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Posted to by PASQUER Arnaud DSI/SIFAC <> on 2004/01/20 14:44:45 UTC

problem with message style and SOAPBodyElement signature

Hi all,
I've still having trouble getting document-style SOAP calls to work in Axis with SOAPBodyElement [] myService (SOAPBodyElement [] bodies) :

SOAPFactoryImpl soapFactory=new SOAPFactoryImpl();
Name a=soapFactory.createName("A","icar","URI");
SOAPBodyElement bodyElement=new SOAPBodyElement (a);
SOAPElement b=bodyElement.addChildElement("B");
SOAPElement c=bodyElement.addChildElement("C");
SOAPBodyElement [] soapBodyElement = new SOAPBodyElement[1];
Vector elems = (Vector) call.invoke(soapBodyElement);

->java.lang.Exception: Body not found.

and log.debug(XMLUtils.ElementToString(soapBodyElement[0].getAsDOM())) :
<icar:A mlns:icar="URI"><icar:B>b</icar:B><icar:C>c</icar:C></icar:A>

and here's what my SOAP request looks like (from TCPMonitor):

SOAPAction: "" Content-Length: 417  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
 <soapenv:Body><icar:A xmlns:icar="URI"><icar:B>b</icar:B><icar:C>c</icar:C></icar:A> </soapenv:Body>

Why my body is not found?