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[WIKI-UPDATE] GT2003Hackathon Ola GT2003WebContinuationManagement Fri Oct 3 12:00:04 2003

Page: , version: 85 on Fri Oct  3 09:46:49 2003 by MarcPortier

+ * The registration for the event is closed since we had to fix on some numbers for the catering.
- * Focus audience is cocoon-developers for sure, the bigger set of all others is welcome on the Gettogether itself on the 7th.
- * The room we have foreseen AND the goal of having a workable group of people is limiting IMHO the complete group (the original limit of 15p was to be considered somewhat 'lenient', please let us know if there is more that want to join in and/or want different topics to be covered)
- * Outerthought was planning on organizing some catering, __please list your name below if you are coming, we need the numbers to make sure we order enough__ (possibly indicating veggie or other special requirements) 

Page: , version: 2 on Fri Oct  3 09:22:02 2003 by BrianAndersson

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Page: , version: 1 on Fri Oct  3 09:06:34 2003 by MarcPortier

New page created:
+ !Topics of MiniTalk 
+ by mpo
+ * General introduction to generic interfaces and roles inside the flow part of Cocoon
+ ** native continuation vs WebContinuation
+ ** WebContinuation and Manager
+ ** Interpeter and YourImplementations
+ ** Question: has WebContinuation Management been checked for race conditions?
+ * Interface to sitemap: start and continue
+ * Proposing name changes
+ ** java: {{Interpreter --> FlowProcessor}}
+ ** java: {{AbstractIntrepreter --> AbstractFlowProcessor}}
+ ** xconf: {{<flow-interpreters> --> <flow-processors> }}
+ ** java: {{Interpreter.callFunction() --> FlowProcessor.initiateFlow()}}
+ ** java: {{Interpreter.handleContinuation() --> FlowProcessor.continueFlow()}}
+ ** xmap: {{map:call/@function -->   map:initiate/@flow}}
+ ** xmap: {{map:call/@continuation --> map:continue/@flow}}
+ * Question: do we need a mix of flowProcessors in one webapp?
+ * Remaining aspects of WebContinuation Management
+ ** End of live (gracefull==?, forcefull==expires, end-of-use-case==invalidate)
+ ** End of live callback to interpreter
+ ** Concurrency
+ ** Access Control
+ !Additional comments:
+ * (yours here)
+ !Outcome of the hackathon discussion:
+ (check back after monday 6th October)