_tree {
      my $self = shift;
      my $httpd = 'httpd';
      my $install = "$self->{install}/bin/$httpd";
      my $source  = "$self->{build}/.libs/$httpd";
      unlink $install;
      symlink $source, $install;
      my %dir = (apr => 'apr',
                 aprutil => 'apr-util');
      for my $libname (qw(apr aprutil)) {
          my $lib = "lib$";
          my $install = "$self->{install}/lib/$lib";
          my $source  = "$self->{build}/srclib/$dir{$libname}/.libs/$lib";
          unlink $install;
          symlink $source, $install;
      $install = "$self->{install}/modules";
      $source  = "$self->{build}/modules";
      for (<$install/*.so>) {
          unlink $_;
      finddepth(sub {
          return unless /\.so$/;
          my $file = "$File::Find::dir/$_";
          symlink $file, "$install/$_";
      }, $source);
  sub unlink {
      my $file = shift;
      if (-e $file) {
          print "unlink $file\n";
      else {
          print "$file does not exist\n";
  sub symlink {
      my($from, $to) = @_;
      print "symlink $from => $to\n";
      unless (-e $from) {
          print "source $from does not exist\n";
      my $base = dirname $to;
      unless (-e $base) {
          print "target dir $base does not exist\n";
      CORE::symlink($from, $to) or die $!;
  sub cvs {
      my $self = shift;
      my $cmd = "cvs -d $self->{cvsroot} @_";
      if (DRYRUN) {
          info "$cmd";
      else {
          system $cmd;
  my %cvs_names = (
      '2.0' => 'httpd-2.0',
      '1.3' => 'apache-1.3',
  my %cvs_snames = (
      '2.0' => 'httpd',
      '1.3' => 'apache',
  sub cvs_up {
      my($self, $version) = @_;
      my $name = $cvs_names{$version};
      my $dir = $self->srcdir($version);
      if ($self->{cvsroot} eq 'anon') {
          $self->{cvsroot} = '';
          unless (-d $dir) {
              #XXX do something better than doesn't require prompt if
              #we already have an entry in ~/.cvspass
              warning "may need to run the following command ",
                      "(password is 'anoncvs')";
              warning "cvs -d $self->{cvsroot} login";
      if (-d $dir) {
          chdir $dir;
          $self->cvs(up => "-dP $self->{cvstag}");
      my $co = checkout($name);
      $self->$co($name, $dir);
      my $post = post_checkout($name);
      $self->$post($name, $dir);
  sub checkout_httpd_2_0 {
      my($self, $name, $dir) = @_;
      my $tag = $self->{cvstag};
      $self->cvs(co => "-d $dir $tag $name");
      chdir "$dir/srclib";
      $self->cvs(co => "$tag apr apr-util");
  sub checkout_apache_1_3 {
      my($self, $name, $dir) = @_;
      $self->cvs(co => "-d $dir $self->{cvstag} $name");
  sub post_checkout_httpd_2_0 {
      my($self, $name, $dir) = @_;
  sub post_checkout_apache_1_3 {
  sub canon {
      my $name = shift;
      return $name unless $name;
      $name =~ s/[.-]/_/g;
  sub checkout {
      my $name = canon(shift);
  sub post_checkout {
      my $name = canon(shift);
  sub cvs_update {
      my $self = shift;
      my $cvs = shift || $self->{cvs};
      chdir $self->{src};
      for my $name (@$cvs) {
  sub merge_build {
      my($self, $version, $builds, $configs) = @_;
      my $b = {
          cflags => $builds{default}->{cflags},
          config => [ @{ $builds{default}->{config}->{$version} } ],
      for my $name (@$builds) {
          next if $name eq 'default'; #already have this
          if (my $flags = $builds{$name}->{cflags}) {
              $b->{cflags} .= " $flags";
          if (my $cfg = $builds{$name}->{config}) {
              if (my $vcfg = $cfg->{$version}) {
                  push @{ $b->{config} }, @$vcfg;
      for my $name (@$configs) {
          my $cfg = $configs{$name}->{$version};
          next unless $cfg;
          push @{ $b->{config} }, @$cfg;
      if (my $ex = $self->{extra_config}->{$version}) {
          push @{ $b->{config} }, @$ex;
      if (my $ex = $self->{extra_cflags}->{$version}) {
          $b->{config} .= " $ex";
  my @srclib_dirs = qw(
      apr apr-util apr-util/xml/expat pcre
  sub install_name {
      my($self, $builds, $configs, $mpm) = @_;
      my $name = join '-', $mpm, @$builds, @$configs;
      if (my $tag = $self->cvs_name) {
          $name .= "-$tag";
  #currently the httpd-2.0 build does not properly support static linking
  #of ssl libs, force the issue
  sub add_ssl_libs {
      my $self = shift;
      my $ssldir = $self->{ssldir};
      return unless $ssldir and -d $ssldir;
      my $name = $self->{current_install_name};
      my $ssl_mod = "$name/modules/ssl";
      info "editing $ssl_mod/";
      if (DRYRUN) {
      my $ssl_mk = "$self->{build}/$ssl_mod/";
      open my $fh, $ssl_mk or die "open $ssl_mk: $!";
      my @lines = <$fh>;
      close $fh;
      for (@lines) {
          next unless /SH_LINK/;
          $_ .= " -L$ssldir -lssl -lcrypto\n";
          info 'added ssl libs';
      open $fh, '>', $ssl_mk or die $!;
      print $fh join "\n", @lines;
      close $fh;
  sub cvs_name {
      my $self = shift;
      if (my $tag = $self->{cvstag}) {
          $tag =~ s/^-[DAr]//;
          $tag =~ s/\"//g;
          $tag =~ s,[/ :],_,g; #-D"03/29/02 07:00pm"
          return $tag;
      return "";
  sub srcdir {
      my($self, $src) = @_;
      my $prefix = "";
      if ($src =~ s/^(apache|httpd)-//) {
          $prefix = $1;
      else {
          $prefix = $cvs_snames{$src};
      if ($src =~ /^\d\.\d$/) {
          #release version will be \d\.\d\.\d+
          if (my $tag = $self->cvs_name) {
              $src .= "-$tag";
          $src .= '-cvs';
      join '-', $prefix, $src;
  sub configure_httpd_2_0 {
      my($self, $src, $builds, $configs, $mpm) = @_;
      $src = $self->srcdir($src);
      chdir $self->{build};
      my $name = $self->install_name($builds, $configs, $mpm);
      $self->{current_install_name} = $name;
      $self->{builds}->{$name} = 1;
      if ($self->{fresh}) {
      else {
          if (-e "$name/.DONE") {
              warning "$name already configured";
              warning "rm $name/.DONE to force";
      my $build = $self->merge_build('httpd-2.0', $builds, $configs);
      $ENV{CFLAGS} = $build->{cflags};
      info "CFLAGS=$ENV{CFLAGS}";
      my $prefix = "$self->{install}/$name";
      rmtree($prefix) if $self->{fresh};
      my $source = "$self->{src}/$src";
      my @args = ("--prefix=$prefix",
                  @{ $build->{config} });
      chdir $source;
      system "./buildconf";
      my $cmd = "$source/configure @args";
      chdir $self->{build};
      chdir $name;
      for my $dir (@srclib_dirs) {
      for my $dir (qw(build docs/conf)) {
      system $cmd;
      open FH, ">.DONE" or die "open .DONE: $!";
      print FH scalar localtime;
      close FH;
      chdir $self->{prefix};
  sub make {
      my($self, @cmds) = @_;
      push @cmds, 'all' unless @cmds;
      for my $name (keys %{ $self->{builds} }) {
          chdir "$self->{build}/$name";
          for my $cmd (@cmds) {
              system "$self->{make} $cmd";
  sub system {
      my $cmd = "@_";
      info $cmd;
      return if DRYRUN;
      unless (CORE::system($cmd) == 0) {
          my $status = $? >> 8;
          die "system $cmd failed (exit status=$status)";
  sub chdir {
      my $dir = shift;
      info "chdir $dir";
      CORE::chdir $dir;
  sub mkpath {
      my $dir = shift;
      return if -d $dir;
      info "mkpath $dir";
      return if DRYRUN;
      File::Path::mkpath([$dir], 1, 0755);
  sub rmtree {
      my $dir = shift;
      return unless -d $dir;
      info "rmtree $dir";
      return if DRYRUN;
      File::Path::rmtree([$dir], 1, 1);
  sub generate_script {
      my($class, $file) = @_;
      $file ||= catfile 't', 'BUILD';
      my $content = join '', <DATA>;
      Apache::Test::config()->write_perlscript($file, $content);
  unless (caller) {
      $INC{'Apache/'} = __FILE__;
      eval join '', <DATA>;
      die $@ if $@;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use lib qw(Apache-Test/lib);
  use Apache::TestBuild ();
  use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
  use Cwd ();
  my %options = (
      prefix  => "checkout/build/install prefix",
      ssldir  => "enable ssl with given directory",
      cvstag  => "checkout with given cvs tag",
      cvsroot => "use 'anon' for anonymous cvs",
      version => "apache version (e.g. '2.0')",
      mpms    => "MPMs to build (e.g. 'prefork')",
      flavor  => "build flavor (e.g. 'debug shared')",
      modules => "enable modules (e.g. 'all exp')",
  my %opts;
  #XXX: could be smarter here, being lazy for the moment
  GetOptions(\%opts, map "$_=s", sort keys %options);
  if (@ARGV) {
      print "passing extra args to configure: @ARGV\n";
  my $home = $ENV{HOME};
  $opts{prefix}  ||= join '/', Cwd::cwd(), 'farm';
  #$opts{ssldir}  ||= '';
  #$opts{cvstag}  ||= '';
  #$opts{cvsroot} ||= '';
  $opts{version} ||= '2.0';
  $opts{mpms}    ||= 'prefork';
  $opts{flavor}  ||= 'debug shared';
  $opts{modules} ||= 'all exp';
  #my @versions = qw(2.0);
  #my @mpms = qw(prefork worker perchild);
  #my @flavors  = ([qw(debug shared)], [qw(prof shared)],
  #                [qw(debug static)], [qw(prof static)]);
  #my @modules = ([qw(all exp)]);
  my $split = sub { split /\s+/, delete $opts{ $_[0] } };
  my @versions = $opts{version};
  my @mpms = $split->('mpms');
  my @flavors  = ([ $split->('flavor') ]);
  my @modules  = ([ $split->('modules') ]);
  my $tb = Apache::TestBuild->new(fresh => 1,
                                  extra_config => {
                                      $opts{version} => \@ARGV,
  for my $version (@versions) {
      $tb->cvs_update([ $version ]);
      for my $mpm (@mpms) {
          for my $flavor (@flavors) {
              for my $mods (@modules) {
                  $tb->configure_httpd_2_0($version, $flavor,
                                           $mods, $mpm);
                  $tb->make(qw(all install));